* AlloOps.cpp * *-------------* * Description: * This module is the implementation file for the CAlloOps class. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Created By: mc Date: 03/12/99 * Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation * All Rights Reserved * *******************************************************************************/
//--- Additional includes
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef __spttseng_h__
#include "spttseng.h"
#ifndef SPDebug_h
#include <spdebug.h>
#ifndef FeedChain_H
#include "FeedChain.h"
#ifndef Frontend_H
#include "Frontend.h"
#ifndef AlloOps_H
#include "AlloOps.h"
// Data.cpp
extern const unsigned short g_Opcode_To_ASCII[]; extern const unsigned long g_AlloFlags[];
* CBookmarkList::~CBookmarkList * *-------------------------------* * Description: * Destructor for CBookmarkList * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CBookmarkList::~CBookmarkList() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CBookmarkList::~CBookmarkList" ); BOOKMARK_ITEM* pItem;
// Remove every item in link list.
while( !m_BMList.IsEmpty() ) { pItem = (BOOKMARK_ITEM*)m_BMList.RemoveHead(); delete pItem; } } /* CBookmarkList::~CBookmarkList */
* CFEToken::CFEToken * *------------------------* * Description: * Initializer for CFEToken * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CFEToken::CFEToken() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CFEToken::CFEToken" );
user_Volume = DEFAULT_USER_VOL; user_Rate = DEFAULT_USER_RATE; user_Pitch = DEFAULT_USER_PITCH; user_Emph = DEFAULT_USER_EMPH; user_Break = 0; pBMObj = NULL;
memset( &tokStr[0], 0, sizeof(WCHAR) * TOKEN_LEN_MAX); tokLen = 0; memset( &phon_Str[0], 0, sizeof(short) * SP_MAX_PRON_LENGTH); phon_Len = 0; m_posClass = POS_UNK; POScode = MS_Unknown; m_TuneBoundaryType = NULL_BOUNDARY; m_Accent = K_NOACC; m_Boundary = K_NOBND;
m_TermSil = 0; m_DurScale = 0.0f; m_ProsodyDurScale = 1.0f; m_PitchBaseOffs = 0.0f; m_PitchRangeScale = 1.0f;
// The following don't need to be init'd
m_PronType = PRON_LTS; sentencePosition = 0; // Source sentence position for this token
sentenceLen = 0; // Source sentence length for this token
srcPosition = 0; // Source position for this token
srcLen = 0; // Source length for this token
m_Accent_Prom = 0; // prominence prosodic control
m_Boundary_Prom = 0; // prominence prosodic control
m_TermSil = 0; // Pad word with silence (in sec)
//--- Diagnostic
m_AccentSource = ACC_NoSource; m_BoundarySource = BND_NoSource; m_SilenceSource = SIL_NoSource;
} /* CFEToken::CFEToken */
* CFEToken::~CFEToken * *-----------------------* * Description: * Destructor for CFEToken * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CFEToken::~CFEToken() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CFEToken::~CFEToken" );
if( pBMObj != NULL ) { //---------------------------------------
// Dispose bookmark list
delete pBMObj; }
} /* CFEToken::~CFEToken */
* CAlloCell::CAlloCell * *------------------------* * Description: * Initializer for CAlloCell * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CAlloCell::CAlloCell() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloCell::CAlloCell" ); long i;
m_allo = _SIL_; m_dur = 0; m_ftDuration = m_UnitDur = 0; m_knots = KNOTS_PER_PHON; m_ctrlFlags = 0; m_user_Rate = 0; m_user_Volume = DEFAULT_USER_VOL; m_user_Pitch = 0; m_user_Emph = 0; m_user_Break = 0; m_Sil_Break = 0; m_Pitch_HI = 0; m_Pitch_LO = 0; m_pBMObj = NULL; m_ToBI_Boundary = K_NOBND; m_ToBI_Accent = K_NOACC; m_TuneBoundaryType = m_NextTuneBoundaryType = NULL_BOUNDARY; m_DurScale = 1.0; m_ProsodyDurScale = 1.0; m_PitchBaseOffs = 0.0f; m_PitchRangeScale = 1.0f; for( i = 0; i < KNOTS_PER_PHON; i++ ) { m_ftTime[i] = 0; m_ftPitch[i] = 100; }
m_Accent_Prom = 0; // prominence prosodic control
m_Boundary_Prom = 0; // prominence prosodic control
m_PitchBufStart = 0; m_PitchBufEnd = 0; m_SrcPosition = 0; m_SrcLen = 0; m_SentencePosition = 0; m_SentenceLen = 0;
//--- Diagnostic
m_AccentSource = ACC_NoSource; m_BoundarySource = BND_NoSource; m_SilenceSource = SIL_NoSource; m_pTextStr = NULL;
} /* CAlloCell::CAlloCell */
* CAlloCell::~CAlloCell * *-----------------------* * Description: * Destructor for CAlloCell * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CAlloCell::~CAlloCell() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloCell::~CAlloCell" );
if( m_pBMObj != NULL ) { //---------------------------------------
// Dispose bookmark list
delete m_pBMObj; }
if( m_pTextStr != NULL ) { //---------------------------------------
// Dispose bookmark list
delete m_pTextStr; }
} /* CAlloCell::~CAlloCell */
* CAlloList::CAlloList * *------------------------* * Description: * Initialize list with 2 silence entries. These will * become the head an tail when real entries are stuffed * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CAlloList::CAlloList() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloList::CAlloList" ); CAlloCell *pCell;
m_cAllos = 0; m_ListPos = NULL; //------------------------------------
// Create initial TAIL silence cell
pCell = new CAlloCell; if( pCell ) { m_AlloCellList.AddHead( pCell ); pCell->m_ctrlFlags |= WORD_START + TERM_BOUND; pCell->m_TuneBoundaryType = TAIL_BOUNDARY; pCell->m_SilenceSource = SIL_Tail; m_cAllos++; } //------------------------------------
// Create initial HEAD silence cell
pCell = new CAlloCell; if( pCell ) { m_AlloCellList.AddHead( pCell ); pCell->m_ctrlFlags |= WORD_START; pCell->m_SilenceSource = SIL_Head; m_cAllos++; } } /* CAlloList::CAlloList */
* CAlloList::~CAlloList * *-------------------------* * Description: * Remove every item in link list. * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CAlloList::~CAlloList() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloList::~CAlloList" ); CAlloCell *pCell;
while( !m_AlloCellList.IsEmpty() ) { pCell = (CAlloCell*)m_AlloCellList.RemoveHead(); delete pCell; }
} /* CAlloList::~CAlloList */
* CAlloList::GetAllo * *---------------------* * Description: * Return pointer of allocell at index * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CAlloCell *CAlloList::GetCell( long index ) { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloList::GetCell" );
return (CAlloCell*)m_AlloCellList.GetAt( m_AlloCellList.FindIndex( index )); } /* CAlloList::GetCell */
* CAlloList::GetTailCell * *-------------------------* * Description: * Return pointer of last allo in link list * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ CAlloCell *CAlloList::GetTailCell() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloList::GetTailCell" );
return (CAlloCell*)m_AlloCellList.GetTail(); } /* CAlloList::GetTailCell */
* CAlloList::GetTailCell * *-----------------------* * Description: * Return allo list size * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ long CAlloList::GetCount() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloList::GetCount" );
return m_AlloCellList.GetCount(); } /* CAlloList::GetCount */
* PrintPhon * *-----------* * Description: * Print 2-char allo name * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ void PrintPhon( ALLO_CODE allo, char * /*msgStr*/) { SPDBG_FUNC( "PrintPhon" );
unsigned short nChar; nChar = g_Opcode_To_ASCII[allo]; if( nChar >> 8 ) { SPDBG_DMSG1( "%c", nChar >> 8 ); } if( nChar && 0xFF ) { SPDBG_DMSG1( "%c", nChar & 0xFF ); } } /* PrintPhon */
* CAlloList::OutAllos * *--------------------* * Description: * Dump ALLO_CELL contents * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ void CAlloList::OutAllos() { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloOps::OutAllos" ); CAlloCell *pCurCell;
long i, flags, flagsT; char msgStr[400]; for( i = 0; i < m_cAllos; i++ ) { pCurCell = GetCell( i ); flags = pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags; if( flags & WORD_START) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "\n" ); } //----------------------------
// Allo
PrintPhon( pCurCell->m_allo, msgStr ); //----------------------------
// Duration
SPDBG_DMSG1( "\t%.3f\t", pCurCell->m_ftDuration ); //----------------------------
// Boundry
if( flags & BOUNDARY_TYPE_FIELD) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "(" ); if( flags & WORD_START) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-wS" ); } if( flags & TERM_BOUND) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-tB" ); } SPDBG_DMSG0( ")\t" ); } //----------------------------
// Syllable type
if( flags & SYLLABLE_TYPE_FIELD) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "(" ); if( flags & WORD_END_SYLL) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-wE" ); } if( flags & TERM_END_SYLL) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-tE" ); } SPDBG_DMSG0( ")\t" ); } //----------------------------
// Syllable order
if( flags & SYLLABLE_ORDER_FIELD) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "(" ); flagsT = flags & SYLLABLE_ORDER_FIELD; if( flagsT == FIRST_SYLLABLE_IN_WORD) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-Fs" ); } else if( flagsT == MID_SYLLABLE_IN_WORD) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-Ms" ); } else if( flagsT == LAST_SYLLABLE_IN_WORD) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-Ls" ); } SPDBG_DMSG0( ")\t" ); } //----------------------------
// Stress
if( flags & PRIMARY_STRESS) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-Stress\t" ); } //----------------------------
// Word initial consonant
if( flags & WORD_INITIAL_CONSONANT) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-InitialK\t" ); } //----------------------------
// Syllable start
if( flags & SYLLABLE_START) { SPDBG_DMSG0( "-Syll\t" ); } SPDBG_DMSG0( "\n" ); } } /* CAlloList::OutAllos */
* CAlloList::WordToAllo * *-----------------------* * Description: * Copy word token to AlloCells * Insert allos BEFORE 'pEndCell' * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ bool CAlloList::WordToAllo( CFEToken *pPrevTok, CFEToken *pTok, CFEToken *pNextTok, CAlloCell *pEndCell ) { SPDBG_FUNC( "CAlloList::WordToAllo" );
long i; long startLatch; CAlloCell *pCurCell; long firstVowel, lastVoiced; bool gotAccent, isStressed; bool hasSpeech; //-----------------------------------------
// First, find ToBI accent locations
firstVowel = lastVoiced = (-1); gotAccent = false; hasSpeech = false; for( i = 0; i < pTok->phon_Len; i++ ) { isStressed = false; if( pTok->phon_Str[i] < _STRESS1_ ) { //----------------------------
// Potential ToBI accent
if( (!gotAccent) && (g_AlloFlags[pTok->phon_Str[i]] & KVOWELF) ) { if( (i < (pTok->phon_Len -1)) && (pTok->phon_Str[i+1] == _STRESS1_) ) { //-------------------------------------
// Put accent at 1st stressed vowel
firstVowel = i; gotAccent = true; } else if( firstVowel < 0 ) { //-------------------------------------
// In case there's no stressed vowel
// in this word, use 1st vowel
firstVowel = i; } } //----------------------------
// Potential ToBI boundary
if( g_AlloFlags[pTok->phon_Str[i]] & KVOICEDF ) { lastVoiced = i; } } } //-----------------------------------------
// Now, copy data to allo list
startLatch = true; for( i = 0; i < pTok->phon_Len; i++ ) { if( pTok->phon_Str[i] < _STRESS1_ ) { if( (pTok->phon_Str[i] == _SIL_) && (pTok->m_TuneBoundaryType >= SUB_BOUNDARY_1) ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------
// Before skipping this, propagate the dur scale gain
if( pTok->m_DurScale == 0 ) { if( pPrevTok ) { pTok->m_DurScale = pPrevTok->m_DurScale; } else { pTok->m_DurScale = 1.0; } } continue; } //------------------------------------
// Create new cell
pCurCell = new CAlloCell; if( pCurCell ) { m_AlloCellList.InsertBefore( m_AlloCellList.Find(pEndCell), pCurCell); m_cAllos++;
// Copy only phons
pCurCell->m_allo = (ALLO_CODE) pTok->phon_Str[i]; //---------------------------------------------
// See if this allo will generate speech
if( (pCurCell->m_allo >= _IY_) && (pCurCell->m_allo <= _DX_) && (pCurCell->m_allo != _SIL_) ) { hasSpeech = true; }
// Save src position
pCurCell->m_SrcPosition = pTok->srcPosition; pCurCell->m_SrcLen = pTok->srcLen; pCurCell->m_SentencePosition = pTok->sentencePosition; pCurCell->m_SentenceLen = pTok->sentenceLen;
if( startLatch ) { pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags |= WORD_START; startLatch = false; }
// Is next allo a STRESS?
if( i < (pTok->phon_Len -1) ) { if( pTok->phon_Str[i+1] == _STRESS1_ ) { pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags |= PRIMARY_STRESS; } else { //----------------------------------------------
// Voice inventory does not have unstressed
// entries for these diphongs
if( (pCurCell->m_allo == _AW_) || (pCurCell->m_allo == _AY_) || (pCurCell->m_allo == _EY_) || (pCurCell->m_allo == _OY_) ) { pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags |= PRIMARY_STRESS; } } }
// Diagnostic
if( pCurCell->m_allo == _SIL_ ) { pCurCell->m_SilenceSource = pTok->m_SilenceSource; } //----------------------------
// Place ToBI accent
if( i == firstVowel ) { pCurCell->m_ToBI_Accent = pTok->m_Accent; //---------------------------
// Diagnostic
pCurCell->m_AccentSource = pTok->m_AccentSource; pCurCell->m_pTextStr = new char[pTok->tokLen+1]; if( pCurCell->m_pTextStr ) { WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, pTok->tokStr, -1, pCurCell->m_pTextStr, pTok->tokLen+1, NULL, NULL); } } pCurCell->m_Accent_Prom = pTok->m_Accent_Prom; //----------------------------
// Place ToBI boundary
if( i == lastVoiced ) { pCurCell->m_ToBI_Boundary = pTok->m_Boundary; //---------------------------
// Diagnostic
pCurCell->m_BoundarySource = pTok->m_BoundarySource; } pCurCell->m_Boundary_Prom = pTok->m_Boundary_Prom;
// User Controls
pCurCell->m_user_Volume = pTok->user_Volume; pCurCell->m_user_Rate = pTok->user_Rate; pCurCell->m_user_Pitch = pTok->user_Pitch; pCurCell->m_user_Emph = 0; if( pTok->user_Emph > 0 ) { if( i == firstVowel ) { pCurCell->m_user_Emph = pTok->user_Emph; pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags |= PRIMARY_STRESS; } } pCurCell->m_user_Break = pTok->user_Break; pCurCell->m_pBMObj = pTok->pBMObj; pTok->pBMObj = NULL;
// If token's m_DurScale is not defined,
// try to use prev token's ratio
if( pTok->m_DurScale == 0 ) { if( pPrevTok ) { pCurCell->m_DurScale = pPrevTok->m_DurScale; } else { pCurCell->m_DurScale = 1.0; } //-------------------------------------------------------
// Write back in case next token is also undefined
pTok->m_DurScale = pCurCell->m_DurScale; } else { pCurCell->m_DurScale = pTok->m_DurScale; } pCurCell->m_ProsodyDurScale = pTok->m_ProsodyDurScale;
if( pNextTok ) { pCurCell->m_NextTuneBoundaryType = pNextTok->m_TuneBoundaryType; } else { pCurCell->m_NextTuneBoundaryType = NULL_BOUNDARY; } pCurCell->m_PitchBaseOffs = pTok->m_PitchBaseOffs; pCurCell->m_PitchRangeScale = pTok->m_PitchRangeScale;
// Is this a term word?
pCurCell->m_TuneBoundaryType = pTok->m_TuneBoundaryType; if( pTok->m_TuneBoundaryType != NULL_BOUNDARY ) { pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags |= TERM_BOUND + WORD_START; } } }
} //----------------------------------------
// Insert word pause?
if( pTok->m_TermSil > 0 ) { pCurCell = new CAlloCell; if( pCurCell ) { m_AlloCellList.InsertBefore( m_AlloCellList.Find(pEndCell), pCurCell); m_cAllos++;
// Add silence
pCurCell->m_allo = _SIL_;
// Save src position
pCurCell->m_SrcPosition = pTok->srcPosition; pCurCell->m_SrcLen = pTok->srcLen; pCurCell->m_SentencePosition = pTok->sentencePosition; pCurCell->m_SentenceLen = pTok->sentenceLen; //----------------------------
// User Controls
pCurCell->m_user_Volume = pTok->user_Volume; pCurCell->m_user_Rate = pTok->user_Rate; pCurCell->m_user_Pitch = pTok->user_Pitch; pCurCell->m_user_Emph = pTok->user_Emph; pCurCell->m_user_Break = pTok->user_Break; pCurCell->m_pBMObj = NULL; pCurCell->m_TuneBoundaryType = pTok->m_TuneBoundaryType; pCurCell->m_Boundary_Prom = pTok->m_Boundary_Prom; pCurCell->m_Accent_Prom = pTok->m_Accent_Prom; pCurCell->m_ctrlFlags = 0; pCurCell->m_UnitDur = pTok->m_TermSil; pCurCell->m_Sil_Break = (unsigned long)(pCurCell->m_UnitDur * 1000); // sec -> ms
pCurCell->m_user_Break = 0; pCurCell->m_DurScale = pTok->m_DurScale; pCurCell->m_ProsodyDurScale = 1.0f; } }
return hasSpeech; } /* CAlloList::WordToAllo */