#ifndef __XMLDlgItem_H__
#define __XMLDlgItem_H__
// Includes
#include "XMLBase.h"
// This is to disable the UnReferenced Local Vars in STL
#pragma warning( disable : 4100 4245 4786)
#include <list>
using namespace std; #pragma warning( default : 4100 4245 )
// Structure Declaration
// Although the structure is documented, It is not declared in Windows headers??
#if 0
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX { DWORD helpID; DWORD exStyle; DWORD style; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; DWORD id; // PAT According to the help, this should be a WORD but when I took
// it from ATLWin declaration, it was a DWORD. This could present
// serious problems! As MFC also declares this as a DWORD, I have
// made a majarity rules decision.
// Everything else in this structure is variable length,
// and therefore must be determined dynamically
// sz_Or_Ord windowClass; // name or ordinal of a window class
// sz_Or_Ord title; // title string or ordinal of a resource
// WORD extraCount; // bytes following creation data
}; #pragma pack(pop)
class LTAPIENTRY CXMLDlgItem : public CXMLBase { public: friend class CXMLDialog;
enum EDlgItemType { DIT_CONTROL, // generic control (unknown)
DIT_STATIC, // static control
DIT_ICON, // icon
DIT_RECT, // rectangle
DIT_FRAME, // frame
DIT_BITMAP, // bitmap
DIT_METAFILE, // metafile
DIT_OWNERDRAWBUTTON, // owner draw button
DIT_PUSHBUTTON, // pushbutton
DIT_CHECKBOX, // checkbox
DIT_RADIOBUTTON, // radio button
DIT_GROUPBOX, // group box
DIT_EDIT, // edit box
DIT_COMBOBOX, // combo box
DIT_LISTBOX, // listbox
DIT_SCROLLBAR, // scroll bar
DIT_LISTVIEW, // list view control
DIT_TREEVIEW, // tree view control
DIT_TABCONTROL, // tab control
DIT_TABCONTROL16, // tab control (16 bit)
DIT_ANIMATE, // animate control
DIT_HOTKEY, // hotkey control
DIT_TRACKBAR, // trackbar
DIT_PROGRESS, // progress bar
DIT_UPDOWN, // up-down control
DIT_RICHEDIT, // rich edit control
DIT_IPADDRESS, // ip address control
DIT_HEADER, // header control
DIT_PAGER, // pager control
DIT_TOOLBAR, // toolbar control
DIT_DIALOG, // dialog (nested)
DIT_MENUITEM, // menu item
DIT_RICHEDIT20, // rich edit 2.0 (Windows NT 4.0)
DIT_COOLBAR, // cool bar (IE 3.0)
DIT_COMBOBOXEX, // combo box Ex (IE 3.0)
DIT_DATETIMEPICKER, // date time picker (IE 3.0)
DIT_MONTHCAL, // month calendar (IE 3.0)
DIT_OWNERDRAW, // static control: owner-draw (fix)
DIT_USERITEM, // static control: user item (fix)
DIT_SDM_CONTROL, // SDM generic control (unknown)
DIT_SDM_STATICTEXT, // SDM static text
DIT_SDM_PUSHBUTTON, // SDM push button
DIT_SDM_CHECKBOX, // SDM check box
DIT_SDM_RADIOBUTTON, // SDM radio button
DIT_SDM_GROUPBOX, // SDM group box
DIT_SDM_FORMATTEDTEXT, // SDM formatted text
DIT_SDM_LISTBOX, // SDM list box
DIT_SDM_DROPLIST, // SDM drop list
DIT_SDM_GENERALPICTURE, // SDM general picture
DIT_SDM_SCROLL, // SDM scroll bar
DIT_SDM_COMBO_EDIT, // SDM combo edit
DIT_SDM_SPIN_EDIT, // SDM spin edit
DIT_SDM_CONTROL_TITLE, // SDM control title
DIT_SDM_TAB_CONTROL, // SDM tab control
DIT_UNKNOWN // unknown control
}; enum { WORD_SIZE = 2, WORD_ALIGN = WORD_SIZE - 1 };
// Construction
CXMLDlgItem(); // Destruction
public: BOOL Init(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); BOOL Update(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode);
// Get/Set
DWORD GetSize() { return m_nSizeOfStruct; } DWORD GetHelpID() { return m_HelpID; } DWORD GetExStyle() { return m_ExStyle; } void SetExStyle(DWORD dwExStyle) { m_ExStyle = dwExStyle; } DWORD GetStyle() { return m_Style; } void SetStyle(DWORD dwStyle) { m_Style = dwStyle; } short GetXPos() { return m_xPos; } void SetXPos(short xPos) { m_xPos = xPos; } short GetYPos() { return m_yPos; } void SetYPos(short yPos) { m_yPos = yPos; } short GetXSize() { return m_xSize; } void SetXSize(short xSize) { m_xSize = xSize; } short GetYSize() { return m_ySize; } void SetYSize(short ySize) { m_ySize = ySize; } DWORD GetItemID() { return m_ItemID; } VOID SetItemID(DWORD dwNewID); DWORD GetOrigItemID() { return m_OrigItemID; } CLString GetItemName() { return m_ItemName; } EDlgItemType GetItemType() { return m_DlgItemType; } DWORD GetTabOrder() { return m_TabOrder; } const CLocId & GetWindowClass() { return m_WindowClass; } void SetWindowClass(const CLocId &lidClass); CLString GetTitle() { return m_Title; } void SetTitle(const CLString strNewTitle) { m_Title = strNewTitle; } CLString GetText() { return m_ControlText; } WORD GetCountExtraBytes(){ return m_CountExtraBytes; } BYTE* GetExtraBytes() { return m_pExtraBytes; } CLString GetCurrInfo() { return m_szCurrInfo; }
LPDLGITEMTEMPLATEEX GetDlgItemTemplate() { return m_pDlgItemTemplate; }
BOOL SetText(HWND hWndControl);
protected: BOOL GetRect(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); BOOL SetRect(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); DWORD GetAttribute(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pDomNode); void SetAttribute(DWORD dwAttr, IXMLDOMNodePtr &pDomNode); BOOL GetControlText(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); void SetControlText(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); BOOL CreateDlgItemTemplate(BOOL fUseOrigItemIDs); DWORD CalculateSize(); BOOL GetControlClass(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); void GetControlType(IXMLDOMNodePtr &pControlNode); void ChangeControlStyle();
BOOL SetListBoxOrComboBoxText(HWND hWndControl, UINT uMsg, int nErr); BOOL SetTabControlText(HWND hWndControl); void SetButtonState(HWND hWndControl);
DWORD m_nSizeOfStruct; DWORD m_HelpID; DWORD m_ExStyle; DWORD m_Style; short m_xPos; short m_yPos; short m_xSize; short m_ySize; DWORD m_ItemID; DWORD m_OrigItemID; // Original ItemID
CLString m_ItemName; // Unique name ID
DWORD m_TabOrder; // tab order of this control
CLocId m_WindowClass; // name or ordinal of a window class
CLString m_Title; // title string of the dialog box
CLString m_ControlText; // Additional text
CLString m_szCurrInfo; // Current info
WORD m_CountExtraBytes; // bytes of following creation data
BYTE* m_pExtraBytes; // Pointer to extra bytes
EDlgItemType m_DlgItemType; // Dialog item type
// Global routines for serialing data
DWORD DWordFromHexString (const char *psz); DWORD Write(LPBYTE pByte, DWORD Count, LPBYTE& lpOut); DWORD WriteNameOrd(const CLocId &lid, LPBYTE& lpOut);
typedef list<CXMLDlgItem*> CXMLDlgItemList;