* Temp conversion utility to take registry entries and populate the class store with those entries. *****************************************************************************/
includes ******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#define HOME 1
defines and prototypes ******************************************************************************/
extern CLSID CLSID_ClassStore; extern const IID IID_IClassAdmin;
const IID IID_IClassStore = { 0x00000190, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46 } };
void GatherArguments( int argc, char * argv[], MESSAGE * pMessage );
HRESULT UpdateDatabaseFromRegistry( MESSAGE * pMessage );
HRESULT UpdateClassStoreFromDatabase( MESSAGE * pMessage, IClassAdmin * pClassAdmin );
IClassAdmin * InitializeClassStoreInterfaces( MESSAGE * pMessage );
void ReleaseClassStoreInterfaces( MESSAGE * pMessage, IClassAdmin * pClassAdmin);
HRESULT AddToClassStore( MESSAGE *pMessage, IClassAdmin * pClassAdmin );
void DumpOnePackage( MESSAGE * pMessage, PACKAGEDETAIL * p );
void DumpOneAppDetail( MESSAGE * pMessage, APPDETAIL * pA );
void DumpOneClass( MESSAGE * pMessage, CLASSDETAIL * pClassDetail );
void DumpIIDEntries( IIDICT * pIIDict );
void DumpOneIIDEntry( ITF_ENTRY * pITFEntry );
void DumpOneTypelib( MESSAGE * pMessage, CLSID * pClsid );
HRESULT VerifyArguments( MESSAGE * pMessage );
Globals ******************************************************************************/
char * SwitchSpecified[26]; char * AdditionalSwitchParam[26]; BOOL DumpAll = 1;
Da Code ******************************************************************************/
void Usage() { printf("\nUsage:");
printf("\n\t -a <Architecture> - valid values are:" ); printf("\n\t\t [ Intel, Alpha]");
printf("\n\t -o <OS> - valid values are:"); printf("\n\t\t [Winnt, Win95, Win31]" );
printf("\n\t -p <Full Package Path (including name eg \\foo\bar\baz.cab>");
printf("\n\t -r <RunFlags> - NotImplemeted yet");
printf("\n\t -n <Package name >" );
printf("\n\t -k <Registry key: eg \\Software\\Classes (always assumed under HKLM"); printf("\n\t\t eg \\Software\\Classes for HKLM\\Software\\Classes or HKCR" ); printf("\n\t -s <Setup Command including switches>"); printf("\n\t -z <Dump, but dont update class store>"); printf("\n\t -c <Class store path >"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printf("\n\t -i <icon path>"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int __cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { MESSAGE * pMessage = new MESSAGE; IClassAdmin * pClassAdmin; HRESULT hr;
// gather arguments
GatherArguments( argc, argv, pMessage );
if( pMessage->SetRootKey( SwitchSpecified[ 'K' - 'A' ] ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("\nCannot open Key: %s\n", AdditionalSwitchParam[ 'K' - 'A' ] ); exit( MAKE_HRESULT( SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) ); }
if( (hr = VerifyArguments( pMessage)) != S_OK ) { printf("\nInvalid arguments, hr = 0x%x\n", hr ); exit( hr ); }
UpdateDatabaseFromRegistry( pMessage );
pClassAdmin = InitializeClassStoreInterfaces( pMessage ); UpdateClassStoreFromDatabase( pMessage, pClassAdmin ); ReleaseClassStoreInterfaces( pMessage, pClassAdmin );
return 0; }
void GatherArguments( int argc, char * argv[], MESSAGE * pMessage ) { int Index = 1; char * argp;
memset(&SwitchSpecified[0], '\0', sizeof(SwitchSpecified)/sizeof(char *) );
// For switches that do not take arguments, do not advance the index pointer
// in the switch handler.
while( Index < argc ) { argp = argv[Index]; if( (*argp == '-') || (*argp == '/') )++argp;
switch( toupper(*argp) ) { case 'A': ++Index; SwitchSpecified[ 'A' - 'A'] = argp = argv[ Index ]; break; case 'O': ++Index; SwitchSpecified[ 'O' - 'A'] = argp = argv[ Index ]; break; case 'P': ++Index; SwitchSpecified[ 'P' - 'A'] = argp = argv[ Index ]; pMessage->pPackagePath = argp; break; case 'N': ++Index; SwitchSpecified['N' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->pPackageName = argp; break; case 'K': ++Index; SwitchSpecified['K' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->pRegistryKeyName = argp; break; case 'S': ++Index; SwitchSpecified['S' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->pSetupCommand = argp; break; case 'Z': SwitchSpecified['Z' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->fDumpOnly = 1; pMessage->pDumpOnePackage = DumpOnePackage; break; case 'C': ++Index; SwitchSpecified['C' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->pClassStoreName = argp; break; case 'I': ++Index; SwitchSpecified['I' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->pIconPath = argp; break; case 'D': ++Index; SwitchSpecified['D' - 'A'] = argp = argv[Index]; pMessage->pClassStoreDomainName = argp; break; case 'R': pMessage->ActFlags = ACTFLG_RunLocally; break; default: printf( "\nUnknown switch %c", *argp ); Usage(); exit(1); } ++Index; }
// update base registry key.
if( SwitchSpecified[ 'K' - 'A' ] == 0 ) pMessage->pRegistryKeyName = "\\Software\\Classes";
// updatre class store name.
if( SwitchSpecified[ 'C' - 'A' ] == 0 ) pMessage->pClassStoreName = "classstore3";
// update class store domain name
if(SwitchSpecified[ 'D' - 'A' ] == 0 ) pMessage->pClassStoreDomainName = "olecs"; // update architecture.
if( SwitchSpecified[ 'A'-'A'] && SwitchSpecified['O' - 'A'] ) { DWORD O,A; int i;
static char * pOsStrings[] = { "Winnt", "Win95", "Win31" };
static DWORD Os[] = { OS_WINNT, OS_WIN95, OS_WIN31 };
for (i = 0; i < sizeof( pArcStrings)/sizeof(char *);++i ) { if( _stricmp( pArcStrings[ i ], SwitchSpecified[ 'A'-'A' ]) == 0 ) A = Arc[ i ]; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof( pOsStrings)/sizeof(char *);++i ) { if( _stricmp( pOsStrings[ i ], SwitchSpecified[ 'O'-'A' ]) == 0 ) O = Os[ i ]; } pMessage->Architecture = MAKEARCHITECTURE(A,O); } }
IClassAdmin * InitializeClassStoreInterfaces( MESSAGE * pMessage ) { IClassAdmin *pClassAdmin = NULL; IMoniker *pmk = NULL; LPBC pbc = NULL; ULONG chEaten; char Buffer[_MAX_PATH ]; OLECHAR MonikerBuffer[(_MAX_PATH+1)*2 ];
if( pMessage->fDumpOnly ) return 0;
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
if( FAILED(hr) ) { printf( "Client CoInitialize failed Ox%x!\n", hr ); return 0; }
hr = CreateBindCtx (0, &pbc); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf( "CreateBindCtx failed Ox%x!\n", hr ); return 0; }
strcpy(Buffer, "ADCS:"); strcat(Buffer, pMessage->pClassStoreName );
mbstowcs( MonikerBuffer, Buffer, strlen(Buffer)+1 );
chEaten = 0; hr = MkParseDisplayName (pbc, MonikerBuffer, &chEaten,&pmk);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf( "MkParseDisplayName failed Ox%x!\n", hr ); return 0; }
hr = pmk->BindToObject ( pbc, NULL, IID_IClassAdmin, (void **) &pClassAdmin);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf( "BindToObject failed Ox%x!\n", hr ); return 0; } pmk->Release(); pbc->Release();
return pClassAdmin; } void ReleaseClassStoreInterfaces( MESSAGE * pMessage, IClassAdmin * pClassAdmin) { if( pMessage->fDumpOnly || (pClassAdmin == 0) ) return; pClassAdmin->Release(); }
void DumpIIDEntries( IIDICT * pIIDict ) { ITF_ENTRY * pITFEntry = pIIDict->GetFirst();
if( pITFEntry ) do { printf("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); printf("\nIID = %s", pITFEntry->IID ); DumpOneIIDEntry( pITFEntry ); printf("\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); pITFEntry = pIIDict->GetNext( pITFEntry ); } while (pITFEntry != 0 ); }
void DumpOneIIDEntry(ITF_ENTRY * pITFEntry ) { printf("\nProxyStubClsid = %s", pITFEntry->Clsid ); printf("\nTypelibID = %s", pITFEntry->TypelibID ); }
void DumpOnePackage( MESSAGE * pMessage, PACKAGEDETAIL * p ) { DWORD count; printf("\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); printf( "\nClassPathType = %d", p->PathType ); wprintf(L"\nPackagePath = %s", p->pszPath ); wprintf(L"\nIconPath = %s", p->pszIconPath ); wprintf(L"\nSetup Command = %s", p->pszSetupCommand ); printf("\nActFlags = %d", p->dwActFlags ); wprintf(L"\nVendor = %s", p->pszVendor ); wprintf(L"\nPackageName = %s", p->pszPackageName ); wprintf(L"\nProductName = %s", p->pszProductName ); wprintf(L"\ndwContext = %d", p->dwContext ); wprintf(L"\nCsPlatform = (PlatformID= 0x%x, VersionHi = 0x%x, VersionLo = 0x%x, ProcessorArchitecture = 0x%x", p->Platform.dwPlatformId, p->Platform.dwVersionHi, p->Platform.dwVersionLo, p->Platform.dwProcessorArch ); wprintf(L"\ndwLocale = 0x%x", p->Locale ); wprintf(L"\ndwVersionHi = %d", p->dwVersionHi ); wprintf(L"\ndwVersionLo = %d", p->dwVersionLo ); wprintf(L"\nCountOfApps = %d", p->cApps );
for( count = 0; count < p->cApps; ++count ) { DumpOneAppDetail( pMessage, &p->pAppDetail[count] ); } printf("\n--------------------------------------------------"); }
void DumpOneAppDetail( MESSAGE * pMessage, APPDETAIL * pA ) { char Buffer[ 100 ]; DWORD count; CLASS_ENTRY * pC;
CLSIDToString( &pA->AppID, &Buffer[0] ); printf( "\n\t\tAPPID = %s", &Buffer[0] );
if( pA->cClasses ) { for( count = 0; count < pA->cClasses; ++count ) {
char Buffer[50]; CLSIDToString( &pA->prgClsIdList[count],&Buffer[0] ); pC = pMessage->pClsDict->Search( &Buffer[0] ); if( pC ) DumpOneClass( pMessage, &pC->ClassAssociation ); } } if( pA->cTypeLibIds ) { for( count = 0; count < pA->cTypeLibIds; ++count ) { DumpOneTypelib( pMessage, pA->prgTypeLibIdList ); } } else printf( "\n\t\t No Typelibs present" ); }
void DumpOneClass( MESSAGE * pMessage, CLASSDETAIL * pClassDetail ) { char Buffer[ _MAX_PATH ]; DWORD count;
CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->Clsid, &Buffer[0] ); printf( "\n\t\t\tCLSID = %s", &Buffer[0] );
wprintf( L"\n\t\t\tDescription = %s", pClassDetail->pszDesc ); wprintf( L"\n\t\t\tIconPath = %s", pClassDetail->pszIconPath );
CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->TreatAsClsid, &Buffer[0] ); printf( "\n\t\t\tTreatAsClsid = %s", &Buffer[0] );
CLSIDToString( &pClassDetail->AutoConvertClsid, &Buffer[0] ); printf( "\n\t\t\tAutoConvertClsid = %s", &Buffer[0] );
printf("\n\t\t\tCountOfFileExtensions = %d", pClassDetail->cFileExt );
if( pClassDetail->cFileExt ) { for(count = 0; count < pClassDetail->cFileExt; count++ ) { wprintf( L"\n\t\t\tFileExt = %s", pClassDetail->prgFileExt[ count ] ); } } else { printf("\n\t\t\tOtherFileExt = None" ); }
wprintf(L"\n\t\t\tMimeType = %s", pClassDetail->pMimeType ); wprintf(L"\n\t\t\tDefaultProgid = %s", pClassDetail->pDefaultProgId );
printf("\n\t\t\tCountOfOtherProgIds = %d", pClassDetail->cOtherProgId ); if( pClassDetail->cOtherProgId ) { for(count = 0; count < pClassDetail->cOtherProgId; count++ ) { wprintf( L"\n\t\t\tOtherProgId = %s", pClassDetail->prgOtherProgId[ count ] ); } } else { printf("\n\t\t\tOtherProgId = None" ); } printf("\n");
void DumpOneTypelib( MESSAGE * pMessage, CLSID * pClsid ) { char Buffer[ _MAX_PATH ]; CLSIDToString( pClsid, &Buffer[0] ); printf( "\n\t\t\tTypelibID = %s", &Buffer[0] ); printf("\n"); }