* pcy30Nov92 - Changed object.h to apcobj.h * ane02DEC92 - fixed memory corruption problem by allocating more space to * receive message from UPS * sja09Dec92 - Will Work with windows now. * sja10Dec92 - Allocates a proper Stream under windows now. * pcy11Dec92 - Move Windows stuff out of here * pcy14Dec92 - #include "cfgmgr.h" * pcy14Dec92 - Fixed misplaced else due to comment * pcy27Dec92: GlobalCommDevice can't be static * jod29Dec92: Edited Retry(); * ane11Jan93: Edited Retry(); * jod13Jan93: Fixed Retry to add the NO_COMM event to the eventList * ane25Jan93: Added extra error checking and returns on initialization * jod28Jan93: Fixed the Data and Decrement Sets * ane03Feb93: Changed error checking * rct17May93: fixed include files * cad10Jun93: Changes to allow MUps * cad14Sep93: Cleaning up theState * cad15Nov93: Changing how lost comm works * cad17Nov93: .. more little fixups * mwh19Nov93: changed EventID to INT * rct21Dec93: fixed rebuild port - if the open fails, writes won't occur * cad14Jan94: not including old global stuff * rct21Dec93: fixed rebuildPort again - if the open fails, writes won't occur * ajr08Mar94: added some error checking to rebuildPort. * pcy10Mar94: Got rid of meaningless overides of Get and Set * pcy08Apr94: Trim size, use static iterators, dead code removal * pcy13Apr94: Use automatic variables decrease dynamic mem allocation * cad17Jun94: Flushing UPS Input after retry succeeds, re-syncs conversation * ajr12Jul94: The Flushing stuff broke BackUps. sendRetryMessage() should * return true for Backups * cgm28Feb96: Add override switch for nlm * cgm04May96: TestResponse now uses BufferSize * poc28Sep96: Added valuable debugging code. * tjg10Nov97: Cancel the RetryTimer on RETRY_CONSTRUCT */
#include "cdefine.h"
extern "C" { #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "_defs.h"
#include "codes.h"
#include "apcobj.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "dispatch.h"
#include "comctrl.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "pollparm.h"
#include "ulinkdef.h"
#include "trans.h"
#include "protsmrt.h"
#include "cdevice.h"
#include "upsdev.h"
#include "cfgmgr.h"
#include "timerman.h"
#include "protlist.h"
#include "err.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "errlogr.h"
#define UNKNOWN 0
#define RETRY_FAILED 1
#define ASKUPS_OK 0
#define RETRY_MAX 3
UpsCommDevice::UpsCommDevice(CommController* control) : CommDevice(control), theRetryTimer(0), theForceCommEventFlag(FALSE), theCableType(NORMAL) { CreateProtocol(); }
UpsCommDevice::~UpsCommDevice() { theController->UnregisterEvent(EXIT_THREAD_NOW, this);
if(theRetryTimer) { _theTimerManager->CancelTimer(theRetryTimer); theRetryTimer = 0; } }
INT UpsCommDevice::Initialize() { CHAR value[64], cable_type[10];
_theConfigManager->Get(CFG_UPS_POLL_INTERVAL, value);
thePollInterval = atoi(value);
INT err = rebuildPort();
if (err == ErrNO_ERROR) { Connect(); }
// Register here instead of in CommDevice::Initialize() - that method
// does things with the port we don't want to
theController->RegisterEvent(EXIT_THREAD_NOW, this);
return err; }
* * Function...: Connect * * Description: Opens the device and make a comm connection. * *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT UpsCommDevice::Connect() { if (!thePollThread) { StartPollThread(); } return ErrNO_ERROR; }
INT UpsCommDevice::Get(INT pid, PCHAR value) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR;
switch(pid) { case COMMUNICATION_STATE: sprintf(value, "%d", theLostCommFlag ? COMMUNICATION_LOST : COMMUNICATION_ESTABLISHED); break;
default: err = CommDevice::Get(pid, value); break; }
return err; }
INT UpsCommDevice::Set(INT pid, const PCHAR value) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR;
switch(pid) { case RETRY_CONSTRUCT: if (theRetryTimer) { _theTimerManager->CancelTimer(theRetryTimer); theRetryTimer = 0; } theLostCommFlag = TRUE; theForceCommEventFlag = TRUE;
_theTimerManager->Wait(2000L); // Allow On-going Operations to Stop
err = rebuildPort(); break; default: err = CommDevice::Set(pid, value); break; }
return err; }
INT UpsCommDevice::sendRetryMessage() { INT done = FALSE;
if ( !(Set(TURN_ON_SMART_MODE, (CHAR*)NULL)) ) { done = TRUE; } CHAR buf[128]; USHORT len = sizeof(buf);
// clearing out extra chars in the serial buffer
while (thePort->Read(buf, (USHORT *) &len, 500L) == ErrNO_ERROR);
return done; }
* * Function...: Retry * * Description: . * *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT UpsCommDevice::Retry() { INT index = 0;
if(theState != RETRYING) { theState = RETRYING;
INT done = sendRetryMessage();
if (!done) { theLostCommFlag = TRUE; Event event(COMMUNICATION_STATE, COMMUNICATION_LOST); event.SetAttributeValue(FAILURE_CAUSE, COMMUNICATION_LOST); theForceCommEventFlag = FALSE; UpdateObj::Update(&event);
if (!theRetryTimer) { Event retry_event(RETRY_CONSTRUCT, RETRY_PORT); theRetryTimer =_theTimerManager->SetTheTimer((ULONG)2, &retry_event, this); } return RETRY_FAILED; } theState = NORMAL_STATE; }
INT UpsCommDevice::Update(PEvent anEvent) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR;
switch(anEvent->GetCode()) { case RETRY_CONSTRUCT: theRetryTimer = 0; err = rebuildPort(); break;
case EXIT_THREAD_NOW: _theTimerManager->CancelTimer(theRetryTimer); theRetryTimer = 0; err = CommDevice::Update(anEvent); break; }
return err; }
INT UpsCommDevice::rebuildPort() { if(thePort) { delete thePort; thePort = (PStream)NULL; }
INT err = CreatePort(); if (thePort) { err = thePort->Initialize(); // don't reset this value !!!
INT have_comm = FALSE;
if (err == ErrNO_ERROR) { have_comm = sendRetryMessage(); }
if (!have_comm) { // Toggle the cable type
if (theCableType == NORMAL) { theCableType = PNP; } else { theCableType = NORMAL; } }
if (have_comm) { theState = NORMAL_STATE; theLostCommFlag = FALSE;
if (theCurrentTransaction == (PTransactionGroup)NULL) { theCurrentTransaction = (PTransactionGroup) thePollList->GetHead(); } } else { if (!theLostCommFlag || theForceCommEventFlag) { if (!theLostCommFlag) { theState = COMM_STOPPED; theLostCommFlag = TRUE; }
theForceCommEventFlag = FALSE; Event event(COMMUNICATION_STATE, COMMUNICATION_LOST); UpdateObj::Update(&event); }
if ((!theRetryTimer) && (err == ErrNO_ERROR)) { Event retry_event(RETRY_CONSTRUCT, RETRY_PORT); theRetryTimer =_theTimerManager->SetTheTimer((ULONG)5, &retry_event, this); }
return err; }
* * Function...: AskUps * * Description: . * *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT UpsCommDevice::AskUps(Message* msg) { CHAR Buffer[512]; USHORT BufferSize = 0; INT writecomplete = FALSE; INT ret = ErrNO_ERROR;
// Clean out old errors
if (!thePort) { return ret; }
if (theAbortSem) { theAbortSem->TimedWait(250); }
while (!writecomplete) { thePort->SetRequestCode(msg->getId()); thePort->SetWaitTime(msg->getWaitTime()); ret = thePort->Write(msg->getSubmit()); if (ret == ErrWRITE_FAILED) { if (!theLostCommFlag && Retry() )/* If RETY FAILED */ { msg->setErrcode(ErrCOMMUNICATION_LOST);
return ASKUPS_OK; /* Return Ok-- Let */ } /* UPS do RESTART */ else { msg->setErrcode(ErrWRITE_FAILED);
return ASKUPS_FAILED; } } else writecomplete = TRUE; }
*Buffer = 0; BufferSize = 511; INT readcomplete = FALSE; ret = 0;
while (!readcomplete) { int testRet;
ret = thePort->Read(Buffer, &BufferSize, (ULONG)msg->getTimeout());
if ((ret == ErrREAD_FAILED) && (testRet = theProtocol->TestResponse(msg,Buffer,BufferSize)) ) { if (testRet == ErrNO_MEASURE_UPS) { msg->setErrcode(testRet);
return ASKUPS_OK; } else { if ( Retry() ) { /* If RETRY FAILED */ msg->setErrcode(ErrCOMMUNICATION_LOST);
return ASKUPS_OK;/* Return Ok-- Let */ } /* UPS do RESTART */ else { msg->setErrcode(ErrREAD_FAILED);
return ASKUPS_FAILED; } } } else { readcomplete = TRUE; } } Buffer[BufferSize] = '\0';
return ASKUPS_OK; }
INT UpsCommDevice::CreateProtocol() { CHAR signal_type[64]; _theConfigManager->Get(CFG_UPS_SIGNALLING_TYPE, signal_type);
if(strcmp((_strupr(signal_type)), "SIMPLE") == 0) { theProtocol = new SimpleUpsProtocol(); } else { CHAR protocol[32]; _theConfigManager->Get(CFG_UPS_PROTOCOL, protocol); if(strcmp((_strupr(protocol)), "UPSLINK") == 0) { theProtocol = new UpsLinkProtocol(); } else if(strcmp((_strupr(protocol)), "GCIP") == 0) { // theProtocol = new GcipProtocol();
} else { theProtocol = new SimpleUpsProtocol(); } }
return TRUE; }