// schemavw.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "viewex.h"
#include "cacls.h"
#include "schemavw.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern IDispatch* pACEClipboard; extern IDispatch* pACLClipboard; extern IDispatch* pSDClipboard;
// CSchemaView
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ CSchemaView::CSchemaView() : CFormView(CSchemaView::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSchemaView)
int nIdx;
m_nProperty = -1; m_bDirty = FALSE; m_bInitialized = FALSE; pSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
m_nLastSD = -1; m_nLastSDValue = -1; m_nLastACE = -1; m_nLastACEValue = -1; m_nLastACL = acl_Invalid; m_bACLDisplayed = FALSE;
for( nIdx = 0; nIdx < 32 ; nIdx++ ) { m_arrNormalControls[ 32 ] = -1; m_arrSecurityControls[ 32 ] = -1; }
nIdx = 0; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICCLASS; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICCLSID; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICPRIMARYINTERFACE; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICDERIVEDFROM; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICCONTAINMENT; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICCONTAINER; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICHELPFILENAME; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICSTATICHELPFILECONTEXT; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICOID; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_STATICABSTRACT;
m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_CLASSTYPE; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_CLSID; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_PRIMARYINTERFACE; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_DERIVEDFROM; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_CONTAINEMENT; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_CONTAINER; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_HELPFILENAME; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_HELPFILECONTEXT; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_CLASSOID; m_arrNormalControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_CLASSABSTRACT;
nIdx = 0; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_GBSECURITYDESCRIPTORSTATIC; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_SECURITYDESCRIPTORPROPERTIES; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_SECURITYDESCRIPTORPROPERTYVALUE; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_GBACCESSCONTROLENTRIES; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_DACLSACL_LIST; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_ACELIST; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_ACEPROPERTIESLIST; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_ACEPROPERTYVALUE; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_COPYACE; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_PASTEACE; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_DELACE; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_ADDACE; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_COPYACL; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_PASTEACL; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_COPYSD; m_arrSecurityControls[ nIdx++ ] = IDC_PASTESD;
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ CSchemaView::~CSchemaView() { if( NULL != pSecurityDescriptor ) { m_pDescriptor->Release( ); delete pSecurityDescriptor; } }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSchemaView)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CLASSOID, m_ClassOID); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CLASSABSTRACT, m_Abstract); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_MULTIVALUED, m_MultiValued); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPDSNAMES, m_DsNames); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPOID, m_PropOID); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYMANDATORY, m_Mandatory); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CONTAINEMENT, m_Containment); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ITEMOLEDSPATH, m_ItemOleDsPath); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYMINRANGE, m_PropertyMinRange); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYMAXRANGE, m_PropertyMaxRange); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYTYPE, m_PropertyType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PRIMARYINTERFACE, m_PrimaryInterface); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_HELPFILECONTEXT, m_HelpFileContext); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DERIVEDFROM, m_DerivedFrom); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_HELPFILENAME, m_HelpFileName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CLSID, m_CLSID); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CONTAINER, m_Container); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CLASSTYPE, m_ClassType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPVALUE, m_PropValue); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPLIST, m_PropList); //DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTIES, m_Schema);
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSchemaView, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSchemaView)
// CSchemaView diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CSchemaView::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid(); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CSchemaView message handlers
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::ResetObjectView( ) { COleDsObject* pObject; int nIndex; TC_ITEM tcItem; CString strName; CString strMethCount; CString strMethName; int nMethCount; CHAR szText[ 128 ]; int nFirst = 0;
pObject = GetDocument( )->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
//m_Schema.DeleteAllItems( );
m_PropList.ResetContent( );
memset( &tcItem, 0, sizeof(tcItem) ); tcItem.mask = TCIF_TEXT; tcItem.pszText = (LPTSTR)szText; strName = _T(""); tcItem.pszText = strName.GetBuffer( 128 );
//bRez = m_Schema.InsertItem( nIndex, &tcItem );
// next, we'll get methods count/names
nIndex = 0;
strMethCount = pObject->GetAttribute( ca_MethodsCount ); nMethCount = _ttoi( strMethCount.GetBuffer( 128 ) ); for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nMethCount && nIndex < 8; nIndex++ ) { GetDlgItem( nIndex + IDC_METHOD1 )->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); GetDlgItem( nIndex + IDC_METHOD1 )->SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( nIndex, ma_Name ) ); }
for( ;nIndex < 8;nIndex++ ) { GetDlgItem( nIndex + IDC_METHOD1 )->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); }
m_nProperty = -1;
m_ItemOleDsPath.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetOleDsPath( ) );
m_ClassType.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Name ) ); m_CLSID.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_CLSID ) ); m_HelpFileName.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_HelpFileName ) ); m_HelpFileContext.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_HelpFileContext ) ); m_PrimaryInterface.SetWindowText( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_PrimaryInterface ) ); m_Containment.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Containment ) ); m_Container.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Container ) ); m_DerivedFrom.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_DerivedFrom ) ); m_ClassOID.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_OID ) ); m_Abstract.SetWindowText ( pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Abstract ) ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) { if( !m_bInitialized ) { return; } ResetObjectView( );
DisplayPropertiesList( ); m_PropList.SetCurSel( 0 ); DisplayCurrentPropertyText( ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::DisplayPropertiesList( ) { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
int nItems, nIter; COleDsObject* pObject; CString strPropName; CString strPropValue;
PutPropertyValue( );
pObject = GetDocument( )->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) { return; }
m_PropList.ResetContent( );
nItems = pObject->GetPropertyCount( );
for( nIter = 0; nIter < nItems ; nIter++ ) { int nIdx;
strPropName = pObject->GetAttribute( nIter, pa_DisplayName ); nIdx = m_PropList.AddString( strPropName ); m_PropList.SetItemData( nIdx, (DWORD)nIter ); }
m_PropValue.SetWindowText( _T("") ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::DisplayCurrentPropertyText() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
int nProp; COleDsObject* pObject; HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue, strTemp; CString strName; BOOL bSecurityDescriptor = FALSE; // BOOL bIsACL;
nProp = m_PropList.GetCurSel( ); if( CB_ERR == nProp ) { return; }
m_nProperty = nProp;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); hResult = pObject->GetProperty( nProp, strPropValue, &bSecurityDescriptor );
m_PropValue.SetWindowText( strPropValue );
strName = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_Name );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_Type ); m_PropertyType.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_MinRange ); m_PropertyMinRange.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_MaxRange ); m_PropertyMaxRange.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_MultiValued ); m_MultiValued.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_OID ); m_PropOID.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_DsNames ); m_DsNames.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_Mandatory ); m_Mandatory.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = pObject->GetAttribute( nProp, pa_Type ); if( bSecurityDescriptor ) { // we need to display the security descriptor stuff...
if( !m_bACLDisplayed ) { HideControls( TRUE ); ShowControls( FALSE ); } if( NULL != pSecurityDescriptor ) { delete pSecurityDescriptor; } if( NULL != m_pDescriptor ) { m_pDescriptor->Release( ); } m_bACLDisplayed = TRUE; DisplayACL( pObject, strName ); } else { if( m_bACLDisplayed ) { HideControls( FALSE ); ShowControls( TRUE ); delete pSecurityDescriptor; m_pDescriptor->Release( ); } m_bACLDisplayed = FALSE; m_pDescriptor = NULL; pSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
} }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnSelchangeProplist() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
PutPropertyValue( ); DisplayCurrentPropertyText( ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnReload() { HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject; HCURSOR aCursor, oldCursor;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
if( NULL == pObject ) { return; }
aCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_WAIT ); oldCursor = SetCursor( aCursor );
hResult = pObject->GetInfo( );
DisplayPropertiesList( );
if( -1 != m_nProperty ) { m_PropList.SetCurSel( m_nProperty ); } else { m_PropList.SetCurSel( 0 ); }
DisplayCurrentPropertyText( );
m_bDirty = FALSE;
SetCursor( oldCursor ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ HRESULT CSchemaView::PutPropertyValue() { COleDsObject* pObject; HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue;
// if we're displaying security descriptors, we'll force the dirty flag
m_bDirty = m_bDirty || (NULL != pSecurityDescriptor);
if( -1 == m_nProperty || !m_bDirty ) { return S_OK; }
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return S_OK;
if( NULL != pSecurityDescriptor ) { // OK, so we need to set the security descriptor
VARIANT var; IUnknown* pUnk; IADs* pADs; CString strName; BSTR bstrName;
strName = pObject->GetAttribute( m_nProperty, pa_Name ); bstrName = AllocBSTR( strName.GetBuffer( 128 ) );
VariantInit( &var ); V_VT( &var ) = VT_DISPATCH; V_DISPATCH( &var ) = m_pDescriptor; m_pDescriptor->AddRef( );
pObject->GetInterface( &pUnk ); pUnk->QueryInterface( IID_IADs, (void**)&pADs );
hResult = pADs->Put( bstrName, var );
SysFreeString( bstrName );
VariantClear( &var );
if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( OleDsGetErrorText( hResult ) ); } } else { m_PropValue.GetWindowText( strPropValue );
hResult = pObject->PutProperty( m_nProperty, strPropValue ); }
m_bDirty = FALSE;
return hResult; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnApply() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject; HCURSOR aCursor, oldCursor;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
if( NULL == pObject ) { return; }
aCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_WAIT ); oldCursor = SetCursor( aCursor );
hResult = PutPropertyValue( );
hResult = pObject->SetInfo( ); //hResult = pObject->GetInfo( );
m_bDirty = FALSE;
DisplayPropertiesList( );
if( -1 != m_nProperty ) { m_PropList.SetCurSel( m_nProperty ); } else { m_PropList.SetCurSel( 0 ); }
DisplayCurrentPropertyText( );
SetCursor( oldCursor ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 0 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod2() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 1 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod3() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 2 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod4() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 3 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod5() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 4 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod6() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 5 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod7() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 6 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnMethod8() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; COleDsObject* pObject;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( );
hResult = pObject->CallMethod( 7 ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnSetfocusPropvalue() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_bDirty = TRUE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnInitialUpdate() { m_bInitialized = TRUE;
CFormView::OnInitialUpdate(); // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
HideControls( FALSE ); ShowControls( TRUE ); m_bACLDisplayed = FALSE;
OnUpdate( NULL, 0L, NULL); }
// Function:
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::ShowControls( BOOL bNormal ) { int* pControlArray; int nIdx;
pControlArray = bNormal ? m_arrNormalControls : m_arrSecurityControls; for( nIdx = 0; nIdx < 32 ; nIdx++ ) { CWnd* pWnd;
if( pControlArray[ nIdx ] > 0 ) { pWnd = GetDlgItem( pControlArray[ nIdx ] ); if( NULL != pWnd ) { pWnd->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); } } } }
// Function:
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::HideControls(BOOL bNormal) { int* pControlArray; int nIdx;
pControlArray = bNormal ? m_arrNormalControls : m_arrSecurityControls; for( nIdx = 0; nIdx < 32 ; nIdx++ ) { CWnd* pWnd;
if( pControlArray[ nIdx ] > 0 ) { pWnd = GetDlgItem( pControlArray[ nIdx ] ); if( NULL != pWnd ) { pWnd->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); } } } }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnAppend() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue; COleDsObject* pObject;
if( -1 == m_nProperty ) { return; }
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
m_PropValue.GetWindowText( strPropValue ); hResult = pObject->PutProperty( (int)( m_PropList.GetItemData( m_nProperty ) ), strPropValue, ADS_ATTR_APPEND ); m_bDirty = FALSE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnDelete() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue; COleDsObject* pObject;
if( -1 == m_nProperty ) { return; }
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
m_PropValue.GetWindowText( strPropValue ); hResult = pObject->PutProperty( (int)( m_PropList.GetItemData( m_nProperty ) ), strPropValue, ADS_ATTR_DELETE ); m_bDirty = FALSE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnChange() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue; COleDsObject* pObject;
if( -1 == m_nProperty ) { return; }
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
m_PropValue.GetWindowText( strPropValue ); hResult = pObject->PutProperty( (int)( m_PropList.GetItemData( m_nProperty ) ), strPropValue, ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE ); m_bDirty = TRUE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnClear() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue; COleDsObject* pObject;
if( -1 == m_nProperty ) { return; }
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
m_PropValue.GetWindowText( strPropValue ); hResult = pObject->PutProperty( (int)( m_PropList.GetItemData( m_nProperty ) ), strPropValue, ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR ); m_bDirty = FALSE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnGetProperty() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CPropertyDialog pPropDialog; COleDsObject* pObject; HRESULT hResult; CString strValue;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
//pPropDialog.PutFlag( FALSE );
if( pPropDialog.DoModal( ) != IDOK ) return;
hResult = pObject->GetProperty( pPropDialog.m_PropertyName, strValue, TRUE, ADsTypeFromString( pPropDialog.m_PropertyType ) ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSchemaView::OnPutProperty() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CPropertyDialog pPropDialog; COleDsObject* pObject; HRESULT hResult; CString strValue;
pObject = GetDocument()->GetCurrentObject( ); if( NULL == pObject ) return;
//pPropDialog.PutFlag( FALSE );
if( pPropDialog.DoModal( ) != IDOK ) return;
hResult = pObject->PutProperty( pPropDialog.m_PropertyName, pPropDialog.m_PropertyValue, TRUE, ADsTypeFromString( pPropDialog.m_PropertyType ) ); }
// CSetMandatoryProperties dialog
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ CSetMandatoryProperties::CSetMandatoryProperties(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CSetMandatoryProperties::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSetMandatoryProperties)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_nFuncSet = -1; m_nProperty = -1; m_bDirty = FALSE; m_bInitialized = FALSE; m_pObject = NULL;
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSetMandatoryProperties::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSetMandatoryProperties)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CONTAINEMENT, m_Containment); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ITEMOLEDSPATH, m_ItemOleDsPath); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYOPTIONAL, m_PropertyOptional); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYNORMAL, m_PropertyNormal); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYMINRANGE, m_PropertyMinRange); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYMAXRANGE, m_PropertyMaxRange); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTYTYPE, m_PropertyType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PRIMARYINTERFACE, m_PrimaryInterface); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_HELPFILECONTEXT, m_HelpFileContext); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DERIVEDFROM, m_DerivedFrom); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_HELPFILENAME, m_HelpFileName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CLSID, m_CLSID); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CONTAINER, m_Container); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CLASSTYPE, m_ClassType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPVALUE, m_PropValue); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPLIST, m_PropList); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROPERTIES, m_Schema); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSetMandatoryProperties, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSetMandatoryProperties)
// CSetMandatoryProperties message handlers
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSetMandatoryProperties::SetOleDsObject( COleDsObject* pObject ) { m_pObject = pObject; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSetMandatoryProperties::OnSelchangeProperties(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
int nSel, nItems, nIter; CString strPropName; CString strPropValue; CString strMandatory;
*pResult = 0;
PutPropertyValue( ); nSel = m_Schema.GetCurSel( ); if( nSel == LB_ERR ) { return; } m_nFuncSet = nSel; m_nProperty = -1;
m_PropList.ResetContent( );
nItems = m_pObject->GetPropertyCount( );
for( nIter = 0; nIter < nItems ; nIter++ ) { int nIdx;
strMandatory = m_pObject->GetAttribute( nIter, pa_Mandatory ); if( strMandatory == _T("Yes") ) //if( TRUE )
{ strPropName = m_pObject->GetAttribute( nIter, pa_DisplayName ); nIdx = m_PropList.AddString( strPropName ); m_PropList.SetItemData( nIdx, nIter ); } }
m_PropList.SetCurSel( 0 );
OnSelchangeProplist( ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSetMandatoryProperties::OnSelchangeProplist() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
int nMandProp, nProp, nFuncSet; HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue; CString strTemp;
PutPropertyValue( ); m_PropValue.SetWindowText( _T("") ); nProp = m_PropList.GetCurSel( ); nMandProp = (int)m_PropList.GetItemData( nProp ); nFuncSet = m_Schema.GetCurSel( );
if( CB_ERR == nProp || CB_ERR == nFuncSet ) { return; }
m_nProperty = nProp; m_nFuncSet = nFuncSet;
hResult = m_pObject->GetProperty( nMandProp, strPropValue );
m_PropValue.SetWindowText( strPropValue );
strTemp = m_pObject->GetAttribute( nMandProp, pa_Type ); m_PropertyType.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = m_pObject->GetAttribute( nMandProp, pa_MinRange ); m_PropertyMinRange.SetWindowText( strTemp );
strTemp = m_pObject->GetAttribute( nMandProp, pa_MaxRange ); m_PropertyMaxRange.SetWindowText( strTemp ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSetMandatoryProperties::OnSetfocusPropvalue() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_bDirty = TRUE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CSetMandatoryProperties::OnOK() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
PutPropertyValue( ); CDialog::OnOK( ); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ HRESULT CSetMandatoryProperties::PutPropertyValue() { HRESULT hResult; CString strPropValue;
if( -1 == m_nProperty || -1 == m_nFuncSet || !m_bDirty ) { return S_OK; } m_PropValue.GetWindowText( strPropValue ); hResult = m_pObject->PutProperty( (int)( m_PropList.GetItemData( m_nProperty ) ), strPropValue ); m_bDirty = FALSE;
return S_OK; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ BOOL CSetMandatoryProperties::OnInitDialog() { int nIndex; TC_ITEM tcItem; CString strName; CHAR szText[ 128 ]; BOOL bRez; LRESULT lResult;
CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here
m_Schema.DeleteAllItems( );
memset( &tcItem, 0, sizeof(tcItem) ); tcItem.mask = TCIF_TEXT; tcItem.pszText = (LPTSTR)szText;
nIndex = 0;
strName = _T(""); tcItem.pszText = strName.GetBuffer( 128 ); bRez = m_Schema.InsertItem( nIndex, &tcItem );
m_nFuncSet = -1; m_nProperty = -1; m_Schema.SetCurSel( 0 );
m_ItemOleDsPath.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetOleDsPath( ) );
m_ClassType.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Name ) );
m_CLSID.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_CLSID ) );
m_HelpFileName.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_HelpFileName ) );
m_PrimaryInterface.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_PrimaryInterface ) );
m_Containment.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Containment ) );
m_Container.SetWindowText ( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_Container ) );
m_DerivedFrom.SetWindowText( m_pObject->GetAttribute( ca_DerivedFrom ) );
OnSelchangeProperties( NULL, &lResult ); return TRUE; }
// CPropertyDialog dialog
CPropertyDialog::CPropertyDialog(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CPropertyDialog::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CPropertyDialog)
m_PropertyName = _T(""); m_PropertyType = _T(""); m_PropertyValue = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CPropertyDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CPropertyDialog)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropertyDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropertyDialog)
// CPropertyDialog message handlers
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ BOOL CPropertyDialog::OnInitDialog() { CString strLastValue; CComboBox* pCombo;
CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here
GetLRUList( IDC_NEWPROPERTYNAME, _T("PropertyDialog_Name") );
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
pCombo = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_NEWPROPERTYTYPE ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_DN_STRING") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_INTEGER") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER") ); pCombo->AddString( _T("ADSTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC") );
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
GetLRUList( IDC_NEWPROPERTYVALUE, _T("PropertyDialog_Value") );
//GetLastProfileString( _T("PropertyDialog_IsMultiValued"),
// strLastValue );
//if( strLastValue.CompareNoCase( _T("Yes") ) )
//m_Secure.SetCheck( 0 );
return TRUE; }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CPropertyDialog::OnOK() { // TODO: Add extra validation here
GetDlgItemText( IDC_NEWPROPERTYNAME, m_PropertyName ); SaveLRUList( IDC_NEWPROPERTYNAME, _T("PropertyDialog_Name"), 20 );
GetDlgItemText( IDC_NEWPROPERTYTYPE, m_PropertyType );
GetDlgItemText( IDC_NEWPROPERTYVALUE, m_PropertyValue ); SaveLRUList( IDC_NEWPROPERTYVALUE, _T("PropertyDialog_Value"), 20 );
CDialog::OnOK(); }
Function: Arguments: Return: Purpose: Author(s): Revision: Date: ***********************************************************/ void CPropertyDialog::SaveLRUList( int idCBox, TCHAR* pszSection, int nMax ) { CComboBox* pCombo; TCHAR szEntry[ MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR szIndex[ 8 ]; CString strText, strItem; int nVal, nIdx, nItems;
pCombo = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( idCBox ); pCombo->GetWindowText( strText );
_tcscpy( szEntry, _T("Value_1") );
if( strText.GetLength( ) ) { WritePrivateProfileString( pszSection, szEntry, (LPCTSTR)strText, ADSVW_INI_FILE ); }
nItems = pCombo->GetCount( ); nVal = 2;
for( nIdx = 0; nItems != CB_ERR && nIdx < nItems && nIdx < nMax ; nIdx ++ ) { pCombo->GetLBText( nIdx, strItem );
if( strItem.CompareNoCase( strText ) ) { _itot( nVal++, szIndex, 10 ); _tcscpy( szEntry, _T("Value_") ); _tcscat( szEntry, szIndex ); WritePrivateProfileString( pszSection, szEntry, (LPCTSTR)strItem, ADSVW_INI_FILE ); } } }
// Function:
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CPropertyDialog::GetLRUList( int idCBox, TCHAR* pszSection ) { CComboBox* pCombo; int nIter; TCHAR szEntry[ MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR szIndex[ 8 ]; TCHAR szValue[ 1024 ];
pCombo = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( idCBox );
for( nIter = 0; nIter < 100 ; nIter++ ) { _itot( nIter + 1, szIndex, 10 ); _tcscpy( szEntry, _T("Value_") ); _tcscat( szEntry, szIndex ); GetPrivateProfileString( pszSection, szEntry, _T(""), szValue, 1023, ADSVW_INI_FILE ); if( _tcslen( szValue ) ) { pCombo->AddString( szValue ); } }
pCombo->SetCurSel( 0 ); }
// Function:
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplayACL(COleDsObject * pObject, CString strAttrName) { VARIANT var; BSTR bstrName; IADs* pIADs = NULL; IUnknown* pIUnk = NULL; HRESULT hResult;
while( TRUE ) { hResult = pObject->GetInterface( &pIUnk ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) );
if( FAILED( hResult ) ) break;
hResult = pIUnk->QueryInterface( IID_IADs, (void**)&pIADs ); pIUnk->Release( );
ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) break;
bstrName = AllocBSTR( strAttrName.GetBuffer( 128 ) ); hResult = pIADs->Get( bstrName, &var ); SysFreeString( bstrName ); pIADs->Release( );
ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) break;
m_pDescriptor = CopySD( V_DISPATCH( &var ) ); VariantClear( &var ); { IUnknown* pIUnk;
hResult = m_pDescriptor->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pIUnk ); pSecurityDescriptor = new CADsSecurityDescriptor( pIUnk ); pIUnk->Release( ); pSecurityDescriptor->SetDocument( GetDocument( ) ); }
VariantClear( &var );
FillACLControls( );
break; } }
// Function: CSchemaView::FillACLControls
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::FillACLControls() { DisplaySDPropertiesList( 0 );
DisplaySDPropertyValue( );
DisplayACLNames( 0 );
DisplayACENames( 0 );
DisplayACEPropertiesList( 0 );
DisplayACEPropertyValue( );
// Function: CSchemaView::DisplayACLNames
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplayACLNames( int nSelect ) { CComboBox* pACLNames;
pACLNames = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_DACLSACL_LIST ); pACLNames->ResetContent( );
pACLNames->AddString( _T("DACL") ); pACLNames->AddString( _T("SACL") );
pACLNames->SetCurSel( nSelect );
m_nLastACL = GetCurrentACL( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::DisplayACENames
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplayACENames( int nSelect ) { ACLTYPE eType; int nACECount, nIdx; CComboBox* pACENames; CString strACEName; CADsAccessControlEntry* pACE; CADsAccessControlList* pACL;
eType = GetCurrentACL( );
pACENames = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_ACELIST ); pACENames->ResetContent( );
pACL = pSecurityDescriptor->GetACLObject( eType ); if( NULL != pACL ) { nACECount = pACL->GetACECount( );
for( nIdx = 0; nIdx < nACECount ; nIdx++ ) { pACE = pACL->GetACEObject( nIdx ); if( NULL != pACE ) { strACEName = pACE->GetItemName( ); pACENames->AddString( strACEName ); } } }
m_nLastACE = nSelect;
pACENames->SetCurSel( nSelect ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::DisplayACEPropertiesList
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplayACEPropertiesList( int nSelect ) { ACLTYPE eType; int nACE; CComboBox* pACEPropList; int nAttrCount, nIdx; CString strPropName; CADsAccessControlEntry* pACE; CADsAccessControlList* pACL;
eType = GetCurrentACL( ); nACE = GetCurrentACE( ); if( -1 == nACE ) { return; }
pACEPropList= (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_ACEPROPERTIESLIST ); pACEPropList->ResetContent( );
pACL = pSecurityDescriptor->GetACLObject( eType ); if(NULL == pACL) return;
pACE = pACL->GetACEObject( nACE ); if(NULL == pACE) return;
nAttrCount = pACE->GetPropertyCount( ); for( nIdx = 0; nIdx < nAttrCount ; nIdx++ ) { int nPos;
strPropName = pACE->GetAttribute( nIdx, pa_DisplayName ); nPos = pACEPropList->AddString( strPropName ); m_PropList.SetItemData( nPos, (DWORD)nIdx ); }
pACEPropList->SetCurSel( nSelect ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::DisplaySDPropertiesList
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplaySDPropertiesList(int nSelect) { CComboBox* pSDPropList; int nAttrCount, nIdx; CString strPropName;
pSDPropList = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_SECURITYDESCRIPTORPROPERTIES ); pSDPropList->ResetContent( );
nAttrCount = pSecurityDescriptor->GetPropertyCount( );
for( nIdx = 0; nIdx < nAttrCount ; nIdx++ ) { int nPos;
strPropName = pSecurityDescriptor->GetAttribute( nIdx, pa_DisplayName ); nPos = pSDPropList->AddString( strPropName ); m_PropList.SetItemData( nPos, (DWORD)nIdx ); }
pSDPropList->SetCurSel( nSelect ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::DisplayACEPropertyValue
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplayACEPropertyValue( ) { CString strPropValue; HRESULT hResult; CADsAccessControlEntry* pACE; CADsAccessControlList* pACL; LONG lValue; TCHAR szHex[ 128 ];
m_nLastACEValue = GetCurrentACEProperty( );
if( -1 == m_nLastACEValue ) return;
if( acl_Invalid == m_nLastACL ) return;
if( -1 == m_nLastACE ) return;
pACL = pSecurityDescriptor->GetACLObject( m_nLastACL ); if( NULL == pACL ) { return; }
pACE = pACL->GetACEObject( m_nLastACE );
if( NULL == pACE ) return;
hResult = pACE->GetProperty( m_nLastACEValue, strPropValue );
switch( m_nLastACEValue ) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: lValue = _ttol( strPropValue.GetBuffer( 128 ) ); _tcscpy( szHex, _T("0x" ) ); _ltot( lValue, szHex + _tcslen(szHex), 16 ); strPropValue = szHex; break;
default: break; }
GetDlgItem( IDC_ACEPROPERTYVALUE )->SetWindowText( strPropValue );
// Function: CSchemaView::DisplaySDPropertyValue
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::DisplaySDPropertyValue( ) { CString strPropValue, strEditValue; HRESULT hResult;
m_nLastSDValue = GetCurrentSDProperty( );
hResult = pSecurityDescriptor->GetProperty( m_nLastSDValue, strPropValue ); GetDlgItem( IDC_SECURITYDESCRIPTORPROPERTYVALUE )->SetWindowText( strPropValue );
// Function: CSchemaView::PutACEPropertyValue
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::PutACEPropertyValue( ) { ACLTYPE eType; int nACE; CString strPropValue, strEditValue; CADsAccessControlEntry* pACE; CADsAccessControlList* pACL; HRESULT hResult;
if( -1 == m_nLastACEValue ) return;
if( acl_Invalid == m_nLastACL ) return;
if( -1 == m_nLastACE ) return;
eType = m_nLastACL; nACE = m_nLastACE;
pACL = pSecurityDescriptor->GetACLObject( eType ); if( NULL == pACL ) return;
pACE = pACL->GetACEObject( nACE );
GetDlgItem( IDC_ACEPROPERTYVALUE )->GetWindowText( strEditValue );
switch( m_nLastACEValue ) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: { LONG lValue = 0; TCHAR szText[ 16 ];
_stscanf( strEditValue.GetBuffer( 128 ), _T("%lx"), &lValue ); _ltot( lValue, szText, 10 ); strEditValue = szText; break; }
default: break; } hResult = pACE->GetProperty( m_nLastACEValue, strPropValue );
if( strEditValue.Compare( strPropValue ) ) { hResult = pACE->PutProperty( m_nLastACEValue, strEditValue ); } }
// Function: CSchemaView::PutSDPropertyValue
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::PutSDPropertyValue() { CString strPropValue, strEditValue; HRESULT hResult;
if( -1 == m_nLastSDValue ) return;
hResult = pSecurityDescriptor->GetProperty( m_nLastSDValue, strPropValue );
if( strEditValue.Compare( strPropValue ) ) { hResult = pSecurityDescriptor->PutProperty( m_nLastACEValue, strEditValue ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::GetCurrentACL
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
ACLTYPE CSchemaView::GetCurrentACL() { CComboBox* pList;
pList = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem( IDC_DACLSACL_LIST );
return (ACLTYPE) ( 1 + pList->GetCurSel( ) ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::GetCurrentACE
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
int CSchemaView::GetCurrentACE() { CComboBox* pList;
pList = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem( IDC_ACELIST );
return pList->GetCurSel( );
// Function: CSchemaView::GetCurrentSDProperty
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
int CSchemaView::GetCurrentSDProperty( ) { CComboBox* pList;
return pList->GetCurSel( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::GetCurrentACEProperty
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
int CSchemaView::GetCurrentACEProperty( ) { CComboBox* pList;
pList = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem( IDC_ACEPROPERTIESLIST );
return pList->GetCurSel( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnACEChange
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnACEChange( ) { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
PutACEPropertyValue( );
m_nLastACE = GetCurrentACE( );
DisplayACEPropertiesList( 0 );
DisplayACEPropertyValue( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnACEPropertyChange
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnACEPropertyChange() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
PutACEPropertyValue( );
DisplayACEPropertyValue( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnACLChange
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnACLChange() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
PutACEPropertyValue( );
m_nLastACL = GetCurrentACL( );
DisplayACENames( 0 );
DisplayACEPropertiesList( 0 );
DisplayACEPropertyValue( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnSDPropertyChange
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnSDPropertyChange() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
PutSDPropertyValue( );
DisplaySDPropertyValue( ); }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnAddACE
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnAddACE() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
ACLTYPE aclType; HRESULT hResult;
aclType = GetCurrentACL( );
if( acl_Invalid != aclType ) { IDispatch* pACEDisp; IUnknown* pACEUnk; CADsAccessControlEntry* pACE = new CADsAccessControlEntry;
pACEDisp = pACE->CreateACE( );
delete pACE;
if( NULL != pACEDisp ) { hResult = pACEDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pACEUnk ); pACEDisp->Release( );
hResult = pSecurityDescriptor->AddACE( aclType, pACEUnk ); pACEUnk->Release( ); FillACLControls( ); } } }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnCopyACE
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnCopyACE() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
int nACE; IDispatch* pDisp; ACLTYPE aclType;
aclType = GetCurrentACL( ); nACE = GetCurrentACE( );
pDisp = CopyACE( pSecurityDescriptor->GetACLObject( aclType )->GetACEObject( nACE )->GetACE( ) );
if( NULL != pACEClipboard ) { pACEClipboard->Release( ); }
pACEClipboard = pDisp; }
// Function: CSchemaView::OnPasteACE
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Purpose:
// Author(s):
// Revision:
// Date:
void CSchemaView::OnPasteACE() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
IUnknown* pACEUnk; ACLTYPE aclType; HRESULT hResult;
aclType = GetCurrentACL( ); if( NULL != pACEClipboard ) { hResult = pACEClipboard->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pACEUnk );
hResult = pSecurityDescriptor->AddACE( aclType, pACEUnk ); pACEUnk->Release( ); FillACLControls( ); } }
void CSchemaView::OnRemoveACE() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
ACLTYPE aclType; HRESULT hResult; int nCurrentACE;
aclType = GetCurrentACL( ); nCurrentACE = GetCurrentACE( );
if( acl_Invalid != aclType ) { IDispatch* pACEDisp; IUnknown* pACEUnk;
pACEDisp = pSecurityDescriptor->GetACLObject( aclType )->GetACEObject( nCurrentACE )->GetACE( );
if( NULL != pACEDisp ) { hResult = pACEDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pACEUnk ); pACEDisp->Release( );
hResult = pSecurityDescriptor->RemoveACE( aclType, pACEUnk ); pACEUnk->Release( ); FillACLControls( ); } } }