// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: CRSEmbed.cxx
// Contents: IUnknown embedder for temptable.
// Functions:
// Notes:
// History: 08/30/96 | RenatoB | Created
// @class CRowsetInfo | embedding of Rowset,
// to give our IrowsetInfo interface
// Includes
#include "oleds.hxx"
// Function: CRowsetInfo::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: @mfunc QueryInterface.
// IUknown implementation.
// IID_IUnknown and IID_IRowsetInfo are not delegated
// All other IID's are delegated to _pRowset
HRESULT CRowsetInfo::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv ) { HRESULT hr; if (ppv == NULL) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG);
*ppv = NULL;
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (IRowsetInfo FAR *) this; AddRef(); }
if (riid == IID_IRowsetInfo) { *ppv = (IRowsetInfo FAR *) this; AddRef(); }
//delegate all the rest to the TempTable Rowset
if (_pRowset == NULL) RRETURN(E_UNEXPECTED); hr=((LPUNKNOWN)_pRowset)->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
// Function: CRowsetInfo::CRowsetInfo
// Synopsis: @mfunc Ctor
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// Modifies:
// History: 08/30/96 RenatoB Created
CRowsetInfo::CRowsetInfo( IUnknown *pUnkOuter, // controlling unknown)
IUnknown *pParentObject, // RowProvider
CSessionObject *pCSession, // Session that created rowset
CCommandObject *pCCommand // Command object that created rowset
{ _pUnkOuter= (pUnkOuter == NULL) ? this : pUnkOuter; _pRowset = NULL; _pParentObject = pParentObject; _pCSession= pCSession; _pCCommand = pCCommand;
_pMalloc = NULL; _dwStatus = 0; _cPropertySets = 0; _pPropertySets = NULL;
if (_pCCommand !=NULL) _pCCommand->IncrementOpenRowsets();
//this section is for IRowsetInfo and IUnknown methods.
InitializeCriticalSection(&_csRowsetInfo); }
// Function: CRowsetInfo::~CRowsetInfo
// Synopsis: @mfunc Dtor
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// Modifies:
// History: 08/30/96 RenatoB Created
CRowsetInfo::~CRowsetInfo() { // release _pPropertySets
FreePropertySets(_cPropertySets, _pPropertySets); if (_pMalloc!= NULL) _pMalloc->Release();
if (_pCCommand !=NULL) { _pCCommand->DecrementOpenRowsets(); _pCCommand->Release(); _pCCommand = NULL; }
if (_pCSession != NULL) { _pCSession->Release(); _pCSession = NULL; }
if (_pParentObject != NULL){ _pParentObject->Release(); _pParentObject=NULL; }
if (_pRowset != NULL){ ((LPUNKNOWN)_pRowset)->Release(); _pRowset=NULL; }
if ( _pCRowsetInfo!= NULL) { delete _pCRowsetInfo; _pCRowsetInfo = NULL; }
// Function: CRowsetInfo::FInit
// Synopsis: @mfunc Initializer
// Called by: CreateTempTable
// Called when: After calling pIServiceProvider->ProvideService
// Synopsis: @mfunc Initializer
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// @flag S_OK | Interface is supported
// @flag E_OUTOFMEMORY | Interface is not supported by the TempTable
// @flag E_INVALIDARG | One or more arguments are invalid.
// Modifies:
// History: 08/30/96 RenatoB Created
HRESULT CRowsetInfo::FInit( IUnknown *pRowset) // TmpTable interface
{ HRESULT hr; hr = S_OK; _pRowset = pRowset;
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: CRowsetInfo::GetReferencedRowset
// Synopsis: @mfunc Returns an interface pointer to the rowset to which a bookmark applies
// Called by: Client
// Called when: Any time
// Arguments:
// iOrdinal [in] Bookmark column for which to get related rowset. Must be 0 in this impl.
// riid [in] IID of the interface pointer to return in *ppReferencedRowset.
// ppReferencedRowset[out] pointer to Rowset object referenced by Bookmark
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// S_OK | Interface is supported
// E_INVALIDARG | ppReferencedRowset was a NULL pointer
// E_FAIL | provider specific error
// E_NOINTERFACE | Rowset does not support interface
// DB_E_NOTAREFENCEDCOLUMN | iOrdinal was not 0
HRESULT CRowsetInfo::GetReferencedRowset( DBORDINAL iOrdinal, REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppReferencedRowset ) { CAutoBlock(&(_csRowsetInfo));
if (ppReferencedRowset == NULL) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG);
if (iOrdinal != 0) RRETURN(DB_E_BADORDINAL);
RRETURN(QueryInterface( riid, (void**)ppReferencedRowset) );
// Function: CRowsetInfo::GetSpecificaton
// Synopsis: @mfunc Returns an interface pointer to the command that created the rowset
// Called by: Client
// Called when: Any time
// Arguments:
// riid [in] IID of the interface pointer to return in *ppSpecification.
// ppSpecification [out] pointer to command
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// S_OK | Interface is supported
// E_INVALIDARG | ppSpecification was a NULL pointer
// E_FAIL | provider specific error
// E_NOINTERFACE | Command does not support interface
// S_FALSE | Rowset does not have command that created it
HRESULT CRowsetInfo::GetSpecification( REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppSpecification ) { CAutoBlock(&(_csRowsetInfo));
if (ppSpecification == NULL) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG);
if ( _pParentObject == NULL) RRETURN(S_FALSE);
RRETURN(_pParentObject->QueryInterface(riid, (void**)ppSpecification)); };
// Function: CRowsetInfo::GetProperties
// Synopsis: @mfunc GetProperties
// Overloads the TempTable's IRowsetInfo::GetProperties.
// The first time this function is called, it calls the
// TmpTable IRowsetInfo::GetProperties with cPropertyIdSets == 0
// Called by: Client.
// Called when: Any time.
// Arguments:
// cPropertyIDSets[in] The number of DBPROPIDSET structures in rgProperttySets
// rgPropertyIDSets[in] Array of cPropertyIDSets of DBPROIDSET structs.
// pcPropertySets[out] number of DBPROPSET returned in *prgPropertySets
// prgPropertySets[out] pointer to array of DBPROPSET structures, having the
// value and status of requested properties
// Returns: @rdesc HRESULT
// S_OK Success
// DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED Values were not supported for some properties
// E_FAIL A provider-specific error occurred
// E_INVALIDARG cPropertyIDSets > 0 and rgPropertyIdSEts = NULL
// pcPropertySets or prgPropertySets was NULL pointer
// In al element of rgPropertyIDSets, cPropertyIDs was not zero
// and rgPropertyIDs was a Null pointer
// E_OUTOFMEMORY Provider could not allocate memory
// DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED Values were not returned for any properties
HRESULT CRowsetInfo::GetProperties( const ULONG cPropertyIDSets, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[], ULONG* pcPropertySets, DBPROPSET** prgPropertySets ) { CAutoBlock(&(_csRowsetInfo));
// mplPropertyIDsets maps the position of a property set in rgPropertyIDSets[]
// within _pPropertySets. It has (-1) if not mappable
LONG mplPropertyIDSets[50]; // mplPropertySets maps the position of a property within its corresponding
// rgProperties in _pPropertySets. It has (-1) if not mappable.
LONG position;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG i; ULONG j; ULONG ibPropertyIDsets; ULONG ibPropertySets; BOOL bPartialSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bErrorsOccurred = FALSE; //validate arguments
if ( ((cPropertyIDSets > 0) && ( rgPropertyIDSets == NULL)) || (pcPropertySets == NULL) || (prgPropertySets == NULL) ) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG);
for (i = 0; i< cPropertyIDSets; i++) { if ((rgPropertyIDSets[i].cPropertyIDs > 0) && (rgPropertyIDSets[i].rgPropertyIDs ==NULL)) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG); }
//Initializate, if needed
if (_dwStatus == 0) InitProperties();
if (_dwStatus & STAT_INITERROR) //initialization was unsuccessful
// If CPropertyIDSets == 0, just copy
*pcPropertySets = 0; *prgPropertySets = NULL; //case when cPropertyIDSets == 0
if (cPropertyIDSets == 0) { //allocate memory for the property sets
*prgPropertySets = (DBPROPSET*) _pMalloc->Alloc( _cPropertySets*sizeof(DBPROPSET) ); if (*prgPropertySets == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; };
*pcPropertySets = _cPropertySets;
// copy the array of property sets and make rgProperties equal to NULL
memcpy( (void*) *prgPropertySets, (void*) _pPropertySets, _cPropertySets*sizeof(DBPROPSET) );
for (i = 0; i< _cPropertySets; i++) (*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties = NULL;
// make copies of each of the rgProperties contained in _pPropertySets
for (i = 0; i< _cPropertySets ; i++) { (*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties= (DBPROP*)_pMalloc->Alloc( _pPropertySets[i].cProperties*sizeof(DBPROP) );
if ((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; };
memcpy( (void*)((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties), (void*) (_pPropertySets[i].rgProperties), _pPropertySets[i].cProperties*sizeof(DBPROP) );
RRETURN(S_OK); }; // This is the case when cPropertyIDSets != 0
// First, allocate memory
*prgPropertySets = (DBPROPSET*) _pMalloc->Alloc( cPropertyIDSets*sizeof(DBPROPSET) );
if (*prgPropertySets == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; }; memset((void*)*prgPropertySets, 0, sizeof(DBPROPSET)*cPropertyIDSets ); *pcPropertySets= cPropertyIDSets; memset(mplPropertyIDSets, 0, sizeof(LONG)*cPropertyIDSets );
for (i=0; i<cPropertyIDSets; i++) { (*prgPropertySets)[i].guidPropertySet = rgPropertyIDSets[i].guidPropertySet; mplPropertyIDSets[i] = SearchGuid( rgPropertyIDSets[i].guidPropertySet );
if (mplPropertyIDSets[i] < 0) { bErrorsOccurred = TRUE; (*prgPropertySets)[i].cProperties = 0; (*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties = NULL;
(*prgPropertySets)[i].guidPropertySet = rgPropertyIDSets[i].guidPropertySet; }
else { //The PropertySet is supported. Remember its position in ibPropertyIDsets
ibPropertyIDsets = mplPropertyIDSets[i]; //We write the property-set's GUID
(*prgPropertySets)[i].guidPropertySet = rgPropertyIDSets[i].guidPropertySet;
if (rgPropertyIDSets[i].cPropertyIDs == 0) { //the client is asking for all properties
bPartialSuccess = TRUE; (*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties= (DBPROP*)_pMalloc->Alloc( _pPropertySets[ibPropertyIDsets].cProperties*sizeof(DBPROP) );
if ((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; };
(*prgPropertySets)[i].cProperties= _pPropertySets[ibPropertyIDsets].cProperties;
memcpy( (void*) ((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties), (void*) _pPropertySets[ibPropertyIDsets].rgProperties, _pPropertySets[ibPropertyIDsets].cProperties*sizeof(DBPROP) );
} else { //the client asks for some properties only. Alloc and clear memory
(*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties= (DBPROP*)_pMalloc->Alloc(rgPropertyIDSets[i].cPropertyIDs *sizeof(DBPROP));
if ((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; };
(*prgPropertySets)[i].cProperties = rgPropertyIDSets[i].cPropertyIDs;
memset( ((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties), 0, rgPropertyIDSets[i].cPropertyIDs*sizeof(DBPROP) );
//iterate and set values
for (j=0; j <rgPropertyIDSets[i].cPropertyIDs; j++) { position = SearchPropid( ibPropertyIDsets, rgPropertyIDSets[i].rgPropertyIDs[j] );
if (position < 0) { //could not find a property
bErrorsOccurred = TRUE; (*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties[j].dwPropertyID = rgPropertyIDSets[i].rgPropertyIDs[j];
(*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties[j].dwStatus = DBPROPSTATUS_NOTSUPPORTED; }
else { bPartialSuccess= TRUE; ibPropertySets = position; memcpy( (void*)&((*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties[j] ), (void*)&(_pPropertySets[ibPropertyIDsets]. rgProperties[ibPropertySets]), sizeof(DBPROP)); } } } } }
if ((bPartialSuccess == TRUE) && (bErrorsOccurred == FALSE)) RRETURN(S_OK);
hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; goto error;
FreePropertySets( *pcPropertySets, *prgPropertySets); *pcPropertySets = NULL; *prgPropertySets = NULL; RRETURN(hr);
// Function: CRowsetInfo::FreePropertySets
// Synopsis: @mfunc releases the memory of property sets
// Arguments:
// cPropertySets [in] number of property sets to be freed
// rgPropertySets [in/out] array with the property sets to be released
// Called by: Provider
// Called when: By the destructor, or for method that needs cleanup
// of property sets
void CRowsetInfo::FreePropertySets( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET *rgPropertySets ) { ULONG i; if ((cPropertySets > 0) && (rgPropertySets == NULL)) { return; } if (cPropertySets == 0) return; if (_pMalloc == NULL) { return; } //Free the individual arrays of properties
for (i=0; i< cPropertySets; i++) { if ((rgPropertySets[i].cProperties > 0) && (rgPropertySets[i].rgProperties != NULL)) _pMalloc->Free(rgPropertySets[i].rgProperties); }; //Free the array of propertysets
_pMalloc->Free(rgPropertySets); }
// Function: CRowsetInfo::InitProperties
// Synopsis: @mfunc initilizes _cPropertySets and _pPropertySets from
// _pRowset
HRESULT CRowsetInfo::InitProperties(void) { HRESULT hr; IRowsetInfo* pRowsetInfo = NULL; hr = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &_pMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto error; }
if (_pRowset == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; goto error; }; hr = _pRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IRowsetInfo, (void**) &pRowsetInfo); if (FAILED (hr)) { goto error; }; hr= pRowsetInfo->GetProperties(0, NULL, &_cPropertySets, &_pPropertySets); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto error; } _dwStatus =STAT_DIDINIT; pRowsetInfo->Release(); RRETURN(S_OK); error:
_dwStatus = STAT_INITERROR; if (_pMalloc != NULL) { _pMalloc->Release(); _pMalloc = NULL; } if (pRowsetInfo != NULL) pRowsetInfo->Release(); ; RRETURN(hr); }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CRowsetInfo::SearchGuid
// Synopsis: @mfunc
// Arguments: riid [in] GUID to be searched for
// Returns:
// The position of the GUID withing _pPropertySets. Returns -1
// if not found
LONG CRowsetInfo::SearchGuid(GUID riid) { ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < _cPropertySets; i++) { if (_pPropertySets[i].guidPropertySet == riid) return (i); }; return -1; };
// Function: CRowsetInfo::SearchPropid
// Synopsis: @mfunc Searchs for a Propid within _PropertySets
// Arguments:
// ibPropertySet [in] The index, within _pPropertySets,
// of the DBPROPSET to be searched
// dwPropertyID [in] The propid to be searched
// Returns:
// The position of the DBPROP with propid=dwPropertyID
// within _pPropertySets[ibPropertySet]. Returns -1
// if not found
LONG CRowsetInfo::SearchPropid( ULONG ibPropertySet, DWORD dwPropertyID)
{ ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < _pPropertySets[ibPropertySet].cProperties; i++) { if (_pPropertySets[ibPropertySet].rgProperties[i].dwPropertyID ==dwPropertyID ) return (i); }; return -1; };