#ifndef __DEBUG_H__
#define __DEBUG_H__
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Put in include files to insure that necessary files have been included
// to get all function prototypes and structure defined before use
#include <windows.h>
// Need a macro to output messages to the debugger
#define DEBUG_OUT(str) OutputDebugString(str)
// Define our trapping related debugging stuff
// Define 4 levels of trap to allow us to break only in certain
// conditions
#define TRAP_LEVEL_1 1
#define TRAP_LEVEL_2 2
#define TRAP_LEVEL_3 3
#define TRAP_LEVEL_4 4
#ifndef __DEBUG_C__
extern INT Debug_TrapLevel; extern BOOL Debug_TrapOn;
#define TRAP_ON() Debug_TrapOn = TRUE
#define TRAP_OFF() Debug_TrapOn = FALSE
#define GET_TRAP_STATE() Debug_TrapOn
#define SET_TRAP_LEVEL(lvl) Debug_TrapLevel = lvl
// Define the trap macro which will break only when the trap levels
// are matching and also displays an optional message
#undef TRAP
#define TRAP(lvl, msg) \
{ \ if (Debug_TrapOn && ((lvl) >= Debug_TrapLevel)) { \ if (NULL != (msg)) \ DEBUG_OUT((msg)); \ \ DebugBreak(); \ } \ } /*
// Define the ASSERT macro to test the string. Current it will trap
// whenever is on and the expression fails
#undef ASSERT
#define ASSERT(exp) \
{ \ if ((!(exp))) { \ static CHAR TempStr[1024]; \ \ wsprintf(TempStr, \ "Assertion Failed: %s, file: %s, line %s", \ #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
\ DEBUG_OUT(TempStr); \ TRAP(TRAP_LEVEL_1, NULL); \ } \ }
// Memory allocation routines
// Function definitions
HGLOBAL __cdecl Debug_Alloc( IN PCHAR FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN DWORD AllocSize );
HGLOBAL __cdecl Debug_Realloc( IN PCHAR FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PVOID MemoryBlock, IN DWORD AllocSize );
HGLOBAL __cdecl Debug_Free( IN PVOID Buffer );
BOOL __cdecl Debug_ValidateMemoryAlloc( IN PVOID Header, OUT PVOID AllocStatus );
VOID __cdecl Debug_CheckForMemoryLeaks();
// Wrapper macros
#define ALLOC(siz) Debug_Alloc(__FILE__, __LINE__, siz)
#define REALLOC(blk, siz) Debug_Realloc(__FILE__, __LINE__, blk, siz)
#define FREE(ptr) Debug_Free(ptr)
#define VALIDATEMEM(ptr) Debug_ValidateMemoryAlloc(ptr, NULL)
#define CHECKFORLEAKS() Debug_CheckForMemoryLeaks()
// Non-debug versions of the above routines
#define DEBUG_OUT(str)
#define TRAP_ON()
#define TRAP_OFF()
#define GET_TRAP_STATE()
#define SET_TRAP_LEVEL(lvl)
#undef TRAP
#define TRAP(lvl, msg)
#undef ASSERT
#define ASSERT(exp)
#define ALLOC(siz) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, siz)
#define REALLOC(blk, siz) GlobalReAlloc(blk, siz, GMEM_ZEROINIT)
#define FREE(ptr) GlobalFree(ptr)