// Copyright 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef _HHCTRL_H_
#define _HHCTRL_H_
#include "IPServer.H"
#include "CtrlObj.H"
#ifndef __IHHCtrl_FWD_DEFINED__
#include "hhIfc.H"
#include "Dispids.H"
#include "internet.h"
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "sitemap.h"
#include "hhamsgs.h"
#include "cindex.h"
#include "ctoc.h"
#include "prthook.h"
#include <mshtml.h>
typedef struct tagHHCtrlCTLSTATE { char *bmpPath; DATE endDate; } HHCTRLCTLSTATE;
enum BMP_DOWNLOAD_STATES { bdsNoBitsYet, bdsGotFileHeader, bdsGotBitmapInfo, bdsGettingBits, bdsBitsAreDone };
class CHtmlHelpControl; // forward reference
class IWebBrowserAppImpl; // forward reference
HWND JumpToUrl(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, HWND hwndParent, SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, CInfoType *pInfoType, CSiteMap* pSiteMap, SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl, IWebBrowserAppImpl* pWebApp = NULL); #if 0 //enable for subset filtering
BOOL ChooseInformationTypes(CInfoType *pInfoType, CSiteMap* pSiteMap, HWND hwndParent, CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl, CHHWinType* m_phh); #else
BOOL ChooseInformationTypes(CInfoType *pInfoType, CSiteMap* pSiteMap, HWND hwndParent, CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl); #endif
void DisplayAuthorInfo(CInfoType *pInfoType, CSiteMap* pSiteMap, SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, HWND hwndParent, CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl);
HRESULT OnWordWheelLookup( PSTR pszKeywords, CExCollection* pExCollection, PCSTR pszDefaultTopic = NULL, POINT* ppt = NULL, HWND hWndParent = NULL, BOOL bDialog = TRUE, BOOL bKLink = TRUE, BOOL bTestMode = FALSE, BOOL bSkipCurrent = FALSE, BOOL bAlwaysShowList = FALSE, BOOL bAlphaSortHits = TRUE, PCSTR pszWindow = NULL);
class CHtmlHelpControl : public CInternetControl, public IHHCtrl, public ISupportErrorInfo MI2_COUNT( CHtmlHelpControl ) {
public: // IUnknown methods
// IDispatch methods
// ISupportErrorInfo methods
// IHHCtrl methods
// OLE Control stuff follows:
STDMETHOD(SetObjectRects)(LPCRECT lprcPosRect,LPCRECT lprcClipRect) ; CHtmlHelpControl(IUnknown *pUnkOuter); virtual ~CHtmlHelpControl(); #ifndef PPGS
STDMETHOD(DoVerb)(LONG iVerb, LPMSG lpmsg, IOleClientSite *pActiveSite, LONG lindex, HWND hwndParent, LPCRECT lprcPosRect); #endif
STDMETHOD_(void, OnClick)(THIS);
// static creation function. all controls must have one of these!
static IUnknown *Create(IUnknown *);
private: // overridables that the control must implement.
STDMETHOD(LoadBinaryState)(IStream *pStream); STDMETHOD(SaveBinaryState)(IStream *pStream); STDMETHOD(LoadTextState)(IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag, IErrorLog *pErrorLog); STDMETHOD(SaveTextState)(IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag, BOOL fWriteDefault); STDMETHOD(OnDraw)(DWORD dvaspect, HDC hdcDraw, LPCRECTL prcBounds, LPCRECTL prcWBounds, HDC hicTargetDev, BOOL fOptimize); STDMETHOD(SetClientSite)(IOleClientSite *pClientSite);
// Exposed methods
STDMETHOD(Click)(); STDMETHOD(HHClick)(); STDMETHOD(Print)(); STDMETHOD(syncURL)(BSTR pszUrl); STDMETHOD(TCard)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); STDMETHOD(get_Image) (THIS_ BSTR* path); STDMETHOD(put_Image)(BSTR path); STDMETHOD(TextPopup)(BSTR pszText, BSTR pszFont, int horzMargins, int vertMargins, COLORREF clrForeground, COLORREF clrBackground);
LRESULT WindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void JumpToUrl(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, CSiteMap* pSiteMap, SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl = NULL); void OnLButton(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnSetExtent(const SIZE *pSize); void ProcessPadding(PCSTR psz); BOOL RegisterClassData(void); void SetActionData(PCSTR psz);
BOOL AfterCreateWindow(void); BOOL BeforeCreateWindow(DWORD *pdwWindowStyle, DWORD *pdwExWindowStyle, LPSTR pszWindowTitle); HRESULT InternalQueryInterface(REFIID, void **); HRESULT OnData( DISPID id, DWORD grfBSCF,IStream * bitstrm, DWORD amount ); BOOL OnSpecialKey(LPMSG); BOOL ShouldCreateWindow();
public: void doAboutBox(); BOOL ConvertToCacheFile(PCSTR pszSrc, PSTR pszDst); void FillGeneralInformation(HHA_GEN_INFO* pgetInfo); // BOOL ChooseInformationTypes(CSiteMap* pSiteMap, HWND hwndParent) { return ::ChooseInformationTypes(pSiteMap, hwndParent, this); }
void DisplayAuthorInfo(CSiteMap* pSiteMap, SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry) { ::DisplayAuthorInfo(m_pInfoType, pSiteMap, pSiteMapEntry, m_hwnd, this); } void OnKeywordSearch(int idCommand); BOOL OnCopySample(void); BOOL LocateSFLFile(PCSTR *,PCSTR *, BOOL); void AuthorMsg(UINT idStringFormatResource, PCSTR pszSubString = "") { ::AuthorMsg(idStringFormatResource, pszSubString, m_hwndParent, this); } _inline IUnknown* GetIUnknown() { return m_pUnkOuter; } HRESULT SendEvent(LPCTSTR pszEventString); BOOL OnAKLink(BOOL fKLink = TRUE, BOOL bTestMode = FALSE );
HWND GetHtmlHelpFrameWindow() ; // Tunnels from the ActiveX control through IE to get to the HWND of HHCTRL.
UINT GetCodePage(void) { return m_CodePage; } INT GetCharset(void) { return m_Charset; } HFONT GetContentFont(void) { return m_hfont; }
// TOC functions
BOOL LoadContentsFile(PCSTR pszMasterFile); void OnHelpTopics(void);
// Index functions
BOOL LoadIndexFile(PCSTR pszMasterFile); void OnSizeIndex(LPRECT prc);
HRESULT UpdateImage();
// Related Topics functions
void OnRelatedMenu(); void OnRelatedCommand(int idCommand);
// Splash functions
void CreateSplash(void);
// Button and Static text funcions
void OnDrawStaticText(DRAWITEMSTRUCT* pdis); BOOL CreateOnClickButton(void);
// private state information.
HRESULT SetBmpPath(IStream *);
CTRL_ACTION m_action; IMAGE_TYPE m_imgType; PCSTR m_pszActionData; int m_idBitmap; // bitmap to display
PCSTR m_pszBitmap; // bitmap parameter
PCSTR m_pszWebMap; // webmap file
DWORD m_flags[MAX_FLAGS]; // author-specified flags
HBRUSH m_hbrBackGround; // background brush
COLORREF m_clrFont; // Font color
BOOL m_fBuiltInImage; HGDIOBJ m_hImage; int m_hpadding; // horizontal padding around index, contents, and find
int m_vpadding; // vertical padding around index, contents, and find
HWND m_hwndHelp; // HTML Help window
HWND m_hwndDisplayButton; // regular button handle
PCSTR m_pszEventString; // string to send to event handler
PCSTR m_pszFrame; // frame to display jump in
PCSTR m_pszWindow; // window to display jump in
PCSTR m_pszDefaultTopic; // where to jump if alink/klink fails
class IWebBrowserAppImpl* m_pWebBrowserApp; // Pointer the IE object model
CTable* m_ptblItems; // for A/KLinks
CTable* m_ptblTitles; // for A/KLinks
CTable* m_ptblURLs; // for A/KLinks
CTable* m_ptblLocations; // for A/KLinks
CSiteMap* m_pSiteMap; // used by Related Topics and Keyword Search
CInfoType* m_pInfoType; IFont* m_pIFont;
// REVIEW: using BOOLs increases data size, bitflags would increase
// code size. Which is better (multiple data seg, single code seg)?
BOOL m_fButton; BOOL m_fWinHelpPopup; BOOL m_fPopupMenu; // TRUE to display popup menu instead of dialog
WCHAR* m_pwszButtonText; // bitmap or text
RECT m_rcButton; // button window dimensions
CToc* m_ptoc; CIndex* m_pindex; //CSearch* m_pSearch;
BOOL m_fIcon; // bitmap is an icon or a cursor
HHCTRLCTLSTATE m_state; HDC m_dc; BMP_DOWNLOAD_STATES m_readystate; DWORD m_oldSize; BYTE* m_pSelectedIndexInfoTypes;
COLORREF m_clrFontDisabled; // disabled Font color (disabled)
COLORREF m_clrFontLink; // Link Font color
COLORREF m_clrFontLinkVisited; // Visited Link Font color
COLORREF m_clrFontHover; // Hover Font color
private: WNDPROC m_lpfnlStaticTextControlWndProc; static LRESULT StaticTextControlSubWndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); char m_szRawAction[256]; char m_szFontSpec[256]; BOOL bSharedFont; UINT m_CodePage; INT m_Charset; HFONT m_hfont; // author-specified font to use for child windows
RECT m_rect; };
BOOL LoadGif(PCSTR pszFile, HBITMAP* phbmp, HPALETTE* phpal, CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl); BOOL ShortCut(CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl, LPCSTR pszString1, LPCSTR pszString2, HWND hwndMsgOwner);
#define PrintTopics
void PrintTopics(int action, CToc* ptoc, IWebBrowserAppImpl* pWebApp, HWND hWndHelp = NULL); #endif
// TODO: if you have an array of verbs, then add an extern here with the name
// of it, so that you can include it in the DEFINE_CONTROLOBJECT.
// ie. extern VERBINFO m_HHCtrlCustomVerbs [];
extern const GUID *rgHHCtrlPropPages[];
DEFINE_CONTROLOBJECT(HHCtrl, &CLSID_HHCtrl, "HHCtrl", CHtmlHelpControl::Create, 1, &IID_IHHCtrl, "", // BUGBUG: change when OLE supports HtmlHelp files
#endif // _HHCTRL_H_