* * execclt.c * * Exec service client. * * This allows the starting of a program on any Terminal Server Session under * the account of the logged on user, or the SYSTEM account for services. * * copyright notice: Copyright 1998, Microsoft Corporation * * * *************************************************************************/
#include "act.hxx"
extern "C" { #include <execsrv.h>
// Forward references
PWCHAR MarshallString( PWCHAR pSource, PCHAR pBase, ULONG MaxSize, PCHAR *ppPtr, PULONG pCount, BOOL bMulti = FALSE );
* * CreateRemoteSessionProcess * * Create a process on the given Terminal Server Session * * ENTRY: * SessionId (input) * SessionId of Session to create process on * * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL CreateRemoteSessionProcess( ULONG SessionId, HANDLE hSaferToken, BOOL System, PWCHAR lpszImageName, PWCHAR lpszCommandLine, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaProcess, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaThread, BOOL fInheritHandles, DWORD fdwCreate, LPVOID lpvEnvironment, LPWSTR lpszCurDir, LPSTARTUPINFOW pStartInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION pProcInfo ) { BOOL Result; HANDLE hPipe = NULL; WCHAR szPipeName[MAX_PATH]; PCHAR ptr; ULONG Count, AmountWrote, AmountRead; DWORD MyProcId; PEXECSRV_REQUEST pReq; EXECSRV_REPLY Rep; CHAR Buf[EXECSRV_BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG MaxSize = EXECSRV_BUFFER_SIZE;
if( lpszImageName ) CairoleDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "EXECCLIENT: lpszImageName %ws\n",lpszImageName));
if( lpszCommandLine ) CairoleDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "EXECCLIENT: lpszCommandLine %ws\n",lpszCommandLine));
// Winlogon handles all now. System flag tells it what to do
swprintf(szPipeName, EXECSRV_SYSTEM_PIPE_NAME, SessionId);
while (TRUE) {
hPipe = CreateFileW( szPipeName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // File share mode
NULL, // default security
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // Attrs and flags
NULL // template file handle
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) {
if (!WaitNamedPipe( szPipeName, 30000 )) { // 30 sec
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "EXECCLIENT: Waited too long for pipe name %ws\n", szPipeName)); return(FALSE); } } else {
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "EXECCLIENT: Could not create pipe name %ws\n", szPipeName)); return(FALSE); } } else {
break; } }
* Get the handle to the current process */ MyProcId = GetCurrentProcessId();
* setup the marshalling */ ptr = Buf; Count = 0;
pReq = (PEXECSRV_REQUEST)ptr; ptr += sizeof(EXECSRV_REQUEST); Count += sizeof(EXECSRV_REQUEST);
// set the basic parameters
pReq->hToken = hSaferToken; pReq->System = System; pReq->RequestingProcessId = MyProcId; pReq->fInheritHandles = fInheritHandles; pReq->fdwCreate = fdwCreate;
// marshall the ImageName string
if( lpszImageName ) { pReq->lpszImageName = MarshallString( lpszImageName, Buf, MaxSize, &ptr, &Count ); } else { pReq->lpszImageName = NULL; }
// marshall in the CommandLine string
if( lpszCommandLine ) { pReq->lpszCommandLine = MarshallString( lpszCommandLine, Buf, MaxSize, &ptr, &Count ); } else { pReq->lpszCommandLine = NULL; }
// marshall in the CurDir string
if( lpszCurDir ) { pReq->lpszCurDir = MarshallString( lpszCurDir, Buf, MaxSize, &ptr, &Count ); } else { pReq->lpszCurDir = NULL; }
// marshall in the StartupInfo structure
RtlMoveMemory( &pReq->StartInfo, pStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) );
// Now marshall the strings in STARTUPINFO
if( pStartInfo->lpDesktop ) { pReq->StartInfo.lpDesktop = MarshallString( pStartInfo->lpDesktop, Buf, MaxSize, &ptr, &Count ); } else { pReq->StartInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; }
if( pStartInfo->lpTitle ) { pReq->StartInfo.lpTitle = MarshallString( pStartInfo->lpTitle, Buf, MaxSize, &ptr, &Count ); } else { pReq->StartInfo.lpTitle = NULL; }
if( lpvEnvironment ) { pReq->lpvEnvironment = MarshallString( (PWCHAR)lpvEnvironment, Buf, MaxSize, &ptr, &Count, TRUE ); } else { pReq->lpvEnvironment = NULL; }
// WARNING: This version does not pass the following:
// Also saProcess and saThread are ignored right now and use
// the users default security on the remote WinStation
// Set things that are always NULL
pReq->StartInfo.lpReserved = NULL; // always NULL
// now fill in the total count
pReq->Size = Count;
* Now send the buffer out to the server */ Result = WriteFile( hPipe, Buf, Count, &AmountWrote, NULL );
if( !Result ) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "EXECCLIENT: Error %d sending request\n",GetLastError())); goto Cleanup; }
* Now read the reply */ Result = ReadFile( hPipe, &Rep, sizeof(Rep), &AmountRead, NULL );
if( !Result ) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "EXECCLIENT: Error %d reading reply\n",GetLastError())); goto Cleanup; }
* Check the result */ if( !Rep.Result ) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "EXECCLIENT: Error %d in reply\n",Rep.LastError)); // set the error in the current thread to the returned error
Result = Rep.Result; SetLastError( Rep.LastError ); goto Cleanup; }
* We copy the PROCESS_INFO structure from the reply * to the caller. * * The remote site has duplicated the handles into our * process space for hProcess and hThread so that they will * behave like CreateProcessW() */
RtlMoveMemory( pProcInfo, &Rep.ProcInfo, sizeof( PROCESS_INFORMATION ) );
Cleanup: CloseHandle(hPipe);
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "EXECCLIENT: Result 0x%x\n", Result));
return(Result); }
* * MarshallString * * Marshall in a UNICODE_NULL terminated WCHAR string * * ENTRY: * pSource (input) * Pointer to source string * * pBase (input) * Base buffer pointer for normalizing the string pointer * * MaxSize (input) * Maximum buffer size available * * ppPtr (input/output) * Pointer to the current context pointer in the marshall buffer. * This is updated as data is marshalled into the buffer * * pCount (input/output) * Current count of data in the marshall buffer. * This is updated as data is marshalled into the buffer * * bMulti (optional input) * If TRUE then marshall in a multi UNICODE string. Each string are * UNICODE_NULL terminated and the multi string is terminated with a double * UNICODE_NULL. The default value is FALSE. * * EXIT: * NULL - Error * !=NULL "normalized" pointer to the string in reference to pBase * ****************************************************************************/
PWCHAR MarshallString( PWCHAR pSource, PCHAR pBase, ULONG MaxSize, PCHAR *ppPtr, PULONG pCount, BOOL bMulti ) { ULONG Len; PCHAR ptr;
if (bMulti) {
Len = 0;
for (PWCHAR pStr = pSource; *pStr; ) {
ULONG StrLen = wcslen( pStr ) + 1; // include the NULL
Len += StrLen; pStr += StrLen;
// bail out if too long
if( (*pCount + (Len * sizeof(WCHAR))) > MaxSize ) { return( NULL ); } }
Len++; // include last NULL
} else { Len = wcslen( pSource ); Len++; // include the NULL
Len *= sizeof(WCHAR); // convert to bytes
if( (*pCount + Len) > MaxSize ) { return( NULL ); }
RtlMoveMemory( *ppPtr, pSource, Len );
// the normalized ptr is the current count - Sundown: zero-extended value.
ptr = (PCHAR)ULongToPtr(*pCount);
*ppPtr += Len; *pCount += Len;
return((PWCHAR)ptr); }