// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995
// File: ccommand.cxx
// Contents: Microsoft OleDB/OleDS Data Source Object for ADSI
// History: 08-01-96 shanksh Created.
#include "oleds.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
static WCHAR gpszADsPathAttr[] = L"ADsPath";
static BOOL IsAutomatable( DBTYPE dbType );
// Function: CCommandObject::AddRefAccessor
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::AddRefAccessor( HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBREFCOUNT * pcRefCount ) { //
// Asserts
RRETURN( _pAccessor->AddRefAccessor( hAccessor, pcRefCount) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::CreateAccessor
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::CreateAccessor( DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING rgBindings[], DBLENGTH cbRowSize, HACCESSOR * phAccessor, DBBINDSTATUS rgStatus[] ) { //
// Asserts
RRETURN( _pAccessor->CreateAccessor( dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, cbRowSize, phAccessor, rgStatus) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::ReleaseAccessor
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::ReleaseAccessor( HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBREFCOUNT * pcRefCount ) { //
// Asserts
RRETURN( _pAccessor->ReleaseAccessor( hAccessor, pcRefCount) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::GetBindings
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetBindings( HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBACCESSORFLAGS * pdwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM * pcBindings, DBBINDING ** prgBindings ) { //
// Asserts
RRETURN( _pAccessor->GetBindings( hAccessor, pdwAccessorFlags, pcBindings, prgBindings) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetColumnInfo2( DBORDINAL * pcColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO ** prgInfo, OLECHAR ** ppStringBuffer, BOOL ** ppfMultiValued ) { HRESULT hr; ULONG pos, nStringBufLen; DBCOLUMNINFO *pInfo=NULL; OLECHAR* pStringBuffer=NULL ; DWORD i; DBTYPE wType; DWORD cAttrsReturned; LPWSTR *ppszTmpAttrs = NULL; DWORD cTmpAttrs;
IDirectorySchemaMgmt *pDSAttrMgmt = NULL; PADS_ATTR_DEF pAttrDefinition = NULL;
ADsAssert(_pIMalloc != NULL);
// IMalloc->Alloc is the way we have to allocate memory for out parameters
nStringBufLen = 0; for (i=0; i < _cAttrs; i++) { nStringBufLen += (wcslen(_ppszAttrs[i]) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); }
nStringBufLen+= sizeof(WCHAR); // For the bookmark column which is a null string
// No. of DBCOLUMN structures to be allocated
pInfo = (DBCOLUMNINFO *)_pIMalloc->Alloc((_cAttrs+1)*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); if( !pInfo ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; } memset(pInfo, 0, (_cAttrs*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)));
pStringBuffer = (WCHAR *)_pIMalloc->Alloc(nStringBufLen); if( !pStringBuffer ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; }; memset(pStringBuffer, 0, nStringBufLen);
// Get the attribute types by enquiring the DS schema
hr = _pDSSearch->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectorySchemaMgmt, (void**)&pDSAttrMgmt ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
// Fix for #285757. We should not send the ADsPath attribute to the
// server. So, search for occurences of this attribute and remove them.
ppszTmpAttrs = (LPWSTR *) AllocADsMem(sizeof(LPWSTR) * _cAttrs); if(NULL == ppszTmpAttrs) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } cTmpAttrs = 0; for(i = 0; i < _cAttrs; i++) { if( _wcsicmp(L"ADsPath", _ppszAttrs[i]) ) { ppszTmpAttrs[cTmpAttrs] = _ppszAttrs[i]; cTmpAttrs++; } }
// Request attributes only if there is some attribute other than ADsPath
if(cTmpAttrs) hr = pDSAttrMgmt->EnumAttributes( ppszTmpAttrs, cTmpAttrs, &pAttrDefinition, &cAttrsReturned ); else { cAttrsReturned = 0; pAttrDefinition = NULL; }
if(ppszTmpAttrs != NULL) FreeADsMem(ppszTmpAttrs);
pDSAttrMgmt->Release(); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
//fill up the Bookmark column
// bookmark name is empty string
pInfo[0].pwszName = NULL;
pInfo[0].columnid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID; pInfo[0].columnid.uGuid.guid = DBCOL_SPECIALCOL; pInfo[0].columnid.uName.ulPropid = 2; // Value from note about
// bookmarks in spec.
pInfo[0].pTypeInfo = NULL; pInfo[0].iOrdinal = 0; pInfo[0].ulColumnSize = sizeof(ULONG); pInfo[0].wType = DBTYPE_UI4; pInfo[0].bPrecision = 10; // Precision for I4.
// Fill up the columnsinfo by getting the attribute types
pos = 0; for(i=0; i < _cAttrs; i++) { wcscpy(&pStringBuffer[pos], _ppszAttrs[i]); pInfo[i+1].pwszName= &pStringBuffer[pos];
// Get the type and size of the attribute
// Because of a Temporary bug in TmpTable, ~0 (specifying variable
// size) is replaced by 256. This does not actually put a memory
// restriction on the column size, but done merely to avoid the bug.
if( _wcsicmp(_ppszAttrs[i], L"ADsPath") == 0) { pInfo[i+1].wType = DBTYPE_WSTR|DBTYPE_BYREF; // pInfo[i+1].ulColumnSize = (ULONG) ~0;
pInfo[i+1].ulColumnSize = (ULONG)256; } else { hr = GetDBType( pAttrDefinition, cAttrsReturned, _ppszAttrs[i], &pInfo[i+1].wType, &pInfo[i+1].ulColumnSize );
if( FAILED(hr) ) BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_FAIL ); }
wType = pInfo[i+1].wType & ~DBTYPE_BYREF;
// any change made to setting dwFlags below should also be made in
// GetRestrictedColumnInfo in row.cxx, for consistency
if( (wType == DBTYPE_STR) || (wType == DBTYPE_WSTR) || (wType == DBTYPE_BYTES) ) pInfo[i+1].dwFlags = DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE; else { // Temporary check
// pInfo[i+1].dwFlags = (0);
pInfo[i+1].pTypeInfo = NULL; pInfo[i+1].iOrdinal = i+1; pInfo[i+1].bPrecision = SetPrecision(wType); pInfo[i+1].bScale = (UCHAR) ~0; pInfo[i+1].columnid.eKind=DBKIND_NAME; pInfo[i+1].columnid.uGuid.guid=GUID_NULL; pInfo[i+1].columnid.uName.pwszName=pInfo[i+1].pwszName;
pos += (wcslen(_ppszAttrs[i]) + 1); }
if( ppfMultiValued ) { //
// Filling in MultiValue array
BOOL * pfMultiValuedTemp;
pfMultiValuedTemp= (BOOL *) AllocADsMem(sizeof(BOOL) * (_cAttrs+1)); if( !(pfMultiValuedTemp) ) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
pfMultiValuedTemp[0] = FALSE; // First one is bookmark which is always FALSE
for(ULONG j=0; j < _cAttrs; j++) { for(ULONG k=0; k < cAttrsReturned; k++) { if( !_wcsicmp(_ppszAttrs[j], pAttrDefinition[k].pszAttrName) ) break; }
if( (k != cAttrsReturned) && (pAttrDefinition[k].fMultiValued && IsAutomatable(g_MapADsTypeToVarType[pAttrDefinition[k].dwADsType]))) { pfMultiValuedTemp[j+1] = TRUE; } else { pfMultiValuedTemp[j+1] = FALSE; } } *ppfMultiValued = pfMultiValuedTemp; }
if( pAttrDefinition ) { FreeADsMem(pAttrDefinition); }
*pcColumns = _cAttrs + 1; *prgInfo = pInfo; *ppStringBuffer = pStringBuffer;
if( pInfo != NULL ) _pIMalloc->Free(pInfo);
if( pStringBuffer != NULL ) _pIMalloc->Free(pStringBuffer);
if( pAttrDefinition ) { FreeADsMem(pAttrDefinition); }
RRETURN( hr ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::GetColumnInfo
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 10-10-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetColumnInfo( DBORDINAL * pcColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO ** prgInfo, OLECHAR ** ppStringBuffer ) { if( pcColumns ) *pcColumns = 0;
if( prgInfo ) *prgInfo = NULL;
if( ppStringBuffer ) *ppStringBuffer = NULL;
if( !pcColumns || !prgInfo || !ppStringBuffer ) RRETURN( E_INVALIDARG );
if( !IsCommandSet() ) RRETURN( DB_E_NOCOMMAND );
if( !IsCommandPrepared() ) RRETURN( DB_E_NOTPREPARED );
RRETURN( GetColumnInfo2( pcColumns, prgInfo, ppStringBuffer, NULL ) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::MapColumnIDs
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::MapColumnIDs( DBORDINAL cColumnIDs, const DBID rgColumnIDs[], DBORDINAL rgColumns[] ) { DBORDINAL cValidCols = 0;
// No Column IDs are set when GetColumnInfo returns ColumnsInfo structure.
// Hence, any value of ID will not match with any column
if( cColumnIDs == 0 ) RRETURN( S_OK );
// Spec-defined checks.
// Note that this guarantees we can access rgColumnIDs[] in loop below.
// (Because we'll just fall through.)
if ( cColumnIDs && (!rgColumnIDs || !rgColumns) ) RRETURN( E_INVALIDARG );
if( !IsCommandSet() ) RRETURN( DB_E_NOCOMMAND );
if( !IsCommandPrepared() ) RRETURN( DB_E_NOTPREPARED );
// Set the columns ordinals to invalid values
for(iCol=0; iCol < cColumnIDs; iCol++) { // Initialize
rgColumns[iCol] = DB_INVALIDCOLUMN;
// The columnid with the Bookmark ID
if( rgColumnIDs[iCol].eKind == DBKIND_GUID_PROPID && rgColumnIDs[iCol].uGuid.guid == DBCOL_SPECIALCOL && rgColumnIDs[iCol].uName.ulPropid == 2 ) {
rgColumns[iCol] = 0; cValidCols++; continue; }
// The columnid with the Column Name
if( rgColumnIDs[iCol].eKind == DBKIND_NAME && rgColumnIDs[iCol].uName.pwszName ) {
// Find the name in the list of Attributes
for (ULONG iOrdinal=0; iOrdinal < _cAttrs; iOrdinal++) { if( !_wcsicmp(_ppszAttrs[iOrdinal], rgColumnIDs[iCol].uName.pwszName) ) {
rgColumns[iCol] = iOrdinal+1; cValidCols++; break; } } } }
if( cValidCols == 0 ) RRETURN( DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ); else if( cValidCols < cColumnIDs ) RRETURN( DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED ); else RRETURN( S_OK ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::Cancel
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::Cancel( void ) { //
// Need to protect _dwStatus for mutual exclusion when we support
// multiple threads acting on the same Command object
return S_OK; }
// Function: CCommandObject::Execute
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::Execute( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, DBPARAMS * pParams, DBROWCOUNT *pcRowsAffected, IUnknown ** ppRowset ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwFlags = 0; ULONG cAccessors = 0; HACCESSOR *prgAccessors = NULL; BOOL *pbMultiValued = NULL; CRowProvider *pRowProvider = NULL; DBORDINAL cColumns = 0; DBCOLUMNINFO *prgInfo = NULL; WCHAR *pStringBuffer = NULL; ULONG cPropertySets = 0; DBPROPSET *prgPropertySets = NULL; ULONG i, j;
ADsAssert(_pIMalloc != NULL); ADsAssert(_pAccessor != NULL); ADsAssert(_pCSession != NULL);
if( ppRowset ) *ppRowset = NULL;
if( pcRowsAffected ) *pcRowsAffected= -1;
// If the IID asked for is IID_NULL, then we can expect
// that this is a non-row returning statement
if( riid == IID_NULL ) dwFlags |= EXECUTE_NOROWSET;
// Check Arguments - Only check on row returning statements
if( !(dwFlags & EXECUTE_NOROWSET) && (ppRowset == NULL) ) RRETURN( E_INVALIDARG );
// Only 1 ParamSet if ppRowset is non-null
if( pParams && (pParams->cParamSets > 1) && ppRowset ) RRETURN( E_INVALIDARG );
// Check that a command has been set
if( !IsCommandSet() ) RRETURN( DB_E_NOCOMMAND );
// Prepare the Command if not already done
if( !IsCommandPrepared() ) { hr = PrepareHelper(); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); }
// Check for a non row returning statement
// Get ColumnsInfo based on the list of attributes that we want to be
// returned
hr = GetColumnInfo2( &cColumns, &prgInfo, &pStringBuffer, &pbMultiValued );
// Commit the properties in the Command Object as the preferences to the
// search
hr = SetSearchPrefs(); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
// Create RowProvider object to pass to rowset code
hr= CRowProvider::CreateRowProvider( _pDSSearch, _pszSearchFilter, _ppszAttrs, _cAttrs, cColumns, prgInfo, pStringBuffer, IID_IRowProvider, pbMultiValued, _fADSPathPresent, NULL, (void **) &pRowProvider);
pbMultiValued = NULL; // RowProvider responsible for deallocation
// We no longer need the ColumnsInfo; Release it
if (prgInfo) { _pIMalloc->Free(prgInfo); prgInfo = NULL; }
if (pStringBuffer) { _pIMalloc->Free(pStringBuffer); pStringBuffer = NULL; }
if( _pAccessor && _pAccessor->_pextbuffer ) { cAccessors = _pAccessor->_pextbuffer->GetLastHandleCount(); if( cAccessors > 0 ) { prgAccessors = (HACCESSOR *) AllocADsMem( sizeof(HACCESSOR) * cAccessors ); if( !prgAccessors ) cAccessors = 0; else for(ULONG i=0; i<cAccessors; i++) prgAccessors[i] = i+1; } }
hr = GetProperties(0, NULL, &cPropertySets, &prgPropertySets); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
hr= CRowset::CreateRowset( pRowProvider, (LPUNKNOWN)(IAccessor FAR *)this , NULL, this, cPropertySets, prgPropertySets, cAccessors, prgAccessors, _fADSPathPresent, _fAllAttrs, riid, ppRowset );
if (prgAccessors) { FreeADsMem(prgAccessors); prgAccessors = NULL; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// Remove the Prepare flag,
_dwStatus &= ~(CMD_PREPARED); }
// Free the memory
if( pRowProvider ) pRowProvider->Release();
if( prgInfo ) _pIMalloc->Free(prgInfo);
if( pStringBuffer ) _pIMalloc->Free(pStringBuffer);
if( prgAccessors ) FreeADsMem(prgAccessors);
if( pbMultiValued ) { FreeADsMem(pbMultiValued); }
// Free memory allocated by GetProperties
for (i = 0; i < cPropertySets; i++) { for (j = 0; j < prgPropertySets[i].cProperties; j++) { DBPROP *pProp = &(prgPropertySets[i].rgProperties[j]); ADsAssert(pProp);
// We should free the DBID in pProp, but we know that
// GetProperties always returns DB_NULLID and FreeDBID doesn't
// handle DB_NULLID. So, DBID is not freed here.
VariantClear(&pProp->vValue); }
_pIMalloc->Free(prgPropertySets[i].rgProperties); }
RRETURN( hr ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::GetDBSession
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetDBSession( REFIID riid, IUnknown ** ppSession ) { HRESULT hr;
// Asserts
// Check Arguments
if( ppSession == NULL ) RRETURN( E_INVALIDARG );
// Query for the interface on the session object. If failure,
// return the error from QueryInterface.
RRETURN( (_pCSession)->QueryInterface(riid, (VOID**)ppSession) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::GetProperties
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetProperties( const ULONG cPropIDSets, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropIDSets[], ULONG * pcPropSets, DBPROPSET ** pprgPropSets ) { //
// Asserts
// Check in-params and NULL out-params in case of error
HRESULT hr = _pUtilProp->GetPropertiesArgChk( cPropIDSets, rgPropIDSets, pcPropSets, pprgPropSets, PROPSET_COMMAND);
if( FAILED(hr) ) RRETURN( hr );
// Just pass this call on to the utility object that manages our properties
RRETURN( _pUtilProp->GetProperties( cPropIDSets, rgPropIDSets, pcPropSets, pprgPropSets, PROPSET_COMMAND) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::SetProperties
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::SetProperties( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[] ) { //
// Asserts
// Don't allow properties to be set if we've got a rowset open
if( IsRowsetOpen() ) RRETURN( DB_E_OBJECTOPEN );
// Just pass this call on to the utility object that manages our properties
RRETURN( _pUtilProp->SetProperties( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets, PROPSET_COMMAND) ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::GetCommandText
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetCommandText( GUID * pguidDialect, LPOLESTR * ppwszCommand ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ADsAssert(_pIMalloc!= NULL);
// Check Function Arguments
if( ppwszCommand == NULL ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto error; }
*ppwszCommand = NULL;
// If the command has not been set, make sure the buffer
// contains an empty stringt to return to the consumer
if( !IsCommandSet() ) { hr = DB_E_NOCOMMAND; goto error; }
// Allocate memory for the string we're going to return to the caller
*ppwszCommand = (LPWSTR)_pIMalloc->Alloc((wcslen(_pszCommandText)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if( !*ppwszCommand ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; }
// Copy our saved text into the newly allocated string
wcscpy(*ppwszCommand, _pszCommandText);
// If the text we're giving back is a different dialect than was
// requested, let the caller know what dialect the text is in
if( pguidDialect != NULL && *pguidDialect != _guidCmdDialect) { hr = DB_S_DIALECTIGNORED; *pguidDialect = _guidCmdDialect; }
if( FAILED(hr) ) { if( pguidDialect ) memset(pguidDialect, 0, sizeof(GUID)); }
return hr; }
// Function: CCommandObject::SetCommandText
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::SetCommandText( REFGUID rguidDialect, LPCOLESTR pszCommand ) { // Don't allow text to be set if we've got a rowset open
if( IsRowsetOpen() ) RRETURN( DB_E_OBJECTOPEN );
// Check Dialect
if( rguidDialect != DBGUID_LDAPDialect && rguidDialect != DBGUID_DBSQL && rguidDialect != DBGUID_SQL && rguidDialect != DBGUID_DEFAULT )
// If a CommandText is set with a Null or an empty string, it effectively
// unsets the CommandText to a null string
if( (pszCommand == NULL) || (*pszCommand == L'\0') ) {
if( _dwStatus & CMD_TEXT_SET ) FreeADsStr(_pszCommandText); _pszCommandText = NULL; _dwStatus &= ~(CMD_TEXT_SET | CMD_PREPARED);
// Set the CommandText
LPWSTR pszSQLCmd = (LPWSTR)AllocADsMem((wcslen(pszCommand)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Free the old memory, and set new text
if( _dwStatus & CMD_TEXT_SET ) FreeADsMem(_pszCommandText);
_pszCommandText = pszSQLCmd; wcscpy(_pszCommandText, pszCommand);
// Reset adspath present flag.
_fADSPathPresent = FALSE;
// Set status flag that we have set text
_dwStatus |= CMD_TEXT_SET; _dwStatus &= ~CMD_PREPARED;
// Remember the dialect that was passed in
_guidCmdDialect = rguidDialect;
// Function: CCommandObject::CanConvert
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::CanConvert( DBTYPE wFromType, DBTYPE wToType, DBCONVERTFLAGS dwConvertFlags ) { RRETURN( CanConvertHelper( wFromType, wToType, dwConvertFlags) ); }
// Function: SplitCommandText
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns: HRESULT
// E_ADS_BAD_PARAMETER bad parameter
// Modifies:
// History: 08-15-96 ShankSh Created.
// 11-21-96 Felix Wong modified to get only bind and attr
HRESULT CCommandObject::SplitCommandText( LPWSTR pszParsedCmd ) { LPWSTR pszAttrs = NULL; LPWSTR pszFirstAttr = NULL; LPWSTR pszCurrentAttr = NULL; LPWSTR pszSearchScope = NULL; LPWSTR pszTemp = NULL; HRESULT hr; LPWSTR ptr;
// Command Text is the concatenation of three components separated by
// semicolons
// 1. ADsPathName of the object of the root of the search which contains
// the host name and the context enclosed by '<' and '>'
// 2. The LDAP search string
// 3. The list of names of the attributes to be returned separated by
// commas
// If the attributes have any specifiers like Range (for eg.,
// objectclass;Range=0-1, we need to do some special processing to include
// it in the list of attributes
// The fourth component is optional
// 4. The scope of the search: Either "Base", "Onelevel", "SubTree"
// (case insensitve)
// Search defaults to Subtree
// White spaces are insignificant
_searchScope = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE; _pszADsContext = NULL; _pszSearchFilter = NULL;
if( _ppszAttrs ) { FreeADsMem(_ppszAttrs); _ppszAttrs = NULL; }
if( _pszCommandTextCp ) { FreeADsStr(_pszCommandTextCp); _pszCommandTextCp = NULL; }
_pszCommandTextCp = AllocADsStr(pszParsedCmd); if( !_pszCommandTextCp) BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY );
_pszADsContext = RemoveWhiteSpaces(_pszCommandTextCp);
if( _pszADsContext[0] != L'<' ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND); }
_pszADsContext++; ptr = _pszADsContext;
hr = SeekPastADsPath(ptr, &ptr); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
if( *ptr != L'>' || *(ptr+1) != L';') { BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND); }
*ptr = L'\0'; //
// If the command text does not contain a filter, set it to NULL
if (*(ptr + 2) == L';') { _pszSearchFilter = NULL; ptr+=2; } else { _pszSearchFilter = ptr + 2; _pszSearchFilter = RemoveWhiteSpaces(_pszSearchFilter); hr = SeekPastSearchFilter(_pszSearchFilter, &ptr); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); }
if (*ptr != L';') { BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND); }
*ptr = L'\0'; ptr++;
// The next component is the list of attributes followed by (optionally)
// the scope of the search
// Since the attributes themselves can contain a ';' because of some
// attribute specifiers, we need to make sure which ';' we are looking at.
pszAttrs = ptr;
while ((pszTemp = wcschr(ptr, ';')) != NULL) if ( !_wcsicmp(pszTemp+1, L"Base") || !_wcsicmp(pszTemp+1, L"Onelevel") || !_wcsicmp(pszTemp+1, L"Subtree") ) { //
// we have hit the end of the attribute list
*pszTemp = L'\0'; pszSearchScope = pszTemp+1; break; } else { ptr = pszTemp + 1; }
if( pszSearchScope ) { if(!_wcsicmp(pszSearchScope, L"Base")) _searchScope = ADS_SCOPE_BASE; else if(!_wcsicmp(pszSearchScope, L"Onelevel")) _searchScope = ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; else if(!_wcsicmp(pszSearchScope, L"SubTree")) _searchScope = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE; else BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND);
// set the search preference property
DBPROPSET rgCmdPropSet[1]; DBPROP rgCmdProp[1];
rgCmdPropSet[0].rgProperties = rgCmdProp; rgCmdPropSet[0].cProperties = 1; rgCmdPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ADSISEARCH;
rgCmdProp[0].dwPropertyID = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE; rgCmdProp[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; rgCmdProp[0].vValue.vt = VT_I4; V_I4(&rgCmdProp[0].vValue) = _searchScope;
hr = SetProperties( 1, rgCmdPropSet); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); }
pszCurrentAttr = pszFirstAttr = wcstok(pszAttrs, L",");
for (_cAttrs=0; pszCurrentAttr != NULL; _cAttrs++ ) { pszCurrentAttr = wcstok(NULL, L","); }
if( _cAttrs == 0 ) { hr=DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND; goto error; }
pszFirstAttr = RemoveWhiteSpaces(pszFirstAttr);
if( _cAttrs == 1 && !wcscmp( pszFirstAttr, L"*")) {
// _cAttrs=1; Just ADsPath and Class attribute is sent
_ppszAttrs = (LPWSTR *) AllocADsMem(sizeof(LPWSTR) * _cAttrs);
if( !_ppszAttrs ) BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY );
_ppszAttrs[0] = gpszADsPathAttr; _fADSPathPresent = TRUE; _fAllAttrs = TRUE; } else { // Allocate memory for all the string pointers
_ppszAttrs = (LPWSTR *) AllocADsMem(sizeof(LPWSTR) * (_cAttrs+1));
if( !_ppszAttrs ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
pszCurrentAttr = pszFirstAttr;
// Remember if adspath and rdn are avaialble or not.
for (ULONG i=0 ; i < _cAttrs; i++) { if( !_wcsicmp(L"ADsPath", pszCurrentAttr) ) _fADSPathPresent = TRUE;
_ppszAttrs[i] = pszCurrentAttr; pszCurrentAttr += wcslen(pszCurrentAttr) + 1; _ppszAttrs[i] = RemoveWhiteSpaces(_ppszAttrs[i]); }
// If adspath is not in the list add it
if( _fADSPathPresent == FALSE ) _ppszAttrs[i] = L"ADsPath";
_fAllAttrs = FALSE; // not a SELECT * query
_pszADsContext = NULL;
if( _ppszAttrs ) { FreeADsMem(_ppszAttrs); _ppszAttrs = NULL; }
if( _pszCommandTextCp ) { FreeADsStr(_pszCommandTextCp); _pszCommandTextCp = NULL; }
RRETURN( hr ); }
// Look up for the given attribute name in the list of ADS_ATTR_DEF structures.
// Convert the ADSTYPE to the appropriate OLE DB type.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::GetDBType( PADS_ATTR_DEF pAttrDefinition, DWORD dwNumAttrs, LPWSTR pszAttrName, WORD * pwType, DBLENGTH * pulSize ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ADsAssert(pwType && pulSize);
for (ULONG i=0; i < dwNumAttrs; i++) { if( !_wcsicmp(pszAttrName, pAttrDefinition[i].pszAttrName) ) break; }
if( pAttrDefinition[i].fMultiValued && IsAutomatable(g_MapADsTypeToVarType[pAttrDefinition[i].dwADsType])) { //
// Can be represented it as a variant
*pwType = DBTYPE_VARIANT | DBTYPE_BYREF; *pulSize = sizeof(VARIANT);
} else if( (ULONG)pAttrDefinition[i].dwADsType >= g_cMapADsTypeToDBType || pAttrDefinition[i].dwADsType == ADSTYPE_INVALID || pAttrDefinition[i].dwADsType == ADSTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_ADS_CANT_CONVERT_DATATYPE ); } else { *pwType = g_MapADsTypeToDBType[pAttrDefinition[i].dwADsType].wType; *pulSize = g_MapADsTypeToDBType[pAttrDefinition[i].dwADsType].ulSize; }
RRETURN (hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::SetSearchPrefs( void ) { PROPSET *pPropSet; PADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO pSearchPref = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG i;
// Asserts
ADsAssert(_pUtilProp); ADsAssert(_pDSSearch);
pPropSet = _pUtilProp->GetPropSetFromGuid(DBPROPSET_ADSISEARCH);
if( !pPropSet || !pPropSet->cProperties ) RRETURN( S_OK );
pSearchPref = (PADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO) AllocADsMem( pPropSet->cProperties * sizeof(ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO) ); if( !pSearchPref ) BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY );
for (i=0; i<pPropSet->cProperties; i++) { hr = _pUtilProp->GetSearchPrefInfo( pPropSet->pUPropInfo[i].dwPropertyID, &pSearchPref[i] ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); }
hr = _pDSSearch->SetSearchPreference( pSearchPref, pPropSet->cProperties );
_pUtilProp->FreeSearchPrefInfo(pSearchPref, pPropSet->cProperties);
if( pSearchPref ) FreeADsMem(pSearchPref);
RRETURN( hr ); }
// Function: CCommandObject::CCommandObject
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments:
// pUnkOuter Outer Unkown Pointer
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
CCommandObject::CCommandObject( LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter // Outer Unkown Pointer
) { // Initialize simple member vars
_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter ? pUnkOuter : (IAccessor FAR *) this; _dwStatus = 0L; _cRowsetsOpen = 0; _pAccessor = NULL; _pUtilProp = NULL; _pDSSearch = NULL; _fADSPathPresent = FALSE; _fAllAttrs = FALSE;
ENLIST_TRACKING(CCommandObject); return; }
// Function: CCommandObject::~CCommandObject
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
CCommandObject::~CCommandObject( ) { if( _pCSession ) { _pCSession->DecrementOpenCommands(); _pCSession->Release(); }
delete _pUtilProp;
if( _pszCommandText ) { FreeADsMem(_pszCommandText); }
if( _ppszAttrs ) { FreeADsMem(_ppszAttrs); }
if( _pszCommandTextCp ) { FreeADsStr(_pszCommandTextCp); }
if( _pAccessor ) delete _pAccessor;
if( _pIMalloc ) _pIMalloc->Release();
if( _pDSSearch ) { _pDSSearch->Release(); } }
// Function: CCommandObject::FInit
// Synopsis: Initialize the data source Object
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Did the Initialization Succeed
// TRUE Initialization succeeded
// FALSE Initialization failed
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
BOOL CCommandObject::FInit( CSessionObject * pSession, CCredentials& Credentials ) { HRESULT hr;
// Asserts
ADsAssert(pSession); ADsAssert(&Credentials);
_pCSession = pSession; _pCSession->AddRef(); _pCSession->IncrementOpenCommands();
// Allocate properties management object
_pUtilProp = new CUtilProp(); if( !_pUtilProp ) return FALSE;
hr = _pUtilProp->FInit(&Credentials); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// IAccessor is always instantiated.
_pAccessor = new CImpIAccessor(this, _pUnkOuter); if( _pAccessor == NULL || FAILED(_pAccessor->FInit()) ) return FALSE;
hr = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &_pIMalloc); if( FAILED(hr) ) return FALSE;
_Credentials = Credentials;
return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// Function: CCommandObject::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to a specified interface. Callers use
// QueryInterface to determine which interfaces the called object
// supports.
// Arguments:
// riid Interface ID of the interface being queried for
// ppv Pointer to interface that was instantiated
// Returns:
// S_OK Interface is supported and ppvObject is set.
// E_NOINTERFACE Interface is not supported by the object
// E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid.
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID FAR* ppv) { // Is the pointer bad?
if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown) ) { *ppv = (IAccessor FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IAccessor) ) { *ppv = (IAccessor FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IColumnsInfo) ) { *ppv = (IColumnsInfo FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ICommand) ) { *ppv = (ICommand FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ICommandProperties) ) { *ppv = (ICommandProperties FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ICommandText) ) { *ppv = (ICommandText FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IConvertType) ) { *ppv = (IConvertType FAR *) this; } else if( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ICommandPrepare) ) { *ppv = (ICommandPrepare FAR *) this; } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
BOOL IsAutomatable( DBTYPE dbType ) { if (dbType != DBTYPE_NULL) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
HRESULT CCommandObject::SeekPastADsPath( IN LPWSTR pszIn, OUT LPWSTR * ppszOut ) { BOOL fEscapeOn = FALSE, fQuotingOn = FALSE; WCHAR ch = 0;
// No. of LParans '<' over RParans '>'
DWORD dwParanOffset = 1;
ADsAssert(pszIn); ADsAssert(ppszOut);
while (1) {
ch = *pszIn;
if( ch == TEXT('\0') ) { break; }
if( fEscapeOn ) { fEscapeOn = FALSE; } else if( fQuotingOn ) { if( ch == TEXT('"') ) { fQuotingOn = FALSE; } } else if( ch == TEXT('\\') ) { fEscapeOn = TRUE; } else if( ch == TEXT('"') ) { fQuotingOn = TRUE; } else if( ch == L'<' ) { dwParanOffset++; } else if( ch == L'>' ) { if( --dwParanOffset == 0) break; }
pszIn++; }
if( fEscapeOn || fQuotingOn || dwParanOffset != 0 ) { RRETURN( DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND ); }
*ppszOut = pszIn;
HRESULT CCommandObject::SeekPastSearchFilter( IN LPWSTR pszIn, OUT LPWSTR * ppszOut ) { BOOL fEscapeOn = FALSE, fQuotingOn = FALSE; DWORD dwParanOffset = 0;
if( *pszIn != L'(' ) { RRETURN( DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND ); }
// No. of LParans over RParans
dwParanOffset = 1; pszIn++;
while (*pszIn && (*pszIn != L')' || dwParanOffset != 1)) {
if( *pszIn == L'(' ) { dwParanOffset++; }
if( *pszIn == L')' ) { dwParanOffset--; }
pszIn++; }
if( *pszIn != L')' ) { RRETURN( DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND ); }
*ppszOut = pszIn + 1;
HRESULT CCommandObject::Prepare( ULONG cExpectedRuns ) { //
// If the command has not been set, make sure the buffer
// contains an empty stringt to return to the consumer
if( !IsCommandSet() ) RRETURN( DB_E_NOCOMMAND );
// Don't allow prepare if we've got a rowset open
if( IsRowsetOpen() ) RRETURN( DB_E_OBJECTOPEN );
// SQL dialect: Convert to LDAP and save
HRESULT hr = PrepareHelper();
// Fixup the HRESULT
// Set the Prepare state
_dwStatus |= CMD_PREPARED;
RRETURN( hr ); }
HRESULT CCommandObject::Unprepare() { //
// Don't allow unprepare if we've got a rowset open
if( IsRowsetOpen() ) RRETURN( DB_E_OBJECTOPEN );
// Reset the Prepare state
_dwStatus &= ~(CMD_PREPARED);
// Function: CCommandObject::PrepareHelper
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-28-96 ShankSh Created.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandObject::PrepareHelper(void) { LPWSTR pszOrderList = NULL; LPWSTR pszSelect = NULL; LPWSTR pszLocation = NULL; LPWSTR pszLdapQuery = NULL; LPWSTR pszParsedCmd = NULL;
// SQL dialect: Convert to LDAP and save
// If SQLParse Fails the function cleans up memory
HRESULT hr = SQLParse( (const LPWSTR) _pszCommandText, &pszLocation, &pszLdapQuery, &pszSelect, &pszOrderList );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// the ldap query is optional, it can be NULL. When it is NULL, it
// implies a * search.
DWORD dwLdapQuery = 0; if (pszLdapQuery) { dwLdapQuery = wcslen(pszLdapQuery); } pszParsedCmd =(LPWSTR) AllocADsMem((wcslen(pszLocation) + dwLdapQuery+ wcslen(pszSelect) + 5 + // 2 semicolons and 2 <
1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if( !pszParsedCmd ) { _dwStatus &= ~CMD_TEXT_SET; BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
// Put the statement together.
wcscpy(pszParsedCmd, L"<"); wcscat(pszParsedCmd, pszLocation); wcscat(pszParsedCmd, L">;"); if (pszLdapQuery) wcscat(pszParsedCmd, pszLdapQuery); wcscat(pszParsedCmd, L";"); wcscat(pszParsedCmd, pszSelect);
hr = SplitCommandText(pszParsedCmd); } else { //
// Assume valid LDAP filter
hr = SplitCommandText(_pszCommandText); }
// Set the sort preference property if necessary
if( pszOrderList ) {
DBPROPSET rgCmdPropSet[1]; DBPROP rgCmdProp[1];
rgCmdPropSet[0].rgProperties = rgCmdProp; rgCmdPropSet[0].cProperties = 1; rgCmdPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ADSISEARCH;
rgCmdProp[0].dwPropertyID = ADSIPROP_SORT_ON; rgCmdProp[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; rgCmdProp[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR (&rgCmdProp[0].vValue) = pszOrderList;
hr = SetProperties(1, rgCmdPropSet); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); }
if( _pDSSearch ) { _pDSSearch->Release(); _pDSSearch = NULL; }
// If integrated security is being used, impersonate the caller
BOOL fImpersonating;
fImpersonating = FALSE; if(_pCSession->IsIntegratedSecurity()) { HANDLE ThreadToken = _pCSession->GetThreadToken();
ASSERT(ThreadToken != NULL); if (ThreadToken) { if (!ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(ThreadToken)) RRETURN(E_FAIL); fImpersonating = TRUE; } else RRETURN(E_FAIL); }
hr = GetDSInterface(_pszADsContext, _Credentials, IID_IDirectorySearch, (void **)&_pDSSearch);
if (fImpersonating) { RevertToSelf(); fImpersonating = FALSE; }
if( pszLocation ) FreeADsMem(pszLocation);
if( pszLdapQuery ) FreeADsMem(pszLdapQuery);
if( pszSelect ) FreeADsMem(pszSelect);
if( pszOrderList ) FreeADsStr(pszOrderList);
if( pszParsedCmd ) FreeADsStr(pszParsedCmd);
RRETURN( hr ); }