// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLSTENCIL_H__
#include <atlstencil.h>
#ifndef __ATLISAPI_H__
#define __ATLISAPI_H__
#pragma once
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <time.h> // needed for cookie support
#include <httpext.h> // needed for ECB and IIS support
#include <atlspriv.h>
#include <atlserr.h>
#include <atlbase.inl>
#include <atlfile.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <atldbcli.h>
#include <atlutil.h>
#include <atlcache.h>
#include <atlsrvres.h>
#include <atlsiface.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <atlsecurity.h>
#ifndef ATL_NO_SOAP
#include <msxml2.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#ifndef ATL_NO_MMSYS
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#include <mmsystem.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
#ifndef ATL_NO_SOAP
#pragma comment(lib, "msxml2.lib")
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4291) // allow placement new
#pragma warning(disable: 4127)
#pragma warning(disable: 4511) // copy constructor could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // unreachable code
/* REVIEW: Remove these at some point in the future */ #include <initguid.h>
#include <dbgautoattach.h>
// This function is used in CValidateObject to determine if an empty
// request parameter really should be empty. You can
// specialize this function in your own code such as
// the following specialization for type long:
// template <>
// inline bool IsNullByType<long>(long type) throw()
// {
// return type == 0;
// }
// You should provide your own specialization for this
// function if the comparison of type==0 is not adequate
// to discover whether or not your type is 0.
template <class TComp> inline bool IsNullByType(TComp type) throw() { return type == 0; }
namespace ATL {
// Default file extension for server response files
// maximum handler name length
// maximum timeout for async guard mutex
#if defined(_M_IA64)
#define ATLS_FUNCID_INITIALIZEHANDLERS "InitializeAtlHandlers"
#define ATLS_FUNCID_UNINITIALIZEHANDLERS "UninitializeAtlHandlers"
#define ATLS_FUNCID_INITIALIZEHANDLERS "_InitializeAtlHandlers@8"
#define ATLS_FUNCID_UNINITIALIZEHANDLERS "_UninitializeAtlHandlers@0"
#define ATL_MAX_COOKIE_LEN 2048
#define ATL_MAX_COOKIE_ELEM 1024
// Defines a small value used for comparing the equality of floating point numbers.
#define ATL_EPSILON .0001
// Returns the number of instances of a particular character between the specified start and end points inclusive.
inline int CountOf(CHAR c, LPCSTR pBegin, LPCSTR pEnd) throw() { int nCount = 0; while (pBegin < pEnd && *pBegin) { if (*pBegin == c) nCount++; pBegin++; } return nCount; }
// Call this function to copy a substring to a CString reference and ensure nul-termination.
ATL_NOINLINE inline bool CopyToCString(CStringA& string, LPCSTR pStart, LPCSTR pEnd) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (pStart > pEnd) return true; //nothing to do
int nLen = ((int)(pEnd-pStart))+1; LPSTR pBuff = string.GetBuffer(nLen+1); if (pBuff) { memcpy(pBuff, pStart, nLen); pBuff[nLen]=0; string.ReleaseBuffer(nLen); }
return true; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; } }
// Call this function to URL-encode a buffer and have the result appended to a CString passed by reference.
// A space in the input string is encoded as a plus sign (+).
// Other unsafe characters (as determined by AtlIsUnsafeUrlChar) are encoded as escaped octets.
// An escaped octet is a percent sign (%) followed by two digits representing the hexadecimal code of the character.
// string A CStringA reference to which will be appended the encoded version of szBuf.
// szBuf The string to be URL-encoded.
ATL_NOINLINE inline bool EscapeToCString(CStringA& string, LPCSTR szBuf) throw() { ATLASSERT( szBuf != NULL );
_ATLTRY { CHAR szEscaped[512]; LPSTR pszStr = szEscaped; DWORD dwLen = 0;
while (*szBuf) { if (dwLen+4 >= 512) { *pszStr = '\0'; string+= szEscaped; pszStr = szEscaped; dwLen = 0; } if (AtlIsUnsafeUrlChar(*szBuf)) { if (*szBuf == ' ') { dwLen++; *pszStr++ = '+'; } else { DWORD dwEsc = sprintf(pszStr, "%%%.2X", (unsigned char)*szBuf); pszStr+= dwEsc; dwLen+= dwEsc; } } else { *pszStr++ = *szBuf; dwLen++; } szBuf++; }
*pszStr = '\0'; string+= szEscaped; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; }
return true; }
// UNICODE overload for EscapeToCString
// follow specifications detailed in RFC document on
// Internationalized Uniform Resource Identifiers (IURI)
inline bool EscapeToCString(CStringA& string, LPCWSTR wszBuf) throw() { _ATLTRY { // convert string to UTF8
CFixedStringT<CStringA, 2048> strConvert;
// get the required length for conversion
int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszBuf, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!nLen) return false; // error -- most likely CP_UTF8 not supported on the OS (e.g. Win98)
// allocate MBCS conversion string
LPSTR sz = strConvert.GetBuffer(nLen); if (!sz) return false;
// do the UNICODE to UTF8 conversion
nLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszBuf, -1, sz, nLen, NULL, NULL); if (!nLen) return false;
// null-terminate
sz[nLen] = '\0';
// delegate to ANSI version of EscapeToCString
if (!EscapeToCString(string, sz)) return false;
strConvert.ReleaseBuffer(); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; }
return true; }
struct CDefaultErrorProvider { struct HTTP_ERROR_TEXT { UINT uHttpError; // the Http Error value
UINT uHttpSubError; // Allows for customization of error text based on srf specific errors.
LPCSTR szHeader; // the string that should appear in the http response header
UINT uResId; // the resource id of the string to send back as the body
// GetErrorText retrieves the http response header string
// and a resource id of the response body for a given
// http error code
// uError: Http error code to retrieve information for
// ppszHeader: pointer to LPCSTR that receives the response header string
// ppszHeader is optional
// puResId: pointer to UINT that receives the response body resource id
// puResId is optional
static BOOL GetErrorText(UINT uError, UINT uSubErr, LPCSTR *ppszHeader, UINT *puResId) throw() { static const HTTP_ERROR_TEXT s_Errors[] = { { 200, SUBERR_NONE, "OK", 0 }, { 201, SUBERR_NONE, "Created", 0 }, { 202, SUBERR_NONE, "Accepted", 0 }, { 203, SUBERR_NONE, "Non-Authoritative Information", 0 }, { 204, SUBERR_NONE, "No Content", 0 }, { 204, DBG_SUBERR_ALREADY_DEBUGGING, "Already being debugged by another user", 0}, { 204, DBG_SUBERR_NOT_DEBUGGING, "Not currently debugging a process", 0}, { 204, DBG_SUBERR_INVALID_SESSION, "Requested DebugSessionID does not match current DebugSessionID", 0}, { 204, DBG_SUBERR_BAD_ID, "DebugSessionID corrupted or not provided", 0 }, { 204, DBG_SUBERR_COCREATE, "Could not CoCreate the debugger", 0 }, { 204, DBG_SUBERR_ATTACH, "Could not attach to process", 0 }, { 205, SUBERR_NONE, "Reset Content", 0 }, { 206, SUBERR_NONE, "Partial Content", 0 }, { 300, SUBERR_NONE, "Multiple Choices", 0 }, { 301, SUBERR_NONE, "Moved Permanently", 0 }, { 302, SUBERR_NONE, "Found", 0 }, { 303, SUBERR_NONE, "See Other", 0 }, { 304, SUBERR_NONE, "Not Modified", 0 }, { 305, SUBERR_NONE, "Use Proxy", 0 }, { 306, SUBERR_NONE, "(Unused)", 0 }, { 307, SUBERR_NONE, "Temporary Redirect", 0 }, { 400, SUBERR_NONE, "Bad Request", IDS_ATLSRV_BAD_REQUEST }, { 401, SUBERR_NONE, "Unauthorized", IDS_ATLSRV_AUTH_REQUIRED }, { 402, SUBERR_NONE, "Payment Required", 0 }, { 403, SUBERR_NONE, "Forbidden", IDS_ATLSRV_FORBIDDEN }, { 404, SUBERR_NONE, "Not Found", IDS_ATLSRV_NOT_FOUND }, { 405, SUBERR_NONE, "Method Not Allowed", 0 }, { 406, SUBERR_NONE, "Not Acceptable", 0 }, { 407, SUBERR_NONE, "Proxy Authentication Required", 0 }, { 408, SUBERR_NONE, "Request Timeout", 0 }, { 409, SUBERR_NONE, "Conflict", 0 }, { 410, SUBERR_NONE, "Gone", 0 }, { 411, SUBERR_NONE, "Length Required", 0 }, { 412, SUBERR_NONE, "Precondition Failed", 0 }, { 413, SUBERR_NONE, "Request Entity Too Long", 0 }, { 414, SUBERR_NONE, "Request-URI Too Long", 0 }, { 415, SUBERR_NONE, "Unsupported Media Type", 0 }, { 416, SUBERR_NONE, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 0 }, { 417, SUBERR_NONE, "Expectation Failed", 0 }, { 500, SUBERR_NONE, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR }, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_BADSRF, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_BADSRF }, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_HNDLFAIL, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_HNDLFAIL }, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_SYSOBJFAIL, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_SYSOBJFAIL}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_READFILEFAIL, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_READFILEFAIL}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_LOADFILEFAIL, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_LOADFILEFAIL}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_LOADLIB, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_LOADLIB}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_HANDLERIF, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_HANDLERIF}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_OUTOFMEM, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_OUTOFMEM}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_UNEXPECTED}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_STENCIL_PARSE_FAIL, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_STENCILPARSEFAIL}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_STENCIL_LOAD_FAIL, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_STENCILLOADFAIL}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_HANDLERNOTFOUND}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_BAD_HANDLER_TAG, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_BADHANDLERTAG}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_LONGMETHODNAME, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_LONGMETHODNAME}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_LONGHANDLERNAME, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_LONGHANDLERNAME}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_NO_HANDLER_TAG, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_NOHANDLERTAG}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_IMPERSONATIONFAILED, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_IMPERSONATIONFAILED}, { 500, ISE_SUBERR_ISAPISTARTUPFAILED, "Internal Server Error", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_ISAPISTARTUPFAILED}, { 501, SUBERR_NONE, "Not Implemented", IDS_ATLSRV_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }, { 502, SUBERR_NONE, "Bad Gateway", IDS_ATLSRV_BAD_GATEWAY }, { 503, SUBERR_NONE, "Service Unavailable", IDS_ATLSRV_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE }, { 504, SUBERR_NONE, "Gateway Timeout", 0 }, { 505, SUBERR_NONE, "HTTP Version Not Supported", 0 }, };
// look for the error
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(s_Errors)/sizeof(s_Errors[0]); i++) { if ((s_Errors[i].uHttpError == uError) && (s_Errors[i].uHttpSubError == uSubErr)) { if (ppszHeader) *ppszHeader = s_Errors[i].szHeader; if (puResId) *puResId = s_Errors[i].uResId; return TRUE; } }
// not found
return FALSE; } }; // CDefaultErrorProvider
template<class HttpUserErrorTextProvider> CStringA GetStatusHeader(DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwSubStatus, HttpUserErrorTextProvider* pErrorProvider, UINT *puResId = NULL) throw(...) { pErrorProvider;
LPCSTR szHeadErr = NULL; // First, we check for the error text in the extension's user error text provider
BOOL bRet = pErrorProvider->GetErrorText(dwStatus, dwSubStatus, &szHeadErr, puResId); if (!bRet) szHeadErr = "";
CStringA strStatus; strStatus.Format("%d %s", dwStatus, szHeadErr); return strStatus; }
template<class HttpUserErrorTextProvider> void RenderError(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwSubStatus, HttpUserErrorTextProvider* pErrorProvider) throw() { _ATLTRY { UINT uResId = 0;
CStringA strStatus = GetStatusHeader(dwStatus, dwSubStatus, pErrorProvider, &uResId); pServerContext->SendResponseHeader(NULL, strStatus, FALSE);
CStringA strBody = strStatus; if (uResId) { // load the body string from a resource
CStringA strTemp; if (strTemp.LoadString(uResId)) { strBody = strTemp; } }
DWORD dwBodyLen = strBody.GetLength(); pServerContext->WriteClient((void *) (LPCSTR) strBody, &dwBodyLen); } _ATLCATCHALL() { // last resort message when low on memory
LPCSTR szError; BOOL bRes; bRes = CDefaultErrorProvider::GetErrorText(dwStatus, dwSubStatus, &szError, 0); if (!bRes) bRes = CDefaultErrorProvider::GetErrorText(dwStatus, SUBERR_NONE, &szError, 0); if (!bRes) bRes = CDefaultErrorProvider::GetErrorText(500, SUBERR_NONE, &szError, 0); DWORD dwBodyLen = (DWORD) strlen(szError); pServerContext->WriteClient((void *) szError, &dwBodyLen); } }
// Call this function to retrieve the full canonical physical path
// of a file relative to the current script.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
// szFile A file path relative to the current script directory for which
// you are trying to retrieve the full path.
// szFullFileName A caller-allocated buffer of at least MAX_PATH characters in length.
// On success, contains the the full canonical path of szFile.
// pServerContext The context for the current request. The context is used to obtain the
// current script directory.
inline BOOL GetScriptFullFileName( LPCSTR szFile, LPSTR szFullFileName, IHttpServerContext* pServerContext) throw() { ATLASSERT(szFile != NULL); ATLASSERT(szFullFileName != NULL);
char szTmpScriptPath[MAX_PATH+1]; LPCSTR szTmp = pServerContext->GetScriptPathTranslated();
if (!szTmp) { return FALSE; } strcpy(szTmpScriptPath, szTmp);
CHAR *szScriptPath = szTmpScriptPath;
LPSTR szBackslash; if (*szFile != '\\') { szBackslash = strrchr(szScriptPath, '\\'); if (szBackslash) szBackslash++; } else { // handle case where szFile is of the form \directory\etc\etc
szBackslash = strchr(szScriptPath, '\\'); }
if (szBackslash) *szBackslash = '\0';
int nScriptPathLen = (int)(szBackslash ? strlen(szScriptPath) : 0); int nFileLen = (int) strlen(szFile);
if (nScriptPathLen + nFileLen > MAX_PATH) { return FALSE; } CHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH + 1]; if (nScriptPathLen) memcpy(szTemp, szScriptPath, nScriptPathLen); memcpy(szTemp + nScriptPathLen, szFile, nFileLen); *(szTemp + nScriptPathLen + nFileLen) = 0; PathCanonicalizeA(szFullFileName, szTemp);
return TRUE; }
interface IStencilCache;
enum ATLSRV_STATE { ATLSRV_STATE_BEGIN, // The request has just arrived, and the type has not been determined
ATLSRV_STATE_CONTINUE, // The request is a continuation of an async request
ATLSRV_STATE_DONE, // The request is a continuation of an async request, but the server is done with it
ATLSRV_STATE_CACHE_DONE // The request is the callback of a cached page
enum ATLSRV_REQUESTTYPE { ATLSRV_REQUEST_UNKNOWN=-1, // The request type isn't known yet
ATLSRV_REQUEST_STENCIL, // The request is for a .srf file
ATLSRV_REQUEST_DLL // The request is for a .dll file
// Flags the InitRequest can return in dwStatus
#define ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX 4 // required for use of NOFLUSH status
typedef HTTP_CODE (IRequestHandler::*PFnHandleRequest)(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, IServiceProvider *pProvider); typedef void (*PFnAsyncComplete)(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError);
struct AtlServerRequest { DWORD cbSize; // For future compatibility
IHttpServerContext *pServerContext; // Necessary because it wraps the ECB
ATLSRV_REQUESTTYPE dwRequestType; // See the ATLSRV variables above
// Indicates whether it was called through an .srf file or through a .dll file
ATLSRV_STATE dwRequestState; // See the ATLSRV variables above
// Indicates what state of completion the request is in
IRequestHandler *pHandler; // Necessary because the callback (for async calls) must know where to
// route the request
HINSTANCE hInstDll; // Necessary in order to release the dll properly (for async calls)
IIsapiExtension *pExtension; // Necessary to requeue the request (for async calls)
IDllCache* pDllCache; // Necessary to release the dll in async callback
HANDLE hFile; HCACHEITEM hEntry; IFileCache* pFileCache;
HANDLE m_hMutex; // necessary to syncronize calls to HandleRequest
// if HandleRequest could potientially make an
// async call before returning. only used
// if indicated with ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX
DWORD dwStartTicks; // Tick count when the request was received
EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB; PFnHandleRequest pfnHandleRequest; PFnAsyncComplete pfnAsyncComplete; LPCSTR pszBuffer; // buffer to be flushed asyncronously
DWORD dwBufferLen; // length of data in pszBuffer
void* pUserData; // value that can be used to pass user data between parent and child handlers
inline void _ReleaseAtlServerRequest(AtlServerRequest* pRequest) throw() { if (pRequest->pHandler) pRequest->pHandler->Release(); if (pRequest->pServerContext) pRequest->pServerContext->Release(); if (pRequest->pDllCache && pRequest->hInstDll) pRequest->pDllCache->ReleaseModule(pRequest->hInstDll); if (pRequest->m_hMutex) CloseHandle(pRequest->m_hMutex); }
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *GETATLHANDLERBYNAME)(LPCSTR szHandlerName, IIsapiExtension *pExtension, IUnknown **ppHandler); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *INITIALIZEATLHANDLERS)(IHttpServerContext*, IIsapiExtension*); typedef void (__stdcall *UNINITIALIZEATLHANDLERS)();
// initial size of thread worker heap (per thread)
// The heap is growable. The default initial is 16KB
class CIsapiWorker { public: typedef AtlServerRequest* RequestType; HANDLE m_hHeap; #ifndef ATL_NO_SOAP
CComPtr<ISAXXMLReader> m_spReader; #endif
CIsapiWorker() throw() { m_hHeap = NULL; }
~CIsapiWorker() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hHeap == NULL); }
virtual BOOL Initialize(void *pvParam) throw(...) { IIsapiExtension* pExtension = (IIsapiExtension*) pvParam; ATLASSERT(pExtension); if (!(pExtension->OnThreadAttach())) return FALSE;
m_hHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ATLS_WORKER_HEAP_SIZE, 0); if (!m_hHeap) return FALSE; #ifndef ATL_NO_SOAP
if (FAILED(m_spReader.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(SAXXMLReader30)))) { return FALSE; } #endif
return pExtension->SetThreadWorker(this); }
virtual void Terminate(void* pvParam) throw() { if (m_hHeap) { if (HeapDestroy(m_hHeap)) m_hHeap = NULL; else { ATLASSERT(FALSE); } }
#ifndef ATL_NO_SOAP
m_spReader.Release(); #endif
(static_cast<IIsapiExtension*>(pvParam))->OnThreadTerminate(); }
void Execute(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, void *pvParam, OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped) throw() { ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo != NULL); ATLASSERT(pvParam != NULL); pOverlapped; // unused
ATLASSERT(m_hHeap != NULL); // any exceptions thrown at this point should have been caught in an
// override of DispatchStencilCall. They will not be thrown out of this
// function.
_ATLTRY { (static_cast<IIsapiExtension*>(pvParam))->DispatchStencilCall(pRequestInfo); } _ATLCATCHALL() { ATLTRACE(_T("Warning. An uncaught exception was thrown from DispatchStencilCall\n")); ATLASSERT(FALSE); } }
virtual BOOL GetWorkerData(DWORD /*dwParam*/, void ** /*ppvData*/) throw() { return FALSE; } };
inline void _AtlGetScriptPathTranslated( LPCSTR szPathTranslated, CFixedStringT<CStringA, MAX_PATH>& strScriptPathTranslated) throw() { LPCSTR szEnd = szPathTranslated;
while (TRUE) { while (*szEnd != '.' && *szEnd != '\0') szEnd++; if (*szEnd == '\0') break;
size_t nLen(0); if (!_strnicmp(szEnd, "dll", sizeof("dll")-sizeof('\0'))) nLen = 3; else if (!_strnicmp(szEnd, c_AtlSRFExtension+1, ATLS_EXTENSION_LEN)) nLen = ATLS_EXTENSION_LEN;
if (nLen) { szEnd += nLen; if (!*szEnd || *szEnd == '/' || *szEnd == '\\' || *szEnd == '?' || *szEnd == '#') break; } }
DWORD dwResult = (DWORD)(szEnd - szPathTranslated); char *szScriptPathTranslated = strScriptPathTranslated.GetBuffer(dwResult); if (szScriptPathTranslated) { memcpy(szScriptPathTranslated, szPathTranslated, dwResult); szScriptPathTranslated[dwResult] = '\0'; strScriptPathTranslated.ReleaseBuffer(dwResult); } } struct CStencilState { CStencilState() throw() { dwIndex = 0; locale = CP_ACP; pIncludeInfo = NULL; pParentInfo = NULL; }
DWORD dwIndex; LCID locale; AtlServerRequest* pIncludeInfo; AtlServerRequest* pParentInfo; };
class CWrappedServerContext: public IHttpServerContext { public: CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> m_spParent;
CWrappedServerContext() throw() { }
CWrappedServerContext(IHttpServerContext *pParent) throw() { m_spParent = pParent; }
LPCSTR GetRequestMethod() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetRequestMethod(); }
LPCSTR GetQueryString() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetQueryString(); }
LPCSTR GetPathInfo() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetPathInfo(); }
LPCSTR GetScriptPathTranslated() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetScriptPathTranslated(); }
LPCSTR GetPathTranslated() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetPathTranslated(); }
DWORD GetTotalBytes() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetTotalBytes(); }
DWORD GetAvailableBytes() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetAvailableBytes(); }
BYTE *GetAvailableData() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetAvailableData(); }
LPCSTR GetContentType() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetContentType(); }
BOOL GetServerVariable(LPCSTR pszVariableName, LPSTR pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetServerVariable(pszVariableName, pvBuffer, pdwSize); }
BOOL WriteClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwBytes) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->WriteClient(pvBuffer, pdwBytes); }
BOOL AsyncWriteClient(void * pvBuffer, DWORD * pdwBytes) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->AsyncWriteClient(pvBuffer, pdwBytes); }
BOOL ReadClient(void * pvBuffer, DWORD * pdwSize) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->ReadClient(pvBuffer, pdwSize); }
BOOL AsyncReadClient(void * pvBuffer, DWORD * pdwSize) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->AsyncReadClient(pvBuffer, pdwSize); } BOOL SendRedirectResponse(LPCSTR pszRedirectUrl) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->SendRedirectResponse(pszRedirectUrl); }
BOOL GetImpersonationToken(HANDLE * pToken) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetImpersonationToken(pToken); }
BOOL SendResponseHeader(LPCSTR pszHeader, LPCSTR pszStatusCode, BOOL fKeepConn) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->SendResponseHeader(pszHeader, pszStatusCode, fKeepConn); }
BOOL DoneWithSession(DWORD dwHttpStatusCode) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->DoneWithSession(dwHttpStatusCode); }
BOOL RequestIOCompletion(PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION pfn, DWORD * pdwContext) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->RequestIOCompletion(pfn, pdwContext); }
BOOL TransmitFile(HANDLE hFile, PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION pfn, void * pContext, LPCSTR szStatusCode, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, DWORD dwOffset, void * pvHead, DWORD dwHeadLen, void * pvTail, DWORD dwTailLen, DWORD dwFlags) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->TransmitFile(hFile, pfn, pContext, szStatusCode, dwBytesToWrite, dwOffset, pvHead, dwHeadLen, pvTail, dwTailLen, dwFlags); }
BOOL AppendToLog(LPCSTR szMessage, DWORD* pdwLen) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->AppendToLog(szMessage, pdwLen); }
BOOL MapUrlToPathEx(LPCSTR szLogicalPath, DWORD dwLen, HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO *pumInfo) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->MapUrlToPathEx(szLogicalPath, dwLen, pumInfo); }
// Wraps the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK structure used by IIS to provide
// an ISAPI extension with information about the current request and
// access to the web server's functionality.
class CServerContext : public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public IHttpServerContext { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CServerContext) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IHttpServerContext) END_COM_MAP()
// The constructor.
CServerContext() throw() { m_pECB = NULL; m_bHeadersHaveBeenSent = false; }
void Initialize(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB) throw() { ATLASSERT(pECB); m_pECB = pECB;
// Initialize the translated script path
_AtlGetScriptPathTranslated(GetPathTranslated(), m_strScriptPathTranslated); }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the HTTP method of the current request.
// Examples of common HTTP methods include "GET" and "POST".
// Equivalent to the REQUEST_METHOD server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszMethod.
LPCSTR GetRequestMethod() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->lpszMethod; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the query information.
// This is the part of the URL that appears after the question mark (?).
// Equivalent to the QUERY_STRING server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszQueryString.
LPCSTR GetQueryString() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->lpszQueryString; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the path of the current request.
// This is the part of the URL that appears after the server name, but before the query string.
// Equivalent to the PATH_INFO server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszPathInfo.
LPCSTR GetPathInfo() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->lpszPathInfo; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the physical path of the script.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the
// buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
// The script path is the same as GetPathTranslated up to the first .srf or .dll.
// For example, if GetPathTranslated returns "c:\inetpub\vcisapi\hello.srf\goodmorning",
// then this function returns "c:\inetpub\vcisapi\hello.srf".
LPCSTR GetScriptPathTranslated() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_strScriptPathTranslated; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the translated path of the requested resource.
// This is the path of the resource on the local server.
// Equivalent to the PATH_TRANSLATED server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszPathTranslated.
LPCSTR GetPathTranslated() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->lpszPathTranslated; }
// Returns the total number of bytes to be received from the client.
// If this value is 0xffffffff, then there are four gigabytes or more of available data.
// In this case, ReadClient or AsyncReadClient should be called until no more data is returned.
// Equivalent to the CONTENT_LENGTH server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::cbTotalBytes.
DWORD GetTotalBytes() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->cbTotalBytes; }
// Returns the number of bytes available in the request buffer accessible via GetAvailableData.
// If GetAvailableBytes returns the same value as GetTotalBytes, the request buffer contains the whole request.
// Otherwise, the remaining data should be read from the client using ReadClient or AsyncReadClient.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::cbAvailable.
DWORD GetAvailableBytes() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->cbAvailable; }
// Returns a pointer to the request buffer containing the data sent by the client.
// The size of the buffer can be determined by calling GetAvailableBytes.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpbData
BYTE *GetAvailableData() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->lpbData; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the content type of the data sent by the client.
// Equivalent to the CONTENT_TYPE server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszContentType.
LPCSTR GetContentType() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); return m_pECB->lpszContentType; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the requested server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::GetServerVariable.
BOOL GetServerVariable( LPCSTR pszVariableName, LPSTR pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); ATLASSERT(pszVariableName); ATLASSERT(pdwSize);
if (pszVariableName && pdwSize) { return m_pECB->GetServerVariable(m_pECB->ConnID, (LPSTR) pszVariableName, pvBuffer, pdwSize); } return FALSE; }
// Synchronously sends the data present in the given buffer to the client that made the request.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::WriteClient(..., HSE_IO_SYNC).
BOOL WriteClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwBytes) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); ATLASSERT(pvBuffer); ATLASSERT(pdwBytes);
if (pvBuffer && pdwBytes) { return m_pECB->WriteClient(m_pECB->ConnID, pvBuffer, pdwBytes, HSE_IO_SYNC | HSE_IO_NODELAY); } return FALSE; }
// Asynchronously sends the data present in the given buffer to the client that made the request.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::WriteClient(..., HSE_IO_ASYNC).
BOOL AsyncWriteClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwBytes) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); ATLASSERT(pvBuffer); ATLASSERT(pdwBytes);
if (pvBuffer && pdwBytes) { return m_pECB->WriteClient(m_pECB->ConnID, pvBuffer, pdwBytes, HSE_IO_ASYNC | HSE_IO_NODELAY); } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to synchronously read information from the body of the web client's HTTP request into the buffer supplied by the caller.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::ReadClient.
BOOL ReadClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); ATLASSERT(pvBuffer); ATLASSERT(pdwSize);
if (pvBuffer && pdwSize) { return m_pECB->ReadClient(m_pECB->ConnID, pvBuffer, pdwSize); } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to asynchronously read information from the body of the web client's HTTP request into the buffer supplied by the caller.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT server support function.
BOOL AsyncReadClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { // To call this function successfully someone has to have already
// called RequestIOCompletion specifying the callback function
// to be used for IO completion.
if (pvBuffer && pdwSize) { DWORD dwFlag = HSE_IO_ASYNC; return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT, pvBuffer, pdwSize, &dwFlag); } return FALSE; } // Call this function to redirect the client to the specified URL.
// The client receives a 302 (Found) HTTP status code.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_SEND_URL_REDIRECT_RESP server support function.
BOOL SendRedirectResponse(LPCSTR pszRedirectUrl) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); ATLASSERT(pszRedirectUrl);
if (pszRedirectUrl) { DWORD dwSize = (DWORD) strlen(pszRedirectUrl); return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_URL_REDIRECT_RESP, (void *) pszRedirectUrl, &dwSize, NULL); } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a handle to the impersonation token for this request.
// An impersonation token represents a user context. You can use the handle in calls to ImpersonateLoggedOnUser or SetThreadToken.
// Do not call CloseHandle on the handle.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_GET_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN server support function.
BOOL GetImpersonationToken(HANDLE * pToken) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); if (pToken) { return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_GET_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN, pToken, NULL, NULL); } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to send an HTTP response header to the client including the HTTP status, server version, message time, and MIME version.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX server support function.
BOOL SendResponseHeader( LPCSTR pszHeader = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", LPCSTR pszStatusCode = "200 OK", BOOL fKeepConn=FALSE) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB);
if (m_bHeadersHaveBeenSent) return TRUE; HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO hex; hex.pszStatus = pszStatusCode; hex.pszHeader = pszHeader; hex.cchStatus = (DWORD)(pszStatusCode ? strlen(pszStatusCode) : 0); hex.cchHeader = (DWORD)(pszHeader ? strlen(pszHeader) : 0); hex.fKeepConn = fKeepConn;
m_bHeadersHaveBeenSent = true;
return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX, &hex, NULL, NULL); }
// Call this function to terminate the session for the current request.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION server support function.
BOOL DoneWithSession(DWORD dwHttpStatusCode) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB);
m_pECB->dwHttpStatusCode = dwHttpStatusCode;
DWORD dwStatusCode = (dwHttpStatusCode >= 400) ? HSE_STATUS_ERROR : HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &dwStatusCode, NULL, NULL); }
// Call this function to set a special callback function that will be used for handling the completion of asynchronous I/O operations.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION server support function.
BOOL RequestIOCompletion(PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION pfn, DWORD *pdwContext) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB); ATLASSERT(pfn);
if (pfn) { return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, pfn, NULL, pdwContext); } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to transmit a file asynchronously to the client.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_TRANSMIT_FILE server support function.
BOOL TransmitFile( HANDLE hFile, PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION pfn, void *pContext, LPCSTR szStatusCode, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, DWORD dwOffset, void *pvHead, DWORD dwHeadLen, void *pvTail, DWORD dwTailLen, DWORD dwFlags) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_pECB);
HSE_TF_INFO tf; tf.hFile = hFile; tf.BytesToWrite = dwBytesToWrite; tf.Offset = dwOffset; tf.pContext = pContext; tf.pfnHseIO = pfn; tf.pHead = pvHead; tf.HeadLength = dwHeadLen; tf.pTail = pvTail; tf.TailLength = dwTailLen; tf.pszStatusCode = szStatusCode; tf.dwFlags = dwFlags; return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_TRANSMIT_FILE, &tf, NULL, NULL); }
// Appends the string szMessage to the web server log for the current
// request.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER server support function.
BOOL AppendToLog(LPCSTR szMessage, DWORD *pdwLen) throw() { DWORD dwLen = 0; if (!pdwLen) dwLen = (DWORD)strlen(szMessage); else dwLen = *pdwLen;
return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER, (void *)szMessage, &dwLen, NULL); }
// Maps a logical Url Path to a physical path
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Equivalent to the HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH_EX server support function.
// you can pass 0 for dwLen if szLogicalPath is null terminated
BOOL MapUrlToPathEx(LPCSTR szLogicalPath, DWORD dwLen, HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO *pumInfo) { if (dwLen == 0) dwLen = (DWORD) strlen(szLogicalPath); return m_pECB->ServerSupportFunction(m_pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH_EX, (void *) szLogicalPath, &dwLen, (DWORD *) pumInfo); }
protected: // The pointer to the extension control block provided by IIS.
EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *m_pECB; bool m_bHeadersHaveBeenSent;
// The translated script path
// char m_szScriptPathTranslated[MAX_PATH];
CFixedStringT<CStringA, MAX_PATH> m_strScriptPathTranslated;
}; // class CServerContext
class CPageCachePeer { public:
struct PeerInfo { CStringA strHeader; CStringA strStatus; };
static BOOL Add(PeerInfo * pDest, void * pSrc) throw() { PeerInfo *pIn = (PeerInfo *)pSrc; pDest->strHeader = pIn->strHeader; pDest->strStatus = pIn->strStatus; return TRUE; }
static BOOL Remove(const PeerInfo * /*pDest*/) throw() { return TRUE; } };
class CCacheServerContext : public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public CWrappedServerContext, public IPageCacheControl { private:
CAtlTemporaryFile m_cacheFile; CComPtr<IFileCache> m_spCache; char m_szFullUrl[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1]; FILETIME m_ftExpiration; BOOL m_bIsCached; CPageCachePeer::PeerInfo m_Headers;
// The constructor.
CCacheServerContext() throw() { }
void Initialize(IHttpServerContext *pParent, IFileCache *pCache) throw() { ATLASSERT(pParent); m_spParent = pParent; m_spCache = pCache; m_cacheFile.Create();
LPCSTR szPathInfo = pParent->GetPathInfo(); LPCSTR szQueryString = pParent->GetQueryString();
LPSTR szTo = m_szFullUrl; while (*szPathInfo) { *szTo++ = *szPathInfo++; } *szTo++ = '?'; while (*szQueryString) { *szTo++ = *szQueryString++; } *szTo = '\0';
memset(&m_ftExpiration, 0x00, sizeof(FILETIME)); m_bIsCached = TRUE; }
// IPageCacheControl methods
HRESULT GetExpiration(FILETIME *pftExpiration) throw() { if (!pftExpiration) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pftExpiration = m_ftExpiration;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT SetExpiration(FILETIME ftExpiration) throw() { m_ftExpiration = ftExpiration;
return S_OK; } BOOL IsCached() throw() { return m_bIsCached; }
BOOL Cache(BOOL bCache) throw() { BOOL bRet = m_bIsCached; m_bIsCached = bCache; return bRet; }
BOOL WriteClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwBytes) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); if (S_OK != m_cacheFile.Write(pvBuffer, *pdwBytes)) return FALSE;
return m_spParent->WriteClient(pvBuffer, pdwBytes); }
BOOL DoneWithSession(DWORD dwHttpStatusCode) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent);
_ATLTRY { if (m_bIsCached) { CT2CA strFileName(m_cacheFile.TempFileName()); m_cacheFile.HandsOff(); m_spCache->AddFile(m_szFullUrl, strFileName, &m_ftExpiration, &m_Headers, NULL); } else m_cacheFile.Close(); } _ATLCATCHALL() { m_cacheFile.Close(); }
return m_spParent->DoneWithSession(dwHttpStatusCode); }
BOOL GetImpersonationToken(HANDLE * pToken) throw() { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Getting impersonation token for cached page -- Possible security problem")); ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->GetImpersonationToken(pToken); }
BOOL AppendToLog(LPCSTR szMessage, DWORD* pdwLen) throw() { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Logging on cached page -- future hits will not log")); ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_spParent->AppendToLog(szMessage, pdwLen); }
BOOL SendResponseHeader( LPCSTR pszHeader = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", LPCSTR pszStatusCode = "200 OK", BOOL fKeepConn=FALSE) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent);
m_Headers.strHeader = pszHeader; m_Headers.strStatus = pszStatusCode;
return m_spParent->SendResponseHeader(pszHeader, pszStatusCode, fKeepConn); }
// The methods below this point are actions that should not be performed on cached
// pages, as they will not behave correctly.
BOOL AsyncWriteClient(void * /*pvBuffer*/, DWORD * /*pdwBytes*/) throw() { // Asynchronous calls will not work
BOOL ReadClient(void * /*pvBuffer*/, DWORD * /*pdwSize*/) throw() { // Nobody should be reading from this client if the page is being cached
// Also, only GET's are cached anyway
BOOL AsyncReadClient(void * /*pvBuffer*/, DWORD * /*pdwSize*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } BOOL SendRedirectResponse(LPCSTR /*pszRedirectUrl*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
BOOL RequestIOCompletion(PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION /*pfn*/, DWORD * /*pdwContext*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
BOOL TransmitFile( HANDLE /*hFile*/, PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION /*pfn*/, void * /*pContext*/, LPCSTR /*szStatusCode*/, DWORD /*dwBytesToWrite*/, DWORD /*dwOffset*/, void * /*pvHead*/, DWORD /*dwHeadLen*/, void * /*pvTail*/, DWORD /*dwTailLen*/, DWORD /*dwFlags*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
BOOL MapUrlToPathEx(LPCSTR szLogicalPath, DWORD dwLen, HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO *pumInfo) throw() { return CWrappedServerContext::MapUrlToPathEx(szLogicalPath, dwLen, pumInfo); } };
// This class represents a collection of validation failures.
// Use this class in combination with CValidateObject to validate
// forms, cookies, or query strings and build up a collection of
// failures. If appropriate, use the information in the collection
// to return detailed responses to the client to help them correct the failures.
#define EMPTY_PARAMS_ARE_FAILURES 0x00000001
class CValidateContext : public CSimpleMap<CStringA, DWORD> { public: CValidateContext(DWORD dwFlags=0) throw() { m_bFailures = false; m_dwFlags = dwFlags; }
// Call this function to add a validation result to the collection managed by this object.
// Each result is identified by a name and the type of result that occurred.
// The result codes are the VALIDATION_ codes defined at the top of this file.
// The bOnlyFailure parameter below is used to only allow failure results to
// be added to the list of failures. The reason you'd want to do this is that
// success codes should be the common case in validation routines so you can
// use bOnlyFailures to limit the number of allocations by this class's base
// map for mapping success results if you don't care about iterating successes.
bool AddResult(LPCSTR szName, DWORD type, bool bOnlyFailures = true) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (!VALIDATION_SUCCEEDED(type) || (type == VALIDATION_S_EMPTY && (m_dwFlags & EMPTY_PARAMS_ARE_FAILURES))) m_bFailures = true;
if (!bOnlyFailures) return TRUE == Add(szName, type); // add everything
else if (bOnlyFailures && (!VALIDATION_SUCCEEDED(type) || (type == VALIDATION_S_EMPTY && (m_dwFlags & EMPTY_PARAMS_ARE_FAILURES)))) return TRUE == Add(szName, type); // only add failures
return false; }
// Returns true if there are no validation failures in the collection,
// returns false otherwise.
bool ParamsOK() throw() { return !m_bFailures; }
// Returns the number of validation results in the collection.
int GetResultCount() throw() { return GetSize(); }
// Call this function to retrieve the name and type of a
// validation result based on its index in the collection.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
// i The index of a result managed by this collection.
// strName On success, the name of the result with index i.
// type On success, the type of the result with index i.
bool GetResultAt(int i, CStringA& strName, DWORD& type) throw() { if ( i >= 0 && i < GetSize()) { _ATLTRY { strName = GetKeyAt(i); type = GetValueAt(i); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; } return true; } return false; }
DWORD m_dwFlags; protected: bool m_bFailures; }; // CValidateContext
class CAtlValidator { public: template <class T, class TCompType> static DWORD Validate( T value, TCompType nMinValue, TCompType nMaxValue) throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_S_OK; if (value < static_cast<T>(nMinValue)) dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN; else if (value > static_cast<T>(nMaxValue)) dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMAX; return dwRet; }
static DWORD Validate( LPCSTR pszValue, int nMinChars, int nMaxChars) throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_S_OK; int nChars = (int) strlen(pszValue); if (nChars < nMinChars) dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN; else if (nChars > nMaxChars) dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMAX; return dwRet; } static DWORD Validate( double dblValue, double dblMinValue, double dblMaxValue) throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_S_OK; if ( dblValue < (dblMinValue - ATL_EPSILON) ) dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN; else if ( dblValue > (dblMaxValue + ATL_EPSILON) ) dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMAX; return dwRet; } };
// This class provides functions for retrieving and validating named values.
// The named values are expected to be provided in string form by the class used as
// the template parameter. CValidateObject provides the means of
// retrieving these values converted to data types chosen by you. You can validate the values
// by specifying a range for numeric values or by specifying a minimum and maximum length
// for string values.
// Call one of the Exchange overloads to retrieve a named value converted to your chosen data type.
// Call one of the Validate overloads to retrieve a named value converted to your chosen data type
// and validated against a minimum and maximum value or length supplied by you.
// To add validation functionality to the class TLookupClass, derive that class from CValidateObject<TLookupClass>
// and provide a Lookup function that takes a name as a string and returns the corresponding value
// also as a string:
// LPCSTR Lookup(LPCSTR szName);
template <class TLookupClass, class TValidator = CAtlValidator> class CValidateObject { public: // Exchange Routines
// Call this function to retrieve a named value converted to your chosen data type.
// Returns one of the following validation status codes:
// VALIDATION_S_OK The named value was found and could be converted successfully
// VALIDATION_S_EMPTY The name was present, but the value was empty
// VALIDATION_E_PARAMNOTFOUND The named value was not found
// VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM The name was present, but the value could not be converted to the requested data type
// VALIDATION_E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred
// Pass a pointer to a validation context object if you want to add
// failures to the collection managed by that object.
template <class T> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Exchange( LPCSTR szParam, T* pValue, CValidateContext *pContext = NULL) const throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; if (pValue) { const TLookupClass *pT = static_cast<const TLookupClass*>(this); LPCSTR szValue = pT->Lookup(szParam); if (szValue) { if (*szValue=='\0') dwRet = VALIDATION_S_EMPTY; else { dwRet = ConvertNumber(szValue, pValue); } } } else dwRet = VALIDATION_E_FAIL; // invalid input
if (pContext) pContext->AddResult(szParam, dwRet); return dwRet; }
template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Exchange( LPCSTR szParam, CString* pstrValue, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { _ATLTRY { LPCSTR pszValue = NULL; DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; if (pstrValue) { dwRet = Exchange(szParam, &pszValue, pContext); if (VALIDATION_SUCCEEDED(dwRet) && pstrValue != NULL) *pstrValue = CA2T(pszValue); } else { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_FAIL; // invalid input
if (pContext) pContext->AddResult(szParam, dwRet); } return dwRet; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; } }
template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Exchange( LPCSTR szParam, LPCSTR* ppszValue, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; if (ppszValue) { *ppszValue = NULL; const TLookupClass *pT = static_cast<const TLookupClass*>(this); LPCSTR szValue = pT->Lookup(szParam); if (szValue) { if (*szValue=='\0') dwRet = VALIDATION_S_EMPTY; else { *ppszValue = szValue; dwRet = VALIDATION_S_OK; } } } else dwRet = VALIDATION_E_FAIL; // invalid input
if (pContext) pContext->AddResult(szParam, dwRet); return dwRet; }
template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Exchange( LPCSTR szParam, GUID* pValue, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; if (pValue) { const TLookupClass *pT = static_cast<const TLookupClass*>(this); LPCSTR szValue = pT->Lookup(szParam); if (szValue) { if (*szValue=='\0') dwRet = VALIDATION_S_EMPTY; else { USES_CONVERSION; if (S_OK != CLSIDFromString(A2OLE(szValue), pValue)) { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } else dwRet = VALIDATION_S_OK; } } } else dwRet = VALIDATION_E_FAIL; // invalid input
if (pContext) pContext->AddResult(szParam, dwRet); return dwRet; } template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Exchange( LPCSTR szParam, bool* pbValue, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { DWORD dwRet = VALIDATION_S_OK; if (pbValue) { const TLookupClass *pT = static_cast<const TLookupClass*>(this); LPCSTR szValue = pT->Lookup(szParam); *pbValue = false; if (szValue) { if (*szValue != '\0') *pbValue = true; } } else dwRet = VALIDATION_E_FAIL; // invalid input
if (pContext) pContext->AddResult(szParam, dwRet);
return dwRet; }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, ULONGLONG *pnVal) const throw() { if (!pnVal) return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; char *pEnd = NULL; ULONGLONG n = _strtoui64(szVal, &pEnd, 10); if (pEnd == szVal || errno == ERANGE) { errno = 0; return VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } *pnVal = n; return VALIDATION_S_OK; }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, LONGLONG *pnVal) const throw() { if (!pnVal) return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; char *pEnd = NULL; LONGLONG n = _strtoi64(szVal, &pEnd, 10); if (pEnd == szVal || errno == ERANGE) { errno = 0; return VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } *pnVal = n; return VALIDATION_S_OK; }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, double *pdblVal) const throw() { if (!pdblVal) return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; char *pEnd = NULL; double d = strtod(szVal, &pEnd); if (pEnd == szVal || errno == ERANGE) { errno = 0; return VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } *pdblVal = d; return VALIDATION_S_OK; }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, int *pnVal) const throw() { return ConvertNumber(szVal, (long*)pnVal); }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, unsigned int *pnVal) const throw() { return ConvertNumber(szVal, (unsigned long*)pnVal); }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, long *pnVal) const throw() { if (!pnVal) return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; char *pEnd = NULL; long n = strtol(szVal, &pEnd, 10); if (pEnd == szVal || errno == ERANGE) { errno = 0; return VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } *pnVal = n; return VALIDATION_S_OK; }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, unsigned long *pnVal) const throw() { if (!pnVal) return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; char *pEnd = NULL; long n = strtoul(szVal, &pEnd, 10); if (pEnd == szVal || errno == ERANGE) { errno = 0; return VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } *pnVal = n; return VALIDATION_S_OK; }
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, short *pnVal) const throw() { long nVal = 0; DWORD dwRet = ConvertNumber(szVal, &nVal); if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_OK) { // clamp to the size of a short
if(nVal <= SHRT_MAX && nVal >= SHRT_MIN) { *pnVal = (short)nVal; } else { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } } return dwRet; };
DWORD ConvertNumber(LPCSTR szVal, unsigned short *pnVal) const throw() { unsigned long nVal = 0; DWORD dwRet = ConvertNumber(szVal, &nVal); if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_OK) { // clamp to the size of a short
if(nVal <= USHRT_MAX && nVal >= 0) { *pnVal = (unsigned short)nVal; } else { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM; } } return dwRet; };
// Call this function to retrieve a named value converted to your chosen data type
// and validated against a minimum and maximum value or length supplied by you.
// Returns one of the following validation status codes:
// VALIDATION_S_OK The named value was found and could be converted successfully
// VALIDATION_S_EMPTY The name was present, but the value was empty
// VALIDATION_E_PARAMNOTFOUND The named value was not found
// VALIDATION_E_INVALIDPARAM The name was present, but the value could not be converted to the requested data type
// VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN The name was present and could be converted to the requested data type, but the value was too small
// VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMAX The name was present and could be converted to the requested data type, but the value was too large
// VALIDATION_E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred
// Validate can be used to convert and validate name-value pairs
// such as those associated with HTTP requests (query string, form fields, or cookie values).
// The numeric specializations validate the minimum and maximum value.
// The string specializations validate the minimum and maximum length.
// Pass a pointer to a validation context object if you want to add
// failures to the collection managed by that object.
// Note that you can validate the value of a parameter without
// storing its value by passing NULL for the second parameter. However
// if you pass NULL for the second parameter, make sure you cast the NULL to a
// type so that the compiler will call the correct specialization of Validate.
template <class T, class TCompType> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Validate( LPCSTR Param, T *pValue, TCompType nMinValue, TCompType nMaxValue, CValidateContext *pContext = NULL) const throw() { T value; DWORD dwRet = Exchange(Param, &value, pContext); if ( dwRet == VALIDATION_S_OK ) { if (pValue) *pValue = value; dwRet = TValidator::Validate(value, nMinValue, nMaxValue); if (pContext && dwRet != VALIDATION_S_OK) pContext->AddResult(Param, dwRet); } else if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_EMPTY && !IsNullByType(nMinValue)) { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN; if (pContext) { pContext->SetAt(Param, VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN); } }
return dwRet; }
// Specialization for strings. Comparison is for number of characters.
template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Validate( LPCSTR Param, LPCSTR* ppszValue, int nMinChars, int nMaxChars, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { LPCSTR pszValue = NULL; DWORD dwRet = Exchange(Param, &pszValue, pContext); if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_OK ) { if (ppszValue) *ppszValue = pszValue; dwRet = TValidator::Validate(pszValue, nMinChars, nMaxChars); if (pContext && dwRet != VALIDATION_S_OK) pContext->AddResult(Param, dwRet); } else if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_EMPTY && nMinChars > 0) { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN; if (pContext) { pContext->SetAt(Param, VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN); } }
return dwRet; }
// Specialization for CString so caller doesn't have to cast CString
template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Validate( LPCSTR Param, CString* pstrValue, int nMinChars, int nMaxChars, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { _ATLTRY { LPCSTR szValue; DWORD dwRet = Validate(Param, &szValue, nMinChars, nMaxChars, pContext); if (pstrValue && dwRet == VALIDATION_S_OK ) *pstrValue = szValue; return dwRet; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return VALIDATION_E_FAIL; } }
// Specialization for doubles, uses a different comparison.
template<> ATL_NOINLINE DWORD Validate( LPCSTR Param, double* pdblValue, double dblMinValue, double dblMaxValue, CValidateContext *pContext) const throw() { double dblValue; DWORD dwRet = Exchange(Param, &dblValue, pContext); if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_OK) { if (pdblValue) *pdblValue = dblValue; dwRet = TValidator::Validate(dblValue, dblMinValue, dblMaxValue); if (pContext && dwRet != VALIDATION_S_OK) pContext->AddResult(Param, dwRet); } else if (dwRet == VALIDATION_S_EMPTY && (dblMinValue < -ATL_EPSILON || dblMinValue > ATL_EPSILON)) { dwRet = VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN; if (pContext) { pContext->SetAt(Param, VALIDATION_E_LENGTHMIN); } } return dwRet; } };
// Cookies provide a way for a server to store a small amount of data on a client
// and have that data returned to it on each request the client makes.
// Use this class to represent a cookie to be sent from the server to a client
// or to represent a cookie that has been returned by a client to the originating server.
// At the HTTP level, a cookie is an application-defined name-value pair
// plus some standard attribute-value pairs that describe the way in which the user agent (web browser)
// should interact with the cookie. The HTTP format of a cookie is described in RFC 2109.
// The CCookie class provides methods to set and get the application-defined name and value
// as well as methods for the standard attributes. In addition, CCookie provides an abstraction
// on top of the application-defined value that allows it to be treated as a collection of name-value
// pairs if that model makes sense to you. Cookies with a single value are known as single-valued cookies.
// Cookies whose value consists of name-value pairs are known as multi-valued cookies or dictionary cookies.
// You can set the name of a cookie by calling SetName or using the appropriate constructor.
// The name of a cookie can be 0 or more characters.
// You can set the value of a cookie by calling SetValue or using the appropriate constructor.
// If the cookie has a value set, it is a single-valued cookie and attempts to add a name-value pair will fail.
// You can remove the value of a cookie by calling SetValue(NULL).
// You can add a name-value pair to a cookie by calling AddValue.
// If the cookie has any name-value pairs, it is a multi-valued cookie and attempts to set the primary value will fail.
// You can remove all the name-value pairs of a cookie by calling RemoveAllValues.
// Class CCookie follows the same rules for creating cookies as ASP does.
class CCookie : public CValidateObject<CCookie> { typedef CStringA elemType;
typedef CAtlMap<elemType, elemType, CStringElementTraits<elemType>, CStringElementTraits<elemType> > mapType; public: // Constructs a named cookie.
CCookie(LPCSTR szName) throw(...) { SetName(szName); }
// Constructs a single-valued cookie.
CCookie(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw(...) { SetName(szName); SetValue(szValue); }
CCookie(const CCookie& thatCookie) throw(...) { Copy(thatCookie); }
CCookie& operator=(const CCookie& thatCookie) throw(...) { return Copy(thatCookie); }
CCookie() throw() {
BOOL IsEmpty() const throw() { return m_strName.IsEmpty(); }
// Call this function to set the name of this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The name of a cookie cannot contain whitespace, semicolons or commas.
// The name should not begin with a dollar sign ($) since such names are reserved for future use.
BOOL SetName(LPCSTR szName) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (szName && *szName) { m_strName = szName; return TRUE; } } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve the name of this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL GetName(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) const throw() { return CopyCString(m_strName, szBuff, pdwSize); } // Call this function to retrieve the name of this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL GetName(CStringA &szName) const throw(...) { szName = m_strName; return TRUE; }
// Call this function to set the value of this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Will fail if the cookie is multi-valued.
// Pass NULL to remove the cookie's value.
BOOL SetValue(LPCSTR szValue) throw(...) { if (m_Values.GetCount()) return FALSE; //already dictionary values in the cookie
if (!szValue) m_strValue.Empty(); else m_strValue = szValue;
return TRUE; }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Returns TRUE if there is no value or the value is of zero length.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetValue(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) const throw() { return CopyCString(m_strValue, szBuff, pdwSize); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL GetValue(CStringA &strValue) const throw() { _ATLTRY { strValue = m_strValue; return TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to add a name-value pair to the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Will fail if the cookie is single-valued.
// If the named value is already present in the cookie, calling this function
// will modify the current value, otherwise a new name-value pair is added to the cookie.
// Call RemoveValue or RemoveAllValues to remove the name-value pairs
// added by this function.
BOOL AddValue(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw() { if (m_strValue.GetLength()) return FALSE; _ATLTRY { return m_Values.SetAt(szName, szValue) != NULL; } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; } // Call this function to modify a name-value pair associated with the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Will fail if the cookie is single-valued.
// This function just calls AddValue so the name-value pair will be added if not already present.
// Use this function instead of AddValue to document the intentions of your call.
BOOL ModifyValue(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw() { return AddValue(szName, szValue); }
// Call this function to remove a name-value pair from the collection managed by this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL RemoveValue(LPCSTR szName) throw() { return m_Values.RemoveKey(szName); }
// Call this function to remove all the name-value pairs from the collection managed by this cookie.
void RemoveAllValues() throw() { m_Values.RemoveAll(); }
// Call this function to add an attribute-value pair to the collection of attributes for this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// This function is equivalent to calling ModifyAttribute.
// Both functions will add the attribute if not already present or
// change its value if it has already been applied to the cookie.
BOOL AddAttribute(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw() { if (!szName || !*szName || !szValue) return FALSE;
_ATLTRY { return (m_Attributes.SetAt(szName, szValue) != NULL); } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to modify an attribute-value pair associated with the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// This function is equivalent to calling AddAttribute.
// Both functions will add the attribute if not already present or
// change its value if it has already been applied to the cookie.
BOOL ModifyAttribute(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw() { return AddAttribute(szName, szValue); }
// Call this function to remove an attribute-value pair from the collection of attributes managed by this cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL RemoveAttribute(LPCSTR szName) throw() { return m_Attributes.RemoveKey(szName); }
// Call this function to remove all the attribute-value pairs from the collection of attributes managed by this cookie.
void RemoveAllAttributes() throw() { m_Attributes.RemoveAll(); }
// Call this function to set the Comment attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Comment attribute allows a web server to document its
// intended use of a cookie. This information may be displayed
// by supporting browsers so that the user of the web site can
// decide whether to initiate or continue a session with this cookie.
// This attribute is optional.
// Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetComment(LPCSTR szComment) throw() { BOOL bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) bRet = AddAttribute("comment", szComment); return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the CommentUrl attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The CommentUrl attribute allows a web server to document its intended
// use of a cookie via a URL that the user of the web site can navigate to.
// The URL specified here should not send further cookies to the client to
// avoid frustrating the user.
// This attribute is optional.
// Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetCommentUrl(LPCSTR szUrl) throw() { BOOL bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) bRet = AddAttribute("commenturl", szUrl); return bRet; }
// Call this function to add or remove the Discard attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Discard attribute does not have a value.
// Call SetDiscard(TRUE) to add the Discard attribute
// or SetDiscard(FALSE) to remove the Discard attribute.
// Setting the Discard attribute tells a web browser that it should
// discard this cookie when the browser exits regardless of the
// value of the Max-Age attribute.
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted, the default behavior is that the Max-Age attribute
// controls the lifetime of the cookie.
// Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetDiscard(BOOL bDiscard) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPCSTR szKey = "Discard"; bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) { if (bDiscard == 0) { bRet = m_Attributes.RemoveKey(szKey); } else { _ATLTRY { bRet = m_Attributes.SetAt(szKey, " ") != 0; } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } } } return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the Domain attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Domain attribute is used to indicate the domain to which the current
// cookie applies. Browsers should only send cookies back to the relevant domains.
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted, the default behavior is for
// browsers to use the full domain of the server originating the cookie. You can
// set this attribute value explicitly if you want to share cookies among several servers.
// Version 0 & Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetDomain(LPCSTR szDomain) throw() { BOOL bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) bRet = AddAttribute("domain", szDomain); return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the Max-Age attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The value of the Max-Age attribute is a lifetime in seconds for the cookie.
// When the time has expired, compliant browsers will discard this cookie
// (if they haven't already done so as a result of the Discard attribute).
// If Max-Age is set to zero, the browser discards the cookie immediately.
// This attribute is the Version 1 replacement for the Expires attribute.
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted, the default behavior is for browsers to discard cookies
// when the user closes the browser.
// Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetMaxAge(UINT nMaxAge) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) { CHAR buff[20]; if (_itoa(nMaxAge, buff, 10)) { bRet = AddAttribute("max-age", buff); } } return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the Path attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Path attribute specifies the subset of URLs to which this cookie applies.
// Only URLs that contain that path are allowed to read or modify the cookie.
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted the default behavior is for browsers to treat the path of a cookie
// as the path of the request URL that generated the Set-Cookie response, up to,
// but not including, the right-most /.
// Version 0 & Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetPath(LPCSTR szPath) throw() { BOOL bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) bRet = AddAttribute("path", szPath); return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the Port attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Port attribute specifies the port to which this cookie applies.
// Only URLs accessed via that port are allowed to read or modify the cookie.
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted the default behavior is for browsers to return the cookie via any port.
// Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetPort(LPCSTR szPort) throw() { BOOL bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) bRet = AddAttribute("port", szPort); return bRet; }
// Call this function to add or remove the Secure attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Secure attribute does not have a value.
// Call SetSecure(TRUE) to add the Secure attribute
// or SetSecure(FALSE) to remove the Secure attribute.
// Setting the Secure attribute tells a browser that it should
// transmit the cookie to the web server only via secure means such as HTTPS.
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted, the default behavior is that the cookie
// will be sent via unsecured protocols.
// Version 0 & Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetSecure(BOOL bSecure) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPCSTR szKey = "secure"; bRet = SetVersion(1); if (bRet) { if (bSecure == 0) { bRet = m_Attributes.RemoveKey(szKey); } else { _ATLTRY { bRet = m_Attributes.SetAt(szKey, " ") != 0; } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } } } return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the Version attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// This attribute is required for Version 1 cookies by RFC 2109 and must have a value of 1.
// However, you do not need to call SetVersion explicitly from your own code unless you need to
// force RFC 2109 compliance. CCookie will automatically set this attribute whenever
// you use a Version 1 attribute in your cookie.
// Version 1 attribute.
BOOL SetVersion(UINT nVersion) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; CHAR buff[20]; if (_itoa(nVersion, buff, 10)) { bRet = AddAttribute("version", buff); } return bRet; }
// Call this function to set the Expires attribute of the cookie.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The Expires attribute specifies an absolute date and time at which this cookie
// should be discarded by web browsers. Pass a SYSTEMTIME holding a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
// value or a string in the following format:
// Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT
// This attribute is optional.
// When omitted, the default behavior is for browsers to discard cookies
// when the user closes the browser.
// This attribute has been superceded in Version 1 by the Max-Age attribute,
// but you should continue to use this attribute for Version 0 clients.
// Version 0 attribute.
BOOL SetExpires(LPCSTR szExpires) throw() { return AddAttribute("expires", szExpires); }
BOOL SetExpires(const SYSTEMTIME &st) throw() { _ATLTRY { CFixedStringT<CStringA, ATLS_MAX_HTTP_DATE> strTime; SystemTimeToHttpDate(st, strTime); return SetExpires(strTime); } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to look up the value of a name-value pair applied to this cookie.
// Returns the requested value if present or NULL if the name was not found.
LPCSTR Lookup(LPCSTR szName=NULL) const throw() { if (IsEmpty()) return NULL;
if (!szName && m_strValue.GetLength()) return m_strValue;
if (m_Values.GetCount()) { const mapType::CPair *pPair = m_Values.Lookup(szName); if (pPair) return (LPCSTR)pPair->m_value; }
return NULL; }
// Call this function to clear the cookie of all content
// including name, value, name-value pairs, and attributes.
void Empty() throw() { m_strName = ""; m_strValue = ""; m_Attributes.RemoveAll(); m_Values.RemoveAll(); }
// Call this function to create a CCookie from a buffer.
// The passed in buffer contains a cookie header retrieved
// from the HTTP_COOKIE request variable
// review: support MBCS cookie values?
ATL_NOINLINE bool Parse(LPSTR pstart) throw() { //pStart points to the beginning of the cookie
//pEnd points to the character just past the end of the cookie.
//cookie is in the form name=value
LPSTR pEnd = pstart; LPSTR pStart = pstart; int index = 0; LPSTR pTokens[16]; CStringA strName, name, value;
while (*pEnd != '&' && *pEnd != ';' && *pEnd != '\0') pEnd++;
int nCount = CountOf('=', pStart, pEnd); if (nCount == 2) { //first token is name, next tokens are first name/value in
//the Values collection
pEnd = pStart; index = 1; pTokens[0]=pStart; while (*pEnd != '&' && *pEnd != ';' && *pEnd != '\0') { if (*pEnd == '=') { pTokens[index++] = pEnd; } pEnd++; }
CopyToCString(strName, pTokens[0], pTokens[1]-1); CopyToCString(name, pTokens[1]+1, pTokens[2]-1); CopyToCString(value, pTokens[2]+1, pEnd-1); _ATLTRY { m_strName = strName; AddValue(name, value); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; } } else if (nCount == 1) { LPSTR pCurr = pStart; index = 1; pTokens[0] = pStart; while (pCurr != pEnd) { if (*pCurr == '=') { pTokens[index] = pCurr; } pCurr++; } CopyToCString(name, pTokens[0], pTokens[1]-1); CopyToCString(value, pTokens[1]+1, pEnd-1); _ATLTRY { m_strName = name; m_strValue = value; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; } } else if (nCount == 0) { // no value
if (pEnd > pStart) { CopyToCString(name, pStart, pEnd-1); _ATLTRY { m_strName = name; m_strValue = ""; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; } } } else return false; //error in cookie
if (*pEnd == '&') { //still have name/values to parse
pStart = pEnd+1; pEnd = pStart; while(1) { if (*pEnd == '=') //separates the name from the value
pTokens[0] = pEnd; //Marks either the end of the name/values or
//the end of the name/value statement
if (*pEnd == '&' || *pEnd == ';' || *pEnd == '\0') { CopyToCString(name, pStart, pTokens[0]-1); CopyToCString(value, pTokens[0]+1, pEnd-1); AddValue(name, value); pStart = pEnd+1; }
if (*pEnd == ';' || *pEnd =='\0') break;
pEnd++; } } m_strName.TrimRight(); m_strName.TrimLeft(); m_strValue.TrimRight(); m_strValue.TrimLeft(); return true; }
// Call this function to render this cookie
// into a buffer. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// On entry, pdwLen should point to a DWORD that indicates
// the size of the buffer in bytes. On exit, the DWORD contains
// the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred
// into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte). On
// success, the buffer will contain the correct HTTP
// representation of the current cookie suitable for sending to
// a client as the body of a Set-Cookie header.
ATL_NOINLINE BOOL Render(LPSTR szCookieBuffer, DWORD *pdwLen) const throw() { CStringA strCookie; CStringA name, value; DWORD nLenBuff = *pdwLen; *pdwLen = 0;
// A cookie must have a name!
if (!m_strName.GetLength()) { *pdwLen = 0; return FALSE; } _ATLTRY { strCookie = m_strName; int nValSize = (int) m_Values.GetCount();
//add value or name/value pairs.
if (m_strValue.GetLength()) { strCookie += '='; strCookie += m_strValue; } else if (nValSize) { strCookie += '='; POSITION pos = m_Values.GetStartPosition(); for (int i=0; pos; i++) { m_Values.GetNextAssoc(pos, name, value); strCookie += name; if (value.GetLength()) { strCookie += '='; strCookie += value; } if (i <= nValSize-2) strCookie += '&'; } }
CStringA strAttributes; if (!RenderAttributes(strAttributes)) return FALSE; if (strAttributes.GetLength() > 0) { strCookie += "; "; strCookie += strAttributes; } DWORD dwLenCookie = strCookie.GetLength() + 1; if (dwLenCookie > nLenBuff) { *pdwLen = dwLenCookie; return FALSE; //buffer wasn't big enough
*pdwLen = dwLenCookie - 1; strcpy(szCookieBuffer, strCookie); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
POSITION GetFirstAttributePos() const throw() { return m_Attributes.GetStartPosition(); }
const elemType& GetNextAttributeName(POSITION& pos) const throw() { return m_Attributes.GetNextKey(pos); }
const elemType& GetAttributeValueAt(POSITION pos) const throw() { return m_Attributes.GetValueAt(pos); }
BOOL GetNextAttrAssoc(POSITION& pos, elemType& key, elemType& val) const throw() { _ATLTRY { m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
POSITION GetFirstValuePos() const throw() { return m_Values.GetStartPosition(); }
const elemType& GetNextValueName(POSITION& pos) const throw() { return m_Values.GetNextKey(pos); }
const elemType& GetValueAt(POSITION pos) const throw() { return m_Values.GetValueAt(pos); } BOOL GetNextValueAssoc(POSITION& pos, elemType& key, elemType& val) const throw() { _ATLTRY { m_Values.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
protected: // Implementation
BOOL RenderAttributes(CStringA& strAttributes) const throw() { _ATLTRY { strAttributes = "";
POSITION pos = m_Attributes.GetStartPosition(); CStringA key, val; for (int i=0; pos; i++) { if (i) strAttributes += ";"; m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); strAttributes += key; strAttributes += '='; strAttributes += val; } } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } private: CCookie& Copy(const CCookie& thatCookie) throw(...) { m_strName = thatCookie.m_strName; m_strValue = thatCookie.m_strValue; POSITION pos = NULL; CStringA strName, strValue; if (!thatCookie.m_Attributes.IsEmpty()) { pos = thatCookie.m_Attributes.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { thatCookie.m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, strName, strValue); m_Attributes.SetAt(strName, strValue); } } if (!thatCookie.m_Values.IsEmpty()) { strName.Empty(); strValue.Empty(); pos = thatCookie.m_Values.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { thatCookie.m_Values.GetNextAssoc(pos, strName, strValue); m_Values.SetAt(strName, strValue); } } return *this; }
public: // These are implementation only, use at your own risk!
// Map of attribute-value pairs applied to this cookie.
mapType m_Attributes;
// Map of name-value pairs applied to this cookie.
mapType m_Values;
// The name of this cookie.
CStringA m_strName;
// The value of this cookie.
CStringA m_strValue;
}; // class CCookie
class CSessionCookie : public CCookie { public: CSessionCookie() throw(...) { if (!SetName(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME) && !SetPath("/")) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
CSessionCookie(LPCSTR szSessionID) throw(...) { if (!SetName(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME) && !SetPath("/") && !SetSessionID(szSessionID) ) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
BOOL SetSessionID(LPCSTR szSessionID) throw() { ATLASSERT(szSessionID && szSessionID[0]); return SetValue(szSessionID); } }; // class CSessionCookie
template<> class CElementTraits< CCookie > : public CElementTraitsBase< CCookie > { public: typedef const CCookie& INARGTYPE; typedef CCookie& OUTARGTYPE; static ULONG Hash( INARGTYPE cookie ) { return CStringElementTraits<CStringA>::Hash( cookie.m_strName ); }
static bool CompareElements( INARGTYPE cookie1, INARGTYPE cookie2 ) { return( cookie1.m_strName == cookie2.m_strName ); }
static int CompareElementsOrdered( INARGTYPE cookie1, INARGTYPE cookie2 ) { return( cookie1.m_strName.Compare( cookie2.m_strName ) ); } };
// Request and response classes and support functions
// This class is a wrapper for CAtlMap that allows maps to be chained.
// It simply adds a bool that tells whether or not a map shares values
template <typename K, typename V, typename KTraits=CElementTraits<K>, typename VTraits=CElementTraits<V> > class CHttpMap { private:
typedef CRBMultiMap<K, V, KTraits, VTraits> MAPTYPE; #else
typedef CAtlMap<K, V, KTraits, VTraits> MAPTYPE; #endif // ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
typedef MAPTYPE::CPair CPair;
bool m_bShared; MAPTYPE m_map; public:
CHttpMap() throw() : m_bShared(false) { }
virtual ~CHttpMap() { }
inline bool IsShared() const throw() { return m_bShared; }
inline void SetShared(bool bShared) throw() { m_bShared = bShared; }
// exposed lookup and iteration functionality
inline size_t GetCount() const throw() { return m_map.GetCount(); }
inline bool IsEmpty() const throw() { return m_map.IsEmpty(); }
inline POSITION GetStartPosition() const throw() { #ifdef ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
return m_map.GetHeadPosition(); #else
return m_map.GetStartPosition(); #endif // ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
// Lookup wrappers
bool Lookup( KINARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const throw() { _ATLTRY { #ifdef ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
CPair *p = Lookup(key); if (p != NULL) { value = p->m_value; return true; } return false; #else
return m_map.Lookup(key, value); #endif // ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
} _ATLCATCHALL() { return false; } }
const CPair* Lookup( KINARGTYPE key ) const throw() { #ifdef ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
POSITION pos = m_map.FindFirstWithKey(key); if (pos != NULL) { return m_map.GetAt(pos); } return NULL; #else
return m_map.Lookup(key); #endif // ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
CPair* Lookup( KINARGTYPE key ) throw() { #ifdef ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
POSITION pos = m_map.FindFirstWithKey(key); if (pos != NULL) { return m_map.GetAt(pos); } return NULL; #else
return m_map.Lookup(key); #endif // ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
// iteration wrappers
void GetNextAssoc( POSITION& pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const throw(...) { m_map.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value); }
const CPair* GetNext( POSITION& pos ) const throw() { return m_map.GetNext(pos); }
CPair* GetNext( POSITION& pos ) throw() { return m_map.GetNext(pos); }
const K& GetNextKey( POSITION& pos ) const throw() { return m_map.GetNextKey(pos); }
const V& GetNextValue( POSITION& pos ) const throw() { return m_map.GetNextValue(pos); }
V& GetNextValue( POSITION& pos ) throw() { return m_map.GetNextValue(pos); }
void GetAt( POSITION pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const throw(...) { return m_map.GetAt(pos, key, value); }
CPair* GetAt( POSITION pos ) throw() { return m_map.GetAt(pos); }
const CPair* GetAt( POSITION pos ) const throw() { return m_map.GetAt(pos); }
const K& GetKeyAt( POSITION pos ) const throw() { return m_map.GetKeyAt(pos); }
const V& GetValueAt( POSITION pos ) const throw() { return m_map.GetValueAt(pos); }
V& GetValueAt( POSITION pos ) throw() { return m_map.GetValueAt(pos); }
// modification wrappers
return m_map.Insert(key, value); #else
return m_map.SetAt(key, value); #endif // ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MULTIMAP
virtual void RemoveAll() throw() { m_map.RemoveAll(); } };
// This class is a wrapper for CHttpMap that assumes it's values are pointers that
// should be deleted on RemoveAll
template <typename K, typename V, typename KTraits=CElementTraits<K>, typename VTraits=CElementTraits<V> > class CHttpPtrMap : public CHttpMap<K, V, KTraits, VTraits> { public: typedef CHttpMap<K, V, KTraits, VTraits> Base;
void RemoveAll() throw() { if (!IsShared()) { POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { GetNextValue(pos)->Release(); } } Base::RemoveAll(); }
~CHttpPtrMap() throw() { RemoveAll(); } };
// This class represents a collection of request parameters - the name-value pairs
// found, for example, in a query string or in the data provided when a form is submitted to the server.
// Call Parse to build the collection from a string of URL-encoded data.
// Use the standard collection methods of the CSimpleMap base class to retrieve the
// decoded names and values.
// Use the methods of the CValidateObject base class to validate the parameters.
class CHttpRequestParams : #if (defined(ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MAP_CASEINSENSITIVE))
public CHttpMap<CStringA, CStringA, CStringElementTraitsI<CStringA>, CStringElementTraitsI<CStringA> >, #else
public CHttpMap<CStringA, CStringA, CStringElementTraits<CStringA>, CStringElementTraits<CStringA> >, #endif
public CValidateObject<CHttpRequestParams> { public: #if (defined(ATL_HTTP_PARAM_MAP_CASEINSENSITIVE))
typedef CHttpMap<CStringA, CStringA, CStringElementTraitsI<CStringA>, CStringElementTraitsI<CStringA> > BaseMap; #else
typedef CHttpMap<CStringA, CStringA, CStringElementTraits<CStringA>, CStringElementTraits<CStringA> > BaseMap; #endif
LPCSTR Lookup(LPCSTR szName) const throw() { if (!szName) return NULL;
const CPair *p = BaseMap::Lookup(szName); if (p) { return p->m_value; } return NULL; }
// Call this function to build a collection of name-value pairs from a string of URL-encoded data.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// URL-encoded data:
// Each name-value pair is separated from the next by an ampersand (&)
// Each name is separated from its corresponding value by an equals signs (=)
// The end of the data to be parsed is indicated by a nul character (\0) or a pound symbol (#)
// A plus sign (+) in the input will be decoded as a space
// A percent sign (%) in the input signifies the start of an escaped octet.
// The next two digits represent the hexadecimal code of the character.
// For example, %21 is the escaped encoding for the US-ASCII exclamation mark and will be decoded as !.
// Common sources of URL-encoded data are query strings and the bodies of POST requests with content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
// Parse and Render are complementary operations.
// Parse creates a collection from a string.
// Render creates a string from a collection.
ATL_NOINLINE BOOL Parse(LPSTR szQueryString) throw() { while (szQueryString && *szQueryString) { LPSTR szUrlCurrent = szQueryString; LPSTR szName = szUrlCurrent; LPSTR szPropValue;
while (*szQueryString) { if (*szQueryString == '=') { szQueryString++; break; } if (*szQueryString == '&') { break; } if (*szQueryString == '+') *szUrlCurrent = ' '; else if (*szQueryString == '%') { // if there is a % without two characters
// at the end of the url we skip it
if (*(szQueryString+1) && *(szQueryString+2)) { CHAR szCharCode[3]; szCharCode[0] = *(szQueryString+1); szCharCode[1] = *(szQueryString+2); szCharCode[2] = '\0'; LPSTR szEnd; *szUrlCurrent = (CHAR) strtoul(szCharCode, &szEnd, 16); szQueryString += 2; } else *szUrlCurrent = '\0'; } else *szUrlCurrent = *szQueryString;
szQueryString++; szUrlCurrent++; }
if (*szUrlCurrent) *szUrlCurrent++ = '\0';
// we have the property name
szPropValue = szUrlCurrent; while (*szQueryString && *szQueryString != '#') { if (*szQueryString == '&') { szQueryString++; break; } if (*szQueryString == '+') *szUrlCurrent = ' '; else if (*szQueryString == '%') { // if there is a % without two characters
// at the end of the url we skip it
if (*(szQueryString+1) && *(szQueryString+2)) { CHAR szCharCode[3]; szCharCode[0] = *(szQueryString+1); szCharCode[1] = *(szQueryString+2); szCharCode[2] = '\0'; LPSTR szEnd; *szUrlCurrent = (CHAR) strtoul(szCharCode, &szEnd, 16); szQueryString += 2; } else *szUrlCurrent = '\0'; } else *szUrlCurrent = *szQueryString; szQueryString++; szUrlCurrent++; } // we have the value
*szUrlCurrent = '\0'; szUrlCurrent++; _ATLTRY { SetAt(szName, szPropValue); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
// Call this function to render the map of names and values into a buffer as a URL-encoded string.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// On entry, pdwLen should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
// On success, the buffer will contain the correct URL-encoded representation of the current object
// suitable for sending to a server as a query string or in the body of a form.
// URL-encoding:
// Each name-value pair is separated from the next by an ampersand (&)
// Each name is separated from its corresponding value by an equals signs (=)
// A space is encoded as a plus sign (+).
// Other unsafe characters (as determined by AtlIsUnsafeUrlChar) are encoded as escaped octets.
// An escaped octet is a percent sign (%) followed by two digits representing the hexadecimal code of the character.
// Parse and Render are complementary operations.
// Parse creates a collection from a string.
// Render creates a string from a collection.
ATL_NOINLINE BOOL Render(LPSTR szParameters, LPDWORD pdwLen) throw() { ATLASSERT(szParameters); ATLASSERT(pdwLen); _ATLTRY { if (GetCount() == 0) { *szParameters = '\0'; *pdwLen = 0; return TRUE; }
CStringA strParams; POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { LPCSTR szBuf = GetKeyAt(pos); EscapeToCString(strParams, szBuf); szBuf = GetValueAt(pos); if (*szBuf) { strParams+= '='; EscapeToCString(strParams, szBuf); } strParams+= '&'; GetNext(pos); }
DWORD dwLen = strParams.GetLength(); strParams.Delete(dwLen-1); BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (dwLen >= *pdwLen) { bRet = FALSE; } else { dwLen--; memcpy(szParameters, static_cast<LPCSTR>(strParams), dwLen); szParameters[dwLen] = '\0'; }
*pdwLen = dwLen; return bRet; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } }
}; // class CHttpRequestParams
// This class represents the information about a file that has been uploaded to the web server.
class CHttpRequestFile : public IHttpFile { protected:
// The name of the form field used to upload the file.
// The original file name of the uploaded file as set by the client.
CHAR m_szFileName[MAX_PATH];
// The original path and file name of the uploaded file as set by the client.
CHAR m_szFullFileName[MAX_PATH];
// The MIME type of the uploaded file.
// The name of the uploaded file on the server.
CHAR m_szTempFileName[MAX_PATH];
// The size of the file in bytes.
ULONGLONG m_nFileSize;
// The constructor.
CHttpRequestFile( LPCSTR pParamName, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCSTR pTempFileName, LPCSTR pContentType, const ULONGLONG& nFileSize) throw() { ATLASSERT(pFileName);
m_szParamName[0] = 0; m_szFileName[0] = 0; m_szTempFileName[0] = 0; m_szFullFileName[0] = 0; m_szContentType[0] = 0; m_nFileSize = nFileSize;
strcpy(m_szParamName, pParamName); strcpy(m_szFullFileName, pFileName); strcpy(m_szTempFileName, pTempFileName);
if (pContentType && *pContentType) { strcpy(m_szContentType, pContentType); }
// Set m_szFileName to be the file name without the path.
// This is likely to be the most meaningful part of the
// original file name once the file reaches the server.
LPSTR szTmp = m_szFullFileName; LPSTR szFile = m_szFileName;
while (*szTmp) { if (*szTmp == '\\') { szFile = m_szFileName; } else { *szFile++ = *szTmp; } szTmp++; } *szFile = 0; }
// IHttpFile interface
LPCSTR GetParamName() throw() { return m_szParamName; }
LPCSTR GetFileName() throw() { return m_szFileName; }
LPCSTR GetFullFileName() throw() { return m_szFullFileName; }
LPCSTR GetContentType() throw() { return m_szContentType; }
LPCSTR GetTempFileName() throw() { return m_szTempFileName; }
ULONGLONG GetFileSize() throw() { return m_nFileSize; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { if (!ppv) { return E_POINTER; }
if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IHttpFile))) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<IHttpFile*>(this)); AddRef(); return S_OK; }
return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { ATLASSERT( FALSE ); return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { delete this;
return 1; }
}; // class CHttpRequestFile
// utility function to ReadData from a ServerContext
ATL_NOINLINE inline BOOL ReadClientData(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, LPSTR pbDest, LPDWORD pdwLen, DWORD dwBytesRead) throw() { ATLASSERT(pServerContext != NULL); ATLASSERT(pbDest != NULL); ATLASSERT(pdwLen != NULL);
DWORD dwToRead = *pdwLen; DWORD dwAvailableBytes = pServerContext->GetAvailableBytes(); DWORD dwRead(0);
// Read from available data first
if (dwBytesRead < dwAvailableBytes) { LPBYTE pbAvailableData = pServerContext->GetAvailableData(); pbAvailableData+= dwBytesRead; DWORD dwAvailableToRead = min(dwToRead, dwAvailableBytes-dwBytesRead); memcpy(pbDest, pbAvailableData, dwAvailableToRead); dwBytesRead+= dwAvailableToRead; dwToRead-= dwAvailableToRead; pbDest+= dwAvailableToRead; dwRead+= dwAvailableToRead; }
DWORD dwTotalBytes = pServerContext->GetTotalBytes();
// If there is still more to read after the available data is exhausted
if (dwToRead && dwBytesRead < dwTotalBytes) { DWORD dwClientBytesToRead = min(pServerContext->GetTotalBytes()-dwBytesRead, dwToRead); DWORD dwClientBytesRead = 0;
// keep on reading until we've read the amount requested
do { dwClientBytesRead = dwClientBytesToRead; if (!pServerContext->ReadClient(pbDest, &dwClientBytesRead)) { return FALSE; } dwClientBytesToRead-= dwClientBytesRead; pbDest+= dwClientBytesRead;
} while (dwClientBytesToRead != 0 && dwClientBytesRead != 0);
dwRead+= dwToRead-dwClientBytesToRead; }
*pdwLen = dwRead;
return TRUE; }
#define FORM_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define MAX_MIME_LINE_LEN 1024
// Use this class to read multipart/form-data from the associated server context
// and generate files as necessary from the data in the body of the request.
class CMultiPartFormParser { protected:
LPSTR m_pCurrent; LPSTR m_pEnd; LPSTR m_pStart; CHAR m_szBoundary[MAX_MIME_BOUNDARY_LEN+2]; CHAR m_szSearchBoundary[MAX_MIME_BOUNDARY_LEN+4]; DWORD m_dwBoundaryLen; BOOL m_bFinished; CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> m_spServerContext;
public: // The constructor.
CMultiPartFormParser(IHttpServerContext* pServerContext) throw() : m_pCurrent(NULL), m_pEnd(NULL), m_pStart(NULL), m_dwBoundaryLen(0), m_bFinished(FALSE), m_spServerContext(pServerContext) { *m_szBoundary = '\0'; } ~CMultiPartFormParser() throw() { // free memory if necessary
if (m_spServerContext->GetTotalBytes() > m_spServerContext->GetAvailableBytes()) { free(m_pStart); } }
// Call this function to read multipart/form-data from the current HTTP request,
// allowing files to be uploaded to the web server.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Forms can be sent to a web server using one of two encodings: application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.
// In addition to the simple name-value pairs typically associated with
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data, multipart/form-data (as
// described in RFC 2388) can also contain files to be uploaded
// to the web server.
// This function will generate a physical file for each file contained in the multipart/form-data request body.
// The generated files are stored in the server's temporary directory as returned by the
// GetTempPath API and are named using the GetTempFileName API.
// The information about each file can be obtained from the elements of the Files array.
// You can retrieve the original name of the file on the client, the name of the generated file on the server,
// the MIME content type of the uploaded file, the name of the form field associated with that file, and the size in
// bytes of the file. All this information is exposed by the CHttpRequestFile objects in the array.
// In addition to generating files and populating the Files array with information about them,
// this function also populates the pQueryParams array with the names and values of the other form fields
// contained in the current request. The file fields are also added to this array. The value of these fields
// is the full name of the generated file on the server.
// Note that files can be generated even if this function returns FALSE unless you specify either the
// ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_FILES or the ATL_FORM_FLAG_REFUSE_FILES flag. If you don't specify one of these
// flags, you should always check the Files array for generated files and delete any that are no longer
// needed to prevent your web server from running out of disk space.
// dwFlags can be a combination of one or more of the following values:
// ATL_FORM_FLAG_NONE Default behavior.
// ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_FILES Any attempt to upload files is ignored.
// ATL_FORM_FLAG_REFUSE_FILES Any attempt to upload files is treated as a failure. The function will return FALSE.
// ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_EMPTY_FILES Files with a size of zero bytes are ignored.
// ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_EMPTY_FIELDS Fields with no content are ignored.
ATL_NOINLINE BOOL GetMultiPartData(CHttpMap<CStringA, IHttpFile*, CStringElementTraits<CStringA> >& Files, CHttpRequestParams* pQueryParams, DWORD dwFlags=ATL_FORM_FLAG_NONE) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (!InitializeParser()) { return FALSE; }
//Get to the first boundary
if (!ReadUntilBoundary()) { return FALSE; } CStringA strParamName; CStringA strFileName; CStringA strContentType; CStringA strData; BOOL bFound;
while (!m_bFinished) { // look for "name" field
if (!GetMimeData(strParamName, "name=", sizeof("name=")-1, &bFound) || !bFound) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed Form-Data")); return FALSE; } // see if it's a file
if (!GetMimeData(strFileName, "filename=", sizeof("filename=")-1, &bFound)) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed Form-Data")); return FALSE; } if (bFound) { if (dwFlags & ATL_FORM_FLAG_REFUSE_FILES) { return FALSE; }
if (!strFileName.GetLength()) { ReadUntilBoundary(); continue; } if (!GetMimeData(strContentType, "Content-Type:", sizeof("Content-Type:")-1, &bFound, TRUE)) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed Form-Data")); return FALSE; } // move to the actual uploaded data
if (!MoveToData()) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed Form-Data")); return FALSE; }
// if the user doesn't want files, don't save the file
if (dwFlags & ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_FILES) { if (!ReadUntilBoundary(NULL, NULL)) { return FALSE; } continue; }
CAtlTemporaryFile ctf; HRESULT hr = ctf.Create(); if (hr != S_OK) return FALSE;
if (!ReadUntilBoundary(NULL, &ctf)) { ctf.Close(); return FALSE; } ULONGLONG nFileSize = 0; if (ctf.GetSize(nFileSize) != S_OK) return FALSE;
if ((dwFlags & ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_EMPTY_FILES) && nFileSize == 0) { ctf.Close(); continue; }
//REVIEW: if exceptions are thrown, the temp file created by ctf is never removed
//REVIEW: pFile always leaks
CHttpRequestFile* pFile = NULL;
CT2AEX<MAX_PATH+1> szTempFileNameA(ctf.TempFileName());
ATLTRY(pFile = new CHttpRequestFile(strParamName, strFileName, szTempFileNameA, strContentType, nFileSize)); if (!pFile) return FALSE;
Files.SetAt(szTempFileNameA, pFile); pQueryParams->SetAt(strParamName, szTempFileNameA); continue; } // move to the actual uploaded data
if (!MoveToData()) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed Form-Data")); return FALSE; }
if (!ReadUntilBoundary(&strData)) { return FALSE; }
if ((dwFlags & ATL_FORM_FLAG_IGNORE_EMPTY_FIELDS) && strData.GetLength() == 0) continue;
pQueryParams->SetAt(strParamName, strData); }
return TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } }
// case insensitive substring search -- does not handle multibyte characters
// allows searching up to a maximum point in a string
inline char AtlCharLower(char ch) throw() { if (ch > 64 && ch < 91) { return ch+32; }
return ch; }
inline char * _stristrex (const char * str1, const char * str2, const char * str1End) throw() { char *cp = (char *) str1; char *s1, *s2;
if ( !*str2 ) return((char *)str1);
while (cp != str1End) { s1 = cp; s2 = (char *) str2;
while ( s1 != str1End && *s2 && !(AtlCharLower(*s1)-AtlCharLower(*s2)) ) { s1++, s2++; }
if (s1 == str1End) { return (NULL); }
if (!*s2) { return (cp); }
cp++; }
return(NULL); }
inline char * _strstrex (const char * str1, const char * str2, const char * str1End) throw() { char *cp = (char *) str1; char *s1, *s2;
if ( !*str2 ) return((char *)str1);
while (cp != str1End) { s1 = cp; s2 = (char *) str2;
while ( s1 != str1End && *s2 && !((*s1)-(*s2)) ) { s1++, s2++; } if (s1 == str1End) { return (NULL); }
if (!*s2) { return (cp); }
cp++; }
return(NULL); }
ATL_NOINLINE BOOL InitializeParser() throw() { DWORD dwBytesTotal = m_spServerContext->GetTotalBytes(); // if greater than bytes available, allocate necessary space
if (dwBytesTotal > m_spServerContext->GetAvailableBytes()) { ATLTRYALLOC(m_pStart = (LPSTR) malloc(dwBytesTotal)); if (!m_pStart) { return FALSE; } m_pCurrent = m_pStart; DWORD dwLen = dwBytesTotal; if (!ReadClientData(m_spServerContext, m_pStart, &dwLen, 0) || dwLen != dwBytesTotal) { return FALSE; } } else { m_pStart = (LPSTR) m_spServerContext->GetAvailableData(); } m_pCurrent = m_pStart; m_pEnd = m_pCurrent + dwBytesTotal; //get the boundary
LPCSTR pszContentType = m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetContentType() : NULL; ATLASSERT(pszContentType != NULL);
LPCSTR pszTmp = strstr(pszContentType, "boundary="); if (!pszTmp) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed Form-Data")); return FALSE; }
pszTmp += sizeof("boundary=")-1; BOOL bInQuote = FALSE; if (*pszTmp == '\"') { bInQuote = TRUE; pszTmp++; }
LPSTR pszMimeBoundary = m_szBoundary; *pszMimeBoundary++ = '-'; *pszMimeBoundary++ = '-'; m_dwBoundaryLen = 2; while (*pszTmp && (bInQuote || IsStandardBoundaryChar(*pszTmp))) { if (m_dwBoundaryLen >= MAX_MIME_BOUNDARY_LEN) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Malformed MIME boundary")); return FALSE; } if (*pszTmp == '\r' || *pszTmp == '\n') { if (bInQuote) { pszTmp++; continue; } break; } if (bInQuote && *pszTmp == '"') { break; }
*pszMimeBoundary++ = *pszTmp++; m_dwBoundaryLen++; } *pszMimeBoundary = '\0'; m_szSearchBoundary[0] = '\r'; m_szSearchBoundary[1] = '\n'; strcpy(m_szSearchBoundary+2, m_szBoundary); return TRUE; }
inline BOOL MoveToData() throw() { LPSTR szEnd = _strstrex(m_pCurrent, "\r\n\r\n", m_pEnd); if (!szEnd) { return FALSE; }
m_pCurrent = szEnd+4; if (m_pCurrent >= m_pEnd) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
inline BOOL GetMimeData(CStringA &str, LPCSTR szField, DWORD dwFieldLen, LPBOOL pbFound, BOOL bIgnoreCase = FALSE) throw() { _ATLTRY { ATLASSERT( szField != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pbFound != NULL ); *pbFound = FALSE; LPSTR szEnd = _strstrex(m_pCurrent, "\r\n\r\n", m_pEnd); if (!szEnd) { return FALSE; } LPSTR szDataStart = NULL; if (!bIgnoreCase) { szDataStart = _strstrex(m_pCurrent, szField, szEnd); } else { szDataStart = _stristrex(m_pCurrent, szField, szEnd); }
if (szDataStart) { szDataStart+= dwFieldLen; if (szDataStart >= m_pEnd) { return FALSE; } BOOL bInQuote = FALSE; if (*szDataStart == '\"') { bInQuote = TRUE; szDataStart++; } LPSTR szDataEnd = szDataStart; while (!bInQuote && (szDataEnd < m_pEnd) && (*szDataEnd == ' ' || *szDataEnd == '\t')) { szDataEnd++; } if (szDataEnd >= m_pEnd) { return FALSE; } while (szDataEnd < m_pEnd) { if (!IsValidTokenChar(*szDataEnd)) { if (*szDataEnd == '\"' || !bInQuote) { break; } } szDataEnd++; } if (szDataEnd >= m_pEnd) { return FALSE; } LPSTR szOut = str.GetBuffer((int)(szDataEnd-szDataStart)+1); if (!szOut) { str.ReleaseBuffer(); return FALSE; } memcpy(szOut, szDataStart, szDataEnd-szDataStart); szOut[szDataEnd-szDataStart] = '\0'; str.ReleaseBuffer((int)(szDataEnd-szDataStart)); *pbFound = TRUE; } return TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } } ATL_NOINLINE BOOL ReadUntilBoundary(CStringA* pStrData=NULL, CAtlTemporaryFile* pCtf=NULL) throw() { _ATLTRY { LPSTR szBoundaryStart = m_pCurrent; LPSTR szBoundaryEnd = NULL; do { szBoundaryStart = _strstrex(szBoundaryStart, m_szBoundary, m_pEnd); if (szBoundaryStart != m_pStart) { if ((szBoundaryStart-m_pStart) >= 2) { if (*(szBoundaryStart-1) != 0x0a && *(szBoundaryStart-2) != 0x0d) continue; } else { return FALSE; } } szBoundaryEnd = szBoundaryStart+m_dwBoundaryLen; if (szBoundaryEnd+2 >= m_pEnd) { return FALSE; } if (szBoundaryEnd[0] == '\r' && szBoundaryEnd[1] == '\n') { break; } if (szBoundaryEnd[0] == '-' && szBoundaryEnd[1] == '-') { m_bFinished = TRUE; break; } } while (szBoundaryStart); if (!szBoundaryStart) { return FALSE; } szBoundaryStart-= 2; if (pStrData) { LPSTR szData = pStrData->GetBuffer((int)(szBoundaryStart-m_pCurrent)+1); if (!szData) { pStrData->ReleaseBuffer(); return FALSE; } memcpy(szData, m_pCurrent, (int)(szBoundaryStart-m_pCurrent)); szData[szBoundaryStart-m_pCurrent] = '\0'; pStrData->ReleaseBuffer((int)(szBoundaryStart-m_pCurrent)); } if (pCtf) { if (FAILED(pCtf->Write(m_pCurrent, (DWORD)(szBoundaryStart-m_pCurrent)))) { return FALSE; } } if (!m_bFinished) { m_pCurrent = szBoundaryEnd+2; if (m_pCurrent >= m_pEnd) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } }
static inline BOOL IsStandardBoundaryChar(CHAR ch) throw() { if ( (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch == '\'') || (ch == '+') || (ch == '_') || (ch == '-') || (ch == '=') || (ch == '?') ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
inline IsValidTokenChar(CHAR ch) throw() { return ( (ch != 0) && (ch != 0xd) && (ch != 0xa) && (ch != ' ') && (ch != '\"') ); }
private: // Prevents copying.
CMultiPartFormParser(const CMultiPartFormParser& /*that*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); }
const CMultiPartFormParser& operator=(const CMultiPartFormParser& /*that*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return (*this); } }; // class CMultiPartFormParser
// 48K max form size
// This class provides access to the information contained in an HTTP request submitted to a web server.
// CHttpRequest provides access to the query string parameters, form fields, cookies, and files
// that make up an HTTP request, as well as many other important properties of the request.
class CHttpRequest : public IHttpRequestLookup { protected: // Implementation: Array used to map an HTTP request method (for example, "GET" or "POST")
// from a string to a numeric constant from the HTTP_METHOD enum (HTTP_METHOD_GET or HTTP_METHOD_HEAD).
static LPCSTR m_szMethodStrings[];
// Implementation: The server context.
CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> m_spServerContext;
// Implementation: The number of bytes read from the body of the request.
DWORD m_dwBytesRead;
// Implementation: TRUE if the request method was POST and the encoding was
// multipart/form-data, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL m_bMultiPart;
// Implementation: Constructor function used to reinitialize all data members.
void Construct() throw() { m_spServerContext.Release(); m_bMultiPart = FALSE; m_dwBytesRead = 0; if (m_pFormVars != &m_QueryParams) delete m_pFormVars;
m_pFormVars = NULL; m_pFormVars = &m_QueryParams; m_QueryParams.RemoveAll(); m_QueryParams.SetShared(false);
ClearFilesAndCookies(); }
void ClearFilesAndCookies() throw() { m_Files.RemoveAll(); m_Files.SetShared(false); m_requestCookies.RemoveAll(); m_requestCookies.SetShared(false); }
// Implementation: The collection of query parameters (name-value pairs) obtained from the query string.
CHttpRequestParams m_QueryParams;
// Implementation: The collection of form fields (name-value pairs).
// The elements of this collection are obtained from the query string for a GET request,
// or from the body of the request for a POST request.
CHttpRequestParams *m_pFormVars;
// The array of CHttpRequestFiles obtained from the current request.
// See CHttpRequest::Initialize and CMultiPartFormParser::GetMultiPartData for more information.
typedef CHttpPtrMap<CStringA, IHttpFile*, CStringElementTraits<CStringA> > FileMap; FileMap m_Files;
// Implementation: The array of cookies obtained from the current request.
typedef CHttpMap<CStringA, CCookie, CStringElementTraits<CStringA> > CookieMap; CookieMap m_requestCookies;
// Numeric constants for the HTTP request methods (such as GET and POST).
// The collection of query parameters (name-value pairs) obtained from the query string.
// A read-only property.
__declspec(property(get=GetQueryParams)) const CHttpRequestParams& QueryParams;
// Returns a reference to the collection of query parameters(name-value pairs)
// obtained from the query string.
const CHttpRequestParams& GetQueryParams() const throw() { return m_QueryParams; }
// The collection of form fields (name-value pairs).
// The elements of this collection are obtained from the query string for a GET request,
// or from the body of the request for a POST request.
// A read-only property.
__declspec(property(get=GetFormVars)) const CHttpRequestParams& FormVars;
// Returns a reference to the collection of form fields (name-value pairs)
// obtained from the query string for a GET request,
// or from the body of the request for a POST request.
const CHttpRequestParams& GetFormVars() const throw() { return *m_pFormVars; }
// The default constructor.
CHttpRequest() throw() :m_pFormVars(NULL) { Construct(); }
// Implementation: The destructor.
~CHttpRequest() throw() { DeleteFiles(); ClearFilesAndCookies();
if (m_pFormVars != &m_QueryParams) { delete m_pFormVars; m_pFormVars = NULL; } }
// Constructs and initializes the object.
CHttpRequest( IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, DWORD dwMaxFormSize=DEFAULT_MAX_FORM_SIZE, DWORD dwFlags=ATL_FORM_FLAG_NONE) throw(...) :m_pFormVars(NULL) { Construct(); if (!Initialize(pServerContext, dwMaxFormSize, dwFlags)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); }
CHttpRequest(IHttpRequestLookup *pRequestLookup) throw(...) :m_pFormVars(NULL) { if (!Initialize(pRequestLookup)) // Calls Construct for you
AtlThrow(E_FAIL); }
// BEGIN IHttpRequestLoookup interface
POSITION GetFirstQueryParam(LPCSTR *ppszName, LPCSTR *ppszValue) const throw() { ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszValue != NULL);
POSITION pos = m_QueryParams.GetStartPosition(); if (pos != NULL) { *ppszName = m_QueryParams.GetKeyAt(pos); *ppszValue = m_QueryParams.GetValueAt(pos); }
return pos; }
POSITION GetNextQueryParam(POSITION pos, LPCSTR *ppszName, LPCSTR *ppszValue) const throw() { ATLASSERT(pos != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszValue != NULL);
POSITION posNext(pos); m_QueryParams.GetNext(posNext); if (posNext != NULL) { *ppszName = m_QueryParams.GetKeyAt(posNext); *ppszValue = m_QueryParams.GetValueAt(posNext); }
return posNext; }
POSITION GetFirstFormVar(LPCSTR *ppszName, LPCSTR *ppszValue) const throw() { ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszValue != NULL);
// if no form vars and just pointing to the query params,
// then return NULL
if (m_pFormVars == &m_QueryParams) return NULL; POSITION pos = m_pFormVars->GetStartPosition(); if (pos != NULL) { *ppszName = m_pFormVars->GetKeyAt(pos); *ppszValue = m_pFormVars->GetValueAt(pos); }
return pos; }
POSITION GetNextFormVar(POSITION pos, LPCSTR *ppszName, LPCSTR *ppszValue) const throw() { ATLASSERT(pos != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszValue != NULL);
POSITION posNext(pos); m_pFormVars->GetNext(posNext); if (posNext != NULL) { *ppszName = m_pFormVars->GetKeyAt(posNext); *ppszValue = m_pFormVars->GetValueAt(posNext); }
return posNext; }
POSITION GetFirstFile(LPCSTR *ppszName, IHttpFile **ppFile) const throw() { ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppFile != NULL);
POSITION pos = m_Files.GetStartPosition(); if (pos != NULL) { *ppszName = m_Files.GetKeyAt(pos); *ppFile = m_Files.GetValueAt(pos); }
return pos; }
POSITION GetNextFile(POSITION pos, LPCSTR *ppszName, IHttpFile **ppFile) const throw() { ATLASSERT(pos != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppFile != NULL);
POSITION posNext(pos); m_Files.GetNext(posNext); if (posNext != NULL) { *ppszName = m_Files.GetKeyAt(posNext); *ppFile = m_Files.GetValueAt(posNext); }
return posNext; }
POSITION GetFirstCookie(LPCSTR *ppszName, const CCookie **ppCookie) throw() { ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppCookie != NULL); POSITION pos = NULL; if (GetRequestCookies()) { pos = m_requestCookies.GetStartPosition(); if (pos != NULL) { *ppszName = m_requestCookies.GetKeyAt(pos); *ppCookie = &(m_requestCookies.GetValueAt(pos)); } } return pos; }
POSITION GetNextCookie(POSITION pos, LPCSTR *ppszName, const CCookie **ppCookie) throw() { ATLASSERT(pos != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppszName != NULL); ATLASSERT(ppCookie != NULL);
POSITION posNext(pos); m_requestCookies.GetNext(posNext); if (posNext != NULL) { *ppszName = m_requestCookies.GetKeyAt(posNext); *ppCookie = &(m_requestCookies.GetValueAt(posNext)); } return posNext; }
// Returns a pointer to the IHttpServerContext interface for the current request.
HRESULT GetServerContext(IHttpServerContext ** ppOut) throw() { return m_spServerContext.CopyTo(ppOut); } //=========================================================================================
// END IHttpRequestLookup interface
void SetServerContext(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext) throw() { m_spServerContext = pServerContext; }
BOOL Initialize(IHttpRequestLookup *pRequestLookup) throw() { _ATLTRY { ATLASSERT(pRequestLookup != NULL); // if there's no pRequestLookup, just return
if (!pRequestLookup) return TRUE;
Construct(); HRESULT hr = pRequestLookup->GetServerContext(&m_spServerContext); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
// Initialize query params from the IHttpRequestLookup*
POSITION pos(pRequestLookup->GetFirstQueryParam(&szName, &szValue)); while (pos != NULL) { m_QueryParams.SetAt(szName, szValue); pos = pRequestLookup->GetNextQueryParam(pos, &szName, &szValue); } m_QueryParams.SetShared(true);
// Initialize the form vars from the IHttpRequestLookup*
pos = pRequestLookup->GetFirstFormVar(&szName, &szValue); if (pos) { m_pFormVars = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pFormVars = new CHttpRequestParams); if (!m_pFormVars) return FALSE;
while (pos != NULL) { m_pFormVars->SetAt(szName, szValue); pos = pRequestLookup->GetNextFormVar(pos, &szName, &szValue); } m_pFormVars->SetShared(true); } else { m_pFormVars = &m_QueryParams; }
// Initialize the files from the IHttpRequestLookup*
IHttpFile *pFile(NULL); pos = pRequestLookup->GetFirstFile(&szName, &pFile); while (pos != NULL) { m_Files.SetAt(szName, pFile); pos = pRequestLookup->GetNextFile(pos, &szName, &pFile); } m_Files.SetShared(true);
// Initialzie the cookies form the IHttpRequestLookup*
BOOL bRet = FALSE; CStringA strCookies; bRet = GetCookies(strCookies); if (bRet) { bRet = Parse((LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strCookies); } m_requestCookies.SetShared(false); return bRet; } // _ATLTRY
_ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to initialize the object with information about the current request.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Call Initialize directly or via the appropriate constructor before using the methods and
// properties of the request object.
// Initialize does the following:
// Parses and decodes the query string into a collection of name-value pairs.
// This collection is accessible via the GetQueryParams method or the QueryParams property.
// Sets m_bMultiPart to TRUE if the request is a POST request with multipart/form-data encoding.
// Parses the body of a POST request if the size of the request data is less than or equal to dwMaxFormSize.
// The body of the request will consist of simple form fields and may also contain files if the request is encoded as multipart/form-data.
// In that case, the dwFlags parameter is passed to CMultiPartFormParser::GetMultiPartData to control the creation of the files.
// The collection of form fields is accessible via the GetFormVars method or the FormVars property.
// The collection of files is accessible via the m_Files member.
// Note that Initialize does not parse the cookies associated with a request.
// Cookies are not processed until an attempt is made to access a cookie in the collection.
BOOL Initialize( IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, DWORD dwMaxFormSize=DEFAULT_MAX_FORM_SIZE, DWORD dwFlags=ATL_FORM_FLAG_NONE) throw() { _ATLTRY { ATLASSERT(pServerContext != NULL); if (!pServerContext) return FALSE;
m_spServerContext = pServerContext;
HTTP_METHOD httpMethod = GetMethod();
// Parse the query string.
CHAR szQueryString[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; strcpy(szQueryString, GetQueryString()); if (!m_QueryParams.Parse(szQueryString)) return FALSE;
if (m_QueryParams.IsShared()) return TRUE;
// If this is a GET request, the collection of form fields
// is the same as the collection of query parameters.
if (httpMethod == HTTP_METHOD_GET) m_pFormVars = &m_QueryParams; else if (httpMethod == HTTP_METHOD_POST) { LPCSTR szContentType = GetContentType(); if (!szContentType) return FALSE;
// Don't parse the form data if the size is bigger than the maximum specified.
if (m_spServerContext->GetTotalBytes() > dwMaxFormSize) { if (memcmp(szContentType, "multipart/form-data", 19) == 0) m_bMultiPart = TRUE;
m_dwBytesRead = 0;
// REVIEW : We have to assume the developer knows what they're doing to
// some extent here.
return TRUE; }
// If POSTed data is urlencoded, call InitFromPost.
if (memcmp(szContentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 33) == 0 && !m_pFormVars->IsShared()) return InitFromPost();
// If POSTed data is encoded as multipart/form-data, use CMultiPartFormParser.
if (memcmp(szContentType, "multipart/form-data", 19) == 0 && !m_pFormVars->IsShared()) { if (m_pFormVars != &m_QueryParams) delete m_pFormVars; m_pFormVars = NULL;
CMultiPartFormParser FormParser(m_spServerContext); ATLTRY(m_pFormVars = new CHttpRequestParams); if (!m_pFormVars) return FALSE;
BOOL bRet = FormParser.GetMultiPartData(m_Files, m_pFormVars, dwFlags); return bRet; }
// else initialize m_dwBytesRead for ReadData
m_dwBytesRead = 0; }
return TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE;
// Implementation: Call this function to initialize the collection of form fields
// from the body of an application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST request.
ATL_NOINLINE BOOL InitFromPost() throw() { _ATLTRY { ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL);
// create our m_pFormVars
if (m_pFormVars == NULL || m_pFormVars == &m_QueryParams) { ATLTRY(m_pFormVars = new CHttpRequestParams); if (m_pFormVars == NULL) { return FALSE; } }
// read the form data into a buffer
DWORD dwBytesTotal = m_spServerContext->GetTotalBytes(); CAutoVectorPtr<CHAR> szBuff; if (!szBuff.Allocate(dwBytesTotal+1)) { return FALSE; } // first copy the available
BOOL bRet = ReadClientData(m_spServerContext, szBuff, &dwBytesTotal, 0); if (bRet) { szBuff[dwBytesTotal] = '\0'; bRet = m_pFormVars->Parse(szBuff); }
return bRet; } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to remove the files listed in m_Files from the web server's hard disk.
// Returns the number of files deleted.
int DeleteFiles() throw() { int nDeleted = 0; POSITION pos = m_Files.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { LPCSTR szTempFile = m_Files.GetKeyAt(pos); if (szTempFile && DeleteFileA(szTempFile)) { nDeleted++; } m_Files.GetNext(pos); }
return nDeleted; }
// Read a specified amount of data into pbDest and return the bytes read in pdwLen.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL ReadData(LPSTR pDest, LPDWORD pdwLen) throw() { ATLASSERT(pDest); ATLASSERT(pdwLen);
BOOL bRet = ReadClientData(m_spServerContext, pDest, pdwLen, m_dwBytesRead); if (bRet) m_dwBytesRead+= *pdwLen; return bRet; }
// Returns the number of bytes available in the request buffer accessible via GetAvailableData.
// If GetAvailableBytes returns the same value as GetTotalBytes, the request buffer contains the whole request.
// Otherwise, the remaining data should be read from the client using ReadData.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::cbAvailable.
DWORD GetAvailableBytes() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetAvailableBytes() : 0; }
// Returns the total number of bytes to be received from the client.
// If this value is 0xffffffff, then there are four gigabytes or more of available data.
// In this case, ReadData should be called until no more data is returned.
// Equivalent to the CONTENT_LENGTH server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::cbTotalBytes.
DWORD GetTotalBytes() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetTotalBytes() : 0; }
// Returns a pointer to the request buffer containing the data sent by the client.
// The size of the buffer can be determined by calling GetAvailableBytes.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpbData
LPBYTE GetAvailableData() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetAvailableData() : NULL; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the query information.
// This is the part of the URL that appears after the question mark (?).
// Equivalent to the QUERY_STRING server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszQueryString.
LPCSTR GetQueryString() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetQueryString() : NULL; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the HTTP method of the current request.
// Examples of common HTTP methods include "GET" and "POST".
// Equivalent to the REQUEST_METHOD server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszMethod.
LPCSTR GetMethodString() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetRequestMethod() : NULL; }
// Returns an HTTP_METHOD enum value corresponding to the HTTP method of the current request.
// Returns HTTP_METHOD_UNKNOWN if the request method is not one of the following methods:
// GET
HTTP_METHOD GetMethod() throw() { LPCSTR szMethod = GetMethodString(); if (!szMethod) return HTTP_METHOD_UNKNOWN; for (int i=0; m_szMethodStrings[i]; i++) { if (strcmp(szMethod, m_szMethodStrings[i]) == 0) return (HTTP_METHOD) i; } return HTTP_METHOD_UNKNOWN; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the content type of the data sent by the client.
// Equivalent to the CONTENT_TYPE server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszContentType.
LPCSTR GetContentType() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetContentType() : NULL; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "AUTH_USER" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetAuthUserName(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("AUTH_USER", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; } // Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetPhysicalPath(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "AUTH_PASSWORD" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetAuthUserPassword(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("AUTH_PASSWORD", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "URL" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUrl(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("URL", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "REMOTE_HOST" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUserHostName(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("REMOTE_HOST", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "REMOTE_ADDR" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUserHostAddress(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("REMOTE_ADDR", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the physical path of the script.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
// The script path is the same as GetPathTranslated up to the first .srf or .dll.
// For example, if GetPathTranslated returns "c:\inetpub\vcisapi\hello.srf\goodmorning",
// then this function returns "c:\inetpub\vcisapi\hello.srf".
LPCSTR GetScriptPathTranslated() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetScriptPathTranslated() : NULL; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the physical path of the requested resource on the local server.
// Equivalent to the PATH_TRANSLATED server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszPathTranslated.
LPCSTR GetPathTranslated() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetPathTranslated() : NULL; }
// Returns a nul-terminated string that contains the path of the current request.
// This is the part of the URL that appears after the server name, but before the query string.
// Equivalent to the PATH_INFO server variable or EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::lpszPathInfo.
LPCSTR GetPathInfo() throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetPathInfo() : NULL; }
// Call this function to determine whether the current request was authenticated.
// Returns TRUE if the authentication type is one of the following:
// Negotiate
// Returns FALSE otherwise.
BOOL GetAuthenticated() throw(...) { // check for basic or NTLM authentication
CStringA strAuthType; if (GetAuthenticationType(strAuthType) && (strAuthType == "BASIC" || strAuthType == "NTLM" || strAuthType == "Negotiate")) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "AUTH_TYPE" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetAuthenticationType(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("AUTH_TYPE", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "REMOTE_USER" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUserName(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("REMOTE_USER", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "HTTP_USER_AGENT" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUserAgent(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("HTTP_USER_AGENT", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUserLanguages(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "HTTP_ACCEPT" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetAcceptTypes(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetAcceptEncodings(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "HTTP_REFERER" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetUrlReferer(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("HTTP_REFERER", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Call this function to retrieve a nul-terminated string containing the value of the "SCRIPT_NAME" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// On entry, pdwSize should point to a DWORD that indicates the size of the buffer in bytes.
// On exit, the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred or available to be transferred into the buffer (including the nul-terminating byte).
BOOL GetScriptName(LPSTR szBuff, DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return m_spServerContext ? m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("SCRIPT_NAME", szBuff, pdwSize) : FALSE; }
// Fills a buffer with the contents of the HTTP_COOKIE headers sent
// from the browser.
BOOL GetCookies(LPSTR szBuf, LPDWORD pdwSize) const throw() { ATLASSERT(pdwSize != NULL); ATLASSERT(szBuf != NULL);
CStringA strCookie; if (GetCookies(strCookie)) { if (pdwSize && *pdwSize > (DWORD)strCookie.GetLength()) { strcpy(szBuf, strCookie); *pdwSize = strCookie.GetLength(); return true; } } return false; }
// Fills a CStringA with the contents of the HTTP_COOKIE headers sent
// from the browser.
BOOL GetCookies(CStringA& strBuff) const throw() { return GetServerVariable("HTTP_COOKIE", strBuff); }
// Call this function to retrieve a reference to the specified cookie.
// Returns a CCookie reference to the specified cookie or a
// reference to an empty cookie if the name can not be found.
ATL_NOINLINE const CCookie& Cookies(LPCSTR szName) throw() { static CCookie m_EmptyCookie; if (GetRequestCookies()) { // p->m_value is a const CCookie&
CookieMap::CPair *p = m_requestCookies.Lookup(szName); if (p) { return p->m_value; } } return m_EmptyCookie; }
// Call this function to retrieve the session cookie.
const CCookie& GetSessionCookie() throw() { return Cookies(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the requested server variable in a CStringA object.
// Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
// Equivalent to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::GetServerVariable.
BOOL GetServerVariable(LPCSTR szVariable, CStringA &str) const throw() { if (!m_spServerContext) return FALSE;
DWORD dwSize = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE; _ATLTRY { m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable(szVariable, NULL, &dwSize); bRet = m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable(szVariable, str.GetBuffer(dwSize), &dwSize); if (dwSize > 0) dwSize--; str.ReleaseBuffer(dwSize); } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetPhysicalPath(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "REMOTE_HOST" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUserHostName(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_HOST", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "REMOTE_ADDR" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUserHostAddress(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_ADDR", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "AUTH_TYPE" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetAuthenticationType(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("AUTH_TYPE", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "REMOTE_USER" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUserName(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_USER", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "HTTP_USER_AGENT" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUserAgent(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("HTTP_USER_AGENT", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUserLanguages(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "AUTH_USER" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetAuthUserName(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("AUTH_USER", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "AUTH_PASSWORD" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetAuthUserPassword(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("AUTH_PASSWORD", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "URL" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUrl(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("URL", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "HTTP_ACCEPT" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetAcceptTypes(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetAcceptEncodings(CStringA& str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "HTTP_REFERER" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetUrlReferer(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("HTTP_REFERER", str); }
// Call this function to retrieve the value of the "SCRIPT_NAME" server variable.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
BOOL GetScriptName(CStringA &str) throw() { return GetServerVariable("SCRIPT_NAME", str); }
// Implementation: Call this function to populate the collection
// of CCookie objects with the cookies in the current request.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL GetRequestCookies() throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (m_requestCookies.GetCount()) return TRUE; // we already got the cookies!
CStringA strCookies; if (GetCookies(strCookies)) { bRet = Parse((LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strCookies); } return bRet; }
// Implementation: Call this function to populate m_requestCookies
// with a collection of CCookie objects which represents the
// cookies contained in szCookie header sent from the browser.
BOOL Parse(LPSTR szCookieIn) throw() { // The browser only sends back the data for the
// cookie, separated by ';'. Parse out all of the cookies
// in the cookie string and create CCookie's out of them which
// we add to our array of CCookies
// example 1: Param1=Value1; hello=world&right=wrong&the+direction=west;
// example 2: hello=world
if (!szCookieIn) return FALSE; LPSTR pEnd = szCookieIn; LPSTR pStart = szCookieIn; CStringA strCookieName; _ATLTRY { while (1) { if (*pEnd == '\0' || *pEnd == ';') { CCookie c; if (c.Parse(pStart)) { if (c.GetName(strCookieName)) m_requestCookies.SetAt(strCookieName, c); }
if (*pEnd) pStart = pEnd+1; } if (*pEnd == '\0') break; pEnd++; } } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { if (!ppv) return E_POINTER; if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IHttpRequestLookup))) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<IHttpRequestLookup*>(this)); AddRef(); return S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown))) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(this); AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { return 1; } }; // class CHttpRequest
LPCSTR __declspec(selectany) CHttpRequest::m_szMethodStrings[] = { "GET", "POST", "HEAD", "DELETE", "LINK", "UNLINK", "DEBUG", // Debugging support for VS7
// This class provides type conversions via the Write method
// and overloaded left shift << operator for writing
// data to the IWriteStream interface. The IWriteStream interface
// only accepts strings, but this helper class allows you to transparently
// pass many different types by providing automatic type conversions.
// Notes on Type Conversions:
// Numeric types are converted to their decimal representations.
// Floating point values are output with a precision of 6 decimal places.
// Currency values are converted according to the locale settings of the current thread.
class CWriteStreamHelper { protected: // Implementation: The IWriteStream interface.
IWriteStream *m_pStream;
public: // The default constructor.
CWriteStreamHelper() throw() :m_pStream(NULL) { }
// The constructor.
CWriteStreamHelper(IWriteStream *pStream) throw() { m_pStream = pStream; }
// Attach a IWriteStream
IWriteStream *Attach(IWriteStream *pStream) throw() { IWriteStream *pRetStream = m_pStream; m_pStream = pStream; return pRetStream; }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(LPCSTR szOut) throw() { if (!szOut) return FALSE;
DWORD dwWritten; return SUCCEEDED(m_pStream->WriteStream(szOut, (int) strlen(szOut), &dwWritten)); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(int n) throw() { CHAR szTmp[21]; _itoa(n, szTmp, 10); return Write(szTmp); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(unsigned int u) throw() { CHAR szTmp[21]; _itoa((int)u, szTmp, 10); return Write(szTmp); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(short int w) throw() { return Write((int) w); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(long int dw) throw() { CHAR szTmp[21]; _ltoa(dw, szTmp, 10); return Write(szTmp); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(unsigned long int dw) throw() { CHAR szTmp[21]; _ultoa(dw, szTmp, 10); return Write(szTmp); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(double d, int nDigitCount=ATL_DEFAULT_PRECISION) throw() { CHAR szTmp[512]; int nDec = 0; int nSign = 0; bool fWriteDec=true; strcpy(szTmp, _fcvt(d, nDigitCount, &nDec, &nSign)); if (nSign != 0) m_pStream->WriteStream("-", 1, NULL); if (nDec < 0) { nDec *= -1; m_pStream->WriteStream("0.", 2, NULL); for (int i=0;i<nDec;i++) { m_pStream->WriteStream("0", 1, NULL); } nDec = 0; fWriteDec=false; }
char *p = szTmp; while (*p) { // if the decimal lies at the end of the number
// (no digits to the right of the decimal, we don't
// print it.
if (nDec == 0 && fWriteDec) m_pStream->WriteStream(".", 1, NULL); m_pStream->WriteStream(p, 1, NULL); nDec--; p++; } return TRUE; }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(__int64 i) throw() { CHAR szTmp[21]; _i64toa(i, szTmp, 10); return Write(szTmp); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(unsigned __int64 i) throw() { CHAR szTmp[21]; _ui64toa(i, szTmp, 10); return Write(szTmp); }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(CURRENCY c) throw() { CHAR szDest[256]; CHAR szNumber[32]; #if 0
sprintf(szNumber, "%05I64d", c.int64); int nLen = (int) strlen(szNumber); #else
_i64toa(c.int64, szNumber, 10); int nLen = (int) strlen(szNumber); if (nLen < 5) { // prepend ascii zeros
memmove(szNumber+5-nLen, szNumber, nLen+1); memset(szNumber, '0', 5-nLen); nLen = 5; } #endif
memmove(szNumber+nLen-3, szNumber+nLen-4, 5); szNumber[nLen-4] = '.';
int nRet = GetCurrencyFormatA(GetThreadLocale(), 0, szNumber, NULL, szDest, sizeof(szDest)); if (nRet > 0) return Write(szDest);
nRet = GetCurrencyFormatA(GetThreadLocale(), 0, szNumber, NULL, NULL, 0); ATLASSERT(nRet > 0); if (nRet <= 0) return FALSE;
CAutoVectorPtr<CHAR> szBuffer; if (!szBuffer.Allocate(nRet)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } nRet = GetCurrencyFormatA(GetThreadLocale(), 0, szNumber, NULL, szBuffer, nRet);
ATLASSERT(nRet > 0); BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (nRet > 0) bRet = Write(szBuffer);
return bRet; }
// Call this function to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Write(LPCWSTR wsz) throw() { BOOL bRet;
_ATLTRY { CW2A sz(wsz);
if (!sz) { bRet = FALSE; }
DWORD dwWritten; bRet = SUCCEEDED(m_pStream->WriteStream(sz, (int) strlen(sz), &dwWritten)); } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(LPCSTR szStr) throw(...) { if (!Write(szStr)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(LPCWSTR wszStr) throw(...) { if (!Write(wszStr)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(int n) throw(...) { if (!Write(n)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(short int w) throw(...) { if (!Write(w)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(unsigned int u) throw(...) { if (!Write(u)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(long int dw) throw(...) { if (!Write(dw)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(unsigned long int dw) throw(...) { if (!Write(dw)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(double d) throw(...) { if (!Write(d)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(__int64 i) throw(...) { if (!Write(i)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(unsigned __int64 i) throw(...) { if (!Write(i)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; }
// Use this operator to write data to the IWriteStream interface managed by this object.
CWriteStreamHelper& operator<<(CURRENCY c) throw(...) { if (!Write(c)) AtlThrow(E_FAIL); return *this; } };
// This class represents the response that the web server will send back to the client.
// CHttpResponse provides friendly functions for building up the headers, cookies, and body of an HTTP response.
// The class derives from IWriteStream and CWriteStreamHelper, allowing you to call those classes' methods
// to build up the body of the response. By default, the class improves performance by buffering the response until it is complete before sending it back to the client.
class CHttpResponse : public IWriteStream, public CWriteStreamHelper { protected: // Implementation: A map of HTTP response headers.
// The key is the name of the response header.
// The value is the data for the response header.
CSimpleMap<CStringA, CStringA> m_headers;
// Implementation: Determines whether the response is currently being buffered.
BOOL m_bBufferOutput; // Implementation: Determines whether any output should be sent to the client.
// Intended mainly for HEAD requests, where the client should get the same headers
// (i.e. Content-Length) as for a GET request
BOOL m_bSendOutput;
// Implementation: The limit in bytes of the response buffer.
// When the limit is reached, the buffer is automatically flushed
// and data is sent to the client. You can set this to ULONG_MAX
// to enable full buffering (this is the default, and is required
// for enabling keep alive connections).
DWORD m_dwBufferLimit;
// Implementation: The server context.
CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> m_spServerContext;
// Implementation: The HTTP status code for the response.
int m_nStatusCode;
// Implementation: Determines whether the response headers have already been sent to the client.
BOOL m_bHeadersSent;
// Implementation: Handle of the file being transmitted so it can be closed
// when the async I/O completes
HANDLE m_hFile; public: // Implementation: The buffer used to store the response before
// the data is sent to the client.
CAtlIsapiBuffer<> m_strContent;
// Numeric constants for the HTTP status codes used for redirecting client requests.
// The default constructor.
CHttpResponse() throw() { m_bBufferOutput = TRUE; m_dwBufferLimit = ULONG_MAX; m_nStatusCode = 200; m_pStream = this; m_bHeadersSent = FALSE; m_bSendOutput = TRUE; m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// The constructor.
CHttpResponse(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext) throw() { m_bBufferOutput = TRUE; m_dwBufferLimit = ULONG_MAX; m_nStatusCode = 200; m_pStream = this; m_bHeadersSent = FALSE; Initialize(pServerContext); m_bSendOutput = TRUE; m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// The destructor flushes the buffer if there is content that
// hasn't yet been sent to the client.
~CHttpResponse() throw() { // if (m_strContent.GetLength())
Flush(TRUE); if (m_hFile && m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(m_hFile); }
// Call this function to initialize the response object with a pointer to the server context.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL Initialize(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext) throw() { ATLASSERT(pServerContext != NULL); if (!pServerContext) return FALSE;
m_spServerContext = pServerContext;
return TRUE; }
// This is called to initialize the CHttpResponse for a child handler. By default, it
// assumes the parent will be responsible for sending the headers.
BOOL Initialize(IHttpRequestLookup *pLookup) throw() { ATLASSERT(pLookup); if (!pLookup) return FALSE;
CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> spContext; HRESULT hr = pLookup->GetServerContext(&spContext); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
if (!Initialize(spContext)) return FALSE;
m_bHeadersSent = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
// Returns a pointer to the IHttpServerContext interface for the current request.
HRESULT GetServerContext(IHttpServerContext ** ppOut) throw() { return m_spServerContext.CopyTo(ppOut); }
// Call this function to set buffering options for the response.
// This function allows you to turn buffering on or off, and to set a size limit
// on the amount of data that will be buffered before being sent to the client.
// When you turn off buffering, the current contents of the buffer will be sent to the client.
// If you need to clear the buffer without sending the contents to the client, call ClearContent instead.
// When the size of the buffer is reduced below the current size of the buffered content,
// the entire buffer is flushed.
void SetBufferOutput(BOOL bBufferOutput, DWORD dwBufferLimit=ATL_ISAPI_BUFFER_SIZE) throw() { if (m_bBufferOutput && !bBufferOutput) { // before turning off buffering, flush
// the current contents
Flush(); } SetBufferLimit(dwBufferLimit);
m_bBufferOutput = bBufferOutput; }
// Call this function to determine whether data written to the response object is being buffered or not.
// Returns TRUE if output is being buffered, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL GetBufferOutput() throw() { return m_bBufferOutput; }
// Call this function to determine whether the response headers have been sent
// Returns TRUE if headers have been sent, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL HaveSentHeaders() throw() { return m_bHeadersSent; }
// Call this function to override the m_bHeadersSent state. This is useful
// when you want child handlers (e.g. from an include or subhandler) to send the headers
void HaveSentHeaders(BOOL bSent) throw() { m_bHeadersSent = bSent; }
// Call this function to set a size limit on the amount of data buffered by the reponse object.
// When the size of the buffer is reduced below the current size of the buffered content,
// the entire buffer is flushed.
// See GetBufferLimit.
void SetBufferLimit(DWORD dwBufferLimit) throw() { if (m_bBufferOutput) { if (m_strContent.GetLength() >= dwBufferLimit) { // new buffer limit is less than the
// size currently buffered. So flush
// the current buffer
Flush(); } } m_dwBufferLimit = dwBufferLimit; }
// Returns the current size limit of the buffer in bytes.
// See SetBufferLimit.
DWORD GetBufferLimit() throw() { return m_dwBufferLimit; }
// Returns the current value of the Content-Type header if present, otherwise returns NULL.
LPCSTR GetContentType() throw() { // return the content type from the
// header collection if any
_ATLTRY { CStringA strKey("Content-Type");
int nIndex = m_headers.FindKey(strKey); if (nIndex >= 0) return m_headers.GetValueAt(nIndex); } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return NULL; }
// Call this function to set the Content-Type of the HTTP response.
// Examples of common MIME content types include text/html and text/plain.
BOOL SetContentType(LPCSTR szContentType) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (!m_headers.SetAt("Content-Type", szContentType)) return m_headers.Add("Content-Type", szContentType); } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return TRUE; }
// Call this function to set the HTTP status code of the response.
// If not set explicitly, the default status code is 200 (OK).
// See GetStatusCode.
void SetStatusCode(int nCode) throw() { m_nStatusCode = nCode; }
// Returns the current HTTP status code of the response.
// See SetStatusCode.
int GetStatusCode() throw() { return m_nStatusCode; }
// Call this function to set the Cache-Control http header of the response.
// Examples of common Cache-Control header values: public, private, max-age=delta-seconds
BOOL SetCacheControl(LPCSTR szCacheControl) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (!m_headers.SetAt("Cache-Control", szCacheControl)) return m_headers.Add("Cache-Control", szCacheControl); } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to set the Expires HTTP header to the absolute date/time
// specified in the stExpires parameter
BOOL SetExpiresAbsolute(const SYSTEMTIME& stExpires) throw() { _ATLTRY { CStringA strExpires; SystemTimeToHttpDate(stExpires, strExpires);
if (!m_headers.SetAt("Expires", strExpires)) return m_headers.Add("Expires", strExpires); } _ATLCATCHALL() { } return FALSE; }
// Call this function to set the Expires HTTP header to a relative date/time
// value specified in minutes;
BOOL SetExpires(long lMinutes) throw() { CFileTime ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
// add the specified number of minutes
ft += CFileTimeSpan(((ULONGLONG)lMinutes)*60*10000000);
SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); return SetExpiresAbsolute(st); }
// Call this function to set whether or not to output to client.
// Intended primarily for HEAD requests
BOOL SetWriteToClient(BOOL bSendOutput) throw() { m_bSendOutput = bSendOutput; return TRUE; }
// Call this function to determine whether or not the data is
// sent to the client. Intended primarily for HEAD requests
BOOL GetWriteToClient() throw() { return m_bSendOutput; }
// Call this function to write data to the response object.
// Returns S_OK on success, E_INVALIDARG or E_FAIL on failure.
// See WriteClient for comments on buffering.
// szOut A pointer to the first byte of the data to be written.
// nLen The number of bytes to write. If this parameter is -1,
// szOut is assumed to be a nul-terminated string and the
// whole string will be written.
// pdwWritten A DWORD pointer that can be used to get the number of bytes written.
// This parameter can be NULL.
HRESULT WriteStream(LPCSTR szOut, int nLen, DWORD *pdwWritten) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL);
if (pdwWritten) *pdwWritten = 0; if (nLen == -1) { if (!szOut) return E_INVALIDARG; nLen = (int) strlen(szOut); } BOOL bRet = WriteLen(szOut, nLen); if (!bRet) { return AtlHresultFromLastError(); } if (pdwWritten) *pdwWritten = nLen; return S_OK; }
// Call this function to write data to the response object.
// Returns TRUE on success. FALSE on failure.
// If buffering is disabled, data is written directly to the client.
// If buffering is enabled, this function attempts to write to the buffer.
// If the buffer is too small to contain its existing data and the new data,
// the current contents of the buffer are flushed.
// If the buffer is still too small to contain the new data, that data is written
// directly to the client. Otherwise the new data is written to the buffer.
// Any headers that have been set in the response will be sent just before the
// data is written to the client if no headers have been sent up to that point.
// szOut A pointer to the first byte of the data to be written.
// nLen The number of bytes to write.
BOOL WriteLen(LPCSTR szOut, DWORD dwLen) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL); if (!szOut) return FALSE;
if (m_bBufferOutput) { if (m_strContent.GetLength()+dwLen >= m_dwBufferLimit) { if (!Flush()) return FALSE; } if (dwLen <= m_dwBufferLimit) return m_strContent.Append(szOut, dwLen); } BOOL bRet = SendHeadersInternal();
if (bRet && m_bSendOutput) bRet = m_spServerContext->WriteClient((void *) szOut, &dwLen); return bRet; }
// Call this function to redirect the client to a different resource.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// szURL A nul-terminated string specifying the resource the client should navigate to.
// statusCode An HTTP status code from the HTTP_REDIRECT enumeration describing the reason
// for the redirection.
// bSendBody Specifies whether to generate and send a response body with the headers.
// This function allows (and RFC 2616 encourages) a response body to be sent
// with the following redirect types:
// No body will be sent with other redirect types.
// The response body contains a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new resource.
// A meta refresh tag is also included to allow browsers to automatically redirect
// the user to the resource even if they don't understand the redirect header.
// See RFC 2616 section 10.3 for more information on redirection.
BOOL Redirect(LPCSTR szUrl, HTTP_REDIRECT statusCode=HTTP_REDIRECT_MOVED, BOOL bSendBody=TRUE) throw(...) { CStringA strBody; LPCSTR szBody = NULL; if (bSendBody && (HTTP_REDIRECT_MOVED == statusCode || HTTP_REDIRECT_FOUND == statusCode || HTTP_REDIRECT_SEE_OTHER == statusCode || HTTP_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT == statusCode)) { _ATLTRY { strBody.Format( "<html>\r\n" "<head>\r\n" "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=%s\">\r\n" "</head>\r\n" "<body>Please use the following link to access this resource:" " <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\r\n" "</body>\r\n" "</html>\r\n", szUrl, szUrl, szUrl); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } szBody = (LPCSTR) strBody; } return Redirect(szUrl, szBody, statusCode); }
// Call this function to redirect the client to a different resource.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// szURL A nul-terminated string specifying the resource the client should navigate to.
// szBody A nul-terminated string containing the body of the response to be sent to the client.
// statusCode An HTTP status code from the HTTP_REDIRECT enumeration describing the reason
// for the redirection.
// This function allows (and RFC 2616 encourages) a response body to be sent
// with the following redirect types:
// No body will be sent with other redirect types.
// The response body should contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new resource.
// You can include a meta refresh tag to allow browsers to automatically redirect
// the user to the resource even if they don't understand the redirect header.
// See RFC 2616 section 10.3 for more information on redirection.
BOOL Redirect(LPCSTR szUrl, LPCSTR szBody, HTTP_REDIRECT statusCode=HTTP_REDIRECT_MOVED) throw() { // todo: handle multiple
SetStatusCode(statusCode); AppendHeader("Location", szUrl);
_ATLTRY { if (!SendHeadersInternal()) return FALSE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; }
if (szBody && (HTTP_REDIRECT_MOVED == statusCode || HTTP_REDIRECT_FOUND == statusCode || HTTP_REDIRECT_SEE_OTHER == statusCode || HTTP_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT == statusCode)) { Write(szBody); return Flush(); } return TRUE; }
// Call this function to append a header to the collection of HTTP headers managed by this object.
// szName A nul-teminated string containing the name of the HTTP header.
// szValue A nul-teminated string containing the value of the HTTP header.
BOOL AppendHeader(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; _ATLTRY { bRet = m_headers.Add(szName, szValue); } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
// Call this function to add a Set-Cookie header to the collection of HTTP headers managed by this object.
// pCookie A pointer to a CCookie object describing the cookie to be sent to the client.
BOOL AppendCookie(const CCookie *pCookie) throw() { ATLASSERT(pCookie); return AppendCookie((const CCookie&)*pCookie); }
// Call this function to add a Set-Cookie header to the collection of HTTP headers managed by this object.
// cookie A reference to a CCookie object describing the cookie to be sent to the client.
BOOL AppendCookie(const CCookie& cookie) throw() { CHAR szCookie[ATL_MAX_COOKIE_LEN]; DWORD dwBuffSize = ATL_MAX_COOKIE_LEN; BOOL bRet = FALSE; bRet = cookie.Render(szCookie, &dwBuffSize); if (bRet) { bRet = m_headers.Add("Set-Cookie", szCookie); }
if (!bRet && dwBuffSize > 0) //static buffer wasn't big enough.
{ //We'll have to try dynamically allocating it
//allocate a buffer
CAutoVectorPtr<CHAR> sz; if (sz.Allocate(dwBuffSize+1)) { DWORD dwSizeNew = dwBuffSize + 1; if (cookie.Render(sz, &dwSizeNew)) { bRet = m_headers.Add("Set-Cookie", (const char *) sz); } } } return bRet; }
// Call this function to add a Set-Cookie header to the collection of HTTP headers managed by this object.
// szName A nul-terminated string containing the name of the cookie to be sent to the client.
// szValue A nul-terminated string containing the value of the cookie to be sent to the client.
BOOL AppendCookie(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; _ATLTRY { CCookie c(szName, szValue); bRet = AppendCookie(c); } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
// Call this function to add a Set-Cookie header that removes a cookie value
// to the collection of HTTP headers managed by this object.
// szName A nul-terminated string containing the name of the cookie to be deleted
BOOL DeleteCookie(LPCSTR szName) throw() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; _ATLTRY { CCookie cookie(szName, ""); cookie.SetMaxAge(0); bRet = AppendCookie(cookie); } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet;
// Call this function to clear the collection of HTTP response headers maintained by this object.
// Note that clearing the headers includes removing all cookies associated with the response
// object. Cookies are sent to the client as Set-Cookie HTTP headers.
void ClearHeaders() throw() { m_headers.RemoveAll(); }
// Call this function to clear theresponse buffer without sending the contents to the client.
// If you need to empty the buffer but you do want the current contents sent to the client, call Flush instead.
void ClearContent() throw() { m_strContent.Empty(); }
// Call this function to send the current headers associated with this object to the client.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// The response headers are sent to the client using the current status code for the
// response object. See SetStatusCode and GetStatusCode.
BOOL SendHeadersInternal(BOOL fKeepConn=FALSE) throw() { if (m_bHeadersSent) return TRUE;
ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL);
CStringA strHeaders;
// REVIEW: should fix this to use the user's custom error provider
CDefaultErrorProvider prov;
BOOL bRet = FALSE; _ATLTRY { CStringA strStatus = GetStatusHeader(m_nStatusCode, SUBERR_NONE, &prov); bRet = m_spServerContext->SendResponseHeader(strHeaders, strStatus, fKeepConn); if (bRet) m_bHeadersSent = TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
// Call this function to get a string containing all the HTTP headers associated with
// this object in a format suitable for sending to a client.
// strHeaders A CStringA reference to which will be appended the HTTP headers.
void RenderHeaders(CStringA& strHeaders) throw() { _ATLTRY { for (int i=0; i<m_headers.GetSize(); i++) { strHeaders += m_headers.GetKeyAt(i); strHeaders += ": "; strHeaders += m_headers.GetValueAt(i); strHeaders += "\r\n"; } strHeaders += "\r\n"; } _ATLCATCHALL() { } }
// Call this function to empty the response buffer and send its current
// contents to the client.
// Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.
HRESULT FlushStream() throw() { if (!Flush()) return AtlHresultFromLastError(); return S_OK; }
// Call this function to empty the response buffer and send its current
// contents to the client.
// Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure.
// Any headers that have been set in the response will be sent just before the
// data is written to the client if no headers have been sent up to that point.
BOOL Flush(BOOL bFinal=FALSE) throw() { if (!m_spServerContext) return FALSE;
_ATLTRY { // if the headers haven't been sent,
// send them now
if (!m_bHeadersSent) { char szProtocol[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; DWORD dwProtocolLen = sizeof(szProtocol);
if (bFinal && m_bBufferOutput && m_dwBufferLimit==ULONG_MAX) { if (m_spServerContext->GetServerVariable("SERVER_PROTOCOL", szProtocol, &dwProtocolLen) && !strcmp(szProtocol, "HTTP/1.0")) AppendHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); _itoa(m_strContent.GetLength(), szProtocol, 10); AppendHeader("Content-Length", szProtocol); bRet = SendHeadersInternal(TRUE); } else bRet = SendHeadersInternal(); } if (m_bBufferOutput) { DWORD dwLen = 0;
dwLen = m_strContent.GetLength(); if (dwLen) { if (m_bSendOutput && m_spServerContext->WriteClient((void *) (LPCSTR) m_strContent, &dwLen) != TRUE) { m_strContent.Empty(); return FALSE; } m_strContent.Empty(); } } } // _ATLTRY
_ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
// Call this function to clear the response object of any headers
// and the contents of the buffer.
void ClearResponse() throw() { m_strContent.Empty(); m_headers.RemoveAll(); }
BOOL AsyncPrep(BOOL fKeepConn=FALSE) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL);
return SendHeadersInternal(fKeepConn); } BOOL AsyncFlush() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL);
BOOL bRet = SendHeadersInternal();
if (bRet && m_bBufferOutput) { DWORD dwLen = 0;
dwLen = m_strContent.GetLength(); if (dwLen) { if (m_spServerContext->AsyncWriteClient((void *) (LPCSTR) m_strContent, &dwLen) != TRUE) return FALSE; } } return bRet; }
BOOL TransmitFile(HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR szContentType="text/plain") throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spServerContext != NULL); ATLASSERT(hFile != NULL && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
if (m_strContent.GetLength()) if (!Flush()) return FALSE;
BOOL bRet = SendHeadersInternal(); if (bRet) { bRet = m_spServerContext->TransmitFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, HSE_IO_ASYNC); } return bRet; } }; // class CHttpResponse
#define ATLS_FLAG_NONE 0
#define ATLS_FLAG_ASYNC 1 // handler might do some async handling
//REVIEW: push_macro/pop_macro don't work in a template definition.
//these have been moved out of IRequestHandlerImpl temporarily because
//of placement new usage
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template <class T> class PerThreadWrapper : public CComObjectNoLock<T> { public: void *operator new(size_t /*size*/, void *p) throw() { return p; } void operator delete(void * /*p*/) throw() { }
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() throw() { ULONG l = InternalRelease(); if (l == 0) { T *pT = static_cast<T*>(this); ATLASSERT(pT->m_spExtension != NULL); CIsapiWorker *pWorker = pT->m_spExtension->GetThreadWorker(); ATLASSERT(pWorker);
delete this; HeapFree(pWorker->m_hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, this); } return l; } };
template <typename THandler> inline BOOL CreateRequestHandlerSync(IIsapiExtension *pExtension, IUnknown **ppOut) throw() { CIsapiWorker *pWorker = pExtension->GetThreadWorker(); ATLASSERT(pWorker); void *pv = HeapAlloc(pWorker->m_hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, sizeof(PerThreadWrapper<THandler>)); if (!pv) return FALSE;
PerThreadWrapper<THandler> *pHandler = new(pv) PerThreadWrapper<THandler>; *ppOut = static_cast<IRequestHandler *>(pHandler); pHandler->m_spExtension = pExtension;
return TRUE; } #pragma pop_macro("new")
static DWORD GetHandlerFlags() throw() \ { \ return ATLS_FLAG_ASYNC; \ } \ DWORD GetAsyncFlags() throw() \ { \ return ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC; \ }
static DWORD GetHandlerFlags() throw() \ { \ return ATLS_FLAG_ASYNC; \ } \ DWORD GetAsyncFlags() throw() \ { \ return (ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC|ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX); \ }
template <typename THandler> class IRequestHandlerImpl : public IRequestHandler { public: HINSTANCE m_hInstHandler; CComPtr<IServiceProvider> m_spServiceProvider; CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> m_spServerContext; CComPtr<IIsapiExtension> m_spExtension; DWORD m_dwAsyncFlags;
IRequestHandlerImpl() throw() :m_hInstHandler(NULL) { m_dwAsyncFlags = 0; }
HTTP_CODE GetFlags(DWORD *pdwStatus) throw(...) { THandler *pT = static_cast<THandler *>(this); if (pdwStatus) { *pdwStatus = pT->GetAsyncFlags(); if (pT->CachePage()) *pdwStatus |= ATLSRV_INIT_USECACHE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
return HTTP_SUCCESS; }
HTTP_CODE InitializeHandler(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, IServiceProvider *pProvider) throw() { ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo != NULL); ATLASSERT(pProvider != NULL); ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo->hInstDll != NULL); ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo->pServerContext != NULL);
// Initialize our internal references to required services
m_hInstHandler = pRequestInfo->hInstDll; m_spServiceProvider = pProvider; m_spServerContext = pRequestInfo->pServerContext;
return HTTP_SUCCESS; }
HTTP_CODE InitializeChild(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, IServiceProvider *pProvider, IHttpRequestLookup * /*pLookup*/) throw() { return InitializeHandler(pRequestInfo, pProvider); }
void UninitializeHandler() throw() { }
HTTP_CODE HandleRequest( AtlServerRequest* /*pRequestInfo*/, IServiceProvider* /*pServiceProvider*/) throw() { return HTTP_SUCCESS; }
DWORD GetAsyncFlags() throw() { return m_dwAsyncFlags; }
void SetAsyncFlags(DWORD dwAsyncFlags) throw() { ATLASSERT((dwAsyncFlags & ~(ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC|ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX)) == 0); m_dwAsyncFlags = dwAsyncFlags; }
BOOL CachePage() throw() { return FALSE; }
static DWORD GetHandlerFlags() throw() { return ATLS_FLAG_NONE; }
// Used to create new instance of this object. A pointer to this
// function is stored in the handler map in user's code.
static BOOL CreateRequestHandler(IIsapiExtension *pExtension, IUnknown **ppOut) throw() { ATLASSERT(ppOut != NULL); if (ppOut == NULL) return false;
*ppOut = NULL;
if (THandler::GetHandlerFlags() & ATLS_FLAG_ASYNC) { THandler *pHandler = NULL; ATLTRY(pHandler = new CComObjectNoLock<THandler>); if (!pHandler) return FALSE; *ppOut = static_cast<IRequestHandler *>(pHandler); pHandler->m_spExtension = pExtension; (*ppOut)->AddRef(); } else { if (!CreateRequestHandlerSync<THandler>(pExtension, ppOut)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Used to initialize the class
// function is stored in the handler map in user's code.
static BOOL InitRequestHandlerClass(IHttpServerContext *pContext, IIsapiExtension *pExt) throw() { pContext; // unused
pExt; // unused
return TRUE; }
// Used to uninitialize the class
// function is stored in the handler map in user's code.
static void UninitRequestHandlerClass() throw() { return; } };
struct CRequestStats { long m_lTotalRequests; long m_lFailedRequests; __int64 m_liTotalResponseTime; long m_lAvgResponseTime; long m_lCurrWaiting; long m_lMaxWaiting; long m_lActiveThreads;
CRequestStats() throw() { m_lTotalRequests = 0; m_lFailedRequests = 0; m_liTotalResponseTime = 0; m_lAvgResponseTime = 0; m_lCurrWaiting = 0; m_lMaxWaiting = 0; m_lActiveThreads = 0; }
void RequestHandled(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, BOOL bSuccess) throw() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_lTotalRequests); if (!bSuccess) InterlockedIncrement(&m_lFailedRequests);
long lTicks;
#ifndef ATL_NO_MMSYS
lTicks = (long) (timeGetTime() - pRequestInfo->dwStartTicks); #else
lTicks = GetTickCount(); #endif
m_liTotalResponseTime += lTicks; long lAv = (long) (m_liTotalResponseTime / m_lTotalRequests); InterlockedExchange(&m_lAvgResponseTime, lAv);
InterlockedDecrement(&m_lActiveThreads); }
long GetTotalRequests() throw() { return m_lTotalRequests; }
long GetFailedRequests() throw() { return m_lFailedRequests; }
long GetAvgResponseTime() throw() { return m_lAvgResponseTime; }
void OnRequestReceived() throw() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_lCurrWaiting); if (m_lCurrWaiting > m_lMaxWaiting) InterlockedExchange(&m_lMaxWaiting, m_lCurrWaiting); }
void OnRequestDequeued() throw() { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lCurrWaiting); InterlockedIncrement(&m_lActiveThreads); }
long GetCurrWaiting() throw() { return m_lCurrWaiting; }
long GetMaxWaiting() throw() { return m_lCurrWaiting; }
long GetActiveThreads() throw() { return m_lActiveThreads; } };
class CStdRequestStats : public CRequestStats {
public: HRESULT Initialize() throw() { return S_OK; }
void Uninitialize() throw() { } };
class CRequestPerfMon : public CPerfMon { public: BEGIN_PERF_MAP(_T("ATL Server:Request")) CHAIN_PERF_OBJECT(CPerfRequestStatObject) END_PERF_MAP() };
class CPerfMonRequestStats { CRequestPerfMon m_PerfMon; CPerfRequestStatObject * m_pPerfObjectInstance; CPerfRequestStatObject * m_pPerfObjectTotal;
public: CPerfMonRequestStats() throw() { m_pPerfObjectInstance = NULL; m_pPerfObjectTotal = NULL; }
HRESULT Initialize() throw() { HRESULT hr;
m_pPerfObjectInstance = NULL; m_pPerfObjectTotal = NULL;
hr = m_PerfMon.Initialize(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CPerfLock lock(&m_PerfMon); if (FAILED(hr = lock.GetStatus())) { return hr; }
HINSTANCE hInst = _AtlBaseModule.GetModuleInstance(); WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileNameW(hInst, szName, MAX_PATH) == 0) { return E_FAIL; } szName[MAX_PATH-1] = 0;
hr = m_PerfMon.CreateInstanceByName(PERF_REQUEST_OBJECT, L"_Total", reinterpret_cast<CPerfObject**>(&m_pPerfObjectTotal)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
hr = m_PerfMon.CreateInstanceByName(PERF_REQUEST_OBJECT, szName, reinterpret_cast<CPerfObject**>(&m_pPerfObjectInstance)); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_PerfMon.ReleaseInstance(m_pPerfObjectTotal); m_pPerfObjectTotal = NULL; return hr; }
return S_OK; }
return hr; }
void Uninitialize() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance) m_PerfMon.ReleaseInstance(m_pPerfObjectInstance); if (m_pPerfObjectTotal) m_PerfMon.ReleaseInstance(m_pPerfObjectTotal);
m_pPerfObjectInstance = NULL; m_pPerfObjectTotal = NULL;
m_PerfMon.UnInitialize(); }
void RequestHandled(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, BOOL bSuccess) throw() { CPerfLock lock(&m_PerfMon); if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) m_pPerfObjectInstance->RequestHandled(pRequestInfo, bSuccess); if (m_pPerfObjectTotal != NULL) m_pPerfObjectTotal->RequestHandled(pRequestInfo, bSuccess); }
long GetTotalRequests() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) return m_pPerfObjectInstance->GetTotalRequests();
return 0; }
long GetFailedRequests() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) return m_pPerfObjectInstance->GetFailedRequests();
return 0; }
long GetAvgResponseTime() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) return m_pPerfObjectInstance->GetAvgResponseTime();
return 0; }
void OnRequestReceived() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) m_pPerfObjectInstance->OnRequestReceived(); if (m_pPerfObjectTotal != NULL) m_pPerfObjectTotal->OnRequestReceived(); }
void OnRequestDequeued() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) m_pPerfObjectInstance->OnRequestDequeued(); if (m_pPerfObjectTotal != NULL) m_pPerfObjectTotal->OnRequestDequeued(); }
long GetCurrWaiting() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) return m_pPerfObjectInstance->GetCurrWaiting();
return 0; }
long GetMaxWaiting() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) return m_pPerfObjectInstance->GetMaxWaiting();
return 0; }
long GetActiveThreads() throw() { if (m_pPerfObjectInstance != NULL) return m_pPerfObjectInstance->GetActiveThreads();
return 0; } };
class CNoRequestStats { protected:
HRESULT Initialize() throw() { return S_OK; }
void Uninitialize() throw() { }
void RequestHandled(AtlServerRequest * /*pRequestInfo*/, BOOL /*bSuccess*/) throw() { }
long GetTotalRequests() throw() { return 0; }
long GetFailedRequests() throw() { return 0; }
long GetAvgResponseTime() throw() { return 0; }
void OnRequestReceived() throw() { }
void OnRequestDequeued() throw() { }
long GetCurrWaiting() throw() { return 0; }
long GetMaxWaiting() throw() { return 0; }
long GetActiveThreads() throw() { return 0; } };
inline LPSTR StripHandlerComment(LPSTR szLine) throw() { if (!memcmp(szLine, "<!--", 4)) { szLine += 4; while (_istspace(*szLine)) szLine++; LPSTR szEndComment = strstr(szLine, "-->"); if (szEndComment) *szEndComment = '\0'; return szLine; } return NULL; }
struct ATLServerDllInfo { GETATLHANDLERBYNAME pfnGetHandler; UNINITIALIZEATLHANDLERS pfnUninitHandlers; INITIALIZEATLHANDLERS pfnInitHandlers; IIsapiExtension *pExtension; IHttpServerContext *pContext; };
class CDllCachePeer { public: struct DllInfo : public ATLServerDllInfo { operator=(const DllInfo& right) throw() { pfnGetHandler = right.pfnGetHandler; pfnUninitHandlers = right.pfnUninitHandlers; pfnInitHandlers = right.pfnInitHandlers; pExtension = right.pExtension; pContext = right.pContext; } };
BOOL Add(HINSTANCE hInst, DllInfo *pInfo) throw(...) { pInfo->pfnInitHandlers = (INITIALIZEATLHANDLERS) GetProcAddress(hInst, ATLS_FUNCID_INITIALIZEHANDLERS);
pInfo->pfnGetHandler = (GETATLHANDLERBYNAME) GetProcAddress(hInst, ATLS_FUNCID_GETATLHANDLERBYNAME); if (!pInfo->pfnGetHandler) return FALSE;
if (pInfo->pfnInitHandlers) { pInfo->pfnInitHandlers(pInfo->pContext, pInfo->pExtension); pInfo->pContext = NULL; // won't be valid after this call
return TRUE; }
void Remove(HINSTANCE /*hInst*/, DllInfo *pInfo) throw(...) { if (pInfo->pfnUninitHandlers) (*pInfo->pfnUninitHandlers)(); }
inline bool operator==(const CDllCachePeer::DllInfo& left, const CDllCachePeer::DllInfo& right) throw() { return ( (left.pfnGetHandler == right.pfnGetHandler) && (left.pfnUninitHandlers == right.pfnUninitHandlers) && (left.pfnInitHandlers == right.pfnInitHandlers) && (left.pExtension == right.pExtension) && (left.pContext == right.pContext) ); }
// Helper function to impersonate the client
// on the current thread
inline BOOL AtlImpersonateClient(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext) throw() { // impersonate the calling client on the current thread
HANDLE hToken; if (!pServerContext->GetImpersonationToken(&hToken)) return FALSE; if (!SetThreadToken(NULL, hToken)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
// Helper class to set the thread impersonation token
// This is mainly used internally to ensure that we
// don't forget to revert to the process impersonation
// level
class CSetThreadToken { public: BOOL Initialize(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { return AtlImpersonateClient(pRequestInfo->pServerContext); }
~CSetThreadToken() throw() { RevertToSelf(); } };
//REVIEW: push_macro/pop_macro don't work in a template definition.
//this has been moved out of temporarily because
//of placement new usage
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template <class Base> class _CComObjectHeap : public Base { public: typedef Base _BaseClass; HANDLE m_hHeap; _CComObjectHeap(HANDLE hHeap) throw() { m_hHeap = hHeap; } // Set refcount to 1 to protect destruction
~_CComObjectHeap() throw() { m_dwRef = 1L; FinalRelease(); #ifdef _ATL_DEBUG_INTERFACES
_AtlDebugInterfacesModule.DeleteNonAddRefThunk(_GetRawUnknown()); #endif
//If InternalAddRef or InternalRelease is undefined then your class
//doesn't derive from CComObjectRoot
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)()throw() {return InternalAddRef();} STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)()throw() { ULONG l = InternalRelease(); if (l == 0) { HANDLE hHeap = m_hHeap;; this->~_CComObjectHeap(); HeapFree(hHeap, 0, this); } return l; } //if _InternalQueryInterface is undefined then you forgot BEGIN_COM_MAP
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject) throw() {return _InternalQueryInterface(iid, ppvObject);} };
inline CServerContext* CreateServerContext(HANDLE hRequestHeap) throw() { // Allocate a fixed block size to avoid fragmentation
void *pv = HeapAlloc(hRequestHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, max(sizeof(AtlServerRequest), sizeof(_CComObjectHeap<CServerContext>))); if (!pv) return FALSE;
_CComObjectHeap<CServerContext>* pContext = new(pv) _CComObjectHeap<CServerContext>(hRequestHeap);
return pContext; } #pragma pop_macro("new")
// _AtlGetHandlerName
// get handler name from stencil file. Ignore all server side comments
// szFileName - the file from which to extract the handler name
// szHandlerName - buffer into which handler name will be copied,
// it is assumed to be of size MAX_PATH+ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME+2
inline HTTP_CODE _AtlGetHandlerName(LPCSTR szFileName, LPSTR szHandlerName) throw() { szHandlerName[0] = '\0'; CAtlFile cfFile; HRESULT hr;
if (cfFile.m_h == NULL || GetFileType(cfFile.m_h) != FILE_TYPE_DISK) { if (hr == AtlHresultFromWin32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) return HTTP_ERROR(404, SUBERR_NONE); else return HTTP_ERROR(500, IDS_ATLSRV_SERVER_ERROR_STENCILLOADFAIL); }
HTTP_CODE hcErr = HTTP_SUCCESS; DWORD dwRead=0; LPSTR szHandler = "handler"; LPSTR pszHandlerPos = NULL; LPSTR pszHandlerName = szHandlerName; char szBuf[4097]; LPSTR szCurly = NULL; LPSTR pszBuf = NULL; bool bInQuote = false;
// state:
// 0 = default/unknown
// 1 = have "{"
// 2 = have "{{" -- skip spaces
// 3 = have "{{" -- check "handler"
// 4 = have "handler" -- skip spaces
// 5 = have "handler" -- get name
// 6 = scan until first '}'
// 7 = better be '}'
// 8 = done
int nState = 0;
do { hr = cfFile.Read(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1, dwRead); if (hr != S_OK) { return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_READFILEFAIL); // failed reading
szBuf[dwRead] = '\0'; pszBuf = szBuf;
while (*pszBuf && nState != 8) { switch (nState) { case 0: // 0 = default/unknown
// look for the first curly
szCurly = strchr(pszBuf, '{'); if (!szCurly) { // skip to the end of the buffer
pszBuf = szBuf+dwRead-1; } else { pszBuf = szCurly; nState = 1; } break; case 1: // 1 = have "{"
if (*pszBuf == '{') { nState = 2; } else { nState = 0; // if the next character is not a '{', start over
} break; case 2: if (!isspace(*pszBuf)) { pszHandlerPos = szHandler; pszBuf--; nState = 3; } break; case 3: // 3 = partial handler "h..."
if (*pszBuf != *pszHandlerPos) { // not a handler, skip tag
nState = 6; } else { pszHandlerPos++; if (!*pszHandlerPos) // at the end of the "handler" part
nState = 4; } break; case 4: // 4 = have "handler" -- skip spaces
if (!isspace(*pszBuf)) { if (*pszBuf == '\"') { bInQuote = true; } else { pszBuf--; } nState = 5; } break; case 5: // 5 = have "handler" -- get name
if (isspace(*pszBuf) && !bInQuote) { if (*(pszHandlerName-1) != '/') { // end of the name -- jump to getting the first '}'
nState = 6; } else { nState = 4; } } else if (*pszBuf == '}') { // end of the name -- jump to getting the second '}'
nState = 7; } else if (*pszBuf == '\"') { if (bInQuote) { bInQuote = false; } else { hcErr = HTTP_FAIL; nState = 8; } } else { // ensure we don't overwrite the buffer
if (pszHandlerName-szHandlerName >= MAX_PATH+ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+1) { hcErr = HTTP_FAIL; nState = 8; } else { *pszHandlerName++ = *pszBuf; } } break; case 6: // 6 = scan until first '}'
if (*pszBuf == '}') nState = 7; break; case 7: // 7 = better be '}'
if (*pszBuf != '}') { hcErr = HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_BAD_HANDLER_TAG); nState = 8; } if (*szHandlerName) nState = 8; else nState = 0; break; default: __assume( 0 ); // the optimizer will not generate code for this branch
pszBuf++; } } while (dwRead != 0 && nState != 8); *pszHandlerName = '\0';
return hcErr; }
// _AtlCrackHandler cracks a request path of the form dll_path/handler_name into its
// consituent parts
// szHandlerDllName - the full handler path of the form "dll_path/handler_name"
// szDllPath - the DLL path (should be of length MAX_PATH+1)
// szHandlerName - the handler name (should be of length ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+1)
inline BOOL _AtlCrackHandler( LPCSTR szHandlerDllName, LPSTR szDllPath, LPDWORD pdwDllPathLen, LPSTR szHandlerName, LPDWORD pdwHandlerNameLen) throw() { ATLASSERT( szHandlerDllName != NULL ); ATLASSERT( szDllPath != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pdwDllPathLen != NULL ); ATLASSERT( szHandlerName != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pdwHandlerNameLen != NULL ); BOOL bRet = TRUE; // skip leading spaces
while (*szHandlerDllName && isspace(*szHandlerDllName)) ++szHandlerDllName;
// get the handler name
LPSTR szSlash = strchr(szHandlerDllName, '/'); LPSTR szEnd = NULL; LPSTR szSlashEnd = NULL; // if it is of the form <dll_name>/<handler_name>
if (szSlash) { szEnd = szSlash; // skip trailing spaces on <dll_name>
while (szEnd>szHandlerDllName && isspace(*(szEnd-1))) --szEnd;
szSlash++; // skip leading whitespace
while (*szSlash && isspace(*szSlash)) szSlash++; // right trim szSlash;
szSlashEnd = szSlash; while (*szSlashEnd && !isspace(*szSlashEnd)) szSlashEnd++; } else // only the <dll_name>
{ szSlash = "Default"; szSlashEnd = szSlash+sizeof("Default")-1;
// do it this way to handle paths with spaces
// (e.g. "some path\subdirectory one\subdirectory two\dll_name.dll")
szEnd = (LPSTR) (szHandlerDllName+strlen(szHandlerDllName)); // skip trailing spaces
while (szEnd>szHandlerDllName && isspace(*(szEnd-1))) --szEnd; }
// if the dll path is quoted, strip the quotes
if (*szHandlerDllName == '\"' && *(szEnd-1) == '\"' && szEnd > szHandlerDllName+2) { szHandlerDllName++; szEnd--; }
if (*pdwDllPathLen > (DWORD)(szEnd-szHandlerDllName)) { memcpy(szDllPath, szHandlerDllName, szEnd-szHandlerDllName); szDllPath[szEnd-szHandlerDllName] = '\0'; *pdwDllPathLen = (DWORD)(szEnd-szHandlerDllName); } else { *pdwDllPathLen = (DWORD)(szEnd-szHandlerDllName)+1; bRet = FALSE; }
if (*pdwHandlerNameLen > (DWORD)(szSlashEnd-szSlash)) { memcpy(szHandlerName, szSlash, (szSlashEnd-szSlash)); szHandlerName[szSlashEnd-szSlash] = '\0'; *pdwHandlerNameLen = (DWORD)(szSlashEnd-szSlash); } else { *pdwHandlerNameLen = (DWORD)(szSlashEnd-szSlash)+1; bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
inline HTTP_CODE _AtlLoadRequestHandler( LPCSTR szDllPath, LPCSTR szHandlerName, IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, HINSTANCE *phInstance, IRequestHandler **ppHandler, IIsapiExtension *pExtension, IDllCache *pDllCache) throw(...) { *phInstance = NULL; *ppHandler = NULL;
ATLServerDllInfo DllInfo; DllInfo.pExtension = pExtension; DllInfo.pContext = pServerContext; if (!IsFullPathA(szDllPath)) { CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetScriptFullFileName(szDllPath, szFileName, pServerContext)) { return HTTP_FAIL; } *phInstance = pDllCache->Load(szFileName, (void *)&DllInfo); } else { *phInstance = pDllCache->Load(szDllPath, (void *)&DllInfo); } if (!*phInstance) { ATLTRACE( "LoadLibrary failed: '%s' with error: %d\r\n", szDllPath, GetLastError() ); return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_LOADLIB); } CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnk;
if (!DllInfo.pfnGetHandler || !DllInfo.pfnGetHandler(szHandlerName, pExtension, &spUnk) || spUnk->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IRequestHandler), (void **)ppHandler)) { pDllCache->Free(*phInstance); *phInstance = NULL; return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND); }
return HTTP_SUCCESS; } // _AtlLoadRequestHandler
class CTransferServerContext : public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public CWrappedServerContext { public: char m_szFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; char m_szQueryString[ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH+1]; IWriteStream *m_pStream;
BEGIN_COM_MAP(CTransferServerContext) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IHttpServerContext) END_COM_MAP()
CTransferServerContext() throw() { m_pStream = NULL; }
BOOL Initialize(LPCSTR szUrl, IWriteStream *pStream, IHttpServerContext *pParent) throw() { m_pStream = pStream; m_spParent = pParent; m_szFileName[0] = '\0'; long nUrlLen = (long)strlen(szUrl);
if (!IsFullPathA(szUrl)) { DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH; BOOL bRet = m_spParent->GetServerVariable( "APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", m_szFileName, &dwLen); if (!bRet) return FALSE; }
// check for query params
LPCSTR szMark = strchr(szUrl, '?'); if (szMark) { long nPathLen = (long) (szMark - szUrl); if (strlen(m_szFileName) + nPathLen < MAX_PATH) { if (m_szFileName[0]) strncat(m_szFileName, szUrl, nPathLen); else { memcpy(m_szFileName, szUrl, nPathLen); m_szFileName[nPathLen] = '\0'; } } else return FALSE; // path would overwrite buffer
// save query params
if (strlen(szMark + 1) < ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH) strcpy(m_szQueryString, szMark+1); else return FALSE; // url would overwrite buffer
} else { // no query string
if (strlen(m_szFileName) + nUrlLen < MAX_PATH) { if (m_szFileName[0]) strcat(m_szFileName, szUrl); else strcpy(m_szFileName, szUrl); } else return FALSE; // path would be too long
m_szQueryString[0] = '\0'; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WriteClient(void *pvBuffer, DWORD *pdwBytes) throw() { HRESULT hr = m_pStream->WriteStream((LPCSTR) pvBuffer, *pdwBytes, pdwBytes); return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
LPCSTR GetQueryString() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_szQueryString; }
LPCSTR GetScriptPathTranslated() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_szFileName; }
LPCSTR GetPathTranslated() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return m_szFileName; }
// Asynchronous writes will not work properly in a child handler
BOOL AsyncWriteClient(void * /*pvBuffer*/, DWORD * /*pdwBytes*/) throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
// These next few methods are to protect against attempting to parse form data twice
// We tell the new handler that it was a GET request
LPCSTR GetRequestMethod() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_spParent); return "GET"; }
// The handler should not query these methods -- they are only useful if attempting to
// parse form data, which is not allowed in child handlers.
BOOL ReadClient(void * /*pvBuffer*/, DWORD * /*pdwSize*/) throw() { return FALSE; }
BOOL AsyncReadClient(void * /*pvBuffer*/, DWORD * /*pdwSize*/) throw() { return FALSE; }
DWORD GetTotalBytes() throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return 0; }
DWORD GetAvailableBytes() throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return 0; }
BYTE *GetAvailableData() throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; }
LPCSTR GetContentType() throw() { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return 0; } };
inline HTTP_CODE _AtlTransferRequest( AtlServerRequest *pRequest, IServiceProvider *pServiceProvider, IWriteStream *pWriteStream, IHttpRequestLookup *pLookup, LPCSTR szNewUrl, WORD nCodePage, bool bContinueAfterProcess = false, void *pState = NULL) throw(...) { ATLASSERT(pRequest != NULL); AtlServerRequest* pRequestInfo = NULL; HTTP_CODE dwErr = HTTP_SUCCESS;
CComPtr<IStencilCache> spStencilCache;
if (pRequest->pServerContext == NULL) return HTTP_ERROR(500, 0);
pServiceProvider->QueryService( __uuidof(IStencilCache), __uuidof(IStencilCache), (void**)&spStencilCache ); if (!spStencilCache) return HTTP_ERROR(500, 0);
CComObjectStackEx<CTransferServerContext> serverContext; serverContext.Initialize(szNewUrl, pWriteStream, pRequest->pServerContext);
CStencilState* _pState = reinterpret_cast<CStencilState*>(pState); if (_pState && _pState->pIncludeInfo) { pRequestInfo = _pState->pIncludeInfo; _pState->pIncludeInfo = NULL; } else { ATLASSERT(spStencilCache != NULL); ATLASSERT(pRequest->pDllCache != NULL); ATLASSERT(pRequest->pExtension != NULL);
pRequestInfo = pRequest->pExtension->CreateRequest(); if (pRequestInfo == NULL) return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_OUTOFMEM);
pRequestInfo->dwRequestState = ATLSRV_STATE_BEGIN; pRequestInfo->dwRequestType = ATLSRV_REQUEST_STENCIL; pRequestInfo->pDllCache = pRequest->pDllCache; pRequestInfo->pExtension = pRequest->pExtension; pRequestInfo->pServerContext = &serverContext; if (_pState) pRequestInfo->pUserData = _pState->pParentInfo->pUserData; else pRequestInfo->pUserData = pRequest->pUserData;
// Extract the file extension of the included file by searching
// for the first '.' from the right.
// Can't use _tcsrchr because we have to use the stencil's codepage
LPSTR szDot = NULL; LPSTR szMark = serverContext.m_szFileName; while (*szMark) { if (*szMark == '.') szDot = szMark;
szMark = CharNextExA(nCodePage, szMark, 0); }
if (szDot && _stricmp(szDot, c_AtlSRFExtension) == 0) { dwErr = pRequest->pExtension->LoadDispatchFile( serverContext.m_szFileName, pRequestInfo ); if (dwErr) return dwErr;
CComPtr<IHttpRequestLookup> spLookup; DWORD dwStatus; if (pLookup)
{ dwErr = pRequestInfo->pHandler->GetFlags(&dwStatus); if (dwErr) return dwErr;
if (dwStatus & (ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC | ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX)) { CComObjectNoLock<CTransferServerContext>* pServerContext = NULL; ATLTRY(pServerContext = new CComObjectNoLock<CTransferServerContext>); if (pServerContext == NULL) return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_OUTOFMEM); pServerContext->Initialize(szNewUrl, pWriteStream, pRequest->pServerContext);
pServerContext->AddRef(); pRequestInfo->pServerContext = pServerContext; }
dwErr = pRequestInfo->pHandler->InitializeChild( pRequestInfo, pServiceProvider, pLookup); if (dwErr) return dwErr;
} } else if (szDot && _stricmp(szDot, ".dll") == 0) { // Get the handler name if they used the asdf.dll?Handler=Default notation
// REVIEW : case sensitivity on the "Handler"?
char szHandlerName[ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+1] = { '\0' };
LPSTR szStart = strstr(serverContext.m_szQueryString, "Handler"); if (szStart) { szStart += 8; // Skip past "Handler" and the "="
LPSTR szEnd = strchr(szStart, '&'); if (szEnd) { memcpy(szHandlerName, szStart, min((szEnd-szStart), ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN)); szHandlerName[min((szEnd-szStart), ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN)] = '\0'; } else { strcpy(szHandlerName, szStart); } } else { memcpy(szHandlerName, "Default", sizeof("Default")); }
pRequestInfo->dwRequestType = ATLSRV_REQUEST_DLL;
dwErr = pRequest->pExtension->LoadRequestHandler( serverContext.m_szFileName, szHandlerName, pRequestInfo->pServerContext, &pRequestInfo->hInstDll, &pRequestInfo->pHandler ); if (dwErr != HTTP_SUCCESS) return dwErr;
ATLASSERT(pLookup); dwErr = pRequestInfo->pHandler->InitializeChild( pRequestInfo, pServiceProvider, pLookup ); }
pRequestInfo->pfnHandleRequest = &IRequestHandler::HandleRequest; }
if (pRequestInfo) { if (!dwErr) { if (pRequestInfo->pServerContext == NULL) pRequestInfo->pServerContext = &serverContext;
ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo->pfnHandleRequest != NULL); dwErr = (pRequestInfo->pHandler->*pRequestInfo->pfnHandleRequest)(pRequestInfo, pServiceProvider);
if (pRequestInfo->pServerContext == &serverContext) pRequestInfo->pServerContext = NULL;
if (IsAsyncStatus(dwErr)) { ATLASSERT(pState); // state is required for async
if (IsAsyncContinueStatus(dwErr)) { _pState->pIncludeInfo = pRequestInfo; pRequestInfo->dwRequestState = ATLSRV_STATE_CONTINUE; } else if (IsAsyncDoneStatus(dwErr)) pRequest->pExtension->FreeRequest(pRequestInfo); } else pRequest->pExtension->FreeRequest(pRequestInfo); } } else dwErr = HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED);
if (dwErr == HTTP_SUCCESS && bContinueAfterProcess) return dwErr; return HTTP_SUCCESS_NO_PROCESS; }
// Used to terminate process when buffer security check fails
inline void __cdecl AtlsSecErrHandlerFunc(int nCode, void * /* pv */) { nCode;
#if defined(_M_IX86)
// only valid code
// a buffer overflow has occurred in your code
// terminate process (safest thing to do)
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 ); }
// Class CIsapiExtension
// The main ISAPI Extension implementation.
// Template parameters
// ThreadPoolClass: Specifies the thread pool that will be used by the
// extension to queue incoming requests. CThreadPool is the
// default and is declared and implemented in ATLUTIL.H. This class
// templatizes on a worker thread class. The worker thread class
// represents an abstraction of a thread that will be used to
// process requests as they are dequeued from the pool's work queue.
// You would change this parameter if you wanted to use a completely
// different thread pool, or, more commonly, if you wanted to use
// a different worker thread class. Request processing code can
// access a pointer to the worker thread class, which allows the
// request handling code to easily access per-thread data.
// CRequestStatClass: Specifies the class to be used to track request statistics
// CNoRequestStats is the default which is a noop class.
// You would change this parameter to provide a class that will
// track request statistics for you. ATL provides CStdRequestStats
// and CPerfRequestStatObject but these classes should be used
// with caution because they require interlocked operations to
// keep track of request statistics which can affect server performance.
// HttpUserErrorTextProvider: This class provides error text messages
// and headers, including resource IDs of error messages to the
// isapi extension's error handling functions. You would change this
// parameter if you wanted to provide your own error headers and/or
// messages in response to error encountered during request processing.
// WorkerThreadClass: The worker thread that will be used for this extension.
// The worker thread will be used to sweep any caches used by the extension
// and perform other periodic maintanence work while the extension is
// loaded. You would provide your own worker thread class to customize
// when the worker thread times out.
// CPageCacheStats, CStencilCacheStats: These two classes are used to keep
// statistics about the page and stencil caches. You could change these
// paramters if you wanted to track statistics for these caches. ATL
// provides CPerfStatClass and CStdStatClass to store the stat data but
// using these classes can affect server performance because they use
// interlocked operations internally to store the data.
template < class ThreadPoolClass=CThreadPool<CIsapiWorker>, class CRequestStatClass=CNoRequestStats, class HttpUserErrorTextProvider=CDefaultErrorProvider, class WorkerThreadTraits=DefaultThreadTraits, class CPageCacheStats=CNoStatClass, class CStencilCacheStats=CNoStatClass> class CIsapiExtension : public IServiceProvider, public IIsapiExtension, public IRequestStats { #ifndef ATL_NO_CRITICAL_ISAPI_ERROR
DWORD m_dwCriticalIsapiError;
protected: typedef CWorkerThread<WorkerThreadTraits> extWorkerType;
extWorkerType m_WorkerThread; ThreadPoolClass m_ThreadPool; CDllCache<extWorkerType, CDllCachePeer> m_DllCache; CFileCache<extWorkerType, CPageCacheStats, CPageCachePeer> m_PageCache; CComObjectGlobal<CStencilCache<extWorkerType, CStencilCacheStats > > m_StencilCache; HttpUserErrorTextProvider m_UserErrorProvider; HANDLE m_hRequestHeap; CComCriticalSection m_critSec;
// Dynamic services stuff
struct ServiceNode { HINSTANCE hInst; IUnknown *punk; GUID guidService; IID riid;
ServiceNode() throw() { }
ServiceNode(const ServiceNode& that) throw() :hInst(that.hInst), punk(that.punk), guidService(that.guidService), riid(that.riid) { } };
class CServiceEqualHelper { public: static bool IsEqual(const ServiceNode& t1, const ServiceNode& t2) throw() { return (InlineIsEqualGUID(t1.guidService, t2.guidService) != 0 && InlineIsEqualGUID(t1.riid, t2.riid) != 0); } };
CSimpleArray<ServiceNode, CServiceEqualHelper> m_serviceMap;
public: DWORD m_dwTlsIndex; CWin32Heap m_heap;
CRequestStatClass m_reqStats;
AtlServerRequest *CreateRequest() throw() { // Allocate a fixed block size to avoid fragmentation
AtlServerRequest *pRequest = (AtlServerRequest *) HeapAlloc(m_hRequestHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, max(sizeof(AtlServerRequest), sizeof(_CComObjectHeap<CServerContext>))); if (!pRequest) return NULL; pRequest->cbSize = sizeof(AtlServerRequest); return pRequest; }
void FreeRequest(AtlServerRequest *pRequest) throw() { _ReleaseAtlServerRequest(pRequest); HeapFree(m_hRequestHeap, 0, pRequest); }
CIsapiExtension() throw() { m_hRequestHeap = NULL; #ifdef _DEBUG
m_bDebug = FALSE; #endif
m_dwCriticalIsapiError = 0;
HTTP_CODE TransferRequest( AtlServerRequest *pRequest, IServiceProvider *pServiceProvider, IWriteStream *pWriteStream, IHttpRequestLookup *pLookup, LPCSTR szNewUrl, WORD nCodePage, bool bContinueAfterProcess = false, void *pState = NULL ) throw(...) { return _AtlTransferRequest(pRequest, pServiceProvider, pWriteStream, pLookup, szNewUrl, nCodePage, bContinueAfterProcess, pState); }
DWORD ReturnCriticalError(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB) throw() { UINT uResId = 0; LPCSTR szHeader = NULL;
m_UserErrorProvider.GetErrorText(500, ISE_SUBERR_ISAPISTARTUPFAILED, &szHeader, &uResId); _ATLTRY { CStringA strStatus, strBody; strStatus.Format("500 %s", szHeader); if (uResId) { // load the body string from a resource
if (!strBody.LoadString(uResId)) { strBody = "<html><body>A critical error has occurred initializing this ISAPI extension.</body></html>"; } }
HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO hex; hex.pszStatus = (LPCSTR)strStatus; hex.pszHeader = NULL; hex.cchStatus = (DWORD)strStatus.GetLength(); hex.cchHeader = 0; hex.fKeepConn = FALSE;
pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX, &hex, NULL, NULL);
DWORD dwBodyLen = strBody.GetLength(); pECB->WriteClient(pECB->ConnID, (void *) (LPCSTR) strBody, &dwBodyLen, NULL); } _ATLCATCHALL() { //REALLY BAD!
if (GetCriticalIsapiError() != 0) { return ReturnCriticalError(lpECB); } #endif // ATL_NO_CRITICAL_ISAPI_ERROR
AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo = NULL; pRequestInfo = CreateRequest(); if (pRequestInfo == NULL) return HSE_STATUS_ERROR;
CServerContext *pServerContext = NULL; ATLTRY(pServerContext = CreateServerContext(m_hRequestHeap)); if (pServerContext == NULL) { FreeRequest(pRequestInfo); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } pServerContext->Initialize(lpECB); pServerContext->AddRef();
pRequestInfo->pServerContext = pServerContext; pRequestInfo->dwRequestType = ATLSRV_REQUEST_UNKNOWN; pRequestInfo->dwRequestState = ATLSRV_STATE_BEGIN; pRequestInfo->pExtension = static_cast<IIsapiExtension *>(this); pRequestInfo->pDllCache = static_cast<IDllCache *>(&m_DllCache); #ifndef ATL_NO_MMSYS
pRequestInfo->dwStartTicks = timeGetTime(); #else
pRequestInfo->dwStartTicks = GetTickCount(); #endif
pRequestInfo->pECB = lpECB;
if (m_ThreadPool.QueueRequest(pRequestInfo)) return HSE_STATUS_PENDING;
// QueueRequest failed
FreeRequest(pRequestInfo); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
BOOL QueueRequest(AtlServerRequest * pRequestInfo) throw() { return m_ThreadPool.QueueRequest(pRequestInfo); }
CIsapiWorker *GetThreadWorker() throw() { return (CIsapiWorker *) TlsGetValue(m_dwTlsIndex); }
BOOL SetThreadWorker(CIsapiWorker *pWorker) throw() { return TlsSetValue(m_dwTlsIndex, (void*)pWorker); }
// Configuration functions -- override in base class if another value is desired
virtual LPCSTR GetExtensionDesc() throw() { return "VC Server Classes"; } virtual int GetNumPoolThreads() throw() { return 0; } virtual int GetPoolStackSize() throw() { return 0; } virtual HANDLE GetIOCompletionHandle() throw() { return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } virtual DWORD GetDllCacheTimeout() throw() { return ATL_DLL_CACHE_TIMEOUT; } virtual DWORD GetStencilCacheTimeout() throw() { return ATL_STENCIL_CACHE_TIMEOUT; } virtual LONGLONG GetStencilLifespan() throw() { return ATL_STENCIL_LIFESPAN; }
BOOL OnThreadAttach() throw() { return SUCCEEDED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)); }
void OnThreadTerminate() throw() { CoUninitialize(); }
BOOL SetCriticalIsapiError(DWORD dwErr = 1) throw() { m_dwCriticalIsapiError = dwErr; return TRUE; }
DWORD GetCriticalIsapiError() throw() { return m_dwCriticalIsapiError; }
BOOL SetCriticalIsapiError(DWORD dwErr = 1) throw() { return FALSE; }
DWORD GetCriticalIsapiError() throw() { return 0; }
BOOL GetExtensionVersion(HSE_VERSION_INFO* pVer) throw() { // allocate a Tls slot for storing per thread data
m_dwTlsIndex = TlsAlloc();
// create a private heap for request data
// this heap has to be thread safe to allow for
// async processing of requests
m_hRequestHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); if (!m_hRequestHeap) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Failed creating request heap. Using process heap\n")); m_hRequestHeap = GetProcessHeap(); if (!m_hRequestHeap) { return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
// create a private heap (synchronized) for
// allocations. This reduces fragmentation overhead
// as opposed to the process heap
HANDLE hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); if (!hHeap) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Failed creating extension heap. Using process heap\n")); hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); m_heap.Attach(hHeap, false); } else { m_heap.Attach(hHeap, true); } hHeap = NULL;
if (S_OK != m_reqStats.Initialize()) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceISAPI, 0, _T("Initialization failed for request statistics perfmon support.\n") _T("Check request statistics perfmon dll registration\n") );
return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
if (S_OK != m_WorkerThread.Initialize()) { return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
if (m_critSec.Init() != S_OK) { m_WorkerThread.Shutdown(); return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
if (S_OK != m_ThreadPool.Initialize(static_cast<IIsapiExtension*>(this), GetNumPoolThreads(), GetPoolStackSize(), GetIOCompletionHandle())) { m_WorkerThread.Shutdown(); m_critSec.Term(); return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
if (FAILED(m_DllCache.Initialize(&m_WorkerThread, GetDllCacheTimeout()))) { m_WorkerThread.Shutdown(); m_ThreadPool.Shutdown(); m_critSec.Term(); return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
if (FAILED(m_PageCache.Initialize(&m_WorkerThread))) { m_WorkerThread.Shutdown(); m_ThreadPool.Shutdown(); m_DllCache.Uninitialize(); m_critSec.Term(); return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
if (S_OK != m_StencilCache.Initialize(static_cast<IServiceProvider*>(this), &m_WorkerThread, GetStencilCacheTimeout(), GetStencilLifespan())) { m_WorkerThread.Shutdown(); m_ThreadPool.Shutdown(); m_DllCache.Uninitialize(); m_PageCache.Uninitialize(); m_critSec.Term(); return SetCriticalIsapiError(); }
pVer->dwExtensionVersion = HSE_VERSION; strcpy(pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, GetExtensionDesc());
return TRUE; }
BOOL TerminateExtension(DWORD /*dwFlags*/) throw() { m_critSec.Lock(); for (int i=0; i < m_serviceMap.GetSize(); i++) { ATLASSERT(m_serviceMap[i].punk != NULL); m_serviceMap[i].punk->Release(); m_DllCache.ReleaseModule(m_serviceMap[i].hInst); } m_critSec.Unlock();
m_ThreadPool.Shutdown(); m_StencilCache.Uninitialize(); m_DllCache.Uninitialize(); m_PageCache.Uninitialize(); m_WorkerThread.Shutdown(); m_reqStats.Uninitialize(); m_critSec.Term(); // free the request heap
if (m_hRequestHeap != GetProcessHeap()) HeapDestroy(m_hRequestHeap);
// free the Tls slot that we allocated
return TRUE; }
static void WINAPI AsyncCallback(LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK /*lpECB*/, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError) throw(...) { ATLASSERT(pContext);
AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo = reinterpret_cast<AtlServerRequest*>(pContext); ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo); if (pRequestInfo->m_hMutex) { // synchronize in case the previous async_noflush call isn't finished
// setting up state for the next call.
DWORD dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pRequestInfo->m_hMutex, ATLS_ASYNC_MUTEX_TIMEOUT); if (dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwStatus != WAIT_ABANDONED) { _ATLTRY { pRequestInfo->pExtension->RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED); } _ATLCATCHALL() { ATLTRACE(_T("Warning: Uncaught user exception thrown and caught in AsyncCallback.\n")); _ATLRETHROW; } return; } }
if (pRequestInfo->pfnAsyncComplete != NULL) ATLTRY((*pRequestInfo->pfnAsyncComplete)(pRequestInfo, cbIO, dwError));
if (pRequestInfo->dwRequestState == ATLSRV_STATE_DONE) { pRequestInfo->pExtension->RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, HTTP_ERROR_CODE(HTTP_SUCCESS), 0); } else if (pRequestInfo->dwRequestState == ATLSRV_STATE_CACHE_DONE) { CloseHandle(pRequestInfo->hFile); pRequestInfo->pFileCache->ReleaseFile(pRequestInfo->hEntry); pRequestInfo->pExtension->RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, HTTP_ERROR_CODE(HTTP_SUCCESS), 0); } else { HANDLE hMutex = pRequestInfo->m_hMutex; pRequestInfo->pExtension->QueueRequest(pRequestInfo); if (hMutex) ReleaseMutex(hMutex); } }
void HandleError(IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwSubStatus) throw() { RenderError(pServerContext, dwStatus, dwSubStatus, &m_UserErrorProvider); }
void RequestComplete(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo, DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwSubStatus) throw(...) { ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo); if (pRequestInfo->pHandler != NULL) pRequestInfo->pHandler->UninitializeHandler();
DWORD dwReqStatus = dwStatus; if (!dwReqStatus) dwReqStatus = 200;
if (dwStatus >= 400) { if (dwSubStatus != SUBERR_NO_PROCESS) HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, dwStatus, dwSubStatus); m_reqStats.RequestHandled(pRequestInfo, FALSE); } else m_reqStats.RequestHandled(pRequestInfo, TRUE);
CComPtr<IHttpServerContext> spServerContext = pRequestInfo->pServerContext;
spServerContext->DoneWithSession(dwReqStatus); }
HTTP_CODE GetHandlerName(LPCSTR szFileName, LPSTR szHandlerName) throw() { return _AtlGetHandlerName(szFileName, szHandlerName); }
HTTP_CODE LoadDispatchFile(LPCSTR szFileName, AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { CStencil *pStencil = NULL; HCACHEITEM hStencil = NULL; // Must have space for the path to the handler + the maximum size
// of the handler, plus the '/' plus the '\0'
pRequestInfo->pHandler = NULL; pRequestInfo->hInstDll = NULL;
m_StencilCache.LookupStencil(szFileName, &hStencil);
// Stencil was found, check to see if it needs to be refreshed
if (hStencil) { m_StencilCache.GetStencil(hStencil, (void **) &pStencil); pStencil->GetHandlerName(szDllPath, szHandlerName);
CFileTime cftCurr; CFileTime cftLastChecked; cftCurr = CFileTime::GetCurrentTime();
CFileTimeSpan d(ATL_STENCIL_CHECK_TIMEOUT * CFileTime::Millisecond);
if (cftLastChecked + d < cftCurr) { CComPtr<IStencilCacheControl> spCacheCtrl; m_StencilCache.QueryInterface(__uuidof(IStencilCacheControl), (void **)&spCacheCtrl); if (spCacheCtrl) { CFileTime cftLastModified; pStencil->GetLastModified(&cftLastModified);
// Resource based stencils have a last modified filetime of 0
if (cftLastModified != 0) { // for file base stencils, we check whether the file
// has been modified since being put in the cache
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fad; pStencil->SetLastChecked(&cftCurr); BOOL bRet = GetFileAttributesExA(szFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fad);
if ((bRet && cftLastModified < fad.ftLastWriteTime) || !bRet) { // the file has changed or an error has occurred trying to read the file,
// so remove it from the cache and force a reload
spCacheCtrl->RemoveStencil(hStencil); pStencil = NULL; hStencil = NULL; } } } } }
if (!hStencil) { CHAR szHandlerDllName[MAX_PATH+ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+2] = { '\0' }; // not in the cache, so open the file
HTTP_CODE hcErr = GetHandlerName(szFileName, szHandlerDllName); if (hcErr) return hcErr; DWORD dwDllPathLen = MAX_PATH+1; DWORD dwHandlerNameLen = ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+1; if (!_AtlCrackHandler(szHandlerDllName, szDllPath, &dwDllPathLen, szHandlerName, &dwHandlerNameLen)) { HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND); } ATLASSERT(*szHandlerName); ATLASSERT(*szDllPath); if (!*szHandlerName) return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND); } else m_StencilCache.ReleaseStencil(hStencil);
return LoadRequestHandler(szDllPath, szHandlerName, pRequestInfo->pServerContext, &pRequestInfo->hInstDll, &pRequestInfo->pHandler); }
HTTP_CODE LoadDllHandler(LPCSTR szFileName, AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { _ATLTRY { HTTP_CODE hcErr = HTTP_SUCCESS; CHAR szHandler[ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+1] = { 'D', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', '\0' }; LPCSTR szQueryString = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetQueryString(); if (szQueryString != NULL) { LPCSTR szHdlr = strstr(szQueryString, "Handler="); if (szHdlr != NULL) { if ((szHdlr == szQueryString) || ((szHdlr > szQueryString) && (*(szHdlr-1) == '&'))) { int nCnt = 0; LPSTR pszHandler = szHandler; szHdlr += sizeof("Handler=")-1; while (*szHdlr && *szHdlr != '&') { if (nCnt < ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN) { *pszHandler++ = *szHdlr++; nCnt++; } else { hcErr = HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND); break; } } if (hcErr == HTTP_SUCCESS) { *pszHandler = '\0'; } } } }
if (hcErr == HTTP_SUCCESS) { CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH+ATL_MAX_HANDLER_NAME_LEN+1]; strcpy(szFile, szFileName);
hcErr = LoadRequestHandler(szFile, szHandler, pRequestInfo->pServerContext, &pRequestInfo->hInstDll, &pRequestInfo->pHandler); }
return hcErr; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return HTTP_ERROR(500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED); } }
BOOL TransmitFromCache(AtlServerRequest* pRequestInfo) throw() { if (strcmp(pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetRequestMethod(), "GET")) return FALSE;
char szUrl[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1]; LPCSTR szPathInfo = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetPathInfo(); LPCSTR szQueryString = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetQueryString();
LPSTR szTo = szUrl; while (*szPathInfo) { *szTo++ = *szPathInfo++; } *szTo++ = '?'; while (*szQueryString) { *szTo++ = *szQueryString++; } *szTo = '\0';
if (S_OK == m_PageCache.LookupFile(szUrl, &hEntry)) { LPSTR szFileName; CPageCachePeer::PeerInfo *pInfo; m_PageCache.GetFile(hEntry, &szFileName, (void **)&pInfo); CAtlFile file; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
pRequestInfo->pServerContext->SendResponseHeader( (LPCSTR)pInfo->strHeader, (LPCSTR)pInfo->strStatus, FALSE); HANDLE hFile = file.Detach(); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
pRequestInfo->dwRequestState = ATLSRV_STATE_CACHE_DONE; pRequestInfo->hFile = hFile; pRequestInfo->hEntry = hEntry; pRequestInfo->pFileCache = &m_PageCache;
bRet = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->TransmitFile( hFile, // The file to transmit
AsyncCallback, pRequestInfo, // The async callback and context
pInfo->strStatus, // HTTP status code
0, // Send entire file
0, // Start at the beginning of the file
NULL, 0, // Head and length
NULL, 0, // Tail and length
); if (!bRet) { m_PageCache.ReleaseFile(hEntry); CloseHandle(hFile); } return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL m_bDebug; // F5 debugging support for VS7
BOOL ProcessDebug(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (!_stricmp(pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetRequestMethod(), "debug")) { DWORD dwHeadersLen = 0; CStringA strHeaders; pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetServerVariable("ALL_HTTP", NULL, &dwHeadersLen); BOOL bRet = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetServerVariable("ALL_HTTP", strHeaders.GetBuffer(dwHeadersLen), &dwHeadersLen); if (!bRet) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 501, 0); return FALSE; } strHeaders.ReleaseBuffer(dwHeadersLen - 1); LPCSTR szCur = (LPCSTR)strHeaders;
while(*szCur) { if (!strncmp(szCur, "HTTP_COMMAND:", 13)) { szCur += 13; break; } szCur = strchr(szCur, '\n'); if (!szCur) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 501, 0); return FALSE; }
szCur++; }
if (!_strnicmp(szCur, "start-debug", sizeof("start-debug")-sizeof('\0'))) { CCritSecLock Lock(m_critSec.m_sec); if (m_bDebug) { HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 204, DBG_SUBERR_ALREADY_DEBUGGING); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 204, DBG_SUBERR_ALREADY_DEBUGGING); // Already being debugged by another process
return FALSE; } CHttpRequest HttpRequest; HttpRequest.Initialize(pRequestInfo->pServerContext); HttpRequest.InitFromPost(); LPCSTR szString; szString = HttpRequest.FormVars.Lookup("DebugSessionID"); if (!szString || !*szString) { HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 204, DBG_SUBERR_INVALID_SESSION); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 204, DBG_SUBERR_INVALID_SESSION); return FALSE; } CA2W szSessionID(szString); if (!szSessionID) { HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 500, ISE_SUBERR_OUTOFMEM); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_OUTOFMEM); return FALSE; } DWORD dwPid = GetCurrentProcessId(); LPWSTR szPoint = szSessionID; while (szPoint && *szPoint && wcsncmp(szPoint, L"autoattachclsid=", 16)) { szPoint = wcschr(szPoint, ';'); if (szPoint) szPoint++; } if (!szPoint || !*szPoint) { HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 204, DBG_SUBERR_BAD_ID); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 204, DBG_SUBERR_BAD_ID); return FALSE; }
szPoint += (sizeof("autoattachclsid=") - 1); WCHAR szClsid[39]; wcsncpy(szClsid, szPoint, 38); szClsid[38] = '\0';
CLSID clsidDebugAutoAttach = CLSID_NULL; HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromString(szClsid, &clsidDebugAutoAttach); if (hr != S_OK) { HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 204, DBG_SUBERR_BAD_ID); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 204, DBG_SUBERR_BAD_ID); return FALSE; }
CComPtr<IDebugAutoAttach> spDebugAutoAttach; hr = CoCreateInstance(clsidDebugAutoAttach, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, __uuidof(IDebugAutoAttach), (void**)&spDebugAutoAttach); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 401, 0); else { HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 204, DBG_SUBERR_COCREATE); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 204, DBG_SUBERR_COCREATE); } return FALSE; } hr = spDebugAutoAttach->AutoAttach(GUID_NULL, dwPid, AUTOATTACH_PROGRAM_WIN32, 0, szSessionID); if (FAILED(hr)) { // HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 204, DBG_SUBERR_ATTACH);
char szRetBuf[256]; DWORD dwLen = wsprintfA(szRetBuf, "204 HRESULT=0x%.08X;ErrorString=Unable to attach to worker process", hr); pRequestInfo->pServerContext->SendResponseHeader(NULL, szRetBuf, FALSE); pRequestInfo->pServerContext->WriteClient(szRetBuf, &dwLen); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 204, DBG_SUBERR_ATTACH); return FALSE; } m_bDebug = TRUE; HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 200, SUBERR_NONE); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 200, SUBERR_NONE); return FALSE; } else if (!_strnicmp(szCur, "stop-debug", sizeof("stop-debug")-sizeof('\0'))) { m_bDebug = FALSE; HandleError(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, 200, SUBERR_NONE); RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 200, SUBERR_NONE); return FALSE; } else { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 501, SUBERR_NONE); // Not Implemented
return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return FALSE; } } #endif
BOOL DispatchStencilCall(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw(...) { CSetThreadToken sec;
if (!sec.Initialize(pRequestInfo)) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_IMPERSONATIONFAILED); return FALSE; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (!ProcessDebug(pRequestInfo)) return TRUE; #endif
if (pRequestInfo->m_hMutex) { // synchronize in case the previous async_noflush call isn't finished
// setting up state for the next call.
DWORD dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pRequestInfo->m_hMutex, ATLS_ASYNC_MUTEX_TIMEOUT); if (dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwStatus != WAIT_ABANDONED) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED); return FALSE; } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
bool bAsyncAllowed = false; #endif
HTTP_CODE hcErr = HTTP_SUCCESS; if (pRequestInfo->dwRequestState == ATLSRV_STATE_BEGIN) { if (TransmitFromCache(pRequestInfo)) // Page is in the cache, send it and bail
{ // Async Callback will handle freeing pRequestInfo
return TRUE; }
// get the srf filename
LPCSTR szFileName = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetScriptPathTranslated();
if (!szFileName) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED); return FALSE; }
LPCSTR szDot = szFileName + strlen(szFileName) - 1;
// load a handler
if (_stricmp(szDot - ATLS_EXTENSION_LEN, c_AtlSRFExtension) == 0) { pRequestInfo->dwRequestType = ATLSRV_REQUEST_STENCIL; hcErr = LoadDispatchFile(szFileName, pRequestInfo); } else if (_stricmp(szDot - 3, ".dll") == 0) { pRequestInfo->dwRequestType = ATLSRV_REQUEST_DLL; hcErr = LoadDllHandler(szFileName, pRequestInfo); } else { hcErr = HTTP_FAIL; }
if (hcErr) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, HTTP_ERROR_CODE(hcErr), HTTP_SUBERROR_CODE(hcErr)); return TRUE; }
pRequestInfo->pfnHandleRequest = &IRequestHandler::HandleRequest;
// initialize the handler
DWORD dwStatus = 0;
hcErr = pRequestInfo->pHandler->GetFlags(&dwStatus);
if (dwStatus & ATLSRV_INIT_USECACHE && !strcmp(pRequestInfo->pServerContext->GetRequestMethod(), "GET")) { CComObjectNoLock<CCacheServerContext> *pCacheServerContext = NULL; ATLTRY(pCacheServerContext = new CComObjectNoLock<CCacheServerContext>); if (pCacheServerContext == NULL) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_OUTOFMEM); return FALSE; }
pCacheServerContext->Initialize(pRequestInfo->pServerContext, &m_PageCache); pCacheServerContext->AddRef(); pRequestInfo->pServerContext = pCacheServerContext; }
bAsyncAllowed = true; #endif
if (!pRequestInfo->pServerContext->RequestIOCompletion(AsyncCallback, (DWORD *)pRequestInfo)) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, SUBERR_NONE); return FALSE; } }
if (dwStatus & ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX) { pRequestInfo->m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (pRequestInfo->m_hMutex == NULL) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_SYSOBJFAIL); return FALSE; }
DWORD dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pRequestInfo->m_hMutex, 10000); if (dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwStatus != WAIT_ABANDONED) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, ISE_SUBERR_UNEXPECTED); return FALSE; } } hcErr = pRequestInfo->pHandler->InitializeHandler(pRequestInfo, static_cast<IServiceProvider*>(this)); } #ifdef _DEBUG
else // pRequestInfo->dwRequestState != ATLSRV_STATE_BEGIN
{ bAsyncAllowed = true; } #endif
ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo->pfnHandleRequest != NULL);
if (hcErr == HTTP_SUCCESS) hcErr = (pRequestInfo->pHandler->*pRequestInfo->pfnHandleRequest)(pRequestInfo, static_cast<IServiceProvider*>(this)); if (hcErr == HTTP_SUCCESS_NO_CACHE) { CComPtr<IPageCacheControl> spControl; HRESULT hr = pRequestInfo->pServerContext->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IPageCacheControl), (void **)&spControl); if (hr == S_OK) spControl->Cache(FALSE); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
// must use ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC to use ASYNC returns
if (IsAsyncStatus(hcErr)) ATLASSERT(bAsyncAllowed);
// must use ATLSRV_INIT_USEASYNC_EX to use NOFLUSH returns
if (IsAsyncNoFlushStatus(hcErr)) ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo->m_hMutex); #endif
// save hMutex in case pRequestInfo is deleted by AsyncCallback after
// we call StartAsyncFlush but before we check to see if we need to
// call ReleaseMutex
HANDLE hMutex = pRequestInfo->m_hMutex;
if (IsAsyncStatus(hcErr)) { if (IsAsyncDoneStatus(hcErr)) pRequestInfo->dwRequestState = ATLSRV_STATE_DONE; else pRequestInfo->dwRequestState = ATLSRV_STATE_CONTINUE;
if (IsAsyncFlushStatus(hcErr) && !StartAsyncFlush(pRequestInfo)) { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, 500, SUBERR_NONE); pRequestInfo = NULL; } } else { RequestComplete(pRequestInfo, HTTP_ERROR_CODE(hcErr), HTTP_SUBERROR_CODE(hcErr)); pRequestInfo = NULL; }
if (hMutex) ReleaseMutex(hMutex);
return TRUE; }
BOOL StartAsyncFlush(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { if (pRequestInfo->pszBuffer == NULL || pRequestInfo->dwBufferLen == 0) { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
return pRequestInfo->pServerContext->AsyncWriteClient( LPVOID(pRequestInfo->pszBuffer), &pRequestInfo->dwBufferLen); }
long GetTotalRequests() throw() { return m_reqStats.GetTotalRequests(); }
long GetFailedRequests() throw() { return m_reqStats.GetFailedRequests(); }
long GetAvgResponseTime() throw() { return m_reqStats.GetAvgResponseTime(); }
long GetCurrWaiting() throw() { return m_reqStats.GetCurrWaiting(); }
long GetMaxWaiting() throw() { return m_reqStats.GetMaxWaiting(); }
long GetActiveThreads() throw() { return m_reqStats.GetActiveThreads(); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { if (!ppv) return E_POINTER; if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IRequestStats))) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<IRequestStats*>(this)); AddRef(); return S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IServiceProvider))) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<IServiceProvider*>(this)); AddRef(); return S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IIsapiExtension))) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<IIsapiExtension*>(this)); AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { return 1; }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryService( REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) throw() { if (!ppvObject) return E_POINTER;
if (InlineIsEqualGUID(guidService, __uuidof(IDllCache))) return m_DllCache.QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(guidService, __uuidof(IStencilCache))) return m_StencilCache.QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(guidService, __uuidof(IThreadPoolConfig))) return m_ThreadPool.QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(guidService, __uuidof(IAtlMemMgr))) { *ppvObject = static_cast<IAtlMemMgr *>(&m_heap); return S_OK; } #ifndef ATL_NO_SOAP
else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(guidService, __uuidof(ISAXXMLReader))) { CIsapiWorker *p = GetThreadWorker(); ATLASSERT( p != NULL ); return p->m_spReader->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); } #endif
// otherwise look it up in the servicemap
return GetService(guidService, riid, ppvObject); }
virtual HRESULT AddService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, IUnknown *punkService, HINSTANCE hInstance) throw() { if (!m_DllCache.AddRefModule(hInstance)) return E_FAIL;
if (!punkService) return E_INVALIDARG; CCritSecLock Lock(m_critSec.m_sec); ServiceNode srvNode; srvNode.hInst = hInstance; srvNode.punk = punkService; memcpy(&srvNode.guidService, &guidService, sizeof(guidService)); memcpy(&srvNode.riid, &riid, sizeof(riid)); // if the service is already there, return S_FALSE
int nIndex = m_serviceMap.Find(srvNode); if (nIndex >= 0) return S_FALSE;
if (!m_serviceMap.Add(srvNode)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
punkService->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
virtual HRESULT RemoveService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid) throw() { CCritSecLock Lock(m_critSec.m_sec); ServiceNode srvNode; memcpy(&srvNode.guidService, &guidService, sizeof(guidService)); memcpy(&srvNode.riid, &riid, sizeof(riid)); int nIndex = m_serviceMap.Find(srvNode); if (nIndex < 0) return S_FALSE;
ATLASSERT(m_serviceMap[nIndex].punk != NULL); m_serviceMap[nIndex].punk->Release();
HINSTANCE hInstRemove = m_serviceMap[nIndex].hInst;
if (!m_DllCache.ReleaseModule(hInstRemove)) return S_FALSE;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) throw() { if (!ppvObject) return E_POINTER;
*ppvObject = NULL; if (!m_serviceMap.GetSize()) return E_NOINTERFACE;
ServiceNode srvNode; memcpy(&srvNode.guidService, &guidService, sizeof(guidService)); memcpy(&srvNode.riid, &riid, sizeof(riid));
CCritSecLock Lock(m_critSec.m_sec); int nIndex = m_serviceMap.Find(srvNode); if (nIndex < 0) return E_NOINTERFACE;
ATLASSERT(m_serviceMap[nIndex].punk != NULL); return m_serviceMap[nIndex].punk->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); }
HTTP_CODE LoadRequestHandler(LPCSTR szDllPath, LPCSTR szHandlerName, IHttpServerContext *pServerContext, HINSTANCE *phInstance, IRequestHandler **ppHandler) throw() { return _AtlLoadRequestHandler(szDllPath, szHandlerName, pServerContext, phInstance, ppHandler, this, static_cast<IDllCache*>(&m_DllCache)); } // LoadRequestHandler
}; // class CIsapiExtension
typedef BOOL (*CREATEHANDLERFUNC)(IIsapiExtension *pExtension, IUnknown **ppOut); typedef BOOL (*INITHANDLERFUNC)(IHttpServerContext*, IIsapiExtension*); typedef void (*UNINITHANDLERFUNC)();
struct _HANDLER_ENTRY { LPCSTR szName; CREATEHANDLERFUNC pfnCreate; INITHANDLERFUNC pfnInit; UNINITHANDLERFUNC pfnUninit; }; // definitions of data segments and _HANDLER_ENTRY delimiters
#pragma data_seg(push)
#pragma data_seg("ATLS$A")
__declspec(selectany) ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY * __phdlrA = NULL; #pragma data_seg("ATLS$Z")
__declspec(selectany) ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY * __phdlrZ = NULL; #pragma data_seg("ATLS$C")
#pragma data_seg(pop)
#if defined(_M_IX86)
#define HANDLER_ENTRY_PRAGMA(class, line) __pragma(comment(linker, "/include:___phdlrEntry_" #class "_" #line))
#elif defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_IA64)
#define HANDLER_ENTRY_PRAGMA(class, line) __pragma(comment(linker, "/include:__phdlrEntry_" #class "_" #line))
#error Unknown Platform. define HANDLER_ENTRY_PRAGMA
#define __DECLARE_REQUEST_HANDLER_INTERNAL(handlerName, className, lineNum) \
__declspec(selectany) ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY __hdlrEntry_ ## className ## _ ## lineNum = { handlerName, className::CreateRequestHandler, className::InitRequestHandlerClass, className::UninitRequestHandlerClass }; \ extern "C" __declspec(allocate("ATLS$C")) __declspec(selectany) \ ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY * __phdlrEntry_ ## className ## _ ## lineNum = &__hdlrEntry_ ## className ## _ ## lineNum; \ HANDLER_ENTRY_PRAGMA(className, lineNum) \ __if_not_exists(GetAtlHandlerByName) \ { \ extern "C" ATL_NOINLINE inline BOOL __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall GetAtlHandlerByName(LPCSTR szHandlerName, IIsapiExtension *pExtension, IUnknown **ppHandler) throw() \ { \ *ppHandler = NULL; \ ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY **pEntry = &__phdlrA; \ while (pEntry != &__phdlrZ) \ { \ if (*pEntry && (*pEntry)->szName) \ { \ if (strcmp((*pEntry)->szName, szHandlerName)==0) \ { \ return (*(*pEntry)->pfnCreate)(pExtension, ppHandler); \ } \ } \ pEntry++; \ } \ return FALSE; \ } \ extern "C" ATL_NOINLINE inline BOOL __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall InitializeAtlHandlers(IHttpServerContext *pContext, IIsapiExtension *pExt) throw() \ { \ ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY **pEntry = &__phdlrA; \ BOOL bRet = TRUE; \ while (pEntry != &__phdlrZ) \ { \ if (*pEntry && (*pEntry)->szName && (*pEntry)->pfnInit) \ { \ bRet = (*(*pEntry)->pfnInit)(pContext, pExt); \ if (!bRet) \ break; \ } \ pEntry++; \ } \ if (!bRet) \ { \ if (pEntry == &__phdlrA) \ return FALSE; \ do \ { \ pEntry--; \ (*(*pEntry)->pfnUninit)(); \ } \ while (pEntry != &__phdlrA); \ } \ return bRet; \ } \ extern "C" ATL_NOINLINE inline void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall UninitializeAtlHandlers() throw() \ {\ ATL::_HANDLER_ENTRY **pEntry = &__phdlrA; \ while (pEntry != &__phdlrZ) \ { \ if (*pEntry && (*pEntry)->szName && (*pEntry)->pfnUninit) \ { \ (*(*pEntry)->pfnUninit)(); \ } \ pEntry++; \ } \ } \ }
// TODO (jasjitg): When __COUNTER__ becomes available, replace __LINE__ with that
#define __DECLARE_REQUEST_HANDLER(handlerName, className, lineNum) __DECLARE_REQUEST_HANDLER_INTERNAL(handlerName, className, lineNum)
#define DECLARE_REQUEST_HANDLER(handlerName, className) __DECLARE_REQUEST_HANDLER(handlerName, className, __COUNTER__)
#define HANDLER_ENTRY(handlerName, className) DECLARE_REQUEST_HANDLER(handlerName, className)
#define HANDLER_ENTRY_SDL(handlerString, handlerClass, sdlClassName)\
__declspec(selectany) LPCSTR s_szClassName##handlerClass=handlerString;\ typedef CSDLGenerator<handlerClass, s_szClassName##handlerClass> sdlClassName; \ HANDLER_ENTRY(handlerString, handlerClass)\ HANDLER_ENTRY(#sdlClassName, sdlClassName)
// Use this class to check the authorization level of a client who is making
// a request to this application. This class checks for the stronger authentication
// levels (NTLM and Negotiate). You can call it directly from an implementation
// of HandleRequest to check authorization before handling a request.
#define MAX_AUTH_TYPE 50
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 255
template <class T> class CVerifyAuth { public: HTTP_CODE IsAuthorized(AtlServerRequest *pInfo, const SID* psidAuthGroup) throw() { HTTP_CODE hcErr = HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED; char szAuthType[MAX_AUTH_TYPE]; DWORD dwSize = MAX_AUTH_TYPE; if (pInfo->pServerContext->GetServerVariable("AUTH_TYPE", szAuthType, &dwSize)) { if (szAuthType[0] && (!_stricmp(szAuthType, "NTLM") || !_stricmp(szAuthType, "Negotiate"))) { // if we were passed a group name
// we check to see that the logged on user is part
// of that group, else we just return success.
if (psidAuthGroup) { T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); if (pT->CheckAccount(pInfo->pServerContext, psidAuthGroup)) hcErr = HTTP_SUCCESS; else hcErr = pT->HandleError(pInfo); } else hcErr = HTTP_SUCCESS; } } return hcErr; }
bool CheckAccount(IHttpServerContext *pContext, const SID *psidAuthGroup) throw() { pContext; // unused
psidAuthGroup; // unused
return true; }
HTTP_CODE HandleError(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { pRequestInfo; // unused
return HTTP_FAIL; } bool CheckAuthAccount(IHttpServerContext *pContext, const SID* psidAuthGroup) throw() { ATLASSERT(pContext); ATLASSERT(psidAuthGroup); if (!pContext || !psidAuthGroup) return false;
HANDLE hToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (!pContext->GetImpersonationToken(&hToken) || hToken == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
CAccessToken tok; tok.Attach(hToken, true);
bool bIsMember; bool bRet = tok.CheckTokenMembership(CSid(psidAuthGroup), &bIsMember);
if (!bRet) return false;
return bIsMember; } };
// Checks that the user that is logging on is in the required group
class CDefaultAuth : public CVerifyAuth<CDefaultAuth> { public: bool CheckAccount(IHttpServerContext *pContext, const SID* psidAuthGroup) throw() { return CheckAuthAccount(pContext, psidAuthGroup); }
HTTP_CODE HandleError(AtlServerRequest *pRequestInfo) throw() { ATLASSERT(pRequestInfo); // should always be valid
CHttpResponse response(pRequestInfo->pServerContext); response.Write(GetErrorResponse()); response.Flush(); return HTTP_SUCCESS_NO_PROCESS; }
virtual LPCSTR GetErrorResponse() throw() { static const char *szResponse = "<html><body>" "<H1 align=center>NOT AUTHORIZED</H1><p>" "</body></html>"; return szResponse; }
} // namespace ATL
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // __ATLISAPI_H__