Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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151 lines
2.2 KiB

  1. !ifndef ROOT
  2. ROOT=$(MAKEDIR:\av\callcont=)
  3. !endif
  4. !ifndef DEVROOT
  5. DEVROOT=$(ROOT)\dev
  6. !endif
  7. !include $(DEVROOT)\
  9. MINORCOMP=callcont
  10. TARGETNAME=callcont
  13. #DLLDEF=callcont.def
  14. DLLENTRY=DllMain
  15. # Enable lego build
  16. BBTCOMP=1
  17. LINKLIBS= $(ROOT)\nmutil\nmutila\$(O)\nmutila.lib
  18. TARGETLIBS=$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \
  19. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \
  20. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \
  21. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \
  22. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\wsock32.lib \
  23. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\rpcrt4.lib \
  24. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\msasn1.lib \
  25. $(ROOT)\av\intelcc\isrdbg32\$(O)\isrdbg32.lib
  26. #uncomment the following line to build CALLCONT.DLL with plug-in gatekeeper support
  28. INCLUDES=.\include;$(INCLUDES)
  29. #
  30. # List of sources
  31. #
  32. SOURCES= callman.c \
  33. q931man.c\
  34. chanman.c\
  35. confman.c\
  36. callcont.c\
  37. listman.c\
  38. hangman.c\
  39. userman.c\
  40. ccutils.c\
  41. h245man.c \
  42. gkiman.c \
  43. callcon2.c \
  44. api_dwn.c \
  45. api_debu.c \
  46. api_up.c \
  47. api_util.c \
  48. fsm.c \
  49. fsmapi.c \
  50. fsminit.c \
  51. h225asn.c \
  52. h245asn.c \
  53. h245pdu.c \
  54. h245deb.c \
  55. h245init.c \
  56. h245main.c \
  57. h245recv.c \
  58. h245send.c \
  59. h245sys.c \
  60. h245_sr.c \
  61. mlse.c \
  62. mrse.c \
  63. mstrslv.c \
  64. muxentry.c \
  65. openb.c \
  66. openu.c \
  67. pdu.c \
  68. pduparse.c \
  69. rmese.c \
  70. rqstcls.c \
  71. rtdse.c \
  72. termcap.c \
  73. hcall.cpp \
  74. hlisten.c\
  75. q931.c\
  76. q931pdu.c\
  77. utils.c \
  78. dcall.cpp \
  79. coder.cpp \
  80. Debug.cpp \
  81. DISCOVER.Cpp \
  82. GATEKPR.Cpp \
  83. gki.cpp \
  84. GKIADM.Cpp \
  85. GKIBW.Cpp \
  86. GKIDENG.Cpp \
  87. GKILOC.Cpp \
  88. GKIREG.Cpp \
  89. GKREG.Cpp \
  90. GKIUNREG.Cpp \
  91. gksocket.cpp \
  92. postrecv.cpp \
  93. h245ws.cpp \
  94. h245wsrx.cpp \
  95. h245wstx.cpp \
  96. hwsdebug.c \
  97. queue.c \
  98. interop.cpp \
  99. ver.rc
  100. #
  101. # Precompiled specs
  102. #
  103. PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = precomp.h
  104. PRECOMPILED_PCH = precomp.pch
  105. PRECOMPILED_cpp = precomp.obj
  108. macocidl.h\
  109. macwin32.h\
  110. rpcerr.h\
  111. rpcmac.h\
  112. winwlm.h\
  113. macname1.h\
  114. macname2.h\
  115. macpub.h\
  116. macapi.h\
  117. common.x\
  118. h245sys.x\
  119. sendrcv.x\
  120. oil.x\
  121. api_util.x\
  122. pdu.x\
  123. api_debu.x\
  124. h245deb.x\
  125. h223api.h\
  126. unifix.h