Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS) Library
Update client routines.
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) October, 1996
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include "local.h"
// Update Timeouts
// note, max is a little longer than might be expected as DNS server
// may have to contact primary and wait for primary to do update (inc.
// disk access) then response
#define INITIAL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT (4) // 4 seconds
#define MAX_UPDATE_TIMEOUT (60) // 60 seconds
PCHAR Dns_WriteNoDataUpdateRecordToMessage( IN PCHAR pch, IN PCHAR pchStop, IN WORD wClass, IN WORD wType ) /*++
Routine Description:
No data RR cases:
This includes prereqs and deletes except for specific record cases.
pch - ptr to next byte in packet buffer
pchStop - end of packet buffer
wClass - class
wType - desired RR type
Return Value:
Ptr to next postion in buffer, if successful. NULL on error.
DNSDBG( WRITE, ( "Writing update RR to packet buffer at %p.\n", pch ));
// out of space
pdnsRR = (PDNS_WIRE_RECORD) pch; pch += sizeof( DNS_WIRE_RECORD ); if ( pch >= pchStop ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR out of space writing record to packet.\n" )); return( NULL ); }
// set type and class
*(UNALIGNED WORD *) &pdnsRR->RecordType = htons( wType ); *(UNALIGNED WORD *) &pdnsRR->RecordClass = htons( wClass );
// TTL and datalength zero for all no data cases
// - prereqs except specific record delete
// - deletes except specific record delete
*(UNALIGNED DWORD *) &pdnsRR->TimeToLive = 0; *(UNALIGNED WORD *) &pdnsRR->DataLength = 0;
return( pch ); }
PCHAR Dns_WriteDataUpdateRecordToMessage( IN PCHAR pch, IN PCHAR pchStop, IN WORD wClass, IN WORD wType, IN DWORD dwTtl, IN WORD wDataLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
No data RR cases:
This includes prereqs and deletes except for specific record cases.
pch - ptr to next byte in packet buffer
pchStop - end of packet buffer
wClass - class
wType - desired RR type
dwTtl - time to live
wDataLength - data length
Return Value:
Ptr to next postion in buffer, if successful. NULL on error.
DNSDBG( WRITE2, ( "Writing RR to packet buffer at %p.\n", pch ));
// out of space
pdnsRR = (PDNS_WIRE_RECORD) pch; pch += sizeof( DNS_WIRE_RECORD ); if ( pch + wDataLength >= pchStop ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR out of space writing record to packet.\n" )); return( NULL ); }
// set type and class
*(UNALIGNED WORD *) &pdnsRR->RecordType = htons( wType ); *(UNALIGNED WORD *) &pdnsRR->RecordClass = htons( wClass );
// TTL and datalength zero for all no data cases
// - prereqs except specific record delete
// - deletes except specific record delete
*(UNALIGNED DWORD *) &pdnsRR->TimeToLive = htonl( dwTtl ); *(UNALIGNED WORD *) &pdnsRR->DataLength = htons( wDataLength );
return( pch ); }
// Host update routines
#if 0
PDNS_MSG_BUF Dns_BuildHostUpdateMessage( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg, IN LPSTR pszZone, IN LPSTR pszName, IN PIP_ARRAY aipAddresses, IN DWORD dwTtl ) /*++
Routine Description:
Build server update message.
pMsg -- existing message buffer, to use; NULL to allocate new one
pszZone -- zone name for update
pszName -- full DNS hostname being updated
aipAddresses -- IP addresses to be updated
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error status on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_HEADER pdnsMsg; PCHAR pch; PCHAR pchstop; DWORD i; WORD nameOffset;
IF_DNSDBG( UPDATE ) { DNS_PRINT(( "Enter Dns_BuildHostUpdateMessage()\n" "\tpMsg = %p\n" "\tpszZone = %s\n" "\tpszName = %s\n" "\tdwTtl = %d\n", pMsg, pszZone, pszName, dwTtl )); DnsDbg_IpArray( "\tHost IP array\n", "host", aipAddresses ); }
// create message buffer
if ( !pMsg ) { DNS_PRINT(( "Allocating new UPDATE message buffer.\n" ));
pMsg = ALLOCATE_HEAP( DNS_UDP_ALLOC_LENGTH ); if ( !pMsg ) { return( NULL ); } RtlZeroMemory( pMsg, DNS_UDP_ALLOC_LENGTH );
pMsg->BufferLength = DNS_UDP_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH; pMsg->pBufferEnd = (PCHAR)&pMsg->MessageHead + pMsg->BufferLength;
// set default sockaddr info
// - caller MUST choose remote IP address
pMsg->RemoteAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; pMsg->RemoteAddress.sin_port = NET_ORDER_DNS_PORT; pMsg->RemoteAddressLength = sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN );
// set header for update
pMsg->MessageHead.Opcode = DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE; }
// existing message, just verify
ELSE_ASSERT( pMsg->MessageHead.Opcode == DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE );
// reset current pointer after header
// - note: send length is set based on this ptr
pMsg->pCurrent = pMsg->MessageBody;
// build message
pch = pMsg->pCurrent; pchstop = pMsg->pBufferEnd;
// zone section
pMsg->MessageHead.QuestionCount = 1; pch = Dns_WriteDottedNameToPacket( pch, pchstop, pszZone, NULL, 0, FALSE ); if ( !pch ) { return( NULL ); } *(UNALIGNED WORD *) pch = DNS_RTYPE_SOA; pch += sizeof(WORD); *(UNALIGNED WORD *) pch = DNS_RCLASS_INTERNET; pch += sizeof(WORD);
// prerequisites -- no records
pMsg->MessageHead.AnswerCount = 0;
// update
// - delete A records at name
// - add new A records
// save offset to host name for future writes
nameOffset = (WORD)(pch - (PCHAR) &pMsg->MessageHead);
pch = Dns_WriteDottedNameToPacket( pch, pchstop, pszName, pszZone, DNS_OFFSET_TO_QUESTION_NAME, FALSE ); if ( !pch ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR writing dotted name to packet.\n" )); return( NULL ); } pch = Dns_WriteNoDataUpdateRecordToMessage( pch, pchstop, DNS_CLASS_ALL, // delete all
DNS_TYPE_A // A records
); DNS_ASSERT( pch );
// add A record for each address in array
// - use offset for name
// - write IP
for ( i=0; i<aipAddresses->AddrCount; i++ ) { *(UNALIGNED WORD *) pch = htons( (WORD)(nameOffset|(WORD)0xC000) ); pch += sizeof( WORD ); pch = Dns_WriteDataUpdateRecordToMessage( pch, pchstop, DNS_CLASS_INTERNET, DNS_TYPE_A, // A records
dwTtl, sizeof(IP_ADDRESS) ); DNS_ASSERT( pch ); *(UNALIGNED DWORD *) pch = aipAddresses->AddrArray[i]; pch += sizeof(DWORD); }
// total update sections RRs
// one delete RR, plus one for each new IP
pMsg->MessageHead.NameServerCount = (USHORT)(aipAddresses->AddrCount + 1);
// additional section - no records
pMsg->MessageHead.AdditionalCount = 0;
// reset current ptr -- need for send routine
pMsg->pCurrent = pch;
IF_DNSDBG( SEND ) { DnsDbg_Message( "UPDATE packet built", pMsg ); } return( pMsg ); } #endif
PDNS_RECORD Dns_HostUpdateRRSet( IN LPSTR pszHostName, IN PIP_ARRAY AddrArray, IN DWORD dwTtl ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create records for host update: -- whack of all A records -- add of all A records in new set
pszHostName -- host name, FULL FQDN
AddrArray -- new IPs of host
dwTtl -- TTL for records
Return Value:
Ptr to record list. NULL on error.
--*/ { DNS_RRSET rrset; PDNS_RECORD prr; DWORD i;
// create whack
prr = Dns_AllocateRecord( 0 ); if ( ! prr ) { return( NULL ); } prr->pName = pszHostName; prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_UPDATE; prr->Flags.S.Delete = TRUE;
// create update record for each address
if ( !AddrArray ) { return( prr ); } DNS_RRSET_INIT( rrset ); DNS_RRSET_ADD( rrset, prr );
for ( i=0; i<AddrArray->AddrCount; i++ ) { prr = Dns_AllocateRecord( sizeof(DNS_A_DATA) ); if ( ! prr ) { Dns_RecordListFree( rrset.pFirstRR, FALSE ); return( NULL ); } prr->pName = pszHostName; prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_UPDATE; prr->dwTtl = dwTtl; prr->Data.A.IpAddress = AddrArray->AddrArray[i];
DNS_RRSET_ADD( rrset, prr ); }
// return ptr to first record in list
return( rrset.pFirstRR ); }
// DCR: dead code, remove
DNS_STATUS Dns_UpdateHostAddrs( IN LPSTR pszName, IN PIP_ARRAY aipAddresses, IN PIP_ARRAY aipServers, IN DWORD dwTtl ) /*++
Routine Description:
Updates client's A records registered with DNS server.
pszName -- name (FQDN) of client to update
aipAddresses -- counted array of new client IP addrs
aipServers -- counted array of DNS server IP addrs
dwTtl -- TTL for new A records
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error status on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RECORD prr; DNS_STATUS status;
IF_DNSDBG( UPDATE ) { DNS_PRINT(( "Enter Dns_UpdateHostAddrs()\n" "\tpszName = %s\n" "\tdwTtl = %d\n", pszName, dwTtl )); DnsDbg_IpArray( "\tHost IP array\n", "\tHost", aipAddresses ); DnsDbg_IpArray( "\tNS IP array\n", "\tNS", aipServers ); }
// never let anyone set a TTL longer than 1 hour
// DCR: define policy on what our clients should use for TTL
// one hour is not bad
// could key off type of address
// RAS -- 15 minutes (as may be back up again quickly)
// DHCP -- one hour (may move)
// static -- one day (machines may be reconfigured)
if ( dwTtl > 3600 ) { dwTtl = 3600; }
// build update RR set
prr = Dns_HostUpdateRRSet( pszName, aipAddresses, dwTtl ); if ( ! prr ) { status = GetLastError(); DNS_ASSERT( status == DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY ); return status; }
// do the update
status = Dns_UpdateLib( prr, 0, // no flags
NULL, // no adapter list
NULL, // use default credentials
NULL // response not desired
Dns_RecordListFree( prr, FALSE );
DNSDBG( UPDATE, ( "Leave Dns_UpdateHostAddrs() status=%p %s\n", status, Dns_StatusString(status) ));
return( status ); }
Routine Description:
Send DNS update.
pRecord -- list of records to send in update
dwFlags -- update flags; primarily security
pNetworkInfo -- adapter list with necessary info for update - zone name - primary name server name - primary name server IP
ppMsgRecv -- OPTIONAL addr to recv ptr to response message
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error status on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_MSG_BUF pmsgSend = NULL; PDNS_MSG_BUF pmsgRecv = NULL; DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR; WORD length; PIP_ARRAY parrayServers = NULL; LPSTR pszzone; LPSTR pszserverName; BOOL fsecure = FALSE; BOOL fswitchToTcp = FALSE; DNS_HEADER header; PCHAR pCreds=NULL;
DNSDBG( UPDATE, ( "Dns_UpdateLib()\n" "\tflags = %p\n" "\tpRecord = %p\n" "\t\towner = %s\n", dwFlags, pRecord, pRecord ? pRecord->pName : NULL ));
// if not a UPDATE compatibile adapter list -- no action
// suck info from adapter list
pszzone = pNetworkInfo->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName;
parrayServers = Dns_ConvertNetworkInfoToIpArray( pNetworkInfo );
pszserverName = pNetworkInfo->aAdapterInfoList[0]->pszAdapterDomain;
DNS_ASSERT( pszzone && parrayServers );
// build recv message buffer
// - must be big enough for TCP
pmsgRecv = Dns_AllocateMsgBuf( DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH ); if ( !pmsgRecv ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// build update packet
// note currently this function allocates TCP sized buffer if records
// given; if this changes need to alloc TCP buffer here
pmsgSend = Dns_BuildPacket( &header, // copy header
TRUE, // ... but not header counts
pszzone, // question zone\type SOA
DNS_TYPE_SOA, pRecord, 0, // no other flags
TRUE // building an update packet
); if ( !pmsgSend) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: failed send buffer allocation.\n" )); status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// try non-secure first unless explicitly secure only
fsecure = (dwFlags & DNS_UPDATE_SECURITY_ONLY);
if ( !fsecure ) { status = Dns_SendAndRecv( pmsgSend, & pmsgRecv, NULL, // no response records
dwFlags, parrayServers, pNetworkInfo );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { status = Dns_MapRcodeToStatus( pmsgRecv->MessageHead.ResponseCode ); }
if ( status != DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED || dwFlags & DNS_UPDATE_SECURITY_OFF ) { goto Cleanup; }
DNSDBG( UPDATE, ( "Failed unsecure update, switching to secure!\n" "\tcurrent time (ms) = %d\n", GetCurrentTime() )); fsecure = TRUE; }
// security
// - must have server name
// - must start package
if ( fsecure ) { if ( !pszserverName ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } status = Dns_StartSecurity( FALSE ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
pCreds = Dns_GetApiContextCredentials(hCreds);
status = Dns_DoSecureUpdate( pmsgSend, pmsgRecv, NULL, dwFlags, pNetworkInfo, parrayServers, pszserverName, pCreds, // initialized in DnsAcquireContextHandle
NULL // default context name
); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { status = Dns_MapRcodeToStatus( pmsgRecv->MessageHead.ResponseCode ); } }
// free server array sucked from adapter list
if ( parrayServers ) { FREE_HEAP( parrayServers ); }
// return recv message buffer
if ( ppMsgRecv ) { *ppMsgRecv = pmsgRecv; } else { FREE_HEAP( pmsgRecv ); } FREE_HEAP( pmsgSend);
DNSDBG( UPDATE, ( "Dns_UpdateLib() completed, status = %p %s.\n", status, Dns_StatusString(status) ));
return( status ); }
DNS_STATUS Dns_UpdateLibEx( IN PDNS_RECORD pRecord, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PDNS_NAME pszZone, IN PDNS_NAME pszServerName, IN PIP_ARRAY aipServers, IN HANDLE hCreds OPTIONAL, OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF * ppMsgRecv OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send DNS update.
This routine builds an UPDATE compatible pNetworkInfo from the information given. Then calls Dns_Update().
pRecord -- list of records to send in update
pszZone -- zone name for update
pszServerName -- server name
aipServers -- DNS servers to send update to
hCreds -- Optional Credentials info
ppMsgRecv -- addr for ptr to recv buffer, if desired
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error status on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo; DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR;
// convert params into UPDATE compatible adapter list
pNetworkInfo = Dns_CreateUpdateNetworkInfo( pszZone, pszServerName, aipServers, 0 );
if ( !pNetworkInfo ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// call real update function
status = Dns_UpdateLib( pRecord, dwFlags, pNetworkInfo, hCreds, ppMsgRecv );
Dns_FreeNetworkInfo( pNetworkInfo );
return status; }
// End update.c