Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
File Name:
Definition of global functions related to actions that can be performed in the tree and list views Every action function receives an array of CItemData items and performs the appropriate action on them
Cristian Teodorescu December 1, 1998
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "ActDlg.h"
#include "Actions.h"
#include "DiskMap.h"
#include "FrSpace.h"
#include "FTTreeVw.h"
#include "FTUtil.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "LogVol.h"
#include "MainFrm.h"
#include "PhPart.h"
#include "RootVol.h"
#include <winbase.h>
// Assign drive letter
void ActionAssign( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE);
CItemData* pData; ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 );
pData = (CItemData*)( arrSelectedItems[0] ); ASSERT(pData);
ASSERT( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) || ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() );
CAssignDlg dlg( pData ); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;; AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1);
TCHAR cOldDriveLetter = pData->GetDriveLetter(); BOOL bResult = FALSE, bChanged = FALSE; // If the volume had a drive letter and now it shouldn't have any or it should have another one
// then free the old drive letter
if( cOldDriveLetter && ( !dlg.m_bAssign || ( dlg.m_bAssign && ( cOldDriveLetter != dlg.m_cDriveLetter ) ) ) ) { CString strMountPoint; strMountPoint.Format(_T("%c:\\"), cOldDriveLetter); bResult = DeleteVolumeMountPoint(strMountPoint); if( !bResult ) { DisplaySystemErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_DELETE_MOUNT_POINT ); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); return; } else bChanged = TRUE; }
// If the volume had a drive letter and now it should have another one or if it had no drive letter and
// now it should have one then assign a the new drive letter to the volume
if( dlg.m_bAssign && ( ( cOldDriveLetter && ( cOldDriveLetter != dlg.m_cDriveLetter ) ) || !cOldDriveLetter ) ) { CString strMountPoint, strVolumeName; strMountPoint.Format(_T("%c:\\"), dlg.m_cDriveLetter ); strVolumeName = pData->GetVolumeName(); strVolumeName += _T("\\"); bResult = SetVolumeMountPoint( strMountPoint, strVolumeName ); if( !bResult ) DisplaySystemErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_SET_MOUNT_POINT ); else bChanged = TRUE; }
if( bChanged ) AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionAssign( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only 1 ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item must be a root volume ( logical volume or physical partition )
// 3. The selected item must be valid
CItemData* pData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)( arrSelectedItems[0] ); ASSERT(pData);
if( ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) goto label_disable; if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable; pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Break mirror
void ActionFtbreak( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); ASSERT( m_pParentData->GetItemType() == IT_Root );
CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume );
CObArray arrVolumeData; arrVolumeData.Add(pData); CActionDlg dlg(&arrVolumeData); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return; FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llVolID; pData->GetVolumeID( llVolID ); FTBreak( llVolID ); AfxRefreshAll();
void ActionFtbreak( CObArray& arrSelectedItems) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); CItemData* pData;
ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); pData = (CItemData*)( arrSelectedItems[0] ); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() );
CLogicalVolumeData* pLogVolData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pData; ASSERT( pLogVolData->m_nVolType == FtMirrorSet );
// Read the members of the mirror
CObArray arrMembersData; CString strErrors; if( !pLogVolData->ReadMembers( arrMembersData, strErrors ) ) { AfxMessageBox( strErrors, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; }
CBreakDlg dlg( pLogVolData, &arrMembersData ); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) goto label_cleanup; AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1);
if( dlg.m_nWinnerIndex == 1 ) { // The winner is the second member. We have to orphan the first member ( if healthy )
if( ((CItemData*)arrMembersData[0])->GetMemberStatus() == FtMemberHealthy ) { if( !FTOrphan( pLogVolData->m_llVolID, 0 ) ) { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); goto label_cleanup; } } } else { ASSERT( dlg.m_nWinnerIndex == 0 ); }
// Break the mirror
if( FTBreak( pLogVolData->m_llVolID ) ) { CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem; // Now break all former members ( if they are FT Partitions )
// All members must be added to setListSelectedItems in order to emphasize them after
// refreshing the list view
// Select the root volumes item in the tree view
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem ); for( int i = 0; i < arrMembersData.GetSize(); i++ ) { BOOL bPhPart;
CLogicalVolumeData* pMemberData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)(arrMembersData[i]); if( pMemberData->m_nVolType == FtPartition ) bPhPart = FTBreak( pMemberData->m_llVolID ); else bPhPart = FALSE;
if( bPhPart ) { // The member is now a physical partition
ASSERT( pMemberData->m_nVolType == FtPartition ); idItem.m_wItemType = IT_PhysicalPartition; idItem.m_ID.m_PhysicalPartitionID.m_ulDiskNumber = pMemberData->m_ConfigInfo.partConfig.Config.DiskNumber; idItem.m_ID.m_PhysicalPartitionID.m_llOffset = pMemberData->m_ConfigInfo.partConfig.Config.ByteOffset; } else { // The member is still a logical volume
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_LogicalVolume; idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = pMemberData->m_llVolID; } setListSelectedItems.Add( idItem ); }
// Now refresh both views and emphasize the members of the old mirror set
AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else AfxRefreshAll();
label_cleanup: // Delete the array of members
for( int i = 0; i < arrMembersData.GetSize(); i++ ) { pData = (CItemData*)(arrMembersData[i]); if( pData ) delete pData; } arrMembersData.RemoveAll();
void UpdateActionFtbreak( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // This action should be enabled only when:
// 1. single selection
// 2. Its parent is the root item
// 3. the selected item is a logical volume
POSITION pos; if( ( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) || ( m_pParentData->GetItemType() != IT_Root) ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetTreeItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) goto label_disable;
pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE);
} */
void UpdateActionFtbreak( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only 1 ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item must be a root volume
// 3. The selected item must be a mirror set
// 4. The selected item must be valid
CItemData* pData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) goto label_disable; if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable; if( ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pData)->m_nVolType != FtMirrorSet ) goto label_disable; pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Create extended partition
void ActionCreateExtendedPartition( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); CItemData* pData;
ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_FreeSpace ); CFreeSpaceData* pFreeData = (CFreeSpaceData*)pData;
ASSERT( pFreeData->m_wFreeSpaceType == FST_Primary ); if( pFreeData->m_dwExtendedPartitionCountOnLevel > 0 ) { // There is another extended partition on the disk
if( pFreeData->m_dwPartitionCountOnLevel + pFreeData->m_dwExtendedPartitionCountOnLevel >= 4 ) { // This must not happen inside an extended partition!
AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_PARTITION_TABLE_FULL, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; } // The starting offset of the extended partition must be the next cylinder border after the beginning of the free space
LONGLONG llExtPartStartOffset = ((LONGLONG)((pFreeData->m_llOffset + pFreeData->m_llCylinderSize - 1) / pFreeData->m_llCylinderSize)) * pFreeData->m_llCylinderSize; CCreatePartitionDlg dlg( pFreeData, llExtPartStartOffset, TRUE ); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;; AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1);
CDiskMap diskMap( pFreeData->m_dwDiskNumber ); LONGLONG llNewFreeSpaceOffset; BOOL bResult = diskMap.CreateExtendedPartition( llExtPartStartOffset, dlg.m_llPartitionSize, llNewFreeSpaceOffset );
if( bResult ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_CREATE_EXTENDED_PARTITION, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // Now refresh both views and emphasize the new partition
CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootFreeSpaces; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_FreeSpace; idItem.m_ID.m_FreeSpaceID.m_ulDiskNumber = pFreeData->m_dwDiskNumber; idItem.m_ID.m_FreeSpaceID.m_llOffset = llNewFreeSpaceOffset; setListSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_CREATE_EXTENDED_PARTITION, MB_ICONSTOP ); AfxRefreshAll(); }
void UpdateActionCreateExtendedPartition( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only 1 ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item must be a free space
// 3. The free space must be primary ( between primary partitions )
CItemData* pData; CFreeSpaceData* pFreeData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_FreeSpace ) goto label_disable;
pFreeData = (CFreeSpaceData*)pData;
if( pFreeData->m_wFreeSpaceType != FST_Primary ) goto label_disable; pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Create partition
void ActionCreatePartition( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); CItemData* pData;
ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_FreeSpace ); CFreeSpaceData* pFreeData = (CFreeSpaceData*)pData;
if( pFreeData->m_dwPartitionCountOnLevel + pFreeData->m_dwExtendedPartitionCountOnLevel >= 4 ) { // This must not happen inside an extended partition!
ASSERT( pFreeData->m_wFreeSpaceType == FST_Primary ); AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_PARTITION_TABLE_FULL, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; } CCreatePartitionDlg dlg( pFreeData, pFreeData->m_llOffset ); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;; AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1);
CDiskMap diskMap( pFreeData->m_dwDiskNumber ); LONGLONG llExactPartStartOffset;
BOOL bResult = diskMap.CreatePartition( pFreeData->m_llOffset, dlg.m_llPartitionSize, llExactPartStartOffset );
if( bResult ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_CREATE_PARTITION, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // Now refresh both views and emphasize the new partition
CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_PhysicalPartition; idItem.m_ID.m_PhysicalPartitionID.m_ulDiskNumber = pFreeData->m_dwDiskNumber; idItem.m_ID.m_PhysicalPartitionID.m_llOffset = llExactPartStartOffset; setListSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_CREATE_PARTITION, MB_ICONSTOP ); AfxRefreshAll(); }
void UpdateActionCreatePartition( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only 1 ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item must be a free space
CItemData* pData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_FreeSpace ) goto label_disable; pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Delete
void ActionDelete( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); CItemData* pData;
ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
// A special case is when the selected item is an empty extended partition
if( pData->GetItemType() == IT_FreeSpace ) { CFreeSpaceData* pFree = (CFreeSpaceData*)pData; ASSERT(pFree->m_wFreeSpaceType == FST_EmptyExtendedPartition );
CString strQuestion; strQuestion.Format( IDS_QST_DELETE_EXTENDED_PARTITION, pFree->m_dwDiskNumber ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strQuestion, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return;
CDiskMap diskMap( pFree->m_dwDiskNumber ); if( diskMap.DeleteExtendedPartition( pFree->m_llOffset ) ) { CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootFreeSpaces; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, NULL ); } else { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_DELETE_EXTENDED_PARTITION, MB_ICONSTOP ); AfxRefreshAll(); } return; } ASSERT( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) || ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() );
CString strQuestion, strName; pData->GetDisplayExtendedName(strName); strQuestion.Format( IDS_QST_DELETE_VOLUME, strName ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strQuestion, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return; // Delete the volume
BOOL bResult;
if( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) { FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llVolID; ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pData)->GetVolumeID(llVolID); bResult = FTDelete( llVolID ); } else if( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) { CDiskMap diskMap( ((CPhysicalPartitionData*)pData)->m_dwDiskNumber ); bResult = diskMap.DeletePartition( ((CPhysicalPartitionData*)pData)->m_PartInfo.StartingOffset.QuadPart ); } else ASSERT(FALSE); if( bResult ) { CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_DELETE_VOLUME, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, NULL ); } else { if( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_DELETE_LOGICAL_VOLUME, MB_ICONSTOP ); else if( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_DELETE_PHYSICAL_PARTITION, MB_ICONSTOP ); AfxRefreshAll(); } AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionDelete( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only 1 ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item must be a root volume ( logical volume or physical partition )
// 3. The selected item must be valid
// 1. 1 ( and only 1 ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item is an empty extended partition
CItemData* pData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) { if( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_FreeSpace ) && ( ((CFreeSpaceData*)pData)->m_wFreeSpaceType == FST_EmptyExtendedPartition ) ) goto label_enable; else goto label_disable; } if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable;
label_enable: pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Regenerate an orphan member of a mirror set or stripe set with parity
void ActionFtinit( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ); ASSERT( pData->IsValid() ); CLogicalVolumeData* pMemberData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pData;
CItemData* pParentData = pData->GetParentData(); ASSERT( pParentData ); ASSERT( pParentData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ); CLogicalVolumeData* pLVParentData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData; ASSERT( ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtMirrorSet ) || ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtStripeSetWithParity ) );
ASSERT( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.UnhealthyMemberState == FtMemberOrphaned ); ASSERT( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.UnhealthyMemberNumber == ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pData)->m_unMemberIndex );
CString strMemberDisplayName, strParentDisplayName, strQuestion; pData->GetDisplayExtendedName( strMemberDisplayName ); pLVParentData->GetDisplayExtendedName( strParentDisplayName ); strQuestion.Format( IDS_QST_FTINIT, strMemberDisplayName, strParentDisplayName );
if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strQuestion, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return;
// Now is time to reinitialize the member
if( FTInit( pLVParentData->m_llVolID, TRUE ) ) AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_FTINIT, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtinit( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only one ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item is a logical volume
// 3. The parent of the item must be a mirror set or a stripe set with parity
// 4. The selected item must be valid
// 5. The selected item is an orphan member of its parent
CItemData* pData; CItemData* pParentData; CLogicalVolumeData* pLVParentData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) goto label_disable;
if( !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable;
pParentData = pData->GetParentData(); if( ( pParentData == NULL ) || ( pParentData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) ) goto label_disable; pLVParentData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData; if( ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType != FtMirrorSet ) && ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType != FtStripeSetWithParity ) ) goto label_disable;
if( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.UnhealthyMemberState != FtMemberOrphaned ) goto label_disable;
if( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.UnhealthyMemberNumber != ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pData)->m_unMemberIndex ) goto label_disable;
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Create mirror
void ActionFtmirror( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); int nNumVols = (int)arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); ASSERT( nNumVols == 2 ); for( int i = 0; i < nNumVols; i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) || ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() ); }
// Display the dialog
CActionDlg dlg(&arrSelectedItems, IDD_CREATE_MIRROR); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;
// Display the warning. All data of the second volume will be lost
CString strDisplayName, strNameList, strWarning; for( i = 1; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pVolData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pVolData); pVolData->GetDisplayExtendedName(strDisplayName); if( i != 1 ) strNameList += _T(", "); strNameList += _T("\""); strNameList += strDisplayName; strNameList += _T("\""); } strWarning.Format( IDS_WRN_DATA_LOST, strNameList ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strWarning, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return; AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1);
// Make sure that all selected physical partitions are converted to FT partitions
// and then get all selected items logical volume ID's
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID* arrVolID = (FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID*)LocalAlloc(0, nNumVols*sizeof(FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID) ); if( !arrVolID ) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ALLOCATION, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; } if( !ConvertPartitionsToFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ) ) { LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); return; }
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llNewSetID; if( FTMirror( arrVolID, (WORD)nNumVols, &llNewSetID ) ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_FTMIRROR, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // Refresh all and emphasize the newly created mirror
CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_LogicalVolume; idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = llNewSetID; setListSelectedItems.Add(idItem); AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { DeconvertPartitionsFromFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ); AfxRefreshAll(); } LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtmirror( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
// Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 2 ( and only 2 ) items must be selected
// 2. Every selected item must be a root volume ( logical volume or physical partition )
// 3. Every selected item must be valid
// 4. The disks sets intersection for every couple of selected items must be empty !
int i;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 2 ) goto label_disable; for( i = 0; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); if( ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) goto label_disable; if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable;
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { CItemData* pData2 = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[j]); CULONGSet setIntersection( pData->GetDisksSet() ); setIntersection *= pData2->GetDisksSet(); if( !setIntersection.IsEmpty() ) goto label_disable; } }
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE);
// Orphan member
void ActionFtorphan( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume );
CItemData* pParentData = pData->GetParentData(); ASSERT( pParentData ); ASSERT( pParentData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ); ASSERT( ( ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData)->m_nVolType == FtMirrorSet ) || ( ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData)->m_nVolType == FtStripeSetWithParity ) );
CObArray arrVolumeData; arrVolumeData.Add(pData); CActionDlg dlg(&arrSelectedItems); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return; FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llVolID; pLogVolData->GetVolumeID( llVolID );
AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1); if( FTOrphan( llVolID, iItem ) ) AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtorphan( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // This action should be enabled only when:
// 1. single selection
// 2. The selected item is a logical volume
// 3. the parent is a Mirror or Stripe with parity
CItemData* pData, pParentData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) goto label_disable;
pParentData = pData->GetParentData(); if( ( pParentData == NULL ) || ( pParentData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) ) goto label_disable; if( ( ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData)->m_nVolType != FtMirrorSet ) && ( ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData)->m_nVolType != FtStripeSetWithParity ) ) goto label_disable;
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); } */
// Create FT partition
void ActionFtpart( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition );
CActionDlg dlg(&arrSelectedItems); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return; CPhysicalPartitionData* pPhPartData = (CPhysicalPartitionData*)pData; ASSERT( !pPhPartData->IsFTPartition() ); ASSERT( !pData->GetVolumeName().IsEmpty() );
AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1); FTPart( pPhPartData->GetVolumeName(), pPhPartData->GetDriveLetter() ); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtpart( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // This action should be enabled only when:
// 1. single selection
// 2. the selected item is a physical partition
// 3. This partition is not a FT partition
// 4. We have a volume name for this partition
CItemData* pData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) goto label_disable;
if( ((CPhysicalPartitionData*)pData)->IsFTPartition() ) goto label_disable;
if( pData->GetVolumeName().IsEmpty() ) goto label_disable;
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); } */
// Create stripe set
void ActionFtstripe( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); int nNumVols = (int)arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); ASSERT( nNumVols >= 2 ); for( int i = 0; i < nNumVols; i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) || ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() ); }
// Display the dialog
CCreateStripeDlg dlg(&arrSelectedItems); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;
// Display the warning. All data of selected volumes will be lost
CString strDisplayName, strNameList, strWarning; for( i = 0; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pVolData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pVolData); pVolData->GetDisplayExtendedName(strDisplayName); if( i != 0 ) strNameList += _T(", "); strNameList += _T("\""); strNameList += strDisplayName; strNameList += _T("\""); } strWarning.Format( IDS_WRN_DATA_LOST, strNameList ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strWarning, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return;
// Make sure that all selected physical partitions are converted to FT partitions
// and then get all selected items logical volume ID's
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID* arrVolID = (FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID*)LocalAlloc(0, nNumVols*sizeof(FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID) ); if( !arrVolID ) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ALLOCATION, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; } if( !ConvertPartitionsToFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ) ) { LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); return; }
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llNewSetID; if( FTStripe( arrVolID, (WORD)nNumVols, dlg.m_ulStripeSize, &llNewSetID) ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_FTSTRIPE, MB_ICONINFORMATION );
// Refresh all and emphasize the newly created stripe set
CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_LogicalVolume; idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = llNewSetID; setListSelectedItems.Add(idItem);
AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { DeconvertPartitionsFromFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ); AfxRefreshAll(); } LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtstripe( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
// Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 2 or more items must be selected
// 2. Every selected item must be a root volume ( logical volume or physical partition )
// 3. Every selected item must be valid
// 4. The disks sets intersection for every couple of selected items must be empty !
int i; if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() < 2 ) goto label_disable; for( i = 0; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); if( ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) goto label_disable; if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable;
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { CItemData* pData2 = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[j]); CULONGSet setIntersection( pData->GetDisksSet() ); setIntersection *= pData2->GetDisksSet(); if( !setIntersection.IsEmpty() ) goto label_disable; } }
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE);
// Swap a member of a mirror set or of a stripe set with parity
void ActionFtswap( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); ASSERT( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() == 1 ); CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ); ASSERT( pData->IsValid() ); CLogicalVolumeData* pMemberData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pData;
CItemData* pParentData = pData->GetParentData(); ASSERT( pParentData ); ASSERT( pParentData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ); CLogicalVolumeData* pLVParentData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData; ASSERT( ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtMirrorSet ) || ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtStripeSetWithParity ) );
// Now get all possible replacements for the selected member
// Conditions for possible replacements:
// 1. Must be a root volume
// 2. Must be at least as big as the member size of the mirror or stripe set with parity
// 3. Must be valid
// 4. Must not be the parent of the selected member
// 5. Its disks set must not intersect with the reunion of all other members disks sets. And if its
// forefathers to the root are also members of mirrors, stripes or stripe sets with parity take
// also their siblings into consideration
// So, first read all logical volumes
CRootVolumesData objRoot; CObArray arrVolumeData; CString strErrors; if( !objRoot.ReadMembers( arrVolumeData, strErrors ) ) { AfxMessageBox( strErrors, MB_ICONSTOP ); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); return; }
// Second get the member size of the parent set
LONGLONG llMemberSize; if( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtMirrorSet ) llMemberSize = pLVParentData->m_ConfigInfo.mirrorConfig.MemberSize; else if ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtStripeSetWithParity ) llMemberSize = pLVParentData->m_ConfigInfo.swpConfig.MemberSize; else ASSERT(FALSE);
// Third get the reunion of all other siblings and forefathers' siblings disks set
CULONGSet setForbiddenDisks; CMainFrame* pFrame = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd(); CFTTreeView* pLeftView = (CFTTreeView*)(pFrame->GetLeftPane()); ASSERT( pLeftView ); GetVolumeReplacementForbiddenDisksSet( pLeftView, pMemberData, setForbiddenDisks ); // Now select only those root volumes that match the 5 conditions enumerated above
for( int i = (int)arrVolumeData.GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { CItemData* pVolData = (CItemData*)(arrVolumeData[i]); ASSERT( pVolData ); ASSERT( pVolData->IsRootVolume() ); // Get the size of the volume
LONGLONG llVolSize; pVolData->GetSize( llVolSize ); // Intersect the disks set of the volume with the reunion of all other members disks sets
CULONGSet setIntersection; setIntersection = setForbiddenDisks; setIntersection *= pVolData->GetDisksSet();
if( ( ( pVolData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pVolData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) || ( !pVolData->IsValid() ) || ( llVolSize < llMemberSize ) || ( ( pVolData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pVolData)->m_llVolID == pLVParentData->m_llVolID ) ) || ( !setIntersection.IsEmpty() ) ) { delete pVolData; arrVolumeData.RemoveAt(i); } } AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
CSwapDlg dlg(pLVParentData, pMemberData, &arrVolumeData); CItemData* pReplData; CString strDisplayName, strNameList, strWarning;
// If no possible replacements then error message
if( arrVolumeData.GetSize() == 0 ) { CString str, strSize; FormatVolumeSize( strSize, llMemberSize ); AfxFormatString1(str, IDS_ERR_NO_REPLACEMENTS, strSize ); AfxMessageBox( str, MB_ICONSTOP ); goto label_cleanup; }
if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) goto label_cleanup;
ASSERT( ( dlg.m_nReplacementIndex >= 0 ) && ( dlg.m_nReplacementIndex < arrVolumeData.GetSize() ) ); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1);
// If the selected replacement is a physical partition then convert it to FT Partition
pReplData = (CItemData*)(arrVolumeData[dlg.m_nReplacementIndex]); ASSERT( pReplData );
// Display the warning. All data of the replacement volume will be lost
pReplData->GetDisplayExtendedName(strDisplayName); strNameList += _T("\""); strNameList += strDisplayName; strNameList += _T("\""); strWarning.Format( IDS_WRN_DATA_LOST, strNameList ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strWarning, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) goto label_cleanup;
if( pReplData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) { ASSERT( !pReplData->GetVolumeName().IsEmpty() ); if( !FTPart( pReplData->GetVolumeName(), pReplData->GetDriveLetter(), &llReplVolID ) ) { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); goto label_cleanup; } } else if( pReplData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) pReplData->GetVolumeID( llReplVolID ); else ASSERT(FALSE);
// If the selected member is not orphaned then orphan it
if( pMemberData->GetMemberStatus() != FtMemberOrphaned ) { if( !FTOrphan( pLVParentData->m_llVolID, pMemberData->m_unMemberIndex ) ) { if( pReplData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) FTBreak( llReplVolID ); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); goto label_cleanup; } } // Now is time to replace the member
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llNewSetID; if( FTRegen( pLVParentData->m_llVolID, pMemberData->m_unMemberIndex, llReplVolID, &llNewSetID ) ) { // If the parent is a mirror set and the old member is a FT Partition break the old member
// If the parent is a stripe set with parity delete the old member
if( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtMirrorSet ) { if( pMemberData->m_nVolType == FtPartition ) FTBreak( pMemberData->m_llVolID ); } else if( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtStripeSetWithParity ) FTDelete( pMemberData->m_llVolID ); else ASSERT(FALSE);
// Now refresh both views and emphasize the new set and its new member
CItemIDSet setAddTreeExpandedItems; CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_LogicalVolume; idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = llNewSetID; setAddTreeExpandedItems.Add( idItem ); setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
ASSERT( idItem.m_wItemType == IT_LogicalVolume ); idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = llReplVolID; setListSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
AfxRefreshAll( &setAddTreeExpandedItems, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { if( pReplData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) FTBreak( llReplVolID ); AfxRefreshAll(); }
label_cleanup: for( i = 0; i < arrVolumeData.GetSize() ; i++ ) { CItemData* pVolData = (CItemData*)(arrVolumeData[i]); delete pVolData; } arrVolumeData.RemoveAll();
void UpdateActionFtswap( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 1 ( and only one ) item must be selected
// 2. The selected item is a logical volume
// 3. The parent of the item must be a mirror set or a stripe set with parity
// 4. The selected item must be valid
// 5. If its parent has a not healthy member, then this member should be the selected item.
// ( You cannot regenerate a member of an FT set who already has another not healthy member )
// 6. If its parent is a stripe set with parity, then the parent shouldn't be initializing
CItemData* pData; CItemData* pParentData; CLogicalVolumeData* pLVParentData;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() != 1 ) goto label_disable; pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[0]); ASSERT(pData);
if( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) goto label_disable;
if( !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable;
pParentData = pData->GetParentData(); if( ( pParentData == NULL ) || ( pParentData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) ) goto label_disable; pLVParentData = (CLogicalVolumeData*)pParentData; if( ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType != FtMirrorSet ) && ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType != FtStripeSetWithParity ) ) goto label_disable;
if( ( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.UnhealthyMemberState != FtMemberHealthy ) && ( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.UnhealthyMemberNumber != ((CLogicalVolumeData*)pData)->m_unMemberIndex ) ) goto label_disable;
if( ( pLVParentData->m_nVolType == FtStripeSetWithParity ) && ( pLVParentData->m_StateInfo.stripeState.IsInitializing ) ) goto label_disable;
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
// Create stripe set with parity
void ActionFtswp( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); int nNumVols = (int)arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); ASSERT( nNumVols >= 3 ); for( int i = 0; i < nNumVols; i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) || ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() ); }
// Display the dialog
CCreateStripeDlg dlg(&arrSelectedItems, IDD_CREATE_SWP); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;
// Display the warning. All data of selected volumes will be lost
CString strDisplayName, strNameList, strWarning; for( i = 0; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pVolData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pVolData); pVolData->GetDisplayExtendedName(strDisplayName); if( i != 0 ) strNameList += _T(", "); strNameList += _T("\""); strNameList += strDisplayName; strNameList += _T("\""); } strWarning.Format( IDS_WRN_DATA_LOST, strNameList ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strWarning, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return;
// Make sure that all selected physical partitions are converted to FT partitions
// and then get all selected items logical volume ID's
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID* arrVolID = (FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID*)LocalAlloc(0, nNumVols*sizeof(FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID) ); if( !arrVolID ) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ALLOCATION, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; } if( !ConvertPartitionsToFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ) ) { LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); return; }
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llNewSetID; if( FTSWP( arrVolID, (WORD)nNumVols, dlg.m_ulStripeSize, &llNewSetID) ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_FTSWP, MB_ICONINFORMATION );
// Refresh all and emphasize the newly created stripe set with parity
CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_LogicalVolume; idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = llNewSetID; setListSelectedItems.Add(idItem); AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { DeconvertPartitionsFromFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ); AfxRefreshAll(); } LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtswp( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
// Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 3 or more items must be selected
// 2. Every selected item must be a root volume ( logical volume or physical partition )
// 3. Every selected item must be valid
// 4. The disks sets intersection for every couple of selected items must be empty !
int i;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() < 3 ) goto label_disable; for( i = 0; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); if( ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) goto label_disable; if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable;
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { CItemData* pData2 = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[j]); CULONGSet setIntersection( pData->GetDisksSet() ); setIntersection *= pData2->GetDisksSet(); if( !setIntersection.IsEmpty() ) goto label_disable; } }
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE);
// Create volume set
void ActionFtvolset( CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { MY_TRY
CAutoRefresh ar(FALSE); int nNumVols = (int)arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); ASSERT( nNumVols >= 2 ); // Get the array of selected items
for( int i = 0; i < nNumVols; i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); ASSERT( ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_LogicalVolume ) || ( pData->GetItemType() == IT_PhysicalPartition ) ); ASSERT( pData->IsRootVolume() && pData->IsValid() ); }
// Display the dialog
CActionDlg dlg(&arrSelectedItems, IDD_CREATE_VOLSET); if( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return;
// Display the warning. All data of selected volumes ( except the first one ) will be lost
CString strDisplayName, strNameList, strWarning; for( i = 1; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pVolData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pVolData); pVolData->GetDisplayExtendedName(strDisplayName); if( i != 1 ) strNameList += _T(", "); strNameList += _T("\""); strNameList += strDisplayName; strNameList += _T("\""); } strWarning.Format( IDS_WRN_DATA_LOST, strNameList ); if( IDYES != AfxMessageBox(strWarning, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) return;
// Make sure that all selected physical partitions are converted to FT partitions
// and then get all selected items logical volume ID's
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID* arrVolID = (FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID*)LocalAlloc(0, nNumVols*sizeof(FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID) ); if( !arrVolID ) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ALLOCATION, MB_ICONSTOP ); return; } if( !ConvertPartitionsToFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ) ) { LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxRefreshAll(); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); return; }
FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID llNewSetID; if( FTVolSet( arrVolID, (WORD)nNumVols, &llNewSetID ) ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_MSG_FTVOLSET, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); FTExtend( llNewSetID );
// Refresh all and emphasize the newly created volume set
CItemIDSet setTreeSelectedItems; CItemIDSet setListSelectedItems; CItemID idItem;
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_RootVolumes; setTreeSelectedItems.Add( idItem );
idItem.m_wItemType = IT_LogicalVolume; idItem.m_ID.m_LogicalVolumeID.m_llVolID = llNewSetID; setListSelectedItems.Add(idItem);
AfxRefreshAll( NULL, &setTreeSelectedItems, &setListSelectedItems ); } else { DeconvertPartitionsFromFT( arrSelectedItems, arrVolID ); AfxRefreshAll(); } LocalFree(arrVolID); AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1);
void UpdateActionFtvolset(CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CObArray& arrSelectedItems ) { // Action enabling conditions:
// 1. 2 or more items must be selected
// 2. Every selected item must be a root volume ( logical volume or physical partition )
// 3. Every selected item must be valid
int i;
if( arrSelectedItems.GetSize() < 2 ) goto label_disable; for( i = 0; i < arrSelectedItems.GetSize(); i++ ) { CItemData* pData = (CItemData*)(arrSelectedItems[i]); ASSERT(pData); if( ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_LogicalVolume ) && ( pData->GetItemType() != IT_PhysicalPartition ) ) goto label_disable; if( !pData->IsRootVolume() || !pData->IsValid() ) goto label_disable; }
pCmdUI->Enable( TRUE ); return;
label_disable: pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif