#define __HIDTEST_C__
// This file contains the code used for performing different tests on the Hid
// Devices. A Hid Device can be either a physical or logical device where
// a physical device is considered a tangible object like a mouse or keyboard.
// A logical device is simply Preparsed Data that has been generated from a
// report descriptor (either manually created or captured from a physical
// device. Therefore, the test APIs that apply to logical devices are more
// limited since you cannot open a file object up for them.
// Since I've had problems trying to decide what my test structure will be for
// using the NT logging functions, I will enumerate it here to hopefully avoid
// confusion and/or refresh my own memory and a later time.
// TEST -- test api function -- for it to pass there must be no failures during
// the test, beginning of api should have START_TEST()
// TEST ITERATION -- one iteration of the full test, one of API
// user parameters is the # of iterations to perform
// Beginning of each iteration loop should have
// VARIATION -- test is made up of a series of variations, a
// variation is considered to be one check
// of the validity of a test. This usually
// tweaking one major parameter to the tested
// function (ie. a different file object, or
// invalid Preparsed data) These are the
// most common variations that will be used
// This is some sort of information that gets
// logged about the current state of the variation
// being performed. It uses the NT logging
// type of TL_INFO. It's mainly used to generate
// a little more information for a debugging case
// VARIATION_RESULT -- Actual result of a variation -- This is where
// the variation is logged as either pass or
// fail. A variation may fail due to a reason
// that is specified by INT_VAR_RESULT but
// the actual error code is set here.
// END_VARIATION -- Macro called to indicate the end of a variation
// END_TEST_ITERATION -- Macro called to signify the end of one particular
// iteration of the test -- Another iteration should
// perform the exact same variations with the
// exact same conditions.
// END_TEST -- Macro called to indicate the end of the test
// API -- No other information should be logged
// at this point
// There are two other macros that do some sort of logging and have some sort
// of meaning to the test suite. However, they do not relate to the general
// test structure above although they may effect the operation of a test.
// WARNING -- Warning is used to indicate that something was
// found that may be incorrect but is not something
// that is the focus of the test API and therefore
// is not flagged as a variation failure. An example
// of a warning is a HID API returning the wrong
// error code. Since the HID API that returned the
// code was not the one that was being directly tested
// but being used to validate the APIs currently
// under test.
// TEST_ERROR -- Test error is something beyond our control which
// will not let the test continue but is not due
// to a variation failure. An example of a test
// error is the failure of a memory allocation
// Hopefully, that will provide a little more info and add a tad more understanding
// to the implementation below. Hopefully, I'll be able to go back to it
// and keep me from getting confused.
/* HidTest include files
/*****************************************************************************/ #include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "hidsdi.h"
#define USE_MACROS
#include "list.h"
#include "hidtest.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "handle.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "debug.h"
// Include hidclass.h so we can get the HID_CLASS GUID value
#define INITGUID
#include "hidclass.h"
/* Local macro definitions
/*****************************************************************************/ #define HIDTest_CompareAttributes(pa1, pa2) (((pa1) -> Size == (pa2) -> Size) && \
((pa1) -> VendorID == (pa2) -> VendorID) && \ ((pa1) -> ProductID == (pa2) -> ProductID) && \ ((pa1) -> VersionNumber == (pa2) -> VersionNumber))
#define HIDTest_CompareStrings(s1, s1len, s2, s2len) (((s1len) == (s2len)) && \
(0 == memcmp((s1), (s2), (s1len))))
/* Miscellaneous other definitions
#define STRINGS_TO_TEST 0x100
#define COMPARE_GUIDS(guid1, guid2) ((0 == memcmp(&(guid1), &(guid2), sizeof(GUID))))
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
/* Module specific typedefs
/*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _DataIndexList {
ULONG MaxDataIndex; BOOL *List;
/* DLL exportable variables with exportable function address
PHIDTEST_API HIDTest_VerifyHidGuid; PHIDTEST_API HIDTest_VerifyStrings; PHIDTEST_API HIDTest_VerifyPreparsedData; PHIDTEST_API HIDTest_VerifyAttributes; PHIDTEST_API HIDTest_VerifyCapabilities;
/* Local function declarations
BOOL HIDTest_FillCommonDeviceInfo( OUT PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO DeviceInfo );
BOOL HIDTest_DoGetFreePpd( IN HANDLE HidDevice );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateAttributes( IN HANDLE HidDevice, IN PHIDD_ATTRIBUTES Attrib );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateBufferValues( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USHORT NumButtonCaps, IN USHORT NumValueCaps, IN USHORT NumDataIndices, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA Ppd );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateNumInputBuffers( IN HANDLE HandleToTest, IN HANDLE SecondHandle, IN BOOL IsFirstHandleLegal, IN PULONG TestBuffer );
BOOL HIDTest_GetBufferCount( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN PULONG TestBuffer );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStrings( HANDLE DeviceHandle, PLIST MasterList, IN ULONG ManufacturerStringIndex, IN ULONG ProductStringIndex, IN ULONG SerialNumberStringIndex );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStdStrings( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN PLIST CurrentStringList, IN ULONG ManufacturerStringIndex, IN ULONG ProductStringIndex, IN ULONG SerialNumberStringIndex );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStringParams( IN HANDLE HidDevice, IN PLIST StringList, IN ULONG ManufacturerStringIndex, IN ULONG ProductStringIndex, IN ULONG SerialNumberStringIndex );
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStringIndexParams( IN HANDLE HidDevice, IN ULONG StringIndex, IN ULONG StringLength, IN PCHAR StringTypeDesc );
BOOL HIDTest_CompareCaps( IN PHIDP_CAPS Caps1, IN PHIDP_CAPS Caps2 );
BOOL HIDTest_InitDataIndexList( IN ULONG MaxDataIndex, OUT PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList );
VOID HIDTest_FreeDataIndexList( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList );
BOOL HIDTest_MarkDataIndex( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList, IN ULONG IndexValue );
BOOL HIDTest_GetDataIndexStatus( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList, IN ULONG IndexValue );
BOOL HIDTest_AreAllIndicesUsed( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList );
BOOL HIDTest_DoesStringExist( HANDLE DeviceHandle, ULONG StringIndex, PWCHAR *String, PULONG StringLength, BOOL *StringExists );
BOOL HIDTest_GetWideStringLength( PWCHAR String, ULONG StringSize, PULONG StringLength );
BOOL HIDTest_GetString( HANDLE DeviceHandle, ULONG StringIndex, PWCHAR StringBuffer, ULONG BufferLength, PULONG ErrorCode );
BOOL HIDTest_BuildStringList( HANDLE DeviceHandle, PLIST StringList );
VOID HIDTest_FreeStringList( PLIST StringList );
VOID HIDTest_FreeStringNodeCallback( PLIST_NODE_HDR ListNode );
BOOL HIDTest_AddStringToStringList( PLIST StringList, ULONG StringIndex, PWCHAR String, ULONG StringLength );
BOOL HIDTest_IsStrIndexInStrList( PLIST StringList, ULONG StringIndex, PSTRING_LIST_NODE StringNode );
BOOL HIDTest_IsStringInStrList( PLIST StringList, PWCHAR String, ULONG StringLength, PSTRING_LIST_NODE StringNode );
BOOL HIDTest_CompareStringLists( PLIST StringList1, PLIST StringList2 );
VOID HIDTest_CallGetFeature( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PUCHAR ReportBuffer, IN ULONG ReportBufferLength, OUT PBOOL ReturnStatus, OUT PULONG ErrorCode, OUT PBOOL BufferStatus );
VOID HIDTest_CallSetFeature( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PUCHAR ReportBuffer, IN ULONG ReportBufferLength, OUT PBOOL ReturnStatus, OUT PULONG ErrorCode, OUT PBOOL BufferStatus );
VOID HIDTest_InsertIDIntoList( IN PUCHAR ReportIDs, IN PULONG ReportIDCount, IN UCHAR NewID );
BOOL HIDTest_IsIDInList( IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PUCHAR ReportIDList, IN ULONG ReportIDListCount );
/* Exportable function definitions
BOOLEAN __stdcall DllMain( HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { default: return TRUE; } }
VOID HIDTest_InitExportAddress( PHIDTEST_FUNCTIONS Exports ) { Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyHidGuid = &HIDTest_VerifyHidGuidA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyStrings = &HIDTest_VerifyStringsA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyPreparsedData = &HIDTest_VerifyPreparsedDataA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyAttributes = &HIDTest_VerifyAttributesA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyNumBuffers = &HIDTest_VerifyNumBuffersA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyCapabilities = &HIDTest_VerifyCapabilitiesA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifyGetFeature = &HIDTest_VerifyGetFeatureA; Exports -> HIDTest_VerifySetFeature = &HIDTest_VerifySetFeatureA;
Exports -> HIDTest_CreatePhysicalDeviceInfo = &HIDTest_CreatePhysicalDeviceInfoA; Exports -> HIDTest_CreateLogicalDeviceInfo = &HIDTest_CreateLogicalDeviceInfoA; Exports -> HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfo = &HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA; Exports -> HIDTest_CreateTestLog = &HIDTest_CreateTestLogA; Exports -> HIDTest_SetLogOn = &HIDTest_SetLogOnA; Exports -> HIDTest_CloseTestLog = &HIDTest_CloseTestLogA;
return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyHidGuidA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG OperationCount; ULONG IterationCount; ULONG FailedCount; GUID *CallGuid; /*
// Testing the HidD_GetHidGuid function is relatively simple. It consists of
// one variation which calls HidD_GetHidGuid nIterations times and compares
// the received guid with the standard hidclass guid.
OperationCount = 0; FailedCount = 0;
CallGuid = (GUID *) AllocateTestBuffer(sizeof(GUID));
if (NULL == CallGuid) {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory"); return;
for (IterationCount = 1; IterationCount <= nIterations; IterationCount++) {
START_VARIATION("Validating the HID Class GUID");
if (!ValidateTestBuffer(CallGuid)) {
LOG_VARIATION_RESULT(TLS_SEV3, "Buffer violation"); FailedCount++;
} else if (!COMPARE_GUIDS(GUID_CLASS_INPUT, *CallGuid)) { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); FailedCount++; } else { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } OperationCount++;
Status -> nOperationsPerformed = OperationCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = FailedCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = OperationCount - FailedCount; return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyPreparsedDataA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG OperationCount; ULONG IterationCount; ULONG FailedCount; BOOL CallStatus; HANDLE CurrDeviceHandle; BOOL IsLegalDeviceHandle; static HANDLE HandleList[MAX_NUM_HANDLES];
// This test is made up of a number of different variations depending on
// the number of handles that will be used but the basic concept is the
// following.
// 1) For each handle that we get from the handle generator
// attempt to get preparsed data for that handle and compare
// the results of the Get/Free status with what we should expect
// to receive depending on the validity of the handle. The results
// we expect to see is what we have stored for PreparsedData in the
// HidDevice struct.
// 2) Also, if during the above iterations we encounter a legal handle
// value, we will try to GetPreparsed data with a NULL value
// passed in as the second paramters. The call should simply
// fail.
// 3) After all is said and done, we attempt to free bogus buffers,
// both NULL and the HandleList buffer. See comments below for
// the reason, HandleList is to be freed.
// The above steps are all variations of the test, and the variations
// must pass for nIterations in order for the variation to pass.
// Each separate handle is also a variation. Basically,
// there will be 2N + 1 variations where N is the number
// of handles being tested.
// Initialize the test statistics variables
FailedCount = 0; OperationCount = 0;
// This test is made up of three variations, each of which is performs
// the same operation nIterations number of times. To pass a variation
// all iterations must pass.
// Begin by initializing the device handles that will be used for the test
// A device handle list is built and passed into InitDeviceHandles.
// Subsequent calls to GetDeviceHandle will return either one of the
// handles that is specified in this list or another handle that the
// "Handle Manager" has decided should be tested as well.
if (IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle)) { HandleList[0] = HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle;
ASSERT (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceString);
HIDTest_InitDeviceHandles(HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, 2, 1, HandleList );
} else {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("HidDevice Handle is invalid -- cannot perform test"); goto VERIFY_PPD_END;
// The testing of the preparsed data function involves attempting to get
// and set the free preparsed data nIterations number of times for a
// given device handle. If the device handle is not a legal one,
// then the CallStatus should be FALSE instead of TRUE
// Start the iteration loop
for (IterationCount = 1; IterationCount <= nIterations; IterationCount++) {
while (HIDTest_GetDeviceHandle(&CurrDeviceHandle, &IsLegalDeviceHandle)) {
START_VARIATION_ON_DEVICE_HANDLE(CurrDeviceHandle, IsLegalDeviceHandle ); /*
// If the handle that is being tested is a valid one, then the
// below call should return TRUE and FALSE otherwise. Therefore
// we need only compare the return value with the IsLegalDeviceHandle
// variable to determine if the call really failed or not.
*/ CallStatus = HIDTest_DoGetFreePpd(CurrDeviceHandle); if (CallStatus != IsLegalDeviceHandle) {
LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); FailedCount++; } else { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); }
// Start another variation, this time, we attempt to free a block of
// PREPARSED_DATA which is not actually a block of preparsed data
*/ START_VARIATION("Attempting to free non-preparsed data block\n");
// We'll pass in the address of the HandleList for three reasons
// 1) If the function touches any part of this memory, it had better
// be a valid address so we don't page fault
// 2) If the function touches the memory, it should be big enough
// for the same reason -- there's a good chance this will be
// big enough.
// 3) If he garbles any of the data, it's not going to kill our app
// The list is defined static so that the procedure doesn't try
// to free stack space either. Basically, if it does try to free
// this memory block, we at least should be able to determine
// that he freed the block instead of possibly having the OS go off
// into la-la land and not knowing what happened.
CallStatus = HidD_FreePreparsedData((PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA) (&HandleList));
if (CallStatus) { FailedCount++; LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } OperationCount++;
} HIDTest_CloseDeviceHandles();
Status -> nOperationsPerformed = OperationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = OperationCount - FailedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = FailedCount;
return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyAttributesA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG OperationCount; ULONG IterationCount; ULONG FailedCount; BOOL CallStatus; HANDLE HandleList[MAX_NUM_HANDLES]; HANDLE CurrDeviceHandle; BOOL IsLegalDeviceHandle;
FailedCount = 0; OperationCount = 0;
// Setup our device handle list but only if our initial device
// handle is legitimate and we have HidDeviceAttributes. This should
// weed out those danged logical devices that I'm currently hallucinating
// we'll be implemented.
if ((IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle)) && (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceAttributes)) { HandleList[0] = HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle;
ASSERT (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceString);
HIDTest_InitDeviceHandles(HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, 2, 1, HandleList );
} else {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("HidDevice Handle is invalid -- cannot perform test"); goto VERIFY_ATTRIB_END;
// This test involves a variation for each of the different device handles
// that is generated by our device handle generator. We will not test
// with a NULL pointer to the attributes structure since the expected
// behavior with such a pointer is to terminate the app.
*/ for (IterationCount = 1; IterationCount <= nIterations; IterationCount++) {
while ( HIDTest_GetDeviceHandle( &CurrDeviceHandle, &IsLegalDeviceHandle )) {
START_VARIATION_ON_DEVICE_HANDLE( CurrDeviceHandle, IsLegalDeviceHandle ); CallStatus = HIDTest_ValidateAttributes( CurrDeviceHandle, HidDevice -> HidDeviceAttributes ); if (CallStatus != IsLegalDeviceHandle) { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); FailedCount++; } else { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } OperationCount++; END_VARIATION();
Status -> nOperationsPerformed = OperationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = OperationCount - FailedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = FailedCount; return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyCapabilitiesA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { HIDP_CAPS HidCaps; NTSTATUS CapsStatus; ULONG IterationCount; ULONG OperationCount; ULONG FailedCount; BOOL CallStatus; ULONG BadPpd[16];
// This is a more straight forward piece of code. We're not going to
// build a device list because we're not going to use the device handles.
// In fact, we're just going to use the Ppd data structure to verify
// everything. However, we will pass at least one bad Ppd structure
// to verify that the signature checking works.
// What we need to do is call the verify routine with the preparsed data
// for nIterations to verify that this stuff works all the time. Therefore
// there exist only two varitions for this test. One with good preparsed
// data on nIterations and another with bogus Ppd for nIterations
OperationCount = 0; FailedCount = 0; for (IterationCount = 0; IterationCount < nIterations; IterationCount++) {
START_VARIATION("Validating Capabilities -- Good Ppd");
CallStatus = HIDTest_ValidateCaps(HidDevice -> HidDevicePpd, HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps ); if (!CallStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); FailedCount++; } else { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } OperationCount++;
// Let's do the same thing, only this time with bogus Ppd. To insure
// that the correct error code is returned, we won't call
// ValidateCaps but instead just call Hidp_GetCaps from here
// to insure INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA is returned.
START_VARIATION("Validating Capabilities -- Bad Ppd"); CapsStatus = HidP_GetCaps((PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA) &BadPpd[0], &HidCaps );
} else { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } OperationCount++;
Status -> nOperationsPerformed = OperationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = OperationCount - FailedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = FailedCount; return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyStringsA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG IterationCount; ULONG OperationCount; ULONG FailedCount; HANDLE HandleList[MAX_NUM_HANDLES]; HANDLE CurrDeviceHandle; BOOL IsLegalDeviceHandle; BOOL CallStatus;
OperationCount = 0; FailedCount = 0;
// Attempt to setup the device handle list, if the current
// HidDeviceHandle is not valid than we cannot proceed any farther
if (IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle)) { HandleList[0] = HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle;
ASSERT (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceString);
HIDTest_InitDeviceHandles(HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, 2, 1, HandleList );
} else {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("HidDevice Handle is invalid -- cannot perform test"); goto VERIFY_STRINGS_END;
// Start the iterations of the string test
for (IterationCount = 1; IterationCount <= nIterations; IterationCount++) {
while ( HIDTest_GetDeviceHandle( &CurrDeviceHandle, &IsLegalDeviceHandle )) {
START_VARIATION_ON_DEVICE_HANDLE( CurrDeviceHandle, IsLegalDeviceHandle );
CallStatus = HIDTest_ValidateStrings( CurrDeviceHandle, &HidDevice -> StringList, HidDevice -> ManufacturerStringIndex, HidDevice -> ProductStringIndex, HidDevice -> SerialNumberStringIndex );
if (CallStatus != IsLegalDeviceHandle) {
LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); FailedCount++; } else {
} OperationCount++;
START_VARIATION("Testing the HidD_ string parameter validation");
CallStatus = HIDTest_ValidateStringParams( HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, &HidDevice -> StringList, HidDevice -> ManufacturerStringIndex, HidDevice -> ProductStringIndex, HidDevice -> SerialNumberStringIndex ); if (!CallStatus) {
LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); FailedCount++;
} else {
} OperationCount++; END_TEST_ITERATION(); }
Status -> nOperationsPerformed = OperationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = OperationCount - FailedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = FailedCount; return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyNumBuffersA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG iterationCount; ULONG operationCount; ULONG failedCount; PULONG bufCount; HANDLE secondHandle; HANDLE handleList[MAX_NUM_HANDLES]; HANDLE currDeviceHandle; BOOL isLegalDeviceHandle; BOOL callStatus; START_TEST("HIDTest_VerifyNumInputBuffers");
operationCount = 0; failedCount = 0; bufCount = NULL; secondHandle = CreateFile( HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == secondHandle) {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't open second handle to HID device"); goto VERIFY_NUMBUFFERS_END; }
bufCount = (PULONG) AllocateTestBuffer(sizeof(ULONG)); if (NULL == bufCount) {
LOG_TEST_ERROR( "Couldn't allocate memory" ); goto VERIFY_NUMBUFFERS_END;
// Attempt to setup the device handle list, if the current
// HidDeviceHandle is not valid than we cannot proceed any farther
if (IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle)) { handleList[0] = HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle;
ASSERT (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceString);
HIDTest_InitDeviceHandles(HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, 2, 1, handleList );
} else {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("HidDevice Handle is invalid -- cannot perform test"); goto VERIFY_NUMBUFFERS_END;
} for (iterationCount = 1; iterationCount <= nIterations; iterationCount++) {
while ( HIDTest_GetDeviceHandle( &currDeviceHandle, &isLegalDeviceHandle )) {
START_VARIATION_ON_DEVICE_HANDLE( currDeviceHandle, isLegalDeviceHandle );
callStatus = HIDTest_ValidateNumInputBuffers( currDeviceHandle, secondHandle, isLegalDeviceHandle, bufCount );
if (!callStatus) {
LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } else {
} operationCount++;
if (NULL != bufCount) { FreeTestBuffer(bufCount); }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != secondHandle) { CloseHandle(secondHandle); } Status -> nOperationsPerformed = operationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = operationCount - failedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = failedCount; return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifyGetFeatureA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG iterationCount; ULONG operationCount; ULONG failedCount; PCHAR featureBuffer; ULONG featureBufferLength; HANDLE handleList[MAX_NUM_HANDLES]; HANDLE currDeviceHandle; BOOL isLegalDeviceHandle; BOOL returnStatus; BOOL bufferStatus; ULONG errorCode; PUCHAR reportIDList; ULONG reportIDListCount; ULONG idIndex; UCHAR reportID; BOOL variationStatus; ULONG reportBufferSize; static CHAR varString[128]; START_TEST("HIDTest_VerifyGetFeature");
operationCount = 0; failedCount = 0; /*
// If we have no features on the device, we still want to allocate
// a buffer of two bytes just to verify that FALSE and the correct
// error code is returned when we call HidD_GetFeature;
*/ if (0 == HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> FeatureReportByteLength) { featureBufferLength = 2; } else { featureBufferLength = HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> FeatureReportByteLength; }
featureBuffer = (PCHAR) AllocateTestBuffer(featureBufferLength);
if (NULL == featureBuffer) {
LOG_TEST_ERROR( "Couldn't allocate memory" ); goto VERIFY_GETFEATURE_END;
// Build the list or reportIDs that are supported
returnStatus = HIDTest_BuildReportIDList( HidDevice -> HidFeatureValueCaps, HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberFeatureValueCaps, HidDevice -> HidFeatureButtonCaps, HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberFeatureButtonCaps, &reportIDList, &reportIDListCount ); if (!returnStatus) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Error building report ID list"); goto VERIFY_GETFEATURE_END; } /*
// Attempt to setup the device handle list, if the current
// HidDeviceHandle is not valid than we cannot proceed any farther
if (IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle)) { handleList[0] = HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle;
ASSERT (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceString);
HIDTest_InitDeviceHandles(HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, 2, 1, handleList );
} else {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("HidDevice Handle is invalid -- cannot perform test"); goto VERIFY_GETFEATURE_END;
} for (iterationCount = 1; iterationCount <= nIterations; iterationCount++) {
while ( HIDTest_GetDeviceHandle( &currDeviceHandle, &isLegalDeviceHandle )) {
// Begin by testing that we can retrieve feature reports for
// all the IDs supported on the device. For this part to
// pass:
// 1) returnStatus should be TRUE
// 2) errorCode should be ERROR_SUCCESS
// 3) bufferStatus should be TRUE (ie. no buffer overrun problems
// Of course, that would only happen if currDeviceHandle were
// actually a legal handle...If current device handle is not
// a legal handle, we would need to look for the following:
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (?)
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE
*/ START_VARIATION_WITH_DEVICE_HANDLE( currDeviceHandle, isLegalDeviceHandle, "Getting all feature reports" );
variationStatus = TRUE; for (idIndex = 0; idIndex < reportIDListCount; idIndex++) {
HIDTest_CallGetFeature( currDeviceHandle, *(reportIDList + idIndex), featureBuffer, featureBufferLength, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (isLegalDeviceHandle) { if (!returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } else { if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } } if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++;
// Now let's choose some report IDs that aren't in the list
// and make sure the appropriate results come back to us from
// ValidateGetFeature. Appropriate results are:
// if IsLegalDeviceHandle
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_CRC
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE;
// otherwise,
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE;
// We will use the following report IDs as possible ReportID values
// to try. If any one of these report IDs is already in the list
// we'll skip it and move on to the next one.
// 0, 1, 2, 127, 128, 129, 254, 255
START_VARIATION_WITH_DEVICE_HANDLE( currDeviceHandle, isLegalDeviceHandle, "Attempting to retrieve non-existent report" ); variationStatus = TRUE; for (idIndex = 0; idIndex < BAD_REPORT_ID_LIST_COUNT; idIndex++) {
UCHAR BadReportIDList[BAD_REPORT_ID_LIST_COUNT] = { 0, 1, 127, 128, 129, 254, 255 }; if (!HIDTest_IsIDInList(BadReportIDList[idIndex], reportIDList, reportIDListCount )) {
HIDTest_CallGetFeature( currDeviceHandle, BadReportIDList[idIndex], featureBuffer, featureBufferLength, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (isLegalDeviceHandle) {
if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_CRC != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } else { if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } } }
if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++;
// The next step in the validation process is to pass in buffers
// that are too small to hold an entire feature report. The same
// feature buffer will be used but we'll pass in a different size
// to the ValidateFeature routine. The appropriate response to
// this call should be:
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE;
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (?)
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE
// As above, we'll do this with two different report IDs, one
// valid one and one invalid one (if the invalid one exists) to
// make sure we hit as many possible code paths.
// Also three different lengths of buffers will be used, 1, 2,
// and featurelength-1
START_VARIATION("Passing in buffers that are too small"); variationStatus = TRUE; reportID = 0; do {
if (!HIDTest_IsIDInList(reportID, reportIDList, reportIDListCount )) {
// Perform the validation steps here for each of the report
// buffer sizes
*/ reportBufferSize = 1;
while (1) { wsprintf(varString, "ReportBufferSize = %d", reportBufferSize); LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(varString);
HIDTest_CallGetFeature( currDeviceHandle, reportID, featureBuffer, reportBufferSize, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (isLegalDeviceHandle) { if (ERROR_CRC != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } else if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; }
// Determine the next buffer length...The buffer lengths
// that are to be used are 1,2, and featureBufferLength-1
// unless some of those happen to be the same size
reportBufferSize++; if (reportBufferSize == featureBufferLength) { break; } else if (reportBufferSize > 2) { reportBufferSize = featureBufferLength-1; } } if (0 != reportID) { break; } } } while (reportID++ != 255); }
if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++; END_VARIATION(); }
// Do parameter validation now...Pass in the following three cases and
// verify correct operation
// 1) NULL buffer -- Length of 0,
// 2) NULL buffer -- Length != 0
// 3) non-NULL buffer -- length of 0
// Since we're verifying parameters, the actual reportID we use shouldn't
// matter, so we'll just use 1. Since we're not actually using test buffers
// we may not do any checking there either.
START_VARIATION("Parameter validation of GetFeature"); variationStatus = TRUE;
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Using NULL buffer with 0 length"); HIDTest_CallGetFeature( HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, 1, NULL, 0, &returnStatus, &errorCode, NULL );
if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; failedCount++; } else if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Using NULL buffer with non-zero length"); HIDTest_CallGetFeature (HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, 1, NULL, 3, &returnStatus, &errorCode, NULL );
if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (ERROR_NOACCESS != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Using non-NULL buffer with zero length"); HIDTest_CallGetFeature (HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, 1, featureBuffer, 0, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE;
} else if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; }
if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++; END_VARIATION(); VERIFY_GETFEATURE_END:
if (NULL != featureBuffer) { FreeTestBuffer(featureBuffer); } Status -> nOperationsPerformed = operationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = operationCount - failedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = failedCount; return; }
VOID HIDTest_CallGetFeature( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PUCHAR ReportBuffer, IN ULONG ReportBufferLength, OUT PBOOL ReturnStatus, OUT PULONG ErrorCode, OUT PBOOL BufferStatus ) { /*
// If we have a non-null buffer of > 0 length, then allocate the
// zero the memory and add the reportID as the first byte.
*/ if (NULL != ReportBuffer && ReportBufferLength > 0) { ZeroMemory (ReportBuffer, ReportBufferLength); *ReportBuffer = ReportID; } /*
// Call GetFeature
*ReturnStatus = HidD_GetFeature(DeviceHandle, ReportBuffer, ReportBufferLength );
// Get the error code returned
*ErrorCode = GetLastError();
// Do a buffer validation check
if (NULL != BufferStatus) { *BufferStatus = ValidateTestBuffer(ReportBuffer); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_VerifySetFeatureA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO HidDevice, IN ULONG nIterations, OUT PHIDTEST_STATUS Status ) { ULONG iterationCount; ULONG operationCount; ULONG failedCount; PCHAR featureBuffer; ULONG featureBufferLength; HANDLE handleList[MAX_NUM_HANDLES]; HANDLE currDeviceHandle; BOOL isLegalDeviceHandle; BOOL returnStatus; BOOL bufferStatus; ULONG errorCode; PUCHAR reportIDList; ULONG reportIDListCount; ULONG idIndex; UCHAR reportID; BOOL variationStatus; ULONG reportBufferSize; static CHAR varString[128]; START_TEST("HIDTest_VerifySetFeature");
operationCount = 0; failedCount = 0; /*
// If we have no features on the device, we still want to allocate
// a buffer of two bytes just to verify that FALSE and the correct
// error code is returned when we call HidD_GetFeature;
*/ if (0 == HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> FeatureReportByteLength) { featureBufferLength = 2; } else { featureBufferLength = HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> FeatureReportByteLength; }
featureBuffer = (PCHAR) AllocateTestBuffer(featureBufferLength);
if (NULL == featureBuffer) {
LOG_TEST_ERROR( "Couldn't allocate memory" ); goto VERIFY_SETFEATURE_END;
// Build the list or reportIDs that are supported
returnStatus = HIDTest_BuildReportIDList( HidDevice -> HidFeatureValueCaps, HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberFeatureValueCaps, HidDevice -> HidFeatureButtonCaps, HidDevice -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberFeatureButtonCaps, &reportIDList, &reportIDListCount ); if (!returnStatus) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Error building report ID list"); goto VERIFY_SETFEATURE_END; } /*
// Attempt to setup the device handle list, if the current
// HidDeviceHandle is not valid than we cannot proceed any farther
if (IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle)) { handleList[0] = HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle;
ASSERT (NULL != HidDevice -> HidDeviceString);
HIDTest_InitDeviceHandles(HidDevice -> HidDeviceString, 2, 1, handleList );
} else {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("HidDevice Handle is invalid -- cannot perform test"); goto VERIFY_SETFEATURE_END;
} for (iterationCount = 1; iterationCount <= nIterations; iterationCount++) {
while ( HIDTest_GetDeviceHandle( &currDeviceHandle, &isLegalDeviceHandle )) {
// Begin by testing that we can set feature reports for
// all the IDs supported on the device. For this part to
// pass:
// 1) returnStatus should be TRUE
// 2) errorCode should be ERROR_SUCCESS
// 3) bufferStatus should be TRUE (ie. no buffer overrun problems
// Of course, that would only happen if currDeviceHandle were
// actually a legal handle...If current device handle is not
// a legal handle, we would need to look for the following:
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (?)
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE
*/ START_VARIATION_WITH_DEVICE_HANDLE( currDeviceHandle, isLegalDeviceHandle, "Setting all feature reports" );
variationStatus = TRUE; for (idIndex = 0; idIndex < reportIDListCount; idIndex++) {
HIDTest_CallSetFeature( currDeviceHandle, *(reportIDList + idIndex), featureBuffer, featureBufferLength, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (isLegalDeviceHandle) { if (!returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } else { if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } } if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++;
// Now let's choose some report IDs that aren't in the list
// and make sure the appropriate results come back to us from
// CallSetFeature. Appropriate results are:
// if IsLegalDeviceHandle
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_CRC
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE;
// otherwise,
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE;
// We will use the following report IDs as possible ReportID values
// to try. If any one of these report IDs is already in the list
// we'll skip it and move on to the next one.
// 0, 1, 2, 127, 128, 129, 254, 255
START_VARIATION_WITH_DEVICE_HANDLE( currDeviceHandle, isLegalDeviceHandle, "Attempting to set non-existent report" ); variationStatus = TRUE; for (idIndex = 0; idIndex < BAD_REPORT_ID_LIST_COUNT; idIndex++) {
UCHAR BadReportIDList[BAD_REPORT_ID_LIST_COUNT] = { 0, 1, 127, 128, 129, 254, 255 }; if (!HIDTest_IsIDInList(BadReportIDList[idIndex], reportIDList, reportIDListCount )) {
HIDTest_CallSetFeature( currDeviceHandle, BadReportIDList[idIndex], featureBuffer, featureBufferLength, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (isLegalDeviceHandle) {
if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_CRC != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } else { if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } } } }
if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++;
// The next step in the validation process is to pass in buffers
// that are too small to hold an entire feature report. The same
// feature buffer will be used but we'll pass in a different size
// to the CallSetFeature routine. The appropriate response to
// this call should be:
// 1) returnStatus = FALSE;
// 2) errorCode = ERROR_CRC
// 3) bufferStatus = TRUE
// As above, we'll do this with two different report IDs, one
// valid one and one invalid one (if the invalid one exists) to
// make sure we hit as many possible code paths.
// Also three different lengths of buffers will be used, 1, 2,
// and featurelength-1
START_VARIATION("Passing in buffers that are too small"); variationStatus = TRUE; reportID = 0; do {
if (!HIDTest_IsIDInList(reportID, reportIDList, reportIDListCount )) {
// Perform the validation steps here for each of the report
// buffer sizes
*/ reportBufferSize = 1;
while (1) { wsprintf(varString, "ReportBufferSize = %d", reportBufferSize); LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(varString);
HIDTest_CallSetFeature( currDeviceHandle, reportID, featureBuffer, reportBufferSize, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (isLegalDeviceHandle) { if (ERROR_CRC != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } } else if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } /*
// Determine the next buffer length...The buffer lengths
// that are to be used are 1,2, and featureBufferLength-1
// unless some of those happen to be the same size
reportBufferSize++; if (reportBufferSize == featureBufferLength) { break; } else if (reportBufferSize > 2) { reportBufferSize = featureBufferLength-1; } } if (0 != reportID) { break; } } } while (reportID++ != 255); }
if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++; END_VARIATION(); }
// Do parameter validation now...Pass in the following three cases and
// verify correct operation
// 1) NULL buffer -- Length of 0,
// 2) NULL buffer -- Length != 0
// 3) non-NULL buffer -- length of 0
// Since we're verifying parameters, the actual reportID we use shouldn't
// matter, so we'll just use 1. Since we're not actually using test buffers
// we may not do any checking there either.
START_VARIATION("Parameter validation of SetFeature"); variationStatus = TRUE;
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Using NULL buffer with 0 length"); HIDTest_CallSetFeature( HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, 1, NULL, 0, &returnStatus, &errorCode, NULL );
if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; failedCount++; } else if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; } LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Using NULL buffer with non-zero length"); HIDTest_CallSetFeature (HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, 1, NULL, 3, &returnStatus, &errorCode, NULL );
if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE; } LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Using non-NULL buffer with zero length"); HIDTest_CallSetFeature (HidDevice -> HidDeviceHandle, 1, featureBuffer, 0, &returnStatus, &errorCode, &bufferStatus );
if (!bufferStatus) { LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); variationStatus = FALSE; } else if (returnStatus) { LOG_INVALID_RETURN_STATUS(); variationStatus = FALSE;
} else if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != errorCode && ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != errorCode) { LOG_INVALID_ERROR_CODE(); variationStatus = FALSE; }
if (variationStatus) { LOG_VARIATION_PASS(); } else { LOG_VARIATION_FAIL(); failedCount++; } operationCount++; END_VARIATION(); VERIFY_SETFEATURE_END:
if (NULL != featureBuffer) { FreeTestBuffer(featureBuffer); } Status -> nOperationsPerformed = operationCount; Status -> nOperationsPassed = operationCount - failedCount; Status -> nOperationsFailed = failedCount; return; } VOID HIDTest_CallSetFeature( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PUCHAR ReportBuffer, IN ULONG ReportBufferLength, OUT PBOOL ReturnStatus, OUT PULONG ErrorCode, OUT PBOOL BufferStatus ) { /*
// If we have a non-null buffer of > 0 length, then allocate the
// zero the memory and add the reportID as the first byte.
*/ if (NULL != ReportBuffer && ReportBufferLength > 0) { ZeroMemory (ReportBuffer, ReportBufferLength); *ReportBuffer = ReportID; } /*
// Call SetFeature
*ReturnStatus = HidD_SetFeature(DeviceHandle, ReportBuffer, ReportBufferLength );
// Get the error code returned
*ErrorCode = GetLastError();
// Do a buffer validation check
if (NULL != BufferStatus) { *BufferStatus = ValidateTestBuffer(ReportBuffer); } return; }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateNumInputBuffers( IN HANDLE HandleToTest, IN HANDLE SecondHandle, IN BOOL IsFirstHandleLegal, IN PULONG TestBuffer ) { BOOL testStatus; BOOL callStatus; BOOL prevStatus; BOOL isLegalNewCount; BOOL done; ULONG firstHandleCount; ULONG secondHandleCount; ULONG newCount; /*
// For each iteration of this test, we need to do the following steps
// 1) Open a second handle to the hid device
// 2) Call HidD_GetNumInputBuffers on both handles and verify > 0 if
// the first handle is legal
// 3) Verify that the buffer is not overrun
// 4) On first handle, call HidD_SetNumInputBuffers with 0, 1,
// - If return value is FALSE and legal handle, insure the
// value was an expected illegal one...Verify that previous
// value hasn't changed
// - If return value is FALSE and illegal handle, good!
// - If return value is TRUE and illegal handle, bad news.
// - If return value is TRUE and a legal handle, make sure
// HidD_GetNumInputBuffers returns the value we just set
// - Verify that the second handle's original value has not changed
*/ LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Retrieving current number of buffers"); /*
// Get the current number of buffers as reported for each device
*/ callStatus = HIDTest_GetBufferCount(HandleToTest, TestBuffer ); if (!callStatus && IsFirstHandleLegal) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_GetNumInputBuffers unexpectedly returned FALSE"); return (FALSE); }
if (callStatus && !IsFirstHandleLegal) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_GetNumInputBuffers unexpectedly returned TRUE"); return (FALSE); }
firstHandleCount = *TestBuffer; callStatus = HIDTest_GetBufferCount(SecondHandle, TestBuffer );
if (!callStatus) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_GetNumInputBuffers unexpectedly returned FALSE on second handle"); return (FALSE); } secondHandleCount = *TestBuffer;
// Verify that each of the counts is greater than or equal to the minimum
// number of buffers
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Verifying the buffer count for both handles");
if (firstHandleCount < CURRENT_BUFFER_MIN || secondHandleCount < CURRENT_BUFFER_MIN) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("One of the buffer counts is less than the supposed minimum"); return (FALSE);
// Begin looping and setting the buffer values for the first handle and
// verifying proper functionality. On each loop, also make sure that
// the second handle's value doesn't change.
newCount = 0; testStatus = TRUE; done = FALSE; while (!done) {
isLegalNewCount = (newCount >= CURRENT_BUFFER_MIN); callStatus = HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(HandleToTest, newCount);
if (!callStatus) {
if (IsFirstHandleLegal && isLegalNewCount) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Could not set legal buffer value"); testStatus = FALSE;
} else {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_SetNumInputBuffers properly returned FALSE");
} } else {
if (!IsFirstHandleLegal) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_SetNumInputBuffers improperly returned TRUE"); testStatus = FALSE;
} else if (!isLegalNewCount) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_SetNumInputBuffers set invalid value"); testStatus = FALSE;
} }
// Now that we have attempted to set the first handle to a new value,
// we need to do some verification...There are four cases to look
// at:
// 1) callStatus = FALSE, isLegalNewCount = TRUE
// -- old value should be retained
// 2) callStatus = FALSE, isLegalNewCount = FALSE
// -- old value should be retained
// 3) callStatus = TRUE, isLegalNewCount = TRUE
// -- new value should be set
// 4) callStatus = TRUE, isLegalNewCount = FALSE
// -- new value should be set
// One other case occurred if the handle we tested wasn't even legal...
// in this case, just need to bolt.
if (IsFirstHandleLegal) {
prevStatus = callStatus; callStatus = HIDTest_GetBufferCount(HandleToTest, TestBuffer); if (!callStatus) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("HidD_GetNumInputBuffers unexpectedly returned FALSE"); testStatus = FALSE;
if (prevStatus) {
if (*TestBuffer != newCount) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("New buffer value not actually set"); testStatus = FALSE; firstHandleCount = *TestBuffer;
} else { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("New buffer value properly set"); firstHandleCount = newCount; }
} else { if (*TestBuffer != firstHandleCount) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Old buffer value not preserved on test handle"); testStatus = FALSE; firstHandleCount = *TestBuffer; } else { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Old buffer value properly retained on test handle"); } } } /*
// Verify that the second handle's buffer value didn't change
callStatus = HIDTest_GetBufferCount(SecondHandle, TestBuffer);
if (!callStatus) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Could not get second handle value"); testStatus = FALSE;
} else {
if (secondHandleCount != *TestBuffer) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Second handle buffer count not properly retained"); testStatus = FALSE; secondHandleCount = *TestBuffer; } else {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Second handle buffer count properly retained");
} }
// Determine what the next test value is
newCount++; switch (newCount) {
case 2: if (2 < CURRENT_BUFFER_MIN-1) { newCount = CURRENT_BUFFER_MIN-1; } break;
case CURRENT_BUFFER_MIN+1: newCount = RANDOM_BUFFER_VALUE; break; case RANDOM_BUFFER_VALUE+1: done = TRUE; break; } } // while loop
return (testStatus); } BOOL HIDTest_GetBufferCount( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN PULONG TestBuffer ) { BOOL callStatus;
callStatus = HidD_GetNumInputBuffers(DeviceHandle, TestBuffer);
if (!ValidateTestBuffer(TestBuffer)) {
} return (callStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStrings( HANDLE DeviceHandle, PLIST MasterList, ULONG ManufacturerStringIndex, ULONG ProductStringIndex, ULONG SerialNumberStringIndex ) {
BOOL CallStatus; LIST StringList; /*
// To validate the strings, we need to perform the following operations on
// the current device handle
// 1) Build a list of all the strings
// 2) Compare the passed in list with the
// 2) Retrieve the standard strings and if they exist, need to verify
// that they actually in the previously built list
// 3) If the the PreviousList list pointer is not NULL, compare the
// string list that was just built with the previous one. They
// should be the same.
CallStatus = HIDTest_BuildStringList( DeviceHandle, &StringList );
if (!CallStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Could not build string list");
return (FALSE);
// Compare the string list just built with the master list that was
// passed in as a parameter. They should be the same
if (!HIDTest_CompareStringLists(&StringList, MasterList)) {
return (FALSE); }
// Validate the standard strings (manufacturer, product, and serial number).
// checking that if a string is returned for these values, it is the same
// string as marked in the master list
CallStatus = HIDTest_ValidateStdStrings(DeviceHandle, MasterList, ManufacturerStringIndex, ProductStringIndex, SerialNumberStringIndex );
if (!CallStatus) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Could not validate the standard strings");
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStringParams( IN HANDLE HidDevice, IN PLIST StringList, IN ULONG ManufacturerStringIndex, IN ULONG ProductStringIndex, IN ULONG SerialNumberStringIndex ) { /*
// This function will perform parameter validation for each of the following
// calls:
// HidD_GetIndexedString();
// HidD_GetManufacturerString();
// HidD_GetProductString();
// HidD_GetSerialNumberString();
// It performs the following steps if the string in question actually exists
// for the passed in device:
// 1) Allocates a buffer of size 1 and verifies that FALSE is returned for
// the call, ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER has been set and there is
// no trashing of the buffer
// 2) Allocats a buffer of size 2 and does the above check
// 3) Allocates a buffer of stringLength * sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 to verify
// the same check
// 4) Passes in a NULL buffer with a defined length of 0
// 5) Passes in a NULL buffer with a defined length != 0
*/ ULONG stringIndex; ULONG indexValue; PCHAR stringTypeDesc; BOOL testStatus; BOOL callStatus; STRING_LIST_NODE stringNode; PSTRING_LIST_NODE ptrStringNode; static CHAR ErrorString[128];
for (stringIndex = STRING_INDEX_MANUFACTURER; stringIndex <= STRING_INDEX_SERIAL_NUMBER; stringIndex++) {
switch (stringIndex) { case STRING_INDEX_MANUFACTURER: indexValue = ManufacturerStringIndex; stringTypeDesc = "Manufacturer"; break;
case STRING_INDEX_PRODUCT: indexValue = ProductStringIndex; stringTypeDesc = "Product"; break;
case STRING_INDEX_SERIAL_NUMBER: indexValue = SerialNumberStringIndex; stringTypeDesc = "Serial number"; break; }
if (NO_STRING_INDEX == indexValue) {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "%s string does not exist -- no parameter checks", stringTypeDesc );
} else {
if (!HIDTest_IsStrIndexInStrList(StringList, indexValue, &stringNode)) {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "%s string not in string list", stringTypeDesc );
callStatus = HIDTest_ValidateStringIndexParams(HidDevice, indexValue, stringNode.StringLength, stringTypeDesc ); testStatus = testStatus && callStatus; } }
// Perform the above tests now but this time using HidD_GetIndexedString using
// the first index in the string list
#ifdef O
if (IsListEmpty(StringList)) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT( "No strings in string list" );
} else {
ptrStringNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetListHead(StringList);
wsprintf(ErrorString, "String index: %d", ptrStringNode -> StringIndex ); callStatus = HIDTest_ValidateStringIndexParams(HidDevice, ptrStringNode -> StringIndex, ptrStringNode -> StringLength, ErrorString ); testStatus = testStatus && callStatus; } #endif
return (testStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStringIndexParams( IN HANDLE HidDevice, IN ULONG StringIndex, IN ULONG StringLength, IN PCHAR StringTypeDesc ) { ULONG bufferLength; BOOL done; BOOL callStatus; BOOL testStatus; PWCHAR deviceString; ULONG errorCode; static CHAR ErrorString[128]; bufferLength = 1; done = FALSE; testStatus = FALSE; while (!done) {
deviceString = (PWCHAR) AllocateTestBuffer(bufferLength*sizeof(WCHAR));
if (NULL == deviceString) {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "Could not allocate space for %s string", StringTypeDesc );
LOG_TEST_ERROR ( ErrorString ); continue;
callStatus = HIDTest_GetString( HidDevice, StringIndex, deviceString, bufferLength, &errorCode );
if (!ValidateTestBuffer(deviceString)) {
testStatus = FALSE; }
if (!callStatus) {
if (bufferLength == StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "Couldn't retrieve %s string with proper buffer", StringTypeDesc );
testStatus = FALSE;
} else if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != GetLastError()) {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "Invalid error value returned for %s string", StringTypeDesc );
testStatus = FALSE; } } else {
if (bufferLength != StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "Retrieved %s string with buffer too small", StringTypeDesc );
testStatus = FALSE;
} }
FreeTestBuffer( deviceString );
// Increment the buffer length and try again
switch (bufferLength) {
case 1: bufferLength = 2; break;
case 2: bufferLength = StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR)-1; break;
default: if (bufferLength >= StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) { done = TRUE; } else { bufferLength = StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR); } } } for (bufferLength = 0; bufferLength <= StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR); bufferLength += StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) {
// Pass in a NULL buffer with length 0 and NULL buffer
// with the appropriate size. Verify that
callStatus = HIDTest_GetString(HidDevice, StringIndex, NULL, bufferLength, &errorCode );
if (callStatus) {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "%s string retrieved into NULL buffer with size: %d", StringTypeDesc, bufferLength );
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(ErrorString); testStatus = FALSE; } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER != GetLastError()) {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "%s string expected ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER error", StringTypeDesc );
testStatus = FALSE; } else {
wsprintf( ErrorString, "%s string returned correctly with invalid buffer and size: %d", StringTypeDesc, bufferLength );
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT( ErrorString ); } } } return (testStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_CreatePhysicalDeviceInfoA( IN DEVICE_STRING DeviceName, IN BOOL OpenOverlapped, OUT PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { PWCHAR tempString; ULONG tempStringLength; BOOL stringExists; STRING_LIST_NODE stringNode; /*
// First, fill our device info block so that we can easily determine
// what needs to be freed and what doesn't when we call
// HIDTest_FreeDeviceStructures
ZeroMemory(DeviceInfo, sizeof(HIDTEST_DEVICEINFO));
// If no device name exists, simply return false but at least we've
// fill our memory buffer so if the caller later tries to destroy this
// block we won't attempt to free nonexistant memory
if (NULL == DeviceName) { return (FALSE); }
DeviceInfo -> IsPhysicalDevice = TRUE;
// First thing to do is initialize the string list, so we can properly
// free it if need be.
InitializeList(&DeviceInfo -> StringList);
// Begin by creating space for the DEVICE_STRING
DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString = (DEVICE_STRING) HIDTest_AllocateDeviceString(lstrlen(DeviceName)); if (NULL == DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString) { return (FALSE); }
CopyMemory(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString, DeviceName, (1+lstrlen(DeviceName)) * sizeof(TCHAR));
// Next, we need to try to open the device handle
DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle = CreateFile(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, OpenOverlapped ? FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED : 0, NULL);
if (!(IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle))) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
// Next, we need to try to obtain the preparsed data for the device
if (!HidD_GetPreparsedData(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle, &DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceAttributes = (PHIDD_ATTRIBUTES) ALLOC(sizeof(HIDD_ATTRIBUTES));
if (NULL == DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceAttributes) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
if (!HidD_GetAttributes(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceAttributes)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
if (!HIDTest_FillCommonDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
// Create the string list for the physical device
if (!HIDTest_BuildStringList( DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle, &DeviceInfo -> StringList )) {
HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
// String list has been built, let's determine what the
// the different other strings are.
// Begin by turning off logging for this function...Odds
// are its not on yet, but will do so just to make sure
LOG_OFF(); /*
// Initialize the indices
*/ DeviceInfo -> ManufacturerStringIndex = NO_STRING_INDEX; DeviceInfo -> ProductStringIndex = NO_STRING_INDEX; DeviceInfo -> SerialNumberStringIndex = NO_STRING_INDEX; /*
// Get the manufacturer string
// The retrieval of the strings is broken in NT5 so this part is commented out for
// now
#ifdef O
if (!HIDTest_DoesStringExist(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle, STRING_INDEX_MANUFACTURER, &tempString, &tempStringLength, &stringExists)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); LOG_ON(); return (FALSE); }
if (stringExists) {
if (!HIDTest_IsStringInStrList(&DeviceInfo -> StringList, tempString, tempStringLength, &stringNode )) { FreeTestBuffer(tempString); HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); LOG_ON(); return (FALSE);
DeviceInfo -> ManufacturerStringIndex = stringNode.StringIndex; FreeTestBuffer(tempString); }
// Get the product string
if (!HIDTest_DoesStringExist(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle, STRING_INDEX_PRODUCT, &tempString, &tempStringLength, &stringExists)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); LOG_ON(); return (FALSE); }
if (stringExists) {
if (!HIDTest_IsStringInStrList(&DeviceInfo -> StringList, tempString, tempStringLength, &stringNode )) { FreeTestBuffer(tempString); HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); LOG_ON(); return (FALSE);
DeviceInfo -> ProductStringIndex = stringNode.StringIndex; FreeTestBuffer(tempString); }
// Get the serial number string
if (!HIDTest_DoesStringExist(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle, STRING_INDEX_SERIAL_NUMBER, &tempString, &tempStringLength, &stringExists)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); LOG_ON(); return (FALSE); }
if (stringExists) {
if (!HIDTest_IsStringInStrList(&DeviceInfo -> StringList, tempString, tempStringLength, &stringNode )) { FreeTestBuffer(tempString); HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); LOG_ON(); return (FALSE);
DeviceInfo -> SerialNumberStringIndex = stringNode.StringIndex; FreeTestBuffer(tempString); } #endif
return (TRUE); }
BOOL HIDTest_CreateLogicalDeviceInfoA( IN PCHAR DevicePpd, IN ULONG DevicePpdLength, OUT PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { /*
// Declare the HidD_Hello function to satisfy the compiler needing
// the declaration
PULONG HidD_Hello;
// First, fill our device info block so that we can easily determine
// what needs to be freed and what doesn't when we call
// HIDTest_FreeDeviceStructures
ZeroMemory(DeviceInfo, sizeof(HIDTEST_DEVICEINFO));
DeviceInfo -> IsPhysicalDevice = FALSE;
// A logical device has no string associated with it.
DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString = NULL;
// A logical device also has no object handle, so we invalidate that
// as well.
DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Allocate memory for our preparsed data structure. Since the input
// pointer points to a structure that is obtained at the driver level
// we need to allocate a little more space for the signature that
// is attached to driver supplied info by HID.DLL.
// WARNING: This is buggy as the signature prepended to the structure
// may someday changed and blow this routine to pieces. The
// following prepended header is derived from the current
// HID.DLL implementation and header files (which could change).
*/ /*
// First, let's attempt to get the address to HidD_Hello
HidD_Hello = (PULONG) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("HID.DLL"), "HidD_Hello" );
if (NULL == HidD_Hello) { return (FALSE); }
DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd = (PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA) ALLOC((4*sizeof(ULONG)) + DevicePpdLength);
if (NULL == DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
// Setup the signature on the Ppd, copy over the real Ppd struct and set
// the address of the Ppd to past the signature. Now, it's just like
// we got the data directly from the device.
*((PULONG) DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) = (ULONG) &HidD_Hello;
(PULONG) DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd = ((PULONG) DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) + 4; CopyMemory(DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd, DevicePpd, DevicePpdLength);
// Also, a logical device has no attributes so we NULL that field as well.
DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceAttributes = NULL;
if (!HIDTest_FillCommonDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo)) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA(DeviceInfo); return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
VOID HIDTest_FreeDeviceInfoA( IN PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { if (IS_VALID_DEVICE_HANDLE(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle)) { CloseHandle(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceHandle); }
if (NULL != DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString) { HIDTest_FreeDeviceString(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceString); }
if (NULL != DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) {
if (DeviceInfo -> IsPhysicalDevice) { HidD_FreePreparsedData(DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd); } else { (PULONG) DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd = ((PULONG) DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) - 4; FREE(DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd); } }
if (NULL != DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceAttributes) { FREE(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceAttributes); }
if (NULL != DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps) { FREE(DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps); }
return; }
/* Local function definitions
BOOL HIDTest_FillCommonDeviceInfo( OUT PHIDTEST_DEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { BOOL isError;
isError = FALSE; DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps = (PHIDP_CAPS) ALLOC(sizeof(HIDP_CAPS));
if (NULL == DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps) { isError = TRUE; goto FILL_INFO_END; }
if (!HidP_GetCaps(DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps)) { isError = TRUE; goto FILL_INFO_END; }
isError = !HIDTest_FillValueCaps( HidP_Input, &DeviceInfo -> HidInputValueCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberInputValueCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd );
isError = !HIDTest_FillValueCaps( HidP_Output, &DeviceInfo -> HidOutputValueCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberOutputValueCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) || isError; isError = !HIDTest_FillValueCaps( HidP_Feature, &DeviceInfo -> HidFeatureValueCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberFeatureValueCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) || isError; isError = !HIDTest_FillButtonCaps(HidP_Input, &DeviceInfo -> HidInputButtonCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberInputButtonCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd ) || isError;
isError = !HIDTest_FillButtonCaps(HidP_Output, &DeviceInfo -> HidOutputButtonCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberOutputButtonCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) || isError; isError = !HIDTest_FillButtonCaps(HidP_Feature, &DeviceInfo -> HidFeatureButtonCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDeviceCaps -> NumberFeatureButtonCaps, DeviceInfo -> HidDevicePpd) || isError;
FILL_INFO_END: return (!isError); }
BOOL HIDTest_FillValueCaps( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS *CapsBuffer, IN ULONG NumCaps, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA Ppd ) { BOOL callStatus; BOOL isError; USHORT numCaps;
isError = FALSE; if (0 != NumCaps) {
*CapsBuffer = (PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS) ALLOC(NumCaps * sizeof(HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
if (NULL != *CapsBuffer) {
numCaps = (USHORT) NumCaps;
callStatus = HidP_GetValueCaps( ReportType, *CapsBuffer, &numCaps, Ppd );
if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != callStatus || numCaps != NumCaps) { isError = TRUE; } } else { isError = TRUE; } } else { *CapsBuffer = NULL; }
return (!isError); }
BOOL HIDTest_FillButtonCaps( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS *CapsBuffer, IN ULONG NumCaps, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA Ppd ) { BOOL callStatus; BOOL isError; USHORT numCaps;
isError = FALSE; if (0 != NumCaps) {
*CapsBuffer = (PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS) ALLOC(NumCaps * sizeof(HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
if (NULL != *CapsBuffer) {
numCaps = (USHORT) NumCaps;
callStatus = HidP_GetButtonCaps( ReportType, *CapsBuffer, &numCaps, Ppd );
if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != callStatus || numCaps != NumCaps) { isError = TRUE; } } else { isError = TRUE; } } else { *CapsBuffer = NULL; }
return (!isError); } BOOL HIDTest_DoGetFreePpd( IN HANDLE HidDevice ) { PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA HidDevicePpd; BOOL CallStatus;
CallStatus = HidD_GetPreparsedData(HidDevice, &HidDevicePpd);
if (CallStatus) { CallStatus = HidD_FreePreparsedData(HidDevicePpd); }
return (CallStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateAttributes( IN HANDLE HidDevice, IN PHIDD_ATTRIBUTES Attrib ) { PHIDD_ATTRIBUTES HidDeviceAttrib; BOOL CallStatus;
// Allocate a test buffer to ensure that there are no problems with the
// memory filling done by HidD_GetAttributes
*/ HidDeviceAttrib = (PHIDD_ATTRIBUTES) AllocateTestBuffer(sizeof(HIDD_ATTRIBUTES));
if (NULL == HidDeviceAttrib) {
LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory"); return (FALSE);
} /*
// Attempt to get the attributes
*/ CallStatus = HidD_GetAttributes(HidDevice, HidDeviceAttrib);
// Check the buffer to make sure it wasn't improperly touched
if (!ValidateTestBuffer(HidDeviceAttrib)) {
} /*
// Make sure the attribute fields are correct as expected.
*/ if (CallStatus) { CallStatus = (HidDeviceAttrib -> Size == sizeof(HIDD_ATTRIBUTES)) && HIDTest_CompareAttributes(HidDeviceAttrib, Attrib); }
FreeTestBuffer(HidDeviceAttrib); return (CallStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateCaps( IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA HidPpd, IN PHIDP_CAPS HidCaps ) { HIDP_CAPS Caps; NTSTATUS CallStatus; BOOL BoolStatus; BOOL TestStatus; ULONG NumberLinkCollectionNodes; PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE LinkCollectionNodeList;
CallStatus = HidP_GetCaps(HidPpd, &Caps); TestStatus = (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS == CallStatus) && (HIDTest_CompareCaps(HidCaps, &Caps));
// We won't even bother proceeding any farther. This will catch the case where
// we pass in invalid ppd.
if (!TestStatus) return (TestStatus);
// Now come the real complicated part, we need to retrieve the following
// pieces of information concerning the current device
// 1) LinkCollectionNodes
// 2) ValueCaps for each report type
// 3) Button caps for each report type
// 4) Number of data indices for each report type
// From this information, we will verify each of the fields for its
// correctness. A comment on how each is performed will be included
// each test. These "tests" are actually variations.
// Check that the number of link collection nodes from
// HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes is the same as the number
// reported in the caps structure.
NumberLinkCollectionNodes = 0; CallStatus = HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes(NULL, &NumberLinkCollectionNodes, HidPpd );
if (HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != CallStatus) { LOG_UNEXPECTED_STATUS_WARNING("HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes", CallStatus); }
if (NumberLinkCollectionNodes != HidCaps -> NumberLinkCollectionNodes) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("LinkCollectionNode counts don't match"); TestStatus = FALSE; }
LinkCollectionNodeList = (PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE) ALLOC(NumberLinkCollectionNodes * sizeof(HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE));
if (NULL == LinkCollectionNodeList) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory"); return (FALSE); }
CallStatus = HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes(LinkCollectionNodeList, &NumberLinkCollectionNodes, HidPpd );
if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != CallStatus) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't retrieve LinkCollectionNode info"); FREE(LinkCollectionNodeList); return (FALSE); }
// Find the representative top-level collection in our
// LinkCollectionNodeList and verify that the UsagePage and
// Usage for the top-level collection match the same fields
// of the Caps structure. The top-level collection should
// be at index 0. We'll test this fact in the test that verifies
// the link collection node call
if ((LinkCollectionNodeList -> LinkUsagePage != HidCaps -> UsagePage) && (LinkCollectionNodeList -> LinkUsage != HidCaps -> Usage)) {
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Top level UsagePage/Usage don't match"); TestStatus = FALSE; }
// Add code here to validate the buffer sizes. I'm not sure actual
// validation is possible. Why? Because the size of the buffer is
// dependent on how the report descriptor defines the buffer and
// unfortunately, two four bit wide fields can either be in separate
// bytes with padding in between or squeezed into one byte with no
// padding. At Ring3 and the calls available, the app cannot differentiate
// these cases.
// Need to validate the number of button caps, value caps, and data indices
// for Input, Output and Feature Reports.
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Validating input buffer caps"); BoolStatus = HIDTest_ValidateBufferValues(HidP_Input, HidCaps -> NumberInputButtonCaps, HidCaps -> NumberInputValueCaps, HidCaps -> NumberInputDataIndices, HidPpd ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Failed Input Buffer Validation"); TestStatus = FALSE; }
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Validating output buffer caps"); BoolStatus = HIDTest_ValidateBufferValues(HidP_Output, HidCaps -> NumberOutputButtonCaps, HidCaps -> NumberOutputValueCaps, HidCaps -> NumberOutputDataIndices, HidPpd ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Failed Output Buffer Validation"); TestStatus = FALSE; }
LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Validating feature buffer caps"); BoolStatus = HIDTest_ValidateBufferValues(HidP_Feature, HidCaps -> NumberFeatureButtonCaps, HidCaps -> NumberFeatureValueCaps, HidCaps -> NumberFeatureDataIndices, HidPpd ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Failed Feature Buffer Validation"); TestStatus = FALSE; } return (TestStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateBufferValues( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USHORT NumButtonCaps, IN USHORT NumValueCaps, IN USHORT NumDataIndices, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA Ppd ) { USHORT ReportedButtonCaps; USHORT ReportedValueCaps; ULONG MaxDataIndex; ULONG Index; ULONG RangeIndex; NTSTATUS CallStatus; BOOL BoolStatus; BOOL TestStatus; PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS ButtonCapsList; PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS ButtonCapsWalk; PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS ValueCapsList; PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS ValueCapsWalk; DATA_INDEX_LIST DataIndexList;
// In order to verify the buffer values, we need to perform the following
// things
// 1) Call GetButtonCaps to see how many button caps structures are reported
// 2) Call GetValueCaps to see how many value caps structures are reported
// 3) Retrieve the list of both the value caps and the button caps for
// the report type
// 4) Loop through the list and verifying that there are 0..NumDataIndices-1
// indices and no more and no less and that the data index values are
// also in that range.
TestStatus = TRUE;
ReportedButtonCaps = 0; CallStatus = HidP_GetButtonCaps(ReportType, NULL, &ReportedButtonCaps, Ppd );
// There are two error conditions that we should expect here...
// 1) HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- If button caps do exist
// 2) HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- If no button caps exist for the report
// If one of these two cases doesn't arise, we need to log the warning msg.
*/ if ((ReportedButtonCaps > 0 && HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != CallStatus) || (0 == ReportedButtonCaps && HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != CallStatus)) {
LOG_UNEXPECTED_STATUS_WARNING("HidP_GetButtonCaps", CallStatus); }
if (ReportedButtonCaps != NumButtonCaps) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("ButtonCaps values don't match"); TestStatus = FALSE; }
// There are two error conditions that we should expect here...
// 1) HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- If value caps do exist
// 2) HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- If no value exist for the report
// If one of these two cases doesn't arise, we need to log the warning msg.
*/ ReportedValueCaps = 0; CallStatus = HidP_GetValueCaps(ReportType, NULL, &ReportedValueCaps, Ppd );
if ((ReportedButtonCaps > 0 && HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != CallStatus) || (0 == ReportedButtonCaps && HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != CallStatus)) { LOG_UNEXPECTED_STATUS_WARNING("HidP_GetValueCaps", CallStatus); }
if (ReportedValueCaps != NumValueCaps) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("ValueCaps values don't match"); TestStatus = FALSE; }
// Now we've got some debug only checks...This arises do to the fact that
// we will still allocate memory even if buffer size is 0, but only in
// the debug version...If there is an error due to a retail version of
// the build we don't want to scare out the user...However, we would
// like to verify in debug that HIDPARSE ain't trashing memory
*/ ButtonCapsList = NULL; ValueCapsList = NULL; if (0 != ReportedButtonCaps) {
// Allocate space for a button caps list
*/ ButtonCapsList = (PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS) malloc(ReportedButtonCaps * sizeof(HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
if (NULL == ButtonCapsList) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory"); return (FALSE); }
// Now that the lists have been allocated, let's try to retrieve those puppies
// once again. We should only get a return value of HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS,
// any thing else would be an error.
*/ CallStatus = HidP_GetButtonCaps(ReportType, ButtonCapsList, &ReportedButtonCaps, Ppd );
if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != CallStatus) { LOG_UNEXPECTED_STATUS_WARNING("HidP_GetButtonCaps", CallStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } }
// Build the value caps list if one exists
*/ if (0 != ReportedValueCaps) { /*
// Allocate space for a value caps list
*/ ValueCapsList = (PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS) malloc(ReportedValueCaps * sizeof(HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
if (NULL == ValueCapsList) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory"); FREE(ButtonCapsList); return (FALSE); }
// Ditto the above comment for ValueCaps
*/ CallStatus = HidP_GetValueCaps(ReportType, ValueCapsList, &ReportedValueCaps, Ppd );
if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != CallStatus) { LOG_UNEXPECTED_STATUS_WARNING("HidP_GetValueCaps", CallStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } /*
// Time to verify the number of data indices for the buffer. To do so,
// we pass through both the button caps list and the value caps list and
// mark each one of the data indices report in that list. If all the
// all the data indices that are report is equivalent to the number of data
// indices reported in the caps structure and the appropriate data indices
// we marked, then we consider this to have passed.
if (0 == NumDataIndices) {
if (ReportedButtonCaps + ReportedValueCaps > 0) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("No data indices although Button/Value Caps exist"); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("No data indices to verify"); } } else {
// The maximum data index value should be one less than the number
// of report data indices since the data index range is 0 --> Number-1
*/ MaxDataIndex = NumDataIndices - 1; BoolStatus = HIDTest_InitDataIndexList(MaxDataIndex, &DataIndexList ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Couldn't initialize data index list");
if (NULL != ButtonCapsList) { free(ButtonCapsList); }
if (NULL != ValueCapsList) { free(ValueCapsList); } return (FALSE); } /*
// Begin by walking the button caps list and marking all the data indices
// reported in that list.
ButtonCapsWalk = ButtonCapsList; for (Index = 0; Index < ReportedButtonCaps; Index++, ButtonCapsWalk++) { if (ButtonCapsWalk -> IsRange) { for (RangeIndex = ButtonCapsWalk -> Range.DataIndexMin; RangeIndex <= ButtonCapsWalk -> Range.DataIndexMax; RangeIndex++) { BoolStatus = HIDTest_MarkDataIndex(&DataIndexList, RangeIndex ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Bad button data index"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { BoolStatus = HIDTest_MarkDataIndex(&DataIndexList, ButtonCapsWalk -> NotRange.DataIndex ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Bad button data index"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } /*
// Walk the value caps list and mark all the data indices report there
// as well.
*/ ValueCapsWalk = ValueCapsList; for (Index = 0; Index < ReportedValueCaps; Index++, ValueCapsWalk++) { if (ValueCapsWalk -> IsRange) { for (RangeIndex = ValueCapsWalk -> Range.DataIndexMin; RangeIndex <= ValueCapsWalk -> Range.DataIndexMax; RangeIndex++) { BoolStatus = HIDTest_MarkDataIndex(&DataIndexList, RangeIndex ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Bad value data index"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { BoolStatus = HIDTest_MarkDataIndex(&DataIndexList, ValueCapsWalk -> NotRange.DataIndex ); if (!BoolStatus) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Bad value data index"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } }
// Check that all the data indices have been properly used.
*/ if (!HIDTest_AreAllIndicesUsed(&DataIndexList)) { LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Unused data indices in data index list"); TestStatus = FALSE; } HIDTest_FreeDataIndexList(&DataIndexList); }
if (NULL != ButtonCapsList) { free(ButtonCapsList); }
if (NULL != ValueCapsList) { free(ValueCapsList); }
return (TestStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_CompareCaps( IN PHIDP_CAPS Caps1, IN PHIDP_CAPS Caps2 ) { /*
// This could very well be implemented as a macro like CompareAttributes
// was, however, there are a lot of fields to compare so easier to define
// as function
return ((Caps1 -> UsagePage == Caps2 -> UsagePage) && (Caps1 -> Usage == Caps2 -> Usage) && (Caps1 -> InputReportByteLength == Caps2 -> InputReportByteLength) && (Caps1 -> OutputReportByteLength == Caps2 -> OutputReportByteLength) && (Caps1 -> FeatureReportByteLength == Caps2 -> FeatureReportByteLength) && (Caps1 -> NumberLinkCollectionNodes == Caps2 -> NumberLinkCollectionNodes) && (Caps1 -> NumberInputButtonCaps == Caps2 -> NumberInputButtonCaps) && (Caps1 -> NumberInputValueCaps == Caps2 -> NumberInputValueCaps) && (Caps1 -> NumberInputDataIndices == Caps2 -> NumberInputDataIndices) && (Caps1 -> NumberOutputButtonCaps == Caps2 -> NumberOutputButtonCaps) && (Caps1 -> NumberOutputValueCaps == Caps2 -> NumberOutputValueCaps) && (Caps1 -> NumberOutputDataIndices == Caps2 -> NumberOutputDataIndices) && (Caps1 -> NumberFeatureButtonCaps == Caps2 -> NumberFeatureButtonCaps) && (Caps1 -> NumberFeatureValueCaps == Caps2 -> NumberFeatureValueCaps) && (Caps1 -> NumberFeatureDataIndices == Caps2 -> NumberFeatureDataIndices) ); }
/* Functions related to tracking data indices
/*****************************************************************************/ BOOL HIDTest_InitDataIndexList( IN ULONG MaxDataIndex, OUT PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList ) { ULONG Index;
IndexList -> List = (BOOL *) ALLOC((MaxDataIndex+1) * sizeof(BOOL)); IndexList -> MaxDataIndex = MaxDataIndex;
if (NULL != IndexList -> List) { for (Index = 0; Index <= MaxDataIndex; Index++) { IndexList -> List[Index] = FALSE; } } return (NULL != IndexList -> List); }
VOID HIDTest_FreeDataIndexList( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList ) { ASSERT (NULL != IndexList -> List);
FREE(IndexList -> List); IndexList -> List = NULL;
return; }
BOOL HIDTest_MarkDataIndex( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList, IN ULONG IndexValue ) { BOOL OldValue;
if (IndexValue > IndexList -> MaxDataIndex) { return (FALSE); }
OldValue = IndexList -> List[IndexValue];
IndexList -> List[IndexValue] = TRUE;
return (!OldValue); }
BOOL HIDTest_GetDataIndexStatus( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList, IN ULONG IndexValue ) { ASSERT (NULL != IndexList -> List); ASSERT (IndexValue <= IndexList -> MaxDataIndex);
return (IndexList -> List[IndexValue]); }
BOOL HIDTest_AreAllIndicesUsed( IN PDATA_INDEX_LIST IndexList ) { ULONG Index;
ASSERT (NULL != IndexList -> List);
for (Index = 0; Index <= IndexList -> MaxDataIndex; Index++) { if (!(IndexList -> List[Index])) { return (FALSE); } } return (TRUE); }
/* Functions to track the availibility of strings for a device
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL HIDTest_DoesStringExist( HANDLE DeviceHandle, ULONG StringIndex, PWCHAR *String, PULONG StringLength, BOOL *StringExists ) { WCHAR TempChar; ULONG StringSize; BOOL CallStatus; BOOL TestStatus; ULONG ErrorCode;
// We will use the TempChar variable first, just to determine if the
// string exists. If it HidD_GetIndexedString returns TRUE, then
// the string exists and we'll try to figure out it's actual length
// and create a buffer for it
*String = NULL; *StringLength = 0; TestStatus = TRUE;
CallStatus = HIDTest_GetString(DeviceHandle, StringIndex, &TempChar, sizeof(TempChar), &ErrorCode );
// If the GetString call returned FALSE, we need to examine the error code
// that was returned using GetLastError(). A return of FALSE can mean
// one of the following two things.
// 1) String index not supported by the device (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE)
// 2) String index is supported by the device but a big
// enough buffer wasn't passed down (ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER)
if (!CallStatus) {
switch (ErrorCode) { case ERROR_GEN_FAILURE:
// This case is added here since NT5 string getting is currently
// busted
*/ case ERROR_NOACCESS: *StringExists = FALSE; break;
case ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER: *StringExists = TRUE; break;
default: LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Unknown HidD_GetIndexedString error code returned"); TestStatus = FALSE; *StringExists = FALSE; } }
if (!*StringExists) { return (TestStatus); }
// OK, so the string actually exists. Now, let's try to create a buffer
// to get the string length. Will start with 8 chararcters and double that
// size until we find a buffer which can hold the whole string
StringSize = 8;
while (NULL != (*String = (PWCHAR) AllocateTestBuffer(StringSize*sizeof(WCHAR)))) {
CallStatus = HIDTest_GetString(DeviceHandle, StringIndex, *String, StringSize*sizeof(WCHAR), &ErrorCode );
if (!ValidateTestBuffer(*String)) {
LOG_BUFFER_VALIDATION_FAIL(); FreeTestBuffer(*String); return (FALSE);
} if (!CallStatus) {
switch (ErrorCode) { /*
// We simply do nothing, since the loop will end up being
// repeated and a new buffer will be allocated
*/ case ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER: break; /*
// This error message is bad because it means a call to
// GetString passed before but now fails for some
// reason.
// Ditto the above about NT5 not properly handling error status
case ERROR_NOACCESS: LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Unexpected failure of string call"); TestStatus = FALSE; break; default: LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT("Unknown String error code returned"); TestStatus = FALSE; } }
// We got the correct string now, however, it's still possible
// that we don't have the terminating zero. We'll call GetWideStringLength
// to determine that for us.
*/ else {
CallStatus = HIDTest_GetWideStringLength(*String, StringSize, StringLength);
// If CallStatus is TRUE, then the correct string length was found
// and we can break from this loop
if (CallStatus) { break; } } /*
// Otherwise, we need to free the previous buffer and allocate another
// larger buffer
FreeTestBuffer(*String); StringSize *= 2; }
if (NULL == *String) { LOG_TEST_ERROR("Test Error - Memory allocation failed"); TestStatus = FALSE;
return (TestStatus); }
BOOL HIDTest_GetWideStringLength( PWCHAR String, ULONG StringSize, PULONG StringLength ) { ULONG StringIndex;
for (StringIndex = 0; StringIndex < StringSize; StringIndex++) {
if ((WCHAR) '\0' == *(String+StringIndex)) {
*StringLength = StringIndex; return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); }
BOOL HIDTest_BuildStringList( HANDLE DeviceHandle, PLIST StringList ) { ULONG StringIndex; BOOL CallStatus; PWCHAR DeviceString; ULONG StringLength; BOOL StringExist; static CHAR ErrorString[128];
InitializeList(StringList); for (StringIndex = 0; StringIndex < STRINGS_TO_TEST; StringIndex++) {
CallStatus = HIDTest_DoesStringExist(DeviceHandle, StringIndex, &DeviceString, &StringLength, &StringExist );
if (!CallStatus) { wsprintf(ErrorString, "Test Error: Error determining if string %u exists", StringIndex );
return (FALSE);
} else if (StringExist) { CallStatus = HIDTest_AddStringToStringList(StringList, StringIndex, DeviceString, StringLength );
if (!CallStatus) {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "Test Error: Error adding string %u to list", StringIndex );
FreeTestBuffer(DeviceString); HIDTest_FreeStringList(StringList);
return (FALSE);
} } } return (TRUE); }
VOID HIDTest_FreeStringList( PLIST StringList ) { DestroyListWithCallback(StringList, HIDTest_FreeStringNodeCallback ); return; }
VOID HIDTest_FreeStringNodeCallback( PLIST_NODE_HDR ListNode ) { PSTRING_LIST_NODE currNode;
currNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) ListNode;
FreeTestBuffer(currNode -> String);
return; }
BOOL HIDTest_AddStringToStringList( PLIST StringList, ULONG StringIndex, PWCHAR String, ULONG StringLength ) { PSTRING_LIST_NODE listNode;
// To add a string to the string list, we need to do the following steps
// 1) If the string list is at it's maximum size or is NULL, need to
// alloc a new block
// 2) Find the end of the list and add the appropriate information there
// 3) Increment the number of strings in the list
// This function will assume that string indices will be added in increasing
// numerical order so that no sorting routine will have to be implemented
// This is a legitimate assumption since the BuildStringList begins with
// string zero and searchs through it's maximum for strings. Since this
// is the only caller of the AddStringToStringList, it will only add
// string indices in increasing order. If this assumption needs to change,
// it will require a little more computation to keep the list sorted
listNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) ALLOC(sizeof(STRING_LIST_NODE)); if (NULL == listNode) { return (FALSE); }
listNode -> StringIndex = StringIndex; listNode -> String = String; listNode -> StringLength = StringLength;
InsertTail(StringList, listNode);
return (TRUE);
BOOL HIDTest_IsStringInStrList( PLIST StringList, PWCHAR String, ULONG StringLength, PSTRING_LIST_NODE StringNode ) { /*
// Searching the string list for a given string is not as easy as searching
// the string list for a given string index since the strings are stored in
// in index order not alphabetical order. Therefore, we cannot perform
// any sort of binary search to deal with this case and must linearly
// search the list before we can determine that a given string does
// not exist in the list
currNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetListHead(StringList);
while (currNode != (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) StringList) {
if (HIDTest_CompareStrings(currNode -> String, currNode -> StringLength, String, StringLength )) { *StringNode = *currNode; return (TRUE);
currNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetNextEntry(currNode); } return (FALSE); }
BOOL HIDTest_IsStrIndexInStrList( PLIST StringList, ULONG StringIndex, PSTRING_LIST_NODE StringNode ) { PSTRING_LIST_NODE currNode;
currNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetListHead(StringList);
while (currNode != (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) StringList) {
if (currNode -> StringIndex == StringIndex) {
*StringNode = *currNode; return (TRUE);
} else if (currNode -> StringIndex > StringIndex) { return (FALSE); }
currNode = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetNextEntry(currNode);
} return (FALSE); }
BOOL HIDTest_CompareStringLists( PLIST StringList1, PLIST StringList2 ) { PSTRING_LIST_NODE node1; PSTRING_LIST_NODE node2;
// Comparing two string lists is a relatively simple process since we
// are only looking for whether they are equal and not where they differ.
// Plus, our string lists should both be in index string order.
// To do the comparison, all that needs to be done is traverse both
// lists from the beginning. If at any point, either the indices
// or the string values don't match, we can return FALSE
node1 = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetListHead(StringList1); node2 = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetListHead(StringList2); while (node1 != (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) StringList1 && node2 != (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) StringList2) {
if ((node1 -> StringIndex != node2 -> StringIndex) || (!HIDTest_CompareStrings(node1 -> String, node1 -> StringLength, node2 -> String, node2 -> StringLength ))) { return (FALSE);
node1 = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetNextEntry(node1); node2 = (PSTRING_LIST_NODE) GetNextEntry(node2);
} return (TRUE); }
BOOL HIDTest_ValidateStdStrings( HANDLE DeviceHandle, PLIST CurrentStringList, ULONG ManufacturerStringIndex, ULONG ProductStringIndex, ULONG SerialNumberStringIndex ) { PWCHAR DeviceString; ULONG StringLength; BOOL TestStatus; BOOL CallStatus; PCHAR StringTypeDesc; ULONG StringIndex; BOOL StringExist; ULONG indexValue; static CHAR ErrorString[128]; STRING_LIST_NODE stringNode;
// To verify the standard strings, we need to the following steps
// for each of the strings (manufacturer, product, serial number)
// 1) Attempt to retrieve the string...
// 2) If the string doesn't exist, need to verify that the passed
// in StringIndex is == NO_STRING_INDEX
// 3) If the string exists, need to search the current string list
// to get the index and then compare that index value with the
// index value for the given string
// Begin with the manufacturer string and work our way up from there
// The following asserts verify that the macros that have been defined
// above are still in numerical order
CallStatus = HIDTest_DoesStringExist(DeviceHandle, StringIndex, &DeviceString, &StringLength, &StringExist ); switch (StringIndex) { case STRING_INDEX_MANUFACTURER: indexValue = ManufacturerStringIndex; StringTypeDesc = "Manufacturer"; break;
case STRING_INDEX_PRODUCT: indexValue = ProductStringIndex; StringTypeDesc = "Product"; break;
case STRING_INDEX_SERIAL_NUMBER: indexValue = SerialNumberStringIndex; StringTypeDesc = "Serial number"; break; }
if (!CallStatus) { wsprintf(ErrorString, "Test Error: Error determining if string %u exists", StringIndex );
return (FALSE); } else if (!StringExist) {
if (indexValue != NO_STRING_INDEX) {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "Mismatch: %s string not returned", StringTypeDesc);
TestStatus = FALSE;
} else {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "%s string not found", StringTypeDesc); } LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(ErrorString);
} else {
CallStatus = HIDTest_IsStringInStrList(CurrentStringList, DeviceString, StringLength, &stringNode );
if (!CallStatus) {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "%s string could not be found in string list", StringTypeDesc); LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(ErrorString); TestStatus = FALSE;
else {
if (indexValue != stringNode.StringIndex) {
wsprintf(ErrorString, "Mismatched index: %s string", StringTypeDesc);
TestStatus = FALSE;
} else { wsprintf(ErrorString, "%s string found in the string list", StringTypeDesc);
} LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(ErrorString); } FreeTestBuffer(DeviceString); }
} return (TestStatus); } BOOL HIDTest_GetString( HANDLE DeviceHandle, ULONG StringIndex, PWCHAR StringBuffer, ULONG BufferLength, PULONG ErrorCode ) { BOOL CallStatus; switch (StringIndex) { case STRING_INDEX_MANUFACTURER: CallStatus = HidD_GetManufacturerString(DeviceHandle, StringBuffer, BufferLength );
case STRING_INDEX_PRODUCT: CallStatus = HidD_GetProductString(DeviceHandle, StringBuffer, BufferLength );
case STRING_INDEX_SERIAL_NUMBER: CallStatus = HidD_GetSerialNumberString(DeviceHandle, StringBuffer, BufferLength ); break;
default: CallStatus = HidD_GetIndexedString(DeviceHandle, StringIndex, StringBuffer, BufferLength ); }
*ErrorCode = GetLastError(); return (CallStatus); }
usingReportIDs = FALSE; *ReportIDCount = 0;
if (0 != NumVCaps) { usingReportIDs = VCaps -> ReportID != 0; } else if (0 != NumBCaps) { usingReportIDs = BCaps -> ReportID != 0; } else {
// We're not actually using report IDs in the is case, but it will
// get set to TRUE anyway because both lists are empty. Doing so,
// will cause us to dump out of the routine early.
usingReportIDs = TRUE;
// We'll allocate a buffer that can hold the maximum number of report
// IDs that can possible exist for these values. Most likely, we'll
// allocate a buffer that is too big. This can be optimized later if
// necessary.
*/ if (usingReportIDs) { maxReportIDs = NumVCaps + NumBCaps; } else { maxReportIDs = 1; } if (0 == maxReportIDs) {
*ReportIDs = NULL; return (TRUE); } *ReportIDs = (PUCHAR) malloc (maxReportIDs * sizeof(UCHAR));
if (NULL == *ReportIDs) { return (FALSE); }
// We've allocated the buffer, now let's fill it.
// To do so, we need to trace through each of the lists, get the
// report ID, search the current list. If found in the current list of
// IDs, we ignore and proceed to the next. Otherwise, we need to bump
// all the other IDs that are greater than this one down one spot in the
// buffer and add this new ID. Doing so will guarantee that the buffer
// we are creating will be in sorted order.
while (NumVCaps--) {
HIDTest_InsertIDIntoList(*ReportIDs, ReportIDCount, VCaps -> ReportID); VCaps++;
while (NumBCaps--) {
HIDTest_InsertIDIntoList(*ReportIDs, ReportIDCount, BCaps -> ReportID); BCaps++; } return (TRUE); }
VOID HIDTest_InsertIDIntoList( IN PUCHAR ReportIDs, IN PULONG ReportIDCount, IN UCHAR NewID ) { UCHAR listReportID; ULONG listIndex; BOOL insertIntoList;
for (listIndex = 0, insertIntoList = TRUE; listIndex < *ReportIDCount; listIndex++) {
listReportID = *(ReportIDs + listIndex); if (listReportID == NewID) { insertIntoList = FALSE; break; } else if (listReportID > NewID) { memmove(ReportIDs + listIndex + 1, ReportIDs + listIndex, (*ReportIDCount) - listIndex * sizeof(UCHAR) ); break; } }
if (insertIntoList) {
*(ReportIDs + listIndex) = NewID; (*ReportIDCount)++; } return; }
BOOL HIDTest_IsIDInList( IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PUCHAR ReportIDList, IN ULONG ReportIDListCount ) { ULONG idIndex; BOOL found;
found = FALSE; for (idIndex = 0; idIndex < ReportIDListCount; idIndex++) {
if (ReportID == *(ReportIDList+idIndex)) { found = TRUE; break; } else if (ReportID < *(ReportIDList+idIndex)) { break; } } return (found); }