// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// CSynth.cpp
#include "common.h"
#include "fltsafe.h"
#define STR_MODULENAME "DDKSynth.sys:CSynth: "
#pragma code_seg()
* CSynth::CSynth() ***************************************************************************** * Contructor for CSynth object. Initialize the voice list, the stereo mode, * sample rate, performance statistics, etc. */ CSynth::CSynth() { FLOATSAFE fs;
DWORD nIndex; CVoice *pVoice;
m_fCSInitialized = FALSE; ::InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); m_fCSInitialized = TRUE;
for (nIndex = 0;nIndex < MAX_NUM_VOICES;nIndex++) { pVoice = new CVoice; if (pVoice != NULL) { m_VoicesFree.AddHead(pVoice); } } for (nIndex = 0;nIndex < NUM_EXTRA_VOICES;nIndex++) { pVoice = new CVoice; if (pVoice != NULL) { m_VoicesExtra.AddHead(pVoice); } } m_ppControl = NULL; m_dwControlCount = 0; m_nMaxVoices = MAX_NUM_VOICES; m_nExtraVoices = NUM_EXTRA_VOICES; m_stLastStats = 0; m_fAllowPanWhilePlayingNote = TRUE; m_fAllowVolumeChangeWhilePlayingNote = TRUE; ResetPerformanceStats(); m_dwSampleRate = 22050; m_dwStereo = 1; m_stLastTime = 0; SetSampleRate(SAMPLE_RATE_22); SetStereoMode(2); SetGainAdjust(600); }
* CSynth::~CSynth() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for CSynth object. Delete the voices in the lists. */ CSynth::~CSynth() { CVoice *pVoice; if (m_fCSInitialized) { // If CS never initialized, nothing else will have been set up
while (pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.RemoveHead()) { delete pVoice; } while (pVoice = m_VoicesFree.RemoveHead()) { delete pVoice; } while (pVoice = m_VoicesExtra.RemoveHead()) { delete pVoice; } DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); } }
* ChangeVoiceCount() ***************************************************************************** * Change the number of voices in a given voice list. */ static short ChangeVoiceCount(CVoiceList *pList,short nOld,short nCount) { if (nCount > nOld) { short nNew = nCount - nOld; for (;nNew != 0; nNew--) { CVoice *pVoice = new CVoice; if (pVoice != NULL) { pList->AddHead(pVoice); } } } else { short nNew = nOld - nCount; for (;nNew > 0; nNew--) { CVoice *pVoice = pList->RemoveHead(); if (pVoice != NULL) { delete pVoice; } else { nCount += nNew; break; } } } return nCount; }
* CSynth::SetMaxVoices() ***************************************************************************** * Set the maximum number of voices available. */ HRESULT CSynth::SetMaxVoices(short nVoices,short nTempVoices) { if (nVoices < 1) { nVoices = 1; } if (nTempVoices < 1) { nTempVoices = 1; } ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); m_nMaxVoices = ChangeVoiceCount(&m_VoicesFree,m_nMaxVoices,nVoices); m_nExtraVoices = ChangeVoiceCount(&m_VoicesExtra,m_nExtraVoices,nTempVoices); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return S_OK; }
* CSynth::SetNumChannelGroups() ***************************************************************************** * Set the number of channel groups (virtual MIDI cables). For each channel * group, there is a separate CControlLogic object. */ HRESULT CSynth::SetNumChannelGroups(DWORD dwCableCount) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CControlLogic **ppControl; if ((dwCableCount < 1) || (dwCableCount > MAX_CHANNEL_GROUPS)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); if (m_dwControlCount != dwCableCount) { ppControl = new(NonPagedPool,'PSmD') CControlLogic *[dwCableCount]; // DmSP
if (ppControl) { DWORD dwX; for (dwX = 0; dwX < dwCableCount; dwX++) { ppControl[dwX] = NULL; } if (m_dwControlCount < dwCableCount) { for (dwX = 0; dwX < m_dwControlCount; dwX++) { ppControl[dwX] = m_ppControl[dwX]; } for (;dwX < dwCableCount; dwX++) { ppControl[dwX] = new(NonPagedPool,'CSmD') CControlLogic; // DmSC
if (ppControl[dwX]) { hr = ppControl[dwX]->Init(&m_Instruments, this); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete ppControl[dwX]; ppControl[dwX] = NULL; dwCableCount = dwX; break; }
ppControl[dwX]->SetGainAdjust(m_vrGainAdjust); } else { dwCableCount = dwX; break; } } } else { AllNotesOff(); for (dwX = 0; dwX < dwCableCount; dwX++) { ppControl[dwX] = m_ppControl[dwX]; } for (; dwX < m_dwControlCount; dwX++) { if (m_ppControl[dwX]) { delete m_ppControl[dwX]; } } } if (m_ppControl) { delete m_ppControl; } m_ppControl = ppControl; m_dwControlCount = dwCableCount; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return hr; }
* CSynth::SetGainAdjust() ***************************************************************************** * Set the gain for the overall synth. Set gain on each CControlLogic object. */ void CSynth::SetGainAdjust(VREL vrGainAdjust) { DWORD idx;
m_vrGainAdjust = vrGainAdjust; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); for (idx = 0; idx < m_dwControlCount; idx++) { m_ppControl[idx]->SetGainAdjust(m_vrGainAdjust); }
::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
* CSynth::Open() ***************************************************************************** * Open the synth with the given number of channel groups. */ HRESULT CSynth::Open(DWORD dwCableCount, DWORD dwVoices) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ((dwCableCount < 1) || (dwCableCount > MAX_CHANNEL_GROUPS)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); hr = SetNumChannelGroups(dwCableCount); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { short nTemp = (short) dwVoices / 4; if (nTemp < 4) nTemp = 4; SetMaxVoices((short) dwVoices, nTemp); }
m_vrGainAdjust = 0; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return hr; }
* CSynth::Close() ***************************************************************************** * Close down the synth:, silence it, delete the list of CControlLogic objects. */ HRESULT CSynth::Close() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); AllNotesOff(); DWORD dwX; for (dwX = 0; dwX < m_dwControlCount; dwX++) { if (m_ppControl[dwX]) { delete m_ppControl[dwX]; } } m_dwControlCount = 0; if (m_ppControl) { delete [] m_ppControl; m_ppControl = NULL; } m_stLastStats = 0; m_stLastTime = 0;
::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return S_OK; } /*****************************************************************************
* CSynth::GetMaxVoices() ***************************************************************************** * Returns the maximum number of voices available. */ HRESULT CSynth::GetMaxVoices( short * pnMaxVoices, // Returns maximum number of allowed voices for continuous play.
short * pnTempVoices ) // Returns number of extra voices for voice overflow.
{ if (pnMaxVoices != NULL) { *pnMaxVoices = m_nMaxVoices; } if (pnTempVoices != NULL) { *pnTempVoices = m_nExtraVoices; } return S_OK; }
* CSynth::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate of the synth. This silences the synth. The SR is * forwarded to the instrument manager. */ HRESULT CSynth::SetSampleRate(DWORD dwSampleRate) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); AllNotesOff(); m_stLastTime *= dwSampleRate; m_stLastTime /= m_dwSampleRate; // m_stLastTime = MulDiv(m_stLastTime,dwSampleRate,m_dwSampleRate);
m_stLastStats = 0; m_dwSampleRate = dwSampleRate; m_stMinSpan = dwSampleRate / 100; // 10 ms.
m_stMaxSpan = (dwSampleRate + 19) / 20; // 50 ms.
::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); m_Instruments.SetSampleRate(dwSampleRate); return hr; }
* CSynth::Activate() ***************************************************************************** * Make the synth active. */ HRESULT CSynth::Activate(DWORD dwSampleRate, DWORD dwChannels ) { m_stLastTime = 0; SetSampleRate(dwSampleRate); SetStereoMode(dwChannels); ResetPerformanceStats(); return S_OK; }
* CSynth::Deactivate() ***************************************************************************** * Gag the synth. */ HRESULT CSynth::Deactivate() { AllNotesOff(); return S_OK; }
* CSynth::GetPerformanceStats() ***************************************************************************** * Get the latest perf statistics. */ HRESULT CSynth::GetPerformanceStats(PerfStats *pStats) { if (pStats == NULL) { return E_POINTER; } *pStats = m_CopyStats; return (S_OK); }
* CSynth::Mix() ***************************************************************************** * Mix into the given buffer. This is called by Render in the software * synth case, or this could be called by a request from hardware. */ void CSynth::Mix(short *pBuffer,DWORD dwLength,LONGLONG llPosition) { PAGED_CODE();
STIME stEndTime; CVoice *pVoice; CVoice *pNextVoice; long lNumVoices = 0; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
LONG lTime = - (LONG)::GetTheCurrentTime();
stEndTime = llPosition + dwLength; StealNotes(stEndTime); DWORD dwX; for (dwX = 0; dwX < m_dwControlCount; dwX++) { m_ppControl[dwX]->QueueNotes(stEndTime); } pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pNextVoice) { pNextVoice = pVoice->GetNext();
pVoice->Mix(pBuffer,dwLength,llPosition,stEndTime); lNumVoices++;
if (pVoice->m_fInUse == FALSE) { m_VoicesInUse.Remove(pVoice); m_VoicesFree.AddHead(pVoice); // m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples += (pVoice->m_stStopTime - pVoice->m_stStartTime);
if (pVoice->m_stStartTime < m_stLastStats) { m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples += (long) (pVoice->m_stStopTime - m_stLastStats); } else { m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples += (long) (pVoice->m_stStopTime - pVoice->m_stStartTime); } } } for (dwX = 0; dwX < m_dwControlCount; dwX++) { m_ppControl[dwX]->ClearMIDI(stEndTime); } FinishMix(pBuffer,dwLength); if (stEndTime > m_stLastTime) { m_stLastTime = stEndTime; } lTime += ::GetTheCurrentTime();
m_BuildStats.dwTotalTime += lTime;
if ((m_stLastStats + m_dwSampleRate) <= m_stLastTime) { DWORD dwElapsed = (DWORD) (m_stLastTime - m_stLastStats); pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_stStartTime < m_stLastStats) { m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples += dwElapsed; } else { m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples += (long) (m_stLastTime - pVoice->m_stStartTime); } } if (dwElapsed == 0) dwElapsed = 1; if (m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples == 0) m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples = 1; m_BuildStats.dwVoices = (m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples + (dwElapsed >> 1)) / dwElapsed; { m_BuildStats.dwCPU = MulDiv(m_BuildStats.dwTotalTime, m_dwSampleRate, dwElapsed); } m_CopyStats = m_BuildStats; RtlZeroMemory(&m_BuildStats, sizeof(m_BuildStats)); m_stLastStats = m_stLastTime; } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
* CSynth::OldestVoice() ***************************************************************************** * Get the most likely candidate to be shut down, to support voice stealing. * Priority is looked at first, then age. */ CVoice *CSynth::OldestVoice() { CVoice *pVoice; CVoice *pBest = NULL; pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); pBest = pVoice; if (pBest) { pVoice = pVoice->GetNext(); for (;pVoice;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (!pVoice->m_fTag) { if (pBest->m_fTag) { pBest = pVoice; } else { if (pVoice->m_dwPriority <= pBest->m_dwPriority) { if (pVoice->m_fNoteOn) { if (pBest->m_fNoteOn) { if (pBest->m_stStartTime > pVoice->m_stStartTime) { pBest = pVoice; } } } else { if (pBest->m_fNoteOn || (pBest->m_vrVolume > pVoice->m_vrVolume)) { pBest = pVoice; } } } } } } if (pBest->m_fTag) { pBest = NULL; } } return pBest; }
* CSynth::StealVoice() ***************************************************************************** * Steal a voice, if possible. If none are at or below this priority, then * return NULL, and this voice will go unheard. If there IS a voice to be * stolen, silence it first. */ CVoice *CSynth::StealVoice(DWORD dwPriority) { CVoice *pVoice; CVoice *pBest = NULL; pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_dwPriority <= dwPriority) { if (!pBest) { pBest = pVoice; } else { if (pVoice->m_fNoteOn == FALSE) { if ((pBest->m_fNoteOn == TRUE) || (pBest->m_vrVolume > pVoice->m_vrVolume)) { pBest = pVoice; } } else { if (pBest->m_stStartTime > pVoice->m_stStartTime) { pBest = pVoice; } } } } } if (pBest != NULL) { pBest->ClearVoice(); pBest->m_fInUse = FALSE; m_VoicesInUse.Remove(pBest); pBest->SetNext(NULL); } return pBest; }
* CSynth::QueueVoice() ***************************************************************************** * This method queues a voice in the list of currently * synthesizing voices. It places them in the queue so that * the higher priority voices are later in the queue. This * allows the note stealing algorithm to take off the top of * the queue. * And, we want older playing notes to be later in the queue * so the note ons and offs overlap properly. So, the queue is * sorted in priority order with older notes later within one * priority level. */ void CSynth::QueueVoice(CVoice *pVoice) { CVoice *pScan = m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); CVoice *pNext = NULL; if (!pScan) // Empty list?
{ m_VoicesInUse.AddHead(pVoice); return; } if (pScan->m_dwPriority > pVoice->m_dwPriority) { // Are we lower priority than the head of the list?
m_VoicesInUse.AddHead(pVoice); return; }
pNext = pScan->GetNext(); for (;pNext;) { if (pNext->m_dwPriority > pVoice->m_dwPriority) { // Lower priority than next in the list.
pScan->SetNext(pVoice); pVoice->SetNext(pNext); return; } pScan = pNext; pNext = pNext->GetNext(); } // Reached the end of the list.
pScan->SetNext(pVoice); pVoice->SetNext(NULL); }
* CSynth::StealNotes() ***************************************************************************** * Clear out notes at a given time. */ void CSynth::StealNotes(STIME stTime) { CVoice *pVoice; long lToMove = m_nExtraVoices - m_VoicesExtra.GetCount(); if (lToMove > 0) { for (;lToMove > 0;) { pVoice = m_VoicesFree.RemoveHead(); if (pVoice != NULL) { m_VoicesExtra.AddHead(pVoice); lToMove--; } else break; } if (lToMove > 0) { pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_fTag) // Voice is already slated to be returned.
{ lToMove--; } } for (;lToMove > 0;lToMove--) { pVoice = OldestVoice(); if (pVoice != NULL) { pVoice->QuickStopVoice(stTime); m_BuildStats.dwNotesLost++; } else break; } } } }
* CSynth::FinishMix() ***************************************************************************** * Cleanup after the mix. */ void CSynth::FinishMix(short *pBuffer,DWORD dwLength) { DWORD dwIndex; long lMax = (long) m_BuildStats.dwMaxAmplitude; long lTemp; for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < (dwLength << m_dwStereo); dwIndex++) { lTemp = pBuffer[dwIndex]; lTemp <<= 1; if (lTemp < -32767) lTemp = -32767; if (lTemp > 32767) lTemp = 32767; pBuffer[dwIndex] = (short) lTemp; if (lTemp > lMax) { lMax = lTemp; } } m_BuildStats.dwMaxAmplitude = lMax; }
* CSynth::Unload() ***************************************************************************** * Unload a previous download. Forward the request to the instrument manager. */ HRESULT CSynth::Unload(HANDLE hDownload, HRESULT ( CALLBACK *lpFreeMemory)(HANDLE,HANDLE), HANDLE hUserData) { return m_Instruments.Unload( hDownload, lpFreeMemory, hUserData); }
* CSynth::Download() ***************************************************************************** * Handle a download. Forward the request to the instrument manager. */ HRESULT CSynth::Download(LPHANDLE phDownload, void * pdwData, LPBOOL bpFree) { FLOATSAFE fs;
return m_Instruments.Download( phDownload, (DWORD *) pdwData, bpFree); }
* CSynth::PlayBuffer() ***************************************************************************** * This receives one MIDI message in the form of a buffer of data and * ulCable, which indicates which Channel Group the message is addressed * to. Each channel group is implemented with an instance of a CControlLogic * object, so this chooses which CControlLogic object to send the message * to. If ulCable is 0, this is a broadcast message and should be sent to all * CControlLogics. * * PlayBuffer() analyzes the message and, depending on the size, either * sends to CControlLogic::RecordMIDI() or CControlLogic::RecordSysEx(). * * In order to properly associate the time stamp of the MIDI * message in the buffer, the synth needs to convert from the * REFERENCE_TIME format to its internal sample based time. Since * the wave out stream is actually managed by IDirectMusicSynthSink, * the synth calls IDirectMusicSynthSink::RefTimeToSample * for each MIDI message to convert its time stamp into sample time. * * So, typically, the synthesizer pulls each MIDI message from the * buffer, stamps it in sample time, then places it in its own * internal queue. The queue is emptied later by the rendering * process, which is managed by CDmSynthStream::Render and * called by IDirectMusicSynthSink. */ HRESULT CSynth::PlayBuffer(IDirectMusicSynthSink *pSynthSink,REFERENCE_TIME rt, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, ULONG ulCable) { STIME stTime;
if ( rt == 0 ) // Special case of time == 0.
{ stTime = m_stLastTime; } else { pSynthSink->RefTimeToSample(rt, &stTime); }
if (cbBuffer <= sizeof(DWORD)) { if (ulCable <= m_dwControlCount) { if (ulCable == 0) // Play all groups if 0.
{ for (; ulCable < m_dwControlCount; ulCable++) { m_ppControl[ulCable]->RecordMIDI(stTime,lpBuffer[0], lpBuffer[1], lpBuffer[2]); } } else { m_ppControl[ulCable - 1]->RecordMIDI(stTime,lpBuffer[0], lpBuffer[1], lpBuffer[2]);
} } else { Trace(1,"MIDI event on channel group %ld is beyond range of %ld opened channel groups\n", ulCable, m_dwControlCount); } } else { if (ulCable <= m_dwControlCount) { if (ulCable == 0) { for (; ulCable < m_dwControlCount; ulCable++) { m_ppControl[ulCable]->RecordSysEx(cbBuffer, &lpBuffer[0], stTime); } } else { m_ppControl[ulCable-1]->RecordSysEx(cbBuffer, &lpBuffer[0], stTime); } } }
::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return S_OK; }
* CSynth::SetStereoMode() ***************************************************************************** * Set the stereo/mono mode for this synth. */ HRESULT CSynth::SetStereoMode(DWORD dwChannels) // 1 for Mono, 2 for Stereo.
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ((m_dwStereo + 1) != dwChannels) { DWORD dwStereo; if (dwChannels > 1) dwStereo = 1; else dwStereo = 0; if (dwStereo != m_dwStereo) { m_dwStereo = dwStereo; } } return hr; }
* CSynth::ResetPerformanceStats() ***************************************************************************** * Reset the running performance statistics. */ void CSynth::ResetPerformanceStats() { m_BuildStats.dwNotesLost = 0; m_BuildStats.dwTotalTime = 0; m_BuildStats.dwVoices = 0; m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples = 0; m_BuildStats.dwCPU = 0; m_BuildStats.dwMaxAmplitude = 0; m_CopyStats = m_BuildStats; }
* CSynth::AllNotesOff() ***************************************************************************** * Stop all voices. */ HRESULT CSynth::AllNotesOff() { CVoice *pVoice; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); while (pVoice = m_VoicesInUse.RemoveHead()) { pVoice->ClearVoice(); pVoice->m_fInUse = FALSE; m_VoicesFree.AddHead(pVoice);
long lSamples;
if (pVoice->m_stStartTime < m_stLastStats) { lSamples = (long) (pVoice->m_stStopTime - m_stLastStats); } else { lSamples = (long) (pVoice->m_stStopTime - pVoice->m_stStartTime); } if (lSamples < 0) { lSamples = 0; } m_BuildStats.dwTotalSamples += lSamples; } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return (S_OK); }
* CSynth::SetChannelPriority() ***************************************************************************** * Set the priority for a given channel, to be used in voice stealing. */ HRESULT CSynth::SetChannelPriority(DWORD dwChannelGroup,DWORD dwChannel, DWORD dwPriority) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); dwChannelGroup--; if ((dwChannelGroup >= m_dwControlCount) || (dwChannel > 15)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { if (m_ppControl) { hr = m_ppControl[dwChannelGroup]->SetChannelPriority(dwChannel,dwPriority); } } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
return hr; }
* CSynth::GetChannelPriority() ***************************************************************************** * Retrieve the priority of a given channel/channel group, to be used to * facilitate correct voice stealing. */ HRESULT CSynth::GetChannelPriority(DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, LPDWORD pdwPriority) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
dwChannelGroup--; if ((dwChannelGroup >= m_dwControlCount) || (dwChannel > 15)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { if (m_ppControl) { hr = m_ppControl[dwChannelGroup]->GetChannelPriority(dwChannel,pdwPriority); } } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
return hr; }