// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: context.hxx
// Contents: Per-context things header
// Classes: CPerContext
// History: 14-Aug-92 DrewB Created
#ifndef __CONTEXT_HXX__
#define __CONTEXT_HXX__
#include <filest.hxx>
#include <cntxlist.hxx>
#if WIN32 >= 100
#include <entry.hxx>
#include <df32.hxx>
#include <smalloc.hxx>
extern SCODE DfSyncSharedMemory(ULONG ulHeapName); #else
extern SCODE DfSyncSharedMemory(void); #endif
interface ILockBytes;
// Maximum length of a mutex name for contexts
// Class: CPerContext (pc)
// Purpose: Holds per-context information
// Interface: See below
// History: 14-Aug-92 DrewB Created
class CGlobalContext; SAFE_DFBASED_PTR(CBasedGlobalContextPtr, CGlobalContext);
class CPerContext : public CContext { public: inline CPerContext( IMalloc *pMalloc, ILockBytes *plkbBase, CFileStream *pfstDirty, ILockBytes *plkbOriginal, ULONG ulOpenLock); inline CPerContext(IMalloc *pMalloc); inline void SetILBInfo(ILockBytes *plkbBase, CFileStream *pfstDirty, ILockBytes *plkbOriginal, ULONG ulOpenLock); inline void SetLockInfo(BOOL fTakeLock, DFLAGS dfOpenLock); inline SCODE InitNewContext(void); inline SCODE InitFromGlobal(CGlobalContext *pgc); ~CPerContext(void);
inline LONG AddRef(void); inline LONG Release(void); #ifdef ASYNC
inline LONG AddRefSharedMem(void); inline LONG ReleaseSharedMem(void); inline LONG DecRef(void); #endif
inline ILockBytes *GetBase(void) const; inline CFileStream *GetDirty(void) const; inline ILockBytes *GetOriginal(void) const; inline ULONG GetOpenLock(void) const; inline ContextId GetContextId(void) const; inline CGlobalContext *GetGlobal(void) const; inline IMalloc * GetMalloc(void) const;
inline void SetOpenLock(ULONG ulOpenLock);
inline SCODE TakeSem(DWORD dwTimeout); inline void ReleaseSem(void); #ifdef MULTIHEAP
inline SCODE SetAllocatorState(CPerContext **pppcPrev, CSmAllocator *psma); inline SCODE GetThreadAllocatorState(); inline CSmAllocator *SetThreadAllocatorState(CPerContext **pppcPrev); inline void UntakeSem() { ReleaseSem(); }; // workaround macro in docfilep
#ifdef ASYNC
inline IFillInfo * GetFillInfo(void) const; inline HANDLE GetNotificationEvent(void) const; SCODE InitNotificationEvent(ILockBytes *plkbBase); #if DBG == 1
inline BOOL HaveMutex(void); #endif
void Close(void); #ifdef DIRECTWRITERLOCK
ULONG * GetRecursionCount () {return &_cRecursion; }; #endif
BYTE * GetHeapBase () { return _pbBase; }; #endif
inline BOOL IsHandleValid ();
private: ILockBytes *_plkbBase; CFileStream *_pfstDirty; ILockBytes *_plkbOriginal; ULONG _ulOpenLock; CBasedGlobalContextPtr _pgc; LONG _cReferences; #ifdef ASYNC
LONG _cRefSharedMem; #endif
IMalloc * const _pMalloc; #ifdef ASYNC
IFillInfo *_pfi; HANDLE _hNotificationEvent; #endif
CSharedMemoryBlock *_psmb; // heap object
BYTE * _pbBase; // base address of heap
ULONG _ulHeapName; // name of shared mem region
#if WIN32 >= 100
CDfMutex _dmtx; #endif
ULONG _cRecursion; // recursion count of writers
SAFE_DFBASED_PTR(CBasedPerContextPtr, CPerContext);
// Class: CGlobalContext
// Purpose: Holds context-insensitive information
// Interface: See below
// History: 26-Oct-92 DrewB Created
class CGlobalContext : public CContextList { public: inline CGlobalContext(IMalloc *pMalloc);
inline void SetLockInfo(BOOL fTakeLock, DFLAGS dfOpenLock); DECLARE_CONTEXT_LIST(CPerContext);
inline BOOL TakeLock(void) const; inline DFLAGS GetOpenLockFlags(void) const; inline IMalloc *GetMalloc(void) const; #if WIN32 >= 100
inline void GetMutexName(TCHAR *ptcsName); #ifdef ASYNC
inline void GetEventName(TCHAR *ptcsName); #endif
private: BOOL _fTakeLock; DFLAGS _dfOpenLock; IMalloc * const _pMalloc; #if WIN32 >= 100
LARGE_INTEGER _luidMutexName; #endif
inline CGlobalContext::CGlobalContext(IMalloc *pMalloc) : _pMalloc(pMalloc) { #if WIN32 >= 100
// Use a luid as the name for the mutex because the 64-bit
// luid generator is guaranteed to produce machine-wide unique
// values each time it is called, so if we use one for our mutex
// name we know it won't collide with any others
#if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
_luidMutexName.QuadPart = PBasicEntry::GetNewLuid(pMalloc); #else
if (DFBASEPTR == NULL) // task memory support
{ LUID luid; AllocateLocallyUniqueId (&luid); _luidMutexName.LowPart = luid.LowPart; _luidMutexName.HighPart = luid.HighPart; } else { _luidMutexName.QuadPart = g_smAllocator.GetHeapName(); } #endif
inline void CGlobalContext::SetLockInfo(BOOL fTakeLock, DFLAGS dfOpenLock) { _fTakeLock = fTakeLock; _dfOpenLock = dfOpenLock; }
// Member: CGlobalContext::TakeLock, public
// Synopsis: Returns whether locks should be taken or not
// History: 04-Sep-92 DrewB Created
inline BOOL CGlobalContext::TakeLock(void) const { return _fTakeLock; }
// Member: CGlobalContext::GetOpenLockFlags, public
// Synopsis: Returns the open lock flags
// History: 04-Sep-92 DrewB Created
inline DFLAGS CGlobalContext::GetOpenLockFlags(void) const { return _dfOpenLock; }
// Member: CGlobalContext::GetMalloc, public
// Synopsis: Returns the allocator associated with this global context
// History: 05-May-93 AlexT Created
inline IMalloc *CGlobalContext::GetMalloc(void) const { return (IMalloc *)_pMalloc; }
// Member: CGlobalContext::GetMutexName, public
// Synopsis: Returns the name to use for the mutex for this tree
// Arguments: [ptcsName] - Name return
// Modifies: [ptcsName]
// History: 09-Oct-93 DrewB Created
// Notes: [ptcsName] should have space for at least
#if WIN32 >= 100
inline void CGlobalContext::GetMutexName(TCHAR *ptcsName) { wsprintfT(ptcsName, TSTR("OleDfRoot%X%08lX"), _luidMutexName.HighPart, _luidMutexName.LowPart); }
#ifdef ASYNC
inline void CGlobalContext::GetEventName(TCHAR *ptcsName) { wsprintfT(ptcsName, TSTR("OleAsyncE%X%08lX"), _luidMutexName.HighPart, _luidMutexName.LowPart); } #endif // ASYNC
inline void CPerContext::SetILBInfo(ILockBytes *plkbBase, CFileStream *pfstDirty, ILockBytes *plkbOriginal, ULONG ulOpenLock) { _plkbBase = plkbBase; _pfstDirty = pfstDirty; _plkbOriginal = plkbOriginal; _ulOpenLock = ulOpenLock; #ifdef ASYNC
_pfi = NULL; if (_plkbBase) { IFillInfo *pfi; HRESULT hr = _plkbBase->QueryInterface(IID_IFillInfo, (void **)&pfi); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(InitNotificationEvent(_plkbBase))) { _pfi = pfi; } else { pfi->Release(); } } } #endif
// Member: CPerContext::CPerContext, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [plkbBase] - Base lstream
// [pfstDirty] - Dirty lstream
// [plkbOriginal] - Original base lstream for
// independent copies
// [ulOpenLock] - Open lock for base lstream
// History: 14-Aug-92 DrewB Created
// 18-May-93 AlexT Added pMalloc
inline CPerContext::CPerContext( IMalloc *pMalloc, ILockBytes *plkbBase, CFileStream *pfstDirty, ILockBytes *plkbOriginal, ULONG ulOpenLock) : _pMalloc(pMalloc) { _plkbBase = plkbBase; _pfstDirty = pfstDirty; _plkbOriginal = plkbOriginal; _ulOpenLock = ulOpenLock; _cReferences = 1; #ifdef ASYNC
_cRefSharedMem = 1; #endif
_pgc = NULL; #ifdef MULTIHEAP
g_smAllocator.GetState(&_psmb, &_pbBase, &_ulHeapName); #endif
_cRecursion = 0; // recursion count of writers
// Member: CPerContext::CPerContext, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for a temporary stack-based object
// This is only used for unmarshaling, since we
// need a percontext to own the heap before the
// actual percontext is unmarshaled
// Arguments: [pMalloc] - Base IMalloc
// History: 29-Nov-95 HenryLee Created
inline CPerContext::CPerContext(IMalloc *pMalloc) : _pMalloc(pMalloc) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP
g_smAllocator.GetState(&_psmb, &_pbBase, &_ulHeapName); #endif
_plkbBase = _plkbOriginal = NULL; _pfstDirty = NULL; _ulOpenLock = 0; _cReferences = 1; #ifdef ASYNC
_cRefSharedMem = 1; #endif
_pgc = NULL; #ifdef ASYNC
_pfi = NULL; _hNotificationEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #endif
_cRecursion = 0; // recursion count of writers
#ifdef ASYNC
inline LONG CPerContext::AddRefSharedMem(void) { olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); AtomicInc(&_cRefSharedMem); olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); return _cRefSharedMem; }
inline LONG CPerContext::ReleaseSharedMem(void) { LONG lRet;
olAssert(_cRefSharedMem > 0); olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); lRet = AtomicDec(&_cRefSharedMem);
if ((_cReferences == 0) && (_cRefSharedMem == 0)) delete this;
return lRet; }
inline LONG CPerContext::DecRef(void) { olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); AtomicDec(&_cReferences); olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); return _cReferences; } #endif
// Member: CPerContext::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: Increments the ref count
// History: 27-Oct-92 DrewB Created
inline LONG CPerContext::AddRef(void) { #ifdef ASYNC
olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); AddRefSharedMem(); #endif
AtomicInc(&_cReferences); #ifdef ASYNC
olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); #endif
return _cReferences; }
// Member: CPerContext::Release, public
// Synopsis: Decrements the ref count
// History: 27-Oct-92 DrewB Created
inline LONG CPerContext::Release(void) { LONG lRet;
olAssert(_cReferences > 0); #ifdef ASYNC
olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); #endif
lRet = AtomicDec(&_cReferences); if (lRet == 0) { #ifdef ASYNC
if (_plkbBase != NULL) { Close(); } #else
delete this; #endif
} #ifdef ASYNC
olAssert(_cRefSharedMem >= _cReferences); //Note: If the object is going to get deleted, it will happen
// in the ReleaseSharedMem call.
lRet = ReleaseSharedMem(); #endif
return lRet; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetBase, public
// Synopsis: Returns the base
// History: 14-Aug-92 DrewB Created
inline ILockBytes *CPerContext::GetBase(void) const { return _plkbBase; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Returns the dirty
// History: 14-Aug-92 DrewB Created
inline CFileStream *CPerContext::GetDirty(void) const { return _pfstDirty; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetOriginal, public
// Synopsis: Returns the Original
// History: 14-Aug-92 DrewB Created
inline ILockBytes *CPerContext::GetOriginal(void) const { return _plkbOriginal; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetOpenLock, public
// Synopsis: Returns the open lock index
// History: 04-Sep-92 DrewB Created
inline ULONG CPerContext::GetOpenLock(void) const { return _ulOpenLock; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetContextId, public
// Synopsis: Returns the context id
// History: 04-Sep-92 DrewB Created
inline ContextId CPerContext::GetContextId(void) const { return ctxid; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetMalloc, public
// Synopsis: Returns the IMalloc pointer
// History: 04-Apr-96 PhilipLa Created
inline IMalloc * CPerContext::GetMalloc(void) const { return _pMalloc; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetGlobal, public
// Synopsis: Returns the global context
// History: 04-Sep-92 DrewB Created
inline CGlobalContext *CPerContext::GetGlobal(void) const { return BP_TO_P(CGlobalContext *, _pgc); }
inline void CPerContext::SetLockInfo(BOOL fTakeLock, DFLAGS dfOpenLock) { _pgc->SetLockInfo(fTakeLock, dfOpenLock); }
// Member: CPerContext::InitNewContext, public
// Synopsis: Creates a new context and context list
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 27-Oct-92 DrewB Created
inline SCODE CPerContext::InitNewContext(void) { SCODE sc; CGlobalContext *pgcTemp;
sc = (pgcTemp = new (_pMalloc) CGlobalContext(_pMalloc)) == NULL ? STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY : S_OK; if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _pgc = P_TO_BP(CBasedGlobalContextPtr, pgcTemp); #if WIN32 >= 100
_pgc->GetMutexName(atcMutexName); sc = _dmtx.Init(atcMutexName); if (FAILED(sc)) { _pgc->Release(); _pgc = NULL; } else #endif
_pgc->Add(this); } return sc; }
// Member: CPerContext::InitFromGlobal, public
// Synopsis: Adds a context to the context list
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 27-Oct-92 DrewB Created
inline SCODE CPerContext::InitFromGlobal(CGlobalContext *pgc) { SCODE sc;
sc = S_OK; #if WIN32 >= 100
pgc->GetMutexName(atcMutexName); sc = _dmtx.Init(atcMutexName); #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _pgc = P_TO_BP(CBasedGlobalContextPtr, pgc); _pgc->AddRef(); _pgc->Add(this); } return sc; }
// Member: CPerContext::SetOpenLock, public
// Synopsis: Sets the open lock
// History: 13-Jan-93 DrewB Created
inline void CPerContext::SetOpenLock(ULONG ulOpenLock) { _ulOpenLock = ulOpenLock; }
// Member: CPerContext::TakeSem, public
// Synopsis: Takes the mutex
// Arguments: [dwTimeout] - Timeout
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 09-Oct-93 DrewB Created
inline SCODE CPerContext::TakeSem(DWORD dwTimeout) { #if WIN32 >= 100
olChkTo(EH_Tree, s_dmtxProcess.Take(dwTimeout)); #endif
if (_psmb && !_psmb->IsSynced()) { olChkTo(EH_Process, _psmb->Sync()); } #else
olChkTo(EH_Process, DfSyncSharedMemory()); #endif
EH_Err: return sc; EH_Process: #ifdef ONETHREAD
s_dmtxProcess.Release(); EH_Tree: #endif
_dmtx.Release(); return sc; #else
return S_OK; #endif
// Member: CPerContext::ReleaseSem, public
// Synopsis: Releases the mutex
// History: 09-Oct-93 DrewB Created
inline void CPerContext::ReleaseSem(void) { #if WIN32 >= 100
s_dmtxProcess.Release(); #endif
_dmtx.Release(); #endif
// Member: CPerContext::SetThreadAllocatorState, public
// Synopsis: set current thread's allocator to be this percontext
// History: 29-Nov-95 HenryLee Created
inline CSmAllocator *CPerContext::SetThreadAllocatorState(CPerContext**pppcPrev) { CSmAllocator *pSmAllocator = &g_smAllocator; pSmAllocator->SetState(_psmb, _pbBase, _ulHeapName, pppcPrev, this); return pSmAllocator; }
// Member: CPerContext::SetAllocatorState, public
// Synopsis: sets owner of shared memory heap to this percontext
// remembers the previous context owner
// History: 29-Nov-95 HenryLee Created
inline SCODE CPerContext::SetAllocatorState (CPerContext **pppcPrev, CSmAllocator *pSmAllocator) { pSmAllocator->SetState(_psmb, _pbBase, _ulHeapName, pppcPrev, this); return S_OK; }
// Member: CPerContext::GetThreadAllocatorState, public
// Synopsis: retrives the current thread's allocator state
// Arguments: none
// History: 29-Nov-95 HenryLee Created
inline SCODE CPerContext::GetThreadAllocatorState() { g_smAllocator.GetState(&_psmb, &_pbBase, &_ulHeapName); return S_OK; }
// Class: CSafeMultiHeap
// Purpose: 1) sets and restores allocator state for those
// methods that do not take the tree mutex
// 2) for self-destructive methods like IStorage::Release,
// IStream::Release, IEnumSTATSTG::Release, the
// previous percontext may get deleted along with
// whole heap, and it checks for that
// Interface: See below
// History: 29-Nov-95 HenryLee Created
class CSafeMultiHeap { public: CSafeMultiHeap(CPerContext *ppc); ~CSafeMultiHeap();
private: CSmAllocator *_pSmAllocator; CPerContext *_ppcPrev; };
#endif // MULTIHEAP
#ifdef ASYNC
inline IFillInfo * CPerContext::GetFillInfo(void) const { return _pfi; }
inline HANDLE CPerContext::GetNotificationEvent(void) const { return _hNotificationEvent; } #if DBG == 1
inline BOOL CPerContext::HaveMutex(void) { return _dmtx.HaveMutex(); }
#endif // #if DBG == 1
#endif // #ifdef ASYNC
inline BOOL CPerContext::IsHandleValid () { TCHAR tcsName[CONTEXT_MUTEX_NAME_LENGTH * 2];
lstrcpy (tcsName, TEXT("\\BaseNamedObjects\\")); _pgc->GetMutexName(&tcsName[lstrlen(tcsName)]);
BOOL fValid = _dmtx.IsHandleValid(tcsName);
if (!fValid) // if this object is not valid, don't let anyone else
{ // use it because its per-process handles are bogus
ctxid = 0; }
return fValid; }
#endif // #ifndef __CONTEXT_HXX__