// Module: WINMGMT class provider sample code
// Purpose: Contains DLL entry points. Also has code that controls
// when the DLL can be unloaded by tracking the number of
// objects and locks as well as routines that support
// self registration.
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <initguid.h>
#include "hbaapip.h"
// This is an increasing counter that is used to assign Hba handles in
// response to HbaOpenAdapter calls.
ULONG HbaHandleCounter = 1;
// This maintains a list of all of the open Hba Handles.
LIST_ENTRY HbaHandleList = { &HbaHandleList, &HbaHandleList };
// This is the mutex object we use for our critical section
PADAPTER_HANDLE GetDataByHandle( HBA_HANDLE HbaHandle ) { PADAPTER_HANDLE HandleData; PADAPTER_HANDLE TargetHandleData = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY HandleList; EnterCritSection(); HandleList = HbaHandleList.Flink; while (HandleList != &HbaHandleList) { HandleData = CONTAINING_RECORD(HandleList, ADAPTER_HANDLE, List); if (HandleData->HbaHandle == HbaHandle) { TargetHandleData = HandleData; break; } } LeaveCritSection(); return(TargetHandleData); }
#define ALL_DATA_SIZE_GUESS 0x1000
ULONG QueryAllData( HANDLE Handle, PWNODE_ALL_DATA *Wnode ) { ULONG SizeNeeded; PUCHAR Buffer; ULONG Status;
SizeNeeded = ALL_DATA_SIZE_GUESS; Buffer = AllocMemory(SizeNeeded); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = WmiQueryAllDataW(Handle, &SizeNeeded, Buffer); if (Status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { FreeMemory(Buffer); Buffer = AllocMemory(SizeNeeded); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = WmiQueryAllDataW(Handle, &SizeNeeded, Buffer); } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if ((Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Status != ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY)) { FreeMemory(Buffer); }
*Wnode = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA)Buffer; return(Status); }
#define EXEC_METHOD_GUESS 0x400
ULONG ExecuteMethod( HANDLE Handle, PWCHAR InstanceName, ULONG MethodId, ULONG InBufferSize, PUCHAR InBuffer, ULONG *OutBufferSize, PUCHAR *OutBuffer ) { ULONG SizeNeeded; PUCHAR Buffer; ULONG Status; SizeNeeded = EXEC_METHOD_GUESS; Buffer = AllocMemory(SizeNeeded); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = WmiExecuteMethodW(Handle, InstanceName, MethodId, InBufferSize, InBuffer, &SizeNeeded, Buffer); if (Status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { FreeMemory(Buffer); Buffer = AllocMemory(SizeNeeded); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = WmiExecuteMethodW(Handle, InstanceName, MethodId, InBufferSize, InBuffer, &SizeNeeded, Buffer); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FreeMemory(Buffer); } else { *OutBufferSize = SizeNeeded; *OutBuffer = Buffer; } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *OutBufferSize = SizeNeeded; *OutBuffer = Buffer; } else { FreeMemory(Buffer); } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return(Status); }
ULONG QuerySingleInstance( HANDLE Handle, PWCHAR InstanceName, PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE *Wnode ) { ULONG SizeNeeded; PUCHAR Buffer; ULONG Status;
SizeNeeded = SINGLE_INSTANCE_SIZE_GUESS; Buffer = AllocMemory(SizeNeeded); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = WmiQuerySingleInstanceW(Handle, InstanceName, &SizeNeeded, Buffer); if (Status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { FreeMemory(Buffer); Buffer = AllocMemory(SizeNeeded); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = WmiQuerySingleInstanceW(Handle, InstanceName, &SizeNeeded, Buffer); } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if ((Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Status != ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY)) { FreeMemory(Buffer); }
*Wnode = (PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)Buffer; return(Status); }
ULONG ParseAllData( PWNODE_ALL_DATA Wnode, ULONG *CountPtr, PUSHORT **InstanceNamesPtr, PUCHAR **DataBlocksPtr, PULONG *DataLengthsPtr ) { PUCHAR *DataBlocks; PUSHORT *Names; PULONG DataLengths; PWNODE_ALL_DATA WAD; ULONG Count, i, Linkage, j; BOOLEAN IsFixedInstance; ULONG FixedDataSize; PUCHAR FixedDataPtr; PULONG InstanceNameOffsets; POFFSETINSTANCEDATAANDLENGTH DataOffsetAndLength; //
// TODO: Validate WNODE being returned
// Count up all of the instances in the wnodes
Linkage = 0; Count = 0; WAD = Wnode; do { WAD = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA)OffsetToPtr(WAD, Linkage); Linkage = WAD->WnodeHeader.Linkage; Count += WAD->InstanceCount; } while (Linkage != 0);
Names = (PUSHORT *)AllocMemory(Count * sizeof(PUSHORT)); if (Names == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
DataBlocks = (PUCHAR *)AllocMemory(Count * sizeof(PUCHAR)); if (DataBlocks == NULL) { FreeMemory(Names); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
DataLengths = (ULONG *)AllocMemory(Count * sizeof(ULONG)); if (DataLengths == NULL) { FreeMemory(Names); FreeMemory(DataBlocks); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
WAD = Wnode; Linkage = 0; i = 0; do { WAD = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA)OffsetToPtr(WAD, Linkage); InstanceNameOffsets = (PULONG)OffsetToPtr(WAD, WAD->OffsetInstanceNameOffsets); IsFixedInstance = (WAD->WnodeHeader.Flags & WNODE_FLAG_FIXED_INSTANCE_SIZE) == WNODE_FLAG_FIXED_INSTANCE_SIZE;
if (IsFixedInstance) { FixedDataSize = (WAD->FixedInstanceSize + 7) & ~7; FixedDataPtr = (PUCHAR)OffsetToPtr(WAD, WAD->DataBlockOffset); } else { DataOffsetAndLength = WAD->OffsetInstanceDataAndLength; } for (j = 0; j < WAD->InstanceCount; j++, i++) { HbaapiAssert(i < Count); Names[i] = (PUSHORT)OffsetToPtr(WAD, InstanceNameOffsets[j]);
if (IsFixedInstance) { DataBlocks[i] = OffsetToPtr(WAD, (FixedDataSize * j)); DataLengths[i] = WAD->FixedInstanceSize; } else { DataBlocks[i] = OffsetToPtr(WAD, DataOffsetAndLength[j].OffsetInstanceData); DataLengths[i] = DataOffsetAndLength[j].LengthInstanceData; } } Linkage = WAD->WnodeHeader.Linkage;
} while (Linkage != 0);
*CountPtr = Count; if (InstanceNamesPtr != NULL) { *InstanceNamesPtr = Names; } else { FreeMemory(Names); }
if (DataBlocksPtr != NULL) { *DataBlocksPtr = DataBlocks; } else { FreeMemory(DataBlocks); }
if (DataLengthsPtr != NULL) { *DataLengthsPtr = DataLengths; } else { FreeMemory(DataLengths); } return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
ULONG ParseSingleInstance( PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE SingleInstance, PUSHORT *InstanceNamePtr, PUCHAR *DataPtr, ULONG *DataLenPtr ) { ULONG DataLen; PUCHAR Data; PUSHORT InstanceName; //
// TODO: Validate WNODE being returned
Data = OffsetToPtr(SingleInstance, SingleInstance->DataBlockOffset); DataLen = SingleInstance->SizeDataBlock; InstanceName = (PUSHORT)OffsetToPtr(SingleInstance, SingleInstance->OffsetInstanceName);
if (DataPtr != NULL) { *DataPtr = Data; }
if (InstanceNamePtr != NULL) { *InstanceNamePtr = InstanceName; }
if (DataLenPtr != NULL) { *DataLenPtr = DataLen; }
return (ERROR_SUCCESS); }
PWCHAR CreatePortInstanceNameW( PWCHAR AdapterInstanceName, ULONG PortIndex ) { PWCHAR PortName; PWCHAR AdapterPrefix; PWCHAR Name = NULL; ULONG Len, AllocLen; PWCHAR p; ULONG i;
Len = wcslen(AdapterInstanceName); AllocLen = (Len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); AdapterPrefix = AllocMemory(AllocLen); if (AdapterPrefix != NULL) { wcscpy(AdapterPrefix, AdapterInstanceName); p = AdapterPrefix + Len; while (p > AdapterPrefix) { if (*p == L'_') { *p = 0; break; } p--; }
Name = AllocMemory(AllocLen + (10*sizeof(WCHAR))); if (Name != NULL) { wsprintfW(Name, L"%ws_%d", AdapterPrefix, PortIndex); }
FreeMemory(AdapterPrefix); }
return(Name); }
ULONG UnicodeToAnsi( LPCWSTR pszW, LPSTR pszA, ULONG MaxLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert Unicode string into its ansi equivalent
pszW is unicode string to convert
pszA on entry has a pointer to buffer to write ansi string
Return Value:
Error code
--*/ { ULONG cCharacters; ULONG Status; ULONG cbAnsiUsed;
// If input is null then just return empty
if (pszW == NULL) { *pszA = 0; return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
cCharacters = wcslen(pszW)+1;
// Convert to ANSI.
cbAnsiUsed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszW, cCharacters, pszA, MaxLen, NULL, NULL);
if (0 == cbAnsiUsed) { Status = GetLastError(); } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
ULONG AnsiToUnicode( LPCSTR pszA, LPWSTR pszW, ULONG MaxLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert Ansi string into its Unicode equivalent
pszA is ansi string to convert
pszW retruns with the string converted to unicode Return Value:
Error code
--*/ { ULONG cCharacters; ULONG Status; ULONG cbUnicodeUsed;
// If input is null then just return the same.
if (pszA == NULL) { *pszW = 0; return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// Convert to Unicode
cbUnicodeUsed = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszA, -1, pszW, MaxLen);
if (0 == cbUnicodeUsed) { Status = GetLastError(); } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
void CopyString( PVOID Destination, PUCHAR *CountedString, ULONG MaxLenInChar, BOOLEAN IsAnsi ) { PWCHAR DestinationW; PCHAR DestinationA; PUSHORT StringPtr = (PUSHORT)(*CountedString); ULONG Len, MaxLen; ULONG Status; Len = *StringPtr++; *CountedString += (Len + sizeof(USHORT));
if (IsAnsi) { DestinationA = (PCHAR)Destination; DestinationW = (PWCHAR)AllocMemory((Len+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (DestinationW != NULL) { wcsncpy(DestinationW, StringPtr, Len); DestinationW[Len] = 0;
Status = UnicodeToAnsi(DestinationW, DestinationA, MaxLenInChar); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { *DestinationA = 0; }
FreeMemory(DestinationW); } else { *DestinationA = 0; } } else { //
// Unicode strings get copied right out of the buffer into the
// return structure
DestinationW = (PWCHAR)Destination; MaxLen = MaxLenInChar * sizeof(WCHAR); if (Len > MaxLen) { Len = MaxLen; } wcsncpy(DestinationW, StringPtr, Len); DestinationW[Len] = 0; } }
void CopyPortAttributes( PHBA_PORTATTRIBUTES HbaPortAttributes, PUCHAR Data, BOOLEAN IsAnsi ) { PHBA_PORTATTRIBUTES HbaPortAttributesA; //
// We have got our adapter attributes, so copy them
// over to the output buffer
if (IsAnsi) { HbaPortAttributesA = HbaPortAttributes; GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, NodeWWN, HBA_WWN, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortWWN, HBA_WWN, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortFcId, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortType, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortState, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortSupportedClassofService, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortSupportedFc4Types, HBA_FC4TYPES, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortActiveFc4Types, HBA_FC4TYPES, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortSupportedSpeed, HBA_PORTSPEED, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortSpeed, HBA_PORTSPEED, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, PortMaxFrameSize, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, FabricName, HBA_WWN, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributesA, NumberofDiscoveredPorts, HBA_UINT32, Data);
CopyString(&HbaPortAttributesA->PortSymbolicName, &Data, 256, IsAnsi);
CopyString(&HbaPortAttributesA->OSDeviceName, &Data, 256, IsAnsi); } else { GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, NodeWWN, HBA_WWN, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortWWN, HBA_WWN, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortFcId, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortType, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortState, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortSupportedClassofService, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortSupportedFc4Types, HBA_FC4TYPES, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortActiveFc4Types, HBA_FC4TYPES, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortSupportedSpeed, HBA_PORTSPEED, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortSpeed, HBA_PORTSPEED, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, PortMaxFrameSize, HBA_UINT32, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, FabricName, HBA_WWN, Data);
GetDataFromDataBlock(HbaPortAttributes, NumberofDiscoveredPorts, HBA_UINT32, Data);
CopyString(&HbaPortAttributes->PortSymbolicName, &Data, 256, IsAnsi);
CopyString(&HbaPortAttributes->OSDeviceName, &Data, 256, IsAnsi); }
PVOID AllocMemory( ULONG SizeNeeded ) { PVOID p; p = LocalAlloc(LPTR, SizeNeeded); return(p); }
void FreeMemory( PVOID Pointer ) { LocalFree(Pointer); }