// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: wdfiter.cxx
// Contents: CWrappedDocFile iterator methods
// History: 22-Jan-92 DrewB Created
#include <dfhead.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::FindGreaterEntry, public
// Synopsis: Returns the next greater child
// Arguments: [pdfnKey] - Previous key
// [pib] - Fast iterator buffer
// [pstat] - Full iterator buffer
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pib] or [pstat]
// History: 16-Apr-93 DrewB Created
// Notes: Either [pib] or [pstat] must be NULL
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CWrappedDocFile_FindGreaterEntry) // Iterate_TEXT
SCODE CWrappedDocFile::FindGreaterEntry(CDfName const *pdfnKey, SIterBuffer *pib, STATSTGW *pstat) { SCODE sc; CDfName *pdfnGreater, *pdfn; CUpdate *pud, *pudGreater; BOOL fFilled = FALSE; WCHAR *pwcsName;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CWrappedDocFile::FindGreaterEntry:%p(" "%p, %p, %p)\n", this, pdfnKey, pib, pstat)); olAssert(pib == NULL || pstat == NULL);
// Find the update entry that has the next greater name than the key
pudGreater = NULL; for (pud = _ulChanged.GetHead(); pud; pud = pud->GetNext()) { if (pud->IsCreate() || pud->IsRename()) { pdfn = pud->GetCurrentName(); if (_ulChanged.IsEntry(pdfn, NULL) == UIE_CURRENT && CDirectory::NameCompare(pdfn, pdfnKey) > 0 && (pudGreater == NULL || CDirectory::NameCompare(pdfn, pudGreater->GetCurrentName()) < 0)) { pudGreater = pud; pdfnGreater = pdfn; } } }
// Request the next greater name from the base
if (_pdfBase != NULL) { CDfName dfnKey;
// Loop until we either get a valid name or we run out
dfnKey.Set(pdfnKey); for (;;) { if (FAILED(sc = _pdfBase->FindGreaterEntry(&dfnKey, pib, pstat))) { if (sc != STG_E_NOMOREFILES) { olErr(EH_Err, sc); } else { break; } } if (pib) dfnKey.Set(&pib->dfnName); else { olAssert(pstat != NULL); dfnKey.CopyString(pstat->pwcsName); }
// Filter this name against the update list
pdfn = &dfnKey; if (_ulChanged.IsEntry(pdfn, NULL) == UIE_ORIGINAL) { if (pstat) TaskMemFree(pstat->pwcsName); continue; }
// If this name is less than the update list name, use
// the stat entry
if (pudGreater == NULL || CDirectory::NameCompare(pdfn, pudGreater->GetCurrentName()) < 0) { PTSetMember *ptsm;
fFilled = TRUE;
if (pstat && (ptsm = _ppubdf->FindXSMember(pdfn, GetName()))) { pwcsName = pstat->pwcsName; // We want to keep the name already in pstat but pick
// up any new times on the XSM
olChkTo(EH_name, ptsm->Stat(pstat, STATFLAG_NONAME)); pstat->pwcsName = pwcsName; }
// No need to check for renames because Exists would
// have failed if there was a rename
} else if (pstat) { TaskMemFree(pstat->pwcsName); }
// Found a valid name, so stop looping
break; } }
if (!fFilled) { if (pudGreater == NULL) { sc = STG_E_NOMOREFILES; } else { if (pstat) { if (pudGreater->IsCreate()) { olChk(pudGreater->GetXSM()->Stat(pstat, 0)); } else { olAssert(pudGreater->IsRename()); olChk(StatEntry(pudGreater->GetCurrentName(), pib, pstat)); } } else { olAssert(pib != NULL); pib->dfnName.Set(pudGreater->GetCurrentName()); pib->type = pudGreater->GetFlags() & ULF_TYPEFLAGS; } sc = S_OK; } }
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CWrappedDocFile::FindGreaterEntry\n")); EH_Err: return sc;
EH_name: if (pstat) TaskMemFree(pwcsName); return sc; }
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::StatEntry, public
// Synopsis: Gets information for a child
// Arguments: [pdfn] - Child name
// [pib] - Short information
// [pstat] - Full information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pib] or [pstat]
// History: 16-Apr-93 DrewB Created
// Notes: Either [pib] or [pstat] must be NULL
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CWrappedDocFile_StatEntry)
SCODE CWrappedDocFile::StatEntry(CDfName const *pdfn, SIterBuffer *pib, STATSTGW *pstat) { CUpdate *pud; UlIsEntry uie; SCODE sc = S_FALSE; CDfName const *pdfnBase = pdfn; BOOL fResult = FALSE;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CWrappedDocFile::StatEntry:%p(%p, %p, %p)\n", this, pdfn, pib, pstat)); olAssert((pib != NULL) != (pstat != NULL));
// Attempt to find the name in the update list
uie = _ulChanged.IsEntry(pdfn, &pud); if (uie == UIE_ORIGINAL) { // Name has been renamed or deleted
sc = STG_E_FILENOTFOUND; fResult = TRUE; } else if (uie == UIE_CURRENT) { if (pib) { pib->dfnName.Set(pud->GetCurrentName()); pib->type = pud->GetFlags() & ULF_TYPEFLAGS; fResult = TRUE; sc = S_OK; } else {
olAssert(pstat != NULL);
// Find whether the given name came from a create entry
// or resolve the name to the base name
pud = CUpdateList::FindBase(pud, &pdfnBase); if (pud != NULL) { // Stat creation update entry
olChk(pud->GetXSM()->Stat(pstat, 0)); fResult = TRUE; } // else the update entry is a rename of an object in the base
// and FindBase changed pdfnBase to the base name
} }
olAssert(fResult || sc == S_FALSE);
if (!fResult) { // Haven't found the entry so try the base
if (_pdfBase) { olChk(_pdfBase->StatEntry(pdfnBase, pib, pstat));
// Check to see if we need to return a renamed name
if (!pdfn->IsEqual(pdfnBase)) { if (pib) pib->dfnName.Set(pdfn); else { TaskMemFree(pstat->pwcsName); olMem(pstat->pwcsName = (WCHAR *)TaskMemAlloc(pdfn->GetLength())); memcpy(pstat->pwcsName, pdfn->GetBuffer(), pdfn->GetLength()); } } } else sc = STG_E_FILENOTFOUND; }
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CWrappedDocFile::StatEntry\n")); EH_Err: return sc; }