// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: clipformat.cxx
// Contents: Support for Windows/OLE data types for oleprx32.dll.
// Used to be transmit_as routines, now user_marshal routines.
// This file contains support for SNB.
// Functions:
// SNB_UserSize
// SNB_UserMarshal
// SNB_UserUnmarshal
// SNB_UserFree
// SNB_UserSize64
// SNB_UserMarshal64
// SNB_UserUnmarshal64
// SNB_UserFree64
// History: 13-Dec-00 JohnDoty Migrated from transmit.cxx
#include "stdrpc.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include "transmit.hxx"
#include <rpcwdt.h>
#include <storext.h>
#include "widewrap.h"
#include <valid.h>
#include <obase.h>
#include <stream.hxx>
#include "carefulreader.hxx"
// Function: SNB_UserSize
// Synopsis: Sizes an SNB.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: June-95 Ryszardk Created, based on SNB_*_xmit.
unsigned long __RPC_USER SNB_UserSize ( unsigned long * pFlags, unsigned long Offset, SNB * pSnb ) { if ( ! pSnb ) return Offset;
// calculate the number of strings and characters (with their terminators)
ULONG ulCntStr = 0; ULONG ulCntChar = 0;
if (pSnb && *pSnb) { SNB snb = *pSnb;
WCHAR *psz = *snb; while (psz) { ulCntChar += lstrlenW(psz) + 1; ulCntStr++; snb++; psz = *snb; } }
// The wire size is: conf size, 2 fields and the wchars.
LENGTH_ALIGN( Offset, 3 );
return ( Offset + 3 * sizeof(long) + ulCntChar * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); }
// Function: SNB_UserMarshall
// Synopsis: Marshalls an SNB into the RPC buffer.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: June-95 Ryszardk Created, based on SNB_*_xmit.
unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER SNB_UserMarshal ( unsigned long * pFlags, unsigned char * pBuffer, SNB * pSnb ) { UserNdrDebugOut((UNDR_FORCE, "SNB_UserMarshal\n"));
if ( ! pSnb ) return pBuffer;
// calculate the number of strings and characters (with their terminators)
ULONG ulCntStr = 0; ULONG ulCntChar = 0;
if (pSnb && *pSnb) { SNB snb = *pSnb;
WCHAR *psz = *snb; while (psz) { ulCntChar += lstrlenW(psz) + 1; ulCntStr++; snb++; psz = *snb; } }
// conformant size
ALIGN( pBuffer, 3 ); *( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++ = ulCntChar;
// fields
*( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++ = ulCntStr; *( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++ = ulCntChar;
// actual strings only
if ( pSnb && *pSnb ) { // There is a NULL string pointer to mark the end of the pointer array.
// However, the strings don't have to follow tightly.
// Hence, we have to copy one string at a time.
SNB snb = *pSnb; WCHAR *pszSrc;
while (pszSrc = *snb++) { ULONG ulCopyLen = (lstrlenW(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
WdtpMemoryCopy( pBuffer, pszSrc, ulCopyLen ); pBuffer += ulCopyLen; } }
return pBuffer; }
// Function: SNB_UserUnmarshall
// Synopsis: Unmarshalls an SNB from the RPC buffer.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: June-95 Ryszardk Created, based on SNB_*_xmit.
// Aug-99 JohnStra Add consistency checks.
unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER SNB_UserUnmarshal ( unsigned long * pFlags, unsigned char * pBuffer, SNB * pSnb ) { UserNdrDebugOut((UNDR_FORCE, "SNB_UserUnmarshal\n"));
// Initialize CUserMarshalInfo object and get the buffer
// size and pointer to the start of the buffer.
CUserMarshalInfo MarshalInfo( pFlags, pBuffer ); ULONG_PTR BufferSize = MarshalInfo.GetBufferSize(); UCHAR* pBufferStart = MarshalInfo.GetBuffer();
// Align the buffer and save the size of the fixup.
ALIGN( pBuffer, 3 ); ULONG_PTR cbFixup = (ULONG_PTR)(pBuffer - pBufferStart);
// Check for EOB before trying to get header.
CHECK_BUFFER_SIZE( BufferSize, cbFixup + (3 * sizeof( ULONG )) );
// Get the header from the buffer.
ULONG ulCntChar = *( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++; ULONG ulCntStr = *( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++; ULONG ulCntCharDup = *(PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++;
// Verify that 2nd instance of count matches first.
if ( ulCntCharDup != ulCntChar ) RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA );
// No reusage of pSNB.
if ( *pSnb ) WdtpFree( pFlags, *pSnb );
if ( ulCntStr == 0 ) { // There are no strings.
// NULL pSnb and return.
*pSnb = NULL; return pBuffer; }
// Validate the header:
// Repeated char count must match first instance and char count must
// not be less than the number of strings since that would mean at
// least one of them doesn't isn't terminated.
if ( (ulCntChar != ulCntCharDup) || (ulCntChar < ulCntStr) ) RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA );
// Check for EOB before trying to get the strings.
CHECK_BUFFER_SIZE( BufferSize, cbFixup + (3 * sizeof(ULONG)) + (ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
// Last WCHAR in the buffer must be the UNICODE terminator.
WCHAR* pszChars = (WCHAR*) pBuffer; if ( pszChars[ulCntChar - 1] != 0x0000 ) RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA );
// construct the SNB.
SNB Snb = (SNB) WdtpAllocate( pFlags, ( (ulCntStr + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR *) + ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); *pSnb = Snb;
if (Snb) { // create the pointer array within the SNB. to do this, we go through
// the buffer, and use strlen to find the end of the each string for
// us.
WCHAR *pszSrc = (WCHAR *) pBuffer; WCHAR *pszTgt = (WCHAR *) (Snb + ulCntStr + 1); // right behind array
void* SnbStart = Snb; ULONG ulTotLen = 0; ULONG i; for (i = ulCntStr; (i > 0) && (ulTotLen < ulCntChar); i--) { *Snb++ = pszTgt;
ULONG ulLen = lstrlenW(pszSrc) + 1; pszSrc += ulLen; pszTgt += ulLen; ulTotLen += ulLen; }
*Snb++ = NULL;
// Verify that the number of strings and the number of chars
// in the buffer matches what is supposed to be there.
if ( (i > 0) || (ulTotLen < ulCntChar) ) { WdtpFree( pFlags, SnbStart ); RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA ); }
// Copy the actual strings.
// We can do a block copy here as we packed them tight in the buffer.
// Snb points right behind the lastarray of pointers within the SNB.
WdtpMemoryCopy( Snb, pBuffer, ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR) ); pBuffer += ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR); }
return pBuffer; }
// Function: SNB_UserFree
// Synopsis: Frees an SNB.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: June-95 Ryszardk Created, based on SNB_*_xmit.
void __RPC_USER SNB_UserFree( unsigned long * pFlags, SNB * pSnb ) { if ( pSnb && *pSnb ) WdtpFree( pFlags, *pSnb ); }
#if defined(_WIN64)
// Function: SNB_UserSize64
// Synopsis: Sizes an SNB.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: Dec-00 JohnDoty Created from 32bit function
unsigned long __RPC_USER SNB_UserSize64 ( unsigned long * pFlags, unsigned long Offset, SNB * pSnb ) { if ( ! pSnb ) return Offset;
// calculate the number of strings and characters (with their terminators)
ULONG ulCntStr = 0; ULONG ulCntChar = 0;
if (pSnb && *pSnb) { SNB snb = *pSnb; WCHAR *psz = *snb; while (psz) { ulCntChar += lstrlenW(psz) + 1; ulCntStr++; snb++; psz = *snb; } } // The wire size is: conf size, 2 fields and the wchars.
LENGTH_ALIGN( Offset, 7 ); return ( Offset + 8 + (2 * sizeof(long)) + (ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); }
// Function: SNB_UserMarshal64
// Synopsis: Marshalls an SNB into the RPC buffer.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: Dec-00 JohnDoty Created from 32bit function
unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER SNB_UserMarshal64 ( unsigned long * pFlags, unsigned char * pBuffer, SNB * pSnb ) { UserNdrDebugOut((UNDR_FORCE, "SNB_UserMarshal\n"));
if ( ! pSnb ) return pBuffer;
// calculate the number of strings and characters (with their terminators)
ULONG ulCntStr = 0; ULONG ulCntChar = 0;
if (pSnb && *pSnb) { SNB snb = *pSnb; WCHAR *psz = *snb; while (psz) { ulCntChar += lstrlenW(psz) + 1; ulCntStr++; snb++; psz = *snb; } }
// conformant size
ALIGN( pBuffer, 7 ); *( PHYPER_LV_CAST pBuffer)++ = ulCntChar;
// fields
*( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++ = ulCntStr; *( PULONG_LV_CAST pBuffer)++ = ulCntChar;
// actual strings only
if ( pSnb && *pSnb ) { // There is a NULL string pointer to mark the end of the pointer array.
// However, the strings don't have to follow tightly.
// Hence, we have to copy one string at a time.
SNB snb = *pSnb; WCHAR *pszSrc; while (pszSrc = *snb++) { ULONG ulCopyLen = (lstrlenW(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); WdtpMemoryCopy( pBuffer, pszSrc, ulCopyLen ); pBuffer += ulCopyLen; } }
return pBuffer; }
// Function: SNB_UserUnmarshal64
// Synopsis: Unmarshalls an SNB from the RPC buffer.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: Dec-00 JohnDoty Created from 32bit function
unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER SNB_UserUnmarshal64 ( unsigned long * pFlags, unsigned char * pBuffer, SNB * pSnb ) { UserNdrDebugOut((UNDR_FORCE, "SNB_UserUnmarshal\n"));
// Initialize CUserMarshalInfo object and get the buffer
// size and pointer to the start of the buffer.
CUserMarshalInfo MarshalInfo( pFlags, pBuffer ); CarefulBufferReader stream( pBuffer, MarshalInfo.GetBufferSize() );
// Get the header from the buffer.... (ReadHYPER aligns on 8).
ULONG ulCntChar = (ULONG)stream.ReadHYPER(); ULONG ulCntStr = stream.ReadULONGNA(); ULONG ulCntCharDup = stream.ReadULONGNA();
// Verify that 2nd instance of count matches first.
if ( ulCntCharDup != ulCntChar ) RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA );
// No reusage of pSNB.
if ( *pSnb ) { WdtpFree( pFlags, *pSnb ); *pSnb = NULL; }
if ( ulCntStr == 0 ) { // There are no strings.
return stream.GetBuffer(); }
// Validate the header:
// Repeated char count must match first instance and char count must
// not be less than the number of strings since that would mean at
// least one of them doesn't isn't terminated.
// Check for EOB before trying to get the strings.
stream.CheckSize(ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Last WCHAR in the buffer must be the UNICODE terminator.
WCHAR* pszChars = (WCHAR*)stream.GetBuffer(); if ( pszChars[ulCntChar - 1] != L'\0' ) RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA );
// construct the SNB.
SNB Snb = (SNB) WdtpAllocate( pFlags, ( (ulCntStr + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR *) + ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); *pSnb = Snb;
if (Snb) { // create the pointer array within the SNB. to do this, we go through
// the buffer, and use strlen to find the end of the each string for
// us.
WCHAR *pszSrc = (WCHAR *) stream.GetBuffer(); WCHAR *pszTgt = (WCHAR *) (Snb + ulCntStr + 1); // right behind array
void* SnbStart = Snb; ULONG ulTotLen = 0; ULONG i; for (i = ulCntStr; (i > 0) && (ulTotLen < ulCntChar); i--) { *Snb++ = pszTgt; ULONG ulLen = lstrlenW(pszSrc) + 1; pszSrc += ulLen; pszTgt += ulLen; ulTotLen += ulLen; } *Snb++ = NULL; // Verify that the number of strings and the number of chars
// in the buffer matches what is supposed to be there.
if ( (i > 0) || (ulTotLen < ulCntChar) ) { WdtpFree( pFlags, SnbStart ); RAISE_RPC_EXCEPTION( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA ); } // Copy the actual strings.
// We can do a block copy here as we packed them tight in the buffer.
// Snb points right behind the lastarray of pointers within the SNB.
WdtpMemoryCopy( Snb, stream.GetBuffer(), ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR) ); stream.Advance(ulCntChar * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
return stream.GetBuffer(); }
// Function: SNB_UserFree64
// Synopsis: Frees an SNB.
// Derivation: An array of strings in one block of memory.
// history: Dec-00 JohnDoty Created from 32bit function
void __RPC_USER SNB_UserFree64 ( unsigned long * pFlags, SNB * pSnb ) { if ( pSnb && *pSnb ) WdtpFree( pFlags, *pSnb ); }