* dialog.c - Handles the Windows 3.1 common dialogs. * * Created by Microsoft Corporation. * (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1990 - 1992 All Rights Reserved */
//*** INCLUDES ****
#include <windows.h> //* WINDOWS
#include <ole.h> //* OLE
#include "global.h" //* global
#include "demorc.h" //* String table constants
#include "register.h" //* Class registration library
#include "utility.h"
#include "dialog.h"
#include "object.h"
//*** GLOBALS ***
//* strings used with commdlg
* OfnInit() * Initializes the standard file dialog OFN structure. **************************************************************************/
VOID FAR OfnInit( //* ENTRY:
HANDLE hInst //* instance handle
){ //* LOCAL:
LPSTR lpstr; //* string pointer
LoadString(hInst, IDS_FILTER, szFilterSpec, CBMESSAGEMAX); LoadString(hInst, IDS_EXTENSION, szDefExtension, CBMESSAGEMAX);
OFN.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); OFN.hInstance = hInst; OFN.nMaxCustFilter = CBFILTERMAX; OFN.nMaxFile = CBPATHMAX; OFN.lCustData = 0; OFN.lpfnHook = NULL; OFN.lpTemplateName = NULL; OFN.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; //* Construct the filter string
//* for the Open and Save dialogs
lpstr = (LPSTR)szFilterSpec; lstrcat(lpstr, " (*."); lstrcat(lpstr, szDefExtension); lstrcat(lpstr, ")"); lpstr += lstrlen(lpstr) + 1;
lstrcpy(lpstr, "*."); lstrcat(lpstr, szDefExtension); lpstr += lstrlen(lpstr) + 1; *lpstr = 0;
RegMakeFilterSpec(NULL, NULL, (LPSTR)szInsertFilter);
* OfnGetName() * * Calls the standard file dialogs to get a file name **************************************************************************/
BOOL FAR OfnGetName( //* ENTRY:
HWND hwnd, //* parent window handle
LPSTR szFileName, //* File name
WORD msg //* operation
){ //* LOCAL:
BOOL frc; //* return flag
CHAR szCaption[CBMESSAGEMAX];//* dialog caption
OFN.hwndOwner = hwnd; //* window
OFN.nFilterIndex = 1; OFN.lpstrInitialDir = (LPSTR)szLastDir; OFN.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
switch (msg) //* message
{ case IDM_OPEN: //* open file
Normalize(szFileName); OFN.lpstrDefExt = (LPSTR)szDefExtension; OFN.lpstrFile = (LPSTR)szFileName; OFN.lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)szFilterSpec; LoadString(hInst, IDS_OPENFILE, szCaption, CBMESSAGEMAX); OFN.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)szCaption; OFN.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; return GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OFN); break;
case IDM_SAVEAS: //* save as file
Normalize(szFileName); OFN.lpstrDefExt = (LPSTR)szDefExtension; OFN.lpstrFile = (LPSTR)szFileName; OFN.lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)szFilterSpec; LoadString(hInst, IDS_SAVEFILE, szCaption, CBMESSAGEMAX); OFN.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)szCaption; OFN.Flags |= OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; return GetSaveFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OFN); break;
case IDM_INSERTFILE: //* insert file
OFN.lpstrDefExt = NULL; OFN.lpstrFile = (LPSTR)szFileName; OFN.lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)szInsertFilter; LoadString(hInst, IDS_INSERTFILE, szCaption, CBMESSAGEMAX); OFN.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)szCaption; OFN.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; frc = GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OFN); AddExtension(&OFN); return frc; break;
default: //* default
break; }
* OfnGetNewLinkName() - Sets up the "Change Link..." dialog box * * returns LPSTR - fully qualified filename **************************************************************************/
LPSTR FAR OfnGetNewLinkName( //* ENTRY:
HWND hwnd, //* calling window or dialog
LPSTR lpstrData //* link data
){ //* LOCAL:
LPSTR lpReturn = NULL; //* return string
LPSTR lpstrFile = NULL; //* non-qualified file name
LPSTR lpstrPath = NULL; //* pathname
LPSTR lpstrTemp = NULL; //* work string
CHAR szDocFile[CBPATHMAX];//* document name
CHAR szDocPath[CBPATHMAX];//* document path name
//* Figure out the link's path
//* name and file name
lpstrTemp = lpstrData; while (*lpstrTemp++); lpstrPath = lpstrFile = lpstrTemp;
while (*(lpstrTemp = AnsiNext(lpstrTemp))) if (*lpstrTemp == '\\') lpstrFile = lpstrTemp + 1; //* Copy the document name
lstrcpy(szDocFile, lpstrFile); *(lpstrFile - 1) = 0; //* Copy the path name
lstrcpy(szDocPath, ((lpstrPath != lpstrFile) ? lpstrPath : "")); if (lpstrPath != lpstrFile) //* Restore the backslash
*(lpstrFile - 1) = '\\'; while (*lpstrFile != '.' && *lpstrFile)//* Get the extension
lpstrFile++; //* Make a filter that respects
//* the link's class name
OFN.hwndOwner = hwnd; OFN.nFilterIndex = RegMakeFilterSpec(lpstrData, lpstrFile, szServerFilter); OFN.lpstrDefExt = NULL; OFN.lpstrFile = (LPSTR)szDocFile; OFN.lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)szServerFilter; OFN.lpstrInitialDir = (LPSTR)szDocPath; LoadString(hInst, IDS_CHANGELINK, szCaption, CBMESSAGEMAX); OFN.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)szCaption; OFN.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; OFN.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;
//* If we get a file... */
if (GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OFN)) { if (!(lpReturn = GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(LHND, CBPATHMAX)))) goto Error;
AddExtension(&OFN); lstrcpy(lpReturn, szDocFile);
OFN.lpstrInitialDir = (LPSTR)szLastDir; }
return lpReturn; //* SUCCESS return
Error: //* ERROR Tag
return NULL; //* ERROR return
* Normalize() * Removes the path specification from the file name. * * Note: It isn't possible to get "<drive>:<filename>" as input because * the path received will always be fully qualified. **************************************************************************/
VOID Normalize( //* ENTRY:
LPSTR lpstrFile //* file name
){ //* LOCAL:
LPSTR lpstrBackslash = NULL;//* back slash
LPSTR lpstrTemp = lpstrFile;//* file name
while (*lpstrTemp) { if (*lpstrTemp == '\\') lpstrBackslash = lpstrTemp;
lpstrTemp = AnsiNext(lpstrTemp); } if (lpstrBackslash) lstrcpy(lpstrFile, lpstrBackslash + 1);
* AddExtension() * * Adds the extension corresponding to the filter dropdown. **************************************************************************/
VOID AddExtension( //* ENTRY:
LPOPENFILENAME lpOFN //* open file structure
if (lpOFN->nFileExtension == (WORD)lstrlen(lpOFN->lpstrFile) && lpOFN->nFilterIndex) { LPSTR lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)lpOFN->lpstrFilter;
while (*lpstrFilter && --lpOFN->nFilterIndex) { while (*lpstrFilter++) ; while (*lpstrFilter++) ; } //* If we got to the filter,
if (*lpstrFilter) //* retrieve the extension
{ while (*lpstrFilter++) ; lpstrFilter++; //* Copy the extension
if (lpstrFilter[1] != '*') lstrcat(lpOFN->lpstrFile, lpstrFilter); } }
} /****************************************************************************
* fnInsertNew() * * Dialog procedure for the Insert New dialog. * * Returns int - TRUE if message processed, FALSE otherwise ***************************************************************************/
HWND hDlg, //* standard dialog box paramters
UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam //* (LPSTR) class name
){ //* LOCAL:
HWND hwndList; //* handle to listbox
static LPSTR lpClassName; //* classname for return value
hwndList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_LISTBOX);
switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: if (!RegGetClassNames(hwndList)) EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL);
lpClassName = (LPSTR)lParam; SetFocus(hwndList); SendMessage(hwndList, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L); return (FALSE);
case WM_COMMAND: { WORD wID = LOWORD(wParam); WORD wCmd = HIWORD(wParam);
switch (wID) { case IDD_LISTBOX: if (wCmd != LBN_DBLCLK) break;
case IDOK: if (!RegCopyClassName(hwndList, lpClassName)) wParam = IDCANCEL;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, wParam); break; } break; } } return FALSE;
* LinkProperties(); * * Manage the link properties dialog box. **************************************************************************/
VOID FAR LinkProperties() { //* LOCAL
DialogBox ( hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DTPROP), hwndFrame, (DLGPROC)fnProperties );
* fnProperties() * * Dialog procedure for link properties. The Links dialog allows the user to * change the link options, edit/play the object, cancel the link as * well change links. * * returns BOOL - TRUE if processed, FALSE otherwise **************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY fnProperties( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* standard dialog box parameters
UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam //* (HWND) child window with focus
){ //* LOCAL:
static APPITEMPTR *pLinks; //* pointer to links (associated windows)
static INT nLinks; //* number of links
static HWND hwndList; //* handle to listbox window
static BOOL fTry;
switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hwndProp = hDlg; hwndList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_LINKNAME); if (!(InitLinkDlg(hDlg, &nLinks, hwndList, &pLinks))) EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); UpdateLinkButtons(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks); break;
case WM_COMMAND: { WORD wID = LOWORD(wParam);
switch (wID) { case IDD_CHANGE: //* change links
BLOCK_BUSY(fTry); if (ChangeLinks(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks)) DisplayUpdate(nLinks,hwndList,pLinks, FALSE); return TRUE;
case IDD_FREEZE: //* cancel links
BLOCK_BUSY(fTry); CancelLinks(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks); UpdateLinkButtons(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks); return TRUE;
case IDD_UPDATE: //* update links
BLOCK_BUSY(fTry); DisplayUpdate(nLinks,hwndList,pLinks,TRUE); UpdateLinkButtons(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks); return TRUE;
case IDD_AUTO: case IDD_MANUAL: //* change link update options
BLOCK_BUSY(fTry); if (!SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,wParam),BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0L)) { CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDD_AUTO ,IDD_MANUAL ,wParam); ChangeUpdateOptions(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks, (wParam == IDD_AUTO ? oleupdate_always : oleupdate_oncall)); UpdateLinkButtons(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks); } return TRUE;
case IDD_LINKNAME: if (HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) UpdateLinkButtons(hDlg,nLinks,hwndList,pLinks); return TRUE;
case IDCANCEL: BLOCK_BUSY(fTry); UndoObjects(); END_PROP_DLG(hDlg,pLinks); return TRUE;
case IDOK: BLOCK_BUSY(fTry); DelUndoObjects(FALSE); END_PROP_DLG(hDlg,pLinks); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
* InitLinkDlg(); * * Initialize the list box of links. ***************************************************************************/
static BOOL InitLinkDlg ( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* dialog box handle
INT *nLinks, //* pointer to number of links
HWND hwndList, //* listbox handle
APPITEMPTR **pLinks //* list of window handles of links
){ //* LOCAL
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item pointer
LPSTR lpstrData = NULL; //* pointer to link data
CHAR szFull[CBMESSAGEMAX * 4];//* list box entry string
CHAR pLinkData[OBJECT_LINK_MAX];//* holder of link data
BOOL fSelect = FALSE; //* item selected flag
HANDLE hWork; //* working memory handle
APPITEMPTR pTop; //* pointer to the top object
if (!(*pLinks = (APPITEMPTR *)LocalLock(LocalAlloc(LHND,sizeof(APPITEMPTR)*10)))) { ErrorMessage(E_FAILED_TO_ALLOC); return 0; } *nLinks = 0; //* set tabs
SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,FALSE,0L); //* enumerate child windows
for (pTop = pItem = GetTopItem(); pItem; pItem = GetNextItem(pItem)) { if (pItem->otObject == OT_LINK && pItem->fVisible) { *(*pLinks + *nLinks) = pItem; if (!((*nLinks += 1)%10)) { //* add blocks of ten
hWork = LocalHandle((LPSTR)(*pLinks)); LocalUnlock(hWork); if (!(hWork = LocalReAlloc(hWork,(*nLinks+10)*sizeof(APPITEMPTR),0))) { ErrorMessage(E_FAILED_TO_ALLOC); return FALSE; //* ERROR return
} *pLinks = (APPITEMPTR *)LocalLock(hWork); }
if (pTop == pItem) fSelect = TRUE;
if (!ObjGetData(pItem, pLinkData)) continue; //* make listbox entry
MakeListBoxString(pLinkData, szFull, pItem->uoObject); //* add listbox entry
SendMessage(hwndList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG)(LPSTR)szFull); } }
if (fSelect) SendMessage(hwndList, LB_SETSEL, 1, 0L);
SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,TRUE,0L); UpdateWindow(hwndList);
return TRUE; //* SUCCESS return
* MakeListBoxString() * * build an listbox entry string ***************************************************************************/
static VOID MakeListBoxString( //* ENTRY:
LPSTR lpLinkData, //* pointer to link data
LPSTR lpBoxData, //* return string
OLEOPT_UPDATE oleopt_update //* OLE update option
){ //* LOCAL:
CHAR szType[CBMESSAGEMAX];//* holds update option string
LPSTR lpTemp; //* working string pointer
INT i; //* index
//* get classname
RegGetClassId(lpBoxData, lpLinkData); lstrcat(lpBoxData, " - "); //* ads tab
while (*lpLinkData++); //* skip to document name
lpTemp = lpLinkData; while (*lpTemp) //* copy document name;
{ //* strip drive an directory
if (*lpTemp == '\\' || *lpTemp == ':') lpLinkData = lpTemp + 1; lpTemp = AnsiNext(lpTemp); } lstrcat(lpBoxData, lpLinkData); lstrcat(lpBoxData, " - ");
while (*lpLinkData++); //* copy item data
lstrcat(lpBoxData, lpLinkData); lstrcat(lpBoxData, " - "); //* add update option string
switch (oleopt_update) { case oleupdate_always: i = SZAUTO; break; case oleupdate_oncall: i = SZMANUAL; break; default: i = SZFROZEN; } LoadString(hInst, i, szType, CBMESSAGEMAX); lstrcat(lpBoxData, szType);
} //* SUCCESS return
* UpdateLinkButtons() * * Keep link buttons active as appropriate. This routine is called after * a selection is made so the buttons reflect the selected items. **************************************************************************/
static VOID UpdateLinkButtons( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* dialog box handle
INT nLinks, //* number of links
HWND hwndList, //* listbox handle
APPITEMPTR *pLinks //* pointer to link's window handles
){ //* LOCAL:
ATOM aCurName=0; //* atom of current doc
BOOL fChangeLink = TRUE; //* enable/disable changelink button
INT iAuto,iManual,i; //* count of manual and auto links
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item pointer
INT iStatic;
iStatic = iAuto = iManual = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) //* enum selected links
{ if (SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETSEL, i, 0L)) { pItem = *(pLinks+i); if (pItem->otObject == OT_STATIC) iStatic++; else { switch(pItem->uoObject) { //* count number of manual and
case oleupdate_always: //* automatic links selected
iAuto++; break; case oleupdate_oncall: iManual++; break; } //* check if all selected links are
if (!aCurName) //* linked to same file
aCurName = pItem->aLinkName; else if (aCurName != pItem->aLinkName) fChangeLink = FALSE; } } }
if (!(iAuto || iManual || iStatic) //* if no links disable all buttons
|| (!iAuto && !iManual && iStatic)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_FREEZE), FALSE ); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_CHANGE), FALSE ); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_UPDATE), FALSE ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_AUTO, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_AUTO),FALSE); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_UPDATE), TRUE ); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_FREEZE), TRUE );
if (iAuto && iManual || !(iAuto || iManual)) { //* Set update buttons
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_AUTO, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_AUTO),FALSE); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_AUTO), TRUE); if (iAuto) { CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_AUTO, TRUE); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL, FALSE); } else { CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_AUTO, FALSE); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_MANUAL, TRUE); } } }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_CHANGE),fChangeLink && aCurName);
* ChangeLinks() * * This routine changes the linked data if the user chooses a new file to * replace the old document data portion of the linked date. The routine * does nothing if the user cancels. * * returns TRUE - if data changed FALSE if user cancel or err. ***************************************************************************/
static BOOL ChangeLinks( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* dialog handle
INT nLinks, //* number of links in listbox
HWND hwndList, //* listbox
APPITEMPTR *pLinks //* list of application link handles
){ //* LOCAL
INT i; //* general index
HANDLE hWork; //* work
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item
LPSTR lpNewDoc = NULL; //* new document
ATOM aOldDoc; //* atom of old doc. name
ATOM aCurDoc = 0; //* atom of change-to doc. name
BOOL fMessage = FALSE; //* error message flag
LPSTR lpLinkData; //* pointer to link data
lpLinkData = NULL; //* This loop finds all selected links
for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) //* and updates them
{ if (SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETSEL, i, 0L)) { pItem = *(pLinks+i); CHECK_IF_STATIC(pItem);
pItem->lpLinkData = lpLinkData; if (!ObjGetData(pItem,NULL)) continue;
if (!lpNewDoc) { if (!(lpNewDoc = OfnGetNewLinkName(hDlg, pItem->lpLinkData))) return FALSE; //* ERROR jump
aOldDoc = pItem->aLinkName; aCurDoc = AddAtom(lpNewDoc); SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,FALSE,0L); }
ObjSaveUndo(pItem); ObjChangeLinkData(pItem,lpNewDoc); pItem->aLinkName = aCurDoc; lpLinkData = pItem->lpLinkData;
CHANGE_LISTBOX_STRING(hwndList, i, pItem, pItem->lpLinkData);
pItem->lpLinkData = NULL; } }
* now deal with non-selected links and look for a match... *************************************************************************/
//* this loop finds non-selected links
for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) //* and asks the user to update these?
{ if (!SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETSEL, i, 0L)) { pItem = *(pLinks+i); if (pItem->otObject == OT_STATIC) continue;
if (!ObjGetData(pItem,NULL)) continue;
if (pItem->aLinkName == aOldDoc) { if (!fMessage) { CHAR szMessage[2*CBMESSAGEMAX+3*CBPATHMAX]; CHAR szRename[2*CBMESSAGEMAX]; CHAR szOldDoc[CBMESSAGEMAX]; LPSTR pOldDoc;
GetAtomName(aOldDoc,szOldDoc,CBMESSAGEMAX); pOldDoc =(LPSTR)UnqualifyPath(szOldDoc); LoadString(hInst, IDS_RENAME, szRename, 2*CBMESSAGEMAX); wsprintf( szMessage, szRename, pOldDoc, (LPSTR)UnqualifyPath(szFileName), pOldDoc );
if (MessageBox(hDlg, szMessage, szAppName, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDNO) break; fMessage = TRUE; }
ObjSaveUndo(pItem); ObjChangeLinkData(pItem,lpNewDoc); CHANGE_LISTBOX_STRING(hwndList, i, pItem, pItem->lpLinkData);
pItem->aLinkName = aCurDoc; } } }
if(lpNewDoc) { hWork = GlobalHandle(lpNewDoc); GlobalUnlock(hWork); GlobalFree(hWork); }
#if 0
// This is bogus -- this memory is owned by OLECLI32.DLL, not this app,
// so it should not be freed here.
if (lpLinkData) FreeLinkData(lpLinkData); #endif
SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,TRUE,0L); InvalidateRect(hwndList,NULL,TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwndList);
if (aCurDoc) DeleteAtom(aCurDoc);
return(TRUE); }
* DisplayUpdate() * * Get the most up to date rendering information and show it. ***************************************************************************/
static VOID DisplayUpdate( //* ENTRY:
INT nLinks, //* number of links in listbox
HWND hwndList, //* listbox
APPITEMPTR *pLinks, //* list of application link handles
BOOL fSaveUndo //* save undo objects
){ //* LOCAL:
INT i; //* index
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* temporary item pointer
for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) if (SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETSEL, i, 0L)) { pItem = *(pLinks+i); CHECK_IF_STATIC(pItem); if (fSaveUndo) ObjSaveUndo(pItem); Error(OleUpdate(pItem->lpObject)); }
* UndoObjects() * * Bring objects back to their original state. ***************************************************************************/
static VOID UndoObjects() { APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item pointer
//* enum objects
for (pItem = GetTopItem(); pItem; pItem = GetNextItem(pItem)) if (pItem->lpObjectUndo) ObjUndo(pItem);
* DelUndoObjects() * * remove all objects created for undo operation. ***************************************************************************/
static VOID DelUndoObjects( //* ENTRY:
BOOL fPrompt //* prompt user?
){ //* LOCAL:
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item pointer
BOOL fPrompted = FALSE; //* prompted user?
for (pItem = GetTopItem(); pItem; pItem = GetNextItem(pItem)) { if (pItem->lpObjectUndo) { if (fPrompt && !fPrompted) //* prompt user in activation case
LoadString(hInst, IDS_SAVE_CHANGES, szPrompt, CBMESSAGEMAX);
if (MessageBox(hwndFrame, szPrompt, szAppName, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDNO) { UndoObjects(); return; //* user canceled operation
} fPrompted = TRUE; } ObjDelUndo(pItem); //* delete udo object
} }
} //* SUCCESS return
* CancelLinks() ***************************************************************************/
static VOID CancelLinks( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* calling dialog
INT nLinks, //* number of links in listbox
HWND hwndList, //* listbox
APPITEMPTR *pLinks //* list of application link handles
){ //* LOCAL:
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item pointer
INT i; //* index
CHAR pLinkData[OBJECT_LINK_MAX];//* holder of link data
SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,FALSE,0L); for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) if (SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETSEL, i, 0L)) { pItem = *(pLinks+i); CHECK_IF_STATIC(pItem); ObjGetData(pItem,pLinkData); ObjSaveUndo(pItem); ObjFreeze(pItem);
CHANGE_LISTBOX_STRING(hwndList, i, pItem, pLinkData); }
SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,TRUE,0L); InvalidateRect(hwndList,NULL,TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwndList);
* ChangeUpdateOptions() * * Change the update options for all selected objects. ***************************************************************************/
static VOID ChangeUpdateOptions( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* calling dialog
INT nLinks, //* number of links in listbox
HWND hwndList, //* listbox
APPITEMPTR *pLinks, //* list of application link handles
OLEOPT_UPDATE lUpdate //* update option
){ //* LOCAL:
APPITEMPTR pItem; //* application item
INT i; //* index
for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) //* enum selected objects
{ if (SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETSEL, i, 0L)) { pItem = *(pLinks+i); CHECK_IF_STATIC(pItem); ObjGetData(pItem,pLinkData); ObjSaveUndo(pItem); if (Error(OleSetLinkUpdateOptions(pItem->lpObject,lUpdate))) continue; pItem->uoObject = lUpdate;
CHANGE_LISTBOX_STRING(hwndList, i, pItem, pLinkData); } }
SendMessage(hwndList,WM_SETREDRAW,TRUE,0L); InvalidateRect(hwndList,NULL,TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwndList); WaitForAllObjects();
} /****************************************************************************
* InvalidLink() * * Deal with letting the user know that the program has inadvertently come * across an invalid link. * * Global fPropBoxActive - flag to determine whether or not the link dialog * box is active. If it is not active we give the * user an opportunity to enter the links property * dialog directly from here. ***************************************************************************/
VOID FAR InvalidLink() {
if (!hwndProp) DialogBox(hInst, "InvalidLink", hwndFrame, (DLGPROC)fnInvalidLink); else ErrorMessage(E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT);
* fnABout() * * About box dialog box procedure. ***************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY fnInvalidLink( //* ENTRY:
HWND hDlg, //* standard windows dialog box
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return (TRUE);
case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDD_CHANGE) LinkProperties(); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return (TRUE); } return (FALSE);
* AboutBox() * * Show the About Box dialog. ***************************************************************************/
VOID FAR AboutBox() {
DialogBox(hInst, "AboutBox", hwndFrame, (DLGPROC)fnAbout);
* fnABout() * * About box dialog box procedure. ***************************************************************************/
HWND hDlg, //* standard windows dialog box
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return (TRUE);
case WM_COMMAND: { WORD wID = LOWORD(wParam);
if (wID == IDOK || wID == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return (TRUE); } break; } } return (FALSE);
* RetryMessage() * * give the user the chance to abort when a server is in retry case. * * Returns BOOL - TRUE if user chooses to cancel **************************************************************************/
VOID FAR RetryMessage ( //* ENTRY:
APPITEMPTR paItem, //* application item pointer
LONG lParam ){ RETRYPTR pRetry; LONG objectType; HANDLE hData; static CHAR szServerName[KEYNAMESIZE]; HWND hwnd; //* window handle
if (IsWindow(hwndProp)) hwnd = hwndProp; else if (IsWindow(hwndFrame)) hwnd = hwndFrame; else return; //* should not happen
//* get the busy servers name
lstrcpy(szServerName, "server application");
if (paItem) { if (!paItem->aServer) { OleQueryType(paItem->lpObject, &objectType ); if (OLE_OK == OleGetData(paItem->lpObject, (OLECLIPFORMAT) (objectType == OT_LINK ? vcfLink : vcfOwnerLink), &hData )) { RegGetClassId(szServerName, GlobalLock(hData)); paItem->aServer = AddAtom(szServerName); GlobalUnlock( hData ); } } else GetAtomName(paItem->aServer,szServerName,KEYNAMESIZE);
hData = LocalAlloc(LHND,sizeof(RETRYSTRUCT)); if(!(pRetry = (RETRYPTR)LocalLock(hData))) return;
pRetry->lpserver = (LPSTR)szServerName; pRetry->bCancel = (BOOL)(lParam & RD_CANCEL); pRetry->paItem = paItem;
DialogBoxParam(hInst, "RetryBox", hwnd, (DLGPROC)fnRetry, (LONG)pRetry );
LocalUnlock(hData); LocalFree(hData);
hRetry = NULL;
* fnRetry() * * Retry message box nothing to tricky; however, when a server becomes * unbusy a message is posted to automatically get rid of this dialog. * I send a no. ***************************************************************************/
HWND hDlg, //* standard dialog entry
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ static RETRYPTR pRetry;
switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: { WORD wID = LOWORD(wParam);
switch (wParam) { case IDD_SWITCH: DefWindowProc( hDlg, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_TASKLIST, 0); break;
case IDCANCEL: if (pRetry->paItem) pRetry->paItem->fRetry = FALSE; EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE;
default: break; } break; }
pRetry = (RETRYPTR)lParam; hRetry = hDlg;
LoadString(hInst, IDS_RETRY_TEXT1, szBuffer, CBMESSAGEMAX); wsprintf(szText, szBuffer, pRetry->lpserver); SetWindowText (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_RETRY_TEXT1), szText);
LoadString(hInst, IDS_RETRY_TEXT2, szBuffer, CBMESSAGEMAX); wsprintf(szText, szBuffer, pRetry->lpserver); SetWindowText (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_RETRY_TEXT2), szText);
EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDCANCEL), pRetry->bCancel);
return TRUE; }
default: break; }
return FALSE; }