#include "precomp.hxx"
char * StringToULong( char * pString, unsigned long * pNumber ) { unsigned long Number; int Count;
// There will be 8 characters int a string that converts into a long.
for( Count = 0; Count < 8; ++Count, ++pString ) { if( (*pString >= '0') && (*pString <= '9' ) ) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString -'0'); } else if( (*pString >='A') && (*pString <= 'F')) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString - 'A') + 10; } else if( (*pString >='a') && (*pString <= 'f')) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString - 'a') + 10; } }
*pNumber = Number; return pString; }
char * StringToUShort( char * pString, unsigned short * pNumber ) { unsigned short Number; int Count;
// There will be 4 characters int a string that converts into a short.
for( Count = 0; Count < 4; ++Count, ++pString ) { if( (*pString >= '0') && (*pString <= '9' ) ) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString -'0'); } else if( (*pString >='A') && (*pString <= 'F')) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString - 'A') + 10; } else if( (*pString >='a') && (*pString <= 'f')) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString - 'a') + 10; } }
*pNumber = Number; return pString; } char * StringToUChar( char * pString, unsigned char * pNumber ) { unsigned char Number; int Count;
// There will be 2 characters int a string that converts into a char.
for( Count = 0; Count < 2; ++Count, ++pString ) { if( (*pString >= '0') && (*pString <= '9' ) ) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString -'0'); } else if( (*pString >='A') && (*pString <= 'F')) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString - 'A') + 10; } else if( (*pString >='a') && (*pString <= 'f')) { Number = (Number << 4) + (*pString - 'a') + 10; } }
*pNumber = Number; return pString; }
char * StringToCLSID( char * pString, CLSID * pClsid ) {
pString = StringToULong( pString, &pClsid->Data1 ); pString++; // skip -
pString = StringToUShort( pString, &pClsid->Data2 ); pString++; // skip -
pString = StringToUShort( pString, &pClsid->Data3 ); pString++; // skip -
pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[0] ); pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[1] ); pString++; // skip -
pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[2] ); pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[3] ); pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[4] ); pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[5] ); pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[6] ); pString = StringToUChar( pString, &pClsid->Data4[7] );
return pString; }
void CLSIDToString( CLSID * pClsid, char * pString ) { sprintf( pString, "{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}", pClsid->Data1, pClsid->Data2, pClsid->Data3, pClsid->Data4[0], pClsid->Data4[1], pClsid->Data4[2], pClsid->Data4[3], pClsid->Data4[4], pClsid->Data4[5], pClsid->Data4[6], pClsid->Data4[7] ); }
void DumpOneClass(FILE * stream, CLASSDETAIL * pClassDetail ) { #if 0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
char Buffer[ _MAX_PATH ]; DWORD count;
CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->Clsid, &Buffer[0] ); fprintf(stream, "\n\t\t\tCLSID = %s", &Buffer[0] );
fwprintf(stream, L"\n\t\t\tDescription = %s", pClassDetail->pszDesc ); fwprintf(stream, L"\n\t\t\tIconPath = %s", pClassDetail->pszIconPath );
// CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->TypelibID, &Buffer[0] );
// fprintf(stream, "\n\t\t\tTypelibID = %s", &Buffer[0] );
CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->TreatAsClsid, &Buffer[0] ); fprintf(stream, "\n\t\t\tTreatAsClsid = %s", &Buffer[0] );
CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->AutoConvertClsid, &Buffer[0] ); fprintf(stream, "\n\t\t\tAutoConvertClsid = %s", &Buffer[0] );
if( pClassDetail->cFileExt ) { for(count = 0; count < pClassDetail->cFileExt; count++ ) { fwprintf(stream, L"\n\t\t\tFileExt = %s", pClassDetail->prgFileExt[ count ] ); } } else { fprintf(stream, "\n\t\t\tOtherFileExt = None" ); }
fwprintf(stream, L"\n\t\t\tMimeType = %s", pClassDetail->pMimeType ); fwprintf(stream, L"\n\t\t\tDefaultProgid = %s", pClassDetail->pDefaultProgId );
if( pClassDetail->cOtherProgId ) { for(count = 0; count < pClassDetail->cOtherProgId; count++ ) { fwprintf(stream, L"\n\t\t\tOtherProgId = %s", pClassDetail->prgOtherProgId[ count ] ); } } else { fprintf(stream, "\n\t\t\tOtherProgId = None" ); } fprintf(stream, "\n"); #endif // 0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void DumpOnePackage( FILE * stream, PACKAGEDETAIL * p, CLASSDETAIL * rgClassDetails) { #if 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DWORD count;
// fprintf(stream, "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
fprintf(stream, "ClassPathType = %d", p->PathType ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nPackagePath = %s", p->pszPath ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nIconPath = %s", p->pszIconPath ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nSetup Command = %s", p->pszSetupCommand ); fprintf(stream, "\nActFlags = %d", p->dwActFlags ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nVendor = %s", p->pszVendor ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nPackageName = %s", p->pszPackageName ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nProductName = %s", p->pszProductName ); fwprintf(stream, L"\ndwContext = %d", p->dwContext ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nPlatform.dwProcessorArch = 0x%x", p->Platform.dwProcessorArch ); fwprintf(stream, L"\ndwLocale = 0x%x", p->Locale ); fwprintf(stream, L"\ndwVersionHi = %d", p->dwVersionHi ); fwprintf(stream, L"\ndwVersionLo = %d", p->dwVersionLo ); fwprintf(stream, L"\nCountOfApps = %d", p->cApps );
for( count = 0; count < p->cApps; ++count ) { /*************************
DumpOneAppDetail(stream, &p->pAppDetail[count], rgClassDetails); **************************/ // advance to the set of class detail structures for the next app
rgClassDetails += p->pAppDetail[count].cClasses; } // fprintf(stream, "\n--------------------------------------------------");
#endif // 0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void DumpOneAppDetail( FILE * stream, // APPDETAIL * pA,
void * pA, CLASSDETAIL * rgClassDetails) { #if 0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
char Buffer[ 100 ]; DWORD count;
CLSIDToString( &pA->AppID, &Buffer[0] ); fprintf(stream, "\n\t\tAPPID = %s", &Buffer[0] );
if( pA->cClasses ) { for( count = 0; count < pA->cClasses; ++count ) { DumpOneClass(stream, &rgClassDetails[count]); } } #endif // 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////