// Author: ushaji
// Date: December/Jan 1996
// Providing support for Component Categories in Class Store
// This source file contains implementations for ICatRegister interfaces. �
// Refer Doc "Design for Support of File Types and Component Categories
// in Class Store" ? (or may be Class Store Schema)
#include "csadm.hxx"
// RegisterCategories:
// registering categories in the class store.
// cCategories: Number of Categories
// rgCategoryInfo: Size cCategories
// Returns as soon as one of them fails.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::RegisterCategories( /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATEGORYINFO __RPC_FAR rgCategoryInfo[ ]) { /* Registering a list of Category ID in the Class Store */
HRESULT hr; IADs *pADs = NULL; IDispatch *pUnknown = NULL; STRINGGUIDRDN szCatid; ULONG i, j, cdesc, posn; LPOLESTR *pszDescExisting, *pszDesc; WCHAR *localedescription = NULL; // sizeof description + seperator length + locale in hex
/* BUGBUG::Should check whether write permissions exist? */ if (!IsValidReadPtrIn(this, sizeof(*this))) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (!IsValidReadPtrIn(rgCategoryInfo, sizeof(rgCategoryInfo[0])*cCategories)) { return E_INVALIDARG; // gd
if (!m_fOpen) return E_FAIL;
for (i = 0; i < cCategories; i++) { localedescription = (WCHAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(128+16)); if (!localedescription) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
RdnFromGUID(rgCategoryInfo[i].catid, szCatid);
wsprintf(localedescription, L"%x %s %s", rgCategoryInfo[i].lcid, CATSEPERATOR, rgCategoryInfo[i].szDescription);
hr = m_ADsCategoryContainer->GetObject(NULL, szCatid, (IDispatch **)&pADs);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = GetPropertyListAlloc (pADs, LOCALEDESCRIPTION, &cdesc, &pszDescExisting); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr); // Existing list of descriptions
pszDesc = (LPOLESTR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(LPOLESTR)*(cdesc+1)); if (!pszDesc) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; for (j = 0; j < cdesc; j++) pszDesc[j] = pszDescExisting[j];
if (!(posn = FindDescription(pszDescExisting, cdesc, &(rgCategoryInfo[i].lcid), NULL, 0))) { // if no description exists for the lcid.
pszDesc[cdesc] = localedescription; cdesc++; } else { // overwrite the old value
CoTaskMemFree(pszDesc[posn-1]); pszDesc[posn-1] = localedescription; } } else { hr = m_ADsCategoryContainer->Create( CLASS_CS_CATEGORY, szCatid, &pUnknown );
RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr); pszDesc = (LPOLESTR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(LPOLESTR)); if (!pszDesc) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; cdesc = 1; pszDesc[0] = localedescription;
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void **)&pADs); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pUnknown->Release(); }
// StringFromGUID(rgCategoryInfo[i].catid, szCatid);
// SetProperty(pADs, CATEGORYCATID, szCatid);
hr = SetPropertyGuid(pADs, CATEGORYCATID, rgCategoryInfo[i].catid); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
SetPropertyList(pADs, LOCALEDESCRIPTION, cdesc, pszDesc); for (j = 0; j < cdesc; j++) CoTaskMemFree(pszDesc[j]); CoTaskMemFree(pszDesc); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = StoreIt (pADs); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pADs->Release(); } return hr; } /* RegisterCategories */
// Unregistering categories from the class store
// cCategories: Number of Categories
// rgcatid: catids of the categories.
// Stops after any one of them returns a error.
// Doesn't remove the category ids from each of the class ids.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::UnRegisterCategories( /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ]) { STRINGGUIDRDN szCatid; ULONG i; HRESULT hr;
if (!IsValidPtrOut(this, sizeof(*this))){ return E_ACCESSDENIED; } if (!IsValidReadPtrIn(rgcatid, sizeof(rgcatid[0])*cCategories)){ return E_INVALIDARG; } // Checking whether the caller has permissions
if (!m_fOpen) return E_FAIL;
for (i = 0; i < cCategories; i++) { RdnFromGUID(rgcatid[i], szCatid);
hr = m_ADsCategoryContainer->Delete(CLASS_CS_CATEGORY, szCatid); } return S_OK; } /* UnRegisterCategories */
// RegisterClassXXXCategories:
// rclsid: This category will be registered with this clsid.
// cCategories: The number of categories to be added.
// rgcatid The categories to be added (cCategories)
// impl_or_req The property to which this category will be added.
// "Implemented Categories" or "Required Categories"
// add all the categories given to the class store for this class.
// The previous entries will be lost and on error it would not be
// restored or made empty. A PRIVATE METHOD called by the 2 public methods.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::RegisterClassXXXCategories( /* [in] */ REFCLSID rclsid, /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ],BSTR impl_or_req) { HRESULT hr; STRINGGUIDRDN szName; IADs *pADs = NULL; ULONG i, j, tobeadded; VARIANT Var; GUID *pCatids, *pOldCatids=NULL; IDispatch *pUnknown = NULL; STRINGGUID szGUID;
if (!m_fOpen) return E_FAIL;
if (!IsValidPtrOut(this, sizeof(*this))) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (!IsValidReadPtrIn(rgcatid, sizeof(rgcatid[0])*cCategories)){ return E_INVALIDARG; // gd
if (IsNullGuid(rclsid)) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Get the ADs interface corresponding to the clsid that is mentioned.
StringFromGUID(rclsid, szGUID); wsprintf(szName, L"CN=%s", szGUID);
hr = m_ADsClassContainer->GetObject(NULL, szName, (IDispatch **)&pADs );
// if it didn't exist create it.
if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = m_ADsClassContainer->Create( CLASS_CS_CLASS, szName, &pUnknown ); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IADs, (void **)&pADs ); pUnknown->Release(); } hr = SetProperty (pADs, CLASSCLSID, szGUID); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = GetPropertyListAllocGuid(pADs, impl_or_req, &tobeadded, &pOldCatids); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pCatids = (GUID *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID)*(tobeadded+cCategories)); if (!pCatids) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
for (i = 0; i < tobeadded; i++) pCatids[i] = pOldCatids[i];
for (i=0; i < cCategories; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < tobeadded; j++) { if (memcmp(&rgcatid[i], &pCatids[j], sizeof(GUID)) == 0) break; } if (j < tobeadded) continue; // The ith element is already there in the array.
// Make sure of this when the property name changes.
pCatids[tobeadded] = rgcatid[i]; tobeadded++; }
VariantInit(&Var); hr = PackGuidArray2Variant(pCatids, tobeadded, &Var); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pADs->Put(impl_or_req, Var); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// save the data modified
hr = StoreIt(pADs); pADs->Release();
CoTaskMemFree(pCatids); if (pOldCatids) CoTaskMemFree(pOldCatids); return hr; } /* RegisterClassXXXCategories */
// UnRegisterClassXXXCategories
// rclsid: classid from which the categories have to be removed.
// cCategories: Number of Categories
// rgcatid: Categories
// impl_or_req: The property to which this has to be added.
// Presently gets all the categories from the class. parses through it
// removes the ones that match in rgcatid and reregister the category.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::UnRegisterClassXXXCategories( /* [in] */ REFCLSID rclsid, /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ],BSTR impl_or_req) { HRESULT hr; STRINGGUIDRDN szName; IADs *pADs = NULL; ULONG i, j; ULONG cNewCatids, cOldCatids; VARIANT Var; GUID *pOldCatids=NULL, *pNewCatids;
// BUGBUG:: Have to decide some way of removing clsids once all categories
// are unregistered.
if (!m_fOpen) return E_FAIL;
if (IsNullGuid(rclsid)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (cCategories == 0) return S_OK;
if (!IsValidPtrOut(this, sizeof(*this))) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (!IsValidReadPtrIn(rgcatid, sizeof(rgcatid[0])*cCategories)){ return E_INVALIDARG; // gd
if (cCategories == 0) return S_OK;
// Get all the catids corresp to this clsid.
// Get the ADs interface corresponding to the clsid that is mentioned.
RdnFromGUID(rclsid, szName); hr = m_ADsClassContainer->GetObject(NULL, szName, (IDispatch **)&pADs );
hr = GetPropertyListAllocGuid(pADs, impl_or_req, &cOldCatids, &pOldCatids);
// parse through this list and delete all the catids that is part of
// the user supplied list.
pNewCatids = (GUID *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID)*cOldCatids); if (!pNewCatids) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
for (i = 0, cNewCatids = 0; i < cOldCatids; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cCategories; j++) if (memcmp(&pOldCatids[i], &rgcatid[j], sizeof(GUID)) == 0) break; if (j == cCategories) pNewCatids[cNewCatids++] = pOldCatids[i]; }
// reregister this.
VariantInit(&Var); hr = PackGuidArray2Variant(pNewCatids, cNewCatids, &Var); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pADs->Put(impl_or_req, Var); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// save the data modified
hr = StoreIt(pADs); pADs->Release();
CoTaskMemFree(pNewCatids); if (pOldCatids) CoTaskMemFree(pOldCatids);
return hr; } /* UnRegisterClassXXXCategories */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::RegisterClassImplCategories( /* [in] */ REFCLSID rclsid, /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ]) { return RegisterClassXXXCategories(rclsid, cCategories, rgcatid, IMPL_CATEGORIES); } /* RegisterClassImplCategories */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::UnRegisterClassImplCategories( /* [in] */ REFCLSID rclsid, /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ]) {
return UnRegisterClassXXXCategories(rclsid, cCategories, rgcatid, IMPL_CATEGORIES);
} /* UnRegisterClassImplCategories */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::RegisterClassReqCategories( /* [in] */ REFCLSID rclsid, /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ]) { return RegisterClassXXXCategories(rclsid, cCategories, rgcatid, REQ_CATEGORIES);
} /* RegisterClassReqCategories */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CClassContainer::UnRegisterClassReqCategories( /* [in] */ REFCLSID rclsid, /* [in] */ ULONG cCategories, /* [size_is][in] */ CATID __RPC_FAR rgcatid[ ]) { return UnRegisterClassXXXCategories(rclsid, cCategories, rgcatid, REQ_CATEGORIES);
} /* UnRegisterClassReqCategories */