// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: mapfile.hxx
// Contents: Mapped File class definition
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 12-Feb-96 PhilipLa Created
#ifndef __MAPFILE_HXX__
#define __MAPFILE_HXX__
#ifdef _MAC
extern void swap(char *src, int nSize); #else
#define swap(x, y)
#endif // _MAC
// Class: CMappedFile
// Purpose: Provides a wrapper over a file mapping
// Interface:
// History: 12-Feb-96 PhilipLa Created
// Notes:
class CMappedFile { public: inline CMappedFile(); ~CMappedFile();
SCODE Init(OLECHAR const *pwcsFileName, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwAccess, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, void *pbDesiredBaseAddress); SCODE InitFromHandle(HANDLE h, BOOL fReadOnly, BOOL fDuplicate, void *pbDesiredBaseAddress); inline void * GetBaseAddress(void); inline ULONG GetSize(void);
//Stuff for unmappable mode
inline SECT operator[](ULONG uOffset); inline USHORT GetUSHORT(ULONG uOffset); inline ULONG GetULONG(ULONG uOffset); inline CMSFHeaderData * GetCMSFHeaderData(void); inline CFatSect * GetCFatSect (ULONG uOffset); inline CDirSect * GetCDirSect (ULONG uOffset); inline SCODE ReadFromFile( BYTE *pbBuffer, ULONG uOffset, ULONG uSize ); inline SCODE WriteToFile( BYTE *pbBuffer, ULONG uOffset, ULONG uSize ); inline SCODE WriteToFile (CMSFHeaderData *pheader); inline SCODE WriteToFile (CFatSect *pfs); inline SCODE WriteToFile (CDirSect *pds); inline void Remove (CMSFHeaderData *pheader); inline void Remove (CFatSect *pfs); inline void Remove (CDirSect *pds); inline void SetSectorSize(ULONG cbSectorSize); private: HANDLE _hFile;
HANDLE _hMapping; #endif
void *_pbBase; DWORD _dwFatSectOffset; DWORD _dwDirSectOffset; DWORD _dwHeaderOffset; ULONG _uSectorSize; };
inline SECT CMappedFile::operator[](ULONG uOffset) { SECT sect; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if (_pbBase == NULL) { Verify (-1 != SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset * sizeof(SECT), 0, FILE_BEGIN)); Verify (ReadFile( _hFile, §, sizeof(SECT), &dwBytesRead, NULL)); // we are writing the script as is
// swap((char *) §, sizeof(ULONG));
} else { sect = ((ULONG *)_pbBase)[uOffset]; } return sect;
} inline USHORT CMappedFile::GetUSHORT(ULONG uOffset) { USHORT ushort; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if (_pbBase == NULL) { Verify (-1 != SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)); Verify (ReadFile( _hFile, &ushort, sizeof(USHORT), &dwBytesRead, NULL)); } else { ushort = *(USHORT *)((BYTE *)_pbBase+ uOffset); } swap((char *) &ushort, sizeof(USHORT));
return ushort;
inline ULONG CMappedFile::GetULONG(ULONG uOffset) { ULONG ulong; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if (_pbBase == NULL) { Verify (-1 != SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)); Verify (ReadFile( _hFile, &ulong, sizeof(ULONG), &dwBytesRead, NULL)); } else { ulong = *(ULONG *)((BYTE *)_pbBase+ uOffset); } swap((char *) &ulong, sizeof(ULONG));
return ulong;
inline CMSFHeaderData * CMappedFile::GetCMSFHeaderData(void) { CMSFHeaderData *ph;
if (_pbBase == NULL) { // We should never be working on more than one at a time
Assert (_dwHeaderOffset == (DWORD) -1); DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; ph = (CMSFHeaderData *) CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(CMSFHeaderData)); Assert (ph != NULL); _dwHeaderOffset = 0; Verify (-1 != SetFilePointer(_hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN)); Verify (ReadFile( _hFile, ph, sizeof(CMSFHeaderData), &dwBytesRead, NULL)); } else { ph = (CMSFHeaderData *)_pbBase; }
swap((char *) &(ph->_uMinorVersion), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_uDllVersion), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_uByteOrder), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_uSectorShift), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_uMiniSectorShift), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_usReserved), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_ulReserved1), sizeof(ULONG)); swap((char *)&(ph->_ulReserved2), sizeof(ULONG)); swap((char *)&(ph->_csectFat), sizeof(FSINDEX)); swap((char *)&(ph->_sectDirStart), sizeof(SECT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_signature), sizeof(DFSIGNATURE)); swap((char *)&(ph->_ulMiniSectorCutoff), sizeof(ULONG)); swap((char *)&(ph->_sectMiniFatStart), sizeof(SECT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_csectMiniFat), sizeof(FSINDEX)); swap((char *)&(ph->_sectDifStart), sizeof(SECT)); swap((char *)&(ph->_csectDif), sizeof(FSINDEX)); for (ULONG i = 0; i < CSECTFAT; i++) { swap((char *)&(ph->_sectFat[i]), sizeof(SECT)); }
return ph; }
inline CFatSect * CMappedFile::GetCFatSect (ULONG uOffset) { UINT i; CFatSect *pfs; if (_pbBase == NULL) { // We should never be working on more than one at a time
Assert (_dwFatSectOffset == (DWORD) -1);
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; pfs = (CFatSect *) CoTaskMemAlloc (_uSectorSize ); Assert (pfs != NULL); _dwFatSectOffset = uOffset;
Verify(-1 != SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)); Verify (ReadFile( _hFile, pfs, _uSectorSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)); } else { pfs = (CFatSect *)((BYTE *)_pbBase + uOffset); } for (i = 0; i < _uSectorSize; i += sizeof(SECT)) { swap((char *) &(pfs[i]), sizeof(SECT) ); } return pfs; }
inline CDirSect * CMappedFile::GetCDirSect (ULONG uOffset) { CDirSect *pds; if (_pbBase == NULL) { // We should never be working on more than one at a time
Assert (_dwDirSectOffset == (DWORD) -1);
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; pds = (CDirSect *) CoTaskMemAlloc (_uSectorSize);
Assert (pds != NULL); _dwDirSectOffset = uOffset; Verify (-1 != SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)); Verify (ReadFile( _hFile, pds, _uSectorSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)); } else { pds = (CDirSect *)((BYTE *)_pbBase + uOffset); } // don't swap this all here, because it is a byte array.
// We will have to individual members separately
return pds; }
inline SCODE CMappedFile::ReadFromFile(BYTE *pbBuffer, ULONG uOffset, ULONG uSize) { DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; if (pbBuffer == NULL) { return STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; } if (-1 == SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)) { return GetLastError(); } if (!ReadFile( _hFile, pbBuffer, uSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); } return S_OK; }
inline SCODE CMappedFile::WriteToFile( BYTE *pbBuffer, ULONG uOffset, ULONG uSize ) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; if (pbBuffer == NULL) { return STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; } if (-1 == SetFilePointer(_hFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)) { return GetLastError(); } if (!WriteFile( _hFile, pbBuffer, uSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); } return S_OK; }
inline SCODE CMappedFile::WriteToFile (CMSFHeaderData *pheader) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
if (pheader == NULL) { return STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; }
swap((char *) &(pheader->_uMinorVersion), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *) &(pheader->_uDllVersion), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *) &(pheader->_uByteOrder), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *) &(pheader->_uSectorShift), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *) &(pheader->_uMiniSectorShift), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_usReserved), sizeof(USHORT)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_ulReserved1), sizeof(ULONG)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_ulReserved2), sizeof(ULONG)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_csectFat), sizeof(FSINDEX)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_sectDirStart), sizeof(SECT)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_signature), sizeof(DFSIGNATURE)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_ulMiniSectorCutoff), sizeof(ULONG)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_sectMiniFatStart), sizeof(SECT)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_csectMiniFat), sizeof(FSINDEX)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_sectDifStart), sizeof(SECT)); swap((char *)&(pheader->_csectDif), sizeof(FSINDEX)); for (ULONG i = 0; i < CSECTFAT; i++) { swap((char *)&(pheader->_sectFat[i]), sizeof(SECT)); }
if (_pbBase == NULL) { if (-1 == SetFilePointer(_hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN)) { return GetLastError(); } if (!WriteFile(_hFile, pheader, sizeof (CMSFHeaderData), &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); } } return S_OK; }
inline SCODE CMappedFile::WriteToFile (CFatSect *pfs) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; UINT i;
if (pfs == NULL) { return STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; }
for (i =0; i < _uSectorSize; i += sizeof(SECT)) { swap((char *) &(pfs[i]), sizeof(SECT) ); } if (_pbBase == NULL) { if (-1 == SetFilePointer(_hFile, _dwFatSectOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)) { return GetLastError(); } if (!WriteFile( _hFile, pfs, _uSectorSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); } } return S_OK; }
inline SCODE CMappedFile::WriteToFile (CDirSect *pds) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
if (pds == NULL) { return STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; }
if (_pbBase == NULL) { if (-1 == SetFilePointer(_hFile, _dwDirSectOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN)) { return GetLastError(); } // don't swap this all here, because it is a byte array.
// We will have to individual members separately
if (!WriteFile( _hFile, pds, _uSectorSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); } } return S_OK; }
inline void CMappedFile::Remove (CMSFHeaderData *pheader) { if (_pbBase == NULL) { _dwHeaderOffset = (DWORD) -1; CoTaskMemFree(pheader); } }
inline void CMappedFile::Remove (CFatSect *pfs) { if (_pbBase == NULL) { _dwFatSectOffset = (DWORD) -1; CoTaskMemFree (pfs); }
inline void CMappedFile::Remove (CDirSect *pds) { if (_pbBase == NULL) { _dwDirSectOffset = (DWORD) -1; CoTaskMemFree (pds); }
inline void CMappedFile::SetSectorSize(ULONG cbSectorSize) { _uSectorSize = cbSectorSize;
inline CMappedFile::CMappedFile(void) { _hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
_hMapping = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #endif
_pbBase = NULL; _dwFatSectOffset = (DWORD) -1; _dwDirSectOffset = (DWORD) -1; _dwHeaderOffset = (DWORD) -1; _uSectorSize = 512; //default sector size
inline void * CMappedFile::GetBaseAddress(void) { return _pbBase; }
inline ULONG CMappedFile::GetSize(void) { layAssert(_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); return GetFileSize(_hFile, NULL); }
#endif // #ifndef __MAPFILE_HXX__