// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: mstream.cxx
// Contents: Mstream operations
// Classes: None. (defined in mstream.hxx)
// History: 18-Jul-91 Philipla Created.
#include "msfhead.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dirfunc.hxx>
#include <sstream.hxx>
#include <difat.hxx>
#include <time.h>
#include <mread.hxx>
#include <docfilep.hxx>
#include <df32.hxx>
#include <smalloc.hxx>
#include <filelkb.hxx>
#if DBG == 1
#define MINPAGES 6
#define MAXPAGES 128
//#define SECURETEST
const WCHAR wcsContents[] = L"CONTENTS"; //Name of contents stream for
// conversion
const WCHAR wcsRootEntry[] = L"Root Entry"; //Name of root directory
// entry
SCODE ILBFlush(ILockBytes *pilb, BOOL fFlushCache);
// Function: GetBuffer, public
// Synopsis: Gets a chunk of memory to use as a buffer
// Arguments: [cbMin] - Minimum size for buffer
// [cbMax] - Maximum size for buffer
// [ppb] - Buffer pointer return
// [pcbActual] - Actual buffer size return
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [ppb]
// [pcbActual]
// Algorithm: Attempt to dynamically allocate [cbMax] bytes
// If that fails, halve allocation size and retry
// If allocation size falls below [cbMin], fail
// History: 04-Mar-93 DrewB Created
// Notes: Buffer should be released with FreeBuffer
SCODE GetBuffer(ULONG cbMin, ULONG cbMax, BYTE **ppb, ULONG *pcbActual) { ULONG cbSize; BYTE *pb;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In GetBuffer(%u, %u, %p, %p)\n", cbMin, cbMax, ppb, pcbActual)); msfAssert(cbMin > 0); msfAssert(cbMax >= cbMin); msfAssert(ppb != NULL); msfAssert(pcbActual != NULL);
cbSize = cbMax; for (;;) { pb = (BYTE *) DfMemAlloc(cbSize); if (pb == NULL) { cbSize >>= 1; if (cbSize < cbMin) break; } else { *pcbActual = cbSize; break; } }
*ppb = pb;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out GetBuffer => %p, %u\n", *ppb, *pcbActual)); return pb == NULL ? STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY : S_OK; }
// Define the safe buffer size
BYTE s_bufSafe[SCRATCHBUFFERSIZE]; LONG s_bufSafeRef = 0;
// Critical Section will be initiqalized in the shared memory allocator
// constructor and deleted in the SmAllocator destructor
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csScratchBuffer;
// Function: GetSafeBuffer, public
// Synopsis: Gets a buffer by first trying GetBuffer and if that fails,
// returning a pointer to statically allocated storage.
// Guaranteed to return a pointer to some storage.
// Arguments: [cbMin] - Minimum buffer size
// [cbMax] - Maximum buffer size
// [ppb] - Buffer pointer return
// [pcbActual] - Actual buffer size return
// Modifies: [ppb]
// [pcbActual]
// History: 04-Mar-93 DrewB Created
void GetSafeBuffer(ULONG cbMin, ULONG cbMax, BYTE **ppb, ULONG *pcbActual) { msfAssert(cbMin > 0); msfAssert(cbMin <= SCRATCHBUFFERSIZE && aMsg("Minimum too large for GetSafeBuffer")); msfAssert(cbMax >= cbMin); msfAssert(ppb != NULL);
// We want to minimize contention for the
// static buffer so we always try dynamic allocation, regardless
// of the size
if ( FAILED(GetBuffer(cbMin, cbMax, ppb, pcbActual))) {
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csScratchBuffer); msfAssert(s_bufSafeRef == 0 && aMsg("Tried to use scratch buffer twice")); s_bufSafeRef = 1; *ppb = s_bufSafe; *pcbActual = min(cbMax, SCRATCHBUFFERSIZE); } msfAssert(*ppb != NULL); }
// Function: FreeBuffer, public
// Synopsis: Releases a buffer allocated by GetBuffer or GetSafeBuffer
// Arguments: [pb] - Buffer
// History: 04-Mar-93 DrewB Created
void FreeBuffer(BYTE *pb) { if (pb == s_bufSafe) { msfAssert((s_bufSafeRef == 1) && aMsg("Bad safe buffer ref count")); s_bufSafeRef = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csScratchBuffer); } else DfMemFree(pb); }
// Method: CMStream::CMStream, public
// Synopsis: CMStream constructor
// Arguments: [pplstParent] -- Pointer to ILockBytes pointer of parent
// [plGen] -- Pointer to LUID Generator to use.
// Note: May be NULL, in which case a new
// [uSectorShift] -- Sector shift for this MStream
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 05-Sep-95 MikeHill Initialize '_fMaintainFLBModifyTimestamp'.
// 26-Apr-99 RogerCh Removed _fMaintainFLBModifyTimestamp
CMStream::CMStream( IMalloc *pMalloc, ILockBytes **pplstParent, BOOL fIsScratch, #if defined(USE_NOSCRATCH) || defined(USE_NOSNAPSHOT)
DFLAGS df, #endif
USHORT uSectorShift) :_uSectorShift(uSectorShift), _uSectorSize(1 << uSectorShift), _uSectorMask(_uSectorSize - 1), _pplstParent(P_TO_BP(CBasedILockBytesPtrPtr, pplstParent)), _fIsScratch(fIsScratch), _fIsNoScratch(P_NOSCRATCH(df)), _pmsScratch(NULL), _fIsNoSnapshot(P_NOSNAPSHOT(df)), _hdr(uSectorShift), _fat(SIDFAT), _fatMini(SIDMINIFAT), _pMalloc(pMalloc) { _pmsShadow = NULL; _pCopySectBuf = NULL; #if DBG == 1
_uBufferRef = 0; #endif
_fIsShadow = FALSE;
_ulParentSize = 0;
_pdsministream = NULL; _pmpt = NULL; _fBlockWrite = _fTruncate = _fBlockHeader = _fNewConvert = FALSE; }
// Method: CMStream::CMStream, public
// Synopsis: CMStream copy constructor
// Arguments: [ms] -- MStream to copy
// History: 04-Nov-92 PhilipLa Created.
CMStream::CMStream(const CMStream *pms) :_uSectorShift(pms->_uSectorShift), _uSectorSize(pms->_uSectorSize), _uSectorMask(pms->_uSectorMask), _pplstParent(pms->_pplstParent), _fIsScratch(pms->_fIsScratch), _hdr(*(CMSFHeader *)&pms->_hdr), _dir(*(CDirectory *)pms->GetDir()), _fat(pms->GetFat()), _fatMini(pms->GetMiniFat()), _fatDif(pms->GetDIFat()), _pdsministream(pms->_pdsministream), _pmpt(pms->_pmpt), _fBlockWrite(pms->_fBlockWrite), _fTruncate(pms->_fTruncate), _fBlockHeader(pms->_fBlockHeader), _fNewConvert(pms->_fNewConvert), _pmsShadow(NULL), _fIsShadow(TRUE), _pMalloc(pms->_pMalloc) { _pCopySectBuf = pms->_pCopySectBuf; #if DBG == 1
_uBufferRef = pms->_uBufferRef; #endif
_dir.SetParent(this); _fat.SetParent(this); _fatMini.SetParent(this); _fatDif.SetParent(this);
_ulParentSize = 0; _pmpt->AddRef(); }
// Method: CMStream::InitCommon, private
// Synopsis: Common code for initialization routines.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: *Finish This*
// History: 20-May-92 PhilipLa Created.
SCODE CMStream::InitCommon(VOID) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream InitCommon()\n")); SCODE sc = S_OK;
memset(s_bufSecure, SECURECHAR, MINISTREAMSIZE); #endif
CMSFPageTable *pmpt; msfMem(pmpt = new (GetMalloc()) CMSFPageTable( this, (_fIsScratch) ? MINPAGESSCRATCH: MINPAGES, (_fIsScratch) ? MAXPAGESSCRATCH: MAXPAGES)); _pmpt = P_TO_BP(CBasedMSFPageTablePtr, pmpt);
msfChk(pmpt->Init()); if (!_fIsScratch) { CMStream *pms; msfMem(pms = (CMStream *) new (GetMalloc()) CMStream(this)); _pmsShadow = P_TO_BP(CBasedMStreamPtr, pms); }
_stmcDir.Init(this, SIDDIR, NULL); _stmcMiniFat.Init(this, SIDMINIFAT, NULL);
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Leaving CMStream InitCommon()\n"));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::InitCopy, public
// Synopsis: Copy the structures from one multistream to yourself
// Arguments: [pms] -- Pointer to multistream to copy.
// History: 04-Dec-92 PhilipLa Created
// Notes:
void CMStream::InitCopy(CMStream *pms) { _stmcDir.Init(this, SIDDIR, NULL); _stmcMiniFat.Init(this, SIDMINIFAT, NULL);
_fat.InitCopy(pms->GetFat()); _fatMini.InitCopy(pms->GetMiniFat()); _fatDif.InitCopy(pms->GetDIFat()); _dir.InitCopy(pms->GetDir());
_dir.SetParent(this); _fat.SetParent(this); _fatMini.SetParent(this); _fatDif.SetParent(this);
memcpy(&_hdr, pms->GetHeader(), sizeof(CMSFHeader)); }
// Member: CMStream::Empty, public
// Synopsis: Empty all of the control structures of this CMStream
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: void.
// History: 04-Dec-92 PhilipLa Created
void CMStream::Empty(void) { _fat.Empty(); _fatMini.Empty(); _fatDif.Empty(); _dir.Empty(); }
// Method: CMStream::~CMStream, public
// Synopsis: CMStream destructor
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 20-Jul-95 SusiA Modified to eliminate mutex in allocator
// Caller must already have the mutex.
CMStream::~CMStream() {
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream destructor\n"));
if (_pmsShadow != NULL) { _pmsShadow->~CMStream(); _pmsShadow->deleteNoMutex (BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pmsShadow)); }
#if DBG == 1
msfAssert((_uBufferRef == 0) && aMsg("CopySect buffer left with positive refcount.")); #endif
g_smAllocator.FreeNoMutex(BP_TO_P(BYTE *, _pCopySectBuf));
if ((!_fIsShadow) && (_pdsministream != NULL)) { _pdsministream->Release(); }
if (_pmpt != NULL) { _pmpt->Release(); }
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Leaving CMStream destructor\n")); }
// Member: CMStream::Init, public
// Synposis: Set up an mstream instance from an existing stream
// Effects: Modifies Fat and Directory
// Arguments: void.
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Error of Fat or Dir setup otherwise.
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::Init(VOID) { ULONG ulTemp; SCODE sc; ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream::Init()\n"));
msfAssert(!_fIsScratch && aMsg("Called Init() on scratch multistream."));
ULONG ulSectorSize = HEADERSIZE; IFileLockBytes *pfl; if (SUCCEEDED((*_pplstParent)->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void**) &pfl))) { ulSectorSize = pfl->GetSectorSize(); pfl->Release(); }
ULISet32(ulOffset, 0); if (ulSectorSize == sizeof(CMSFHeaderData)) { sc = (*_pplstParent)->ReadAt(ulOffset, (BYTE *)_hdr.GetData(), sizeof(CMSFHeaderData), &ulTemp); } else { void *pvBuf = TaskMemAlloc(ulSectorSize); sc = (*_pplstParent)->ReadAt(ulOffset, pvBuf, ulSectorSize, &ulTemp); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) memcpy (_hdr.GetData(), pvBuf, sizeof(CMSFHeaderData)); TaskMemFree (pvBuf); } if (sc == E_PENDING) { sc = STG_E_PENDINGCONTROL; } msfChk(sc);
//We need to mark the header as not dirty, since the constructor
// defaults it to the dirty state. This needs to happen before
// any possible failures, otherwise we can end up writing a
// brand new header over an existing file.
_uSectorShift = _hdr.GetSectorShift(); _uSectorSize = 1 << _uSectorShift; _uSectorMask = _uSectorSize - 1;
if (ulTemp != ulSectorSize) { msfErr(Err,STG_E_INVALIDHEADER); }
msfChk(_fatDif.Init(this, _hdr.GetDifLength())); msfChk(_fat.Init(this, _hdr.GetFatLength(), 0));
FSINDEX fsiLen; if (_uSectorShift > SECTORSHIFT512) fsiLen = _hdr.GetDirLength (); else msfChk(_fat.GetLength(_hdr.GetDirStart(), &fsiLen)); msfChk(_dir.Init(this, fsiLen));
msfChk(_fatMini.Init(this, _hdr.GetMiniFatLength(), 0));
BYTE *pbBuf;
msfMem(pbBuf = (BYTE *) GetMalloc()->Alloc(GetSectorSize())); _pCopySectBuf = P_TO_BP(CBasedBytePtr, pbBuf);
ULONGLONG ulSize; #else
ULONG ulSize; #endif
msfChk(_dir.GetSize(SIDMINISTREAM, &ulSize)); CDirectStream *pdsTemp;
msfMem(pdsTemp = new(GetMalloc()) CDirectStream(MINISTREAM_LUID)); _pdsministream = P_TO_BP(CBasedDirectStreamPtr, pdsTemp); _pdsministream->InitSystem(this, SIDMINISTREAM, ulSize);
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CMStream::Init()\n"));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::InitNew, public
// Synposis: Set up a brand new mstream instance
// Effects: Modifies FAT and Directory
// Arguments: [fDelay] -- If TRUE, then the parent LStream
// will be truncated at the time of first
// entrance to COW, and no writes to the
// LStream will happen before then.
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 12-Jun-92 PhilipLa Added fDelay.
SCODE CMStream::InitNew(BOOL fDelay, ULARGE_INTEGER uliSize) { SCODE sc;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream::InitNew()\n"));
ULONGLONG ulParentSize = 0; #else
ULONG ulParentSize = 0; #endif
if (!_fIsScratch) { #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
ulParentSize = uliSize.QuadPart; #else
msfAssert (ULIGetHigh(uliSize) == 0); ulParentSize = ULIGetLow(uliSize); #endif
if (!fDelay && ulParentSize > 0) { ULARGE_INTEGER ulTmp;
ULISet32(ulTmp, 0); (*_pplstParent)->SetSize(ulTmp); } }
_fBlockWrite = (ulParentSize == 0) ? FALSE : fDelay;
msfChk(_fatDif.InitNew(this)); msfChk(_fat.InitNew(this));
if (!_fIsScratch || _fIsNoScratch) { msfChk(_fatMini.InitNew(this)); }
if (!_fIsScratch) {
BYTE *pbBuf;
msfMem(pbBuf = (BYTE *) GetMalloc()->Alloc(GetSectorSize())); _pCopySectBuf = P_TO_BP(CBasedBytePtr, pbBuf);
ULONGLONG ulSize; #else
ULONG ulSize; #endif
msfChk(_dir.GetSize(SIDMINISTREAM, &ulSize));
CDirectStream *pdsTemp;
msfMem(pdsTemp = new(GetMalloc()) CDirectStream(MINISTREAM_LUID)); _pdsministream = P_TO_BP(CBasedDirectStreamPtr, pdsTemp); _pdsministream->InitSystem(this, SIDMINISTREAM, ulSize); }
//If we have a zero length original file, this will create an
// empty Docfile on the disk. If the original file was
// not zero length, then the Flush operations will be skipped
// by _fBlockWrite and the file will be unmodified.
if (!_fBlockWrite) { msfChk(Flush(0));
_fTruncate = (ulParentSize != 0); _fBlockWrite = fDelay;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CMStream::InitNew()\n")); return S_OK;
Err: Empty();
return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::ConvertILB, private
// Synopsis: Copy the first sector of the underlying ILockBytes
// out to the end.
// Arguments: [sectMax] -- Total number of sectors in the ILockBytes
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 03-Feb-93 PhilipLa Created
SCODE CMStream::ConvertILB(SECT sectMax) { SCODE sc; BYTE *pb; ULONG cbNull;
GetSafeBuffer(GetSectorSize(), GetSectorSize(), &pb, &cbNull);
ULONG ulTemp;
ULARGE_INTEGER ulTmp; ULISet32(ulTmp, 0);
msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->ReadAt(ulTmp, pb, GetSectorSize(), &ulTemp));
ulNewPos.QuadPart = sectMax << GetSectorShift(); #else
ULISet32(ulNewPos, sectMax << GetSectorShift()); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Copying first sector out to %lu\n", ULIGetLow(ulNewPos)));
msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->WriteAt( ulNewPos, pb, GetSectorSize(), &ulTemp));
Err: FreeBuffer(pb); return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::InitConvert, public
// Synopsis: Init function used in conversion of files to multi
// streams.
// Arguments: [fDelayConvert] -- If true, the actual file is not
// touched until a BeginCopyOnWrite()
// Returns: S_OK if everything completed OK.
// Algorithm: *Finish This*
// History: 28-May-92 Philipla Created.
// Notes: We are allowed to fail here in low memory
SCODE CMStream::InitConvert(BOOL fDelayConvert) { SCODE sc; SECT sectMax; CDfName const dfnContents(wcsContents);
msfAssert(!_fIsScratch && aMsg("Called InitConvert on scratch multistream"));
_fBlockWrite = fDelayConvert;
msfAssert(!_fBlockWrite && aMsg("Delayed conversion not supported in this release."));
STATSTG stat; (*_pplstParent)->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME);
msfAssert (ULIGetHigh(stat.cbSize) == 0); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Size is: %lu\n",ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize)));
sectMax = (SECT) ((stat.cbSize.QuadPart + GetSectorSize() - 1) >> GetSectorShift()); #else
sectMax = (ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize) + GetSectorSize() - 1) >> GetSectorShift(); #endif
SECT sectMaxMini; BOOL fIsMini; fIsMini = FALSE;
//If the CONTENTS stream will be in the Minifat, compute
// the number of Minifat sectors needed.
if (stat.cbSize.QuadPart < MINISTREAMSIZE) #else
if (ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize) < MINISTREAMSIZE) #endif
{ sectMaxMini = (ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize) + MINISECTORSIZE - 1) >> MINISECTORSHIFT; fIsMini = TRUE; }
BYTE *pbBuf;
msfMem(pbBuf = (BYTE *) GetMalloc()->Alloc(GetSectorSize())); _pCopySectBuf = P_TO_BP(CBasedBytePtr, pbBuf);
msfChk(_fatDif.InitConvert(this, sectMax)); msfChk(_fat.InitConvert(this, sectMax)); msfChk(_dir.InitNew(this)); msfChk(fIsMini ? _fatMini.InitConvert(this, sectMaxMini) : _fatMini.InitNew(this));
SID sid;
msfChk(CreateEntry(SIDROOT, &dfnContents, STGTY_STREAM, &sid)); #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
msfChk(_dir.SetSize(sid, stat.cbSize.QuadPart)); #else
msfChk(_dir.SetSize(sid, ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize))); #endif
if (!fIsMini) msfChk(_dir.SetStart(sid, sectMax - 1)); else { msfChk(_dir.SetStart(sid, 0)); msfChk(_dir.SetStart(SIDMINISTREAM, sectMax - 1)); #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
msfChk(_dir.SetSize(SIDMINISTREAM, stat.cbSize.QuadPart)); #else
msfChk(_dir.SetSize(SIDMINISTREAM, ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize))); #endif
ULONGLONG ulMiniSize; #else
ULONG ulMiniSize; #endif
msfChk(_dir.GetSize(SIDMINISTREAM, &ulMiniSize));
CDirectStream *pdsTemp;
msfMem(pdsTemp = new(GetMalloc()) CDirectStream(MINISTREAM_LUID)); _pdsministream = P_TO_BP(CBasedDirectStreamPtr, pdsTemp);
_pdsministream->InitSystem(this, SIDMINISTREAM, ulMiniSize);
if (!_fBlockWrite) { msfChk(ConvertILB(sectMax));
msfChk(Flush(0)); }
return S_OK;
Err: Empty();
return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::FlushHeader, public
// Synopsis: Flush the header to the LStream.
// Arguments: [uForce] -- Flag to determine if header should be
// flushed while in copy on write mode.
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// S_OK if the MStream is in copy on write mode or
// is Unconverted and the header was not flushed.
// Algorithm: Write the complete header out to the 0th position of
// the LStream.
// History: 11-Dec-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 18-Feb-92 PhilipLa Added copy on write support.
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::FlushHeader(USHORT uForce) { ULONG ulTemp; SCODE sc;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream::FlushHeader()\n"));
if (_fIsScratch || _fBlockWrite || ((_fBlockHeader) && (!(uForce & HDR_FORCE)))) { return S_OK; }
//If the header isn't dirty, we don't flush it unless forced to.
if (!(uForce & HDR_FORCE) && !(_hdr.IsDirty())) { return S_OK; }
ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset; ULISet32(ulOffset, 0);
USHORT usSectorSize = GetSectorSize(); if (usSectorSize == HEADERSIZE || _fIsScratch) { sc = (*_pplstParent)->WriteAt(ulOffset, (BYTE *)_hdr.GetData(), sizeof(CMSFHeaderData), &ulTemp); } else { msfAssert (_pCopySectBuf != NULL); memset (_pCopySectBuf, 0, usSectorSize); memcpy (_pCopySectBuf, _hdr.GetData(), sizeof(CMSFHeaderData)); sc = (*_pplstParent)->WriteAt(ulOffset, _pCopySectBuf, usSectorSize, &ulTemp); }
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CMStream::FlushHeader()\n")); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _hdr.ResetDirty(); } return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::BeginCopyOnWrite, public
// Synopsis: Switch the multistream into copy on write mode
// Effects: Creates new in-core copies of the Fat, Directory, and
// header.
// Arguments: None.
// Requires: The multistream cannot already be in copy on write
// mode.
// Returns: S_OK if the call completed OK.
// STG_E_ACCESSDENIED if multistream was already in COW mode
// Algorithm: Retrieve and store size of parent LStream.
// If _fUnconverted & _fTruncate, call SetSize(0)
// on the parent LStream.
// If _fUnconverted, then flush all control structures.
// Copy all control structures, and switch in the shadow
// copies for current use.
// Return S_OK.
// History: 18-Feb-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 09-Jun-92 PhilipLa Added support for fUnconverted
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::BeginCopyOnWrite(DWORD const dwFlags) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream::BeginCopyOnWrite()\n"));
msfAssert(!_fBlockHeader && aMsg("Tried to reenter Copy-on-Write mode."));
msfAssert(!_fIsScratch && aMsg("Tried to enter Copy-on-Write mode in scratch."));
msfAssert(!_fIsNoScratch && aMsg("Copy-on-Write started for NoScratch."));
//_fBlockWrite is true if we have a delayed conversion or
// truncation.
if (_fBlockWrite) {
//In the overwrite case, we don't want to release any
// disk space, so we skip this step.
if ((_fTruncate) && !(dwFlags & STGC_OVERWRITE) && (_pmsScratch == NULL)) { ULARGE_INTEGER ulTmp; ULISet32(ulTmp, 0); msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->SetSize(ulTmp)); }
if (!(dwFlags & STGC_OVERWRITE)) { _fBlockHeader = TRUE; }
_fBlockWrite = FALSE; msfChk(Flush(0));
_fBlockHeader = FALSE; _fTruncate = FALSE; }
STATSTG stat; msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME)); #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
_ulParentSize = stat.cbSize.QuadPart; msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Parent size at begin is %Lu\n",_ulParentSize)); #else
msfAssert(ULIGetHigh(stat.cbSize) == 0); _ulParentSize = ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize);
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Parent size at begin is %lu\n",_ulParentSize)); #endif
if (_fIsNoSnapshot) { SECT sectNoSnapshot; #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
sectNoSnapshot = (SECT) ((_ulParentSize - GetSectorSize() + #else
sectNoSnapshot = (SECT) ((_ulParentSize - HEADERSIZE + #endif
GetSectorSize() - 1) / GetSectorSize());
_fat.SetNoSnapshot(sectNoSnapshot); }
//We flush out all of our current dirty pages - after this point,
// we know that any dirty pages should be remapped before being
// written out, assuming we aren't in overwrite mode.
if (!(dwFlags & STGC_OVERWRITE)) { SECT sectTemp;
if (_pmsScratch == NULL) { msfChk(_fat.FindMaxSect(§Temp)); } else { msfChk(_fat.FindLast(§Temp)); }
_pmsShadow->_pdsministream = NULL;
_fat.SetCopyOnWrite(_pmsShadow->GetFat(), sectTemp);
_fBlockHeader = TRUE; msfChk(_fatDif.RemapSelf());
if (_fIsNoSnapshot) msfChk(_fat.ResizeNoSnapshot());
msfChk(_fatDif.Fixup(BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pmsShadow)));
if (_fIsNoSnapshot) _fat.ResetNoSnapshotFree(); #if DBG == 1
_fat.CheckFreeCount(); #endif
} else { _fat.SetCopyOnWrite(NULL, 0); }
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CMStream::BeginCopyOnWrite()\n"));
return S_OK;
Err: _fBlockHeader = FALSE;
_pmsShadow->Empty(); _fat.ResetCopyOnWrite();
if (_fIsNoSnapshot) _fat.ResetNoSnapshotFree();
return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::EndCopyOnWrite, public
// Synopsis: End copy on write mode, either by committing the current
// changes (in which case a merge is performed), or by
// aborting the changes, in which case the persistent form
// of the multistream should be identical to its form
// before copy on write mode was entered.
// Effects: *Finish This*
// Arguments: [df] -- Flags to determine commit or abort status.
// Requires: The multistream must be in copy on write mode.
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// STG_E_ACCESSDENIED if MStream was not in COW mode.
// Algorithm: If aborting, delete all shadow structures,
// call SetSize() on parent LStream to restore
// original size, and switch active controls back
// to originals.
// If committing, delete all old structures, switch
// shadows into original position.
// History: 18-Feb-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 09-Jun-92 Philipla Added support for fUnconverted
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::EndCopyOnWrite( DWORD const dwCommitFlags, DFLAGS const df) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream::EndCopyOnWrite(%lu)\n",df));
BOOL fFlush = FLUSH_CACHE(dwCommitFlags);
if (dwCommitFlags & STGC_OVERWRITE) { if (_pmsScratch != NULL) { msfChk(_fatDif.Fixup(NULL)); _fat.ResetCopyOnWrite(); } msfChk(Flush(fFlush)); } else { msfAssert(_fBlockHeader && aMsg("Tried to exit copy-on-write mode without entering."));
ULARGE_INTEGER ulParentSize = {0,0};
if (P_ABORT(df)) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Aborting Copy On Write mode\n"));
InitCopy(BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pmsShadow));
ulParentSize.QuadPart = _ulParentSize; #else
ULISetLow(ulParentSize, _ulParentSize); #endif
} else { SECT sectMax;
msfChk(_fatDif.Fixup(BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pmsShadow)));
ulParentSize.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectMax, 0, GetSectorShift()); #else
ULISetLow(ulParentSize, ConvertSectOffset(sectMax, 0, GetSectorShift())); #endif
msfChk(FlushHeader(HDR_FORCE)); msfVerify(SUCCEEDED(ILBFlush(*_pplstParent, fFlush)) && aMsg("CMStream::EndCopyOnWrite ILBFLush failed. " "Non-fatal, hit Ok.")); }
// Shrink the file if the size got smaller.
// Don't shrink if we are in NoSnapshot mode, unless the NoSnapshot
// limit has been set to 0 by Consolidate.
//We don't ever expect this SetSize to fail, since it
// should never attempt to enlarge the file.
if (!_fIsNoSnapshot || 0 == _fat.GetNoSnapshot()) { #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
if (ulParentSize.QuadPart < _ulParentSize) #else
if (ULIGetLow(ulParentSize) < _ulParentSize) #endif
{ olHVerSucc((*_pplstParent)->SetSize(ulParentSize)); } }
_pmsShadow->Empty(); _fBlockHeader = FALSE; _fNewConvert = FALSE; }
if (_pmsScratch != NULL) { //Let the no-scratch fat pick up whatever changed we've made.
_pmsScratch->InitScratch(this, FALSE); }
if (!_fIsNoSnapshot) { //In no-snapshot mode, we can't let the file shrink, since
//we might blow away someone else's state.
_ulParentSize = 0; }
{ SCODE sc2 = SetSize(); msfVerify((SUCCEEDED(sc2) || (sc2 == E_PENDING)) && aMsg("SetSize after copy-on-write failed.")); }
if (_fIsNoSnapshot) { _ulParentSize = 0; _fat.SetNoSnapshot(0); }
#if DBG == 1
STATSTG stat; msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME)); #ifndef LARGE_DOCFILE
msfAssert(ULIGetHigh(stat.cbSize) == 0); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Parent size at end is %lu\n", ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize))); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CMStream::EndCopyOnWrite()\n")); Err:
return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::Consolidate, public
// Synopsis: Fill in the holes of a file by moving blocks toward the front.
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Algorithm: 1) Find a limit that all blocks should be moved below.
// The limit includes all the data, a new FAT, DIFAT and
// DirStream, and doesn't disturb the old fat/dif/dir blocks.
// 2) Move new fat/dif/dir sectors down. We do this with the
// cache's copy-on-write DIRTY behaviour.
// 3) Stream by stream move all the high sectors down.
// History: 11-Feb-1997 BChapman Created
// Notes: 1) This is called in the contex of Begin/End Copy-on-Write.
// 2) We assume throughout that the underlying free sector allocator
// returns the first free sector of the file.
// 3) The old fat/dif/dir may leave small holes in the finished file.
SCODE CMStream::Consolidate(void) { //
// We don't support NOSCRATCH and this should have already
// been checked in the caller.
msfAssert(_pmsScratch == NULL);
ULONG cAllocatedSects; ULONG cDirEntries; CDirEntry *pde=NULL;
SID sid; ULONG sectLast = 0; // Last allocated Sector #.
ULONG csectFree = 0; // #sects that are free.
SECT sectLimit; // #sects we will try to shrink the file into.
ULONG csectLowDIF; // #DIF sects below sectLimit.
ULONG csectLowFAT; // #FAT sects below sectLimit.
ULONG csectLowControl; // #motion sensitive sects below sectLimit.
SECT *psectControl; // list of Dir and Mini Fat sectors
ULONG csectControl; // # of sects in psectControl
ULONG i; SECT sectType;
// It is quite impossible to consolidate a file when the Snapshot
// limits are in effect. This routine is only called when we have
// confirmed there are no other "seperate" writers. So it should be
// safe to turn off the snapshot limits.
if(_fIsNoSnapshot) { _fat.SetNoSnapshot(0); _fat.ResetNoSnapshotFree(); } //
// Compute the Number of allocated sectors in the file.
// Ignore the header.
msfChk(_fat.FindLast(§Last)); sectLast--; msfChk(_fat.CountSectType(&csectFree, 0, sectLast, FREESECT));
// Compute the expected size of the consolidated file. We will
// use this limit to determine when a sector is too high and needs
// to be copied down.
sectLimit = sectLast - csectFree;
// We will move the stream data sectors by copying them to free
// sectors and releasing the old sector.
// But, there are a class of sectors (control structures: FAT, DIF,
// miniFat, Directory Stream) that the old sector cannot be freed until
// end-copy-on-write.
// It is possible that the old (original) versions of these sectors
// could exist below sectLimit and with therefore be taking up "dead"
// space in the resulting file. So we need to adjust sectLimit.
// We are in Copy-On-Write mode so any FAT, DIF, Directory Stream, or
// MiniFat sector that is modified (by moving other sectors) will be
// copied to a free sector by the cache manager.
// It is difficult to know ahead of time which Low FAT sectors won't
// be touched, and therefore can avoid being copied, so we just assume
// we need to make a complete copy of the FAT, DIF, Directory Stream,
// and MiniFAT.
// Count the number of FAT (and DIFat) blocks up to sectLimit.
msfChk(_fat.CountSectType(&csectLowFAT, 0, sectLimit, FATSECT)); msfChk(_fat.CountSectType(&csectLowDIF, 0, sectLimit, DIFSECT));
// Build a list of sectors in the Directory Stream and MiniFat
msfChk(BuildConsolidationControlSectList(&psectControl, &csectControl));
// Sum all the copy-on-write control sectors below sectLimit.
csectLowControl = csectLowFAT + csectLowDIF; for(i=0; i<csectControl; i++) { if(psectControl[i] < sectLimit) ++csectLowControl; }
// Now we adjust sectLimit. (see large comment above)
// We want to increase it by csectLowControl # of sectors.
// But, advancing over new control sectors doesn't help make space
// so skip over those.
// Note: In a well packed file we can hit EOF while doing this.
for( ; csectLowControl > 0; ++sectLimit) { if(sectLimit >= sectLast) { LocalFree(psectControl); return S_OK; }
msfChkTo(Err_FreeList, _fat.GetNext(sectLimit, §Type)); if( FATSECT != sectType && DIFSECT != sectType && (! IsSectorInList(sectLimit, psectControl, csectControl)) ) { --csectLowControl; } }
// We are done with the control sector list.
LocalFree(psectControl); psectControl = NULL;
// At Last! We begin to move some data.
// Iterate through the directory.
// Remapping the sectors of each Stream to below sectLimit.
cDirEntries = _dir.GetNumDirEntries(); for(sid=0; sid<cDirEntries; sid++) { //
// Always get the directory entry "for-writing".
// This has the effect of remapping each sector of the directory
// stream down into the front of the file.
msfChk(_dir.GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde)); switch(pde->GetFlags()) { case STGTY_LOCKBYTES: case STGTY_PROPERTY: case STGTY_STORAGE: case STGTY_INVALID: default: break; //
// Remap The Mini-stream
case STGTY_ROOT: msfChkTo(Err_Release, ConsolidateStream(pde, sectLimit)); GetMiniStream()->EmptyCache(); break;
// Remap the regular streams.
// Don't remap streams in the mini-streams
if(pde->GetSize(_dir.IsLargeSector()) < MINISTREAMSIZE) #else
if(pde->GetSize() < MINISTREAMSIZE) #endif
msfChkTo(Err_Release, ConsolidateStream(pde, sectLimit)); break; } _dir.ReleaseEntry(sid); }
// If there are any remaining un-remapped FAT blocks, remap them now.
// (begin-copy-on-write already remapped the DIF).
msfChk(_fat.DirtyAll()); msfChk(_fatMini.DirtyAll());
return sc;
Err_FreeList: LocalFree(psectControl); return sc;
Err_Release: _dir.ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::BuildConsolidationControlSectList, private
// Synopsis: Makes a list of all the sectors that are copy-on-write
// for the purpose of computing how much space we need to
// make to Consolidate a file.
// Arguments: [ppsectList] -- [out] pointer to a list of sectors.
// [pcsect] -- [out] count of sectors on the list.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 25-feb-1997 BChapman Created
SCODE CMStream::BuildConsolidationControlSectList( SECT **ppsectList, ULONG *pcsect) { SECT sect; SECT *psectList; ULONG i, csect; SCODE sc;
csect = _dir.GetNumDirSects() + _hdr.GetMiniFatLength(); msfMem(psectList = (SECT*) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(SECT) * csect));
i = 0; //
// Walk the Directory Stream FAT chain and record all
// the sector numbers.
sect = _hdr.GetDirStart(); while(sect != ENDOFCHAIN) { msfAssert(i < csect);
psectList[i++] = sect; msfChkTo(Err_Free, _fat.GetNext(sect, §)); } msfAssert(i == _dir.GetNumDirSects());
// Walk the MiniFat FAT chain and record all
// the sector numbers.
sect = _hdr.GetMiniFatStart(); while(sect != ENDOFCHAIN) { msfAssert(i < csect);
psectList[i++] = sect; msfChkTo(Err_Free, _fat.GetNext(sect, §)); } msfAssert((i == csect) && aMsg("Directory Stream + MiniFat too short\n"));
*ppsectList = psectList; *pcsect = csect; return S_OK;
Err_Free: LocalFree(psectList); return sc; Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::IsSectorOnList, private
// Synopsis: Searches a list of sector values for a given value.
// Arguments: [sect] -- [in] value to search for.
// [psectList] -- [in] list of sectors.
// [csect] -- [in] count of sectors on the list.
// Returns: TRUE if the sector is on the list, otherwise FALSE.
// Modifies:
// History: 25-feb-1997 BChapman Created
// Notes:
BOOL CMStream::IsSectorInList( SECT sect, SECT *psectList, ULONG csectList) { ULONG i; for(i=0; i < csectList; i++) { if(sect == psectList[i]) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Member: CMStream::ConsolidateStream, private
// Synopsis: Scan the stream FAT chain and remap sectors that are
// above the given limit.
// Arguments: [pde] -- Directory entry of the stream (DIRTY)
// [sectLimit] -- sector limit that all sectors should be below
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 18-feb-1997 BChapman Created
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::ConsolidateStream( CDirEntry *pde, // Current CDirEntry Object (read-only)
SECT sectLimit) // Move all sectors below this sector#
{ SECT sectPrev, sectCurrent, sectNew; ULONG cbLength; SCODE sc=S_OK;
// This code should not be used in NOSCRATCH mode.
msfAssert(_pmsScratch == NULL);
// Check the first sector of the stream as a special case.
sectCurrent = pde->GetStart(); if(ENDOFCHAIN != sectCurrent && sectCurrent > sectLimit) { msfChk(_fat.GetFree(1, §New, GF_WRITE));
// This is only here because I don't understand GetFree().
msfAssert(ENDOFCHAIN != sectNew);
msfChk(MoveSect(ENDOFCHAIN, sectCurrent, sectNew)); sectCurrent = sectNew; pde->SetStart(sectCurrent); }
// Do the rest of the stream FAT chain.
sectPrev = sectCurrent; while(ENDOFCHAIN != sectPrev) { msfChk(_fat.GetNext(sectPrev, §Current)); if(ENDOFCHAIN != sectCurrent && sectCurrent > sectLimit) { msfChk(_fat.GetFree(1, §New, GF_WRITE));
// This is only here because I don't understand GetFree().
msfAssert(ENDOFCHAIN != sectNew);
msfChk(MoveSect(sectPrev, sectCurrent, sectNew)); sectCurrent = sectNew; } sectPrev = sectCurrent; }
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::MoveSect, private
// Synopsis: Move Data Sector for Consolidation Support.
// Arguments: [sectPrev] -- Previous sector, so the link can be updated.
// [sectOld] -- Location to copy from
// [sectNew] -- Location to copy to
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 20-Feb-1997 BChapman Created
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::MoveSect( SECT sectPrev, SECT sectOld, SECT sectNew) { ULONG cb; SCODE sc=S_OK; ULARGE_INTEGER ulOff; BYTE *pbScratch = BP_TO_P(BYTE HUGEP *, _pCopySectBuf);
// This code does not expect NOSCRATCH mode.
msfAssert(_pmsScratch == NULL);
// Copy the data from the old sector to the new sector.
ulOff.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectOld, 0, GetSectorShift()); msfChk((*_pplstParent)->ReadAt(ulOff, pbScratch, GetSectorSize(), &cb));
ulOff.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectNew, 0, GetSectorShift()); msfChk((*_pplstParent)->WriteAt(ulOff, pbScratch, GetSectorSize(), &cb));
// Update the previous sector's link (if this isn't the first sector)
if(ENDOFCHAIN != sectPrev) { msfChk(_fat.SetNext(sectPrev, sectNew)); }
// Update the link to the next sector.
SECT sectTemp; msfChk(_fat.GetNext(sectOld, §Temp)); msfChk(_fat.SetNext(sectNew, sectTemp));
// Free the old sector.
msfChk(_fat.SetNext(sectOld, FREESECT));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::CopySect, private
// Synopsis: Do a partial sector delta for copy-on-write support
// Arguments: [sectOld] -- Location to copy from
// [sectNew] -- Location to copy to
// [oStart] -- Offset into sector to begin delta
// [oEnd] -- Offset into sector to end delta
// [pb] -- Buffer to delta from
// [pulRetval] -- Return location for number of bytes written
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 22-Jan-93 PhilipLa Created
// Notes: [pb] may be unsafe memory
//This pragma is to avoid a C7 bug when building RETAIL
#if _MSC_VER == 700 && DBG == 0
#pragma function(memcpy)
SCODE CMStream::CopySect( SECT sectOld, SECT sectNew, OFFSET oStart, // First byte of the sector to copy.
OFFSET oEnd, // Last byte of the sector to copy.
BYTE const HUGEP *pb, ULONG *pulRetval) { SCODE sc;
ULISetHigh(ulOff, 0);
BYTE HUGEP *pbScratch = BP_TO_P(BYTE HUGEP *, _pCopySectBuf);
#if DBG == 1
msfAssert((_uBufferRef == 0) && aMsg("Attempted to use CopySect buffer while refcount != 0")); AtomicInc(&_uBufferRef); #endif
msfAssert((pbScratch != NULL) && aMsg("No CopySect buffer found."));
ulOff.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectOld, 0, GetSectorShift()); #else
ULISetLow(ulOff, ConvertSectOffset(sectOld, 0, GetSectorShift())); #endif
msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->ReadAt( ulOff, pbScratch, GetSectorSize(), &cb));
//Now do delta in memory.
BYTE HUGEP *pstart; pstart = pbScratch + oStart;
USHORT memLength; memLength = oEnd - oStart + 1;
TRY { memcpy(pstart, pb, memLength); } CATCH(CException, e) { UNREFERENCED_PARM(e); msfErr(Err, STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER); } END_CATCH
ulOff.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectNew, 0, GetSectorShift()); #else
ULISetLow(ulOff, ConvertSectOffset(sectNew, 0, GetSectorShift())); #endif
msfHChk((*_pplstParent)->WriteAt( ulOff, pbScratch, GetSectorSize(), &cb));
*pulRetval = memLength;
Err: #if DBG == 1
AtomicDec(&_uBufferRef); #endif
return sc; }
//This returns the compiler to the default behavior
#if _MSC_VER == 700 && DBG == 0
#pragma intrinsic(memcpy)
// Member: CMStream::MWrite, public
// Synposis: Do multiple sector writes
// Effects: Causes multiple stream writes. Modifies fat and directory
// Arguments: [ph] -- Handle of stream doing write
// [start] -- Starting sector to write
// [oStart] -- offset into sector to begin write at
// [end] -- Last sector to write
// [oEnd] -- offset into last sector to write to
// [buffer] -- Pointer to buffer into which data will be written
// [ulRetVal] -- location to return number of bytes written
// Returns: Error code of any failed call to parent write
// S_OK if call completed OK.
// Modifies: ulRetVal returns the number of bytes written
// Algorithm: Using a segment table, perform writes on parent stream
// until call is completed.
// History: 16-Aug-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 10-Sep-91 PhilipLa Converted to use sector table
// 11-Sep-91 PhilipLa Modified interface, modified to
// allow partial sector writes.
// 07-Jan-92 PhilipLa Converted to use handle.
// 18-Feb-92 PhilipLa Added copy on write support.
// Notes: [pvBuffer] may be unsafe memory
SCODE CMStream::MWrite( SID sid, BOOL fIsMini, #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
ULONG ulOffset, #endif
VOID const HUGEP *pvBuffer, ULONG ulCount, CStreamCache *pstmc, ULONG *pulRetval) { SCODE sc; BYTE const HUGEP *pbBuffer = (BYTE const HUGEP *) pvBuffer;
USHORT cbSector = GetSectorSize(); CFat *pfat = &_fat; USHORT uShift = GetSectorShift(); ULONG ulLastBytes = 0;
ULARGE_INTEGER ulOff; ULISetHigh(ulOff, 0);
ULONGLONG ulOldSize = 0; #else
ULONG ulOldSize = 0; #endif
// Check if it's a small stream and whether this is a real or
// scratch multistream.
if ((fIsMini) && (!_fIsScratch) && (SIDMINISTREAM != sid)) { msfAssert(sid <= MAXREGSID && aMsg("Invalid SID in MWrite")); // This stream is stored in the ministream
cbSector = MINISECTORSIZE; uShift = MINISECTORSHIFT; pfat = GetMiniFat(); }
USHORT uMask = cbSector - 1;
SECT start = (SECT)(ulOffset >> uShift); OFFSET oStart = (OFFSET)(ulOffset & uMask);
SECT end = (SECT)((ulOffset + ulCount - 1) >> uShift); OFFSET oEnd = (OFFSET)((ulOffset + ulCount - 1) & uMask);
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CMStream::MWrite(%lu,%u,%lu,%u)\n", start,oStart,end,oEnd));
ULONG bytecount; ULONG total = 0;
msfChk(_dir.GetSize(sid, &ulOldSize));
// Note that we don't do this for ministreams (the second pass through
// this code will take care of it).
msfAssert(!_fBlockWrite && aMsg("Called MWrite on Unconverted multistream"));
if ((_fBlockHeader) && (GetMiniFat() != pfat)) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"**MWrite preparing for copy-on-write\n"));
SECT sectOldStart, sectNewStart, sectOldEnd, sectNewEnd;
SECT sectNew; if (start != 0) { msfChk(pstmc->GetESect(start - 1, §New)); } else { msfChk(_dir.GetStart(sid, §New)); }
msfChk(_fat.Remap( sectNew, (start == 0) ? 0 : 1, (end - start + 1), §OldStart, §NewStart, §OldEnd, §NewEnd));
msfAssert(((end != start) || (sectNewStart == sectNewEnd)) && aMsg("Remap postcondition failed."));
if (sc != S_FALSE) { msfChk(pstmc->EmptyRegion(start, end)); }
if ((start == 0) && (sectNewStart != ENDOFCHAIN)) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "*** Remapped first sector. Changing directory.\n")); msfChk(_dir.SetStart(sid, sectNewStart)); }
ULONGLONG ulSize = ulOldSize; #else
ULONG ulSize = ulOldSize; #endif
if (((oStart != 0) || ((end == start) && (ulOffset + ulCount != ulSize) && ((USHORT)oEnd != (cbSector - 1)))) && (sectNewStart != ENDOFCHAIN)) { //Partial first sector.
ULONG ulRetval;
msfChk(CopySect( sectOldStart, sectNewStart, oStart, (end == start) ? oEnd : (cbSector - 1), pbBuffer, &ulRetval));
pbBuffer = pbBuffer + ulRetval; total = total + ulRetval; start++; oStart = 0; }
if (((end >= start) && ((USHORT)oEnd != cbSector - 1) && (ulCount + ulOffset != ulSize)) && (sectNewEnd != ENDOFCHAIN)) { //Partial last sector.
msfAssert(((end != start) || (oStart == 0)) && aMsg("CopySect precondition failed."));
msfChk(CopySect( sectOldEnd, sectNewEnd, 0, oEnd, pbBuffer + ((end - start) << uShift) - oStart, &ulLastBytes));
end--; oEnd = cbSector - 1; //We don't need to update pbBuffer, since the change
// is at the end.
} }
// At this point, the entire block has been moved into the copy-on-write
// area of the multistream, and all partial writes have been done.
msfAssert(end != 0xffffffffL);
if (end < start) { *pulRetval = total + ulLastBytes; goto Err; }
ULONG ulRunLength; ulRunLength = end - start + 1;
USHORT offset; offset = oStart;
while (TRUE) { SSegment segtab[CSEG + 1];
ULONG cSeg; msfChk(pstmc->Contig( start, TRUE, (SSegment STACKBASED *) segtab, ulRunLength, &cSeg));
msfAssert(cSeg <= CSEG);
USHORT oend = cbSector - 1; ULONG i; SECT sectStart; for (USHORT iseg = 0; iseg < cSeg;) { sectStart = segtab[iseg].sectStart; i = segtab[iseg].cSect; if (i > ulRunLength) i = ulRunLength;
ulRunLength -= i; start += i;
iseg++; if (ulRunLength == 0) oend = oEnd;
ULONG ulSize = ((i - 1) << uShift) - offset + oend + 1;
msfDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Calling lstream WriteAt(%lu,%p,%lu)\n", ConvertSectOffset(sectStart,offset,uShift), pbBuffer, ulSize));
if (GetMiniFat() == pfat) { sc = _pdsministream->CDirectStream::WriteAt( (sectStart << uShift) + offset, pbBuffer, ulSize, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&bytecount); } else { #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
ulOff.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectStart, offset, uShift); #else
ULISetLow(ulOff, ConvertSectOffset(sectStart, offset, uShift)); #endif
sc = DfGetScode((*_pplstParent)->WriteAt(ulOff, pbBuffer, ulSize, &bytecount)); }
total += bytecount;
//Check if this write is the last one in the stream,
// and that the stream ends as a partial sector.
//If so, fill out the remainder of the sector with
// something.
if ((0 == ulRunLength) && (total + ulOffset > ulOldSize) && (((total + ulOffset) & (GetSectorSize() - 1)) != 0)) { //This is the last sector and the stream has grown.
ULONG csectOld = (ULONG)((ulOldSize + GetSectorSize() - 1) >> GetSectorShift());
ULONG csectNew = (ULONG)((total + ulOffset + GetSectorSize() - 1) >> GetSectorShift());
if (csectNew > csectOld) { msfAssert(!fIsMini && aMsg("Small stream grew in MWrite"));
SECT sectLast = sectStart + i - 1;
msfVerify(SUCCEEDED(SecureSect( sectLast, total + ulOffset, FALSE))); } }
if (0 == ulRunLength || FAILED(sc)) { break; }
pbBuffer = pbBuffer + bytecount; offset = 0; }
if (0 == ulRunLength || FAILED(sc)) { *pulRetval = total + ulLastBytes; msfDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Out CMStream::MWrite()=>%lu, retval = %lu\n", sc, total)); break; } }
return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::Flush, public
// Synopsis: Flush control structures.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 16-Dec-92 PhilipLa Created
SCODE CMStream::Flush(BOOL fFlushCache) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
msfAssert(!_fBlockWrite && aMsg("Flush called on unconverted base."));
if ((!_fIsScratch) && (*_pplstParent != NULL)) { msfChk(_pmpt->Flush()); msfChk(FlushHeader(HDR_NOFORCE)); msfChk(ILBFlush(*_pplstParent, fFlushCache)); } Err: return sc; }
// Function: ILBFlush
// Synopsis: Flush as thoroughly as possible
// Effects: Flushes ILockBytes
// Arguments: [pilb] - ILockBytes to flush
// [fFlushCache] - Flush thoroughly iff TRUE
// Returns: SCODE
// Algorithm:
// History: 12-Feb-93 AlexT Created
SCODE ILBFlush(ILockBytes *pilb, BOOL fFlushCache) { // Try to query interface to our own implementation
IFileLockBytes *pfl; SCODE sc;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In ILBFlushCache(%p)\n", pilb));
// Check for FileLockBytes
if (!fFlushCache || FAILED(DfGetScode(pilb->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void **)&pfl)))) { // Either we don't have to flush the cache or its not our ILockBytes
sc = DfGetScode(pilb->Flush()); } else { // We have to flush the cache and its our ILockBytes
sc = DfGetScode(pfl->FlushCache()); pfl->Release(); }
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out ILBFlushCache()\n"));
return(sc); }
// Member: CMStream::SecureSect, public
// Synopsis: Zero out the unused portion of a sector
// Arguments: [sect] -- Sector to zero out
// [ulSize] -- Size of stream
// [fIsMini] -- TRUE if stream is in ministream
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Apr-93 PhilipLa Created
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::SecureSect( const SECT sect, #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
const ULONGLONG ulSize, #else
const ULONG ulSize, #endif
const BOOL fIsMini) { #ifdef SECURE_TAIL
SCODE sc = S_OK; BYTE *pb = NULL;
if (!_fIsScratch) { ULONG cbSect = fIsMini ? MINISECTORSIZE : GetSectorSize();
msfAssert(ulSize != 0);
ULONG ulOffset = (ULONG)(((ulSize - 1) % cbSect) + 1);
ULONG cb = cbSect - ulOffset;
msfAssert(cb != 0);
//We can use any initialized block of memory here. The header
// is available and is the correct size, so we use that.
pb = s_bufSecure; #else
pb = (BYTE *)_hdr.GetData(); #endif
pb = (BYTE *) DfMemAlloc(cb); if (pb != NULL) memset(pb, 'Y', cb); #endif
ULONG cbWritten;
if (!fIsMini) { ULARGE_INTEGER ulOff; #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
ulOff.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset( sect, (OFFSET)ulOffset, GetSectorShift()); #else
ULISet32 (ulOff, ConvertSectOffset( sect, (OFFSET)ulOffset, GetSectorShift())); #endif
msfChk(DfGetScode((*_pplstParent)->WriteAt( ulOff, pb, cb, &cbWritten))); } else { msfChk(_pdsministream->WriteAt( (sect << MINISECTORSHIFT) + ulOffset, pb, cb, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&cbWritten)); }
if (cbWritten != cb) { sc = STG_E_WRITEFAULT; } }
Err: #ifdef SECURETEST
DfMemFree(pb); #endif
return sc; #else
//On NT, our sectors get zeroed out by the file system, so we don't
// need this whole rigamarole.
return S_OK; #endif // WIN32 == 200
// Method: CMStream::SetFileLockBytesTime, public
// Synopsis: Set the IFileLockBytes time.
// Arguments: [tt] -- Timestamp requested (WT_CREATION, WT_MODIFICATION,
// [nt] -- New timestamp
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Query for IFileLockBytes and call its SetTime member.
// History: 01-Sep-95 MikeHill Created.
SCODE CMStream::SetFileLockBytesTime( WHICHTIME const tt, TIME_T nt) { SCODE sc = S_OK; ILockBytes *pilb = *_pplstParent; IFileLockBytes *pfl;
if (pilb && (SUCCEEDED(pilb->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void **)&pfl)))) {
sc = ((CFileStream *)pfl)->SetTime(tt, nt); pfl->Release();
return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::SetAllFileLockBytesTimes, public
// Synopsis: Set the IFileLockBytes time.
// Arguments:
// [atm] -- ACCESS time
// [mtm] -- MODIFICATION time
// [ctm] -- CREATION time
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Query for IFileLockBytes and call its SetAllTimes member.
// History: 29-Nov-95 SusiA Created.
SCODE CMStream::SetAllFileLockBytesTimes( TIME_T atm, TIME_T mtm, TIME_T ctm) { SCODE sc = S_OK; ILockBytes *pilb = *_pplstParent; IFileLockBytes *pfl;
if (SUCCEEDED(pilb->QueryInterface( IID_IFileLockBytes, (void **)&pfl))) {
sc = ((CFileStream *)pfl)->SetAllTimes(atm, mtm, ctm); pfl->Release();
return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::SetTime, public
// Synopsis: Set the time for a given handle
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID to retrieve time for
// [tt] -- Timestamp requested (WT_CREATION, WT_MODIFICATION,
// [nt] -- New timestamp
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Call through to directory
// History: 01-Apr-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 14-Sep-92 PhilipLa inlined.
// <Missing history>
// 26-APR-99 RogerCh Removed faulty optimization
SCODE CMStream::SetTime( SID const sid, WHICHTIME const tt, TIME_T nt) {
if ( sid == SIDROOT ) { SCODE sc;
if( FAILED( sc = SetFileLockBytesTime( tt, nt ))) { return sc; } }// if( sid == SIDROOT)
return _dir.SetTime(sid, tt, nt); }
// Method: CMStream::SetAllTimes, public
// Synopsis: Set all the times for a given handle
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID to retrieve time for
// [atm] -- ACCESS time
// [mtm] -- MODIFICATION time
// [ctm] -- CREATION time
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Call through to directory
// History: 27-Nov-95 SusiA Created
SCODE CMStream::SetAllTimes( SID const sid, TIME_T atm, TIME_T mtm, TIME_T ctm) {
if ( sid == SIDROOT ) {
if( FAILED( sc = SetAllFileLockBytesTimes(atm, mtm, ctm ))) { return sc; } } return _dir.SetAllTimes(sid, atm, mtm, ctm); }
// Method: CMStream::GetTime, public
// Synopsis: Get the time for a given handle
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID to retrieve time for
// [tt] -- Timestamp requested (WT_CREATION, WT_MODIFICATION,
// [pnt] -- Pointer to return location
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// History: 01-Apr-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 14-Sep-92 PhilipLa inlined.
SCODE CMStream::GetTime(SID const sid, WHICHTIME const tt, TIME_T *pnt) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if (sid == SIDROOT) { //Get timestamp from ILockBytes
msfChk((*_pplstParent)->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME));
if (tt == WT_CREATION) { *pnt = stat.ctime; } else if (tt == WT_MODIFICATION) { *pnt = stat.mtime; } else { *pnt = stat.atime; } } else sc = _dir.GetTime(sid, tt, pnt); Err: return sc; }
// Method: CMStream::GetAllTimes, public
// Synopsis: Get the times for a given handle
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID to retrieve time for
// [patm] -- Pointer to the ACCESS time
// [pmtm] -- Pointer to the MODIFICATION time
// [pctm] -- Pointer to the CREATION time
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// History: 26-May-95 SusiA Created
SCODE CMStream::GetAllTimes(SID const sid, TIME_T *patm, TIME_T *pmtm, TIME_T *pctm) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if (sid == SIDROOT) { //Get timestamp from ILockBytes
msfChk((*_pplstParent)->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME));
*pctm = stat.ctime; *pmtm = stat.mtime; *patm = stat.atime;
} else sc = _dir.GetAllTimes(sid, patm, pmtm, pctm); Err: return sc; }
// Member: CMStream::InitScratch, public
// Synopsis: Set up a multistream for NoScratch operation
// Arguments: [pms] -- Pointer to base multistream
// [fNew] -- True if this is the first time the function has
// been called (init path), FALSE if merging behavior
// is required (EndCopyOnWrite)
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 02-Mar-95 PhilipLa Created
// Notes:
SCODE CMStream::InitScratch(CMStream *pms, BOOL fNew) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CMStream::InitScratch:%p()\n", this));
msfAssert(GetSectorSize() == SCRATCHSECTORSIZE); msfAssert(_fIsNoScratch && aMsg("Called InitScratch on Multistream not in NoScratch mode"));
return _fatMini.InitScratch(pms->GetFat(), fNew); }
// Member: CMStream::GetMalloc, public
// Synopsis: Returns the allocator associated with this multistream
// History: 05-May-93 AlexT Created
IMalloc * CMStream::GetMalloc(VOID) const { return (IMalloc *) &g_smAllocator; } #endif