// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1998.
// File: scope.cpp
// Contents: implementation of the scope pane
// Classes: CScopePane
// History: 03-14-1998 stevebl Created
// 07-16-1998 rahulth Added calls to IGPEInformation::PolicyChanged
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <winnetwk.h>
// Comment this line to stop trying to set the main snapin icon in the
// scope pane.
// Un-comment the next line to persist snap-in related data. (This really
// shouldn't be necessary since I get all my info from my parent anyway.)
// #define PERSIST_DATA 1
// IComponentData implementation
CScopePane::CScopePane() { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisp;
m_bIsDirty = FALSE;
m_fRSOP = FALSE; m_pScope = NULL; m_pConsole = NULL; m_pIPropertySheetProvider = NULL; m_fLoaded = FALSE; m_fExtension = FALSE; m_pIGPEInformation = NULL; m_pIRSOPInformation = NULL; }
CScopePane::~CScopePane() { DEBUG_DECREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(CScopePane); ASSERT(m_pScope == NULL); ASSERT(CResultPane::lDataObjectRefCount == 0); } #include <msi.h>
// Member: CScopePane::CreateNestedDirectory
// Synopsis: Ensures the existance of a path. If any directory along the
// path doesn't exist, this routine will create it.
// Arguments: [lpDirectory] - path to the leaf directory
// [lpSecurityAttributes] - security attributes
// Returns: 1 on success
// 0 on failure
// History: 3-17-1998 stevebl Copied from ADE
// Notes: Originally written by EricFlo
UINT CScopePane::CreateNestedDirectory (LPTSTR lpDirectory, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes) { TCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpEnd;
// Check for NULL pointer
if (!lpDirectory || !(*lpDirectory)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return 0; }
// First, see if we can create the directory without having
// to build parent directories.
if (CreateDirectory (lpDirectory, lpSecurityAttributes)) { return 1; }
// If this directory exists already, this is OK too.
// No luck, copy the string to a buffer we can munge
lstrcpy (szDirectory, lpDirectory);
// Find the first subdirectory name
lpEnd = szDirectory;
if (szDirectory[1] == TEXT(':')) { lpEnd += 3; } else if (szDirectory[1] == TEXT('\\')) {
// Skip the first two slashes
lpEnd += 2;
// Find the slash between the server name and
// the share name.
while (*lpEnd && *lpEnd != TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
if (!(*lpEnd)) { return 0; }
// Skip the slash, and find the slash between
// the share name and the directory name.
while (*lpEnd && *lpEnd != TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
if (!(*lpEnd)) { return 0; }
// Leave pointer at the beginning of the directory.
} else if (szDirectory[0] == TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
while (*lpEnd) {
while (*lpEnd && *lpEnd != TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
if (*lpEnd == TEXT('\\')) { *lpEnd = TEXT('\0');
if (!CreateDirectory (szDirectory, NULL)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return 0; } }
*lpEnd = TEXT('\\'); lpEnd++; } }
// Create the final directory
if (CreateDirectory (szDirectory, lpSecurityAttributes)) { return 1; }
// Failed
return 0;
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::Initialize(LPUNKNOWN pUnknown) { ASSERT(pUnknown != NULL); HRESULT hr;
// MMC should only call ::Initialize once!
ASSERT(m_pScope == NULL); pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IConsoleNameSpace, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_pScope)); ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetProvider, (void **)&m_pIPropertySheetProvider);
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IConsole, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_pConsole)); ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
hr = m_pConsole->QueryInterface (IID_IDisplayHelp, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_pDisplayHelp)); ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
LPIMAGELIST lpScopeImage; hr = m_pConsole->QueryScopeImageList(&lpScopeImage); ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
// Load the bitmaps from the dll
CBitmap bmp16x16; CBitmap bmp32x32; bmp16x16.LoadBitmap(IDB_16x16); bmp32x32.LoadBitmap(IDB_32x32);
// Set the images
lpScopeImage->ImageListSetStrip(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR *>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(bmp16x16)), reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR *>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(bmp32x32)), 0, RGB(255,0,255)); lpScopeImage->Release(); #endif
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::CreateComponent(LPCOMPONENT* ppComponent) { ASSERT(ppComponent != NULL);
CComObject<CResultPane>* pObject; CComObject<CResultPane>::CreateInstance(&pObject); ASSERT(pObject != NULL);
m_pResultPane = pObject;
// Store IComponentData
return pObject->QueryInterface(IID_IComponent, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppComponent)); }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::Notify(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { ASSERT(m_pScope != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT i;
// Since it's my folder it has an internal format.
// Design Note: for extension. I can use the fact, that the data object doesn't have
// my internal format and I should look at the node type and see how to extend it.
if (event == MMCN_PROPERTY_CHANGE) { // perform any action needed as a result of result property changes
hr = OnProperties(param); } else { INTERNAL* pInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(lpDataObject); MMC_COOKIE cookie = 0; if (pInternal != NULL) { cookie = pInternal->m_cookie; FREE_INTERNAL(pInternal); } else { // only way we could not be able to extract our own format is if we're operating as an extension
m_fExtension = TRUE; }
if (m_fRSOP) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_DS_PATH]; if (m_pIRSOPInformation == NULL) { IRSOPInformation * pIRSOPInformation; hr = lpDataObject->QueryInterface(IID_IRSOPInformation, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pIRSOPInformation)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pIRSOPInformation = pIRSOPInformation; m_pIRSOPInformation->AddRef(); /* extract the namespace here */ hr = m_pIRSOPInformation->GetNamespace(GPO_SECTION_USER, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(szBuffer[0])); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_szRSOPNamespace = szBuffer; } pIRSOPInformation->Release(); } } } else { if (m_pIGPEInformation == NULL) { IGPEInformation * pIGPEInformation; hr = lpDataObject->QueryInterface(IID_IGPEInformation, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pIGPEInformation)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE gpoType; hr = pIGPEInformation->GetType(&gpoType); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (gpoType == GPOTypeDS) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; do { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState()); hr = pIGPEInformation->GetFileSysPath(GPO_SECTION_USER, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) break;
m_pIGPEInformation = pIGPEInformation; m_pIGPEInformation->AddRef(); m_szFileRoot = szBuffer; m_szFileRoot += L"\\Documents & Settings"; CreateNestedDirectory (((LPOLESTR)(LPCOLESTR)(m_szFileRoot)), NULL);
//initialize the folder data.
for (i = IDS_DIRS_START; i < IDS_DIRS_END; i++) { m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].Initialize (i, (LPCTSTR) m_szFileRoot); }
ConvertOldStyleSection (m_szFileRoot); } while (0); } else { // force this to fail
hr = E_FAIL; } } pIGPEInformation->Release(); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { switch(event) { case MMCN_EXPAND: { hr = OnExpand(cookie, arg, param); } break;
case MMCN_SELECT: hr = OnSelect(cookie, arg, param); break;
case MMCN_CONTEXTMENU: hr = OnContextMenu(cookie, arg, param); break;
default: //perform the default action
hr = S_FALSE; break; } } } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::Destroy() { SAFE_RELEASE(m_pScope); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDisplayHelp); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pConsole); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIPropertySheetProvider); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIGPEInformation); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIRSOPInformation);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::QueryDataObject(MMC_COOKIE cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT* ppDataObject) { ASSERT(ppDataObject != NULL); CComObject<CDataObject>* pObject = NULL;
CComObject<CDataObject>::CreateInstance(&pObject); ASSERT(pObject != NULL);
if (!pObject) return E_UNEXPECTED;
// Save cookie and type for delayed rendering
pObject->SetID (m_FolderData[GETINDEX(cookie)].m_scopeID); pObject->SetType(type); pObject->SetCookie(cookie);
return pObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppDataObject)); }
//// IPersistStreamInit interface members
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetClassID(CLSID *pClassID) { ASSERT(pClassID != NULL);
// Copy the CLSID for this snapin
*pClassID = CLSID_Snapin;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::IsDirty() { return ThisIsDirty() ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::Load(IStream *pStm) { #ifdef PERSIST_DATA
// UNDONE - Read data from the stream here.
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; #else
return S_OK; #endif
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::Save(IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty) { #ifdef PERSIST_DATA
// UNDONE - Write data to the stream here.
// on error, return STG_E_CANTSAVE;
if (fClearDirty) ClearDirty(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetSizeMax(ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbSize) { ASSERT(pcbSize);
// UNDONE - set the size of the string to be saved
ULONG cb = 0; // Set the size of the string to be saved
ULISet32(*pcbSize, cb);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::InitNew(void) { return S_OK; }
//// Notify handlers for IComponentData
HRESULT CScopePane::OnAdd(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
HRESULT CScopePane::OnExpand(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { if (arg == TRUE) //MMC never sends arg = FALSE (for collapse)
{ // Did Initialize get called?
ASSERT(m_pScope != NULL);
EnumerateScopePane(cookie, param); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePane::OnSelect(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
HRESULT CScopePane::OnContextMenu(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePane::OnProperties(LPARAM param) { if (param == NULL) { return S_OK; }
ASSERT(param != NULL);
return S_OK; }
void CScopePane::EnumerateScopePane(MMC_COOKIE cookie, HSCOPEITEM pParent) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState());
CString szFullPathname; CString szParent; SCOPEDATAITEM scopeItem; FILETIME ftCurr; LONG i; int cChildren = 0; DWORD myDocsFlags = REDIR_DONT_CARE; DWORD myPicsFlags = REDIR_DONT_CARE;
memset(&scopeItem, 0, sizeof(SCOPEDATAITEM));
CHourglass hourglass; //this may take some time, so put up an hourglass
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (&ftCurr);
//set the common members for the scope pane items
scopeItem.mask |= SDI_IMAGE | SDI_OPENIMAGE; scopeItem.nImage = IMG_CLOSEDBOX; scopeItem.nOpenImage = IMG_OPENBOX; #endif
scopeItem.relativeID = pParent; scopeItem.displayname = MMC_CALLBACK;
if (m_fExtension) { switch(cookie) { case NULL: //getting the folder
// if we're an extension then add a root folder to hang everything off of
if (m_fRSOP) { // make sure that nodes don't get enumerated if they contain no data
if (FAILED(m_pResultPane->TestForRSOPData(cookie))) { return; } } scopeItem.lParam = IDS_FOLDER_TITLE; //use resource id's as cookies
scopeItem.cChildren = 1; m_pScope->InsertItem(&scopeItem); break; case IDS_FOLDER_TITLE: for (i = IDS_LEVEL1_DIRS_START; i < IDS_LEVEL1_DIRS_END; i++) { BOOL fInsert = TRUE; if (m_fRSOP) { if (FAILED(m_pResultPane->TestForRSOPData(i))) { fInsert = FALSE; } } if (fInsert) { scopeItem.lParam = i; m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].Initialize(i, (LPCTSTR) m_szFileRoot ); if (i == IDS_MYDOCS && !m_fRSOP) { //
// Show the My Pictures folder only if it does not follow MyDocs.
// and only if there is no registry setting overriding the hiding behavior
// for My Pics
if (AlwaysShowMyPicsNode()) { cChildren = 1; m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].m_bHideChildren = FALSE; } else { m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].Initialize(IDS_MYPICS, (LPCTSTR) m_szFileRoot ); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].LoadSection(); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].LoadSection(); myDocsFlags = m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].m_dwFlags; myPicsFlags = m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].m_dwFlags; if (((REDIR_DONT_CARE & myDocsFlags) && (REDIR_DONT_CARE & myPicsFlags)) || ((REDIR_FOLLOW_PARENT & myPicsFlags) && (!(REDIR_DONT_CARE & myDocsFlags))) ) { cChildren = 0; m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].m_bHideChildren = TRUE; } else { cChildren = 1; m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].m_bHideChildren = FALSE; } } } scopeItem.cChildren = cChildren; //only My Docs will possibly have children
m_pScope->InsertItem(&scopeItem); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(i)].SetScopeItemID(scopeItem.ID); } if (IDS_MYDOCS == i && m_fRSOP && SUCCEEDED(m_pResultPane->TestForRSOPData(IDS_MYPICS))) { // In RSOP mode we put My Pictures after My Documents
// instead of under it. Otherwise the results pane
// for My Documents would contain a folder along with
// the data and it would look very odd.
scopeItem.lParam = IDS_MYPICS; scopeItem.cChildren = 0; m_pScope->InsertItem(&scopeItem); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].Initialize (IDS_MYPICS, (LPCTSTR) m_szFileRoot ); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].SetScopeItemID(scopeItem.ID); } } break; case IDS_MYDOCS: //of all levels 1 folder, only MyDocs has children
if (!m_fRSOP && !(m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYDOCS)].m_bHideChildren)) { scopeItem.lParam = IDS_MYPICS; scopeItem.cChildren = 0; m_pScope->InsertItem(&scopeItem); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].Initialize (IDS_MYPICS, (LPCTSTR) m_szFileRoot ); m_FolderData[GETINDEX(IDS_MYPICS)].SetScopeItemID(scopeItem.ID); } break; } } }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetSnapinDescription(LPOLESTR * lpDescription) { // UNDONE
OLESAFE_COPYSTRING(*lpDescription, L"description"); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetProvider(LPOLESTR * lpName) { // UNDONE
OLESAFE_COPYSTRING(*lpName, L"provider"); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetSnapinVersion(LPOLESTR * lpVersion) { // UNDONE
OLESAFE_COPYSTRING(*lpVersion, L"version"); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetSnapinImage(HICON * hAppIcon) { // UNDONE
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetStaticFolderImage(HBITMAP * hSmallImage, HBITMAP * hSmallImageOpen, HBITMAP * hLargeImage, COLORREF * cMask) { // UNDONE
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetHelpTopic(LPOLESTR *lpCompiledHelpFile) { LPOLESTR lpHelpFile;
lpHelpFile = (LPOLESTR) CoTaskMemAlloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpHelpFile) { DbgMsg((TEXT("CScopePane::GetHelpTopic: Failed to allocate memory."))); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW (L"%SystemRoot%\\Help\\gpedit.chm", lpHelpFile, MAX_PATH);
*lpCompiledHelpFile = lpHelpFile;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::GetDisplayInfo(SCOPEDATAITEM* pScopeDataItem) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
LONG i; ASSERT(pScopeDataItem != NULL);
if (pScopeDataItem == NULL) return E_POINTER;
if (IDS_FOLDER_TITLE == pScopeDataItem->lParam) { m_szFolderTitle.LoadString(IDS_FOLDER_TITLE); pScopeDataItem->displayname = (unsigned short *)((LPCOLESTR)m_szFolderTitle); } else { pScopeDataItem->displayname = L"???"; if (-1 != (i = GETINDEX(pScopeDataItem->lParam))) pScopeDataItem->displayname = (unsigned short*)((LPCOLESTR)(m_FolderData[i].m_szDisplayname)); }
ASSERT(pScopeDataItem->displayname != NULL);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::CompareObjects(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectA, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectB) { if (lpDataObjectA == NULL || lpDataObjectB == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Make sure both data object are mine
pA = ExtractInternalFormat(lpDataObjectA); pB = ExtractInternalFormat(lpDataObjectB);
if (pA != NULL && pB != NULL) hr = ((pA->m_type == pB->m_type) && (pA->m_cookie == pB->m_cookie)) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
return hr; }
// Scope item property pages:
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, LPDATAOBJECT lpIDataObject) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
INTERNAL* pInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(lpIDataObject); if (! pInternal) return S_FALSE;
DWORD cookie = pInternal->m_cookie; LONG i; BOOL fShowPage = FALSE; AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE * pPsp; AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE * pPspSettings; CFileInfo* pFileInfo;
//it is one of the folders
i = GETINDEX (cookie); pFileInfo = &(m_FolderData[i]);
if (!pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage) //make sure that the property page is not already up.
{ pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage = new CRedirect(cookie); pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage->m_ppThis = &(pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage); pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage->m_pScope = this; pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage->m_pFileInfo = pFileInfo; fShowPage = TRUE; pPsp = (AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE *)&(pFileInfo->m_pRedirPage->m_psp); //create the settings page;
pFileInfo->m_pSettingsPage = new CRedirPref(); pFileInfo->m_pSettingsPage->m_ppThis = &(pFileInfo->m_pSettingsPage); pFileInfo->m_pSettingsPage->m_pFileInfo = pFileInfo; pPspSettings = (AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE *)&(pFileInfo->m_pSettingsPage->m_psp); }
if (fShowPage) //show page if it is not already up.
{ hr = SetPropPageToDeleteOnClose (pPsp); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) hr = SetPropPageToDeleteOnClose (pPspSettings);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HPROPSHEETPAGE hProp = CreateThemedPropertySheetPage(pPsp); HPROPSHEETPAGE hPropSettings = CreateThemedPropertySheetPage(pPspSettings); if (NULL == hProp || NULL == hPropSettings ) hr = E_UNEXPECTED; else { lpProvider->AddPage(hProp); lpProvider->AddPage (hPropSettings); hr = S_OK; } } }
return hr; }
// Scope item property pages:
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::QueryPagesFor(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject) { // scope panes don't have property pages in RSOP mode
if (m_fRSOP) { return S_FALSE; } //the only property sheets we are presenting right now are those
//for built-in folder redirection
INTERNAL* pInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(lpDataObject); if (! pInternal) return S_FALSE; MMC_COOKIE cookie = pInternal->m_cookie; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; CError error;
if (CCT_SCOPE == pInternal->m_type) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_FolderData[GETINDEX(cookie)].LoadSection())) hr = S_OK; else { error.ShowConsoleMessage (m_pConsole, IDS_SECTIONLOAD_ERROR, m_FolderData[GETINDEX(cookie)].m_szDisplayname); hr = S_FALSE; } }
FREE_INTERNAL(pInternal); return hr; }
BOOL CScopePane::IsScopePaneNode(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; INTERNAL* pInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(lpDataObject); if (! pInternal) return bResult;
if (pInternal->m_type == CCT_SCOPE) bResult = TRUE;
return bResult; }
// IExtendContextMenu implementation
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::AddMenuItems(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LONG * pInsertionAllowed) { //we do not have any commands on the menu.
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CScopePane::Command(long nCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject) { //we do not have any commands on the menu
return S_OK; }