#include "main.h"
#define PWLEN 256
BOOL GetPassword( PWSTR szBuffer, DWORD dwLength, DWORD *pdwLengthReturn );
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain( IN int argc, IN PWSTR argv[] ) { DWORD WinError = 0; PWSTR szTree = NULL; PWSTR szUser = NULL; PWSTR szContext = NULL; PWSTR szPwd = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[PWLEN+1]; DWORD dwLength;
// either with 4 parameters or 2
if((argc != 5) && (argc != 3)) { SelectivePrint(MSG_HELP); BAIL(); }
if (argc == 5) { if (!(argv[1] && argv[2] && argv[3] && argv[4])) { SelectivePrint(MSG_HELP); BAIL(); } } else { ASSERT(argc == 3); if (!(argv[1] && argv[2])) { SelectivePrint(MSG_HELP); BAIL(); } }
szTree = argv[2];
if (argc == 5) { szUser = argv[3]; szPwd = argv[4];
if ((wcscmp(szPwd,L"*") == 0)) { SelectivePrint(MSG_GETPASSWORD, szTree); if (GetPassword(szBuffer,PWLEN+1,&dwLength)) { szPwd = szBuffer; } else { SelectivePrint(MSG_PASSWORDTOLONG); BAIL(); } } while (*szUser) { if (*szUser == '.') { *szUser = NULL; szContext = szUser+1; break; } szUser++; } szUser = argv[3]; }
if (_wcsicmp(argv[1],g_szExtend) == 0) { WinError = Client32ExtendSchema(szTree, szContext, szUser, szPwd); if (WinError == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) { WinError = NWAPIExtendSchema(szTree, szContext, szUser, szPwd); if (WinError) { if (WinError == 1) { WinError = 0; SelectivePrint(MSG_EXTENDED_ALREADY, szTree); } BAIL(); } else { SelectivePrint(MSG_EXTEND_SUCCESS,szTree); } } else if (WinError) { if (WinError == 1) { WinError = 0; SelectivePrint(MSG_EXTENDED_ALREADY, szTree); } BAIL(); } else { SelectivePrint(MSG_EXTEND_SUCCESS,szTree); } } else if (_wcsicmp(argv[1],g_szCheck) == 0) { BOOL fExtended; WinError = Client32CheckSchemaExtension(szTree, szContext, szUser, szPwd, &fExtended); if (WinError == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) { WinError = NWAPICheckSchemaExtension(szTree, szContext, szUser, szPwd, &fExtended); if (WinError) { BAIL(); } } else if (WinError) { BAIL(); } if (fExtended) { WinError = 1; SelectivePrint(MSG_EXTENDED,szTree); } else { WinError = 0; SelectivePrint(MSG_NOT_EXTENDED,szTree); } } else { SelectivePrint(MSG_HELP); BAIL(); }
error: if (WinError && (WinError != 1)) { SelectivePrint(MSG_ERROR,WinError); SelectivePrintWin32(WinError);
} return WinError; }
void SelectivePrint(DWORD messageID, ...) { static BOOLEAN bTriedOpen = FALSE; PWSTR pszMessageBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwSize; va_list ap; DWORD dwLen;
va_start(ap, messageID);
dwLen = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, messageID, 0, (PWSTR)&pszMessageBuffer, 4095, &ap); if (dwLen == 0) { DWORD WinError = GetLastError(); ERR(("Error formatting message: %d\n", WinError)); BAIL(); }
dwSize = wcslen(pszMessageBuffer); if (pszMessageBuffer[dwSize-2] == '\r') { pszMessageBuffer[dwSize-2] = '\n'; pszMessageBuffer[dwSize-1] = '\0'; }
fwprintf(stdout,pszMessageBuffer); error: va_end(ap); if (pszMessageBuffer) { LocalFree(pszMessageBuffer); } return; }
void SelectivePrintWin32(DWORD dwError) { DWORD dwLen; WCHAR szMessage[256];
dwLen = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), szMessage, 256, NULL); if (dwLen == 0) { DWORD WinError = GetLastError(); ERR(("Error formatting message: %d\n", WinError)); BAIL(); }
fwprintf(stdout,szMessage); error: return; }
#define CR 0xD
#define BACKSPACE 0x8
#define NULLC '\0'
#define NEWLINE '\n'
BOOL GetPassword( PWSTR szBuffer, DWORD dwLength, DWORD *pdwLengthReturn ) { WCHAR ch; PWSTR pszBufCur = szBuffer; DWORD c; int err; DWORD mode;
// make space for NULL terminator
dwLength -= 1; *pdwLengthReturn = 0;
GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &mode); SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), (~(ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT|ENABLE_LINE_INPUT)) & mode);
while (TRUE) { err = ReadConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &ch, 1, &c, 0); if (!err || c != 1) ch = 0xffff; if ((ch == CR) || (ch == 0xffff)) // end of line
if (ch == BACKSPACE) { // back up one or two
// IF pszBufCur == buf then the next two lines are a no op.
// Because the user has basically backspaced back to the start
if (pszBufCur != szBuffer) { pszBufCur--; (*pdwLengthReturn)--; } } else {
*pszBufCur = ch;
if (*pdwLengthReturn < dwLength) pszBufCur++ ; // don't overflow buf
(*pdwLengthReturn)++; // always increment pdwLengthReturn
} }
SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), mode);
// NULL terminate the string
*pszBufCur = NULLC; putchar(NEWLINE);
return((*pdwLengthReturn <= dwLength) ? TRUE : FALSE); }