* NOTES: * * REVISIONS: * pcy10Mar95: Initial revision * pav22Sep95: Fixed leap year check * djs11Sep95: Port to UNIX * ntf03Jan96: Added operator<< functionality so that datetime.cxx would compile * jps20Nov96: Added adjustment for >2000 (+= 100) in DateObj constr. * tjg22Nov97: Added adjustment Year 2000 adjustment for leap year calculation * tjg27Mar98: Year adjustment must happen before call to GetDaysInMonth * * v-stebe 29Jul2000 added check for NULL in constructor (bug #46328) */
#include <iostream.h>
#include "cdefine.h"
#include "apc.h"
extern "C" { #include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if (C_OS & C_UNIX)
#include "utils.h"
#if (C_OS & C_SUNOS4)
#include "incfix.h"
#include "datetime.h"
INT NumberOfDays[12] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
Name :TimeObj Synop :This constructor provides a default of the current time */ TimeObj::TimeObj () { time_t curr = time(0); struct tm *currTime = localtime(&curr); theHours = currTime->tm_hour; theMinutes = currTime->tm_min; theSeconds = currTime->tm_sec; }
TimeObj::TimeObj (PCHAR aTime) { INT hour; INT minute; CHAR am_or_pm[16]; am_or_pm[0] = 0; if (sscanf(aTime,"%d:%d %s", &hour, &minute, am_or_pm) == 3) { theHours = hour; if ((_strcmpi(am_or_pm, "PM") == 0) && (hour < 12)) { theHours += 12; } else if ((_strcmpi(am_or_pm, "AM") == 0) && (hour == 12)) { theHours = 0; } theMinutes = minute; theSeconds = 0; } else { theHours = 0; theMinutes = 0; theSeconds = 0; } }
INT TimeObj:: Equal(PTimeObj atime) { if ( (theHours == atime->theHours) && (theMinutes == atime->theMinutes) && (theSeconds == atime->theSeconds) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
INT TimeObj::operator < (RTimeObj cmp) const { INT ret = FALSE; if (GetHour() < cmp.GetHour()) { ret = TRUE; } else if(GetHour() == cmp.GetHour() && GetMinutes() < cmp.GetMinutes()) { ret = TRUE; } else if(GetHour() == cmp.GetHour() && GetMinutes() == cmp.GetMinutes() && GetSeconds() < cmp.GetSeconds()) { ret = TRUE; } return ret; }
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
TimeObj::TimeObj(INT aHours, INT aMinutes, INT aSeconds) { if ( ((aHours < 0) || (aHours > 23)) || ((aMinutes < 0) || (aMinutes > 59)) || ((aSeconds < 0) || (aSeconds > 59))) { SetObjectStatus(ErrINVALID_DATE); } #else
TimeObj::TimeObj(ULONG aHours, ULONG aMinutes, ULONG aSeconds) { if ( (aHours > 23) || (aMinutes > 59) || (aSeconds > 59)) { SetObjectStatus(ErrINVALID_DATE); } #endif
else { theHours = aHours; theMinutes = aMinutes; theSeconds = aSeconds; } };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT TimeObj::GetHour() const #else
ULONG TimeObj::GetHour() const #endif
{ return theHours; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT TimeObj::GetMinutes() const #else
ULONG TimeObj::GetMinutes() const #endif
{ return theMinutes; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT TimeObj::GetSeconds() const #else
ULONG TimeObj::GetSeconds() const #endif
{ return theSeconds; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
VOID TimeObj::SetHour(INT hour) #else
VOID TimeObj::SetHour(ULONG hour) #endif
{ theHours = hour; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
VOID TimeObj::SetMinutes(INT minutes) #else
VOID TimeObj::SetMinutes(ULONG minutes) #endif
{ theMinutes = minutes; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
VOID TimeObj::SetSeconds(INT seconds) #else
VOID TimeObj::SetSeconds(ULONG seconds) #endif
{ theSeconds = seconds; };
WeekObj::WeekObj() { time_t curr = time(0); struct tm *currTime = localtime(&curr); theWeekDay = currTime->tm_wday; }
WeekObj::WeekObj(PCHAR weekStr) { if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "SUNDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 0; else if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "MONDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 1; else if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "TUESDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 2; else if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "WEDNESDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 3; else if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "THURSDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 4; else if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "FRIDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 5; else if (_strcmpi(weekStr, "SATURDAY") == 0) theWeekDay = 6; else { SetObjectStatus(ErrINVALID_DATE); theWeekDay = 0; } }
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
WeekObj::WeekObj(INT aDay) #else
WeekObj::WeekObj(ULONG aDay) #endif
{ theWeekDay = aDay; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT WeekObj::GetWeekDay() #else
ULONG WeekObj::GetWeekDay() #endif
{ return theWeekDay; };
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
DateObj::DateObj(INT aMonth, INT aDay, INT aYear) { // Y2K fix for the year ... 2000 will be represented by 00 and
// must be incremented. NOTE: This must happen before the
// call to GetDaysInMonth!
if (aYear < 70) { aYear += 100; } INT days = GetDaysInMonth(aMonth, aYear); if (((aMonth < 0) || (aMonth > 12)) || ((aDay < 0) || (aDay > days)) || (aYear < 0)) { SetObjectStatus (ErrINVALID_DATE); }
DateObj::DateObj(ULONG aMonth, ULONG aDay, ULONG aYear) { // Y2K fix for the year ... 2000 will be represented by 00 and
// must be incremented. NOTE: This must happen before the
// call to GetDaysInMonth!
if (aYear < 70) { aYear += 100; } ULONG days = GetDaysInMonth(aMonth, aYear); if ((aMonth > 12) || (aDay > days) ) { SetObjectStatus (ErrINVALID_DATE); } #endif
else { theMonth = aMonth; theDay = aDay; theYear = aYear; } }; /*
C+ Name :DateObj Synop :This constructor provides a default of the current date */ DateObj::DateObj () { time_t curr = time(0); struct tm *currTime = localtime(&curr); theMonth = currTime->tm_mon + 1; theDay = currTime->tm_mday; theYear = currTime->tm_year; } #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT DateObj::GetDaysInMonth(const INT aMonth, const INT aYear) const { INT ret = NumberOfDays[aMonth-1]; #else
ULONG DateObj::GetDaysInMonth(const ULONG aMonth, const ULONG aYear) const { ULONG ret = NumberOfDays[aMonth-1]; #endif
// Need temp_year variable to convert the year back to 4-digits.
// If not, the leap year check below will fail on 2000 (2000 == 100
// with our Y2K fixes).
INT temp_year = aYear + 1900;
if ((((temp_year % 4 == 0) && (temp_year % 100 != 0)) || (temp_year % 400 == 0)) && (aMonth == 2)) { ret++; } return ret; } INT DateObj::operator == (RDateObj cmp) const { INT ret = FALSE; if ((GetYear() == cmp.GetYear()) && (GetMonth() == cmp.GetMonth()) && (GetDay() == cmp.GetDay())) { ret = TRUE; } return ret; } INT DateObj::operator < (RDateObj cmp) const { INT ret = FALSE; if (GetYear() < cmp.GetYear()) { ret = TRUE; } else if (GetYear() == cmp.GetYear()) { if (GetMonth() < cmp.GetMonth()) { ret = TRUE; } else if (GetMonth() == cmp.GetMonth()) { if (GetDay() < cmp.GetDay()) { ret = TRUE; } } } return ret; } // Return days between this and cmp
LONG DateObj::operator - (RDateObj cmp) const { RDateObj early = cmp, late = (RDateObj)(*this); LONG ret = 0; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
// in following code typecast the returns from GetMonth()... etc. to LONG for compatibility
// with 32 bit code.
INT year, month; #else
ULONG year, month; #endif
if ((RDateObj)(*this) < cmp) { return ((early - late) * (-1)); } if (early.GetYear() == late.GetYear()) { if (early.GetMonth() == late.GetMonth()) { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)(late.GetDay() - early.GetDay()); #else
ret += (late.GetDay() - early.GetDay()); #endif
} else { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)(early.GetDaysInMonth() - early.GetDay()); #else
ret += (early.GetDaysInMonth() - early.GetDay()); #endif
for (month=early.GetMonth()+1; month<late.GetMonth(); month++) { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)GetDaysInMonth(month, GetYear()); #else
ret += GetDaysInMonth(month, GetYear()); #endif
} #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)late.GetDay(); #else
ret += late.GetDay(); #endif
} } else { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)(early.GetDaysInMonth() - early.GetDay()); #else
ret += (early.GetDaysInMonth() - early.GetDay()); #endif
for (month=early.GetMonth()+1; month<=12; month++) { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)GetDaysInMonth(month, early.GetYear()); #else
ret += GetDaysInMonth(month, early.GetYear()); #endif
} for (year=early.GetYear()+1; year<late.GetYear(); year++) { for (month=1; month<=12; month++) { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)GetDaysInMonth(month, year); #else
ret += GetDaysInMonth(month, year); #endif
} } for (month=1; month < late.GetMonth(); month++) { #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)GetDaysInMonth(month, late.GetYear()); #else
ret += GetDaysInMonth(month, late.GetYear()); #endif
} #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
ret += (LONG)late.GetDay(); #else
ret += late.GetDay(); #endif
} return ret; } #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT DateObj::GetMonth() const #else
ULONG DateObj::GetMonth() const #endif
{ return theMonth; }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT DateObj::GetDay() const #else
ULONG DateObj::GetDay() const #endif
{ return theDay; }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT DateObj::GetYear() const #else
ULONG DateObj::GetYear() const #endif
{ return theYear; }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
INT DateObj::GetDaysInMonth() const #else
ULONG DateObj::GetDaysInMonth() const #endif
{ return GetDaysInMonth(theMonth,theYear); }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
VOID DateObj::SetMonth(INT aMonth) #else
VOID DateObj::SetMonth(ULONG aMonth) #endif
{ theMonth = aMonth; }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
VOID DateObj::SetDay(INT aDay) #else
VOID DateObj::SetDay(ULONG aDay) #endif
{ theDay = aDay; }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
VOID DateObj::SetYear(INT aYear) #else
VOID DateObj::SetYear(ULONG aYear) #endif
{ theYear = aYear; }; #if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
DateTimeObj::DateTimeObj(INT aMonth, INT aDay, INT aYear, INT anHour, INT aMinutes, INT aSeconds) #else
DateTimeObj::DateTimeObj(ULONG aMonth, ULONG aDay, ULONG aYear, ULONG anHour, ULONG aMinutes, ULONG aSeconds) #endif
{ theDate = new DateObj(aMonth, aDay, aYear); theTime = new TimeObj(anHour, aMinutes, aSeconds); if ((theDate == NULL) || (theTime == NULL) || (theDate->GetObjectStatus() != ErrNO_ERROR) || (theTime->GetObjectStatus() != ErrNO_ERROR)) SetObjectStatus(ErrINVALID_DATE); }; DateTimeObj::DateTimeObj (RDateTimeObj aDate) { theDate = new DateObj(aDate.theDate->GetMonth(), aDate.theDate->GetDay(), aDate.theDate->GetYear()); theTime = new TimeObj(aDate.theTime->GetHour(), aDate.theTime->GetMinutes(), aDate.theTime->GetSeconds()); } DateTimeObj::~DateTimeObj() { if(theDate) { delete theDate; theDate = (PDateObj)NULL; } if(theTime) { delete theTime; theTime = (PTimeObj)NULL; } } PDateObj DateTimeObj::GetDate() const { return theDate; }; PTimeObj DateTimeObj::GetTime() const { return theTime; }; /*
C+ Name :DateTimeObj Synop :This constructor provides a default of the current date and time */ DateTimeObj::DateTimeObj () { theDate = new DateObj; theTime = new TimeObj; } INT DateTimeObj::operator < (RDateTimeObj cmp) const { INT ret = FALSE; if (*(GetDate()) < *(cmp.GetDate())) { ret = TRUE; } else if (*(GetDate()) == *(cmp.GetDate()) && *(GetTime()) < *(cmp.GetTime())) { ret = TRUE; } return ret; } LONG DateTimeObj::GetSeconds(VOID) { LONG seconds; struct tm t; time_t Now,Then; t.tm_year = (int)theDate->GetYear(); t.tm_mon = (int)theDate->GetMonth()-1; t.tm_mday = (int)theDate->GetDay(); t.tm_hour = (int)theTime->GetHour(); t.tm_min = (int)theTime->GetMinutes(); t.tm_sec = (int)theTime->GetSeconds(); t.tm_isdst = -1; Then = mktime(&t); Now = time(0); seconds = (LONG) (difftime(Then,Now)); return (seconds); } LONG DateTimeObj::GetMilliseconds(VOID) { struct tm t; t.tm_year = theDate->GetYear(); t.tm_mon = theDate->GetMonth()-1; t.tm_mday = theDate->GetDay(); t.tm_hour = theTime->GetHour(); t.tm_min = theTime->GetMinutes(); t.tm_sec = theTime->GetSeconds(); t.tm_isdst = -1; time_t Then = mktime(&t); time_t Now = time(0); double sec = difftime(Then,Now); if(sec < 0) { sec = 0; } return ((LONG)(sec*1000)); } #ifdef APCDEBUG
ostream & operator<< (ostream& os, DateObj & obj) { return(obj.printMeOut(os)); } ostream& DateObj::printMeOut(ostream& os) { os << theMonth << "/" << theDay << "/" << theYear; return os; } ostream & operator<< (ostream& os, TimeObj & obj) { return(obj.printMeOut(os)); } ostream& TimeObj::printMeOut(ostream& os) { os << theHours << ":" << theMinutes << ":" << theSeconds; return os; } ostream & operator<< (ostream& os, DateTimeObj & obj) { return(obj.printMeOut(os)); } ostream& DateTimeObj::printMeOut(ostream& os) { os << *theDate << " at " << *theTime; return os; } #endif