// File: dllmain.cxx
// Purpose: This file provides the registration and deregistration
// functions for the IProp DLL: DllRegisterServer and
// DllUnregisterServer. These two functions register/
// deregister the property set marshaling code:
// IPropertySetStorage, IPropertyStorage, IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG,
// and IEnumSTATPROPSTG. Note that this registration is
// different from the typical server registration in that
// it only registers the marshaling code, it does not
// register an instantiable COM server. Also, no registration
// takes place if OLE32 is already registered to perform
// this marshaling.
// The actual DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer
// implementations are at the end of this file. First,
// several helper functions are defined.
// --------
// Includes
// --------
#include <pch.cxx>
#include <tchar.h>
// The following is from "olectl.h". That file couldn't simply
// be included, however, because it isn't compatible with the
// special objidl.h and wtypes.h used by IProp DLL.
// -------
// Globals
// -------
// Important DLL names.
const LPTSTR tszNameDll = TEXT( "IProp.dll" );
// Registry entry descriptions
const LPTSTR tszOle32PSFactoryClsid = TEXT( "{00000320-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ); const LPTSTR tszNamePropertySetStorage = TEXT( "IPropertySetStorage" ); const LPTSTR tszNamePropertyStorage = TEXT( "IPropertyStorage" ); const LPTSTR tszNameIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG = TEXT( "IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG" ); const LPTSTR tszNameIEnumSTATPROPSTG = TEXT( "IEnumSTATPROPSTG" );
// GUIDs in Registry format
const LPTSTR tszGuidPropertySetStorage = TEXT( "{0000013A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ); const LPTSTR tszGuidPropertyStorage = TEXT( "{00000138-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ); const LPTSTR tszGuidIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG = TEXT( "{0000013B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ); const LPTSTR tszGuidIEnumSTATPROPSTG = TEXT( "{00000139-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" );
// Function: UpdateKeyAndSubKey
// Synopsis: This function either creates or deletes first
// a key and un-named value under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
// then a sub-key and associated un-named value. The
// caller indicates whether a create or delete should occur.
// However, the caller may specify that nothing be done
// if the sub-key exists and already has a specific
// un-named REG_SZ value.
// Inputs: [const LPTSTR] tszMainKey (in)
// The name of the key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
// [const LPTSTR] tszMainKeyDescription (in)
// The un-named REG_SZ value under this key (not necessary
// if fDelete is true).
// [const LPTSTR] tszSubKey (in)
// The name of the key under the first key.
// [const LPTSTR] tszSubKeyDescription (in)
// The un-named REG_SZ value to write under this sub-key
// (not necessary if fDelete is true).
// [const LPTSTR] tszSubKeyCheck (in)
// If non-NULL, and the subkey already exists, see if
// this string matches an un-named REG_SZ value in
// the sub-key. If so, abort the operation and return
// [BOOL] fDelete
// If TRUE, delete the keys, if FALSE, create them.
// But this is ignored if tszSubKeyCheck matches
// (in which case nothing happens).
// Returns: [long] A GetLastError value.
long UpdateKeyAndSubKey( const LPTSTR tszMainKey, const LPTSTR tszMainKeyDescription, const LPTSTR tszSubKey, const LPTSTR tszSubKeyDescription, const LPTSTR tszSubKeyCheck, BOOL fDelete ) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
long lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwDisposition;
HKEY hkeyMain = NULL; // E.g. "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{.....}"
HKEY hkeySub = NULL; // E.g. ..."InProcServer32"
// -------------
// Open the keys
// -------------
// Are we opening for delete?
if( fDelete ) { // Yes - we're deleting. We'll just attempt to do an Open.
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, tszMainKey, 0L, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyMain ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyMain, tszSubKey, 0L, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeySub ); }
if( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lResult ) lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; else if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
} // if( fDelete )
else { // We're not opening for delete. So we'll use RegCreateKey,
// which does an Open if the key exists, and a Create otherwise.
lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, tszMainKey, 0L, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyMain, &dwDisposition ); if( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto Exit;
// Open the sub-key.
lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hkeyMain, tszSubKey, 0L, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeySub, &dwDisposition ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
} // if( fDelete ) ... else
// --------------------------
// Do we need to do anything?
// --------------------------
// Does it look like we might not need to do anything?
if( NULL != tszSubKeyCheck // The caller said to check first
&& NULL != hkeySub // We Created or Opened a sub-key
&& // Specifically, it was an Open.
REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY == dwDisposition ) { // Yes - we need to see if the key already contains
// tszSubKeyCheck. If so, then we're done.
DWORD dwType = 0; TCHAR tszData[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof( tszData );
// Is there an un-named value in this key?
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hkeySub, NULL, // Name
NULL, // Reserved
&dwType, // E.g. REG_SZ
(LPBYTE) tszData,// Return value
&dwDataSize ); // In: size of buf. Out: size of value
// We should have gotten a success-code or a not-extant code
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != lResult ) { goto Exit; }
// If we got an extant SZ value that matches tszSubKeyCheck,
// then there's nothing we need do.
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult && REG_SZ == dwType && !_tcsicmp( tszData, tszSubKeyCheck ) ) { lResult = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; goto Exit; }
} // if( REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY == dwDisposition ...
// --------------------------
// Delete keys, or set values
// --------------------------
if( fDelete ) { // Reset the result code, since the code below may not set it.
// We're doing a delete. First, delete the sub-key, which
// will delete any values. If there was no subkey, hkeySub will
// be NULL.
if( NULL != hkeySub ) { CloseHandle( hkeySub ); hkeySub = NULL;
lResult = RegDeleteKey( hkeyMain, tszSubKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit; }
// Second, delete the main key
if( NULL != hkeyMain ) { CloseHandle( hkeyMain ); hkeyMain = NULL;
lResult = RegDeleteKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, tszMainKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit; }
} // if( fDelete )
else { // We're adding to the Registry. The two keys are now
// created & opened, so we can add the REG_SZ values.
// The REG_SZ value for the main key.
lResult = RegSetValueEx(hkeyMain, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) tszMainKeyDescription, sizeof(TCHAR) * (1 + _tcslen(tszMainKeyDescription) )); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
// The REG_SZ value for the sub-key.
lResult = RegSetValueEx(hkeySub, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) tszSubKeyDescription, sizeof(TCHAR) * (1 + _tcslen(tszSubKeyDescription) )); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
} // if( fDelete ) ... else
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( NULL != hkeySub ) CloseHandle( hkeySub );
if( NULL != hkeyMain ) CloseHandle( hkeyMain );
return( lResult );
} // WriteKeyAndSubKey()
// Function: RegisterForMarshaling
// Synopsis: This function takes the GUID ane name of an interface
// for which MIDL-generated marshaling code exists in the
// caller-specified DLL. First we try to update the
// CLSID entries, but we'll fail this if the entries already
// exist and reference OLE32 (OLE32 has better marshaling
// code). If this doesn't fail, then we'll update the
// Interface entries.
// The caller specifies if this "update" of the registry
// is a write or a delete. This this routine can be used
// in either a registration or a de-registration.
// Inputs: [const LPTSTR] tszGuid (in)
// The GUID in registery format ("{...-...-...}")
// [const LPTSTR] tszName (in)
// The name of the interface
// [const LPTSTR] tszDllPath (in)
// The complete path and filename of the DLL which contains
// the marshaling code.
// [BOOL] fDelete (in)
// Determines if we add to the Registry or delete from it.
// Returns: [long] a GetLastError() value
long RegisterForMarshaling( const LPTSTR tszGuid, const LPTSTR tszName, const LPTSTR tszDllPath, BOOL fDelete ) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
long lResult; TCHAR tszMainKey[ MAX_PATH ];
// -----------------------------------
// Update HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interfaces
// -----------------------------------
// Calculate the key name name
_tcscpy( tszMainKey, TEXT( "Interface\\" )); _tcscat( tszMainKey, tszGuid );
// Update the registry, but only if there isn't a current
// entry pointing to OLE32's proxy/stub factory.
lResult = UpdateKeyAndSubKey( tszMainKey, tszName, TEXT( "ProxyStubClsid32" ), tszGuid, tszOle32PSFactoryClsid, fDelete ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
// ------------------------------
// ------------------------------
// Calculate the name.
_tcscpy( tszMainKey, TEXT( "CLSID\\" )); _tcscat( tszMainKey, tszGuid );
// Update the entries. This will add the path (if !fDelete) or remove
// the registry entry (if fDelete) regardless of the current state
// of the key; if we weren't supposed to remove it, the previous
// call to UpdateKeyAndSubKey would have returned an error.
lResult = UpdateKeyAndSubKey( tszMainKey, tszName, TEXT( "InprocServer32" ), tszDllPath, NULL, // Add/delete, regardless of what exists
fDelete ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == lResult ) { propDbg(( DEB_WARN, "IProp DLL UpdateKeyAndSubKey: Entry already exists\n" )); lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return( lResult );
} // RegisterForMarshaling()
// Function: RegisterServer
// Synopsis: This routine can be used with both DllRegisterServer and
// DllUnregisterServer. It adds/deletes IPropertySetStorage
// Inputs: [BOOL] fDelete (in)
// Indicates whether the registry entries should be added
// or removed.
// Returns: [HRESULT]
STDAPI RegisterServer( BOOL fDelete ) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
LONG lResult;
// -----
// Begin
// -----
// Register IPropertySetStorage
lResult = RegisterForMarshaling( tszGuidPropertySetStorage, tszNamePropertySetStorage, tszNameDll, fDelete ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
// Register IPropertyStorage
lResult = RegisterForMarshaling( tszGuidPropertyStorage, tszNamePropertyStorage, tszNameDll, fDelete ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
lResult = RegisterForMarshaling( tszGuidIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG, tszNameIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG, tszNameDll, fDelete ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
// Register IEnumSTATPROPSTG
lResult = RegisterForMarshaling( tszGuidIEnumSTATPROPSTG, tszNameIEnumSTATPROPSTG, tszNameDll, fDelete ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) goto Exit;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) { propDbg(( DEB_ERROR, "IProp DLL RegisterServer failed (%lu)\n", lResult )); return( SELFREG_E_CLASS ); } else { return( S_OK ); }
} // RegisterServer()
// Function: DllRegisterServer & DllUnregisterServer
// Synopsis: These routines are the standard DLL registration entry
// points for a self-registering in-proc COM server. They
// are used to register the property set marshaling code.
// These routines are called, for example,
// by a setup program during installation and de-installation,
// respectively.
STDAPI DllRegisterServer() { return( RegisterServer( FALSE )); }
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer() { return( RegisterServer( TRUE )); }
void InitializeDebugging(); void UnInitializeDebugging();
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HANDLE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpv ) { #if DBG == 1
{ if( DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == dwReason ) InitializeDebugging(); else if( DLL_PROCESS_DETACH == dwReason ) UnInitializeDebugging(); } #endif // #if DBG == 1
return( TRUE ); }