// Logger.cpp: implementation of the CPersistor class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#include <malloc.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef NONNT5
typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR; #endif
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <guiddef.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <WTYPES.H>
#include "t_string.h"
#include "Persistor.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
#include "StructureWrappers.h"
#include "StructureWapperHelpers.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#ifdef _UNICODE
static TCHAR g_tcBeginFile[] = {0xfeff,0x0d, 0x0a}; static TCHAR g_atcNL[] = {0x0d, 0x0a, 0x00}; #endif
CLogger::CLogger(LPCTSTR lpctstrFileName, bool bAppend) { #ifdef _UNICODE
m_sFileName = NewLPSTR((LPCWSTR) const_cast<LPTSTR>(lpctstrFileName)); #else
m_sFileName = NewTCHAR(lpctstrFileName); #endif
m_pPersistor = new CPersistor(m_sFileName, ios::out, false); m_hr = m_pPersistor -> OpenLog(bAppend); }
CLogger::~CLogger() { free(m_sFileName); delete m_pPersistor; }
int CLogger::LogTCHAR(LPCTSTR lpctstrOut) { if (FAILED(m_hr)) { return m_hr; }
PutALine(m_pPersistor->Stream(), lpctstrOut, -1);
return 0; }
int CLogger::LogTime(time_t &Time) { if (FAILED(m_hr)) { return m_hr; }
TCHAR tcArray[26]; LPCTSTR lpctstrTime = t_ctime(&Time); _tcscpy(tcArray,lpctstrTime); tcArray[24] = _T('\0'); TCHAR *p = tcArray;
PutALine(m_pPersistor->Stream(), p, -1);
return 0; }
int CLogger::LogULONG(ULONG ul, bool bHex) { if (FAILED(m_hr)) { return m_hr; } if (bHex) { PutALine(m_pPersistor->Stream(), _T("0x"), -1); }
PutAULONGVar(m_pPersistor->Stream(), ul, bHex);
return 0; }
int CLogger::LogULONG64(ULONG64 ul, bool bHex) { if (FAILED(m_hr)) { return m_hr; } if (bHex) { PutALine(m_pPersistor->Stream(), _T("0x"), -1); }
PutAULONG64Var(m_pPersistor->Stream(), ul);
return 0; }
int CLogger::LogGUID(GUID Guid) { if (FAILED(m_hr)) { return m_hr; }
GUIDOut(m_pPersistor->Stream(), Guid);
return 0; }
int CLogger::LogEventTraceProperties(PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pProps) { if (FAILED(m_hr)) { return m_hr; }
if (pProps == NULL) { PutALine(m_pPersistor->Stream(),_T("_EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES Instance NULL\n"),-1); return 0; }
CEventTraceProperties Props(pProps);
m_pPersistor->Stream() << Props;
return 0; }