// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1997.
// File: data.cpp
// Contents: Defines storage class that maintains data for snap-in nodes.
// Classes: CAppData
// Functions:
// History: 05-27-1997 stevebl Created
#include "precomp.hxx"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
APP_DATA::APP_DATA() { pProduct = NULL; pDeploy = NULL; pLocPkg = NULL; pCategory = NULL; pXforms = NULL; pPkgDetails = NULL; }
APP_DATA::~APP_DATA() { if (pProduct) { // NOTE: we only need to send this message to one page because this
// action will close the entire property sheet.
pProduct->SendMessage(WM_USER_CLOSE, 0, 0); } }
void APP_DATA::NotifyChange(void) { if (pProduct) { pProduct->SendMessage(WM_USER_REFRESH, 0, 0); } if (pDeploy) { pDeploy->SendMessage(WM_USER_REFRESH, 0, 0); } if (pLocPkg) { pLocPkg->SendMessage(WM_USER_REFRESH, 0, 0); } if (pCategory) { pCategory->SendMessage(WM_USER_REFRESH, 0, 0); } if (pXforms) { pXforms->SendMessage(WM_USER_REFRESH, 0, 0); } if (pPkgDetails) { pPkgDetails->SendMessage(WM_USER_REFRESH, 0, 0); } }
void APP_DATA::InitializeExtraInfo(void) { MSIHANDLE hProduct; UINT uiReturn; return; // BUGBUG - there is apparently some really wierd MSI error that
// pops up here in certain circumstances. I don't pretend to
// really understand it but I'll disable it for now.
uiReturn = MsiOpenPackage(pDetails->pInstallInfo->pszScriptPath, &hProduct); if (uiReturn) { return; } WCHAR buffer[256]; DWORD cch = 256; MsiGetProductProperty(hProduct, INSTALLPROPERTY_PUBLISHER, buffer, &cch); szPublisher = buffer; MsiCloseHandle(hProduct); }
void APP_DATA::GetSzDeployment(CString &sz) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); int id; if (pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwActFlags & ACTFLG_Assigned) id = IDS_ASSIGNED; else if (!(pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwActFlags & (ACTFLG_OnDemandInstall | ACTFLG_UserInstall))) id = IDS_DISABLED; else id = IDS_PUBLISHED; sz.LoadString(id); }
void APP_DATA::GetSzAutoInstall(CString &sz) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); sz.LoadString((pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwActFlags & ACTFLG_OnDemandInstall) ? IDS_YES : IDS_NO); }
void APP_DATA::GetSzLocale(CString &sz) { TCHAR szBuffer[256]; sz = ""; UINT i = 0; while (i < pDetails->pPlatformInfo->cLocales) { if (i > 0) { sz += ", "; } GetLocaleInfo(pDetails->pPlatformInfo->prgLocale[i], LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, szBuffer, 256); sz += szBuffer; GetLocaleInfo(pDetails->pPlatformInfo->prgLocale[i], LOCALE_SCOUNTRY, szBuffer, 256); sz += _T(" - "); sz += szBuffer; i++; } }
void APP_DATA::GetSzPlatform(CString &sz) { TCHAR szBuffer[256]; sz = ""; UINT i = 0; while (i < pDetails->pPlatformInfo->cPlatforms) { if (i > 0) { sz += ", "; } #if 0 // I'm only going to display the processor to simplify the display
::LoadString(ghInstance, IDS_OS + pDetails->pPlatformInfo->prgPlatform[i].dwPlatformId + 1, szBuffer, 256); sz += szBuffer; wsprintf(szBuffer, _T(" %u.%u/"), pDetails->pPlatformInfo->prgPlatform[i].dwVersionHi, pDetails->pPlatformInfo->prgPlatform[i].dwVersionLo); sz += szBuffer; #endif
::LoadString(ghInstance, IDS_HW + pDetails->pPlatformInfo->prgPlatform[i].dwProcessorArch, szBuffer, 256); sz += szBuffer; i++; } }
void APP_DATA::GetSzRelation(CString &sz, CComponentDataImpl * pCDI) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); UINT n = pDetails->pInstallInfo->cUpgrades; long cookie = 0; BOOL fFound = FALSE; while (n--) { // BUGBUG - eventually we'll want to try and look this up on other
// OUs as well.
std::map<CString,long>::iterator i = pCDI->m_ScriptIndex.find(pDetails->pInstallInfo->prgUpgradeScript[n]); if (pCDI->m_ScriptIndex.end() != i) { if (fFound) { // found more than one app in this OU that I'm upgrading
sz.LoadString(IDS_MULTIPLE); return; } cookie = i->second; fFound = TRUE; } } if (fFound) { // found exactly one app in this OU that I'm upgrading
sz = pCDI->m_AppData[cookie].pDetails->pszPackageName; } else { // didn't find any apps in this OU that I'm upgrading
sz.LoadString(IDS_NONE); } }
void APP_DATA::GetSzStage(CString &sz, CComponentDataImpl * pCDI) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); UINT n = pDetails->pInstallInfo->cUpgrades; if (n) { // Make sure at least one of the upgrade scripts is actually
// deployed in this CS. Otherwise, we have to say the app is
// deployed regardless of its state because we don't know if the
// thing it upgrades has been removed or just exists on another OU.
// BUGBUG - probably want to search other OUs here as well.
while (n--) { std::map<CString,long>::iterator i = pCDI->m_ScriptIndex.find(pDetails->pInstallInfo->prgUpgradeScript[n]); if (pCDI->m_ScriptIndex.end() != i) { // found a match
ULONG flags = pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwActFlags; flags &= ACTFLG_Assigned + ACTFLG_Published + ACTFLG_OnDemandInstall; if (flags == ACTFLG_Published) { // this is only true if the upgrading app is Published and !OnDemandInstall
sz.LoadString(IDS_PILOT); } else { sz.LoadString(IDS_ROLLOUT); } return; } }
} sz.LoadString(IDS_DEPLOYED); }
void APP_DATA::GetSzVersion(CString &sz) { TCHAR szBuffer[256]; wsprintf(szBuffer, _T("%u.%u"), pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwVersionHi, pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwVersionLo); sz = szBuffer; }
void APP_DATA::GetSzSource(CString &sz) { if (1 <= pDetails->cSources) { sz = pDetails->pszSourceList[0]; } else sz = ""; }
void APP_DATA::GetSzMods(CString &sz) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if (2 < pDetails->cSources) { sz.LoadString(IDS_MULTIPLE); } else { if (2 == pDetails->cSources) { sz = pDetails->pszSourceList[1]; } else sz = ""; } }
int APP_DATA::GetImageIndex(CComponentDataImpl * pCDI) { UINT n = pDetails->pInstallInfo->cUpgrades; BOOL fFound = FALSE; if (0 < sUpgrades.size()) { fFound = TRUE; } while (n-- && ! fFound) { // BUGBUG - eventually we'll want to try and look this up on other
// OUs as well.
std::map<CString,long>::iterator i = pCDI->m_ScriptIndex.find(pDetails->pInstallInfo->prgUpgradeScript[n]); if (pCDI->m_ScriptIndex.end() != i) { fFound = TRUE; } } if (fFound) { // I am involed in an upgrade relationship
return IMG_UPGRADE; } if (pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwActFlags & ACTFLG_Assigned) return IMG_ASSIGNED; else if (!(pDetails->pInstallInfo->dwActFlags & (ACTFLG_OnDemandInstall | ACTFLG_UserInstall))) return IMG_DISABLED; else return IMG_PUBLISHED; }