// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Instrument.cpp
#include "common.h"
#define STR_MODULENAME "DDKSynth.sys:Instr: "
#include "math.h"
void MemDump(char * prompt);
#pragma code_seg()
* CSourceLFO::CSourceLFO() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for CSourceLFO. */ CSourceLFO::CSourceLFO() { m_pfFrequency = 3804; // f = (256*4096*16*5hz)/(samplerate)
m_stDelay = 0; m_prMWPitchScale = 0; m_vrMWVolumeScale = 0; m_vrVolumeScale = 0; m_prPitchScale = 0; }
* CSourceLFO::Init() ***************************************************************************** * Initialize the CSourceLFO object. */ void CSourceLFO::Init(DWORD dwSampleRate) { m_pfFrequency = (256 * 4096 * 16 * 5) / dwSampleRate; m_stDelay = 0; m_prMWPitchScale = 0; m_vrMWVolumeScale = 0; m_vrVolumeScale = 0; m_prPitchScale = 0; }
* CSourceLFO::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate delta. */ void CSourceLFO::SetSampleRate(long lChange) { if (lChange > 0) { m_stDelay <<= lChange; m_pfFrequency <<= lChange; } else { m_stDelay >>= -lChange; m_pfFrequency >>= -lChange; } }
* CSourceLFO::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CSourceLFO::Verify() { FORCEBOUNDS(m_pfFrequency,64,7600); FORCEBOUNDS(m_stDelay,0,441000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_vrVolumeScale,-1200,1200); FORCEBOUNDS(m_vrMWVolumeScale,-1200,1200); FORCEBOUNDS(m_prPitchScale,-1200,1200); FORCEBOUNDS(m_prMWPitchScale,-1200,1200); }
* CSourceEG::CSourceEG() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CSourceEG::CSourceEG() { Init(); }
* CSourceEG::Init() ***************************************************************************** * Initialize the CSourceEG object. */ void CSourceEG::Init() { m_stAttack = 0; m_stDecay = 0; m_pcSustain = 1000; m_stRelease = 0; m_trVelAttackScale = 0; m_trKeyDecayScale = 0; m_sScale = 0; }
* CSourceEG::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate delta. */ void CSourceEG::SetSampleRate(long lChange) { if (lChange > 0) { m_stAttack <<= lChange; m_stDecay <<= lChange; m_stRelease <<= lChange; } else { m_stAttack >>= -lChange; m_stDecay >>= -lChange; m_stRelease >>= -lChange; } }
* CSourceEG::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CSourceEG::Verify() { FORCEBOUNDS(m_stAttack,0,1764000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_stDecay,0,1764000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_pcSustain,0,1000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_stRelease,0,1764000);
FORCEBOUNDS(m_sScale,-1200,1200); FORCEBOUNDS(m_trKeyDecayScale,-12000,12000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_trVelAttackScale,-12000,12000); }
* CSourceArticulation::CSourceArticulation() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CSourceArticulation::CSourceArticulation() { m_wUsageCount = 0; m_sDefaultPan = 0; m_dwSampleRate = 22050; m_PitchEG.m_sScale = 0; // pitch envelope defaults to off
* CSourceArticulation::Init() ***************************************************************************** * Initialize the CSourceArticulation object. */ void CSourceArticulation::Init(DWORD dwSampleRate) { m_dwSampleRate = dwSampleRate; m_LFO.Init(dwSampleRate); // Set to default values.
m_PitchEG.Init(); m_VolumeEG.Init(); }
* CSourceArticulation::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate for this articulation. */ void CSourceArticulation::SetSampleRate(DWORD dwSampleRate) { if (dwSampleRate != m_dwSampleRate) { long lChange; if (dwSampleRate > (m_dwSampleRate * 2)) { lChange = 2; // going from 11 to 44.
} else if (dwSampleRate > m_dwSampleRate) { lChange = 1; // must be doubling
} else if ((dwSampleRate * 2) < m_dwSampleRate) { lChange = -2; // going from 44 to 11
} else { lChange = -1; // that leaves halving.
} m_dwSampleRate = dwSampleRate; m_LFO.SetSampleRate(lChange); m_PitchEG.SetSampleRate(lChange); m_VolumeEG.SetSampleRate(lChange); } }
* CSourceArticulation::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CSourceArticulation::Verify() { m_LFO.Verify(); m_PitchEG.Verify(); m_VolumeEG.Verify(); }
* CSourceArticulation::AddRef() ***************************************************************************** * Implementation of standard COM interface. */ void CSourceArticulation::AddRef() { m_wUsageCount++; }
* CSourceArticulation::Release() ***************************************************************************** * Implementation of standard COM interface. */ void CSourceArticulation::Release() { m_wUsageCount--; if (m_wUsageCount == 0) { delete this; } }
* CSourceSample::CSourceSample() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CSourceSample::CSourceSample() { m_pWave = NULL; m_dwLoopStart = 0; m_dwLoopEnd = 1; m_dwSampleLength = 0; m_prFineTune = 0; m_dwSampleRate = 22050; m_bMIDIRootKey = 60; m_bOneShot = TRUE; m_bSampleType = 0; }
* CSourceSample::~CSourceSample() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for this object. */ CSourceSample::~CSourceSample() { if (m_pWave != NULL) { m_pWave->Release(); } }
* CSourceSample::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CSourceSample::Verify() { if (m_pWave != NULL) { FORCEUPPERBOUNDS(m_dwSampleLength,m_pWave->m_dwSampleLength); FORCEBOUNDS(m_dwLoopEnd,1,m_dwSampleLength); FORCEUPPERBOUNDS(m_dwLoopStart,m_dwLoopEnd); if ((m_dwLoopEnd - m_dwLoopStart) < 6) { m_bOneShot = TRUE; } } FORCEBOUNDS(m_dwSampleRate,3000,80000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_bMIDIRootKey,0,127); FORCEBOUNDS(m_prFineTune,-1200,1200); }
* CSourceSample::CopyFromWave() ***************************************************************************** * Duplicate a wave that is already referenced elsewhere. */ BOOL CSourceSample::CopyFromWave() { if (m_pWave == NULL) { return FALSE; } m_dwSampleLength = m_pWave->m_dwSampleLength; m_dwSampleRate = m_pWave->m_dwSampleRate; m_bSampleType = m_pWave->m_bSampleType; if (m_bOneShot) { m_dwSampleLength--; if (m_pWave->m_bSampleType & SFORMAT_16) { m_pWave->m_pnWave[m_dwSampleLength] = 0; } else { char *pBuffer = (char *) m_pWave->m_pnWave; pBuffer[m_dwSampleLength] = 0; } } else { if (m_dwLoopStart >= m_dwSampleLength) { m_dwLoopStart = 0; } if (m_pWave->m_bSampleType & SFORMAT_16) { m_pWave->m_pnWave[m_dwSampleLength-1] = m_pWave->m_pnWave[m_dwLoopStart]; } else { char *pBuffer = (char *) m_pWave->m_pnWave; pBuffer[m_dwSampleLength-1] = pBuffer[m_dwLoopStart]; } } Verify(); return (TRUE); }
* CWave::CWave() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CWave::CWave() { m_hUserData = NULL; m_lpFreeHandle = NULL; m_pnWave = NULL; m_dwSampleRate = 22050; m_bSampleType = SFORMAT_16; m_dwSampleLength = 0; m_wUsageCount = 0; m_dwID = 0; m_wPlayCount = 0; m_pWaveMem = NULL; }
* CWave::~CWave() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for this object. */ CWave::~CWave() { if (m_pWaveMem) { if (m_lpFreeHandle) { m_lpFreeHandle((HANDLE) this,m_hUserData); } else { delete m_pWaveMem; } m_pWaveMem = NULL; } m_pnWave = NULL; }
* CWave::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CWave::Verify() { FORCEBOUNDS(m_dwSampleRate,3000,80000); }
* CWave::PlayOn() ***************************************************************************** * Increment the play count. */ void CWave::PlayOn() { m_wPlayCount++; AddRef(); }
* CWave::PlayOff() ***************************************************************************** * Decrement the play count. */ void CWave::PlayOff() { m_wPlayCount--; Release(); }
* CWave::IsPlaying() ***************************************************************************** * Return whether the wave is currently playing. */ BOOL CWave::IsPlaying() { return (m_wPlayCount); }
* CWave::AddRef() ***************************************************************************** * Implementation of standard COM interface. */ void CWave::AddRef() { m_wUsageCount++; }
* CWave::Release() ***************************************************************************** * Implementation of standard COM interface. */ void CWave::Release() { m_wUsageCount--; if (m_wUsageCount == 0) { delete this; } }
* CSourceRegion::CSourceRegion() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CSourceRegion::CSourceRegion() { m_pArticulation = NULL; m_vrAttenuation = 0; m_prTuning = 0; m_bKeyHigh = 127; m_bKeyLow = 0; m_bGroup = 0; m_bAllowOverlap = FALSE; }
* CSourceRegion::~CSourceRegion() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for this object. */ CSourceRegion::~CSourceRegion() { if (m_pArticulation) { m_pArticulation->Release(); } }
* CSourceRegion::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate for this region. Forward this to the articulation. */ void CSourceRegion::SetSampleRate(DWORD dwSampleRate) { if (m_pArticulation != NULL) { m_pArticulation->SetSampleRate(dwSampleRate); } }
* CSourceRegion::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CSourceRegion::Verify() { FORCEBOUNDS(m_bKeyHigh,0,127); FORCEBOUNDS(m_bKeyLow,0,127); FORCEBOUNDS(m_prTuning,-12000,12000); FORCEBOUNDS(m_vrAttenuation,-9600,0); m_Sample.Verify(); if (m_pArticulation != NULL) { m_pArticulation->Verify(); } }
* CInstrument::CInstrument() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CInstrument::CInstrument() { m_dwProgram = 0; }
* CInstrument::~CInstrument() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for this object. */ CInstrument::~CInstrument() { while (!m_RegionList.IsEmpty()) { CSourceRegion *pRegion = m_RegionList.RemoveHead(); delete pRegion; } }
* CInstrument::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CInstrument::Verify() { CSourceRegion *pRegion = m_RegionList.GetHead(); CSourceArticulation *pArticulation = NULL; for (;pRegion != NULL;pRegion = pRegion->GetNext()) { if (pRegion->m_pArticulation != NULL) { pArticulation = pRegion->m_pArticulation; } pRegion->Verify(); } if (pArticulation) { pRegion = m_RegionList.GetHead(); for (;pRegion != NULL;pRegion = pRegion->GetNext()) { if (pRegion->m_pArticulation == NULL) { pRegion->m_pArticulation = pArticulation; pArticulation->AddRef(); } } } }
* CInstrument::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate for this instrument (forward to region). */ void CInstrument::SetSampleRate(DWORD dwSampleRate) { CSourceRegion *pRegion = m_RegionList.GetHead(); for (;pRegion;pRegion = pRegion->GetNext()) { pRegion->SetSampleRate(dwSampleRate); } }
* CInstrument::ScanForRegion() ***************************************************************************** * Retrieve the region with the given note value from the list. */ CSourceRegion * CInstrument::ScanForRegion(DWORD dwNoteValue) { CSourceRegion *pRegion = m_RegionList.GetHead(); for (;pRegion;pRegion = pRegion->GetNext()) { if (dwNoteValue >= pRegion->m_bKeyLow && dwNoteValue <= pRegion->m_bKeyHigh) { break ; } } return pRegion; }
* CInstManager::SetSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Set the sample rate for this instrument manager (forward to instruments). */ void CInstManager::SetSampleRate(DWORD dwSampleRate) { DWORD dwIndex;
m_dwSampleRate = dwSampleRate; EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE; dwIndex++) { CInstrument *pInstrument = m_InstrumentList[dwIndex].GetHead(); for (;pInstrument != NULL; pInstrument = pInstrument->GetNext()) { pInstrument->SetSampleRate(dwSampleRate); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
* CInstManager::CInstManager() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for this object. */ CInstManager::CInstManager() { m_fCSInitialized = FALSE; m_dwSampleRate = 22050; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); m_fCSInitialized = TRUE; }
* CInstManager::~CInstManager() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for this object. */ CInstManager::~CInstManager() { if (m_fCSInitialized) { DWORD dwIndex; for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE; dwIndex++) { while (!m_InstrumentList[dwIndex].IsEmpty()) { CInstrument *pInstrument = m_InstrumentList[dwIndex].RemoveHead(); delete pInstrument; } } for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < WAVE_HASH_SIZE; dwIndex++) { while (!m_WavePool[dwIndex].IsEmpty()) { CWave *pWave = m_WavePool[dwIndex].RemoveHead(); pWave->Release(); } } while (!m_FreeWavePool.IsEmpty()) { CWave *pWave = m_FreeWavePool.RemoveHead(); pWave->Release(); } DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); } }
* CInstManager::Verify() ***************************************************************************** * Sanity check on the object. */ void CInstManager::Verify() { DWORD dwIndex; EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE; dwIndex++) { CInstrument *pInstrument = m_InstrumentList[dwIndex].GetHead(); for (;pInstrument != NULL;pInstrument = pInstrument->GetNext()) { pInstrument->Verify(); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
* CInstManager::GetInstrument() ***************************************************************************** * Get the instrument that matches this program/key. */ CInstrument * CInstManager::GetInstrument(DWORD dwProgram,DWORD dwKey) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); CInstrument *pInstrument = m_InstrumentList[dwProgram % INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE].GetHead(); for (;pInstrument != NULL; pInstrument = pInstrument->GetNext()) { if (pInstrument->m_dwProgram == dwProgram) { if (pInstrument->ScanForRegion(dwKey) != NULL) { break; } else { Trace(1,"No region was found in instrument 0x%lx that matched note 0x%lx\n", dwProgram, dwKey); } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return (pInstrument); }
* TimeCents2Samples() ***************************************************************************** * Translate from time cents to samples. */ DWORD TimeCents2Samples(long tcTime, DWORD dwSampleRate) { if (tcTime == 0x80000000) return (0); double flTemp = tcTime; flTemp /= (65536 * 1200); flTemp = pow(2.0,flTemp); flTemp *= dwSampleRate; return (DWORD) flTemp; }
* PitchCents2PitchFract() ***************************************************************************** * Translate from pitch cents to fractional pitch. */ DWORD PitchCents2PitchFract(long pcRate,DWORD dwSampleRate) { double fTemp = pcRate; fTemp /= 65536; fTemp -= 6900; fTemp /= 1200; fTemp = pow(2.0,fTemp); fTemp *= 7381975040.0; // (440*256*16*4096);
fTemp /= dwSampleRate; return (DWORD) (fTemp); }
* CSourceArticulation::Download() ***************************************************************************** * Download an articulation to this object. */ HRESULT CSourceArticulation::Download(DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO * pInfo,void * pvOffsetTable[], DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwSampleRate, BOOL fNewFormat) { // Depending on whether this is the new DX7 format, we either are reading
// a fixed set of parameters or parsing an articulation chunk directly
// copied from the DLS file. The latter is obviously more flexible and it
// turns out to make much more sense once we get to DLS2.
if (fNewFormat) { DMUS_ARTICULATION2 * pdmArtic = (DMUS_ARTICULATION2 *) pvOffsetTable[dwIndex];
while (pdmArtic) { if (pdmArtic->ulArtIdx) { if (pdmArtic->ulArtIdx >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { return DMUS_E_BADARTICULATION; } DWORD dwPosition; void *pData = pvOffsetTable[pdmArtic->ulArtIdx]; CONNECTIONLIST * pConnectionList = (CONNECTIONLIST *) pData; CONNECTION *pConnection; dwPosition = sizeof(CONNECTIONLIST); for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pConnectionList->cConnections; dwIndex++) { pConnection = (CONNECTION *) ((BYTE *)pData + dwPosition); dwPosition += sizeof(CONNECTION); switch (pConnection->usSource) { case CONN_SRC_NONE : switch (pConnection->usDestination) { case CONN_DST_LFO_FREQUENCY : m_LFO.m_pfFrequency = PitchCents2PitchFract( pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_LFO_STARTDELAY : m_LFO.m_stDelay = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_EG1_ATTACKTIME : m_VolumeEG.m_stAttack = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_EG1_DECAYTIME : m_VolumeEG.m_stDecay = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_EG1_SUSTAINLEVEL : m_VolumeEG.m_pcSustain = (SPERCENT) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_EG1_RELEASETIME : m_VolumeEG.m_stRelease = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_EG2_ATTACKTIME : m_PitchEG.m_stAttack = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_EG2_DECAYTIME : m_PitchEG.m_stDecay = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_EG2_SUSTAINLEVEL : m_PitchEG.m_pcSustain = (SPERCENT) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_EG2_RELEASETIME : m_PitchEG.m_stRelease = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pConnection->lScale,dwSampleRate); break; case CONN_DST_PAN : m_sDefaultPan = (short) ((long) ((long) pConnection->lScale >> 12) / 125); break; } break; case CONN_SRC_LFO : switch (pConnection->usControl) { case CONN_SRC_NONE : switch (pConnection->usDestination) { case CONN_DST_ATTENUATION : m_LFO.m_vrVolumeScale = (VRELS) ((long) ((pConnection->lScale * 10) >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_PITCH : m_LFO.m_prPitchScale = (PRELS) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; } break; case CONN_SRC_CC1 : switch (pConnection->usDestination) { case CONN_DST_ATTENUATION : m_LFO.m_vrMWVolumeScale = (VRELS) ((long) ((pConnection->lScale * 10) >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_PITCH : m_LFO.m_prMWPitchScale = (PRELS) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; } break; } break; case CONN_SRC_KEYONVELOCITY : switch (pConnection->usDestination) { case CONN_DST_EG1_ATTACKTIME : m_VolumeEG.m_trVelAttackScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_EG2_ATTACKTIME : m_PitchEG.m_trVelAttackScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_ATTENUATION : break; } break; case CONN_SRC_KEYNUMBER : switch (pConnection->usDestination) { case CONN_DST_EG1_DECAYTIME : m_VolumeEG.m_trKeyDecayScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; case CONN_DST_EG2_DECAYTIME : m_PitchEG.m_trKeyDecayScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; } break; case CONN_SRC_EG2 : switch (pConnection->usDestination) { case CONN_DST_PITCH : m_PitchEG.m_sScale = (short) ((long) (pConnection->lScale >> 16)); break; } break; } } } if (pdmArtic->ulNextArtIdx) { if (pdmArtic->ulNextArtIdx >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { return DMUS_E_BADARTICULATION; } pdmArtic = (DMUS_ARTICULATION2 *) pvOffsetTable[pdmArtic->ulNextArtIdx]; } else { pdmArtic = NULL; } } } else { DMUS_ARTICULATION * pdmArtic = (DMUS_ARTICULATION *) pvOffsetTable[dwIndex];
if (pdmArtic->ulArt1Idx) { if (pdmArtic->ulArt1Idx >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { return DMUS_E_BADARTICULATION; } DMUS_ARTICPARAMS * pdmArticParams = (DMUS_ARTICPARAMS *) pvOffsetTable[pdmArtic->ulArt1Idx];
m_LFO.m_pfFrequency = PitchCents2PitchFract( pdmArticParams->LFO.pcFrequency,dwSampleRate); m_LFO.m_stDelay = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->LFO.tcDelay,dwSampleRate); m_LFO.m_vrVolumeScale = (VRELS) ((long) ((pdmArticParams->LFO.gcVolumeScale * 10) >> 16)); m_LFO.m_prPitchScale = (PRELS) ((long) (pdmArticParams->LFO.pcPitchScale >> 16)); m_LFO.m_vrMWVolumeScale = (VRELS) ((long) ((pdmArticParams->LFO.gcMWToVolume * 10) >> 16)); m_LFO.m_prMWPitchScale = (PRELS) ((long) (pdmArticParams->LFO.pcMWToPitch >> 16));
m_VolumeEG.m_stAttack = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->VolEG.tcAttack,dwSampleRate); m_VolumeEG.m_stDecay = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->VolEG.tcDecay,dwSampleRate); m_VolumeEG.m_pcSustain = (SPERCENT) ((long) (pdmArticParams->VolEG.ptSustain >> 16)); m_VolumeEG.m_stRelease = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->VolEG.tcRelease,dwSampleRate); m_VolumeEG.m_trVelAttackScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pdmArticParams->VolEG.tcVel2Attack >> 16)); m_VolumeEG.m_trKeyDecayScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pdmArticParams->VolEG.tcKey2Decay >> 16));
m_PitchEG.m_trKeyDecayScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pdmArticParams->PitchEG.tcKey2Decay >> 16)); m_PitchEG.m_sScale = (short) ((long) (pdmArticParams->PitchEG.pcRange >> 16)); m_PitchEG.m_trVelAttackScale = (TRELS) ((long) (pdmArticParams->PitchEG.tcVel2Attack >> 16)); m_PitchEG.m_stAttack = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->PitchEG.tcAttack,dwSampleRate); m_PitchEG.m_stDecay = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->PitchEG.tcDecay,dwSampleRate); m_PitchEG.m_pcSustain = (SPERCENT) ((long) (pdmArticParams->PitchEG.ptSustain >> 16)); m_PitchEG.m_stRelease = TimeCents2Samples( (TCENT) pdmArticParams->PitchEG.tcRelease,dwSampleRate);
m_sDefaultPan = (short) ((long) ((long) pdmArticParams->Misc.ptDefaultPan >> 12) / 125); } }
Verify(); // Make sure all parameters are legal.
return S_OK; }
* CSourceRegion::Download() ***************************************************************************** * Download a region to this object. * Parse through the region chunks, including any embedded articulation. */ HRESULT CSourceRegion::Download(DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO * pInfo, // DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO header struct.
void * pvOffsetTable[], // Offset table with embedded struct addresses.
DWORD *pdwRegionIX, // Region index for first region.
DWORD dwSampleRate, // Sample rate, used to convert time parameters.
{ DMUS_REGION * pdmRegion = (DMUS_REGION *) pvOffsetTable[*pdwRegionIX]; *pdwRegionIX = pdmRegion->ulNextRegionIdx; // Clear to avoid loops.
pdmRegion->ulNextRegionIdx = 0; // Read the Region chunk...
m_bKeyHigh = (BYTE) pdmRegion->RangeKey.usHigh; m_bKeyLow = (BYTE) pdmRegion->RangeKey.usLow; if (pdmRegion->fusOptions & F_RGN_OPTION_SELFNONEXCLUSIVE) { m_bAllowOverlap = TRUE; } else { m_bAllowOverlap = FALSE; } m_bGroup = (BYTE) pdmRegion->usKeyGroup;
// Now, the WSMP and WLOOP chunks...
m_vrAttenuation = (short) ((long) ((pdmRegion->WSMP.lAttenuation) * 10) >> 16); m_Sample.m_prFineTune = pdmRegion->WSMP.sFineTune; m_Sample.m_bMIDIRootKey = (BYTE) pdmRegion->WSMP.usUnityNote;
if (pdmRegion->WSMP.cSampleLoops == 0) { m_Sample.m_bOneShot = TRUE; } else { m_Sample.m_dwLoopStart = pdmRegion->WLOOP[0].ulStart; m_Sample.m_dwLoopEnd = m_Sample.m_dwLoopStart + pdmRegion->WLOOP[0].ulLength; m_Sample.m_bOneShot = FALSE; } m_Sample.m_dwSampleRate = dwSampleRate; // Then the WAVELINK...
if (pdmRegion->WaveLink.ulChannel != WAVELINK_CHANNEL_LEFT) { return DMUS_E_NOTMONO; } m_Sample.m_dwID = (DWORD) pdmRegion->WaveLink.ulTableIndex; // Does it have its own articulation?
if (pdmRegion->ulRegionArtIdx ) { if (pdmRegion->ulRegionArtIdx >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { return DMUS_E_BADARTICULATION; }
CSourceArticulation *pArticulation = new CSourceArticulation; if (pArticulation) { pArticulation->Init(dwSampleRate);
HRESULT hr = pArticulation->Download( pInfo, pvOffsetTable, pdmRegion->ulRegionArtIdx, dwSampleRate, fNewFormat); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pArticulation; return hr; } m_pArticulation = pArticulation; m_pArticulation->AddRef(); } else { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return S_OK; }
* CInstManager::DownloadInstrument() ***************************************************************************** * Download an instrument to this instrument manager. This is dispatched * to the various appropriate objects. * * This is called by Download() when an instrument chunk is encountered. * Using the offset table to resolve linkages, it scans through the instrument, * parsing out regions and articulations, then finally linking the regions in the * instrument to the waves, which should have been previously downloaded. */ HRESULT CInstManager::DownloadInstrument( LPHANDLE phDownload, // Pointer to download handle, to be created by synth.
DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO *pInfo, // DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO structure from the download chunk's head.
// This provides the total size of data, among other things.
void *pvOffsetTable[], // Offset table with addresses of all embedded structures.
void *pvData, // Pointer to start of download data.
BOOL fNewFormat) // Is this DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT2 format download?
{ HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; // The download data must start with the DMUS_INSTRUMENT chunk, so cast to that.
DMUS_INSTRUMENT *pdmInstrument = (DMUS_INSTRUMENT *) pvData; CSourceArticulation *pArticulation = NULL;
// Create a new CInstrument structure. This stores everything that describes an instrument, including
// the articulations and regions.
CInstrument *pInstrument = new CInstrument; if (pInstrument) { hr = S_OK;
// For debugging purposes, print a trace statement to show that the instrument has actually been downloaded.
// This only occurs in debug builds.
Trace(1,"Downloading instrument %lx\n",pdmInstrument->ulPatch); pInstrument->m_dwProgram = pdmInstrument->ulPatch;
// Start by scanning through the regions.
DWORD dwRegionIX = pdmInstrument->ulFirstRegionIdx; pdmInstrument->ulFirstRegionIdx = 0; // Clear to avoid loops.
while (dwRegionIX) { // For each region, verify that the index number is actually legal.
if (dwRegionIX >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { hr = DMUS_E_BADINSTRUMENT; goto ExitError; } CSourceRegion *pRegion = new CSourceRegion; if (!pRegion) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ExitError; } pInstrument->m_RegionList.AddHead(pRegion); // Call the region's Download method to parse the region structure and optional embedded articulation.
hr = pRegion->Download(pInfo, pvOffsetTable, &dwRegionIX, m_dwSampleRate, fNewFormat); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ExitError; } EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); // Once the region is parsed, we need to connect it to the wave, that should have been
// previously downloaded into the wavepool.
// Because of the hash table, the linked list is never very long, so the search is quick.
CWave *pWave = m_WavePool[pRegion->m_Sample.m_dwID % WAVE_HASH_SIZE].GetHead(); for (;pWave;pWave = pWave->GetNext()) { // Each wave has a unique ID, which the regions match up with.
if (pRegion->m_Sample.m_dwID == pWave->m_dwID) { pRegion->m_Sample.m_pWave = pWave; pWave->AddRef(); pRegion->m_Sample.CopyFromWave(); break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); } // Once all the regions are loaded, see if we have a global articulation.
if (pdmInstrument->ulGlobalArtIdx) { // If so load it. First check that it's a valid index.
if (pdmInstrument->ulGlobalArtIdx >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { hr = DMUS_E_BADARTICULATION; goto ExitError; }
// Create an articulation and have it parse the data.
pArticulation = new CSourceArticulation; if (pArticulation) { // The articulation will convert all time parameters into sample times, so it needs to know the sample rate.
// Parse the articulation data. Note that the fNewFormat flag indicates whether this is in the DX6 fixed
// format articulation or the DX7 dynamic format (which is actually the same as the file format.)
hr = pArticulation->Download( pInfo, pvOffsetTable, pdmInstrument->ulGlobalArtIdx, m_dwSampleRate, fNewFormat); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ExitError; }
// Once the global articulation is read, scan all regions and assign the articulation to all
// regions that don't have articulations yet.
for (CSourceRegion *pr = pInstrument->m_RegionList.GetHead(); pr != NULL; pr = pr->GetNext()) { if (pr->m_pArticulation == NULL) { pr->m_pArticulation = pArticulation; pArticulation->AddRef(); } } if (!pArticulation->m_wUsageCount) { delete pArticulation; pArticulation = NULL; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ExitError; } } else { for (CSourceRegion *pr = pInstrument->m_RegionList.GetHead(); pr != NULL; pr = pr->GetNext()) { if (pr->m_pArticulation == NULL) { hr = DMUS_E_NOARTICULATION; goto ExitError; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); // If this is a GM instrument, make sure that it will be searched for last by placing it at
// the end of the list. The DLS spec states that
// a DLS collection with the same patch as a GM instrument will always override the GM instrument.
if (pdmInstrument->ulFlags & DMUS_INSTRUMENT_GM_INSTRUMENT) { pInstrument->SetNext(NULL); m_InstrumentList[pInstrument->m_dwProgram % INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE].AddTail(pInstrument); } else { m_InstrumentList[pInstrument->m_dwProgram % INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE].AddHead(pInstrument); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); *phDownload = (HANDLE) pInstrument; } }
ExitError: // Clean-up code.
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pArticulation) { delete pArticulation; }
if (pInstrument) { delete pInstrument; } }
return hr; }
* CInstManager::DownloadWave() ***************************************************************************** * Download a wave to this instrument manager. It is put in the pool. * * This is called by Download when it receives a wave download chunk. * DownloadWave parses the wave, converts the wave data if necessary, and * places the wave in the wave pool, where it can subsequentley be * connected to instruments. (All the waves referenced by an instrument * are downloaded prior to downloading the instrument itself. This makes the * whole process simpler and more reliable. Conversely, on unload, all * waves are unloaded after the instruments that reference them.) */ HRESULT CInstManager::DownloadWave( LPHANDLE phDownload, // Download handle, to be returned. This will be
// used by a later Unload call to reference the wave.
DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO *pInfo, // DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO structure from the download chunk's head.
// This provides the total size of data, among other things.
void *pvOffsetTable[], // The table of offsets in the download data.
void *pvData) // Finally, the data itself.
{ // The start of the data should align with a DMUS_WAVE header.
DMUS_WAVE *pdmWave = (DMUS_WAVE *) pvData;
// Make sure that the wave data is properly uncompressed PCM data.
if (pdmWave->WaveformatEx.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { return DMUS_E_NOTPCM; }
// The data can only be mono format.
if (pdmWave->WaveformatEx.nChannels != 1) { return DMUS_E_NOTMONO; }
// The data can be only 8 or 16 bit.
if (pdmWave->WaveformatEx.wBitsPerSample != 8 && pdmWave->WaveformatEx.wBitsPerSample != 16) { return DMUS_E_BADWAVE; }
// Ensure that the index to the wave data is a legal value in the offset table.
if (pdmWave->ulWaveDataIdx >= pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { return DMUS_E_BADWAVE; }
// Create a wave object and parse the data into it.
CWave *pWave = new CWave; if (pWave) { // We've already verified that the wave data index is a valid index, so go ahead
// and use the offset table to convert that into a valid DMUS_WAVEDATA structure pointer.
DMUS_WAVEDATA *pdmWaveData= (DMUS_WAVEDATA *) pvOffsetTable[pdmWave->ulWaveDataIdx]; Trace(3,"Downloading wave %ld\n",pInfo->dwDLId); // Now initialize the CWave structure.
pWave->m_dwID = pInfo->dwDLId; pWave->m_pWaveMem = pInfo; pWave->m_hUserData = NULL; pWave->m_lpFreeHandle = NULL; pWave->m_dwSampleLength = pdmWaveData->cbSize; pWave->m_pnWave = (short *) &pdmWaveData->byData[0]; pWave->m_dwSampleRate = pdmWave->WaveformatEx.nSamplesPerSec;
// If the wave data is 8 bit, the data needs to be converted to
// two's complement representation.
if (pdmWave->WaveformatEx.wBitsPerSample == 8) { pWave->m_bSampleType = SFORMAT_8; DWORD dwX; char *pData = (char *) &pdmWaveData->byData[0]; for (dwX = 0; dwX < pWave->m_dwSampleLength; dwX++) { pData[dwX] -= (char) 128; } } else if (pdmWave->WaveformatEx.wBitsPerSample == 16) { pWave->m_dwSampleLength >>= 1; pWave->m_bSampleType = SFORMAT_16; }
pWave->m_dwSampleLength++; // We always add one sample to the end for interpolation.
// Place the wave in a hash table of wave lists to increase access speed.
m_WavePool[pWave->m_dwID % WAVE_HASH_SIZE].AddHead(pWave); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
// Return the pointer to the internal CWave object as the handle. This will
// be used in a subsequant call to unload the wave object.
*phDownload = (HANDLE) pWave; pWave->AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
* CInstManager::Download() ***************************************************************************** * Download to this instrument manager. * * This is the heart of the DLS download mechanism, and is called from CSynth::Download(). * It verifies the offset table and converts it into physical addresses. Then, * depending on whether this is a wave or instrument download, it calls the * appropriate method. * * The data is stored in a continuous chunk of memory, * pointed to by pvData. However, at the head of the chunk are two data * structures, which define the nature of the data to follow. These are * the DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO and DMUS_OFFSETTABLE structures. DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO * is a header which describes how to parse the data, including * its size and intention (wave or instrument.) DMUS_OFFSETTABLE provides * a set of indexes into the data segment which follows. All parsing through the data * is managed through this table. Whenever a structure in the data references * another structure, it describes it by an index into the offset table. * The offset table then converts it into a physical address in the memory. * This allows the synthesizer to do bounds checking on all * references, making the implementation more robust. In kernel mode * implementations, the driver can make its own private copy of the offset * table, and so ensure that an application in user mode can not mess with * its referencing and cause a crash. This implementation also makes a unique copy. * * Looking closer at DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO, DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO.dwDLType * determines the type of data being downloaded. It is set to * DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT or DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT2 * for an instrument, DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_WAVE for a wave. As new data types emerge, * identifiers will be allocated for them. * DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO.dwDLId holds a unique 32 bit identifier for the object. * This identifier is used to connect objects together. For example, it is used * to connect waves to instruments. * DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO.dwNumOffsetTableEntries describes the number of entries in * the DMUS_OFFSETTABLE structure, which follows. * Finally, DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO.cbSizeData states the total size of the * memory chunk, which follows the offset table. * * Depending on the synthesizer implementation, it may decide to use the memory * in the download chunk. This reduces memory allocation and freeing, since, if enough * memory has been allocated to store a wave, that same memory can be used by * the synthesizer to store it for playback. So, the synthesizer has the option * of hanging on to the memory, returning its decision in the pbFree parameter. * If it does keep the memory, then the caller must not free it. Later, the * CSynth::Unload command has a callback mechanism to handle asynchronous * freeing of the memory once the unload request has been made. */ HRESULT CInstManager::Download(LPHANDLE phDownload, // Download handle, to be returned.
void * pvData, // Pointer to download data chunk.
LPBOOL pbFree) // Pointer to boolean whether data can
// be freed now or held until unload.
{ V_INAME(IDirectMusicSynth::Download); V_BUFPTR_READ(pvData,sizeof(DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO));
// We need an array of pointers to reproduce the offset table, which is used to link to
// specific structures in the download chunk.
void ** ppvOffsetTable; // Array of pointers to chunks in data.
// At the head of the download chunk is the download header, in the form of a DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO structure.
// It is immediately followed by the offset table, so we cast a pointer to that.
DMUS_OFFSETTABLE* pOffsetTable = (DMUS_OFFSETTABLE *)(((BYTE*)pvData) + sizeof(DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO)); char *pcData = (char *) pvData;
// Return the error code immediately.
if (0 == pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries) { return hr; }
// Create a copy of the offset table.
ppvOffsetTable = new void *[pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries]; if (ppvOffsetTable) // Create the pointer array and validate.
{ // Each index in the offset table is an offset from the beginning of the download chunk to
// a position in the memory where a specific structure resides.
// Scan through the table and convert these offsets into actual memory
// addresses, and store these in the ppvOfsetTable array. These
// will be used by the parsing code to resolve indexes to actual
// memory addresses.
DWORD dwIndex; for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pInfo->dwNumOffsetTableEntries; dwIndex++) { // First, make sure the offset is not out of bounds.
if (pOffsetTable->ulOffsetTable[dwIndex] >= pInfo->cbSize) { delete [] ppvOffsetTable; return DMUS_E_BADOFFSETTABLE; // Bad!
} // Go ahead and calculate the actual memory address and store it.
ppvOffsetTable[dwIndex] = (void *) &pcData[pOffsetTable->ulOffsetTable[dwIndex]]; }
// Once the offset table is constructed, we can pass it to the appropriate parsing routine.
// There are three types of download chunks: DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT,
// The two instrument formats exist because DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT was changed to
// support a variable articulation to support DLS2 in the DX7 timeframe. In truth,
// but we continue with DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT support in this example.
// Depending on the type of download, we call the appropriate method, which then
// parses the data.
// To let dmusic understand that it does support the DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT2,
// the synth must respond positively to the KsProperty Query GUID_DMUS_PROP_INSTRUMENT2,
// request (please see CUserModeSynth::KsProperty() for implementation details.)
if (pInfo->dwDLType == DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT) // Instrument.
{ // Instrument does not need to keep the download chunk allocated, so indicate that
// the caller can free it.
*pbFree = TRUE;
// Call the download instrument method, indicating that this is a DX6 format download.
hr = DownloadInstrument(phDownload, pInfo, ppvOffsetTable, ppvOffsetTable[0],FALSE); } if (pInfo->dwDLType == DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_INSTRUMENT2) // New instrument format.
{ *pbFree = TRUE;
// Call the download instrument method, indicating that this is a DX7 or up format download.
hr = DownloadInstrument(phDownload, pInfo, ppvOffsetTable, ppvOffsetTable[0],TRUE); } else if (pInfo->dwDLType == DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_WAVE) // Wave.
{ // Wave does need to keep the download chunk allocated, because it includes the
// wave data buffer, which it will play directly out of, so indicate that
// the caller must not free it until it is unloaded.
*pbFree = FALSE; hr = DownloadWave(phDownload, pInfo, ppvOffsetTable, ppvOffsetTable[0]); } delete [] ppvOffsetTable; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
* CInstManager::Unload() ***************************************************************************** * Unload the given previous download. Delete the instruments and waves. * * The unload method is called when it is unloading a previously downloaded * instrument or wave chunk. This instructs the synthesizer to find the object that * was downloaded (identified by the handle, hDownload, that was generated by the * call to Download) and remove it. * * If the object was using the original download chunk, it needs to notify the caller * when it is done using it so the memory can then be freed. This is not necessarily * at the time of the download call because wave data may currently be in use by a * performing note. So, a pointer to a callback function is also provided and the * synthesizer must call this function at the time the memory is no longer in use. */ HRESULT CInstManager::Unload( HANDLE hDownload, // Handle of previously downloaded
// wave or instrument.
HRESULT ( CALLBACK *lpFreeHandle)(HANDLE,HANDLE), // Callback function for releasing
// downloaded memory
HANDLE hUserData) // Parameter to pass to callback,
// to indicate which download is freed.
{ DWORD dwIndex; EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
// First, check to see if this is an instrument.
// We keep all the instruments in a hash table to speed up access.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE; dwIndex++) { CInstrument *pInstrument = m_InstrumentList[dwIndex].GetHead(); for (;pInstrument != NULL; pInstrument = pInstrument->GetNext()) { // If the instrument matches the download handle, remove it from the list
// and delete it. There is no need to callback for releasing the memory because
// the synthesizer did not hang on to the original downloaded instrument memory.
if (pInstrument == (CInstrument *) hDownload) { // To help debug, print the patch number of the unloaded instrument.
Trace(1,"Unloading instrument %lx\n",pInstrument->m_dwProgram); m_InstrumentList[dwIndex].Remove(pInstrument); delete pInstrument; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return S_OK; } } }
// If it wasn't an instrument, try the wave list.
// Again, they are arranged in a hash table to increase access speed.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < WAVE_HASH_SIZE; dwIndex++) { CWave *pWave = m_WavePool[dwIndex].GetHead(); for (;pWave != NULL;pWave = pWave->GetNext()) { // If the wave matches the download handle, remove it from the list.
// Also, store the callback function, lpFreeHandle, and associated instance
// parameter, hUserData, in the wave. Remove the wave from the wave pool, so
// it can no longer be connected with another instrument.
// When the last instance of a voice that is playing the wave finishes,
// lpFreeHandle will be called and the caller will be able to free the memory.
// Usually, the wave is not currently being played and this happens instantly.
if (pWave == (CWave *) hDownload) { Trace(3,"Unloading wave %ld\n",pWave->m_dwID); m_WavePool[dwIndex].Remove(pWave); pWave->m_hUserData = hUserData; pWave->m_lpFreeHandle = lpFreeHandle; pWave->Release(); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return S_OK; } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); return E_FAIL; }