#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H
#pragma once
#include "fusionheap.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "wincrypt.h"
#include "fusionhandle.h"
#include "numberof.h"
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4201)
inline VOID GetTodaysTime( LPFILETIME lpFt) { SYSTEMTIME sSysT;
::GetSystemTime(&sSysT); sSysT.wHour = sSysT.wMinute = sSysT.wSecond = sSysT.wMilliseconds = 0; ::SystemTimeToFileTime(&sSysT, lpFt); }
inline USHORT FusionGetMajorFromVersionHighHalf(DWORD dwVerHigh) { return HIWORD(dwVerHigh); }
inline USHORT FusionGetMinorFromVersionHighHalf(DWORD dwVerHigh) { return LOWORD(dwVerHigh); }
inline USHORT FusionGetRevisionFromVersionLowHalf(DWORD dwVerLow) { return HIWORD(dwVerLow); }
inline USHORT FusionGetBuildFromVersionLowHalf(DWORD dwVerLow) { return LOWORD(dwVerLow); }
#if defined(FUSION_WIN) || defined(FUSION_WIN2000)
#include "debmacro.h"
#include "FusionArray.h"
#include "fusionbuffer.h"
#include "EnumBitOperations.h"
// FusionCopyString() has a non-obvious interface due to the overloading of
// pcchBuffer to both describe the size of the buffer on entry and the number of
// characters required on exit.
// prgchBuffer is the buffer to write to. If *pcchBuffer is zero when FusionCopyString()
// is called, it may be NULL.
// pcchBuffer is a required parameter, which on entry must contain the number of unicode
// characters in the buffer pointed to by prgchBuffer. On exit, if the buffer was
// not large enough to hold the character string, including a trailing null,
// it is set to the number of WCHARs required to hold the string, including the
// trailing null, and HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) is returned.
// If the buffer is large enough, *pcchBuffer is set to the number of characters
// written into the buffer, including the trailing null character.
// This is contrary to most functions which return the number of characters written
// not including the trailing null, but since both on input and in the error case,
// it deals with the size of the buffer required rather than the number of non-
// null characters written, it seems inconsistent to only in the success case
// omit the null from the count.
// szIn is a pointer to sequence of unicode characters to be copied.
// cchIn is the number of Unicode characters in the character string to copy. If a
// value less than zero is passed in, szIn must point to a null-terminated string,
// and the current length of the string is used. If a value zero or greater is
// passed, exactly that many characters are assumed to be in the character string.
HRESULT FusionCopyString( WCHAR *prgchBuffer, SIZE_T *pcchBuffer, LPCWSTR szIn, SIZE_T cchIn );
HRESULT FusionCopyBlob(BLOB *pblobOut, const BLOB &rblobIn); VOID FusionFreeBlob(BLOB *pblob);
BOOL FusionDupString( PWSTR *ppszOut, PCWSTR szIn, SIZE_T cchIn );
BOOL SxspMapLANGIDToCultures( LANGID langid, CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffGeneric, CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffSpecific );
BOOL SxspMapCultureToLANGID( PCWSTR pcwszCultureString, LANGID &lid, PBOOL pfFound );
BOOL SxspCultureStringToCultureStrings( PCWSTR pcwszCultureString, bool & rfFoundOut, SXSP_LANGUAGE_BUFFER_PAIR & LanguagePair );
BOOL FusionpParseProcessorArchitecture( IN PCWSTR String, IN SIZE_T Cch, OUT USHORT *ProcessorArchitecture OPTIONAL, bool &rfValid );
BOOL FusionpFormatProcessorArchitecture( IN USHORT ProcessorArchitecture, CBaseStringBuffer &rBuffer );
BOOL FusionpFormatEnglishLanguageName( IN LANGID LangID, CBaseStringBuffer &rBuffer );
like ::CreateDirectoryW, but will create the parent directories as needed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FusionpCreateDirectories( PCWSTR pszDirectory, SIZE_T cchDirectory );
'\\' or '/' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FusionpIsPathSeparator( WCHAR ch );
just the 52 chars a-zA-Z, need to check with fs -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FusionpIsDriveLetter( WCHAR ch );
VOID FusionpSetLastErrorFromHRESULT( HRESULT hr );
class CFusionDirectoryDifference;
BOOL FusionpCompareDirectoriesSizewiseRecursively( CFusionDirectoryDifference* pResult, const CBaseStringBuffer &rdir1, const CBaseStringBuffer &rdir2 );
class CFusionDirectoryDifference { private: // deliberately unimplemented
CFusionDirectoryDifference(const CFusionDirectoryDifference&); VOID operator=(const CFusionDirectoryDifference&); public: CFusionDirectoryDifference() : m_e(eEqual), m_pstr1(&m_str1), m_pstr2(&m_str2) { }
VOID DbgPrint( PCWSTR dir1, PCWSTR dir2 );
public: enum E { eEqual, eExtraOrMissingFile, eMismatchedFileSize, eMismatchedFileCount, eFileDirectoryMismatch };
E m_e;
union { struct { CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstr1; CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstr2; }; struct // eExtraOrMissingFile
{ CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrExtraOrMissingFile; }; struct // eMismatchFileSize
{ CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrMismatchedSizeFile1; CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrMismatchedSizeFile2; ULONGLONG m_nMismatchedFileSize1; ULONGLONG m_nMismatchedFileSize2; }; struct // eMismatchFileCount
{ CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrMismatchedCountDir1; CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrMismatchedCountDir2; ULONGLONG m_nMismatchedFileCount1; ULONGLONG m_nMismatchedFileCount2; }; struct // eFileDirectoryMismatch
{ CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrFile; CBaseStringBuffer * m_pstrDirectory; }; };
// private:
CStringBuffer m_str1; CStringBuffer m_str2; };
class CFusionFilePathAndSize { public: CFusionFilePathAndSize() : m_size(0) { }
// bsearch and qsort accept optionally subtley different functions
// bsearch looks for a key in an array, the key and the array elements
// can be of different types, qsort compares only elements in the array
static int __cdecl QsortComparePath(const void*, const void*);
// for qsort/bsearch an array of pointers to CFusionFilePathAndSize
static int __cdecl QsortIndirectComparePath(const void*, const void*);
CStringBuffer m_path; __int64 m_size;
// Do we actually have valid hashing data?
bool m_bHasHashInfo; CStringBuffer m_HashString; ALG_ID m_HashAlgorithm;
private: CFusionFilePathAndSize(const CFusionFilePathAndSize &); // intentionally not implemented
void operator =(const CFusionFilePathAndSize &); // intentionally not implemented
template <> inline HRESULT FusionCopyContents<CFusionFilePathAndSize>( CFusionFilePathAndSize& rtDestination, const CFusionFilePathAndSize& rtSource );
two DWORDs to an __int64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONGLONG FusionpFileSizeFromFindData( const WIN32_FIND_DATAW& wfd );
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) or E_FAIL if GetLastError() == NO_ERROR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT FusionpHresultFromLastError();
FindFirstFile results you always ignore "." and ".." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FusionpIsDotOrDotDot(PCWSTR str);
simple code for walking directories, with a per file callback could be fleshed out more, but good enough for present purposes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class CDirWalk { public: enum ECallbackReason { eBeginDirectory = 1, eFile, eEndDirectory };
// the callback cannot reenable what is has disabled
// perhaps move these to be member data bools
enum ECallbackResult { eKeepWalking = 0x00000000, eError = 0x00000001, eSuccess = 0x00000002, eStopWalkingFiles = 0x00000004, eStopWalkingDirectories = 0x00000008, eStopWalkingDeep = 0x00000010 };
// Just filter on like *.dll, in the future you can imagine
// filtering on attributes like read onlyness, or running
// SQL queries over the "File System Oledb Provider"...
// Also, note that we currently do a FindFirstFile/FindNextFile
// loop for each filter, plus sometimes one more with *
// to pick up directories. It is probably more efficient to
// use * and then filter individually but I don't feel like
// porting over \Vsee\Lib\Io\Wildcard.cpp right now (which
// was itself ported from FsRtl, and should be in Win32!)
const PCWSTR* m_fileFiltersBegin; const PCWSTR* m_fileFiltersEnd; CStringBuffer m_strParent; // set this to the initial directory to walk
SIZE_T m_cchOriginalPath; WIN32_FIND_DATAW m_fileData; // not valid for directory callbacks, but could be with a little work
PVOID m_context;
CStringBuffer m_strLastObjectFound;
ECallbackResult (*m_callback)( ECallbackReason reason, CDirWalk* dirWalk, DWORD dwWalkDirFlags );
BOOL Walk();
protected: ECallbackResult WalkHelper();
private: CDirWalk(const CDirWalk &); // intentionally not implemented
void operator =(const CDirWalk &); // intentionally not implemented
typedef struct _FUSION_FLAG_FORMAT_MAP_ENTRY { DWORD m_dwFlagMask; PCWSTR m_pszString; SIZE_T m_cchString; PCWSTR m_pszShortString; SIZE_T m_cchShortString; DWORD m_dwFlagsToTurnOff; // enables more generic flags first in map hiding more specific combinations later
#define DEFINE_FUSION_FLAG_FORMAT_MAP_ENTRY(_x, _ss) { _x, L ## #_x, NUMBER_OF(L ## #_x) - 1, L ## _ss, NUMBER_OF(_ss) - 1, _x },
BOOL FusionpFormatFlags( IN DWORD dwFlagsToFormat, IN bool fUseLongNames, IN SIZE_T cMapEntries, IN PCFUSION_FLAG_FORMAT_MAP_ENTRY prgMapEntries, IN OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff );
inline implementations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ inline BOOL FusionpIsPathSeparator( WCHAR ch ) { return ((ch == L'\\') || (ch == L'/')); }
inline BOOL FusionpIsDotOrDotDot( PCWSTR str ) { return ((str[0] == L'.') && ((str[1] == L'\0') || ((str[1] == L'.') && (str[2] == L'\0')))); }
inline BOOL FusionpIsDriveLetter( WCHAR ch ) { if (ch >= L'a' && ch <= L'z') return TRUE; if (ch >= L'A' && ch <= L'Z') return TRUE; return FALSE; }
inline ULONGLONG FusionpFileSizeFromFindData( const WIN32_FIND_DATAW& wfd ) { ULARGE_INTEGER uli;
uli.LowPart = wfd.nFileSizeLow; uli.HighPart = wfd.nFileSizeHigh;
return uli.QuadPart; }
inline HRESULT FusionpHresultFromLastError() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwLastError = ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(); if (dwLastError != NO_ERROR) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); } return hr; }
template <> inline BOOL FusionWin32CopyContents<CFusionFilePathAndSize>( CFusionFilePathAndSize& rtDestination, const CFusionFilePathAndSize& rtSource ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rtDestination.m_path.Win32Assign(rtSource.m_path, rtSource.m_path.Cch())); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rtDestination.m_HashString.Win32Assign(rtSource.m_HashString, rtSource.m_HashString.Cch())); rtDestination.m_size = rtSource.m_size; rtDestination.m_HashAlgorithm = rtSource.m_HashAlgorithm; rtDestination.m_bHasHashInfo = rtSource.m_bHasHashInfo; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; }
template <> inline VOID FusionMoveContents<CFusionFilePathAndSize>( CFusionFilePathAndSize& /* rtDestination */, CFusionFilePathAndSize& /* rtSource */ ) { FN_TRACE(); HARD_ASSERT2_ACTION(FusionMoveContents, "FusionMoveContents for CFusionFilePathAndSize isn't allowed."); }
template <> inline HRESULT FusionCopyContents<CFusionFilePathAndSize>( CFusionFilePathAndSize& rtDestination, const CFusionFilePathAndSize& rtSource ) { HRESULT hr; FN_TRACE_HR(hr); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rtDestination.m_path.Win32Assign(rtSource.m_path, rtSource.m_path.Cch())); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rtDestination.m_HashString.Win32Assign(rtSource.m_HashString, rtSource.m_HashString.Cch())); rtDestination.m_size = rtSource.m_size; rtDestination.m_HashAlgorithm = rtSource.m_HashAlgorithm; rtDestination.m_bHasHashInfo = rtSource.m_bHasHashInfo; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; }
BOOL FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CBaseStringBuffer &Buffer, DWORD &rdwWin32Error, SIZE_T cExceptionalLastErrorValues, ... );
BOOL FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CBaseStringBuffer &Buffer );
BOOL FusionpRegQueryDwordValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR wszValueName, PDWORD pdwValue, DWORD dwDefaultValue = 0 );
BOOL FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer );
BOOL FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer, DWORD &rdwLastError, SIZE_T cExceptionalLastErrors, ... );
BOOL FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer, DWORD &rdwLastError, SIZE_T cExceptionalLastErrors, va_list ap );
BOOL FusionpAreWeInOSSetupMode( BOOL* );
BOOL FusionpMapLangIdToString( DWORD dwFlags, LANGID LangID, PCWSTR *StringOut );
BOOL SxspDequoteString( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCWSTR pcwszStringIn, IN SIZE_T cchStringIn, OUT PWSTR pwszStringOut, OUT SIZE_T *pcchStringOut );
BOOL FusionpGetActivationContextFromFindResult( IN PCACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA askd, OUT HANDLE * );
#define FUSIONP_SEARCH_PATH_ACTCTX (0x00000001)
BOOL FusionpSearchPath( ULONG ulFusionFlags, LPCWSTR lpPath, LPCWSTR lpFileName, // file name
LPCWSTR lpExtension, // file extension
CBaseStringBuffer & StringBuffer, SIZE_T * lpFilePartOffset, // file component
HANDLE hActCtx );
BOOL FusionpGetModuleFileName( ULONG ulFusionFlags, HMODULE hmodDll, CBaseStringBuffer & StringBuffer );
#endif // defined(FUSION_WIN) || defined(FUSION_WIN2000)
#pragma warning(pop)