Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implement some APIs for client who need to access registry in a mix way. The client need to link againest wow64reg.lib files. The available APIs has been defined in the wow64reg.h files.
The possible scenario is
1. 32 bit Apps need to access 64 bit registry key. 2. 64 bit Apps need to access 32-bit registry key. 3. The actual redirected path from a given path.
ATM Shafiqul Khalid (askhalid) 10-Nov-1999
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ntregapi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "regremap.h"
#include "wow64reg.h"
#include "reflectr.h"
VOID GetPatchedName ( PWCHAR Dest, LPCTSTR Source, DWORD Count ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function patches 32bit equivalent name from a given name and location to patch from. XX\ ==>> XX\Wow6432Node count==3 XX ==>> XX\Wow6432Node count==2 XX\PP ==>> XX\Wow6432Node count ==3
Dest - receive the result. Source - Name to patch Count - where to patch the string.
Return Value:
{ BOOL PerfectIsnNode = FALSE;
if (Count) {
wcsncpy ( Dest, Source, Count ); if (Dest[Count-1] != L'\\' ) {
Dest[Count] = L'\\'; // at the end case
Count++; PerfectIsnNode = TRUE; } }
wcscpy ( Dest+Count, NODE_NAME_32BIT );
if ( !PerfectIsnNode ) {
wcscat ( Dest, L"\\"); wcscat ( Dest, Source + Count ); } //
// Make sure that the patched key are not on the exempt list.
LONG Wow64RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the equivalent of RegOpenExW to access reggistry in the mix mode. This code will be compiled only for 64bit environment. In the 32bit environment WOW64 will take care of everything. We are nor worried much about performance hit due to opening key twice or retranslating path. Because only few people will access the registry in the mix mode.
hKey - handle to open key lpSubKey - address of name of subkey to open ulOptions - typically 0. samDesired - security access mask might have WOW64_RES flag KEY_WOW64_32KEY - this will open 32bit equivalent key disregarding the process. KEY_WOW64_64KEY - this will open 64bit equivalent key disregarding the process.
phkResult -address of handle to open key
Return Value:
WIN32 Error code.
WCHAR NullString; PWCHAR p32bitNode; PWCHAR pPatchLoc; PWCHAR pDivider;
NTSTATUS st; BOOL bHandle64 = TRUE; // assume all the handle passed in is 64bit.
if( lpSubKey == NULL ) { NullString = UNICODE_NULL; lpSubKey = &NullString; }
// check if the WOW64 reserve bit set. If none of them is set we can't proceede.
if (!(samDesired & KEY_WOW64_RES) ) { //
// return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; try to be optimistic
return RegOpenKeyEx ( hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, phkResult ); } if( hKey == NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; }
// makesure that subkey doesn't have the special wow string
if ( ( p32bitNode = wcsistr ((PWCHAR)lpSubKey, NODE_NAME_32BIT)) != NULL ) { //
// if access 64bit hive compress the subkey, if 32bit hive just pass as it is.
if ( samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) { wcscpy (ParentName, lpSubKey); p32bitNode = ParentName + ( p32bitNode- lpSubKey); wcscpy ( p32bitNode, p32bitNode + NODE_NAME_32BIT_LEN ); }
return RegOpenKeyEx ( hKey, ParentName, ulOptions, samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), phkResult ); }
// Check predefined handle like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT if so you only need to patch subkey
// Client must pass meaningful handle to this function.
if ( hKey == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ) { wcscpy ( ParentName, MACHINE_CLASSES_ROOT);
} else if ( !HandleToKeyName ( hKey, ParentName, &dwBuffLen ) ) { //
// should we recoved from buffer overflow. We are not going to support all possible combination.
// If parent has already been patched just call the RegOpenKeyEx for 32bit open
if ((p32bitNode = wcsistr (ParentName, NODE_NAME_32BIT)) != NULL ) { //
// [todo] do you need to make sure that the substring mustbe the subkey
// for an ISN node on 64bit registry to satisfy this condition.
// if we assume that noy key will have this name then the checking is
// good enough.
bHandle64 = FALSE; // it's not handle to 64 bit Key
// Get complete qualified path to do sanity check.
pDivider = ParentName + wcslen(ParentName)+1; //point to the divider location
*(pDivider-1)= L'\\'; wcscpy (pDivider, (PWCHAR)lpSubKey); if (IsExemptRedirectedKey(ParentName, TempName)) { //
// If the path is on the exempt list we access 64bit hive
samDesired = (samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES)) | KEY_WOW64_64KEY; //make sure access 64bit hive
if ( ( bHandle64 && (samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) ) // if totally 64
|| ( !bHandle64 && (samDesired & KEY_WOW64_32KEY ) ) // if totally 32
|| !IsIsnNode (ParentName, &pPatchLoc) ) { // if not a ISN node don't care
return RegOpenKeyEx ( hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), phkResult ); }
// Now it might be mix mode access
if ( pPatchLoc >= pDivider ) {
// patching only the subkey will be good enough
if ( samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) { // want to access 64bit just disregard
wcscpy ( ParentName, lpSubKey ); } else {
GetPatchedName (ParentName,lpSubKey, (DWORD)(pPatchLoc-pDivider) ); }
return RegOpenKeyEx ( hKey, ParentName, ulOptions, samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), phkResult ); } else {
if ( samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) { // want to access 64bit just disregard
if (p32bitNode != NULL) //compress
wcscpy ( p32bitNode, p32bitNode + NODE_NAME_32BIT_LEN ); RtlInitUnicodeString (&Parent, ParentName ); } else {
GetPatchedName (TempName,ParentName, (DWORD)(pPatchLoc-ParentName)); RtlInitUnicodeString (&Parent, TempName ); }
InitializeObjectAttributes (&Obja, &Parent, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
samDesired &= (~KEY_WOW64_RES); st = NtOpenKey (phkResult, samDesired, &Obja);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(st)) return RtlNtStatusToDosError (st); return 0; } }
LONG Wow64RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY hKey, // handle to an open key
LPCWSTR lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
DWORD Reserved, // reserved
LPWSTR lpClass, // address of class string
DWORD dwOptions, // special options flag
REGSAM samDesired, // desired security access
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, // address of key security structure
PHKEY phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
LPDWORD lpdwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
) /*++
Routine Description:
An existing registry key may be opened, or a new one created, with NtCreateKey.
If the specified key does not exist, an attempt is made to create it. For the create attempt to succeed, the new node must be a direct child of the node referred to by KeyHandle. If the node exists, it is opened. Its value is not affected in any way.
Share access is computed from desired access.
If CreateOptions has REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE set, then DesiredAccess will be ignored. If the caller has the privilege SeBackupPrivilege asserted, a handle with KEY_READ | ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY will be returned. If SeRestorePrivilege, then same but KEY_WRITE rather than KEY_READ. If both, then both access sets. If neither privilege is asserted, then the call will fail.
hKey - Handle to a currently open key or one of the following predefined reserved handle values: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_USERS
The key opened or created by the RegCreateKeyEx function is a subkey of the key identified by the hKey parameter.
lpSubKey - Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of a subkey that this function opens or creates. The subkey specified must be a subkey of the key identified by the hKey parameter. This subkey must not begin with the backslash character ('\'). This parameter cannot be NULL.
Reserved -Reserved; must be zero. lpClass - Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the class (object type) of this key. This parameter is ignored if the key already exists. No classes are currently defined; applications should pass a null string.
dwOptions - Specifies special options for the key. This parameter can be one of the following values. REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE This key is not volatile. This is the default. The information is stored in a file and is preserved when the system is restarted. REG_OPTION_VOLATILE REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE Windows NT/2000: If this flag is set, the function ignores the samDesired parameter and attempts to open the key with the access required to backup or restore the key. If the calling thread has the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege enabled, the key is opened with ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY and KEY_READ access. If the calling thread has the SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege enabled, the key is opened with ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY and KEY_WRITE access. If both privileges are enabled, the key has the combined accesses for both privileges.
samDesired - Specifies an access mask that specifies the desired security access for the new key. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: KEY_ALL_ACCESS Combination of KEY_QUERY_VALUE, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, KEY_NOTIFY, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, KEY_CREATE_LINK, and KEY_SET_VALUE access. KEY_CREATE_LINK Permission to create a symbolic link. KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY Permission to create subkeys. KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS Permission to enumerate subkeys. KEY_EXECUTE Permission for read access. KEY_NOTIFY Permission for change notification. KEY_QUERY_VALUE Permission to query subkey data. KEY_READ Combination of KEY_QUERY_VALUE, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, and KEY_NOTIFY access. KEY_SET_VALUE Permission to set subkey data. KEY_WRITE Combination of KEY_SET_VALUE and KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY access. Security access mask might also have WOW64_RES flag KEY_WOW64_32KEY this will open 32bit equivalent key disregarding the process. KEY_WOW64_64KEY this will open 64bit equivalent key disregarding the process.
lpSecurityAttributes - Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes. If lpSecurityAttributes is NULL, the handle cannot be inherited.
phkResult - Pointer to a variable that receives a handle to the opened or created key. When you no longer need the returned handle, call the RegCloseKey function to close it.
lpdwDisposition - Pointer to a variable that receives one of the following disposition values: Value Meaning REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY The key did not exist and was created. REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY The key existed and was simply opened without being changed. If lpdwDisposition is NULL, no disposition information is returned.
Return Values: If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in WINERROR.H.
WCHAR ParentName[WOW64_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR TempName[WOW64_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwBuffLen = WOW64_MAX_PATH; PWCHAR p32bitNode; PWCHAR pPatchLoc; PWCHAR pDivider;
NTSTATUS st; BOOL bHandle64 = TRUE; // assume all the handle passed in is 64bit.
// check if the WOW64 reserve bit set. If none of them is set we can't proceede.
if (!(samDesired & KEY_WOW64_RES) ) { //
// return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; try to be optimistic
return RegCreateKeyEx ( hKey, // handle to an open key
lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
Reserved, // reserved
lpClass, // address of class string
dwOptions, // special options flag
samDesired, // desired security access
lpSecurityAttributes, // address of key security structure
phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
lpdwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
} if( hKey == NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; }
// makesure that subkey doesn't have the special wow string
if ( ( p32bitNode = wcsistr ((PWCHAR)lpSubKey, NODE_NAME_32BIT)) != NULL ) { //
// if access 64bit hive compress the subkey, if 32bit hive just pass as it is.
if ( samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) { wcscpy (ParentName, lpSubKey); p32bitNode = ParentName + ( p32bitNode- lpSubKey); wcscpy ( p32bitNode, p32bitNode + NODE_NAME_32BIT_LEN ); }
return RegCreateKeyEx ( hKey, // handle to an open key
lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
Reserved, // reserved
lpClass, // address of class string
dwOptions, // special options flag
samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), // desired security access
lpSecurityAttributes, // address of key security structure
phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
lpdwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
); }
// Check predefined handle like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT if so you only need to patch subkey
// Client must pass meaningful handle to this function.
if ( hKey == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ) { wcscpy ( ParentName, MACHINE_CLASSES_ROOT);
} else if ( !HandleToKeyName ( hKey, ParentName, &dwBuffLen ) ) { //
// should we recoved from buffer overflow. We are not going to support all possible combination.
// If parent has already been patched just call the RegOpenKeyEx for 32bit open
if ((p32bitNode = wcsistr (ParentName, NODE_NAME_32BIT)) != NULL ) { //
// [todo] do you need to make sure that the substring mustbe the subkey
// for an ISN node on 64bit registry to satisfy this condition.
// if we assume that noy key will have this name then the checking is
// good enough.
bHandle64 = FALSE; // it's not handle to 64 bit Key
// Get complete qualified path to do sanity check.
pDivider = ParentName + wcslen(ParentName)+1; //point to the divider location
*(pDivider-1)= L'\\'; wcscpy (pDivider, (PWCHAR)lpSubKey); if (IsExemptRedirectedKey(ParentName, TempName)) { //
// If the path is on the exempt list we access 64bit hive
samDesired = (samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES)) | KEY_WOW64_64KEY; //make sure access 64bit hive
if ( ( bHandle64 && (samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) ) // if totally 64
|| ( !bHandle64 && (samDesired & KEY_WOW64_32KEY ) ) // if totally 32
|| !IsIsnNode (ParentName, &pPatchLoc) ) { // if not a ISN node don't care
return RegCreateKeyExW ( hKey, // handle to an open key
lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
Reserved, // reserved
lpClass, // address of class string
dwOptions, // special options flag
samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), // desired security access
lpSecurityAttributes, // address of key security structure
phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
lpdwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
); }
// Now it might be mix mode access
if ( pPatchLoc >= pDivider ) {
// patching only the subkey will be good enough
if ( samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) { // want to access 64bit just disregard
wcscpy ( ParentName, lpSubKey ); } else {
GetPatchedName (ParentName,lpSubKey, (DWORD)(pPatchLoc-pDivider) ); }
return RegCreateKeyExW ( hKey, // handle to an open key
ParentName, // address of subkey name
Reserved, // reserved
lpClass, // address of class string
dwOptions, // special options flag
samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), // desired security access
lpSecurityAttributes, // address of key security structure
phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
lpdwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
} else {
HKEY hNewParent = NULL; LONG Ret; PWCHAR pSubKey;
// get new handle on the parent and then create the child
if ( samDesired & KEY_WOW64_64KEY ) { // want to access 64bit just disregard
if (p32bitNode != NULL) {//compress
*(p32bitNode-1) = UNICODE_NULL; wcscpy ( p32bitNode, p32bitNode + NODE_NAME_32BIT_LEN + (p32bitNode[NODE_NAME_32BIT_LEN]==L'\\'? 1:0)); }
pSubKey = p32bitNode; RtlInitUnicodeString (&Parent, ParentName );
} else {
pSubKey = pPatchLoc;
GetPatchedName (TempName,ParentName, (DWORD)(pPatchLoc-ParentName)); TempName[pPatchLoc-ParentName+NODE_NAME_32BIT_LEN]=UNICODE_NULL; //repatch
RtlInitUnicodeString (&Parent, TempName ); }
InitializeObjectAttributes (&Obja, &Parent, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
samDesired &= (~KEY_WOW64_RES);
// if key doesn't exist try to create
// Try to avoid using NtOpenKey rather use RegOpenKey
st = NtOpenKey (&hNewParent, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Obja);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(st)) return RtlNtStatusToDosError (st);
return RegCreateKeyExW ( hNewParent, // handle to an open key
pSubKey, // address of subkey name
Reserved, // reserved
lpClass, // address of class string
dwOptions, // special options flag
samDesired & (~KEY_WOW64_RES), // desired security access
lpSecurityAttributes, // address of key security structure
phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
lpdwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
); NtClose (hNewParent);
return 0; } }
BOOL Wow64RegNotifyLoadHive ( PWCHAR Name )
Routine Description:
This function will Notify running Wow64 Service that some hive has been loaded in the system. Wow64 should respond if it care to handle this.
Name - Absolute path of the registry that has been loaded. Return Value:
TRUE if everything under the has been deleted. FALSE otherwise.
failure scenarion: Wow64 service isn't running. there is nothing the caller do, there for this will be a non blocking call. In the future caller should try to lunch the service...<TBD>
{ DWORD Ret; HANDLE hEvent;
if (!CreateSharedMemory ( OPEN_EXISTING_SHARED_RESOURCES )) {
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! Couldn't open shared memory Ret:%d", GetLastError ()) ); return FALSE; }
if (!Wow64CreateEvent ( OPEN_EXISTING_SHARED_RESOURCES, &hEvent) ) {
CloseSharedMemory (); Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! couldn't open event to ping reflector..") ); return FALSE;
Ret = EnQueueObject ( Name, HIVE_LOADING); CloseSharedMemory (); Wow64CloseEvent ();
return Ret;
BOOL Wow64RegNotifyUnloadHive ( PWCHAR Name )
Routine Description:
This function will Notify running Wow64 Service that some hive going to be unloaded in the system. Wow64 should respond if it care to handle this. Normally Wow64 will close any open handle to that hive.
Name - Absolute path of the registry that going to unloaded. Return Value:
TRUE if everything under the has been deleted. FALSE otherwise.
failure scenarion: Wow64 service isn't running. there is nothing the caller do, there for this will be a non blocking call. In the future caller should try to lunch the service...<TBD>
{ DWORD Ret; HANDLE hEvent;
if (!CreateSharedMemory ( OPEN_EXISTING_SHARED_RESOURCES )) {
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! Couldn't open shared memory Ret:%d", GetLastError ())); return FALSE; }
if (!Wow64CreateEvent ( OPEN_EXISTING_SHARED_RESOURCES, &hEvent) ) {
CloseSharedMemory (); Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! couldn't open event to ping reflector..") ); return FALSE;
Ret = EnQueueObject ( Name, HIVE_UNLOADING); CloseSharedMemory (); Wow64CloseEvent ();
return Ret;
BOOL Wow64RegNotifyLoadHiveByHandle ( HKEY hKey )
Routine Description:
This function will Notify running Wow64 Service that some hive has been loaded in the system. Wow64 should respond if it care to handle this.
hKey - handle to the key that has been loaded. Return Value:
TRUE if everything under the has been deleted. FALSE otherwise.
failure scenarion: Wow64 service isn't running. there is nothing the caller do, there for this will be a non blocking call. In the future caller should try to lunch the service...<TBD>
{ WCHAR Name [256]; DWORD Len = 256;
if (!HandleToKeyName ( hKey, Name, &Len )) return FALSE; return Wow64RegNotifyLoadHive( Name );
BOOL Wow64RegNotifyUnloadHiveByHandle ( HKEY hKey )
Routine Description:
This function will Notify running Wow64 Service that some hive going to be unloaded in the system. Wow64 should respond if it care to handle this. Normally Wow64 will close any open handle to that hive.
hKey - handle to the key that going to unloaded. Return Value:
TRUE if everything under the has been deleted. FALSE otherwise.
failure scenarion: Wow64 service isn't running. there is nothing the caller do, there for this will be a non blocking call. In the future caller should try to lunch the service...<TBD>
{ WCHAR Name [256]; DWORD Len = 256;
if (!HandleToKeyName ( hKey, Name, &Len )) return FALSE; return Wow64RegNotifyUnloadHive( Name );
BOOL Wow64RegNotifyLoadHiveUserSid ( PWCHAR lpwUserSid )
Routine Description:
This function will Notify running Wow64 Service that some hive has been loaded in the system. Wow64 should respond if it care to handle this.
hKey - handle to the key that has been loaded. Return Value:
TRUE if everything under the has been deleted. FALSE otherwise.
failure scenarion: Wow64 service isn't running. there is nothing the caller do, there for this will be a non blocking call. In the future caller should try to lunch the service...<TBD>
{ WCHAR Name [256]; HKEY hUserRoot; wcscpy (Name, L"\\REGISTRY\\USER\\"); wcscat (Name, lpwUserSid );
if (wcsistr (Name, L"_Classes")) { wcscat (Name, L"\\Wow6432Node");
hUserRoot = OpenNode (Name);
// DbgPrint ("\nWow64:Creating Hive %S",Name);
// Create the 32bit user hive if applicable
if ( hUserRoot == NULL ) { CreateNode (Name); } else NtClose (hUserRoot); }
return TRUE;
//return Wow64RegNotifyLoadHive( Name );
BOOL Wow64RegNotifyUnloadHiveUserSid ( PWCHAR lpwUserSid )
Routine Description:
This function will Notify running Wow64 Service that some hive going to be unloaded in the system. Wow64 should respond if it care to handle this. Normally Wow64 will close any open handle to that hive.
hKey - handle to the key that going to unloaded. Return Value:
TRUE if everything under the has been deleted. FALSE otherwise.
failure scenarion: Wow64 service isn't running. there is nothing the caller do, there for this will be a non blocking call. In the future caller should try to lunch the service...<TBD>
{ WCHAR Name [256];
wcscpy (Name, L"\\REGISTRY\\USER\\"); wcscat (Name, lpwUserSid );
//return Wow64RegNotifyUnloadHive( Name );
return TRUE;