Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#ifndef _KernHelp_
#define _KernHelp_
// Use kernel mutex to implement critical section
VOID InitializeCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION); VOID EnterCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION); VOID LeaveCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION); VOID DeleteCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION);
// We have very little registry work to do, so just encapsulate the
// entire process
int GetRegValueDword(LPTSTR RegPath,LPTSTR ValueName,PULONG Value);
ULONG GetTheCurrentTime();
PVOID KernHelpGetSysAddrForMdl(PMDL pMdl);
* operator new() ***************************************************************************** * Overload new to allocate from PagedPool, with our pooltag. */ inline void* __cdecl operator new ( size_t iSize ) { // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT -- This section will be removed in the DDK sample. See ddkreadme.txt for more info.
PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, iSize, 'ySmD'); #if 0 // The following section will only take effect in the DDK sample.
// Replace 'ySkD' with a tag appropriate to your product.
PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, iSize, 'ySkD'); // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT -- This section will be removed in the DDK sample.
if (result) { RtlZeroMemory(result, iSize); } #if DBG
else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("Couldn't allocate paged pool: %d bytes", iSize)); } #endif // DBG
return result; }
* operator new ***************************************************************************** * Overload new to allocate with our pooltag. * Allocates from PagedPool or NonPagedPool, as specified. */ inline PVOID operator new ( size_t iSize, POOL_TYPE poolType ) { // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT -- This section will be removed in the DDK sample. See ddkreadme.txt for more info.
PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(poolType, iSize, 'ySmD'); #if 0 // The following section will only take effect in the DDK sample.
// Replace 'ySkD' with a tag appropriate to your product.
PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, iSize, 'ySkD'); // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT -- This section will be removed in the DDK sample.
if (result) { RtlZeroMemory(result, iSize); } #if DBG
else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("Couldn't allocate poolType(%d): %d bytes", (ULONG)poolType, iSize)); } #endif // DBG
return result; }
* operator new() ***************************************************************************** * Overload new to allocate with a specified allocation tag. * Allocates from PagedPool or NonPagedPool, as specified. */ inline PVOID operator new ( size_t iSize, POOL_TYPE poolType, ULONG tag ) { PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(poolType, iSize, tag);
if (result) { RtlZeroMemory(result,iSize); } #if DBG
else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("Couldn't allocate tagged poolType(%d): %d bytes", (ULONG)poolType, iSize)); } #endif // DBG
return result; }
* operator delete() ***************************************************************************** * Delete function. */ inline void __cdecl operator delete ( PVOID pVoid ) { ExFreePool(pVoid); }
// Debug trace facility
#define DM_DEBUG_CRITICAL DEBUGLVL_ERROR // Used to include critical messages
#define DM_DEBUG_NON_CRITICAL DEBUGLVL_TERSE // Used to include level 1 plus important non-critical messages
#define DM_DEBUG_STATUS DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE // Used to include level 1 and level 2 plus status\state messages
#define DM_DEBUG_FUNC_FLOW DEBUGLVL_BLAB // Used to include level 1, level 2 and level 3 plus function flow messages
#define DM_DEBUG_ALL DEBUGLVL_BLAB // Used to include all debug messages
#if DBG
#define Trace
#define Trace0(lvl, fstr) \
_DbgPrintF(lvl, (fstr)) #define Trace1(lvl, fstr, arg1) \
_DbgPrintF(lvl, (fstr, arg1)) #define Trace2(lvl, fstr, arg1, arg2) \
_DbgPrintF(lvl, (fstr, arg1, arg2)) #define Trace3(lvl, fstr, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
_DbgPrintF(lvl, (fstr, arg1, arg2, arg3)) #define Trace4(lvl, fstr, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \
_DbgPrintF(lvl, (fstr, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) #else
#define Trace
#define Trace0
#define Trace1
#define Trace2
#define Trace3
#define Trace4
#define assert ASSERT
// Paramter validation unused
#define V_INAME(x)
#define V_BUFPTR_READ(p,cb)
#endif // _KernHelp_