Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements verification functions for critical section interfaces.
Daniel Mihai (DMihai) 27-Mar-2001
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#include "verifier.h"
VOID RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ( IN PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection );
BOOL NTAPI AVrfpRtlTryEnterCriticalSection( PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection ) { BOOL Result; HANDLE CurrentThread; LONG LockCount;
if ((AVrfpProvider.VerifierFlags & RTL_VRF_FLG_LOCK_CHECKS) != 0 && RtlDllShutdownInProgress() == FALSE ) {
// Sanity test for DebugInfo.
if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo == NULL) {
// This critical section is not initialized.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_NOT_INITIALIZED, "critical section not initialized", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address", NULL, "", NULL, ""); }
CurrentThread = NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread;
LockCount = InterlockedCompareExchange( &CriticalSection->LockCount, 0, -1 ); if (LockCount == -1) {
// The critical section was unowned and we just acquired it
// Sanity test for the OwningThread.
if (CriticalSection->OwningThread != 0) {
// The loader lock gets handled differently, so don't assert on it.
if (CriticalSection != NtCurrentPeb()->LoaderLock || CriticalSection->OwningThread != CurrentThread) {
// OwningThread should have been 0.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_OWNER, "invalid critical section owner thread", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->OwningThread, "Owning thread", 0, "Expected owning thread", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); } }
// Sanity test for the RecursionCount.
if (CriticalSection->RecursionCount != 0) {
// The loader lock gets handled differently, so don't assert on it.
if (CriticalSection != NtCurrentPeb()->LoaderLock) {
// RecursionCount should have been 0.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_RECURSION_COUNT, "invalid critical section recursion count", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->RecursionCount, "Recursion count", 0, "Expected recursion count", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); } }
// Set the critical section owner
CriticalSection->OwningThread = CurrentThread;
// Set the recursion count
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.s is using RecursionCount = 0 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.asm is using RecursionCount = 1 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
#if defined(_IA64_)
CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 0; #else //#if defined(_IA64_)
CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 1; #endif
#if DBG
// In a chk build we are updating this additional counter,
// just like the original function in ntdll does.
NtCurrentTeb()->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections += 1; #endif
// All done, CriticalSection is owned by the current thread.
Result = TRUE; } else {
// The critical section is currently owned by the current or another thread.
if (CriticalSection->OwningThread == CurrentThread) {
// The current thread is already the owner.
// Inrelock increment the LockCount, and increment the RecursionCount.
InterlockedIncrement (&CriticalSection->LockCount);
CriticalSection->RecursionCount += 1;
// All done, CriticalSection was already owned by
// the current thread and we have just incremented the RecursionCount.
Result = TRUE; } else {
// Another thread is the owner of this critical section.
Result = FALSE; } } } else {
// The critical section verifier is not enabled
Result = RtlTryEnterCriticalSection (CriticalSection); }
return Result; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI AVrfpRtlEnterCriticalSection( volatile RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *CriticalSection ) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE CurrentThread; LONG LockCount; ULONG_PTR SpinCount;
if ((AVrfpProvider.VerifierFlags & RTL_VRF_FLG_LOCK_CHECKS) != 0 && RtlDllShutdownInProgress() == FALSE ) {
// Sanity test for DebugInfo.
if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo == NULL) {
// This critical section is not initialized.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_NOT_INITIALIZED, "critical section not initialized", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address", NULL, "", NULL, ""); }
CurrentThread = NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread;
SpinCount = CriticalSection->SpinCount;
if (SpinCount == 0) {
// Zero spincount for this critical section.
LockCount = InterlockedIncrement (&CriticalSection->LockCount);
if (LockCount == 0) {
EnterSetOwnerAndRecursion: //
// The current thread is the new owner of the critical section.
// Sanity test for the OwningThread.
if (CriticalSection->OwningThread != 0) {
// The loader lock gets handled differently, so don't assert on it.
if (CriticalSection != NtCurrentPeb()->LoaderLock || CriticalSection->OwningThread != CurrentThread) {
// OwningThread should have been 0.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_OWNER, "invalid critical section owner thread", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->OwningThread, "Owning thread", 0, "Expected owning thread", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); } }
// Sanity test for the RecursionCount.
if (CriticalSection->RecursionCount != 0) {
// The loader lock gets handled differently, so don't assert on it.
if (CriticalSection != NtCurrentPeb()->LoaderLock) {
// RecursionCount should have been 0.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_RECURSION_COUNT, "invalid critical section recursion count", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->RecursionCount, "Recursion count", 0, "Expected recursion count", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); } }
// Set the critical section owner
CriticalSection->OwningThread = CurrentThread;
// Set the recursion count
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.s is using RecursionCount = 0 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.asm is using RecursionCount = 1 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
#if defined(_IA64_)
CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 0; #else //#if defined(_IA64_)
CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 1; #endif
#if DBG
// In a chk build we are updating these additional counters,
// just like the original function in ntdll does.
NtCurrentTeb()->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections += 1; CriticalSection->DebugInfo->EntryCount += 1; #endif
// All done, CriticalSection is owned by the current thread.
} else if (LockCount >= 0) {
// The critical section is currently owned by the current or another thread.
if (CriticalSection->OwningThread == CurrentThread) {
// The current thread is already the owner.
CriticalSection->RecursionCount += 1;
#if DBG
// In a chk build we are updating this additional counter,
// just like the original function in ntdll does.
CriticalSection->DebugInfo->EntryCount += 1; #endif
// All done, CriticalSection was already owned by
// the current thread and we have just incremented the RecursionCount.
} else {
// The current thread is not the owner. Wait for ownership
RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ((PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION)CriticalSection);
// We have just aquired the critical section.
goto EnterSetOwnerAndRecursion; } } else {
// The original LockCount was < -1 so the critical section was
// over-released or corrupted.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_OVER_RELEASED, "critical section over-released or corrupted", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->LockCount, "Lock count", 0, "Expected minimum lock count", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); } } else {
// SpinCount > 0 for this critical section
if( CriticalSection->OwningThread == CurrentThread ) {
// The current thread is already the owner.
InterlockedIncrement( &CriticalSection->LockCount );
CriticalSection->RecursionCount += 1;
#if DBG
// In a chk build we are updating this additional counter,
// just like the original function in ntdll does.
CriticalSection->DebugInfo->EntryCount += 1; #endif
// All done, CriticalSection was already owned by the current thread
// and we have just incremented the LockCount and RecursionCount.
} else {
// The current thread is not the owner. Attempt to acquire.
LockCount = InterlockedCompareExchange( &CriticalSection->LockCount, 0, -1 );
if (LockCount == -1) {
// We have just aquired the critical section.
goto EnterSetOwnerAndRecursion; } else {
// Look if there are already other threads spinning while
// waiting for this critical section.
if (CriticalSection->LockCount >= 1) {
// There are other waiters for this critical section.
// Do not spin, just wait for the critical section to be
// released as if we had 0 spin count from the beginning.
goto EnterZeroSpinCount; } else {
// No other threads are waiting for this critical section.
if (CriticalSection->LockCount == -1) {
// We have a chance for aquiring it now
goto EnterTryAcquire; } else {
// The critical section is still owned.
// Decrement the spin count and decide if we should continue
// to spin or simply wait for the critical section's event.
SpinCount -= 0;
if (SpinCount > 0) {
// Spin
goto EnterSpinOnLockCount; } else {
// Spun enough, just wait for the critical section to be
// released as if we had 0 spin count from the beginning.
goto EnterZeroSpinCount; } } } } } } } else {
// The critical section verifier is not enabled
Status = RtlEnterCriticalSection ((PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION)CriticalSection); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI AVrfpRtlLeaveCriticalSection( volatile RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *CriticalSection ) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE CurrentThread;
if ((AVrfpProvider.VerifierFlags & RTL_VRF_FLG_LOCK_CHECKS) != 0 && RtlDllShutdownInProgress() == FALSE) {
// Sanity test for DebugInfo.
if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo == NULL) {
// This critical section is not initialized.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_NOT_INITIALIZED, "critical section not initialized", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address", NULL, "", NULL, ""); }
// Verify that the critical section is locked before releasing.
if (CriticalSection->LockCount < 0) {
// The critical section is not locked
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_OVER_RELEASED, "critical section over-released or corrupted", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->LockCount, "Lock count", 0, "Expected minimum lock count", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); }
// Verify that the current thread owns the critical section.
CurrentThread = NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread;
if (CriticalSection->OwningThread != CurrentThread) {
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_OWNER, "invalid critical section owner thread", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->OwningThread, "Owning thread", CurrentThread, "Expected owning thread", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); }
// Verify the recursion count.
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.s is using RecursionCount = 0 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.asm is using RecursionCount = 1 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
#if defined(_IA64_)
if (CriticalSection->RecursionCount < 0) { VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_RECURSION_COUNT, "invalid critical section recursion count", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->RecursionCount, "Recursion count", 0, "Expected minimum recursion count", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); }
#else //#if defined(_IA64_)
if (CriticalSection->RecursionCount < 1) { VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_RECURSION_COUNT, "invalid critical section recursion count", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->RecursionCount, "Recursion count", 1, "Expected minimum recursion count", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address"); } #endif //#if defined(_IA64_)
Status = RtlLeaveCriticalSection ((PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION)CriticalSection);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI AVrfpRtlInitializeCriticalSection( PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection ) { NTSTATUS Status;
// If we could have pointers to ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock and
// RtlCriticalSectionList we could check for double-initialized
// critical sections here.
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection (CriticalSection);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI AVrfpRtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection, ULONG SpinCount ) { NTSTATUS Status;
// If we could have pointers to ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock and
// RtlCriticalSectionList we could check for double-initialized
// critical sections here.
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount (CriticalSection, SpinCount); return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI AVrfpRtlDeleteCriticalSection( PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection ) { NTSTATUS Status;
if ((AVrfpProvider.VerifierFlags & RTL_VRF_FLG_LOCK_CHECKS) != 0 && RtlDllShutdownInProgress() == FALSE ) {
// Sanity test for DebugInfo.
if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo == NULL) {
// This critical section is not initialized.
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_NOT_INITIALIZED, "critical section not initialized", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->DebugInfo, "Critical section debug info address", NULL, "", NULL, ""); }
// Verify that no thread owns or waits for this critical section or
// the owner is the current thread.
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.s is using RecursionCount = 0 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
// ntdll\ia64\critsect.asm is using RecursionCount = 1 first time
// the current thread is acquiring the critical section.
if (CriticalSection->LockCount != -1 && (CriticalSection->OwningThread != NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread || #if defined(_IA64_)
CriticalSection->RecursionCount < 0) ) { #else
CriticalSection->RecursionCount < 1) ) { #endif //#if defined(_IA64_)
VERIFIER_STOP (APPLICATION_VERIFIER_LOCK_INVALID_LOCK_COUNT, "deleting critical section with invalid lock count", CriticalSection, "Critical section address", CriticalSection->LockCount, "Lock count", -1, "Expected lock count", CriticalSection->OwningThread, "Owning thread"); } }
Status = RtlDeleteCriticalSection (CriticalSection);
return Status; }