// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: df32.hxx
// Contents: Docfile generic header for 32-bit functions
// Classes: CGlobalSecurity
// CDfMutex
// History: 09-Oct-93 DrewB Created
#ifndef __DF32_HXX__
#define __DF32_HXX__
#ifdef WIN32
#include <dfexcept.hxx>
// Make an scode out of the last Win32 error
// Error that may map to STG_* scodes should go through Win32ErrorToScode
#define WIN32_SCODE(err) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err)
#define LAST_SCODE WIN32_SCODE(GetLastError())
#define LAST_STG_SCODE Win32ErrorToScode(GetLastError())
// Class: CGlobalSecurity (gs)
// Purpose: Encapsulates a global SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and
// Interface: See below
// History: 18-Jun-93 DrewB Created
// Notes: Only active for Win32 platforms which support security
// Init MUST be called before this is used
#if WIN32 == 100 || WIN32 > 200
// This leaves space for 8 sub authorities. Currently NT only uses 6
const DWORD SIZEOF_SID = 44;
// This leaves space for 1 access allowed ACEs in the ACL.
class CGlobalSecurity { private: BYTE _acl[SIZEOF_ACL]; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR _sd; BYTE _sdExt[SIZEOF_SID*2 + SIZEOF_ACL]; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES _sa; #if DBG == 1
BOOL _fInit; #endif
public: #if DBG == 1
CGlobalSecurity(void) { _fInit = FALSE; } #endif
SCODE Init(BOOL fAcl) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP
ACL *pacl = fAcl ? (ACL *) &_acl : NULL; BYTE pTokenUser[SIZEOF_TOKEN_USER];
if (pacl != NULL) { BOOL fToken = TRUE; HANDLE hToken; DWORD lIgnore;
// Initialize a new ACL.
if (!InitializeAcl( pacl, SIZEOF_ACL, ACL_REVISION)) return LAST_SCODE;
if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ, TRUE, &hToken)) { if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &hToken)) fToken = FALSE; }
if (fToken) { if (!GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, (TOKEN_USER*)pTokenUser, SIZEOF_TOKEN_USER, &lIgnore )) { CloseHandle (hToken); return LAST_SCODE; } CloseHandle (hToken);
// Allow current user access.
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce( pacl, ACL_REVISION, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | GENERIC_ALL, ((TOKEN_USER *)pTokenUser)->User.Sid )) return LAST_SCODE; } } #else
ACL *pacl = NULL; #endif
if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&_sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) return LAST_SCODE;
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&_sd, TRUE, pacl, FALSE)) return LAST_SCODE;
_sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); _sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &_sd; _sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; #if DBG == 1
_fInit = TRUE; #endif
return S_OK; }
operator SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *(void) { olAssert(_fInit); return &_sd; } operator SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *(void) { olAssert(_fInit); return &_sa; } }; #endif
// Global Critical Sections have two components. One piece is shared between
// all applications using the global lock. This portion will typically reside
// in some sort of shared memory. The second piece is per-process. This
// contains a per-process handle to the shared critical section lock semaphore.
// The semaphore is itself shared, but each process may have a different handle
// value to the semaphore.
// Global critical sections are attached to by name. The application wishing to
// attach must know the name of the critical section (actually the name of the
// shared lock semaphore, and must know the address of the global portion of
// the critical section
LONG RecursionCount; DWORD OwningThread; #else
#if DBG == 1
DWORD OwningThread; #endif
// Class: CDfMutex (dmtx)
// Purpose: A multi-process synchronization object
// Interface: See below
// History: 05-Apr-93 DrewB Created
// 19-Jul-95 SusiA Added HaveMutex
// Notes: Only active for Win32 implementations which support threads
// For platforms with security, a global security descriptor is
// used
// Default timeout of twenty minutes
#define DFM_TIMEOUT 1200000
class CDfMutex { public: inline CDfMutex(void); SCODE Init(TCHAR *ptcsName); ~CDfMutex(void);
SCODE Take(DWORD dwTimeout); void Release(void);
BOOL IsHandleValid (TCHAR *ptcsName);
#if DBG == 1
//check to see if the current thread already has the mutex
inline BOOL HaveMutex(void); #endif
private: PGLOBAL_SHARED_CRITICAL_SECTION _pGlobalPortion; HANDLE _hLockSemaphore; HANDLE _hSharedMapping; };
inline CDfMutex::CDfMutex(void) { _pGlobalPortion = NULL; _hLockSemaphore = NULL; _hSharedMapping = NULL; }
#if DBG == 1
// Member: CDfMutex::HaveMutex, public
// Synopsis: This routine checks to see if the current thread
// already has the mutex
// History: 19-Jul-95 SusiA Created
// Algorithm: Checks the current thread to see if it already owns
// the mutex. Returns TRUE if it does, FALSE otherwise
inline BOOL CDfMutex::HaveMutex( void ) { if ( _pGlobalPortion->OwningThread == GetCurrentThreadId()) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } #endif
// Class: CStaticDfMutex (sdmtx)
// Purpose: Static version of CDfMutex
// Interface: CDfMutex
// History: 10-Oct-93 DrewB Created
// Notes: Throws exceptions on initialization failures
class CStaticDfMutex : public CDfMutex { public: inline CStaticDfMutex(TCHAR *ptcsName); };
inline CStaticDfMutex::CStaticDfMutex(TCHAR *ptcsName) : CDfMutex() { SCODE sc;
sc = Init(ptcsName); if (FAILED(sc)) THROW_SC(sc); }
//Mutex used to control access for based pointers.
extern CStaticDfMutex s_dmtxProcess; #endif
#endif // WIN32
#endif // #ifndef __DF32_HXX__