// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1992
// File: fastlock.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of CDfMutex methods for DocFiles
// History: 26-Jul-94 DonnaLi Created
#include <dfhead.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <df32.hxx>
#include <secdes.hxx> // from com\inc
#ifdef UNICODE
#define GLOBAL_CS L"GlobalCsMutex"
#define GLOBAL_CS "GlobalCsMutex"
// This is the number of characters to skip over in the name
// pased to CDfMutex::Init. The name consists of the string
// OleDfRoot followed by the hex representation of a unique
// number for each Docfile. We skip CHARS_TO_SKIP number of
// characters in the name to produce a related and yet unique
// name for the file mapping containing global state for the
// critical section.
#define CHARS_TO_SKIP 3
// Member: CDfMutex::Init, public
// Synopsis: This routine creates and initializes the global
// critical section if it does not already exist.
// It then attaches to the global critical section.
// Arguments: [lpName] - Supplies the critical section name
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 26-Jul-94 DonnaLi Created
// Algorithm: Uses a mutex to serialize global critical section
// creation and initialization
// The name passed in is used to create or open the
// semaphore embedded in the global critical section.
// The name with the first CHARS_TO_SKIP characters
// skipped is used to create or open the file mapping
// containing global state of the critical section.
// If a file mapping with that name already exists,
// it is not reinitialized. The caller instead just
// attaches to it.
SCODE CDfMutex::Init( TCHAR * lpName ) { HANDLE hGlobalMutex; SCODE scResult = S_OK; DWORD dwResult; LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa = NULL;
#if WIN32 == 100 || WIN32 > 200
CGlobalSecurity gs; if (FAILED(scResult = gs.Init(TRUE))) return scResult; #else
#if WIN32 == 100 || WIN32 > 200
CWorldSecurityDescriptor wsd; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secattr;
secattr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); secattr.lpSecurityDescriptor = &wsd; secattr.bInheritHandle = FALSE; #endif
// Serialize all global critical section initialization
hGlobalMutex = CreateMutex( #if WIN32 == 100 || WIN32 > 200
gs, #endif
TRUE, // BOOL fInitialOwner
GLOBAL_CS // LPCTSTR lpszMutexName
// If the mutex create/open failed, then bail
if ( !hGlobalMutex ) { return LAST_SCODE; }
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) {
// Since the mutex already existed, the request for ownership has
// no effect.
// wait for the mutex
if ( WaitForSingleObject (hGlobalMutex, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED ) { scResult = LAST_SCODE; CloseHandle (hGlobalMutex); return scResult; } }
// We now own the global critical section creation mutex. Create/Open the
// named semaphore.
_hLockSemaphore = CreateSemaphore ( gs, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa
0, // LONG cSemInitial
MAXLONG-1, // LONG cSemMax
lpName // LPCTSTR lpszSemName
// If the semaphore create/open failed, then bail
if ( !_hLockSemaphore ) { scResult = LAST_SCODE; } else { //
// Create/open a shared file mapping object
// If we created it, we need to initialize the global structure.
// Otherwise just point to it.
// The global critical section creation mutex allows us to do
// this safely.
_hSharedMapping = CreateFileMappingT ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // HANDLE hFile
0, // DWORD dwMaximumSizeHigh
1024, // DWORD dwMaximumSizeLow
lpName+CHARS_TO_SKIP// LPCTSTR lpszMapName
if ( !_hSharedMapping ) { scResult = LAST_SCODE; CloseHandle (_hLockSemaphore); _hLockSemaphore = (HANDLE)NULL; } else { dwResult = GetLastError();
_pGlobalPortion = (PGLOBAL_SHARED_CRITICAL_SECTION) MapViewOfFile ( _hSharedMapping, // HANDLE hMapObject
0, // DWORD dwOffsetHigh
0, // DWORD dwOffsetLow
0 // DWORD cbMap
if (!_pGlobalPortion) { scResult = LAST_SCODE; CloseHandle (_hLockSemaphore); _hLockSemaphore = (HANDLE)NULL; CloseHandle (_hSharedMapping); _hSharedMapping = (HANDLE)NULL; } else if (dwResult != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { //
// We created the file mapping, so initialize the
// global portion.
_pGlobalPortion->LockCount = -1; #ifdef SUPPORT_RECURSIVE_LOCK
_pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount = 0; _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = 0; #else
#if DBG == 1
_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = 0; #endif
_pGlobalPortion->Reserved = 0; } } }
ReleaseMutex (hGlobalMutex); CloseHandle (hGlobalMutex); #endif
return scResult; }
// Member: CDfMutex::~CDfMutex, public
// Synopsis: This routine detaches from an existing global
// critical section.
// History: 26-Jul-94 DonnaLi Created
// Algorithm: Create or get the entry from the multistream
CDfMutex::~CDfMutex( void ) { //If we're holding the mutex, we need to get rid of it here.
if ((_pGlobalPortion) && (_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == GetCurrentThreadId())) { #else
if (_pGlobalPortion) { #if DBG == 1
olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == 0 || _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == GetCurrentThreadId()); #endif
Release(); }
if ( _pGlobalPortion ) { UnmapViewOfFile (_pGlobalPortion); }
if ( _hLockSemaphore ) { CloseHandle (_hLockSemaphore); } if ( _hSharedMapping ) { CloseHandle (_hSharedMapping); } }
// Member: CDfMutex::Take, public
// Synopsis: This routine enters the global critical section.
// Arguments: [dwTimeout] - Supplies the timeout
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 26-Jul-94 DonnaLi Created
// Algorithm: Enters the critical section if nobody owns it or
// if the current thread already owns it.
// Waits for the critical section otherwise.
SCODE CDfMutex::Take ( DWORD dwTimeout ) { olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->LockCount >= -1);
olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount >= 0);
DWORD ThreadId;
ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Increment the lock variable. On the transition to 0, the caller
// becomes the absolute owner of the lock. Otherwise, the caller is
// either recursing, or is going to have to wait
if ( !InterlockedIncrement (&_pGlobalPortion->LockCount) ) { //
// lock count went from -1 to 0, so the caller
// is the owner of the lock
_pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount = 1; _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = ThreadId; #else
#if DBG == 1
_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif
return S_OK; } else { #ifdef SUPPORT_RECURSIVE_LOCK
// If the caller is recursing, then increment the recursion count
if ( _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == ThreadId ) { _pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount++; return S_OK; } else { #else
#if DBG == 1
olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread != GetCurrentThreadId()); #endif
switch (WaitForSingleObject( _hLockSemaphore, dwTimeout )) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_ABANDONED: #ifdef SUPPORT_RECURSIVE_LOCK
_pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount = 1; _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = ThreadId; #else
#if DBG == 1
_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif
return S_OK; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: return STG_E_INUSE; default: return LAST_SCODE; } #ifdef SUPPORT_RECURSIVE_LOCK
} #endif
} }
// Member: CDfMutex::Release, public
// Synopsis: This routine leaves the global critical section
// History: 26-Jul-94 DonnaLi Created
// Algorithm: Leaves the critical section if this is the owning
// thread.
VOID CDfMutex::Release( void ) { #ifdef SUPPORT_RECURSIVE_LOCK
if ( _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread != GetCurrentThreadId() ) return; #else
#if DBG == 1
olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == 0 || _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == GetCurrentThreadId()); #endif
olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->LockCount >= -1);
olAssert (_pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount >= 0);
// decrement the recursion count. If it is still non-zero, then
// we are still the owner so don't do anything other than dec the lock
// count
if ( --_pGlobalPortion->RecursionCount ) { InterlockedDecrement(&_pGlobalPortion->LockCount); } else { //
// We are really leaving, so give up ownership and decrement the
// lock count
_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = 0; #else
#if DBG == 1
_pGlobalPortion->OwningThread = 0; #endif
// Check to see if there are other waiters. If so, then wake up a waiter
if ( InterlockedDecrement(&_pGlobalPortion->LockCount) >= 0 ) { ReleaseSemaphore( _hLockSemaphore, // HANDLE hSemaphore
1, // LONG cReleaseCount
NULL // LPLONG lplPreviousCount
} #endif
// Member: CDfMutex::IsHandleValid, public
// Synopsis: This routine checks the mutex handle for validity
// History: 09-May-2001 HenryLee created
BOOL CDfMutex::IsHandleValid (TCHAR *ptcsName) { #if WIN32 == 100
nts = NtQueryObject (_hLockSemaphore, ObjectNameInformation, poni, sizeof(wcsBuffer), NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(nts)) { if (poni->Name.Length < sizeof(wcsBuffer) - sizeof (*poni)) { poni->Name.Buffer[poni->Name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; if (!lstrcmp (poni->Name.Buffer, ptcsName)) fValid = TRUE; } } #else
BOOL fValid = TRUE; #endif
return fValid; }