#include "pmcfg.h"
#include "mru.h"
PpMRU::PpMRU(int nSize) : m_nSize(nSize) { m_ppszList = new LPTSTR[nSize]; ZeroMemory(m_ppszList, m_nSize * sizeof(LPTSTR)); }
PpMRU::~PpMRU() { int nIndex;
if(m_ppszList) { for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nSize; nIndex++) { if(m_ppszList[nIndex]) delete [] m_ppszList[nIndex]; }
delete [] m_ppszList; } }
BOOL PpMRU::insert ( LPCTSTR sz ) { int nIndex; LPTSTR szNew;
// If the string is already in the list, just
// reshuffle so that it is at the top. Even
// simpler, if the string is already the first
// item in the list then do nothing!
if(m_ppszList[0] && lstrcmp(sz, m_ppszList[0]) == 0) return TRUE;
for(nIndex = 1; nIndex < m_nSize && m_ppszList[nIndex]; nIndex++) { if(lstrcmp(sz, m_ppszList[nIndex]) == 0) { LPTSTR szTemp = m_ppszList[nIndex]; for(int nIndex2 = nIndex; nIndex2 > 0; nIndex2--) m_ppszList[nIndex2] = m_ppszList[nIndex2 - 1];
m_ppszList[0] = szTemp; return TRUE; } }
// New item in list. Allocate memory, copy and
// shove list down.
szNew = new TCHAR[lstrlen(sz) + 1]; if(!szNew) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(szNew, sz);
if(m_ppszList[m_nSize - 1]) delete [] m_ppszList[m_nSize - 1];
for(nIndex = m_nSize - 1; nIndex > 0; nIndex--) { m_ppszList[nIndex] = m_ppszList[nIndex - 1]; }
m_ppszList[0] = szNew;
return TRUE; }
LPCTSTR PpMRU::operator[] ( int nIndex ) { return m_ppszList[nIndex]; }
BOOL PpMRU::load ( LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szFilename ) { int nIndex; TCHAR achNumBuf[16]; TCHAR achBuf[MAX_PATH];
for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nSize; nIndex++) { _itot(nIndex + 1, achNumBuf, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, achNumBuf, TEXT(""), achBuf, MAX_PATH, szFilename);
if(lstrlen(achBuf)) { m_ppszList[nIndex] = new TCHAR[lstrlen(achBuf) + 1]; if(m_ppszList[nIndex]) lstrcpy(m_ppszList[nIndex], achBuf); } else { m_ppszList[nIndex] = NULL; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL PpMRU::save ( LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szFilename ) { int nIndex; TCHAR achNumBuf[16];
// Make sure any previously existing section is erased.
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, NULL, NULL, szFilename);
// Now save all the entries.
for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nSize && m_ppszList[nIndex]; nIndex++) { _itot(nIndex + 1, achNumBuf, 10);
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, achNumBuf, m_ppszList[nIndex], szFilename ); }
return TRUE; }