// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997
// File: csmain.cxx
// Contents: Main cxx for Directory Class Access Implementation
// Local Server.
// Author: DebiM
#include "cstore.hxx"
// Link list pointer for Class Containers Seen
// Link list pointer for User Profiles Seen
// Class Factory Objects
long ObjectCount = 0;
CAppContainerCF * pCF = NULL; CClassAccessCF * pCSAccessCF = NULL; extern CClassContainerCF *g_pCF;
//IClassAccess * gpClassAccess = NULL;
// Critical Section for Sid List
// Following are used for Supporting Test Scenarios thru FlushSidCache.
WCHAR pwszDebugPath [_MAX_PATH]; BOOL fDebugPath = FALSE; //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResetClassStoreState
// --------------------
// Synopsis: Calling this will close all Class Containers
// in use and also cleanup state information about all user sids
// that have initiated Class Store requests.
// This routine is called at during shut down of
// Class Store Server.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
void ResetClassStoreState() //
// This routine is called at during shut down of Class Store Server
{ //
// Check if there are any outstanding open Class Stores
CLASSCONTAINER *pCS = gpContainerHead, *pCSTemp;
while (pCS != NULL) { if (pCS->gpClassStore) { (pCS->gpClassStore)->Release(); pCS->gpClassStore = NULL; CSDbgPrint(("Found open container and closed.\n")); }
if (pCS->pszClassStorePath) { CoTaskMemFree (pCS->pszClassStorePath); pCS->pszClassStorePath = NULL; } pCSTemp = pCS->pNextClassStore; CoTaskMemFree (pCS); pCS = pCSTemp; }
gpContainerHead = NULL;
USERPROFILE *pUser = gpUserHead, *pUserTemp; while (pUser != NULL) { if (pUser->pCachedSid) CoTaskMemFree (pUser->pCachedSid);
if (pUser->pUserStoreList) CoTaskMemFree (pUser->pUserStoreList);
pUser->cUserStoreCount = 0;
pUserTemp = pUser->pNextUser; CoTaskMemFree (pUser); pUser = pUserTemp; } gpUserHead = NULL;
CSDbgPrint(("ResetClassStoreState completed.\n")); }
// ResetUserState
// --------------
// Synopsis: Calling this will flush all state information
// about all user sids that have initiated
// Class Store requests.
// It is called by the special test entry point
// FlushSidCache.
// Arguments: LPOLESTR pwszNewPath as the new Class Store path for All
// Returns: None
void ResetUserState(LPOLESTR pwszNewPath) //
{ USERPROFILE *pUser = gpUserHead, *pUserTemp; while (pUser != NULL) { if (pUser->pCachedSid) CoTaskMemFree (pUser->pCachedSid);
pUser->cUserStoreCount = 0;
pUserTemp = pUser->pNextUser; CoTaskMemFree (pUser); pUser = pUserTemp; } gpUserHead = NULL; wcscpy (&pwszDebugPath[0], pwszNewPath); fDebugPath = TRUE;
CSDbgPrint(("ResetUserState completed.\n")); }
// Uninitialize
// -------------
// Synopsis: Class Store Server Uninitialization.
// Disconnects from all Class Containers in use.
// Flushes out all State information using ResetClassStoreState.
// Unregisters Server registrations etc..
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
void Uninitialize() { //
// Cleanup all open containers
// release the Class Factory objects
if (pCF) pCF->Release(); if (pCSAccessCF) pCSAccessCF->Release();
if (g_pCF) g_pCF->Release(); //
// get rid of the critical section
// FlushSidCache
// -------------
// Synopsis: Supported for Testing Only. Not exposed thru any header.
// Calling this empties out Class Store Cache.
// Arguments: pwszNewPath
// Returns: S_OK
HRESULT FlushSidCache (LPOLESTR pwszNewPath) {
EnterCriticalSection (&ClassStoreBindList);
LeaveCriticalSection (&ClassStoreBindList);
return S_OK; }
// Function: InitializeClassStore
// History: 7-25-96 DebiM Created
// This entry point is called at DLL attach
BOOL InitializeClassStore(BOOL fInit) { HRESULT hr; BOOL bStatus; ObjectCount = 1; /*
// Started manually. Don't go away.
AclSize = sizeof(ACL) + 2 * sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + 2 * sizeof(SID);
pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) PrivMemAlloc( sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) + 2 * sizeof(SID) + AclSize );
if ( ! pSD ) return FALSE;
bStatus = TRUE; pAcl = (ACL *) ( ((BYTE *)&pSD[1]) + 2 * sizeof(SID) );
if ( ! InitializeAcl( pAcl, AclSize, ACL_REVISION2 ) || ! AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, ACL_REVISION2, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &LocalSystemSid ) || ! AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, ACL_REVISION2, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &InteractiveSid ) ) bStatus = FALSE;
if ( ! InitializeSecurityDescriptor( pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION ) || ! SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pSD, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE ) || ! SetSecurityDescriptorGroup( pSD, &LocalSystemSid, FALSE ) || ! SetSecurityDescriptorOwner( pSD, &LocalSystemSid, FALSE ) ) bStatus = FALSE;
if ( bStatus ) { hr = CoInitializeSecurity( pSD, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL ); }
PrivMemFree( pSD );
if ( ! bStatus || (hr != S_OK) ) { CSDbgPrint(("Class Store: Couldn't initialize security\n")); } */
if (fInit) { hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (hr) CSDbgPrint(("RPCSS : CoInitialize returned 0x%x.\n", hr)); } */
pCF = new CAppContainerCF(); pCSAccessCF = new CClassAccessCF();
NTSTATUS status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&ClassStoreBindList);
/* hr = pCSAccessCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IClassAccess, (void **) &gpClassAccess );
if ( hr != S_OK ) { CSDbgPrint(("RPCSS : Counldn't create ClassAccess 0x%x\n", hr)); return FALSE; } */ g_pCF = new CClassContainerCF;
if (!pCF || !pCSAccessCF || !g_pCF || !NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ASSERT(FALSE); goto fail; }
return TRUE;
fail: if (pCF) delete pCF; if (pCSAccessCF) delete pCSAccessCF; if (g_pCF) { delete g_pCF; g_pCF = NULL; } return FALSE;
} /*
// Globals
// Function: DllGetClassObject
// Synopsis: Standard DLL entrypoint for locating class factories
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID clsid, REFIID iid, LPVOID FAR* ppv) { HRESULT hr; size_t i;
if (IsEqualCLSID(clsid, CLSID_ClassAccess)) { return pCSAccessCF->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
*ppv = NULL;
// Function: DllCanUnloadNow
// Synopsis: Standard DLL entrypoint to determine if DLL can be unloaded
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { HRESULT hr;
hr = S_FALSE;
// BugBug
if (ulObjectCount > 0) hr = S_FALSE; else hr = S_OK; return hr; }
// Function: LibMain
// Synopsis: Standard DLL initialization entrypoint
EXTERN_C BOOL _CRTAPI1 LibMain(HINSTANCE hInst, ULONG ulReason, LPVOID pvReserved) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cbSize = _MAX_PATH; WCHAR wszUserName [_MAX_PATH];
switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInst); g_hInst = hInst; InitializeClassStore(); break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: Uninitialize(); break;
default: break; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: DllMain
// Synopsis: entry point for NT
BOOL DllMain(HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { return LibMain((HINSTANCE)hDll, dwReason, lpReserved); } */
// Function: CsGetClassAccess
// Synopsis: Returns an instantiated interface to the Class Store
// Co-ordinator object in Rpcss.
// Arguments: [ppIClassAccess] - where to put class access interface pointer
// Returns: S_OK - Got a Class Access Successfully
STDAPI CsGetClassAccess( IClassAccess ** ppIClassAccess) { HRESULT hr; *ppIClassAccess = NULL;
hr = pCSAccessCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IClassAccess, (void **)ppIClassAccess);
return hr;
// CsEnumApps (DebiM 11/7/97)
// Returns an enumerator for packages in the Class Store (s).
// The enumerator works across all class stores in the calling users profile.
// This is used by:
// - Add/Remove programs to select Corporate Apps
// - winlogon to obtain the list of assigned apps
// Arguments:
// [in]
// pszPackageName : Optional Wildcard string for PackageName
// pLastUsn : Optional Time Stamp for new packages
// pCategory : Optional CategoryId
// dwAppFlags : Per APPINFO_xxx in objbase.h
// [out]
// ppIEnumPackage : Returned Interface Pointer
// Returns :
STDAPI CsEnumApps( LPOLESTR pszPackageName, // Wildcard string for PackageName
GUID *pCategory, // CategoryId
ULONGLONG *pLastUsn, // Time Stamp for new packages
DWORD dwAppFlags, // Per APPINFO_xxx in objbase.h
IEnumPackage **ppIEnumPackage // Returned Interface Pointer
) { HRESULT hr; IClassAccess * pIClassAccess = NULL;
*ppIEnumPackage = NULL;
// Get an IClassAccess
hr = CsGetClassAccess(&pIClassAccess); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// Get the enumerator
hr = pIClassAccess->EnumPackages ( pszPackageName, pCategory, pLastUsn, dwAppFlags, ppIEnumPackage );
pIClassAccess->Release(); return hr; }
void GetDefaultPlatform(CSPLATFORM *pPlatform) { OSVERSIONINFO VersionInformation;
VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&VersionInformation);
pPlatform->dwPlatformId = VersionInformation.dwPlatformId; pPlatform->dwVersionHi = VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion; pPlatform->dwVersionLo = VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion; pPlatform->dwProcessorArch = DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE; }
// CsGetAppInfo
// Looks up the given class specification in the DS. If an application for
// this class specification is found, then the application details are returned.
// Arguments :
STDAPI CsGetAppInfo( uCLSSPEC * pClassSpec, // Class Spec (GUID/Ext/MIME)
QUERYCONTEXT * pQueryContext, INSTALLINFO * pInstallInfo ) { HRESULT hr; QUERYCONTEXT QueryContext; IClassAccess * pIClassAccess = NULL; if ( pQueryContext ) { QueryContext = *pQueryContext; } else { QueryContext.dwContext = CLSCTX_ALL; GetDefaultPlatform( &QueryContext.Platform ); QueryContext.Locale = GetThreadLocale(); QueryContext.dwVersionHi = (DWORD) -1; QueryContext.dwVersionLo = (DWORD) -1; }
// Get an IClassAccess
hr = CsGetClassAccess(&pIClassAccess); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; hr = pIClassAccess->GetAppInfo(pClassSpec, &QueryContext, pInstallInfo ); pIClassAccess->Release(); return hr; }