// (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
// test.c
// a-davj 14-April-97 Created.
// Demonstration program for dumping out Binary Managed Object Format (BMOF)
// data.
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bmof.h"
#include "mrcicode.h"
void DisplayObject(CBMOFObj * po);
// void * BMOFAlloc
// Provides allocation service for BMOF.C. This allows users to choose
// the allocation method that is used.
// Size Input. Size of allocation in bytes.
// pointer to new data. NULL if allocation failed.
void * BMOFAlloc(size_t Size) { return malloc(Size); }
// void BMOFFree
// Provides allocation service for BMOF.C. This frees what ever was
// allocated via BMOFAlloc.
// pointer to memory to be freed.
void BMOFFree(void * pFree) { free(pFree); }
// void DisplayVariant
// Displays VARIANT data. Note that this is only done in this sample for
// convienence, and using OLE is NOT necessary.
// pvar Input. Pointer to VARIANT which is to be displayed.
// It is assumed that the variant type is simple, I.E.
// neither the VT_ARRAY or VT_BYREF bits are set.
void DisplayVariant(VARIANT * pvar) { SCODE sc; VARIANT vTemp;
// Uninitialized data will have a VT_NULL type.
if(pvar->vt == VT_NULL) { printf(" data is NULL"); return; }
// String types can just be dumped.
if(pvar->vt == VT_BSTR) { printf("value is %S",pvar->bstrVal); return; } else if(pvar->vt == VT_UNKNOWN) { CBMOFObj * pObj; printf(" got an embedded object"); pObj = (CBMOFObj *)pvar->bstrVal; DisplayObject(pObj); return; }
// For non string data, convert the infomation to a bstr and display it.
VariantInit(&vTemp); sc = VariantChangeTypeEx(&vTemp, pvar,0,0, VT_BSTR); if(sc == S_OK) { printf("value is %S",vTemp.bstrVal); } else printf(" Couldnt convert type 0x%x, error code 0x%x", pvar->vt, sc); VariantClear(&vTemp); }
// void DisplayData
// Displays the data held in a data item. Note that Ole is use just for
// ease of use and is optional.
// pItem Input. Item to be displayed.
void DisplayData(CBMOFDataItem * pItem) { DWORD dwType, dwSimpleType; long lNumDim, lCnt; long lFirstDim; VARIANT var;
// Determine the data type and clear out the variant
dwType = pItem->m_dwType; printf("\nData type is 0x%x ", dwType); dwSimpleType = dwType & ~VT_ARRAY & ~VT_BYREF; memset((void *)&var.lVal, 0, 8);
lNumDim = GetNumDimensions(pItem); if(lNumDim == 0) { // handle the simple scalar case. Note that uninitialized properties
// will not have data.
if(GetData(pItem, (BYTE *)&(var.lVal), NULL)) { var.vt = (VARTYPE)dwSimpleType; DisplayVariant(&var);
// Note the GetData does not use OLE to allocate BSTRs
// and so we need to use our own freeing routine here.
if(var.vt == VT_BSTR) BMOFFree(var.bstrVal); } else printf(" NULL "); } else if(lNumDim == 1) { // For the array case, just loop getting each element.
// Start by getting the number of elements
lFirstDim = GetNumElements(pItem, 0); if(lFirstDim < 1) { printf("\n CANT DISPLAY, BOGUS DIMENSION"); return; } printf("\n"); for(lCnt = 0; lCnt < lFirstDim; lCnt++) { if(GetData(pItem, (BYTE *)&(var.lVal), &lCnt)) { var.vt = (VARTYPE)dwSimpleType; DisplayVariant(&var);
// Note the GetData does not use OLE to allocate BSTRs
// and so we need to use our own freeing routine here.
if(var.vt == VT_BSTR) BMOFFree(var.bstrVal); printf("\n"); } else printf(" NULL "); } } else if(lNumDim == -1) { printf("\n Undefined array"); return; } else { // Currently multidimension arrays are not supported.
printf("\n CANT DISPLAY, TOO MANY DIMEMSIONS"); return; }
return; }
// void DisplayQualList
// Helper routine for displaying a qualifier list.
// pql Input. Pointer to structure which wraps the
// qualifier list.
void DisplayQualList(CBMOFQualList * pql) { WCHAR * pName = NULL; CBMOFDataItem Item; ResetQualList(pql); printf("\nDisplaying qual list");
while(NextQual(pql, &pName, &Item)) { printf("\nQualifier name is -%S- ",pName); DisplayData(&Item); BMOFFree(pName); } }
// void DisplayObject
// Helper routine for displaying a class or instance.
// po Input. Pointer to structure that wraps the object.
void DisplayObject(CBMOFObj * po) { CBMOFQualList * pql; CBMOFDataItem Item; WCHAR * pName = NULL; BOOL bfirstmethod = TRUE;
// Display the objects name, its type (Is it a class or instance), and
// display the qualifier set which is attached to the object.
if(GetName(po, &pName)) { printf("\n\nLooking at object %S",pName); BMOFFree(pName); } printf("\nThe objects type is 0x%x", GetType(po)); pql = GetQualList(po); if(pql) { DisplayQualList(pql); BMOFFree(pql); pql = NULL; } // Display each property and it associated qualifier list
ResetObj(po); printf("\nDisplaying prop list"); while(NextProp(po, &pName, &Item)) { printf("\n\nProperty name is -%S- type is 0x%x",pName, Item.m_dwType); DisplayData(&Item); pql = GetPropQualList(po, pName); if(pql) { DisplayQualList(pql); BMOFFree(pql); pql = NULL; }
BMOFFree(pName); }
while(NextMeth(po, &pName, &Item)) {
if(bfirstmethod) printf("\nDisplaying method list"); bfirstmethod = FALSE;
printf("\n\nMethod name is -%S- type is 0x%x",pName, Item.m_dwType); DisplayData(&Item); pql = GetMethQualList(po, pName); if(pql) { DisplayQualList(pql); BMOFFree(pql); pql = NULL; }
BMOFFree(pName); }
// BYTE * ReadBMOFFile
// Opens and decompresses the binary mof file
// pFileName Input. Pointer to structure that wraps the object.
// pointer to the binary mof data. This should be freed using "free". Note that
// NULL is returned for all errors.
BYTE * ReadBMOFFile(char * pFileName) { int fh1 = -1; int iRet; DWORD dwCompType, dwCompressedSize, dwExpandedSize, dwSig, dwResSize; BYTE * pCompressed = NULL; BYTE * pExpanded = NULL;
fh1 = _open(pFileName, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY); if(fh1 == -1) { printf("\nCould not open the file %s", pFileName); return NULL; }
// get the signature, compression type, and the sizes
iRet = _read(fh1, &dwSig, sizeof(DWORD)); if((DWORD)iRet != sizeof(DWORD)) { printf("\nError reading file"); _close(fh1); return NULL; }
iRet = _read(fh1, &dwCompType, sizeof(DWORD)); iRet = _read(fh1, &dwCompressedSize, sizeof(DWORD)); iRet = _read(fh1, &dwExpandedSize, sizeof(DWORD));
// make sure the signature is valid and that the compression type is one
// we understand!
if(dwSig != BMOF_SIG ||dwCompType != 1) { _close(fh1); return NULL; }
// Allocate storage for the compressed data and
// expanded data
pCompressed = malloc(dwCompressedSize); pExpanded = malloc(dwExpandedSize); if(pCompressed == NULL || pExpanded == NULL) { _close(fh1); return NULL; }
// Read the compressed data.
iRet = _read(fh1, pCompressed, dwCompressedSize); if((DWORD)iRet != dwCompressedSize) { printf("\nError reading data"); free(pExpanded); free(pCompressed); return NULL; }
// Decompress the data
dwResSize = Mrci1Decompress(pCompressed, dwCompressedSize, pExpanded, dwExpandedSize); free(pCompressed);
if(dwResSize != dwExpandedSize) { printf("\nError expanding data!!!"); free(pExpanded); return NULL; } return pExpanded; }
// int main
// Entry point.
// This program should be launced with a single argument which is the
// name of the file which contains the BMOF.
// 0 if OK, 1 if error.
int _cdecl main(int argc, char ** argv) { BYTE * pTest; CBMOFObjList * pol; CBMOFObj * po;
// check the command line
if(argc < 2) { printf("\nusage: test BMOFFILE\nwhere BMOFFILE is the binary mof file to dump"); return 1; }
pTest = ReadBMOFFile(argv[1]);
if(pTest == NULL) { printf("\nterminating abnormally, could not read binary mof"); return 1; }
// Now use the helper functions to dump out the file. Create an object
// list structure and use it to enumerate the objects.
pol = CreateObjList(pTest); if(pol == NULL) { return 1; } printf("\nThe number of objects is %d",pol->m_pol->dwNumberOfObjects);
ResetObjList (pol); while(po = NextObj(pol)) { DisplayObject(po); BMOFFree(po); }
free(pTest); printf("\nTerminating normally\n"); return 0; }