Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS)
DNS Library local include file
Jim Gilroy December 1996
Revision History:
//#pragma warning(disable:4214)
//#pragma warning(disable:4514)
//#pragma warning(disable:4152)
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <basetyps.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
//#include <tchar.h>
#include <align.h> // Alignment macros
#include <windns.h> // Public DNS definitions
#include "..\..\resolver\idl\resrpc.h"
#include "dnslibp.h" // Private DNS definitions
#include "..\dnsapi\dnsapip.h"
#include "message.h"
//#include "..\dnsapi\registry.h"
//#include "rtlstuff.h" // Handy macros from NT RTL
// Use winsock2
#define DNS_WINSOCK_VERSION (0x0202) // Winsock 2.2
// Debugging
#define DNS_LOG_EVENT(a,b,c,d)
// use DNS_ASSERT for dnslib debugging
#undef ASSERT
#define ASSERT(expr) DNS_ASSERT(expr)
// Single async socket for internal use
// If want async socket i/o then can create single async socket, with
// corresponding event and always use it. Requires winsock 2.2
extern SOCKET DnsSocket; extern OVERLAPPED DnsSocketOverlapped; extern HANDLE hDnsSocketEvent;
// App shutdown flag
extern BOOLEAN fApplicationShutdown;
// Heap operations
#define ALLOCATE_HEAP(size) Dns_AllocZero( size )
#define REALLOCATE_HEAP(p,size) Dns_Realloc( (p), (size) )
#define FREE_HEAP(p) Dns_Free( p )
#define ALLOCATE_HEAP_ZERO(size) Dns_AllocZero( size )
// RPC Exception filters
// Not defined (RpcExceptionCode() != STATUS_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK) && \ // Not defined (RpcExceptionCode() != STATUS_INSTRUCTION_MISALIGNMENT) && \
// Table lookup.
// Many DNS Records have human readable mnemonics for given data values.
// These are used for data file formats, and display in nslookup or debug
// output or cmdline tools.
// To simplify this process, have a single mapping functionality that
// supports DWORD \ LPSTR mapping tables. Tables for indivual types
// may then be layered on top of this.
// Support two table types.
// VALUE_TABLE_ENTRY is simple value-string mapping
// FLAG_TABLE_ENTRY is designed for bit field flag mappings where
// several flag strings might be contained in flag; this table
// contains additional mask field to allow multi-bit fields
// within the flag
typedef struct { DWORD dwValue; // flag value
PCHAR pszString; // string representation of value
typedef struct { DWORD dwFlag; // flag value
DWORD dwMask; // flag value mask
PCHAR pszString; // string representation of value
// Error return on unmatched string
DWORD Dns_ValueForString( IN PDNS_VALUE_TABLE Table, IN BOOL fIgnoreCase, IN PCHAR pchName, IN INT cchNameLength );
PCHAR Dns_GetStringForValue( IN PDNS_VALUE_TABLE Table, IN DWORD dwValue );
VOID DnsPrint_ValueTable( IN PRINT_ROUTINE PrintRoutine, IN PPRINT_CONTEXT pPrintContext, IN LPSTR pszHeader, IN PDNS_VALUE_TABLE Table );
DWORD Dns_FlagForString( IN PDNS_FLAG_TABLE Table, IN BOOL fIgnoreCase, IN PCHAR pchName, IN INT cchNameLength );
PCHAR Dns_WriteStringsForFlag( IN PDNS_FLAG_TABLE Table, IN DWORD dwFlag, IN OUT PCHAR pchFlag );
// Random -- back to dnslib.h when it goes private again
// DCR: return these to dnslib.h when private
PCHAR Dns_ParsePacketRecord( IN PCHAR pchPacket, IN PCHAR pchMsgEnd, IN OUT PDNS_PARSED_RR pParsedRR );