// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: Mem.CXX
// Contents: Memory tracking code
// Classes: CMemAlloc
// Functions: DfCreateSharedAllocator
// DfPrintAllocs
// DfGetMemAlloced
// History: 17-May-93 AlexT Created
#include <dfhead.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <smalloc.hxx>
#include <olesem.hxx>
#include <utils.hxx>
// This global variable holds the base address of the shared memory region.
// It is required by the based pointer stuff and is accessed directly.
// Initialization is a side effect of calling DfCreateSharedAllocator or
// DfSyncSharedMemory
//__declspec(thread) void *DFBASEPTR = NULL;
void *DFBASEPTR = NULL; #endif
#if DBG == 1
#include <dfdeb.hxx>
#ifdef WIN32
// Multithread protection for allocation list
CStaticDfMutex _sdmtxAllocs(TSTR("DfAllocList"));
#define TAKE_ALLOCS_MUTEX olVerSucc(_sdmtxAllocs.Take(INFINITE))
#define RELEASE_ALLOCS_MUTEX _sdmtxAllocs.Release()
#define GET_ALLOC_LIST_HEAD ((CMemAlloc *)DfGetResLimit(DBRI_ALLOC_LIST))
#define SET_ALLOC_LIST_HEAD(pma) DfSetResLimit(DBRI_ALLOC_LIST, (LONG)(pma))
#endif // MEMTRACK
#define DEB_MEMORY 0x01000000
#define DEB_LEAKS 0x01100000
const int NEWMEM = 0xDEDE; const int OLDMEM = 0xEDED;
// Class: CMemAlloc (ma)
// Purpose: Tracks memory allocations
// Interface: See below
// History: 08-Jul-92 DrewB Created
// 17-May-93 AlexT Add idContext
class CMemAlloc { public: void *pvCaller; void *pvMem; ULONG cbSize; ContextId idContext; #ifdef MEMTRACK
CMemAlloc *pmaPrev, *pmaNext; #endif
// Function: AddAlloc, private
// Synopsis: Puts an allocation into the allocation list
// Arguments: [pma] - Allocation descriptor
// [pvCaller] - Allocator
// [cbSize] - Real size
// [pvMem] - Memory block
// [cid] - Context ID
// History: 11-Jan-94 DrewB Created
#if DBG == 1
static void AddAlloc(CMemAlloc *pma, void *pvCaller, ULONG cbSize, void *pvMem, ContextId cid) { pma->pvCaller = pvCaller; pma->cbSize = cbSize; pma->pvMem = pvMem; pma->idContext = cid;
pma->pmaNext = GET_ALLOC_LIST_HEAD; if (pma->pmaNext) pma->pmaNext->pmaPrev = pma; pma->pmaPrev = NULL; olAssert(!IsBadReadPtr(pma, sizeof(CMemAlloc))); SET_ALLOC_LIST_HEAD(pma);
olDebugOut((DEB_MEMORY, "%s alloced %p:%lu, total %ld\n", cid != 0 ? "Task" : "Shrd", pvMem, pma->cbSize, DfGetResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED)));
} #endif
// Function: RemoveAlloc, private
// Synopsis: Takes an allocation out of the allocation list
// Arguments: [pma] - Allocation descriptor
// [pvMem] - Real allocation
// [cid] - Context ID
// History: 11-Jan-94 DrewB Created
#if DBG == 1
static void RemoveAlloc(CMemAlloc *pma, void *pvMem, ContextId cid) { #ifdef MEMTRACK
olAssert(pma->pvMem == pvMem && aMsg("Address mismatch")); olAssert(pma->idContext == cid && aMsg("Context mismatch"));
olAssert(pma->pmaNext == NULL || !IsBadReadPtr(pma->pmaNext, sizeof(CMemAlloc))); olAssert(pma->pmaPrev == NULL || !IsBadReadPtr(pma->pmaPrev, sizeof(CMemAlloc))); if (pma->pmaPrev) { pma->pmaPrev->pmaNext = pma->pmaNext; } else { SET_ALLOC_LIST_HEAD(pma->pmaNext); } if (pma->pmaNext) { pma->pmaNext->pmaPrev = pma->pmaPrev; }
ModifyResLimit(DBR_MEMORY, (LONG)pma->cbSize);
ModifyResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED, -(LONG)pma->cbSize); olAssert(DfGetResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED) >= 0);
olDebugOut((DEB_MEMORY, "%s freed %p:%lu, total %ld\n", cid != 0 ? "Task" : "Shrd", pma->pvMem, pma->cbSize, DfGetResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED))); #endif
} #endif
// Function: DfGetMemAlloced, private
// Synopsis: Returns the amount of memory currently allocated
// History: 08-Jul-92 DrewB Created
STDAPI_(LONG) DfGetMemAlloced(void) { return DfGetResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED); }
// Function: DfPrintAllocs, private
// Synopsis: Walks the allocation list and prints out their info
// History: 08-Jul-92 DrewB Created
STDAPI_(void) DfPrintAllocs(void) { #ifdef MEMTRACK
CMemAlloc *pma;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In DfPrintAllocs()\n"));
pma = GET_ALLOC_LIST_HEAD; while (pma != NULL) { olDebugOut((DEB_LEAKS, "Alloc %s: %p alloc %p:%4lu bytes\n", pma->idContext ? "LOCAL" : "SHARED", pma->pvCaller, pma->pvMem, pma->cbSize)); pma = pma->pmaNext; }
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out DfPrintAllocs\n")); #endif
CSmAllocator g_SmAllocator; // optimization for single threaded case
CErrorSmAllocator g_ErrorSmAllocator; IMalloc *g_pTaskAllocator = 0; CSharedMemoryBlock g_smb; // optimize single threaded case
ULONG g_ulHeapName = 0; // name of the above heap
TEB * g_pteb = NtCurrentTeb();
CSmAllocator& GetTlsSmAllocator() { HRESULT hr; COleTls otls(hr); // even for main thread, we need to initialize TLS
memAssert (SUCCEEDED(hr) && "Error initializing TLS");
if (g_pteb == NtCurrentTeb()) { // return the static global allocator for main thread
// DoThreadSpecificCleanup does not deallocate this allocator
return g_SmAllocator; }
if (otls->pSmAllocator == NULL) { if ((otls->pSmAllocator = new CSmAllocator()) == NULL) otls->pSmAllocator = &g_ErrorSmAllocator; // DoThreadSpecificCleanup will deallocate this when thread goes away
} return *(otls->pSmAllocator); }
// This initialization used to be done in the global allocator
// which is now a per thread allocator
class CResourceCriticalSection { public: CResourceCriticalSection () { #if WIN32 == 100
_nts = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&g_csScratchBuffer); #else
InitializeCriticalSection(&g_csScratchBuffer); #endif
~CResourceCriticalSection () { #if WIN32 == 100
if (NT_SUCCESS(_nts)) #endif
DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csScratchBuffer); }
#if WIN32 == 100
HRESULT GetInitializationError () { return NtStatusToScode(_nts); }
private: NTSTATUS _nts; #endif
}; CResourceCriticalSection g_ResourceCriticalSection;
CSmAllocator g_smAllocator; #endif // MULTIHEAP
// Member: CMallocBased::operator new, public
// Synopsis: Overridden allocator
// Effects: Allocates memory from given allocator
// Arguments: [size] -- byte count to allocate
// [pMalloc] -- allocator
// Returns: memory block address
// Algorithm:
// History: 21-May-93 AlexT Created
// Notes:
void *CMallocBased::operator new(size_t size, IMalloc * const pMalloc)
{ #ifndef WIN32
olAssert(DfGetResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED) >= 0); #endif
olAssert(size > 0);
#if DBG==1
if (SimulateFailure(DBF_MEMORY)) { return(NULL); }
if (!HaveResource(DBR_MEMORY, (LONG)size)) { // Artificial limit exceeded so force failure
return NULL; } #endif
void *pv = g_smAllocator.Alloc( #if DBG==1
sizeof(CMemAlloc) + #endif
if (pv == NULL) { #if DBG==1
ModifyResLimit(DBR_MEMORY, (LONG)size); #endif
return NULL; }
#if DBG==1
memset(pv, NEWMEM, sizeof(CMemAlloc) + size); #endif
#if DBG==1
// Put debug info in buffer
// Note: This assumes CMemAlloc will end up properly aligned
CMemAlloc *pma = (CMemAlloc *) pv; pv = (void *) ((CMemAlloc *) pv + 1);
#if defined(_X86_)
PVOID ra = *(((void **)&size)-1); #else
PVOID ra = _ReturnAddress(); #endif
AddAlloc(pma, ra, size, pv, 0); #endif
return pv; }
// Member: CMallocBased::operator delete
// Synopsis: Overridden deallocator
// Effects: Frees memory block
// Arguments: [pv] -- memory block address
// Algorithm:
// History: 21-May-93 AlexT Created
// Notes:
void CMallocBased::operator delete(void *pv)
{ if (pv == NULL) return;
#if DBG==1
// Assumes ma ends up properly aligned
CMemAlloc *pma = (CMemAlloc *) pv; pma--;
RemoveAlloc(pma, pv, 0);
pv = (void *) pma;
memset(pv, OLDMEM, (size_t) pma->cbSize); #endif
g_smAllocator.Free(pv); }
// Member: CMallocBased::deleteNoMutex
// Synopsis: deallocator function without Mutex
// Effects: Frees memory block
// Arguments: [pv] -- memory block address
// Algorithm:
// History: 19-Jul-95 SusiA Created
// Notes:
void CMallocBased::deleteNoMutex(void *pv)
{ if (pv == NULL) return;
#if DBG==1
// Assumes ma ends up properly aligned
CMemAlloc *pma = (CMemAlloc *) pv; pma--;
RemoveAlloc(pma, pv, 0);
pv = (void *) pma;
memset(pv, OLDMEM, (size_t) pma->cbSize); #endif
g_smAllocator.FreeNoMutex(pv); }
#if !defined(WIN32) && DBG==1
// Class: CSharedMalloc
// Purpose: Track shared allocators
// Interface: IMalloc
// History: 28-May-93 AlexT Created
// Notes: This is only for builds that use CoCreateStandardMalloc
// (which is non-WIN32 builds for now). We inherit from
// CMallocBased to pick up memory tracking.
class CSharedMalloc : public IMalloc, public CMallocBased { public: CSharedMalloc(IMalloc *pMalloc);
// *** IUnknown methods ***
// *** IMalloc methods ***
STDMETHOD_(void FAR*, Alloc) (THIS_ SIZE_T cb); STDMETHOD_(void FAR*, Realloc) (THIS_ void FAR* pv, SIZE_T cb); STDMETHOD_(void, Free) (THIS_ void FAR* pv); STDMETHOD_(SIZE_T, GetSize) (THIS_ void FAR* pv); STDMETHOD_(int, DidAlloc) (THIS_ void FAR* pv); STDMETHOD_(void, HeapMinimize) (THIS);
private: IMalloc * const _pMalloc; };
CSharedMalloc::CSharedMalloc(IMalloc *pMalloc) : _pMalloc(pMalloc) { _pMalloc->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSharedMalloc::QueryInterface(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { olAssert(!aMsg("CSharedMalloc::QueryInterface unsupported")); return(ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED)); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSharedMalloc::AddRef (THIS) { return(_pMalloc->AddRef()); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSharedMalloc::Release (THIS) { ULONG cRef = _pMalloc->Release();
if (cRef == 0) delete this;
return (ULONG) cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(void FAR*) CSharedMalloc::Alloc (THIS_ SIZE_T cb) { return _pMalloc->Alloc(cb); }
STDMETHODIMP_(void FAR*) CSharedMalloc::Realloc (THIS_ void FAR* pv, SIZE_T cb) { olAssert(!aMsg("CSharedMalloc::Realloc unsupported")); return(NULL); }
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CSharedMalloc::Free (THIS_ void FAR* pv) { _pMalloc->Free(pv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(SIZE_T) CSharedMalloc::GetSize (THIS_ void FAR* pv) { olAssert(!aMsg("CSharedMalloc::GetSize unsupported")); return(0); }
STDMETHODIMP_(int) CSharedMalloc::DidAlloc (THIS_ void FAR* pv) { olAssert(!aMsg("CSharedMalloc::DidAlloc unsupported")); return(TRUE); }
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CSharedMalloc::HeapMinimize (THIS) { olAssert(!aMsg("CSharedMalloc::HeapMinimize unsupported")); }
#if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
COleStaticMutexSem mxsInitSm; BOOL fInitialisedSm = FALSE;
// Function: DfCreateSharedAllocator
// Synopsis: Initialises the shared memory region for this process.
// Arguments: [ppm] -- return address for shared memory IMalloc*
// Returns: status code
// History: 27-May-94 MikeSe Created
// Notes: This routine is called indirectly through DfCreateSharedAllocator, in
// such a way that in most circumstances it will be executed
// exactly once per process. (Because we overwrite the contents
// of DfCreateSharedAllocator if successful).
// However, in order to be multi-thread safe, we need a process
// mutex to prevent execution of the initialisation code twice.
// Furthermore, since we are initialising system-wide state
// (namely the shared memory region) we must provide cross-process
// mutual exclusion over this activity.
HRESULT DfCreateSharedAllocator (IMalloc ** ppm, BOOL fTaskMemory ) { // multi-thread safety
if ( !fInitialisedSm ) { // We need to do the initialisation. Obtain exclusion against
// other processes.
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secattr; secattr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); #ifndef _CHICAGO_
CWorldSecurityDescriptor wsd; secattr.lpSecurityDescriptor = &wsd; #else
secattr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; #endif // !_CHICAGO_
secattr.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutex ( &secattr, FALSE, TEXT("OleDfSharedMemoryMutex"));
if ( hMutex == NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) hMutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, TEXT("OleDfSharedMemoryMutex"));
if ( hMutex != NULL ) { WaitForSingleObject ( hMutex, INFINITE ); hr = g_smAllocator.Init ( DOCFILE_SM_NAME ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { *ppm = &g_smAllocator; // Also set up base address
DFBASEPTR = g_smAllocator.GetBase(); #endif
fInitialisedSm = TRUE; } ReleaseMutex ( hMutex ); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else // fInitialisedSm is TRUE
{ *ppm = &g_smAllocator; } mxsInitSm.Release(); return hr; }
#endif // !defined(MULTIHEAP)
// Function: DfCreateSharedAllocator
// Synopsis: Initialises a shared memory region for this process.
// Arguments: [ppm] -- return address for shared memory IMalloc*
// Returns: status code
// History: 20-Nov-95 HenryLee Created
// Notes: This routine is called indirectly by DfCreateSharedAllocator
// such a way that in most circumstances it will be executed
// exactly once per docfile open.
HRESULT DfCreateSharedAllocator (IMalloc ** ppm, BOOL fTaskMemory ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#if WIN32 == 100
hr = g_ResourceCriticalSection.GetInitializationError(); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; #endif
CSmAllocator *pMalloc = &g_smAllocator; *ppm = NULL;
if ((gs_iSharedHeaps > (DOCFILE_SM_LIMIT / DOCFILE_SM_SIZE)) || fTaskMemory) { // use task allocator if we eat up 1Gig of address space
if (g_pTaskAllocator == NULL) { hr = CoGetMalloc (MEMCTX_TASK, &g_pTaskAllocator); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; }
// reset the allocator state to initialize it properly
pMalloc->SetState (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
DFBASEPTR = 0; *ppm = g_pTaskAllocator; } else { LUID luid; // generate a unique name
if (AllocateLocallyUniqueId (&luid) == FALSE) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
// reset the allocator state to initialize it properly
pMalloc->SetState (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
hr = pMalloc->Init ( luid.LowPart, FALSE ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { *ppm = pMalloc; DFBASEPTR = pMalloc->GetBase(); pMalloc->AddRef(); } }
return hr; } #endif
// Function: DfSyncSharedMemory, public
// Synopsis: Sync up shared memory
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 08-Apr-94 PhilipLa Created
// Notes:
SCODE DfSyncSharedMemory(ULONG ulHeapName) #else
SCODE DfSyncSharedMemory(void) #endif
{ // make sure we have initialised
CSmAllocator *pMalloc = &g_smAllocator; if (ulHeapName != 0) // reopen a shared heap for unmarshaling
{ // reset the allocator state to initialize it properly
pMalloc->SetState (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
hr = pMalloc->Init ( ulHeapName, TRUE); DFBASEPTR = pMalloc->GetBase();
} else // try to create a new shared heap
if (!fInitialisedSm) #endif // MULTIHEAP
{ IMalloc * pm; hr = DfCreateSharedAllocator ( &pm, FALSE ); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) #ifdef MULTIHEAP
hr = pMalloc->Sync(); #else
hr = g_smAllocator.Sync(); #endif
return hr; }
// Function: DfInitSharedMemBase, public
// Synopsis: Set up the base of shared memory
// History: 31-May-94 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
void DfInitSharedMemBase() { #if !defined MULTIHEAP
// make sure we have initialised. This is sufficient to ensure
// that DFBASEPTR is set up
if (!fInitialisedSm) { IMalloc * pm; HRESULT hr = DfCreateSharedAllocator ( &pm ); } #endif
#if DBG==1 && !defined(MULTIHEAP)
// Method: CLocalAlloc::operator new, public
// Synopsis: Overloaded new operator to allocate objects from
// task local space.
// Arguments: [size] -- Size of block to allocate
// Returns: Pointer to memory allocated.
// History: 17-Aug-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 18-May-93 AlexT Switch to task IMalloc
void *CLocalAlloc::operator new(size_t size) { #ifndef WIN32
olAssert(DfGetResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED) >= 0); #endif
olAssert(size > 0);
if (SimulateFailure(DBF_MEMORY)) { return(NULL); }
if (!HaveResource(DBR_MEMORY, (LONG)size)) { // Artificial limit exceeded so force failure
return NULL; }
void *pv = TaskMemAlloc(sizeof(CMemAlloc *) + size);
if (pv != NULL) { void * const pvOrig = pv;
memset(pv, NEWMEM, sizeof(CMemAlloc *) + size);
CMemAlloc *pma = NULL;
// Allocate tracking block (with shared memory)
IMalloc *pMalloc;
#ifdef WIN32
pMalloc = &g_smAllocator; #else
if ( FAILED(DfCreateSharedAllocator ( &pMalloc )) ) pMalloc = NULL; #endif // MULTIHEAP
if (FAILED(DfGetScode(CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_SHARED, &pMalloc)))) pMalloc = NULL; #endif
if (pMalloc) { pma = (CMemAlloc *) pMalloc->Alloc(sizeof(CMemAlloc)); if (pma != NULL) { memset(pma, NEWMEM, sizeof(CMemAlloc)); CMemAlloc **ppma = (CMemAlloc **) pv; pv = (void *) ((CMemAlloc **)pv + 1); *ppma = pma;
AddAlloc(pma, *(((void **)&size)-1), size, pv, GetCurrentContextId()); }
pMalloc->Release(); }
if (pma == NULL) { // Couldn't allocate tracking block - fail allocation
TaskMemFree(pvOrig); pv = NULL; } }
if (pv == NULL) { ModifyResLimit(DBR_MEMORY, (LONG)size); }
return(pv); }
// Method: CLocalAlloc::operator delete, public
// Synopsis: Free memory from task local space
// Arguments: [pv] -- Pointer to memory to free
// History: 17-Aug-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 18-May-93 AlexT Switch to task IMalloc
void CLocalAlloc::operator delete(void *pv) { if (pv == NULL) return;
CMemAlloc **ppma = (CMemAlloc **)pv; ppma--;
CMemAlloc *pma = *ppma;
RemoveAlloc(pma, pv, GetCurrentContextId());
pv = (void *) ppma; memset(pv, OLDMEM, (size_t) pma->cbSize);
// Free tracking block
IMalloc *pMalloc = NULL;
#ifdef WIN32
pMalloc = &g_smAllocator; #else
if ( FAILED(DfCreateSharedAllocator ( &pMalloc )) ) pMalloc = NULL; #endif // MULTIHEAP
if (FAILED(DfGetScode(CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_SHARED, &pMalloc)))) pMalloc = NULL; #endif
if (pMalloc != NULL) { memset(pma, OLDMEM, sizeof(CMemAlloc)); pMalloc->Free(pma); pMalloc->Release(); } else olAssert(!aMsg("Unable to get shared allocator\n"));
TaskMemFree(pv); }
#endif // DBG==1 && !defined(MULTIHEAP)