#define __LOG_C__
/* Log include files
/*****************************************************************************/ #include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "hidsdi.h"
#define USE_MACROS
#include "list.h"
#include "hidtest.h"
#include "debug.h"
/* Local macro definitions
#define IS_LOGGING_ON ((NULL != hTestLog) && (IsLogOn))
/* Module global variable declarations for logging
static HANDLE hTestLog = NULL; static BOOL IsLogOn = FALSE;
static CHAR String[1024];
/* Exportable logging function definitions
BOOL HIDTest_CreateTestLogA( IN PCHAR LogName ) { hTestLog = tlCreateLog(LogName, TLS_REFRESH | TLS_LOGALL); if (NULL != hTestLog) { tlAddParticipant(hTestLog, 0, 1); }
IsLogOn = (NULL != hTestLog); return (IsLogOn); }
VOID HIDTest_CloseTestLogA( VOID ) { if (NULL != hTestLog) { tlRemoveParticipant(hTestLog); tlDestroyLog(hTestLog); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_SetLogOnA( BOOL TurnOn ) { IsLogOn = TurnOn; return; }
/* Local functions to deal with NT based logging
/****************************************************************************/ VOID HIDTest_LogStartTest( PCHAR TestName ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { tlLog(hTestLog, TL_INFO, TestName); tlClearTestStats(hTestLog); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogStartTestIteration( ULONG IterationNumber ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { wsprintf(String, "Iteration number: %u", IterationNumber); tlLog(hTestLog, TL_INFO, String); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogStartVariationWithDeviceHandle( HANDLE DeviceHandle, BOOL IsLegal, PCHAR Description ) { wsprintf(String, "DeviceHandle = %u, IsLegalDeviceHandle = %s, Test Desc: %s", (DeviceHandle), (IsLegal) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", Description ); LOG_INTERMEDIATE_VARIATION_RESULT(String);
return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogStartVariation( PCHAR Variation ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { tlStartVariation(hTestLog); tlLog(hTestLog, TL_INFO, Variation); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogVariationResult( INT Level, PCHAR VarString ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { tlLog(hTestLog, Level | TL_VARIATION, VarString); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogEndVariation( VOID ) { DWORD dwVariationResult;
if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { dwVariationResult = tlEndVariation(hTestLog); tlLog(hTestLog, dwVariationResult | TL_VARIATION, "End variation"); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogEndTest( VOID ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { tlLog(hTestLog, TL_TEST, ""); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogIntermediateVariationResult( IN PCHAR VarResult ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { tlLog(hTestLog, TL_INFO, VarResult); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogTestWarning( IN PCHAR WarningMsg ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { tlLog(hTestLog, TL_WARN, WarningMsg); } return; }
VOID HIDTest_LogTestError( IN PCHAR ErrMsg ) { if (IS_LOGGING_ON) { wsprintf(String, "Critical test error: %s, cannot proceed", ErrMsg ); tlLog(hTestLog, TL_SEV1, String); } return; }