Copyright (c) 1987-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Authentication and replication API routines (client side).
Cliff Van Dyke (cliffv) 30-Jul-1991
User mode only. Contains NT-specific code. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
#include <nt.h> // LARGE_INTEGER definition
#include <ntrtl.h> // LARGE_INTEGER definition
#include <nturtl.h> // LARGE_INTEGER definition
#include <rpc.h> // Needed by logon.h
#include <ntrpcp.h> // needed by rpcasync.h
#include <rpcasync.h> // I_RpcExceptionFilter
#include <logon_c.h> // includes lmcons.h, lmaccess.h, netlogon.h, ssi.h, windef.h
#include <debuglib.h> // IF_DEBUG()
#include <lmerr.h> // NERR_* defines
#include <lmapibuf.h> // NetApiBufferFree()
#include <netdebug.h> // NetpKdPrint
#include <netlibnt.h> // NetpNtStatusToApiStatus()
#include "..\server\ssiapi.h"
#include <winsock2.h> // Needed by nlcommon.h
#include <netlib.h> // Needed by nlcommon.h
#include <ntddbrow.h> // Needed by nlcommon.h
#include "nlcommon.h"
#include <netlogp.h>
#include <tstring.h> // NetpCopyStrToWStr()
#include <align.h> // ROUND_UP_COUNT ...
#include <strarray.h> // NetpIsTStrArrayEmpty
#include <ftnfoctx.h> // NetpMergeFtinfo
NTSTATUS I_NetServerReqChallenge( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ClientChallenge, OUT PNETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ServerChallenge ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the client side of I_NetServerReqChallenge.
I_NetLogonRequestChallenge is the first of two functions used by a client to process an authentication with a domain controller (DC). (See I_NetServerAuthenticate below.) It is called for a BDC (or member server) authenticating with a PDC for replication purposes.
This function passes a challenge to the PDC and the PDC passes a challenge back to the caller.
PrimaryName -- Supplies the name of the PrimaryDomainController we wish to authenticate with.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
ClientChallenge -- 64 bit challenge supplied by the BDC or member server.
ServerChallenge -- Receives 64 bit challenge from the PDC.
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
{ NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerReqChallenge( PrimaryName, ComputerName, ClientChallenge, ServerChallenge );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerReqChallenge rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This is the client side of I_NetServerAuthenticate
I_NetServerAuthenticate is the second of two functions used by a client Netlogon service to authenticate with another Netlogon service. (See I_NetServerReqChallenge above.) Both a SAM or UAS server authenticates using this function.
This function passes a credential to the DC and the DC passes a credential back to the caller.
PrimaryName -- Supplies the name of the DC we wish to authenticate with.
AccountName -- Name of the Account to authenticate with.
SecureChannelType -- The type of the account being accessed. This field must be set to UasServerSecureChannel to indicate a call from downlevel (LanMan 2.x and below) BDC or member server.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
ClientCredential -- 64 bit credential supplied by the BDC or member server.
ServerCredential -- Receives 64 bit credential from the PDC.
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerAuthenticate( PrimaryName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, ClientCredential, ServerCredential );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerAuthenticate rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS I_NetServerAuthenticate2( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR AccountName, IN NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE AccountType, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ClientCredential, OUT PNETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ServerCredential, IN OUT PULONG NegotiatedFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the client side of I_NetServerAuthenticate
I_NetServerAuthenticate is the second of two functions used by a client Netlogon service to authenticate with another Netlogon service. (See I_NetServerReqChallenge above.) Both a SAM or UAS server authenticates using this function.
This function passes a credential to the DC and the DC passes a credential back to the caller.
PrimaryName -- Supplies the name of the DC we wish to authenticate with.
AccountName -- Name of the Account to authenticate with.
SecureChannelType -- The type of the account being accessed. This field must be set to UasServerSecureChannel to indicate a call from downlevel (LanMan 2.x and below) BDC or member server.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
ClientCredential -- 64 bit credential supplied by the BDC or member server.
ServerCredential -- Receives 64 bit credential from the PDC.
NegotiatedFlags -- Specifies flags indicating what features the BDC supports. Returns a subset of those flags indicating what features the PDC supports. The PDC/BDC should ignore any bits that it doesn't understand.
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerAuthenticate2( PrimaryName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, ClientCredential, ServerCredential, NegotiatedFlags );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerAuthenticate2 rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS I_NetServerAuthenticate3( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR AccountName, IN NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE AccountType, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ClientCredential, OUT PNETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ServerCredential, IN OUT PULONG NegotiatedFlags, OUT PULONG AccountRid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the client side of I_NetServerAuthenticate
I_NetServerAuthenticate is the second of two functions used by a client Netlogon service to authenticate with another Netlogon service. (See I_NetServerReqChallenge above.) Both a SAM or UAS server authenticates using this function.
This function passes a credential to the DC and the DC passes a credential back to the caller.
PrimaryName -- Supplies the name of the DC we wish to authenticate with.
AccountName -- Name of the Account to authenticate with.
SecureChannelType -- The type of the account being accessed. This field must be set to UasServerSecureChannel to indicate a call from downlevel (LanMan 2.x and below) BDC or member server.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
ClientCredential -- 64 bit credential supplied by the BDC or member server.
ServerCredential -- Receives 64 bit credential from the PDC.
NegotiatedFlags -- Specifies flags indicating what features the BDC supports. Returns a subset of those flags indicating what features the PDC supports. The PDC/BDC should ignore any bits that it doesn't understand.
AccountRid - Returns the relative ID of the account used for authentication.
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerAuthenticate3( PrimaryName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, ClientCredential, ServerCredential, NegotiatedFlags, AccountRid );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerAuthenticate3 rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This function is used to change the password for the account being used to maintain a secure channel. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with a DC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
The call is made differently depending on the account type:
* A domain account password is changed from the PDC in the trusting domain. The I_NetServerPasswordSet call is made to any DC in the trusted domain.
* A server account password is changed from the specific server. The I_NetServerPasswordSet call is made to the PDC in the domain the server belongs to.
* A workstation account password is changed from the specific workstation. The I_NetServerPasswordSet call is made to a DC in the domain the server belongs to.
For domain accounts and workstation accounts, the server being called may be a BDC in the specific domain. In that case, the BDC will validate the request and pass it on to the PDC of the domain using the server account secure channel. If the PDC of the domain is currently not available, the BDC will return STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS. Since the UasNewPassword is passed encrypted by the session key, such a BDC will decrypt the UasNewPassword using the original session key and will re-encrypt it with the session key for its session to its PDC before passing the request on.
This function uses RPC to contact the DC named by PrimaryName.
PrimaryName -- Name of the PDC to change the servers password with. NULL indicates this call is a local call being made on behalf of a UAS server by the XACT server.
AccountName -- Name of the account to change the password for.
AccountType -- The type of account being accessed. This field must be set to UasServerAccount to indicate a call from a downlevel
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
UasNewPassword -- The new password for the server. This Password is generated by automatic means using random number genertaor seeded with the current Time It is assumed that the machine generated password was used as key to encrypt STD text and "sesskey" obtained via Challenge/Authenticate sequence was used to further encrypt it before passing to this api. i.e. UasNewPassword = E2(E1(STD_TXT, PW), SK)
Return Value:
NT status code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerPasswordSet( PrimaryName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, UasNewPassword );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerPasswordSet rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This function is used to change the password for the account being used to maintain a secure channel. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with a DC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
The call is made differently depending on the account type:
* A domain account password is changed from the PDC in the trusting domain. The I_NetServerPasswordSet call is made to any DC in the trusted domain.
* A server account password is changed from the specific server. The I_NetServerPasswordSet call is made to the PDC in the domain the server belongs to.
* A workstation account password is changed from the specific workstation. The I_NetServerPasswordSet call is made to a DC in the domain the server belongs to.
For domain accounts and workstation accounts, the server being called may be a BDC in the specific domain. In that case, the BDC will validate the request and pass it on to the PDC of the domain using the server account secure channel. If the PDC of the domain is currently not available, the BDC will return STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS. Since the UasNewPassword is passed encrypted by the session key, such a BDC will decrypt the UasNewPassword using the original session key and will re-encrypt it with the session key for its session to its PDC before passing the request on.
This function uses RPC to contact the DC named by PrimaryName.
PrimaryName -- Name of the PDC to change the servers password with. NULL indicates this call is a local call being made on behalf of a UAS server by the XACT server.
AccountName -- Name of the account to change the password for.
AccountType -- The type of account being accessed. This field must be set to UasServerAccount to indicate a call from a downlevel
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
ClearNewPassword - The new password for the server. Appropriately encrypted.
Return Value:
NT status code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerPasswordSet2( PrimaryName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, ClearNewPassword );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerPasswordSet2 rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS I_NetDatabaseDeltas ( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN DWORD DatabaseID, IN OUT PNLPR_MODIFIED_COUNT DomainModifiedCount, OUT PNETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *DeltaArray, IN DWORD PreferredMaximumLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by a SAM BDC or SAM member server to request SAM-style account delta information from a SAM PDC. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with the PDC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate. This function uses RPC to contact the Netlogon service on the PDC.
This function returns a list of deltas. A delta describes an individual domain, user or group and all of the field values for that object. The PDC maintains a list of deltas not including all of the field values for that object. Rather, the PDC retrieves the field values from SAM and returns those values from this call. The PDC optimizes the data returned on this call by only returning the field values for a particular object once on a single invocation of this function. This optimizes the typical case where multiple deltas exist for a single object (e.g., an application modified many fields of the same user during a short period of time using different calls to the SAM service).
PrimaryName -- Name of the PDC to retrieve the deltas from.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
DomainModifiedCount -- Specifies the DomainModifiedCount of the last delta retrieved by the server. Returns the DomainModifiedCount of the last delta returned from the PDC on this call.
DeltaArray -- Receives a pointer to a buffer where the information is placed. The information returned is an array of NETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM structures.
PreferredMaximumLength - Preferred maximum length of returned data (in 8-bit bytes). This is not a hard upper limit, but serves as a guide to the server. Due to data conversion between systems with different natural data sizes, the actual amount of data returned may be greater than this value.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- The function completed successfully.
STATUS_SYNCHRONIZATION_REQUIRED -- The replicant is totally out of sync and should call I_NetDatabaseSync to do a full synchronization with the PDC.
STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES -- The replicant should call again to get more data.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- The replicant should re-authenticate with the PDC.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
*DeltaArray = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
Status = NetrDatabaseDeltas( PrimaryName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, DatabaseID, DomainModifiedCount, DeltaArray, PreferredMaximumLength );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
NetpKdPrint(("I_NetDatabaseDeltas rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status));
return Status; }
NTSTATUS I_NetDatabaseSync ( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN DWORD DatabaseID, IN OUT PULONG SamSyncContext, OUT PNETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *DeltaArray, IN DWORD PreferredMaximumLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by a SAM BDC or SAM member server to request the entire SAM database from a SAM PDC in SAM-style format. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with the PDC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate. This function uses RPC to contact the Netlogon service on the PDC.
This function uses the find-first find-next model to return portions of the SAM database at a time. The SAM database is returned as a list of deltas like those returned from I_NetDatabaseDeltas. The following deltas are returned for each domain:
* One AddOrChangeDomain delta, followed by
* One AddOrChangeGroup delta for each group, followed by,
* One AddOrChangeUser delta for each user, followed by
* One ChangeGroupMembership delta for each group
PrimaryName -- Name of the PDC to retrieve the deltas from.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
SamSyncContext -- Specifies context needed to continue the operation. The caller should treat this as an opaque value. The value should be zero before the first call.
DeltaArray -- Receives a pointer to a buffer where the information is placed. The information returned is an array of NETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM structures.
PreferredMaximumLength - Preferred maximum length of returned data (in 8-bit bytes). This is not a hard upper limit, but serves as a guide to the server. Due to data conversion between systems with different natural data sizes, the actual amount of data returned may be greater than this value.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- The function completed successfully.
STATUS_SYNCHRONIZATION_REQUIRED -- The replicant is totally out of sync and should call I_NetDatabaseSync to do a full synchronization with the PDC.
STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES -- The replicant should call again to get more data.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- The replicant should re-authenticate with the PDC.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
*DeltaArray = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
Status = NetrDatabaseSync( PrimaryName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, DatabaseID, SamSyncContext, DeltaArray, PreferredMaximumLength );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetDatabaseSync rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS I_NetDatabaseSync2 ( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN DWORD DatabaseID, IN SYNC_STATE RestartState, IN OUT PULONG SamSyncContext, OUT PNETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *DeltaArray, IN DWORD PreferredMaximumLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by a SAM BDC or SAM member server to request the entire SAM database from a SAM PDC in SAM-style format. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with the PDC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate. This function uses RPC to contact the Netlogon service on the PDC.
This function uses the find-first find-next model to return portions of the SAM database at a time. The SAM database is returned as a list of deltas like those returned from I_NetDatabaseDeltas. The following deltas are returned for each domain:
* One AddOrChangeDomain delta, followed by
* One AddOrChangeGroup delta for each group, followed by,
* One AddOrChangeUser delta for each user, followed by
* One ChangeGroupMembership delta for each group
PrimaryName -- Name of the PDC to retrieve the deltas from.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member server making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
RestartState -- Specifies whether this is a restart of the full sync and how to interpret SyncContext. This value should be NormalState unless this is the restart of a full sync.
However, if the caller is continuing a full sync after a reboot, the following values are used:
GroupState - SyncContext is the global group rid to continue with. UserState - SyncContext is the user rid to continue with GroupMemberState - SyncContext is the global group rid to continue with AliasState - SyncContext should be zero to restart at first alias AliasMemberState - SyncContext should be zero to restart at first alias
One cannot continue the LSA database in this way.
SamSyncContext -- Specifies context needed to continue the operation. The caller should treat this as an opaque value. The value should be zero before the first call.
DeltaArray -- Receives a pointer to a buffer where the information is placed. The information returned is an array of NETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM structures.
PreferredMaximumLength - Preferred maximum length of returned data (in 8-bit bytes). This is not a hard upper limit, but serves as a guide to the server. Due to data conversion between systems with different natural data sizes, the actual amount of data returned may be greater than this value.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- The function completed successfully.
STATUS_SYNCHRONIZATION_REQUIRED -- The replicant is totally out of sync and should call I_NetDatabaseSync to do a full synchronization with the PDC.
STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES -- The replicant should call again to get more data.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- The replicant should re-authenticate with the PDC.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
*DeltaArray = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
Status = NetrDatabaseSync2( PrimaryName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, DatabaseID, RestartState, SamSyncContext, DeltaArray, PreferredMaximumLength );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetDatabaseSync rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION I_NetAccountDeltas ( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN PUAS_INFO_0 RecordId, IN DWORD Count, IN DWORD Level, OUT LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize, OUT PULONG CountReturned, OUT PULONG TotalEntries, OUT PUAS_INFO_0 NextRecordId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by a UAS BDC or UAS member server to request UAS-style account change information. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with the PDC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
This function is only called by the XACT server upon receipt of a I_NetAccountDeltas XACT SMB from a UAS BDC or a UAS member server. As such, many of the parameters are opaque since the XACT server doesn't need to interpret any of that data. This function uses RPC to contact the Netlogon service.
The LanMan 3.0 SSI Functional Specification describes the operation of this function.
PrimaryName -- Must be NULL to indicate this call is a local call being made on behalf of a UAS server by the XACT server.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
RecordId -- Supplies an opaque buffer indicating the last record received from a previous call to this function.
Count -- Supplies the number of Delta records requested.
Level -- Reserved. Must be zero.
Buffer -- Returns opaque data representing the information to be returned.
BufferSize -- Size of buffer in bytes.
CountReturned -- Returns the number of records returned in buffer.
TotalEntries -- Returns the total number of records available.
NextRecordId -- Returns an opaque buffer identifying the last record received by this function.
Return Value:
Status code
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = NetrAccountDeltas ( PrimaryName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, RecordId, Count, Level, Buffer, BufferSize, CountReturned, TotalEntries, NextRecordId );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetAccountDeltas rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION I_NetAccountSync ( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN DWORD Reference, IN DWORD Level, OUT LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize, OUT PULONG CountReturned, OUT PULONG TotalEntries, OUT PULONG NextReference, OUT PUAS_INFO_0 LastRecordId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by a UAS BDC or UAS member server to request the entire user accounts database. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with the PDC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
This function is only called by the XACT server upon receipt of a I_NetAccountSync XACT SMB from a UAS BDC or a UAS member server. As such, many of the parameters are opaque since the XACT server doesn't need to interpret any of that data. This function uses RPC to contact the Netlogon service.
The LanMan 3.0 SSI Functional Specification describes the operation of this function.
"Reference" and "NextReference" are treated as below.
1. "Reference" should hold either 0 or value of "NextReference" from previous call to this API. 2. Send the modals and ALL group records in the first call. The API expects the bufffer to be large enough to hold this info (worst case size would be MAXGROUP * (sizeof(struct group_info_1) + MAXCOMMENTSZ) + sizeof(struct user_modals_info_0) which, for now, will be 256 * (26 + 49) + 16 = 19216 bytes
PrimaryName -- Must be NULL to indicate this call is a local call being made on behalf of a UAS server by the XACT server.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC or member making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
Reference -- Supplies find-first find-next handle returned by the previous call to this function or 0 if it is the first call.
Level -- Reserved. Must be zero.
Buffer -- Returns opaque data representing the information to be returned.
BufferLen -- Length of buffer in bytes.
CountReturned -- Returns the number of records returned in buffer.
TotalEntries -- Returns the total number of records available.
NextReference -- Returns a find-first find-next handle to be provided on the next call.
LastRecordId -- Returns an opaque buffer identifying the last record received by this function.
Return Value:
Status code.
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = NetrAccountSync ( PrimaryName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, Reference, Level, Buffer, BufferSize, CountReturned, TotalEntries, NextReference, LastRecordId );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetAccountSync rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION I_NetLogonControl( IN LPCWSTR ServerName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD FunctionCode, IN DWORD QueryLevel, OUT LPBYTE *QueryInformation )
Routine Description:
This function controls various aspects of the Netlogon service. It can be used to request that a BDC ensure that its copy of the SAM database is brought up to date. It can, also, be used to determine if a BDC currently has a secure channel open to the PDC.
Only an Admin, Account Operator or Server Operator may call this function.
ServerName - The name of the remote server.
FunctionCode - Defines the operation to be performed. The valid values are:
FunctionCode Values
NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY - No operation. Merely returns the information requested.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE: Forces the SAM database on a BDC to be brought in sync with the copy on the PDC. This operation does NOT imply a full synchronize. The Netlogon service will merely replicate any outstanding differences if possible.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_SYNCHRONIZE: Forces a BDC to get a completely new copy of the SAM database from the PDC. This operation will perform a full synchronize.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_PDC_REPLICATE: Forces a PDC to ask each BDC to replicate now.
QueryLevel - Indicates what information should be returned from the Netlogon Service. Must be 1.
QueryInformation - Returns a pointer to a buffer which contains the requested information. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
Return Value:
NERR_Success: the operation was successful
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Function code is not valid on the specified server. (e.g. NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE was passed to a PDC).
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
RpcQueryInformation.NetlogonInfo1 = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
NetStatus = NetrLogonControl ( (LPWSTR) ServerName OPTIONAL, FunctionCode, QueryLevel, &RpcQueryInformation );
*QueryInformation = (LPBYTE) RpcQueryInformation.NetlogonInfo1;
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetLogonControl rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION I_NetLogonControl2( IN LPCWSTR ServerName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD FunctionCode, IN DWORD QueryLevel, IN LPBYTE InputData, OUT LPBYTE *QueryInformation )
Routine Description:
This is similar to the I_NetLogonControl function but it accepts more generic input data according to the function code specified.
This function controls various aspects of the Netlogon service. It can be used to request that a BDC ensure that its copy of the SAM database is brought up to date. It can, also, be used to determine if a BDC currently has a secure channel open to the PDC.
Only an Admin, Account Operator or Server Operator may call this function.
ServerName - The name of the remote server.
FunctionCode - Defines the operation to be performed. The valid values are:
FunctionCode Values
NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY - No operation. Merely returns the information requested.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE: Forces the SAM database on a BDC to be brought in sync with the copy on the PDC. This operation does NOT imply a full synchronize. The Netlogon service will merely replicate any outstanding differences if possible.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_SYNCHRONIZE: Forces a BDC to get a completely new copy of the SAM database from the PDC. This operation will perform a full synchronize.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_PDC_REPLICATE: Forces a PDC to ask each BDC to replicate now.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER: Forces a DC to rediscover the specified trusted domain DC.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY: Query the status of the specified trusted domain secure channel.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY: Verify the status of the specified trusted domain secure channel. If the current status is success (which means that the last operation performed over the secure channel was successful), ping the DC. If the current status is not success or the ping fails, rediscover a new DC.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_CHANGE_PASSWORD: Forces a password change on a secure channel to a trusted domain.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_FORCE_DNS_REG: Forces the DC to re-register all of its DNS records. QueryLevel parameter must be 1.
NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY_DNS_REG: Query the status of DNS updates performed by netlogon. If there was any DNS registration or deregistration error for any of the records as they were updated last time, the query result will be negative; otherwise the query result will be positive. QueryLevel parameter must be 1.
QueryLevel - Indicates what information should be returned from the Netlogon Service.
InputData - According to the function code specified this parameter will carry input data. NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER and NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY function code specify the trusted domain name (LPWSTR type) here.
QueryInformation - Returns a pointer to a buffer which contains the requested information. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
Return Value:
NERR_Success: the operation was successful
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Function code is not valid on the specified server. (e.g. NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE was passed to a PDC).
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
// Use new Control2Ex if either QueryLevel or FunctionCode is new
RpcQueryInformation.NetlogonInfo1 = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
if ( QueryLevel >= 1 && QueryLevel <= 3 ) { NetStatus = NetrLogonControl2 ( (LPWSTR) ServerName OPTIONAL, FunctionCode, QueryLevel, (PNETLOGON_CONTROL_DATA_INFORMATION)InputData, &RpcQueryInformation ); } else if ( QueryLevel == 4 ) { NetStatus = NetrLogonControl2Ex ( (LPWSTR) ServerName OPTIONAL, FunctionCode, QueryLevel, (PNETLOGON_CONTROL_DATA_INFORMATION)InputData, &RpcQueryInformation ); } else { NetStatus = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } break; case NETLOGON_CONTROL_FIND_USER: case NETLOGON_CONTROL_UNLOAD_NETLOGON_DLL: case NETLOGON_CONTROL_CHANGE_PASSWORD: case NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY: case NETLOGON_CONTROL_FORCE_DNS_REG: case NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY_DNS_REG:
if ( QueryLevel >= 1 && QueryLevel <= 4 ) { NetStatus = NetrLogonControl2Ex ( (LPWSTR) ServerName OPTIONAL, FunctionCode, QueryLevel, (PNETLOGON_CONTROL_DATA_INFORMATION)InputData, &RpcQueryInformation ); } else { NetStatus = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } break; default: NetStatus = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; }
*QueryInformation = (LPBYTE) RpcQueryInformation.NetlogonInfo1;
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetLogonControl rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
NTSTATUS I_NetDatabaseRedo( IN LPWSTR PrimaryName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN LPBYTE ChangeLogEntry, IN DWORD ChangeLogEntrySize, OUT PNETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *DeltaArray ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by a SAM BDC to request infomation about a single account. This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with the PDC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate. This function uses RPC to contact the Netlogon service on the PDC.
PrimaryName -- Name of the PDC to retrieve the delta from.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
ChangeLogEntry -- A description of the account to be queried.
ChangeLogEntrySize -- Size (in bytes) of the ChangeLogEntry.
DeltaArray -- Receives a pointer to a buffer where the information is placed. The information returned is an array of NETLOGON_DELTA_ENUM structures.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- The function completed successfully.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- The replicant should re-authenticate with the PDC.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
*DeltaArray = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
Status = NetrDatabaseRedo( PrimaryName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, ChangeLogEntry, ChangeLogEntrySize, DeltaArray );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetDatabaseSync rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NetEnumerateTrustedDomains ( IN LPWSTR ServerName OPTIONAL, OUT LPWSTR *DomainNames )
Routine Description:
This API returns the names of the domains trusted by the domain ServerName is a member of. ServerName must be an NT workstation or NT non-DC server.
The returned list does not include the domain ServerName is directly a member of.
Netlogon implements this API by calling LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains on a DC in the domain ServerName is a member of. However, Netlogon returns cached information if it has been less than 5 minutes since the last call was made or if no DC is available. Netlogon's cache of Trusted domain names is maintained in the registry across reboots. As such, the list is available upon boot even if no DC is available.
ServerName - name of remote server (null for local). ServerName must be an NT workstation or NT non-DC server.
DomainNames - Returns an allocated buffer containing the list of trusted domains in MULTI-SZ format (i.e., each string is terminated by a zero character, the next string immediately follows, the sequence is terminated by zero length domain name). The buffer should be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
Return Value:
STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED - ServerName is not an NT workstation or NT non-DC server.
STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS - No DC could be found and no cached information is available.
STATUS_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET - The client side of the trust relationship is broken and no cached information is available.
STATUS_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT - The server side of the trust relationship is broken or the password is broken and no cached information is available.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0; DOMAIN_NAME_BUFFER DomainNameBuffer;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
DomainNameBuffer.DomainNameByteCount = 0; DomainNameBuffer.DomainNames = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
Status = NetrEnumerateTrustedDomains( ServerName, &DomainNameBuffer );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { *DomainNames = (LPWSTR) DomainNameBuffer.DomainNames; }
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("NetEnumerateDomainNames rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This API returns the names of the domains trusted by the domain ServerName is a member of. ServerName is an NT4 machine.
Netlogon's cache of Trusted domain names is maintained in a file across reboots. As such, the list is available upon boot even if no DC is available.
ServerName - name of remote server (null for local).
Flags - Specifies attributes of trusts which should be returned. These are the flags of the DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW strusture. If a trust entry has any of the bits specified in Flags set, it will be returned.
Domains - Returns an array of trusted domains. Buffer must be free using NetApiBufferFree().
DomainCount - Returns a count of the number elements in the Domains array.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Success.
ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS - No DC could be found and no cached information is available.
ERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET - The client side of the trust relationship is broken and no cached information is available.
ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT - The server side of the trust relationship is broken or the password is broken and no cached information is available.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - The Flags parameter has invalid bit(s) set.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - The server specified is not capable of returning the domain trusts requested.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus = NO_ERROR; NTSTATUS Status; BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR BufferDescriptor; ULONG LocalDomainCount; LSA_HANDLE LsaHandle = NULL; PPOLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO PrimaryDomainInfo = NULL; LPWSTR DomainNames = NULL; PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW TrustedDomain; ULONG DummySize;
// Initialization
BufferDescriptor.Buffer = NULL; LocalDomainCount = 0; *Domains = NULL; *DomainCount = 0;
// Validate Flags
if ( (Flags & DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS) == 0 || (Flags & ~DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS) != 0 ) { NetStatus = ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; goto Cleanup; }
// This routine uses old APIs which are not capable of returning
// directly trusting domains. So error out if such trusts are requested.
if ( (Flags & DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND) != 0 ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto Cleanup; }
// NetEnumerateTrustedDomains targeted at NT4 server returns directly
// trusted domains only. So call it only if such domains are requested.
// Nothing will be returned for domains in forest if such were requested.
Status = NetEnumerateTrustedDomains ( ServerName, &DomainNames );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NetStatus = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( Status ); if ( NetStatus == RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } goto Cleanup; }
// Handle each trusted domain.
TStrArray = (LPTSTR_ARRAY) DomainNames; while ( !NetpIsTStrArrayEmpty(TStrArray) ) { UNICODE_STRING CurrentNetbiosDomainName;
// Add the domain to the list
RtlInitUnicodeString( &CurrentNetbiosDomainName, TStrArray );
Status = NlAllocateForestTrustListEntry ( &BufferDescriptor, &CurrentNetbiosDomainName, NULL, // No DNS domain name
TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL, 0, // No TrustAttributes
NULL, // No Domain Sid
NULL, // No DomainGuid
&DummySize, &TrustedDomain );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { NetStatus = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( Status ); goto Cleanup; }
// Account for the newly allocated entry
LocalDomainCount ++;
// Move to the next entry
TStrArray = NetpNextTStrArrayEntry( TStrArray ); } }
// NetEnumerateDomainTrusts doesn't return primary domain
// in the list of trusted domains. If the primary domain
// is requested, add it here using info from LSA.
if ( Flags & DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY ) { UNICODE_STRING UncServerNameString; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
// First, open the policy database on the server.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &UncServerNameString, ServerName );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
Status = LsaOpenPolicy( &UncServerNameString, &ObjectAttributes, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &LsaHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { LsaHandle = NULL; NetStatus = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( Status ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the name of the primary domain from LSA
Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( LsaHandle, PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation, (PVOID *) &PrimaryDomainInfo );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { NetStatus = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( Status ); goto Cleanup; }
// Now, add it to our list here.
Status = NlAllocateForestTrustListEntry ( &BufferDescriptor, &PrimaryDomainInfo->Name, NULL, // No DNS domain name
DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY, 0, // No ParentIndex
TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL, 0, // No TrustAttributes
PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid, NULL, // No DomainGuid
&DummySize, &TrustedDomain );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { NetStatus = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( Status ); goto Cleanup; }
// And account for the newly allocated entry.
LocalDomainCount ++; }
// If we made it up to this point, it's a success!
NetStatus = NO_ERROR;
if ( DomainNames != NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( DomainNames ); }
if ( LsaHandle != NULL ) { (VOID) LsaClose( LsaHandle ); }
if ( PrimaryDomainInfo != NULL ) { (void) LsaFreeMemory( PrimaryDomainInfo ); }
// Return the trusted domain list
if ( NetStatus == NO_ERROR ) { *Domains = (PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW)BufferDescriptor.Buffer; *DomainCount = LocalDomainCount; } else { if ( BufferDescriptor.Buffer != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( BufferDescriptor.Buffer ); } *Domains = NULL; *DomainCount = 0; }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
This API returns the names of the domains trusting and trusted by the domain ServerName is a member of.
Netlogon's cache of Trusted domain names is maintained in a file across reboots. As such, the list is available upon boot even if no DC is available.
ServerName - name of remote server (null for local).
Flags - Specifies attributes of trusts which should be returned. These are the flags of the DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW strusture. If a trust entry has any of the bits specified in Flags set, it will be returned.
Domains - Returns an array of trusted domains. Buffer must be free using NetApiBufferFree().
DomainCount - Returns a count of the number elements in the Domains array.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Success.
ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS - No DC could be found and no cached information is available.
ERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET - The client side of the trust relationship is broken and no cached information is available.
ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT - The server side of the trust relationship is broken or the password is broken and no cached information is available.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - The Flags parameter has invalid bit(s) set.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - The server specified is not capable of returning the domain trusts requested.
// Validate the Flags parameter
if ( (Flags & DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS) == 0 || (Flags & ~DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS) != 0 ) { return ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; }
// Initialization
*DomainCount = 0; *Domains = NULL;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
LocalDomains.Domains = NULL; LocalDomains.DomainCount = 0;
NetStatus = DsrEnumerateDomainTrusts ( ServerName, Flags, &LocalDomains );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
if ( NetStatus == NO_ERROR ) { *Domains = LocalDomains.Domains; *DomainCount = LocalDomains.DomainCount;
// Handle the case where the server is an NT4 machine
} else if ( NetStatus == RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE ) {
NetStatus = NlpEnumerateNt4DomainTrusts ( ServerName, Flags, Domains, DomainCount );
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
This API returns the names of the domains trusting and trusted by the domain ServerName is a member of.
Netlogon's cache of Trusted domain names is maintained in a file across reboots. As such, the list is available upon boot even if no DC is available.
ServerName - name of remote server (null for local).
Flags - Specifies attributes of trusts which should be returned. These are the flags of the DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW strusture. If a trust entry has any of the bits specified in Flags set, it will be returned.
Domains - Returns an array of trusted domains. Buffer must be free using NetApiBufferFree().
DomainCount - Returns a count of the number elements in the Domains array.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - The server specified is not capable of returning the domain trusts requested.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Success.
ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS - No DC could be found and no cached information is available.
ERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET - The client side of the trust relationship is broken and no cached information is available.
ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT - The server side of the trust relationship is broken or the password is broken and no cached information is available.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - The Flags parameter has invalid bit(s) set.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW DomainsW = NULL; LPWSTR UnicodeServerName = NULL; LPSTR *TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray = NULL; LPSTR *TmpDnsDomainNameArray = NULL;
ULONG Size; ULONG NameSize; ULONG i;
// Initialization
*Domains = NULL; *DomainCount = 0;
// Convert input parameters to Unicode.
if ( ServerName != NULL ) { UnicodeServerName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( ServerName );
if ( UnicodeServerName == NULL ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
// Call the Unicode version of the API
NetStatus = DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW ( UnicodeServerName, Flags, &DomainsW, DomainCount );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR || *DomainCount == 0 ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Allocate the buffer to return to the caller
// First allocate temprory ANSI arrays to store the domain names. This is needed
// because there is no easy way to compute the size of ANSI names other than to
// allocate them from Unicode strings and then compute the sizes of the resulting
// ANSI strings.
NetStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( (*DomainCount)*sizeof(LPSTR), (LPVOID *) &TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray ); if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; } NetStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( (*DomainCount)*sizeof(LPSTR), (LPVOID *) &TmpDnsDomainNameArray ); if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
RtlZeroMemory( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray, (*DomainCount)*sizeof(LPSTR) ); RtlZeroMemory( TmpDnsDomainNameArray, (*DomainCount)*sizeof(LPSTR) );
Size = 0; for ( i = 0; i < *DomainCount; i++ ) {
Size += sizeof(DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSA);
// Add the size of the Netbios domain name
if ( DomainsW[i].NetbiosDomainName != NULL ) { TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] = NetpAllocAStrFromWStr( DomainsW[i].NetbiosDomainName ); if ( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] == NULL ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } Size += lstrlenA( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] ) + 1; } else { TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] = NULL; }
// Add the size of the DNS domain name
if ( DomainsW[i].DnsDomainName != NULL ) { TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] = NetpAllocAStrFromWStr( DomainsW[i].DnsDomainName ); if ( TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] == NULL ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } Size += lstrlenA( TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] ) + 1; } else { TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] = NULL; }
// Add the size of the SID
if ( DomainsW[i].DomainSid != NULL ) { Size += RtlLengthSid( DomainsW[i].DomainSid ); }
NetStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( Size, Domains );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Loop copying domains to the caller.
Where = (LPBYTE) &((*Domains)[*DomainCount]); for ( i = 0; i < *DomainCount; i++) { NTSTATUS Status;
// Copy constant length variables
(*Domains)[i].Flags = DomainsW[i].Flags; (*Domains)[i].ParentIndex = DomainsW[i].ParentIndex; (*Domains)[i].TrustType = DomainsW[i].TrustType; (*Domains)[i].TrustAttributes = DomainsW[i].TrustAttributes; (*Domains)[i].DomainGuid = DomainsW[i].DomainGuid;
// Copy the (DWORD aligned) SID into the return buffer
if ( DomainsW[i].DomainSid != NULL ) { ULONG SidSize; (*Domains)[i].DomainSid = (PSID) Where; SidSize = RtlLengthSid( DomainsW[i].DomainSid ); RtlCopyMemory( Where, DomainsW[i].DomainSid, SidSize ); Where += SidSize; } else { (*Domains)[i].DomainSid = NULL; }
// Copy the Netbios domain name into the return buffer.
if ( DomainsW[i].NetbiosDomainName != NULL ) { NameSize = lstrlenA( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] ) + 1; (*Domains)[i].NetbiosDomainName = (LPSTR) Where; RtlCopyMemory( Where, TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i], NameSize ); Where += NameSize; } else { (*Domains)[i].NetbiosDomainName = NULL; }
// Copy the DNS domain name into the return buffer.
if ( DomainsW[i].DnsDomainName != NULL ) { NameSize = lstrlenA( TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] ) + 1; (*Domains)[i].DnsDomainName = (LPSTR) Where; RtlCopyMemory( Where, TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i], NameSize ); Where += NameSize; } else { (*Domains)[i].DnsDomainName = NULL; }
if ( DomainsW != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( DomainsW ); }
if ( UnicodeServerName != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( UnicodeServerName ); }
if ( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i < *DomainCount; i++ ) { if ( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray[i] ); } } NetApiBufferFree( TmpNetbiosDomainNameArray ); }
if ( TmpDnsDomainNameArray != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i < *DomainCount; i++ ) { if ( TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( TmpDnsDomainNameArray[i] ); } } NetApiBufferFree( TmpDnsDomainNameArray ); }
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR && *Domains != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( *Domains ); *Domains = NULL; *DomainCount = 0; }
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
NTSTATUS I_NetLogonGetDomainInfo( IN LPWSTR ServerName, IN LPWSTR ComputerName, IN PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR Authenticator, OUT PNETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR ReturnAuthenticator, IN DWORD QueryLevel, IN LPBYTE InBuffer, OUT LPBYTE *OutBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is used by an NT workstation to query information about the domain it is a member of.
ServerName -- Name of the DC to retrieve the data from.
ComputerName -- Name of the workstation making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the workstation.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the DC.
QueryLevel - Level of information to return from the DC. Valid values are:
1: Return NETLOGON_DOMAIN_INFO structure.
InBuffer - Buffer to pass to DC
OutBuffer - Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer containing the queried information.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- The function completed successfully.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- The workstations should re-authenticate with the DC.
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
*OutBuffer = NULL;
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetlogonDomainInfo.DomainInfo = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
NetlogonWorkstationInfo.WorkstationInfo = (PNETLOGON_WORKSTATION_INFO)InBuffer;
Status = NetrLogonGetDomainInfo( ServerName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, QueryLevel, &NetlogonWorkstationInfo, &NetlogonDomainInfo );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { *OutBuffer = (LPBYTE) NetlogonDomainInfo.DomainInfo; }
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetLogonGetDomainInfo rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NetLogonSetServiceBits( IN LPWSTR ServerName, IN DWORD ServiceBitsOfInterest, IN DWORD ServiceBits )
Routine Description:
Inidcates whether this DC is currently running the specified service.
For instance,
NetLogonSetServiceBits( DS_KDC_FLAG, DS_KDC_FLAG );
tells Netlogon the KDC is running. And
NetLogonSetServiceBits( DS_KDC_FLAG, 0 );
tells Netlogon the KDC is not running.
This out of proc API can set only a certain set of bits: DS_TIMESERV_FLAG DS_GOOD_TIMESERV_FLAG
If other bits are attempted to be set, access denied is returned.
ServerName -- Name of the DC to retrieve the data from.
ServiceBitsOfInterest - A mask of the service bits being changed, set, or reset by this call. Only the following flags are valid:
ServiceBits - A mask indicating what the bits specified by ServiceBitsOfInterest should be set to.
Return Value:
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - The parameters have extaneous bits set.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = 0;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrLogonSetServiceBits( ServerName, ServiceBitsOfInterest, ServiceBits );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("NetLogonSetServiceBits rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
Returns the Rid of the account that ServerName uses in its secure channel to DomainName.
Only an Admin or LocalSystem or LocalService may call this function.
ServerName - The name of the remote server.
DomainName - The name (DNS or Netbios) of the domain the trust is to. NULL implies the domain the machine is a member of.
Rid - Rid is the RID of the account in the specified domain that represents the trust relationship between the ServerName and DomainName.
Return Value:
NERR_Success: the operation was successful
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = NetrLogonGetTrustRid ( ServerName, DomainName, Rid );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetLogonGetTrustRid rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
Compute the message digest for Message on the server.
A digest is computed given the message and the password used on the account identified by teh account RID. Since there may be up to 2 passwords on the account (for interdomain trust), this routine returns 2 digets corresponding to the 2 passwords. If the account has just one password on the server side (true for any account other than the intedomain trust account) or the two passwords are the same the 2 digests returned will be identical.
Only an Admin or LocalSystem or LocalService may call this function.
ServerName - The name of the remote server.
Rid - The RID of the account to create the digest for. The RID must be the RID of a machine account or the API returns an error.
Message - The message to compute the digest for.
MessageSize - The size of Message in bytes.
NewMessageDigest - Returns the 128-bit digest of the message corresponding to the new account password.
OldMessageDigest - Returns the 128-bit digest of the message corresponding to the old account password.
Return Value:
NERR_Success: the operation was successful
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = NetrLogonComputeServerDigest( ServerName, Rid, Message, MessageSize, NewMessageDigest, OldMessageDigest );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetLogonComputeServerDigest rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
Compute the message digest for Message on the client.
A digest is computed given the message and the password used on the account identified by the domain name. Since there are two passwords on the account on the client side, this routine returns 2 digests corresponding to the 2 passwords. If the two passwords are the same the 2 digests returned will be identical.
Only an Admin or LocalSystem or LocalService may call this function.
ServerName - The name of the remote server.
DomainName - The name (DNS or Netbios) of the domain the trust is to. NULL implies the domain the machine is a member of.
Message - The message to compute the digest for.
MessageSize - The size of Message in bytes.
NewMessageDigest - Returns the 128-bit digest of the message corresponding to the new password
NewMessageDigest - Returns the 128-bit digest of the message corresponding to the new password
Return Value:
NERR_Success: the operation was successful
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = NetrLogonComputeClientDigest( ServerName, DomainName, Message, MessageSize, NewMessageDigest, OldMessageDigest );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetLogonComputeClientDigest rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
This function is used to by a BDC to get a machine account password from the PDC in the doamin.
This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with a DC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
This function uses RPC to contact the DC named by PrimaryName.
PrimaryName -- Computer name of the PDC to remote the call to.
AccountName -- Name of the account to get the password for.
AccountType -- The type of account being accessed.
ComputerName -- Name of the BDC making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
EncryptedNtOwfPassword -- Returns the OWF password of the account.
Return Value:
NT status code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerPasswordGet ( PrimaryName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, EncryptedNtOwfPassword );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerPasswordGet rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This function is used by a trusting side DC/workstation to get the new and old passwords from the trusted side. The account name requested must match the account name used at the secure channel setup time unless the call is made by a BDC to its PDC; the BDC has full access to the entire trust info.
This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with a DC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
This function uses RPC to contact the DC named by TrustedDcName.
TrustedDcName -- Computer name of the DC to remote the call to.
AccountName -- Name of the account to get the password for.
AccountType -- The type of account being accessed.
ComputerName -- Name of the DC making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by this server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the trusted side DC.
EncryptedNewOwfPassword -- Returns the new OWF password of the account.
EncryptedOldOwfPassword -- Returns the old OWF password of the account.
Return Value:
NT status code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrServerTrustPasswordsGet ( TrustedDcName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, EncryptedNewOwfPassword, EncryptedOldOwfPassword );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerTrustPasswordsGet rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This function is used by a trusting side DC/workstation to get the trust info (new and old passwords and trust attributes) from the trusted side. The account name requested must match the account name used at the secure channel setup time unless the call is made by a BDC to its PDC; the BDC has full access to the entire trust info.
This function can only be called by a server which has previously authenticated with a DC by calling I_NetServerAuthenticate.
This function uses RPC to contact the DC named by TrustedDcName.
TrustedDcName -- Computer name of the DC to remote the call to.
AccountName -- Name of the account to get the password for.
AccountType -- The type of account being accessed.
ComputerName -- Name of the DC making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by this server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the trusted side DC.
EncryptedNewOwfPassword -- Returns the new OWF password of the account.
EncryptedOldOwfPassword -- Returns the old OWF password of the account.
TrustInfo -- Returns trust info data (currently trust attributes)
Return Value:
NT status code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
*TrustInfo = NULL; // Force RPC to allocate
Status = NetrServerGetTrustInfo( TrustedDcName, AccountName, AccountType, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, EncryptedNewOwfPassword, EncryptedOldOwfPassword, TrustInfo );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetServerGetTrustInfo rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
NET_API_STATUS NetLogonGetTimeServiceParentDomain( IN LPWSTR ServerName OPTIONAL, OUT LPWSTR *DomainName, OUT PBOOL PdcSameSite )
Routine Description:
Returns the domain name of the domain that is logically the "parent" of this domain. The returned domain name is suitable for passing into the NetLogonGetTrustRid and NetLogonComputeClientDigest API.
On a workstation or member server, the returned domain name is that of the domain that ServerName is a member of.
On a DC that is at the root of the forest, ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN is returned.
On a DC that is at the root of a tree in the forest, the name of a trusted domain that is also at the root of a tree in the forest is returned.
On any other DC, the name of the domain that is directly the parent domain is returned.
(See the notes on multiple hosted domains in the code below.)
Only an Admin or LocalSystem may call this function.
ServerName - The name of the remote server.
DomainName - Returns the name of the parent domain. The returned buffer should be freed using NetApiBufferFree
PdcSameSite - Return TRUE if the PDC of ServerName's domain is in the same site as ServerName. (This value should be ignored if ServerName is not a DC.)
Return Value:
NERR_Success: the operation was successful
ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN: This server is a DC in the domain that is at the root of the forest.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
*DomainName = NULL;
NetStatus = NetrLogonGetTimeServiceParentDomain ( ServerName, DomainName, PdcSameSite );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
This function deletes all DNS entries associated with a particular NtDsDsa object.
This routine does NOT delete A records registered by the DC. We have no way of finding out the IP addresses of the long gone DC.
Only an Admin, Account Operator or Server Operator may call this function.
ServerName - name of remote server (null for local).
DnsDomainName - DNS domain name of the domain the DC was in. This need not be a domain hosted by this DC. If NULL, it is implied to be the DnsHostName with the leftmost label removed.
DomainGuid - Domain Guid of the domain. If NULL, GUID specific names will not be removed.
DsaGuid - GUID of the NtdsDsa object that will be deleted. If NULL, NtdsDsa specific names will not be removed.
DnsHostName - DNS host name of the DC whose DNS records are being deleted.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Success.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - The server specified is not a DC.
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - The caller is not allowed to perform this operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = DsrDeregisterDnsHostRecords ( ServerName, DnsDomainName, DomainGuid, DsaGuid, DnsHostName );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsW rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", NetStatus, NetStatus)); }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
This function deletes all DNS entries associated with a particular NtDsDsa object.
This routine does NOT delete A records registered by the DC. We have no way of finding out the IP addresses of the long gone DC.
Only an Admin, Account Operator or Server Operator may call this function.
ServerName - name of remote server (null for local).
DnsDomainName - DNS domain name of the domain the DC was in. This need not be a domain hosted by this DC. If NULL, it is implied to be the DnsHostName with the leftmost label removed.
DomainGuid - Domain Guid of the domain specified by DnsDomainName. If NULL, GUID specific names will not be removed.
DsaGuid - GUID of the NtdsDsa object that will be deleted. If NULL, NtdsDsa specific names will not be removed.
DnsHostName - DNS host name of the DC whose DNS records are being deleted.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Success.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - The server specified is not a DC.
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - The caller is not allowed to perform this operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; LPWSTR UnicodeServerName = NULL; LPWSTR UnicodeDnsDomainName = NULL; LPWSTR UnicodeDnsHostName = NULL;
// Convert input parameters to Unicode.
if ( ServerName != NULL ) { UnicodeServerName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( ServerName ); if ( UnicodeServerName == NULL ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
if ( DnsDomainName != NULL ) { UnicodeDnsDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( DnsDomainName ); if ( UnicodeDnsDomainName == NULL ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
if ( DnsHostName != NULL ) { UnicodeDnsHostName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( DnsHostName ); if ( UnicodeDnsHostName == NULL ) { NetStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
// Call the Unicode routine
NetStatus = DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsW ( UnicodeServerName, UnicodeDnsDomainName, DomainGuid, DsaGuid, UnicodeDnsHostName );
if ( UnicodeServerName != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( UnicodeServerName ); }
if ( UnicodeDnsDomainName != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( UnicodeDnsDomainName ); }
if ( UnicodeDnsHostName != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( UnicodeDnsHostName ); }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
DsGetForestTrustInformation returns an array of FTInfo records. The records can be TLN or domain NscType records.
The TLN records returned by DsGetForestTrustInformation are collected from three sources: * The DNS domain names of each tree in the forest. * The values of the Upn-Suffixes attribute on the Partitions container object within the config container. * The values of the Spn-Suffixes attribute on the Partitions container object within the config container.
Each of these names is a candidate for being a TLN returned from the API. However, some names are not returned if they are a suffix of one of the other TLN candidates. For instance, if acme.com is a Upn Suffix and a.acme.com is the dns domain name of one of the trees in the forest, only acme.com will be returned.
The domain records returned from DsGetForestTrustInformation are collected by internally calling DsEnumerateDomainTrusts with the DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST. For each domain returned from that API, the Dns domain name, netbios domain name and domain sid are returned in the domain FTinfo entry.
This section describes the DS_GFTI_UPDATE_TDO flag bit in more detail. When this bit is specified, the FTinfo records written to the TDO is a combination of the FTInfo records currently on the TDO and the FTInfo records returned from the trusted domain. The merge is done as described for the DsMergeForestTrustInformationW API.
ServerName - The name of the domain controller this API is remoted to. The caller must be an "Authenticated User" on ServerName. If NULL is specified, the local server is implied.
TrustedDomainName - The name of the TrustedDomain that the forest trust information is to be gathered for. If TrustedDomainName is NULL, the forest trust information for the domain hosted by ServerName is returned.
If TrustedDomainInformation is not null, it must specify the netbios domain name or dns domain name of an outbound trusted domain with the TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FOREST_TRANSITIVE bit set. In that case, this API obtains the forest trust information by making an RPC call over netlogon's secure channel to obtain the forest trust information from that domain.
Flags - Specifies a set of bits that modify the behavior of the API. Valid bits are:
DS_GFTI_UPDATE_TDO - If this bit is set, the API will update the FTinfo attribute of the TDO named by the TrustedDomainName parameter. The TrustedDomainName parameter may not be NULL. The caller must have access to modify the FTinfo attribute or ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED will be returned. The algorithm describing how the FTinfo from the trusted domain is merged with the FTinfo from the TDO is described below.
This bit in only valid if ServerName specifies the PDC of its domain.
ForestTrustInfo - Returns a pointer to a structure containing a count and an array of FTInfo records describing the namespaces claimed by the domain specified by TrustedDomainName. The Accepted field and Time field of all returned records will be zero. The buffer should be freed by calling NetApiBufferFree.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Success.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - An invalid value was passed for FLAGS
ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION - The domain specified by TrustedDomainName does not have the TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FOREST_TRANSITIVE bit set on the TDO on the trusted DC.
ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN - The domain specified by TrustedDomainName does not exist or does not have that TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FOREST_TRANSITIVE bit set on the TDO on ServerName.
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
NetStatus = DsrGetForestTrustInformation ( (LPWSTR) ServerName, (LPWSTR) TrustedDomainName, Flags, &LocalForestTrustInfo );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
NetStatus = RpcExceptionCode();
} RpcEndExcept;
if ( NetStatus == NO_ERROR ) { *ForestTrustInfo = LocalForestTrustInfo; }
return NetStatus; }
Routine Description:
The secure channel version of DsGetForestTrustInformation.
The inbound secure channel identified by ComputerName must be for an interdomain trust and the inbound TDO must have the TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FOREST_TRANSITIVE bit set.
ServerName - The name of the domain controller this API is remoted to.
ComputerName -- Name of the DC server making the call.
Authenticator -- supplied by the server.
ReturnAuthenticator -- Receives an authenticator returned by the PDC.
Flags - Specifies a set of bits that modify the behavior of the API. No values are currently defined. The caller should pass zero.
ForestTrustInfo - Returns a pointer to a structure containing a count and an array of FTInfo records describing the namespaces claimed by the domain specified by TrustedDomainName. The Accepted field and Time field of all returned records will be zero. The buffer should be freed by calling NetApiBufferFree.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- The function completed successfully.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- The replicant should re-authenticate with the PDC.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
// Do the RPC call with an exception handler since RPC will raise an
// exception if anything fails. It is up to us to figure out what
// to do once the exception is raised.
RpcTryExcept {
// Call RPC version of the API.
Status = NetrGetForestTrustInformation( ServerName, ComputerName, Authenticator, ReturnAuthenticator, Flags, ForestTrustInfo );
} RpcExcept( I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode()) ) {
Status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(RpcExceptionCode());
} RpcEndExcept;
IF_DEBUG( LOGON ) { NetpKdPrint(("I_NetGetForestTrustInformation rc = %lu 0x%lx\n", Status, Status)); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This function merges the changes from a new FTinfo into an old FTinfo and produces the resultant FTinfo.
This routine will be modified in future releases to support new forest trust record types. It is intended that the OldForestTrustInfo describes the FTinfo as currently stored on the local TDO. It is intended that the NewForestTrustInfo is the FTinfo as returned from DsGetForestTrustInformationW for DomainName. The MergedForestTrustInfo is the resultant ForestTrustInfo that should be written to the local TDO. Don't use this routine for any other purpose.
The merged FTinfo records are a combinition of the new and old records. Here's where the merged records come from:
??? Add more here about where records are valid etc. * The TLN exclusion records are copied from the TDO intact. * The TLN record from the trusted domain that maps to the dns domain name of the TDO is copied enabled. This reflects the LSA requirement that such a TLN not be disabled. For instance, if the TDO is for a.acme.com and there is a TLN for a.acme.com that TLN will be enabled. Also, if the TDO is for a.acme.com and there is a TLN for acme.com, that TLN will be enabled. * All other TLN records from the trusted domain are copied disabled with the following exceptions. If there is an enabled TLN on the TDO, all TLNs from the trusted domain that equal (or are subordinate to) the TDO TLN are marked as enabled. This follows the philosophy that new TLNs are imported as disabled. For instance, if the TDO had an enabled TLN for a.acme.com that TLN will still be enabled after the automatic update. If the TDO had an enabled TLN for acme.com and the trusted forest now has a TLN for a.acme.com, the resultant FTinfo will have an enabled TLN for a.acme.com. * The domain records from the trusted domain are copied enabled with the following exceptions. If there is a disabled domain record on the TDO whose dns domain name, or domain sid exactly matches the domain record, then the domain remains disabled. If there is a domain record on the TDO whose netbios name is disabled and whose netbios name exactly matches the netbios name on a domain record, then the netbios name is disabled.
TrustedDomainName - Trusted domain that is to be updated.
NewForestTrustInfo - Specified the new array of FTinfo records as returned from the TrustedDomainName. The Flags field and Time field of the TLN entries are ignored.
OldForestTrustInfo - Specified the array of FTinfo records as returned from the TDO. This field may be NULL if there is no existing records.
MergedForestTrustInfo - Returns the resulant FTinfo records. The caller should free this buffer using MIDL_user_free.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR: Success
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING DomainNameString;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DomainNameString, DomainName );
// Call the worker routine
Status = NetpMergeFtinfo( &DomainNameString, NewForestTrustInfo, OldForestTrustInfo, MergedForestTrustInfo );
return NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( Status );