use Win32::Process; #allows multiprocessing use Win32API::Registry 0.13 qw( :ALL );
sub Isx86() { return(lc($PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) eq "x86"); }
sub IsAlpha() { return(lc($PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) eq "alpha"); }
# RemovePath()
# simply returns the path from a string argument (retains arguments passed as well)
# a-jbilas, 04/10/99
sub RemovePath { local($sFile) = @_; $sFile =~ s/^\S*\/(\S*\b)/$1/g; $sFile =~ s/^\S*\\(\S*\b)/$1/g; return($sFile); }
# GetPath()
# simply returns the path from a string (filename) argument
# a-jbilas, 05/11/99
sub GetPath { local($sFile) = @_; $sFile =~ s/\//\\/g; $sFile =~ s/\s+.*$//g; $sFile =~ s/\\[^\\]*$//g; return($sFile); }
# IsMemberOf()
# returns 1 if the first argument is found in the other arguments, 0 otherwise # comparisons are case-insensitive
# I've been too lazy to implement __LAZY mode, but the idea is that if a list # is passed with __LAZY as one of its arguments, word completion matching will occur
# a-jbilas, 03/20/99 - created
sub IsMemberOf { carp("Usage: bool IsMemberOf(item, list) ") unless(@_ >= 1);
if (scalar(@_) == 1) { PrintL("Warning: empty list passed to IsMemberOf(@_ ...)\n", PL_VERBOSE); }
my($item) = $_[0]; shift(@_);
if ($_[0] eq "__LAZY") #compare first letters only (lazy mode) { $item =~ s/^(.).*/$1/; foreach $member (@_) { $member =~ s/^(.).*/$1/; #assume that item will not be _.*
if (lc($item) eq lc($member)) { return(1); } } } else { foreach $member (@_) { if (lc($item) eq lc($member)) { return(1); } } }
return(0); }
sub IsSubstrOf { carp("Usage: bool IsSubstrOf(item, list) ") unless(@_ >= 1);
my($elem) = $_[0]; shift(@_);
foreach $member (@_) { if ($member =~ /$elem/i) { return(1); } }
return(0); }
# FmtDeltaTime()
# takes a ctime difference number and returns the difference formatted in an (hour), # minute, second string
# dougp, 03/20/99 - created
sub FmtDeltaTime { local($diff) = @_; local($min) = int($diff / 60); local($sec) = $diff - $min * 60; local($hour) = int($min / 60); $min = $min - $hour * 60; if ($hour > 0) { return sprintf("%2d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec); } else { return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $min, $sec); } }
# Intersect()
# returns common elements of two lists (does not modify lists) # NOTE: remember to use * notation when calling (call by reference)
# a-jbilas, 05/10/99 - created
sub Intersect { local(*list1, *list2) = @_; my(@m_lIntersectList) = (); foreach $elem (@list1) { if (IsMemberOf($elem, @list2)) { push(@m_lIntersectList, $elem); } } return(@m_lIntersectList); } ####################################################################################
# Subtract()
# returns elements in passed list 1 but not in passed list 2 (does not modify lists) # NOTE: remember to use * notation when calling (call by reference)
# a-jbilas, 06/18/99 - created
sub Subtract { local(*list1, *list2) = @_; local(@m_lSubtractList) = (); foreach $elem (@list1) { if (!IsMemberOf($elem, @list2)) { @m_lSubtractList = ($elem, @m_lSubtractList); } } return(@m_lSubtractList); }
# Union()
# returns elements in passed list 1 appended with elements in passed list 2 (no duplicates, # does not modify lists) # NOTE: remember to use * notation when calling (call by reference)
# a-jbilas, 06/21/99 - created
sub Union { local(*list1, *list2) = @_; my(@m_lUnionList) = @list1; foreach $elem (@list2) { if (!IsMemberOf($elem, @m_lUnionList)) { @m_lUnionList = (@m_lUnionList, $elem); } } return(@m_lUnionList); }
# RemoveFromList()
# remove all occurrences of an element from a list # returns the number of occurrences found in the list # NOTE: remember to use * notation when calling (call by reference)
# a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created
sub RemoveFromList { carp("Usage: bool RemoveFromList(item, list) ") unless(@_ >= 1);
if (@_ == 1) { if ($bVerbose) { print(STDOUT "Warning: empty list passed to RemoveFromList(@_ ...)\n"); } return(0); } local($item, *list) = @_; local($occurences) = 0; for ($index = (@list - 1) ; $index >= 0 ; --$index) { if ($list[$index] =~ /^$item$/) { splice(@list, $index, 1); ++$occurences; } } if ($bVerbose) { print(STDOUT "Warning: no occurences of $item in @list found in RemoveFromList()\n"); } return($occurences); }
# SpawnProcess()
# Spawns a new instance of specified application in param1, with arguments in param2 # return Process Object on success, 0 on failure
# if third param provided: calling process will wait on called process for n seconds # or until the process exits. If process has not exited by specified time, it will # be killed - returns false if process failure, forced kill, process ID if process # successfully exited within specified time
# a-jbilas, 06/01/99 - created
sub SpawnProcess($;$$) { local($sTheApp, $sTheArgs, $nTimeout) = @_; local($pTheApp) = 0;
if ($sTheApp !~ /(\/|\\)/) { my($sTheAppWithPath) = FindOnPath($sTheApp); if ($sTheAppWithPath) { $sTheApp = $sTheAppWithPath; } } if (!-e $sTheApp) { PrintL("Cannot spawn process, '$sTheApp' does not exist\n", PL_BIGERROR); } else { PrintL(" - Spawning new instance of '$sTheApp $sTheArgs'\n"); if (!Win32::Process::Create($pTheApp, $sTheApp, RemovePath($sTheApp)." ".$sTheArgs, 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ".")) { PrintL("SpawnProcess() Error\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock(Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError())); $pTheApp = 0; } elsif ($nTimeout ne "") { $pTheApp->Wait($nTimeout * 1000); if (IsProcessRunning($pTheApp)) { $pTheApp->Kill(1); use integer; PrintL($sTheApp." process still running after ".($nTimeout)." seconds, process killed\n", (IsCritical() ? PL_BIGERROR : PL_ERROR)); $pTheApp = 0; } } }
return($pTheApp); }
sub IsProcessRunning($) { if (!$_[0]) { return(0); } else { if ($_[0]->Wait(1)) { return(0); } else { return(1); } } }
# GetBuildNumber()
# returns the official buildnumber based on OTOOLS standards (at startyear, monthoffset)
# a-jbilas, 04/10/99 - created
sub GetBuildNumber #stolen from monthday.c { # REVIEW: anyone use gz time? carp("Usage: GetBuildNumber([startyear], [monthoffset]) ") unless (@_ < 3);
local($nStartYear, $nMonthOffset) = @_; if ($nStartYear eq "") { $nStartYear = 1999; } local($nCurYear, $nCurMon, $nCurDay, $x) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
($x, $x, $x, $nCurDay, $nCurMon, $nCurYear, $x, $x, $x) = localtime(time()); local($nBaseMonth) = $nCurMon + 1 + ($nCurYear - ($nStartYear - 1900) ) * 12;
if (defined $nMonthOffset) { $nBaseMonth = $nBaseMonth + $nMonthOffset; } # stick leading 0's in front if single digit values #if (length($nBaseMonth) == 1) { $nBaseMonth = "0$nBaseMonth"; } #nBaseMonth is actually cast to a string here #if (length($nCurDay) == 1) { $nCurDay = "0$sCurDay"; } #nCurDay is actually cast to a string here #return("$nBaseMonth$nCurDay"); return sprintf "%02d%02d", $nBaseMonth, $nCurDay; }
# Pause()
# pauses the program until user hits 'enter' key # (for breakpoint/testing only, don't leave in build) # a-jbilas, 03/10/99 - created
sub Pause() { print(STDOUT "press <enter> to continue ...\n"); while(<STDIN> ne "\n") {} }
# TranslateToHTTP()
# returns the http address of a file
# a-jbilas, 07/01/99 - created
sub TranslateToHTTP($) { my($sLog) = @_;
if ($sLog =~ /wwwroot/) { $sLog =~ s/\\/\//g; $sLog =~ s/wwwroot\///i; return("http:".$sLog); } else { $sLog =~ s/\\/\//g; return("file:".$sLog); } }
# Windiff()
# Spawns a new instance of Windiff and compares the two given filename arguments # return Process Object on success, 0 on failure
# a-jbilas, 06/01/99 - created
sub Windiff($$) { local($file1, $file2) = @_; local($pWindiff) = 0;
if (!-e $file1) { PrintToLogErr("Cannot run windiff, '$file1' does not exist\n"); } elsif (!-e $file2) { PrintToLogErr("Cannot run windiff, '$file2' does not exist\n"); } else { PrintToLog(" - Spawning new instance of 'windiff $file1 $file2'\n"); if (!Win32::Process::Create($pWindiff, $cmdWindiff, "windiff $file1 $file2", 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ".")) { PrintToLogErr("Windiff() Error: ".Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError())); $pWindiff = 0; } }
return($pWindiff); }
# GetOS()
# Stolen from smueller off the PDK newsgroup
# a-jbilas, 06/16/99 - created
sub GetOS() { if (defined &Win32::IsWinNT && Win32::IsWinNT) { return("NT"); } elsif (defined &Win32::IsWin95 && Win32::IsWin95) { return("95"); } else { return($^O); } }
# WriteArrayToExcel()
# Passed an Excel doc (short form) language and list, the array will be written to the appropriate # Excel spreadsheet bvtperf.xls column and percent diffs will be added to the previous column # NOTE: plData is a pointer to a list
# globals used: $sBuildNumber
# a-jbilas, 06/17/99 - created
sub WriteArrayToExcel { carp("Usage: WriteArrayToExcel(sExcelDoc, sLanguage, plData) ") unless(@_ == 3);
local($m_sExcelDoc, $m_sLang, *m_lData) = @_; local($rc) = 1;
if ($bOfficialBuild && !$bNoCopy) { PrintL(" - Recording results to server ...\n", PL_BLUE); eval { $ex = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') }; if ($@) { PrintL("Error in GetExcelSheet(): Excel not installed\n", PL_ERROR); $rc = 0; } elsif (!defined $ex) { $ex = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', sub {$_[0]->Quit;}); if (!$ex) { PrintL("Error in GetExcelSheet(): Cannot start Excel\n", PL_ERROR); $rc = 0; } }
if ($rc) { my($book) = $ex->Workbooks->Open($m_sExcelDoc); my($sheet) = $book->Worksheets(1); my($currentCell) = 'A1'; my($nBuildNumber) = $sBuildNumber; # must remove leading zero to compare with Excel $nBuildNumber =~ s/^0+//; while (lc($sheet->Range($currentCell)->{'Value'}) ne lc($m_sLang)) { $currentCell = NextRow($currentCell); }
# we are now at the correct language in the spreadsheet (but we need to get to the correct build)
my($prevCell) = NextColumn($currentCell); $currentCell = NextColumn($prevCell); # assume first buildnumber will never be blank while ($sheet->Range(NextColumn($currentCell))->{'Value'} ne "" && $sheet->Range(NextColumn($currentCell))->{'Value'} ne $nBuildNumber) { $prevCell = NextColumn($currentCell); $currentCell = NextColumn($prevCell); }
# we are now at the correct build column header (if its already there, we'll just overwrite it)
# this ugly bit of script will enter the values of @lFullTimeResults into the Excell # doc and enter the differencing equation in the previous column
my($resultCell) = NextColumn($currentCell); $sheet->Range($currentCell)->{'Value'} = '-->'; $sheet->Range($resultCell)->{'Value'} = $nBuildNumber;
$prevCell = NextRow($prevCell); $currentCell = NextRow($currentCell); $resultCell = NextRow($resultCell);
for ($index = 0 ; $index < @m_lData; ++$index) { $prevCell = NextRow($prevCell); $currentCell = NextRow($currentCell); $resultCell = NextRow($resultCell); $sheet->Range($resultCell)->{'Value'} = $m_lData[$index]; $sheet->Range($currentCell)->{'Value'} = "\=IF(".$resultCell."\=0, 0 , ".$resultCell."\/".$prevCell."-1)"; }
# save and exit if (!$book->Save) { PrintL("Error: could not save Excel timing log\n", PL_ERROR); $rc = 0; } undef $book; undef $ex; } }
return($rc); }
# GetActiveCodePage()
# returns the active code page for your shell (as a string)
# a-jbilas, 05/18/99 - created
sub GetActiveCodePage() { local($_Execute) = 1; my($success) = Execute('chcp', 0, "QUIET"); my($sCodePage) = $_Execute; undef $_Execute; if ($success) { chomp($sCodePage); $sCodePage =~ s/[^\d]*(\d+)[^\d]*/$1/; } else { $sCodePage = ""; } return($sCodePage); }
# NextColumn(), NextColumnHelper()
# Excell helper function # given a cell descriptor string (ex. 'A1') it returns a cell descriptor for the # next column (of the same row) # returns null on failure
# a-jbilas, 06/08/99 - created
sub NextColumn($) { carp("Usage: NextColumn(cell) ") unless(@_ == 1);
my($sCell) = @_; my($sRow) = @_; my($sColumn) = @_; $sColumn =~ s/(\s|\d)//g; $sRow =~ s/[^\d]//g; $sColumn = uc($sColumn);
if (length($sColumn - 1) <= 0) { carp("invalid cell $sCell "); return(""); }
return(NextColumnHelper($sColumn).$sRow); }
sub NextColumnHelper($) { my($inputString) = @_; my($rightChar) = substr($inputString, length($inputString) - 1, 1); my($leftChars) = substr($inputString, 0, length($inputString) - 1);
if ($rightChar eq 'Z') { $rightChar = 'A'; return(NextColumnHelper($leftChars).$rightChar); } elsif ($rightChar eq '') { $rightChar = 'A'; } else { ++$rightChar; return($leftChars.$rightChar); } }
# NextRow()
# Excell helper function # given a cell descriptor string (ex. 'A1') it returns a cell descriptor for the # next row (of the same column)
# a-jbilas, 06/08/99 - created
sub NextRow($) { carp("Usage: NextRow(cell) ") unless(@_ == 1);
my($sCell) = @_; my($sRow) = @_; my($sColumn) = @_; $sColumn =~ s/(\s|\d)//g; $sRow =~ s/[^\d]//g; $sRow = $sRow + 1; return($sColumn.$sRow); }
sub GetDayRange { my($nNow) = time(); my($x, $nDay, $nMon, $nYear); ($x, $x, $x, $nDay, $nMon, $nYear, $x, $x, $x) = localtime($nNow); my ($retVal) = ($nMon + 1).'/'.$nDay.'/'.($nYear + 1900); if (!$_[0]) { return($retVal); } ($x, $x, $x, $nDay, $nMon, $nYear, $x, $x, $x) = localtime($nNow - $_[0] * 24 * 60 * 60); return(($nMon + 1).'/'.$nDay.'/'.($nYear + 1900)); }
sub ResizeString($$) { my($str, $size) = @_;
if (length($str) > $size) { if ($size < 6) { PrintL("CondenseString() error: Size must be greater than 5", PL_BIGWARNING); return($str); } my($size1) = (($size / 2) + ($size % 2)) - 2; my($size2) = ($size / 2) - 1; my($newStr) = substr($str, 0, $size1); $newStr .= "..."; $newStr .= substr($str, (length($str) - $size2 + 1), $size2); return($newStr); } elsif (length($str) < $size) { return($str." " x ($size - length($str))); } else { return($str); } }
sub HTMLToStr($) { my($str) = $_[0]; $str =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; return($str); }
sub GetKeyCaseInsensitive { my($matchkey, %hash) = @_; foreach $key (keys(%hash)) { if (lc($key) eq lc($matchkey)) { return($hash{$key}); } }
return(""); }
sub SetKeyCaseInsensitive { local($matchkey, $setkey, *hash) = @_; foreach $key (keys(%hash)) { if (lc($key) eq lc($matchkey)) { $hash{$key} = $setkey; return(1); } }
return(0); }
sub RunCheckShip { my($rc) = 1; my($sErrors) = ""; foreach $file (@_) { local($_Execute) = 1; Execute($cmdChkShip.' -chxsl '.$file); foreach $line (split("\n", $_Execute)) { if (!/No clean mapping found/) { $sErrors .= $line."\n"; } } undef $_Execute; }
if ($sErrors) { PrintL("\n"); PrintL("CheckShip Errors\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($sErrors); PrintL(("-" x 60)."\n".$sErrors."\n\n", PL_ERROR); $rc = 0; }
if (!$rc && IsCritical()) { $bcStatus |= BC_CHKSHIPFAILED; }
return($rc); }
sub GetLocalTime() { local(@lst) = split(/ +/, localtime(time())); local(@tm) = split(":", $lst[3], 3); $dom = "am"; if ($tm[0] > 12) { $dom = "pm"; $tm[0] = $tm[0] - 12; } elsif ($tm[0] == 12) { $dom = "pm"; } elsif ($tm[0] == 0) { $tm = 12; } return($lst[0]." @ ".$tm[0].":".$tm[1].":".$tm[2]." ".$dom." - ".$lst[1]." ".$lst[2].", ".$lst[4]); }
sub RemoveKeyFromHash { local($elem, %hOldHash) = @_; local(%hNewHash) = (); foreach $key (keys(%hOldHash)) { if ($key ne $elem) { %hNewHash->{$key} = %hOldHash->{$key}; } } return(%hNewHash); }
sub StrToL($) { return(split(/ +/, $_[0])); }
# computer, subkey, field, [hkey] sub GetRemoteProjRegKey($$$;$) { my($hKey); RegConnectRegistry($_[0], ($_[3] ? $_[3] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $hKey ); if (!$hKey) { PrintL("Registry Error: Cannot connect to ".$_[0]."'s remote registry (cannot get key)\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(0); } else { return(GetProjRegKey($_[1], $_[2], $hKey)); } }
# computer, subkey, field, [hkey] sub GetRemoteRegKey($$$;$) { my($hKey); RegConnectRegistry($_[0], ($_[3] ? $_[3] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $hKey ); if (!$hKey) { PrintL("Registry Error: Cannot connect to ".$_[0]."'s remote registry (cannot get key)\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(0); } else { return(GetRegKey($_[1], $_[2], $hKey)); } }
# computer, subkey, field, value, [hkey] sub SetRemoteProjRegKey($$$$;$) { my($hKey); RegConnectRegistry($_[0], ($_[4] ? $_[4] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $hKey); if (!$hKey) { PrintL("Registry Error: Cannot connect to ".$_[0]."'s remote registry (cannot set key)\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(0); } else { return(SetProjRegKey($_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $hKey)); } }
# computer, subkey, field, value, [hkey] sub SetRemoteRegKey($$$$;$) { my($hKey); RegConnectRegistry($_[0], ($_[4] ? $_[4] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $hKey); if (!$hKey) { PrintL("Registry Error: Cannot connect to ".$_[0]."'s remote registry (cannot set key)\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(0); } else { return(SetRegKey($_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $hKey)); } }
# subkey, field, [hkey] # returns null str if key not exist sub GetProjRegKey($$;$) { if ($sRegKeyBase eq "") { PrintL("RegKeyBase not set, cannot get registry key\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(""); } else { return(GetRegKey($sRegKeyBase.($_[0] eq "" ? "" : "\\").$_[0], $_[1], $_[2])); } }
#subkey, field, [hkey] sub GetRegKey($$;$) { my($key, $retVal);
RegOpenKeyEx(($_[2] ? $_[2] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $_[0], 0, KEY_READ, $key); if (!$key) { return(""); } else { RegQueryValueEx($key, $_[1], [], REG_SZ, $retVal, 0); RegCloseKey($key); return($retVal); } }
# subkey, field, value, [hkey] sub SetProjRegKey($$$;$) { if ($sRegKeyBase eq "") { PrintL("RegKeyBase not set, cannot set registry key\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(""); } else { return(SetRegKey($sRegKeyBase.($_[0] eq "" ? "" : "\\").$_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3])); } }
# subkey, field, value, [hkey] sub SetRegKey($$$;$) { my($key); my($rc) = 1;
RegCreateKeyEx(($_[3] ? $_[3] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $_[0], 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, [], $key, []); if (!$key) { PrintL("Error inserting registry key ".$_[0]." into registry\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); $rc = 0; } else { if (!RegSetValueEx($key, $_[1], 0, REG_SZ, $_[2], length($_[2]))) { $rc = 0; } RegCloseKey($key); } return($rc); }
# subkey, [field], [hkey] # rc only false on failure to open reg key sub DelRegKey($;$$) { my($rc) = 1; if ($_[0] eq "") { PrintL("Attempted to delete base reg key!\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); return(0); }
RegOpenKeyEx(($_[2] ? $_[2] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), ($_[1] ne "" ? $_[0] : ""), 0, KEY_WRITE, $key); if (!$key) { PrintL("Error removing registry key ".$_[0]."\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); $rc = 0; } else { if ($_[1] ne "") { if (!RegDeleteValue($key, $_[1])) { $rc = 0; } } else { if (!RegDeleteKey($key, $_[0])) { $rc = 0; } } RegCloseKey($key); } return($rc); }
# computer, subkey, [field], [hkey] # rc only false on failure to open reg key sub DelRemoteRegKey($$;$$) { my($hKey); RegConnectRegistry($_[0], ($_[3] ? $_[3] : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), $hKey); if (!$hKey) { PrintL("Registry Error: Cannot connect to ".$computer."'s remote registry (cannot set key)\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); PrintMsgBlock($^E); return(0); } else { return(DelRegKey($_[1], $_[2], $hKey)); } }
sub RLC { return(substr($_[0], 0, length($_[0] - 1))); }
$__IITUTILPM = 1; 1;