// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: authdata.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes: CAuthData, CAuthDataArray
// Functions: CAuthDataArray::Create (static function)
// History: 30-Sep-93 WadeR Created
#include <secpch2.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <authdata.hxx>
#define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
// Member: CAuthDataList::Add
// Synopsis: Adds a new element to the list
// Effects:
// Arguments: [adtType] -- Type of new elemebt
// [pbSrc] -- data for new element
// [cbSrc] -- size of new element
// Returns: 0 or size required to do this.
// History: 30-Sep-93 WadeR Created
// Notes: If pbSrc is NULL, it only allocates space and doesn't copy.
CAuthData* CAuthDataList::Add( const AuthDataType adtType, const BYTE * pbSrc, ULONG cbSrc ) { ULONG cbRequired = SizeOfAuthData( cbSrc ); ULONG cbAvail = _cbSize - _cbUsed;
if (cbRequired > cbAvail) { return(NULL); }
CAuthData* padNewElement = (CAuthData*) ((PBYTE) this + _cbUsed ); padNewElement->adtDataType = adtType; padNewElement->cbData = cbSrc; if (pbSrc) RtlCopyMemory( padNewElement->abData, pbSrc, cbSrc );
_cbUsed += cbRequired;
return(padNewElement); };
// Member: CAuthDataList::Add
// Synopsis: Adds the contents of a CAuthDataList to this CAuthDataList
// Effects:
// Arguments: [cadlList] -- List to add from.
// Requires: this list be large enough.
// Returns: TRUE if there's room, FALSE otherwise.
// Signals: none
// History: 01-Apr-94 wader Created
// Notes:
BOOLEAN CAuthDataList::Add( const CAuthDataList& cadlList ) {
// Don't need to copy the new header. If CAuthDataList's header
// changes, this must change as well.
DsysAssert( 2*sizeof( ULONG ) == (PBYTE) &cadlList._adData[0] - (PBYTE) &cadlList ); ULONG cbRequired = cadlList._cbUsed - 2 * sizeof( ULONG ); ULONG cbAvail = _cbSize - _cbUsed;
if (cbRequired > cbAvail) { return(FALSE); } PBYTE pbEnd = ((PBYTE)this) + _cbUsed; RtlCopyMemory( pbEnd, &cadlList._adData[0], cbRequired ); _cbUsed += cbRequired; return(TRUE); }
// Member: CAuthDataList::Create
// Synopsis: Creates a new CAuthDataList
// Effects: may allocate memory
// Arguments: [cbList] -- Size of the list to create (see SizeOfAuthDataList)
// [pbStorage] -- (optional) memory to create it in.
// Returns: pointer to newly created list, or NULL if no memory
// History: 01-Apr-94 wader Created
// Notes: If pnStorage is non-NULL, it builds the list in pbStorage and
// returns pbStorage. If it's null, it allocates space with NEW
// and builds the list there.
CAuthDataList * CAuthDataList::Create( ULONG cbList, PBYTE pbStorage ) { DsysAssert( cbList >= SizeOfAuthDataList( SizeOfAuthData( 1 )) );
if (pbStorage == NULL) pbStorage = new BYTE [ cbList ];
CAuthDataList *padlNewList = (CAuthDataList*)pbStorage;
padlNewList->_cbSize = cbList; padlNewList->_cbUsed = SizeOfAuthDataList(0);
return(padlNewList); }
// Member: CAuthDataList::FindFirst
// Synopsis: Finds the first CAuthData in the CAuthDataList
// Arguments: [adtType] -- Type of CAuthData to find.
// Returns: pointer to CAuthData, or NULL
// History: 01-Apr-94 wader Created
// Notes: See header for CAuthDataList for usage.
PAuthData CAuthDataList::FindFirst( AuthDataType adtType ) const {
// Don't need to check that the list contains anything, because
// if the list is empty, padTemp == padTheEnd, and the loop is skipped.
const CAuthData *const padTheEnd = (CAuthData *)((PBYTE) this + _cbUsed); const CAuthData * padTemp = &_adData[0];
if (adtType != Any) { while ( (padTemp < padTheEnd ) && (padTemp->adtDataType != adtType) ) { padTemp = (CAuthData*) ( ((PBYTE) padTemp) + SizeOfAuthData(padTemp->cbData) ); } }
if ( padTemp == padTheEnd ) { return(NULL); } else { return((PAuthData)padTemp); }
// Member: CAuthDataList::FindNext
// Synopsis: Finds the next CAuthData in the CAuthDataList
// Effects:
// Arguments: [padCurrent] -- Starting CAuthData to search from
// [adtType] -- type to look for
// Returns: pointer to CAuthData, or NULL
// History: 01-Apr-94 wader Created
// Notes: See header for CAuthDataList for usage.
PAuthData CAuthDataList::FindNext( PAuthData padCurrent, AuthDataType adtType ) const { //
// Don't need to check that the list contains anything, because
// if the list is empty, padTemp == padTheEnd, and the loop is skipped.
const CAuthData *const padTheEnd = (CAuthData *)((PBYTE) this + _cbUsed); const CAuthData * padTemp = padCurrent;
DsysAssert( padCurrent >= &_adData[0] && padCurrent < padTheEnd );
if (adtType == Any) { padTemp = (CAuthData*) ( ((PBYTE) padTemp) + SizeOfAuthData(padTemp->cbData) ); } else { do { padTemp = (CAuthData*) ( ((PBYTE) padTemp) + SizeOfAuthData(padTemp->cbData) ); } while ( (padTemp < padTheEnd ) && (padTemp->adtDataType != adtType) ); }
if ( padTemp == padTheEnd ) { return(NULL); } else { return((PAuthData)padTemp); } }
// Member: CAuthDataList::IsValid
// Synopsis: Checks to see if this is a valid CAuthDataList.
// Effects: none.
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns: TRUE iff this is valid.
// History: 17-May-94 wader Created
// Notes: IsBadReadPtr
BOOLEAN CAuthDataList::IsValid() const { BOOLEAN fResult = TRUE; __try { const BYTE * p;
// Does the size make sense?
if (_cbUsed > _cbSize) { fResult = FALSE; }
// Probe the end of the data
p = ((PBYTE)this) + _cbSize; (volatile) *p;
// Check each entry
const CAuthData * const padTheEnd = (CAuthData *)((PBYTE) this + _cbUsed); const CAuthData * padTemp = &_adData[0];
while ( (padTemp < padTheEnd ) && fResult == TRUE ) {
// In the extremely unlikely event that an AuthData spans several
// pages, and some of the pages are missing in the middle, we'll
// probe the middle of it.
if (padTemp->cbData > PAGE_SIZE ) { for (p = padTemp->abData; p < &padTemp->abData[padTemp->cbData]; p += PAGE_SIZE) { (volatile ULONG) *(PULONG) (p); } }
padTemp = (CAuthData*) ( ((PBYTE) padTemp) + SizeOfAuthData(padTemp->cbData) ); }
if (padTemp != padTheEnd) { fResult = FALSE; }
} __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { fResult = FALSE; } return(fResult); }