Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "header.h"
#include <msi.h>
extern HMODULE g_hmodMSI; // msi.dll module handle
static const char txtMsiProvideQualifiedComponent[] = "MsiProvideQualifiedComponentA"; static const char txtMsiDll[] = "Msi.dll";
UINT (WINAPI *pMsiProvideQualifiedComponent)(LPCSTR szCategory, LPCSTR szQualifier, DWORD dwInstallMode, LPSTR lpPathBuf, DWORD *pcchPathBuf);
PURPOSE: Given a GUID and CHM filename, find the full path to the CHM file using Darwin.
PARAMETERS: pszGUID pszChmFile cszResult
MODIFICATION DATES: 01-Dec-1997 [ralphw]
BOOL FindDarwinURL(PCSTR pszGUID, PCSTR pszChmFile, CStr* pcszResult) { if (!pMsiProvideQualifiedComponent) { if (!g_hmodMSI) { g_hmodMSI = LoadLibrary(txtMsiDll); ASSERT_COMMENT(g_hmodMSI, "Cannot load msi.dll"); if (!g_hmodMSI) return FALSE; } (FARPROC&) pMsiProvideQualifiedComponent = GetProcAddress(g_hmodMSI, txtMsiProvideQualifiedComponent); ASSERT_COMMENT(pMsiProvideQualifiedComponent, "Cannot find the MsiProvideQualifiedComponent in msi.dll"); if (!pMsiProvideQualifiedComponent) return FALSE; } char szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cb = sizeof(szPath);
// Office passes in the LCID on the end of the GUID. Ick. Parse out the LCID.
CStr szGUID(pszGUID) ; CStr szLCID; // Check last character for the ending bracket.
int len = szGUID.strlen() ; if (szGUID.psz[len-1] != '}') { // No bracket. Assume we have a LCID.
char* pLcid = strchr(szGUID.psz, '}') ; if (pLcid) { // Copy the LCID.
pLcid++ ; szLCID = pLcid; // Remove from the guid.
*pLcid = '\0' ; } } else { ASSERT(0) ; return FALSE ; }
// Prepend the LCID to the CHM file name.
CStr szQualifier ; szQualifier = szLCID.psz ; szQualifier += "\\" ; szQualifier += pszChmFile ;
// Ask for the file.
if (pMsiProvideQualifiedComponent(szGUID, szQualifier/*pszChmFile*/, INSTALLMODE_EXISTING, szPath, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
*pcszResult = szPath; return TRUE; }