* * NOTES: * * REVISIONS: * ker03DEC92 Initial OS/2 Revision * pcy14Dec92: Changed READ_ONLY to AREAD_ONLY * jod05Apr93: Added changes for Deep Discharge * cad19Jul93: Battery Calibration fixed up * pcy10Sep93: Fixed to cancel on line fail and other rework * cad28Sep93: Not generating cancels on double sets * pcy08Apr94: Trim size, use static iterators, dead code removal * clk24Jun98: Added Pending Event to Update/Set * clk29Jul98: Initialized thePendingEvent to NULL (it was causing * the server to crash when shutting down server) * * v-stebe 29Jul2000 Fixed PREfix errors (bugs #46370, #46371) */
#define INCL_BASE
#define INCL_DOS
#define INCL_NOPM
#include "cdefine.h"
extern "C" { #if (C_OS & C_OS2)
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
} #include "batcalt.h"
#include "cfgmgr.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "dispatch.h"
#include "comctrl.h"
#include "timerman.h"
BatteryCalibrationTestSensor :: BatteryCalibrationTestSensor(PDevice aParent, PCommController aCommController) : StateSensor(aParent,aCommController, BATTERY_CALIBRATION_TEST,AREAD_WRITE), theCalibrationCondition(0), thePendingEventTimerId(0), thePendingEvent(NULL) { storeState(NO_BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS);
theCommController->RegisterEvent(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, this); }
BatteryCalibrationTestSensor :: ~BatteryCalibrationTestSensor() {
theCommController->UnregisterEvent(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, this);
// if there's a pending event, then we want to cancel it
if (thePendingEventTimerId) { _theTimerManager->CancelTimer(thePendingEventTimerId); thePendingEventTimerId = 0; } if (thePendingEvent) { delete thePendingEvent; thePendingEvent = NULL; } }
INT BatteryCalibrationTestSensor::Validate(INT aCode, const PCHAR aValue) { INT retVal = ErrINVALID_VALUE; // easy default
INT the_new_value=atoi(aValue); INT the_curr_value = atoi(theValue);
if (aCode == theSensorCode) { if ((the_curr_value == NO_BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS) && (the_new_value == BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS)) { retVal = ErrNO_ERROR; } else { if((the_curr_value == BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS) && (the_new_value == NO_BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS)) { retVal = ErrNO_ERROR; } } } else if (aCode == BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION) { retVal = StateSensor::Validate(aCode, aValue); } else { retVal = ErrINVALID_CODE; } return retVal; }
INT BatteryCalibrationTestSensor::Set(const PCHAR aValue) { INT action = atoi(aValue); INT the_current_value = atoi(theValue); CHAR tmpstring[11]; PEvent cal_event = (PEvent)NULL; CHAR new_val[16]; INT err = ErrNO_ERROR;
if (action == PERFORM_BATTERY_CALIBRATION) { sprintf(new_val, "%d", BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS); } else if (action == CANCEL_BATTERY_CALIBRATION) { sprintf(new_val, "%d", NO_BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS); }
err = Sensor::Set(new_val);
switch(action) { case PERFORM_BATTERY_CALIBRATION: if(err == ErrNO_ERROR) { cal_event = new Event(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS); } else if ((err != ErrNO_STATE_CHANGE) && (err != ErrINVALID_VALUE)) { cal_event = new Event(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CANCELLED); if (cal_event != NULL) { cal_event->AppendAttribute(FAILURE_CAUSE, (float) err); } else { err = ErrMEMORY; } } break;
case CANCEL_BATTERY_CALIBRATION: if (!err) { // Create a pending event
Event pendingEvent(PENDING_EVENT, 0L); thePendingEventTimerId = _theTimerManager->SetTheTimer((ULONG)5, &pendingEvent, this);
cal_event = new Event(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CANCELLED); if (cal_event != NULL) { if (theCalibrationCondition == CANCELLED_LINEFAIL) cal_event->AppendAttribute(FAILURE_CAUSE, _itoa(LINE_BAD,tmpstring,10)); theCalibrationCondition = FALSE; } else { err = ErrMEMORY; } } break; }
if (cal_event) { UpdateObj::Update(cal_event); delete cal_event; cal_event = NULL; }
return err; }
INT BatteryCalibrationTestSensor::Update(PEvent anEvent) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR; INT the_temp_code=anEvent->GetCode(); PCHAR the_temp_value=anEvent->GetValue();
// Do Sets sent by time delay (scheduled)
if (the_temp_code == BATTERY_CALIBRATION_TEST) { err = Set(the_temp_value); } // We want to check to see if the event is the
// pending event set up in the Set.
// This fix was put in to stop multiple events.
if (thePendingEventTimerId) {
if (anEvent->GetCode() == PENDING_EVENT) { thePendingEventTimerId = 0; } } else { StateSensor::Update(anEvent); } return err; }