// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-1997, All Rights reserved.
// Precompiled header
#include "header.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "cctlww.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static const char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Includes
#include "secwin.h" // Header for this file.
#include "hha_strtable.h"
#include "contain.h"
#include "highlite.h"
#include "resource.h" // needed for subset picker combo control ID.
#include "subset.h" // Needed to dealing with CStructucturalSubset object.
// Advanced Search UI header.
#include "adsearch.h"
#include "search.h"
// Bookmarks Nav Pane
#include "bookmark.h"
// Custom NavPane
#include "custmtab.h"
// Sizebar class
#include "sizebar.h"
#define ACCESS_KEY '&'
static const char txtAccessKey[] = "&";
// Globals
// Pointer to global array of window types.
CHHWinType** pahwnd = NULL;
// Function Implementation
FUNCTION: GetCurrentCollection
PURPOSE: Returns the currect collection
RETURNS: Pointer to the currect collection (CExCollection)
COMMENTS: This function returns the current collection based on the current active window and window type. Use this function anytime you need a pointer to the currect active collection when you can assume that the collection is already loaded.
MODIFICATION DATES: 15-Sept-1997 [paulti]
29-April-1998 [mikecole] As per agreement of all hhctrl devs I am adding a .CHM filespec argument to this function. Since it is possible for a single task to utilize hhctrl services on multiple CExCollections we will distinguish CExCollections from one another by using a .CHM filespec.
***************************************************************************/ CExCollection* GetCurrentCollection( HWND hwnd, LPCSTR lpszChmFilespec ) { CExCollection* pCExCol; PSTR psz; TCHAR szFN[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFN2[MAX_PATH]; int i = 0;
szFN[0] = '\0'; if ( lpszChmFilespec ) { //
// First, we need to normalize the filespec. This thing can come to us in any number of
// forms, it could be a URL, it could be an unqualified filename, a fully qualified path...
if ( psz = stristr(lpszChmFilespec, txtDefExtension) ) { while ( *psz != ' ' && *psz != '/' && *psz != '\\' && *psz != '@' && *psz != '\0' && *psz != ':' && (psz != lpszChmFilespec) ) { psz = CharPrev(lpszChmFilespec, psz); i++; if(IsDBCSLeadByte(*CharNext(psz))) i++; } if ( psz != lpszChmFilespec ) psz++; else i++; lstrcpyn(szFN, psz, i); } //
// Next, see if the filespec matches a single title .CHM or and merged .CHMs of a single title .CHM.
if ( szFN[0] ) { for (int i = 0; i < g_cHmSlots; i++) { if ( g_phmData[i] && g_phmData[i]->m_pTitleCollection && g_phmData[i]->m_pTitleCollection->IsSingleTitle() ) { //
// Search title list for a match.
CExTitle* pTitle; pCExCol = g_phmData[i]->m_pTitleCollection; pTitle = pCExCol->GetFirstTitle(); while ( pTitle ) { _splitpath((LPCSTR)pTitle->GetContentFileName(), NULL, NULL, szFN2, NULL); if (! lstrcmpi(szFN, szFN2) ) return g_phmData[i]->m_pTitleCollection; pTitle = pTitle->GetNext(); } } } } } //
// Last resort...
if ( g_pCurrentCollection ) return g_pCurrentCollection; else if ( g_phmData && g_phmData[0] ) return g_phmData[0]->m_pTitleCollection; else return NULL; // Ohhh, very bad!
PURPOSE: Returns the currect URL
RETURNS: TRUE if found with pcszCurrentURL filed in, otherwise FALSE.
COMMENTS: This function returns the current URL based on the current active window and window type.
MODIFICATION DATES: 10-Dec-1997 [paulti]
***************************************************************************/ BOOL GetCurrentURL( CStr* pcszCurrentURL, HWND hwnd ) { ASSERT(pahwnd); CHHWinType* phh = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
// if anyone can find a guarenteed way to get the current
// URL please modify the code below [paulti]
if( !hwnd ) hwnd = GetActiveWindow(); phh = FindHHWindowIndex(hwnd); if( phh && phh->m_pCIExpContainer && phh->m_pCIExpContainer->m_pWebBrowserApp ) { phh->m_pCIExpContainer->m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL( pcszCurrentURL ); bFound = TRUE; }
return bFound; }
HFONT CHHWinType::GetContentFont() { if ( m_phmData ) { CExTitle* pTitle = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle(); return (pTitle->GetInfo()->GetContentFont()); } else return _Resource.GetUIFont(); // This would be highly unusual!
HFONT CHHWinType::GetAccessableContentFont() { if ( m_phmData ) { CExTitle* pTitle = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle(); return (pTitle->GetInfo()->GetAccessableContentFont()); } else return _Resource.GetUIFont(); // This would be highly unusual!
INT CHHWinType::GetContentCharset() { if ( m_phmData ) { CExTitle* pTitle = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle(); return (pTitle->GetInfo()->GetTitleCharset()); } else return ANSI_CHARSET; // This would be highly unusual!
UINT CHHWinType::GetCodePage(void) { if ( m_phmData ) { CExTitle* pTitle = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle(); return (pTitle->GetInfo()->GetCodePage()); } else return 0; // This would be highly unusual!
FUNCTION: CHHWinType::SetString
PURPOSE: Set a window type string
PARAMETERS: pszSrcString ppszDst
COMMENTS: If string is non-NULL and non-empty, frees any previous string memory and allocates and copies the string.
MODIFICATION DATES: 09-Sep-1997 [ralphw]
void CHHWinType::SetString(PCSTR pszSrcString, PSTR* ppszDst) { if (!pszSrcString) return;
CStr csz ; if (IsUniCodeStrings()) csz = (WCHAR*) pszSrcString; else csz = pszSrcString; if (csz.IsNonEmpty()) { if (*ppszDst) lcFree(*ppszDst); csz.TransferPointer(ppszDst); } }
PURPOSE: Set a window type URL
PARAMETERS: pszSrcString ppszDst
COMMENTS: If string is non-NULL and non-empty, frees any previous string memory and allocates and copies the string.
If the string contains a compiled HTML filename, then the URL is converted into a full path.
MODIFICATION DATES: 09-Sep-1997 [ralphw]
void CHHWinType::SetUrl(PCSTR pszSrcString, PSTR* ppszDst) { if (!pszSrcString) return;
CStr csz; if (IsUniCodeStrings()) csz = (WCHAR*) pszSrcString; else csz = pszSrcString; if (csz.IsNonEmpty()) { if (*ppszDst) lcFree(*ppszDst); CStr cszFull; if (IsCompiledHtmlFile(csz, &cszFull)) cszFull.TransferPointer(ppszDst); else csz.TransferPointer(ppszDst); } }
void CHHWinType::SetTypeName(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { SetString(phhWinType->pszType, (PSTR*) &pszType); if (pszType && *pszType == '>') strcpy((PSTR) pszType, pszType + 1); }
NOTES The button caption pszJump1 can be empty. The URL cannot. ***********************************************************/ void CHHWinType::SetJump1(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (!(fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1) || (phhWinType->pszUrlJump1 == NULL)) return;
SetString(phhWinType->pszJump1, (PSTR*) &pszJump1); SetUrl(phhWinType->pszUrlJump1, (PSTR*) &pszUrlJump1); }
NOTES The button caption pszJump1 can be empty. The URL cannot. ***********************************************************/ void CHHWinType::SetJump2(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { if (!(fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2) || (phhWinType->pszUrlJump2 == NULL)) return; SetString(phhWinType->pszJump2, (PSTR*) &pszJump2); SetUrl(phhWinType->pszUrlJump2, (PSTR*) &pszUrlJump2); }
NOTES ***********************************************************/ void CHHWinType::SetTabOrder(HH_WINTYPE* phhWinType) { // REVIEW: We need to be able to loop true this array and find tabs.
// This means that we need some way to determine the upper most array entry.
// This is harder in the user defined case...[14 Jan 98]
if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_TABORDER)) memcpy(tabOrder, phhWinType->tabOrder, sizeof(tabOrder)); else { for (int j = HH_TAB_FAVORITES + 1; j < HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST; j++) tabOrder[j] = -1; // clear empty slots
tabOrder[HH_TAB_AUTHOR] = HH_TAB_AUTHOR; // hha.dll supplied tab
// Setup the default tab order for the custom tabs.
for (int i = HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST; i <= HH_TAB_CUSTOM_LAST; i++) tabOrder[i] = (BYTE)i;
// This member is now valid. Mark it as such.
fsValidMembers |= HHWIN_PARAM_TABORDER ; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DWORD CHHWinType::GetStyles() const { DWORD style = NULL ; if (IsValidMember(HHWIN_PARAM_STYLES)) { style = dwStyles ; }
if (!IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_STYLES)) { style |= DEFAULT_STYLE ; }
return style ; }
void CHHWinType::GetClientRect(RECT* prc) { ::GetClientRect(hwndHelp, prc);
if (IsValidWindow(hwndToolBar)) { RECT rc; ::GetWindowRect(hwndToolBar, &rc); prc->top += RECT_HEIGHT(rc); } }
void CHHWinType::CalcHtmlPaneRect(void) { ::GetClientRect(hwndHelp, &rcHTML); // the total size of the help window
if (IsValidWindow(hwndToolBar)) { ::GetWindowRect(hwndToolBar, &rcToolBar); rcHTML.top += RECT_HEIGHT(rcToolBar); if (m_fNotesWindow) { int height = RECT_HEIGHT(rcNotes); CopyRect(&rcNotes, &rcHTML); if (!height) height = DEFAULT_NOTES_HEIGHT; rcNotes.bottom = rcNotes.top + height; rcHTML.top = rcNotes.bottom; if (IsExpandedNavPane()) rcNotes.left += RECT_WIDTH(rcNav); } }
if (IsExpandedNavPane() && !IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN)) { if( hwndNavigation ) ::GetClientRect(hwndNavigation, &rcNav); if (m_pSizeBar) { rcHTML.left += m_pSizeBar->Width() + RECT_WIDTH(rcNav); } else { rcHTML.left += RECT_WIDTH(rcNav); } }
rcNav.top = m_fNotesWindow ? rcNotes.top : rcHTML.top;
if ( m_hWndSSCB ) rcNav.top += m_iSSCBHeight;
rcNav.bottom = rcHTML.bottom; }
// Wrap the toolbar
void CHHWinType::WrapTB() { extern SHORT g_tbRightMargin; extern SHORT g_tbLeftMargin; int cRows, cButtons; RECT btnRc; int btnWidth=0; int btnspace; int btnsperrow;
cButtons = (int)SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0); if (cButtons == 0) { ASSERT(cButtons != 0) ; // Should never happen.
return ; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND) cButtons--; ::GetWindowRect(hwndHelp, &rcWindowPos);
for ( int i=0; (btnWidth==0)&&(i<cButtons); i++) { if ( SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)&btnRc) ) btnWidth = RECT_WIDTH(btnRc); } if ( btnWidth == 0 ) btnWidth = TB_BTN_CX;
// How many buttons per row??
btnspace = RECT_WIDTH(rcWindowPos) -(g_tbLeftMargin+g_tbRightMargin); btnsperrow = btnspace / btnWidth; if( btnsperrow == 0 ) btnsperrow = 1; cRows = cButtons / btnsperrow; if ( cButtons % btnsperrow ) cRows++;
if (RECT_HEIGHT(btnRc) == 0) { ASSERT(RECT_HEIGHT(btnRc) != 0) ; return ; // Avoid divide by zero.
if ( cRows < RECT_HEIGHT(rcToolBar)/RECT_HEIGHT(btnRc)) { WPARAM wParam = MAKEWPARAM( cRows, FALSE); SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_SETROWS, wParam, (LPARAM)&rcToolBar); } else if ( cRows > RECT_HEIGHT(rcToolBar)/RECT_HEIGHT(btnRc) ) { WPARAM wParam = MAKEWPARAM( cRows, TRUE); SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_SETROWS, wParam, (LPARAM)&rcToolBar); }
::GetClientRect(hwndToolBar, &rcToolBar); rcToolBar.bottom = rcToolBar.top + cRows*RECT_HEIGHT(btnRc); rcToolBar.right = RECT_WIDTH(rcWindowPos); MoveWindow(hwndToolBar, rcToolBar.top+g_tbLeftMargin, rcToolBar.left, RECT_WIDTH(rcToolBar)-(g_tbLeftMargin+g_tbRightMargin), RECT_HEIGHT(rcToolBar), TRUE);
void CHHWinType::ToggleExpansion(bool bNotify /*=true*/) { if (!IsValidWindow(GetHwnd())) { return ; }
if (bNotify) { // Review: Should we check the return value? [dalero: 21 Sep 98]
OnTrackNotifyCaller(IsExpandedNavPane() ? HHACT_CONTRACT : HHACT_EXPAND) ; }
RECT rc; if (RECT_WIDTH(rcNav) <= 0) { rcNav.right = (iNavWidth ? iNavWidth : DEFAULT_NAV_WIDTH); }
if (fNotExpanded) { fNotExpanded = FALSE; // now expanding
if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN)) { if (IsValidWindow(hwndHTML) ) { ShowWindow(hwndHTML, SW_HIDE); } } else { // normal tri-pane window
// Expand the window to the left to make room
::GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rc); rc.left -= RECT_WIDTH(rcNav) + m_pSizeBar->Width() ; GetWorkArea(); // Multiple Monitor support.
if (rc.left < g_rcWorkArea.left) { rc.left = g_rcWorkArea.left; }
BUG 3463 --- the MoveWindow call below was not sending a WM_SIZE message, when RECT_WIDTH(rc) > the width of the screen. Adjusting the width fixes this issue.nn */ // Don't make the window wider than the screen width.
if (rc.right > g_rcWorkArea.right) { rc.right = g_rcWorkArea.right; }
// create a size bar window between the Nav pane and the HTML pane
CreateSizeBar(); // Moved because the function below resizes...
if (!m_fLockSize) { MoveWindow(GetHwnd(), rc.left, rc.top, RECT_WIDTH(rc), RECT_HEIGHT(rc), TRUE); } } CreateOrShowNavPane(); if (GetToolBarHwnd()) { SendMessage(GetToolBarHwnd(), TB_HIDEBUTTON, IDTB_EXPAND, TRUE); SendMessage(GetToolBarHwnd(), TB_HIDEBUTTON, IDTB_CONTRACT, FALSE); SendMessage(GetToolBarHwnd(), TB_ENABLEBUTTON, IDTB_CONTRACT, TRUE); } } else { fNotExpanded = TRUE;
if ( m_hWndST ) ShowWindow(m_hWndST, SW_HIDE);
if ( m_hWndSSCB ) ShowWindow(m_hWndSSCB, SW_HIDE);
if (IsValidWindow(hwndNavigation)) { ShowWindow(hwndNavigation, SW_HIDE); } if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN)) { ShowWindow(hwndHTML, SW_SHOW); } else { ::GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rc); if (!m_fLockSize) rc.left += RECT_WIDTH(rcNav) + m_pSizeBar->Width() ;
// make sure we are not going off the screen Bug 6611
GetWorkArea(); // Multiple Monitor support.
if (rc.left > g_rcWorkArea.right) { int min = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHTHUMB); rc.left = g_rcWorkArea.right - min*2; }
MoveWindow(GetHwnd(), rc.left, rc.top, RECT_WIDTH(rc), RECT_HEIGHT(rc), TRUE); }
if (GetToolBarHwnd()) { SendMessage(GetToolBarHwnd(), TB_HIDEBUTTON, IDTB_CONTRACT, TRUE); SendMessage(GetToolBarHwnd(), TB_HIDEBUTTON, IDTB_EXPAND, FALSE); SendMessage(GetToolBarHwnd(), TB_ENABLEBUTTON, IDTB_EXPAND, TRUE); } } }
void CHHWinType::CreateSizeBar( void ) { if (!m_pSizeBar && IsValidWindow(GetHTMLHwnd())) { m_pSizeBar = new CSizeBar ; ASSERT(m_pSizeBar) ; m_pSizeBar->Create(this) ; } }
void CHHWinType::DestroySizeBar( void ) { if (m_pSizeBar) { delete m_pSizeBar ; m_pSizeBar = NULL ; } }
void CHHWinType::CreateOrShowNavPane(void) { if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN)) rcNav.right = rcHTML.right;
if (!IsValidWindow(hwndNavigation)/* && !IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NO_TOOLBAR)*/) { rcNav.left = 0; if (RECT_WIDTH(rcNav) <= 0) { rcNav.right = (iNavWidth ? iNavWidth : DEFAULT_NAV_WIDTH); } CalcHtmlPaneRect(); //
// Create the structural subset picker combo if necessary.
if (m_phmData && // BUG 5214
m_phmData->m_sysflags.fDoSS && ! m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->IsSingleTitle() ) { HFONT hFont, hFontOld; TEXTMETRIC tm; HDC hDC; RECT rc;
hFont = _Resource.GetAccessableUIFont(); // GetUIFont();
hDC = GetDC(NULL); hFontOld = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, hFont); GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOld); ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC); rcNav.top += 5; m_iSSCBHeight = 5; if ( (m_hWndST = CreateWindow("STATIC", GetStringResource(IDS_SUBSET_UI), WS_CHILD , rcNav.left + 6, rcNav.top, RECT_WIDTH(rcNav) - 8, tm.tmHeight, GetHwnd(), NULL, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), NULL)) ) { SendMessage(m_hWndST, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, 0L); rcNav.top += tm.tmHeight + 2; m_iSSCBHeight += tm.tmHeight + 2; rc.left = rcNav.left + 6; rc.top = rcNav.top; rc.right = rcNav.right - 10; rc.bottom = rcNav.top + tm.tmHeight + 10;
if(g_bWinNT5) { SetWindowTextW(m_hWndST,GetStringResourceW(IDS_SUBSET_UI)); }
m_hWndSSCB = CreateWindow("COMBOBOX", NULL, (WS_CHILD | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL), rc.left, rc.top, RECT_WIDTH(rc), RECT_HEIGHT(rc) + 80, GetHwnd(), (HMENU)IDC_SS_PICKER, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), NULL);
SendMessage(m_hWndSSCB, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetAccessableContentFont(), 0L); rcNav.top += tm.tmHeight + 11; m_iSSCBHeight += tm.tmHeight + 11; ShowWindow(m_hWndST, SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(m_hWndSSCB, SW_SHOW); //
// Populate the combo.
if ( m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSSList ) { CStructuralSubset* pSSSel = NULL, *pSS = NULL; while ( pSS = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSSList->GetNextSubset(pSS) ) { if (! pSS->IsEmpty() ) // Don't put "new" here.
{ if(g_bWinNT5) { CExTitle *pTitle = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle();
DWORD cp; if(pSS->IsEntire() == TRUE) cp = CodePageFromLCID(MAKELCID(_Module.m_Language.GetUiLanguage(),SORT_DEFAULT)); else cp = CodePageFromLCID((pTitle->GetInfo())->GetLanguage()); DWORD dwSize = (DWORD)(sizeof(WCHAR) * strlen(pSS->GetName())) + 4; WCHAR *pwcString = (WCHAR *) lcMalloc(dwSize); if(pwcString) { MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pSS->GetName(), -1, pwcString, dwSize); SendMessageW(m_hWndSSCB, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pwcString); lcFree(pwcString); } } else { SendMessage(m_hWndSSCB, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pSS->GetName()); } } if ( pSS->IsTOC() ) pSSSel = pSS; } // Select as appropiate...
if (! pSSSel ) pSSSel = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSSList->GetEC();
if(g_bWinNT5 && pSSSel->IsEntire()) { // This code special cases the selection of the "Entire Collection" subset in the combobox.
WCHAR pszUnicodeSubsetName[MAX_SS_NAME_LEN];
pszUnicodeSubsetName[0] = 0;
// Get the UI language codepage
DWORD cp = CodePageFromLCID(MAKELCID(_Module.m_Language.GetUiLanguage(),SORT_DEFAULT));
// convert subset name to Unicode using UI codepage
MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pSSSel->GetName(), -1, pszUnicodeSubsetName, sizeof(pszUnicodeSubsetName));
// select the subset in the combobox
SendMessageW(m_hWndSSCB, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)pszUnicodeSubsetName); } else SendMessage(m_hWndSSCB, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)pSSSel->GetName());
m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSSList->SetFTS(pSSSel); m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSSList->SetF1(pSSSel); m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSSList->SetTOC(pSSSel); pSSSel->SelectAsTOCSubset(m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection); } } } //
// Create the HH CHILD window on which the SysTabCtrl32 window will sit.
hwndNavigation = W_CreateWindow(L"HH Child", NULL, WS_CHILD, rcNav.left, rcNav.top, RECT_WIDTH(rcNav), RECT_HEIGHT(rcNav), GetHwnd(), NULL, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), NULL);
// How many tabs do we have?
int cTabs = GetValidNavPaneCount(); if (cTabs > 1) { // Remove the non-existant tabs from the tab order.
int max = HH_MAX_TABS ; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) // Don't have to move last if invalid So don't add 1 to HH_MAX_TABS
{ if (!IsValidNavPane(tabOrder[i])) { // Collapse the array.
MemMove(&tabOrder[i], &tabOrder[i + 1], max - i); // Decrement the count so we do this index again.
i-- ; max-- ; } }
// Now create the tab.
m_pTabCtrl = new CTabControl(hwndNavigation, tabpos, this); } ResizeWindow(this); } if (!IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NO_TOOLBAR)) ShowWindow(hwndNavigation, SW_SHOW); if (m_pTabCtrl) ShowWindow(m_pTabCtrl->hWnd(), SW_SHOW); if ( m_hWndST ) ShowWindow(m_hWndST, SW_SHOW); if ( m_hWndSSCB ) ShowWindow(m_hWndSSCB, SW_SHOW);
//Validate the current nav pane.
if (!IsValidNavPane(curNavType)) { // The current nav pane doesn't exist. Pick another.
curNavType = GetValidNavPane() ; if (curNavType < 0) { ASSERT(0) ; // Should never happen.
return; // hopeless...
} }
// Create the nav pane if needed.
CreateNavPane(curNavType) ;
// Show the pane.
if (m_aNavPane[curNavType]) { if (curNavType != 0 && m_pTabCtrl) TabCtrl_SetCurSel(m_pTabCtrl->hWnd(), GetTabIndexFromNavPaneIndex(curNavType)); m_aNavPane[curNavType]->ShowWindow() ;
// BUG HH 16685 - The current tab is now persisted. So we come along and
// create this new tab. However, resize is never called. So, we will call
// resize here to make sure that we resize the window.
m_aNavPane[curNavType]->ResizeWindow() ; } if ( m_pSizeBar ) m_pSizeBar->ResizeWindow(); }
void CHHWinType::CreateOrShowHTMLPane(void) { if (!IsValidWindow(hwndNavigation)) hwndHTML = CreateWindow(txtHtmlHelpChildWindowClass, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, rcHTML.left, rcHTML.top, RECT_WIDTH(rcHTML), RECT_HEIGHT(rcHTML), GetHwnd(), NULL, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), NULL); ShowWindow(hwndHTML, SW_SHOW); }
void CHHWinType::CreateToc(void) { if (IsEmptyString(pszToc)) return; TCHAR szPath[MAX_URL]; if (!ConvertToCacheFile(pszToc, szPath)) { AuthorMsg(IDS_CANT_OPEN, pszToc); strcpy(szPath, pszToc); }
CToc* ptoc = new CToc(NULL, NULL, this); m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS] = ptoc ; ptoc->SetTabPos(tabpos); ptoc->SetPadding(TAB_PADDING); ptoc->ReadFile(szPath);
// populate the InfoType member object of the CToc
if ( !ptoc->m_pInfoType ) { if (ptoc->m_phh && ptoc->m_phh->m_phmData && ptoc->m_phh->m_phmData->m_pdInfoTypes ) { // load from the global IT store
ptoc->m_pInfoType = new CInfoType; ptoc->m_pInfoType->CopyTo( ptoc->m_phh->m_phmData ); #if 0 // for subset testing purposes
#include "csubset.h"
CSubSets *pSubSets = new CSubSets( ptoc->m_pInfoType->InfoTypeSize(), ptoc->m_pInfoType, TRUE ); pSubSets->CopyTo( ptoc->m_phh->m_phmData ); #endif
} else { // no global IT's; load from the .hhc IT store
ptoc->m_pInfoType = new CInfoType; *ptoc->m_pInfoType = ptoc->m_sitemap; } }
ptoc->SetStyles(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, ptoc->m_sitemap.m_tvStyles == (DWORD) -1 ? DEFAULT_TOC_STYLES : ptoc->m_sitemap.m_tvStyles); ptoc->Create((m_pTabCtrl ? m_pTabCtrl->hWnd() : (IsValidWindow(hwndNavigation) ? hwndNavigation : hwndHelp))); ptoc->m_fHack = FALSE;
void CHHWinType::UpdateInformationTypes(void) { if ( m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS] ) { m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS]->Refresh(); if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_AUTO_SYNC) && IsExpandedNavPane()) { CStr cszUrl; m_pCIExpContainer->m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cszUrl); m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS]->Synchronize(cszUrl); } // Next/Prev command UI updates...
UpdateCmdUI(); } if ( m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_INDEX] && curNavType == HHWIN_NAVTYPE_INDEX ) m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_INDEX]->Refresh(); }
void CHHWinType::UpdateCmdUI(void) { HMENU hMenu; BOOL bEnable, ptoc;
ptoc = (m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS] != NULL); if ( IsValidWindow(hwndToolBar) ) { if ( hwndHelp ) hMenu = GetMenu(hwndHelp); //
// Does TOCNext or TOCPrev need to be enabled/disabled ?
if ( (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_PREV) || (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_NEXT) || hMenu ) { bEnable = ptoc ? OnTocPrev(FALSE) : FALSE ; // If no TOC, disable.
if ( fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_PREV ) SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, IDTB_TOC_PREV, bEnable); if ( hMenu ) EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDTB_TOC_PREV, (MF_BYCOMMAND | (bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)));
bEnable = ptoc ? OnTocNext(FALSE) : FALSE; // If no TOC, disable.
if ( fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_NEXT ) SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, IDTB_TOC_NEXT, bEnable); if ( hMenu ) EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDTB_TOC_NEXT, (MF_BYCOMMAND | (bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED))); } if (NoRun() == TRUE) { if (hMenu) EnableMenuItem(hMenu, HHM_JUMP_URL, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_GRAYED); } } }
// CreateIndex
void CHHWinType::CreateIndex(void) { if (IsEmptyString(pszIndex)) return; TCHAR szPath[MAX_URL]; if (!ConvertToCacheFile(pszIndex, szPath)) { AuthorMsg(IDS_CANT_OPEN, pszIndex); strcpy(szPath, pszIndex); }
if (!m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_INDEX]) { CIndex* pIndex = new CIndex(NULL, NULL, this); m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_INDEX] = pIndex ; pIndex->SetPadding(TAB_PADDING); pIndex->SetTabPos(tabpos); pIndex->ReadIndexFile(szPath); // A CIndex function, but not a INavUI function.
} m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_INDEX]->Create(GetTabCtrlHwnd()); }
// CreateSearchTab
void CHHWinType::CreateSearchTab(void) { if (! m_phmData || !m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pFullTextSearch) return; // no compiled information
if (!m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_SEARCH]) { if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_TAB_ADVSEARCH)) { //---Create the Advanced Search Navigation Pane.
m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_SEARCH] = new CAdvancedSearchNavPane(this); } else { //---Create the simple Search Navigation Pane.
m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_SEARCH] = new CSearch(this); } m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_SEARCH]->SetPadding(TAB_PADDING); m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_SEARCH]->SetTabPos(tabpos); }
m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_SEARCH]->Create(GetTabCtrlHwnd()); }
// CreateBookmarksTab
void CHHWinType::CreateBookmarksTab() { if (!m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_FAVORITES]) { CBookmarksNavPane* p= new CBookmarksNavPane(this); m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_FAVORITES] = p; p->SetPadding(TAB_PADDING); p->SetTabPos(tabpos); } m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_FAVORITES]->Create(GetTabCtrlHwnd()); }
// CreatesCustomTab - Creates a tab defined by the client.
void CHHWinType::CreateCustomTab(int iPane, LPCOLESTR pszProgId) { // REVIEW: The lines marked with [chm] assume that the information can be found in the chm file.
if (!m_aNavPane[iPane]) { CCustomNavPane* p= new CCustomNavPane(this); m_aNavPane[iPane] = p; p->SetPadding(TAB_PADDING); p->SetTabPos(tabpos);
p->SetControlProgId(pszProgId); //[chm] We could also use the GUID instead/in addition.
} m_aNavPane[iPane]->Create(GetTabCtrlHwnd()); }
// Destructor
CHHWinType::~CHHWinType() { CloseWindow(); }
extern BOOL g_fThreadCall; extern HWND g_hwndApi;
// This member can be called from DllMain at process detach time. Note that this is only a partial cleanup but
// it's the best we can do at process detach time.
void CHHWinType::ProcessDetachSafeCleanup() { if (m_pTabCtrl) { delete m_pTabCtrl; m_pTabCtrl = NULL; }
// Get rid of the sizebar.
DestroySizeBar() ;
if (m_ptblBtnStrings) { delete m_ptblBtnStrings; m_ptblBtnStrings = NULL; } }
void CHHWinType::CloseWindow() { // Save the state..
SaveState() ;
// Things we can cleanup a process shutdown.
ProcessDetachSafeCleanup() ;
// Things we cleanup when we are reloading the nav panes.
ReloadCleanup() ;
// Free here and not in ReloadCleanup.
CHECK_AND_FREE( pszHome ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszCustomTabs ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszType ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszCaption );
if (m_pCIExpContainer) { m_pCIExpContainer->ShutDown(); // This call WILL end up doing the delete m_pCIExpContainer;
m_pCIExpContainer = NULL; }
if ( m_phmData && !m_phmData->Release() ) // Cleanup ChmData
{ //
// Find this instance of the ChmData in the global array, null out it's entry and clean this one up.
for (int n = 0; n < g_cHmSlots; n++) { if ( g_phmData && (g_phmData[n] == m_phmData) ) { g_phmData[n] = NULL; } } } m_phmData = NULL;
if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_POST_QUIT)) { PostQuitMessage(0); }
// Null out our window from the window list.
for (int i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd[i] != NULL && pahwnd[i]->hwndHelp == hwndHelp) { pahwnd[i] = NULL ; } }
curNavType = 0; hwndHelp = NULL;
// Do other windows exist?
for (i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd[i] != NULL && pahwnd[i]->hwndHelp != NULL) { // If other windows exist exit.
return ; } }
for(int j=0; i< c_NUMNAVPANES; i++) { if ( m_aNavPane[j] ) { delete m_aNavPane[j]; m_aNavPane[j] = NULL; } } if ( m_pTabCtrl ) { delete m_pTabCtrl; m_pTabCtrl = NULL; } if ( m_pSizeBar ) { delete m_pSizeBar; m_pSizeBar = NULL; }
if (m_hAccel) { DestroyAcceleratorTable(m_hAccel) ; m_hAccel = NULL ; }
if( m_hMenuOptions ) { DestroyMenu( m_hMenuOptions ); m_hMenuOptions = NULL; }
if( m_hImageListGray ) { ImageList_Destroy( m_hImageListGray ); m_hImageListGray = NULL; } if( m_hImageList ) { ImageList_Destroy( m_hImageList ); m_hImageList = NULL; }
if( hwndToolBar ) { DestroyWindow( hwndToolBar ); hwndToolBar = NULL; }
// If we got here, all windows have been closed
_CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(&m_MemState) ; #endif
if (g_fThreadCall && g_hwndApi) PostQuitMessage(0); }
// ReloadCleanUp --- This is the things we have to clean up before we reload the nav pane.
void CHHWinType::ReloadCleanup() { // Delete all of the navigation panes.
for(int j = 0 ; j < c_NUMNAVPANES ; j++) { if (m_aNavPane[j]) { delete m_aNavPane[j] ; m_aNavPane[j] = NULL ; } }
CHECK_AND_FREE( pszToc ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszIndex ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszFile ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszJump1 ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszJump2 ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszUrlJump1 ); CHECK_AND_FREE( pszUrlJump2 );
// Don't free this here. Because we need to keep this around.
// CHECK_AND_FREE( pszHome );
//CHECK_AND_FREE( pszCustomTabs );
//CHECK_AND_FREE( pszType );
//CHECK_AND_FREE( pszCaption );
void CHHWinType::SaveState() { WINDOW_STATE wstate; WINDOWPLACEMENT winPlace;
wstate.cbStruct = sizeof(wstate);
winPlace.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement(GetHwnd(), &winPlace);
if (winPlace.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) { wstate.rcPos = winPlace.rcNormalPosition; } else { ::GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &wstate.rcPos); } wstate.iNavWidth = rcNav.right; wstate.fHighlight = (m_phmData&&m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSearchHighlight)?m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSearchHighlight->m_bHighlightEnabled:TRUE; wstate.fLockSize = m_fLockSize; wstate.fNoToolBarText = m_fNoToolBarText; wstate.curNavType = curNavType; wstate.fNotExpanded = fNotExpanded;
if( m_phmData ) { CState* pstate = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetState(); if (SUCCEEDED(pstate->Open(GetTypeName(), STGM_WRITE))) { pstate->Write(&wstate, sizeof(wstate)); pstate->Close(); } } }
int CHHWinType::CreateToolBar(TBBUTTON* pabtn) { // create a dropdown menu for the options button to display
int cMenuItems=0; const int MENUITEMSTRINGLEN = 80; CStr cszMenuItem; m_hMenuOptions = CreatePopupMenu(); cszMenuItem.ReSize(MENUITEMSTRINGLEN);
ASSERT(!IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_NO_TOOLBAR)); if (m_ptblBtnStrings) delete m_ptblBtnStrings; m_ptblBtnStrings = new CTable(256); // room for 256 bytes
int cButtons = 0;
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 12; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_EXPAND; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = (IsExpandedNavPane() ? TBSTATE_HIDDEN : TBSTATE_ENABLED); pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_EXPAND)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 13; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_CONTRACT; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = (IsExpandedNavPane() ? TBSTATE_ENABLED : TBSTATE_HIDDEN); pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_CONTRACT)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_SYNC) { if (!IsEmptyString(pszToc)) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 9; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_SYNC; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_SYNC)); cButtons++; } }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_PREV) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 14; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_TOC_PREV; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_TOC_PREV)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_NEXT) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 8; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_TOC_NEXT; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_TOC_NEXT)); cButtons++; }
if (g_fBiDi) { if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_FORWARD) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 0; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_FORWARD; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_FORWARD)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 1; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_BACK; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_BACK)); cButtons++; }
} else { if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 0; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_BACK; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_BACK)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_FORWARD) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 1; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_FORWARD; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_FORWARD)); cButtons++; } }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_STOP) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 2; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_STOP; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_STOP)); cButtons++; }
if ( fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_REFRESH) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 3; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_REFRESH; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_REFRESH)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_HOME) { if (pszHome) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 4; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_HOME; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_HOME)); cButtons++; } }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_BROWSE_FWD) { if (pszHome) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 14; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_BROWSE_FWD; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_BROWSE_FWD)); cButtons++; } }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_BROWSE_BCK) { if (pszHome) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 8; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_BROWSE_BACK; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_BROWSE_BACK)); cButtons++; } }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_ZOOM) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 16; // BUGBUG: We need a zoom glyph in toolb16g.bmp
pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_ZOOM; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_ZOOM)); cButtons++; }
if ( fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_PRINT) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 7; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_PRINT; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_PRINT)); cButtons++; }
//--- hard-coded menu
CTable tblMenus(8 * 1024);
mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_ID; mii.fType = MFT_STRING; mii.fState = MFS_ENABLED;
mii.hSubMenu = NULL; mii.hbmpChecked = NULL; // bitmap tp display when checked
mii.hbmpUnchecked = NULL; // bitmap to display when not checked
mii.dwItemData = NULL; // data associated with the menu item
mii.wID = IDTB_CONTRACT; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_HIDE); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen(mii.dwTypeData); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_SYNC) { if (!IsEmptyString(pszToc)) { mii.wID = IDTB_SYNC; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_SYNC); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen(mii.dwTypeData); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); } }
mii.wID = IDTB_BACK; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_BACK); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen(mii.dwTypeData); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
mii.wID = IDTB_FORWARD; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_FORWARD); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
if (pszHome) { mii.wID = IDTB_HOME; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_HOME); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); }
mii.wID = IDTB_STOP; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_STOP); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
mii.wID = IDTB_REFRESH; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_REFRESH); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
mii.wID = HHM_OPTIONS; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_IE_OPTIONS); // the string to display for the menu item
tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; mii.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
// Now restore the mast and type
mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_ID; mii.fType = MFT_STRING; BOOL fSeperatorNeeded = FALSE;
* At this point, we need to add any custom Jump buttons, and to do * that we need to know all of the hard-coded menu items so that we can * adjust the accelerators as needed. */
if ((fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 && pszJump1) || (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 && pszJump2)) { tblMenus.AddString(GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_CUSTOMIZE)); tblMenus.AddString(GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_PRINT)); if (!g_fIE3 && m_phmData && m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection && m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSearchHighlight) tblMenus.AddString(GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_HILITING_OFF)); }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 && pszJump1) { mii.wID = IDTB_JUMP1; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = "&1 "; cszMenuItem += pszJump1; tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); fSeperatorNeeded = TRUE; } if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 && pszJump2) { mii.wID = IDTB_JUMP2; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = "&2 "; cszMenuItem += pszJump2; tblMenus.AddString(cszMenuItem.psz); mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); fSeperatorNeeded = TRUE; }
if (fSeperatorNeeded) { mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; mii.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii);
// Now restore the mast and type
mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_ID; mii.fType = MFT_STRING; }
if (m_phmData && m_phmData->m_pInfoType && m_phmData->m_pInfoType->HowManyInfoTypes() > 0) { mii.wID = IDTB_CUSTOMIZE; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_CUSTOMIZE); // the string to display for the menu item
mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); }
mii.wID = IDTB_PRINT; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_PRINT); // the string to display for the menu item
mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); // --- end fixed menu
if (!g_fIE3 && m_phmData && m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection && m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->m_pSearchHighlight) {
// Add search term hiliting to the options menu.
mii.wID = IDTB_HILITE; // Menu Item ID
cszMenuItem = GetStringResource(IDS_OPTION_HILITING_OFF); // the string to display for the menu item
mii.dwTypeData = cszMenuItem.psz; mii.cch = (DWORD)strlen( mii.dwTypeData ); // length of the string.
HxInsertMenuItem(m_hMenuOptions, cMenuItems++, TRUE, &mii); }
if ( fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_OPTIONS && cMenuItems) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 10; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_OPTIONS; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_OPTIONS));
if ( cMenuItems ) pabtn[cButtons].dwData = (DWORD_PTR)m_hMenuOptions;
cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_NOTES) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 11; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_NOTES; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_NOTES)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_CONTENTS) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 15; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_CONTENTS; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_CONTENTS)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_INDEX) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 16; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_INDEX; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_INDEX)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_SEARCH) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 5; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_SEARCH; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_SEARCH)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_HISTORY) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 19; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_HISTORY; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_HISTORY)); cButtons++; }
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_FAVORITES) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 6; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_FAVORITES; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(GetStringResource(IDTB_FAVORITES)); cButtons++; }
if ((fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1) && !(IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_MENU))) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 17; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_JUMP1; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(pszJump1 ? pszJump1 : ""); cButtons++; }
if ((fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2) && !(IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_MENU))) { pabtn[cButtons].iBitmap = 18; pabtn[cButtons].idCommand = IDTB_JUMP2; pabtn[cButtons].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pabtn[cButtons].iString = cButtons; m_ptblBtnStrings->AddString(pszJump2 ? pszJump2 : ""); cButtons++; }
return cButtons; }
// No longer used, but we'll keep in around awhile just in case
static void FixDupMenuAccelerator(const CTable* ptbl, PSTR pszMenu) { int i; PSTR pszOrg; PSTR pszTmp = StrChr(pszMenu, ACCESS_KEY);
if (!pszTmp) { MoveMemory(pszMenu + 1, pszMenu, strlen(pszMenu) + 1); *pszMenu = ACCESS_KEY; pszTmp = pszMenu; } pszOrg = pszTmp;
SHORT ch = VkKeyScan((BYTE) CharLower((LPSTR) pszTmp[1]));
for (i = 1; i <= ptbl->CountStrings(); i++) {
// check for a duplicate accelerator key
PCSTR psz = StrChr(ptbl->GetPointer(i), ACCESS_KEY); if (VkKeyScan((BYTE) CharLower((LPSTR) psz[1])) == ch) { strcpy(pszTmp, pszTmp + 1); // remove the accelerator
pszTmp++; if (!*pszTmp) {
// End of string, nothing we can do
MoveMemory(pszOrg + 1, pszOrg, strlen(pszOrg) + 1); *pszOrg = ACCESS_KEY; return; } else { MoveMemory(pszTmp + 1, pszTmp, strlen(pszTmp) + 1); *pszTmp = ACCESS_KEY; ch = VkKeyScan((BYTE) CharLower((LPSTR) pszTmp[1])); i = 0; // start over
} } } } */
#define TCS_FLATBUTTONS 0x0008
// IsValidTab(int iTab) --- Index returned from tabOrder.
BOOL CHHWinType::IsValidNavPane(int iTab) {
//REVIEW:: Assumes that the tabs have not been re-ordered!
BOOL bResult = FALSE ;
// We only have valid tabs if we are a TRI_PANE.
if (IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE)) { switch(iTab) {
case HH_TAB_CONTENTS: if (!IsEmptyString(pszToc) && tabOrder[HH_TAB_CONTENTS] != 255) bResult = TRUE ; break;
case HH_TAB_INDEX: if (!IsEmptyString(pszIndex) && tabOrder[HH_TAB_INDEX] != 255) bResult = TRUE ; break;
case HH_TAB_SEARCH: if ((fsWinProperties & HHWIN_PROP_TAB_SEARCH) /*&& m_phmData && m_phmData->m_sysflags.fFTI*/) { //BUGBUG: m_phmdata isn't always valid when we are getting called. See HH_SET_WIN_TYPE
bResult = TRUE ; } break;
case HH_TAB_HISTORY: if (fsWinProperties & HHWIN_PROP_TAB_HISTORY) bResult = TRUE ; break;
case HH_TAB_FAVORITES: if (fsWinProperties & HHWIN_PROP_TAB_FAVORITES) bResult = TRUE ; break;
case HH_TAB_AUTHOR: return IsHelpAuthor(GetHwnd()); #endif
default: if (iTab >= HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST && iTab <= HH_TAB_CUSTOM_LAST) { if (fsWinProperties & (HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM1 << (iTab - HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST))) { bResult = TRUE; } } } } return bResult; }
// GetValidNavPane --- Returns the index of the first valid tab it finds. -1 if no valid tabs.
int CHHWinType::GetValidNavPane() { for (int i = 0 ; i < HH_MAX_TABS+1 ; i++) { if (IsValidNavPane(i)) { return i; } }
return -1 ; }
// GetNavPaneCount --- Counts the number of valid navigation panes
int CHHWinType::GetValidNavPaneCount() {
int count = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < HH_MAX_TABS+1 ; i++) { if (IsValidNavPane(i)) { count++; } }
return count;
void CHHWinType::OnNavigateComplete(LPCTSTR pszUrl) { // Update the Bookmark pane if it exists.
if (curNavType == HH_TAB_FAVORITES && m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_FAVORITES]) { // Here we are synchronizing the current topic edit control in the bookmarks pane
// witht he current topic.
m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_FAVORITES]->Synchronize(NULL) ; }
// Get a pointer to the toc if it exists.
CToc* ptoc = NULL ; if (m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS]) { ptoc = reinterpret_cast<CToc*>(m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS]) ; // HACKHACK: Should use dynamic cast, but no RTTI.
} //
// Check if zooming is supported on this page.
if ( IsValidWindow(hwndToolBar) ) { if ( IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_MENU) || fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_ZOOM ) { HRESULT hr = GetZoomMinMax(); if( fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_ZOOM ) { if ( hr == S_OK ) SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, IDTB_ZOOM, TRUE); else SendMessage(hwndToolBar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, IDTB_ZOOM, FALSE); } } } if (idNotify) { HHN_NOTIFY hhcomp; hhcomp.hdr.hwndFrom = hwndHelp; hhcomp.hdr.idFrom = idNotify; hhcomp.hdr.code = HHN_NAVCOMPLETE; hhcomp.pszUrl = pszUrl; if (IsWindow(hwndCaller)) { SendMessage(hwndCaller, WM_NOTIFY, idNotify, (LPARAM) &hhcomp); } } }
// NOTE - call the following in your OnNavigateComplete event handler to update the minmax. Do not do
// it when you navigate, do it when the control fires the OnNavigate event - by then you
// should be able to get the minmax stuff.
// Member: CHHWinType:::GetZoomMinMax
// Synopsis: sets m_iZoomMin, and Most - gets called whenever we
// navigate to a document. Note that many document types
// do not support Zoom, and so this fails. This is OK,
// and expected.
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT CHHWinType::GetZoomMinMax(void) { VARIANT vararg; HRESULT hr;
::VariantInit(&vararg); V_VT(&vararg) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vararg) = 0;
m_iZoom = m_iZoomMin = m_iZoomMax = 0; hr = m_pCIExpContainer->m_pIE3CmdTarget->Exec(0, OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, 0, &vararg); #if 0
if (hr) { OLECMDTEXT oct; OLECMD olecmd; olecmd.cmdID = OLECMDID_ZOOM; olecmd.cmdf = 0; hr = m_pCIExpContainer->m_pIE3CmdTarget->QueryStatus(NULL, 1, &olecmd, &oct); } #endif
if (hr) return hr;
if (VT_I4 == V_VT(&vararg)) m_iZoom = V_I4(&vararg);
::VariantClear(&vararg); V_VT(&vararg) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vararg) = 0;
hr = m_pCIExpContainer->m_pIE3CmdTarget->Exec(0, OLECMDID_GETZOOMRANGE, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, 0, &vararg); if (hr) return hr;
if (VT_I4 == V_VT(&vararg)) { // I looked at the IE code for this - this cast is necessary.
m_iZoomMin = (INT)(SHORT)LOWORD(V_I4(&vararg)); m_iZoomMax = (INT)(SHORT)HIWORD(V_I4(&vararg)); } return hr; }
// Member: CHHWinType::ZoomIn
// Synopsis: Zooms in one - whenever we navigate to a new document,
// we get the zoom range for that document. ZoomIn will
// cycle thru that zoom range, from small to large, wrapping
// back to smallest again.
// Returns: nothing, fails quietly (by design).
void CHHWinType::ZoomIn(void) { INT iZoomNew = m_iZoom + 1;
if (iZoomNew > m_iZoomMax) iZoomNew = m_iZoomMin;
Zoom(iZoomNew); }
// Member: CHHWinType::ZoomOut
// Synopsis: Zooms out one - whenever we navigate to a new document,
// we get the zoom range for that document. ZoomOut will
// cycle thru that zoom range, from large to small, wrapping
// back to largest again.
// Returns: nothing, fails quietly (by design).
void CHHWinType::ZoomOut(void) { INT iZoomNew = m_iZoom - 1;
if (iZoomNew < m_iZoomMin) iZoomNew = m_iZoomMax;
Zoom(iZoomNew); }
// Member: CHHWinType::_Zoom
// Synopsis: helper function that manages zoomin and zoomout.
// Arguments: [iZoom] -- value for new zoom.
// Requires: iZoom needs to be in a valid range for the current docobj.
// current docobj must support IOleCommandTarget
// it will fail if current docobj doesn't respond to
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT CHHWinType::Zoom(int iZoom) { HRESULT hr; VARIANTARG varIn; VARIANTARG varOut;
// initialize the argument to Exec.
::VariantInit(&varIn); V_VT(&varIn) = VT_I4; V_I4(&varIn) = iZoom;
// init the out variant. This probably isn't necessary, but
// doesn't hurt - it's defensive as opposed to passing 0.
::VariantInit(&varOut); hr = m_pCIExpContainer->m_pIE3CmdTarget->Exec(0, OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, &varIn, &varOut);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_iZoom = iZoom;
return hr; }
// Member: CHHWinType::OnNext
// Synopsis: Executes a next in TOC navigation.
// Arguments: bDoJump - BOOL value indicates weather to execute a jump or not.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CHHWinType::OnTocNext(BOOL bDoJump) { CExTitle *pTitle= NULL; CStr cszUrl; char szURL[MAX_URL]; CTreeNode* pTreeNode = NULL, *pTocNext = NULL, *pTocKid = NULL; CToc* pToc = NULL; DWORD dwSlot; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if ( !m_phmData || !m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection ) return FALSE;
if (! SUCCEEDED(m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetCurrentTocNode(&pTreeNode)) ) { m_pCIExpContainer->m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cszUrl); if (cszUrl.psz != NULL) { strcpy(szURL, cszUrl); if ( SUCCEEDED(m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->URL2ExTitle(szURL, &pTitle)) ) pTitle->GetURLTreeNode(szURL, &pTreeNode); } } if ( pTreeNode ) { if ( pTocNext = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetNextTopicNode(pTreeNode, &dwSlot) ) { // Ok now we can execute the jump and sync!
if ( bDoJump ) { pTocNext->GetURL(szURL, sizeof(szURL)); m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->URL2ExTitle(szURL, &pTitle); m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->SetTopicSlot(dwSlot, ((CExNode*)pTocNext)->m_Node.dwOffsTopic, pTitle); ChangeHtmlTopic(szURL, *this); if (! IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_AUTO_SYNC) && (pToc = (CToc*)m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS]) ) pToc->Synchronize(szURL); } delete pTocNext; bReturn = TRUE; } delete pTreeNode; } return bReturn; }
// Member: CHHWinType::OnPrev
// Synopsis: Executes a previous in TOC navigation.
// Arguments: bDoJump - BOOL value indicates weather to execute a jump or not.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CHHWinType::OnTocPrev(BOOL bDoJump) { CExTitle *pTitle = NULL; CStr cszUrl; char szURL[MAX_URL]; CTreeNode* pTreeNode = NULL, *pTocPrev = NULL; CToc* pToc = NULL; DWORD dwSlot; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if ( !m_phmData || !m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection ) return FALSE;
if (! SUCCEEDED(m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetCurrentTocNode(&pTreeNode)) ) { m_pCIExpContainer->m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cszUrl); if (cszUrl.psz != NULL) { strcpy(szURL, cszUrl); if ( SUCCEEDED(m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->URL2ExTitle(szURL, &pTitle)) ) pTitle->GetURLTreeNode(szURL, &pTreeNode); } } if ( pTreeNode ) { // We have the TOC node, now get it's next.
if ( pTocPrev = m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetPrev(pTreeNode, &dwSlot) ) { //
// Ok now, we can execute the jump and sync!
if ( bDoJump ) { pTocPrev->GetURL(szURL, sizeof(szURL)); m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->URL2ExTitle(szURL, &pTitle); m_phmData->m_pTitleCollection->SetTopicSlot(dwSlot, ((CExNode*)pTocPrev)->m_Node.dwOffsTopic, pTitle); ChangeHtmlTopic(szURL, *this); if (! IsProperty(HHWIN_PROP_AUTO_SYNC) && (pToc = (CToc*)m_aNavPane[HH_TAB_CONTENTS]) ) pToc->Synchronize(szURL); } bReturn = TRUE; delete pTocPrev; } delete pTreeNode; } return bReturn; }
FUNCTION: FindWindowType
PURPOSE: Find whether the window type exists and has already created a window
PARAMETERS: pszType -- window type to look for. hwndCaller -- who the caller is pszOwnerFile -- CHM file which defines this window type.
RETURNS: -1 if window type not found, or found but no window created position in pahwnd if window found
MODIFICATION DATES: 27-Feb-1996 [ralphw] 27-Apr-1998 [dalero] Added pszOwnerFile parameter
CHHWinType* FindWindowType(PCSTR pszType, HWND hwndCaller, LPCTSTR pszOwnerFile) { if (IsEmptyString(pszType)) { return NULL; }
// Skip window separator if present.
if (*pszType == WINDOW_SEPARATOR) { pszType++; if (IsEmptyString(pszType)) { return NULL; } }
// We ignore the owner file if the file is URL or the window type is global.
bool bIgnoreOwnerFile = IsGlobalWinType(pszType) || IsHttp(pszOwnerFile) ; if (!bIgnoreOwnerFile ) { // If its not global, we need a filename.
if (IsEmptyString(pszOwnerFile)) { return NULL ; } }
for (int i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd[i] && pahwnd[i]->pszType != NULL && lstrcmpi(pszType, pahwnd[i]->pszType) == 0) { // Found the window type.
// If its a global window type, we are done.
if (bIgnoreOwnerFile) { break ; } else { // Call IsCompiledHtmlFile to get the filename into a consistant format.
CStr cszCompiled(pszOwnerFile); if (NormalizeFileName(cszCompiled)) { // Is this window type in the correct CHM file.
ASSERT(pahwnd[i]->GetOwnerFile()); if (pahwnd[i]->GetOwnerFile() && lstrcmpi(cszCompiled, pahwnd[i]->GetOwnerFile()) == 0) { break; } } } } } if (i >= g_cWindowSlots) { return NULL; }
//REVIEW: 28-Apr-98 [dalero] This seems dangerous...
if (hwndCaller) { pahwnd[i]->hwndCaller = hwndCaller; // In case it changed
} return pahwnd[i]; }
FUNCTION: FindOrCreateWindowSlot
PURPOSE: Find whether the window type exists and create it if not.
PARAMETERS: pszType -- window type to look for. hwndCaller -- who the caller is pszOwnerFile -- the file which defines this window type.
if pszType has the GLOBAL_WINDOWTYPE_PREFIX, the pszOwnerFile is not used.
RETURNS: Return a pointer to the window type. May be an empty one just created.
MODIFICATION DATES: 27 Apr 98 [DaleRo] Added pszOwnerFile parameter
CHHWinType* FindOrCreateWindowSlot(LPCTSTR pszType, LPCTSTR pszOwnerFile) { ASSERT(pahwnd != NULL) ;
// pszType cannot be NULL or emptry.
if (IsEmptyString(pszType)) { return NULL; }
// Skip window type pointer if present.
if (*pszType == WINDOW_SEPARATOR) { pszType++; if (IsEmptyString(pszType)) { return NULL ; } }
// We ignore the owning file if...
bool bIgnoreOwnerFile = IsGlobalWinType(pszType) // Its a global window type
|| IsHttp(pszOwnerFile); // or an Http address. Ideally, the window type has been registered to a particular chm...
const char* pOwner = ""; // Empty string is stored in the cases where we ignore wintypes... CHHWinType will copy...
CStr cszOwner(pszOwnerFile); if (!bIgnoreOwnerFile) { // If its not a global window type, it must have a valid file.
if (!NormalizeFileName(cszOwner)) { return NULL ; }
// pOwner is NULL if its a global wintype. Its non-null otherwise.
pOwner = cszOwner; }
// Check to see if this window type already exists.
CHHWinType* phh = FindWindowType(pszType, NULL, cszOwner); if (phh) { return phh; }
// The window type did not exist. So, find an empty slot to put it in.
for (int i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd[i] == NULL) { break; } }
// Allocate more space for the array if we are out of room.
if (i >= g_cWindowSlots) { g_cWindowSlots += 5;
CHHWinType** paNew = (CHHWinType**) lcReAlloc(pahwnd, g_cWindowSlots * sizeof(CHHWinType*)); memset( paNew + (g_cWindowSlots-5), 0, 5 * sizeof(CHHWinType*) ); if (paNew == NULL) { OOM(); return FALSE; } pahwnd = paNew; }
// Create the new window type object. Note that it is not initialized.
pahwnd[i] = new CHHWinType(pOwner); return pahwnd[i]; }
FUNCTION: FindCurWindow
PURPOSE: Find a current window displayed
This function is random. It picks the first window displayed. Depending on how HHCTRL has been called any window could be first.
MODIFICATION DATES: 09-Nov-1997 [ralphw] 03-Mar-1998 [dalero]
CHHWinType* FindCurWindow() { ASSERT(pahwnd != NULL) ;
for (int i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd[i] != NULL) { return pahwnd[i]; } } return NULL; }
// Delete all of the CHHWinType structures for this process.
void DeleteWindows() { ASSERT(pahwnd != NULL) ;
for (int i = 0; i < g_cWindowSlots; i++) { if (pahwnd[i] != NULL) { CHHWinType* phh = pahwnd[i] ; //pahwnd[i] = NULL ; --- Set to null in the destructor...
if (IsWindow(phh->hwndHelp)) { DestroyWindow(phh->hwndHelp) ; } else { delete phh ; } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Functions which operate on the m_aNavPane array.
// CreateNavPane
static const WCHAR txtAuthorTab[] = L"HHAuthorTab.CustPane";
void CHHWinType::CreateNavPane(int iPane) {
// Is this a valid pane number?
if (iPane > c_NUMNAVPANES || iPane < 0) { ASSERT(0) ; return ; }
// Has pane already been created?
if (m_aNavPane[iPane]) { return ; // Already created.
// Create the pane.
switch(iPane) { case HHWIN_NAVTYPE_TOC: CreateToc(); break ; case HHWIN_NAVTYPE_INDEX: CreateIndex(); break ; case HHWIN_NAVTYPE_SEARCH: CreateSearchTab(); break; case HHWIN_NAVTYPE_FAVORITES: CreateBookmarksTab() ; break ;
#if 0
case HHWIN_NAVTYPE_HISTORY: //CreateHistoryTab();
ItDoesntWork() ; break ; #endif
case HHWIN_NAVTYPE_AUTHOR: CreateCustomTab(iPane, txtAuthorTab); break; #endif
default: if (iPane < HH_MAX_TABS+1 && iPane >= HHWIN_NAVTYPE_CUSTOM_FIRST) { // We have a custom tab.
EXTENSIBLE_TAB* pExtTab = GetExtTab(iPane - HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST); if (pExtTab) { CWStr cwsz(pExtTab->pszProgId); CreateCustomTab(iPane, cwsz); } } else { ASSERT_COMMENT(0, "illegal tab index"); } } }
FUNCTION: doSelectTab
PURPOSE: changes the current navigation tab
MODIFICATION DATES: 27-Feb-1996 [ralphw] 09-Nov-1997 [ralphw] Moved to CHHWinType
void CHHWinType::doSelectTab(int newTabIndex) { if ( newTabIndex < 0 ) return ;
// Make sure we have tabs before we switch or toggle.
if (!IsValidNavPane(curNavType)) return ;
// make sure the nav pane is shown
if (IsExpandedNavPane() == FALSE) ToggleExpansion(); //
// <mc> 4/10/98 Bug 4701 - I've moved the m_pTabCtrl == NULL check to after the ToggleExpansion() call
// done above because it's legitimate to have a NULL m_pTabCtrl pointer if we get to this code and the
// nav pane has never been shown. The ToggleExpansion() call will instantiate m_pTabCtrl if the nav
// pane is hidden and has never been shown.
if ( m_pTabCtrl == NULL ) return; // REVIEW: This is null when there isn't an FTS. See BUG 462 in RAID database.
// Get the index of the currently selected tab.
int oldTabIndex = GetCurrentNavPaneIndex() ;
// Only change the tab if its not the current one.
if (oldTabIndex != newTabIndex) { // This code was copied from WM_NOTIFY in wndproc.cpp. This should become common.
ASSERT(curNavType >= 0 && curNavType < c_NUMNAVPANES) ;
// Hide the current tab.
if (m_aNavPane[curNavType]) { m_aNavPane[curNavType]->HideWindow(); }
// Code throughout HHCtrl assumes that HH_NAVTYPE_* == HH_TAB_*.
// but doesn't assert it anywhere. So I'm going to assert it here.
// Select the new navigation method.
curNavType = newTabIndex;
// Select the new current tab.
int iNewTabCtrlIndex = GetTabIndexFromNavPaneIndex(newTabIndex) ; ASSERT(iNewTabCtrlIndex >= 0) ; int iRet = TabCtrl_SetCurSel(m_pTabCtrl->hWnd(), iNewTabCtrlIndex) ; ASSERT(iRet >= 0) ; ASSERT(tabOrder[iRet] == oldTabIndex) ;
//REVIEW: If I've ever seen a use for virtual functions...
// Create the new pane for the new current tab if necessary.
CreateNavPane(newTabIndex) ; if (m_aNavPane[newTabIndex]) { m_aNavPane[newTabIndex]->ResizeWindow(); m_aNavPane[newTabIndex]->ShowWindow(); }
// Update the tab window
::UpdateWindow(m_pTabCtrl->hWnd()) ; } //if
if (m_aNavPane[newTabIndex]) m_aNavPane[newTabIndex]->SetDefaultFocus(); if ( m_pCIExpContainer ) m_pCIExpContainer->UIDeactivateIE(); // shdocvw is loosing focus need to uideactivate here.
// Restore if minimzied window, and set focus to the window
void CHHWinType::SetActiveHelpWindow(void) { if (IsIconic(*this)) ShowWindow(*this, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(*this); // SetFocus(*this);
// Finds the currently selected tab in the tab control. It then looks in the
// tabOrder array to find out the index into the array of nav panes for this control.
int CHHWinType::GetCurrentNavPaneIndex() { if( !m_pTabCtrl ) return -1;
// REVIEW: All of this mapping between tabctrl index and nav pane index should be
// hidden inside of the tabctrl...
int index = -1 ; if (m_pTabCtrl && IsWindow(m_pTabCtrl->hWnd())) { index = (int)::SendMessage(m_pTabCtrl->hWnd(), TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); index = tabOrder[index] ; }
return index ; }
// Finds the index of the tab on the tabctrl which co-responds to a particular
// nav pane.
int CHHWinType::GetTabIndexFromNavPaneIndex(int iNavPaneIndex) { for(int i = 0 ; i < HH_MAX_TABS+1 ; i++) { //REVIEW: Not all of these entries are valid. Possible to get a bogus hit. See reorder tab.
if( tabOrder[i] == iNavPaneIndex) { return i ; } }
return -1 ; }
// Translate the accelerators for the tabs. These are not in the global accelerator table.
bool CHHWinType::ManualTranslateAccelerator(char iChar) { CHAR ch = ToLower(iChar) ;
// The Options menu button.
if (ch == _Resource.TabCtrlKeys(ACCEL_KEY_OPTIONS) && GetToolBarHwnd()) { PostMessage( GetHwnd(), WM_COMMAND, IDTB_OPTIONS, 0); return true; } /*
else if() // When adding in new cases, make sure not to eat a key. If you UI doesn't exist.
// Let someone else have the key.
*/ else { // Handle the tab accelerator keys
for (int i= 0 ; i < HH_MAX_TABS+1 ; i++) { if (ch == _Resource.TabCtrlKeys(i) && IsValidNavPane(i)) { doSelectTab(i) ; return true ; } }
// Handle the nav panes accelerator keys
if (m_aNavPane[curNavType]) { if (m_aNavPane[curNavType]->ProcessMenuChar(GetHwnd(),ch) ) { if ( m_pCIExpContainer ) m_pCIExpContainer->UIDeactivateIE(); // shdocvw is loosing focus need to uideactivate here.
return true ; } } } return false ; }
// Dynamically build an accelerator table for this window...
bool CHHWinType::DynamicTranslateAccelerator(MSG* pMsg) { bool bReturn = false ; if (IsWindow(GetHwnd())) { if (!m_hAccel) {
// Get the static accelerators table;
HACCEL hAccelStatic = _Resource.AcceleratorTable() ; // Get number of accelerator table entries.
int cStaticAccelEntries = CopyAcceleratorTable(hAccelStatic, NULL, 0);
// Add on the options menu and the tabs...
int cAccelEntries = cStaticAccelEntries + HH_MAX_TABS + 2 ;
// Allocate structure to hold accelerator table.
ACCEL* accel = new ACCEL[cAccelEntries] ; if (!accel) return false ;
// Copy the table into the structure:
CopyAcceleratorTable(hAccelStatic, accel, cStaticAccelEntries ) ;
// Add on dynamic accelerators.
int index = cStaticAccelEntries;
// Add on options menu.
if (fsToolBarFlags & HHWIN_BUTTON_OPTIONS) { accel[index].fVirt = FALT | FNOINVERT | FVIRTKEY ; accel[index].key = (WORD)ToUpper(_Resource.TabCtrlKeys(ACCEL_KEY_OPTIONS)) ; accel[index].cmd = IDTB_OPTIONS ; index++ ; }
// Add on accelerators for each tab.
for (int i= 0 ; i < HH_MAX_TABS+1 ; i++) { if (IsValidNavPane(i)) { accel[index].fVirt = FALT | FNOINVERT | FVIRTKEY; accel[index].key = (WORD)ToUpper(_Resource.TabCtrlKeys(i)) ; accel[index].cmd = IDC_SELECT_TAB_FIRST + i ; index++ ; } }
// Create the accelerator table.
m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(accel, index) ;
// Cleanup
delete [] accel ; }
bReturn = (TranslateAccelerator(GetHwnd(), m_hAccel, pMsg) != 0 ) ;
} if (bReturn) { DBWIN("--- Translated Accelerator ---") ; } return bReturn ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Stolen from System.cpp...readsystemfiles. Should be shared.
LPSTR _MakeItFullPath(LPCTSTR name, CHmData* phmData) { LPSTR pszReturn = NULL ; CStr csz(name) ; if (csz.IsNonEmpty()) { if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { CStr cszCompiledFile ; cszCompiledFile = phmData->GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz;
//Transfer pointer.
pszReturn = cszCompiledFile.psz ; cszCompiledFile.psz = NULL ; } else { // Transfer pointer.
pszReturn = csz.psz ; csz.psz = NULL ; } }
return pszReturn ; }
// Kills all of the nav panes and then re-fills them with the new CHM data.
bool CHHWinType::ReloadNavData(CHmData* phmdata) { if (!phmdata) return false;
//--- Do we have valid data?
char* pszTocNew = NULL ; char* pszIndexNew = NULL ;
// Only if we currently have a TOC, will we get the new toc.
if (IsNonEmptyString(pszToc)) { pszTocNew = _MakeItFullPath(phmdata->GetDefaultToc(), phmdata) ; }
// Only if we currently have an INDEX, will we get the new index.
if (IsNonEmptyString(pszIndex)) { pszIndexNew = _MakeItFullPath(phmdata->GetDefaultIndex(), phmdata) ; }
// CHM doesn't have a default TOC or CHM which we need. So look up one in the default window type.
if ((IsNonEmptyString(pszToc) && IsEmptyString(pszTocNew)) || (IsNonEmptyString(pszIndex) && IsEmptyString(pszIndexNew))) { CHECK_AND_FREE(pszTocNew) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(pszIndexNew) ;
// Office Beta work around: Less attempt looking in the default window type.
if (IsNonEmptyString(phmdata->GetDefaultWindow())) { CHHWinType* pDefWinTypeNew = FindWindowType(phmdata->GetDefaultWindow(), NULL, phmdata->GetCompiledFile()) ; if (pDefWinTypeNew) { if (IsNonEmptyString(pszToc)) { pszTocNew = _MakeItFullPath(pDefWinTypeNew->pszToc, phmdata) ; }
if (IsNonEmptyString(pszIndex)) { pszIndexNew = _MakeItFullPath(pDefWinTypeNew->pszIndex, phmdata) ; } } }
// If we still aren't in sync, fail.
if ((IsNonEmptyString(pszToc) && IsEmptyString(pszTocNew)) || (IsNonEmptyString(pszIndex) && IsEmptyString(pszIndexNew))) { CHECK_AND_FREE(pszTocNew) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(pszIndexNew) ;
return false ; } }
//--- Kill all nav panes and cleanup other infomation
ReloadCleanup() ;
//--- Clean up some more stuff...
//--- Start re-initializing...
m_phmData = phmdata; pszToc = pszTocNew ; pszIndex = pszIndexNew ; pszFile = lcStrDup(phmdata->GetDefaultHtml()); //_MakeItFullPath(phmdata->m_pszDefHtml, phmdata);
//TODO: I think we need to get a window name to read from....ick
pszJump1 = NULL; pszJump2 = NULL; pszUrlJump1 = NULL; pszUrlJump2 = NULL;
//--- Okay, lets start up the first current tab...
if (IsExpandedNavPane()) { // We have a naviation pane which we need to re-create.
fNotExpanded = TRUE ; // Force a re-creation.
ToggleExpansion(false) ; }
return true ; }
// Restores the focus to the ctrl which had it focus during the last WM_ACTIVATE.
bool CHHWinType::RestoreCtrlWithFocus() { if (m_hwndLastFocus) { SetFocus(m_hwndLastFocus) ; m_hwndLastFocus = NULL ; return true ; } else { return false ; } }
// Saves hwnd of ctrl with focus during WM_ACTVIATE (INACTIVATE).
void CHHWinType::SaveCtrlWithFocus() { m_hwndLastFocus = GetFocus() ; }
// GetExtTabCount
int CHHWinType::GetExtTabCount() { // If we have an original, pre-reload navdata ChmData. Use that to get the custom tab information.
if (m_phmDataOrg) return m_phmDataOrg->GetExtTabCount(); else if (m_phmData) return m_phmData->GetExtTabCount(); // Review: Will this ever happen?
else return 0; }
// GetExtTab
EXTENSIBLE_TAB* CHHWinType::GetExtTab(int pos) { if (m_phmDataOrg) return m_phmDataOrg->GetExtTab(pos); else if (m_phmData) return m_phmData->GetExtTab(pos); // Review:: will this ever happen?
else return NULL; }
// MUI support
// This InsertMenuItem wrapper will translate the MENUITEMINFOA structure
// to a MENUITEMINFOW and call InsertMenuItemW when running under Windows 2000.
BOOL HxInsertMenuItem(HMENU hMenu, UINT uItem, BOOL fByPosition, MENUITEMINFOA *lpmii) { if(g_bWinNT5 && (lpmii->fMask | MIIM_TYPE) && lpmii->fType == MFT_STRING) { DWORD cp = CodePageFromLCID(MAKELCID(_Module.m_Language.GetUiLanguage(),SORT_DEFAULT)); DWORD dwSize = (sizeof(WCHAR) * lpmii->cch) + 4; WCHAR *pwcString = (WCHAR *) lcMalloc(dwSize); if(!pwcString || !(lpmii->cch)) return FALSE; MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpmii->dwTypeData, -1, pwcString, dwSize); lpmii->dwTypeData = (CHAR *) pwcString; lpmii->cch = wcslen((WCHAR *)lpmii->dwTypeData);
BOOL ret = InsertMenuItemW(hMenu, uItem, fByPosition, (LPMENUITEMINFOW) lpmii); lcFree(pwcString); return ret; } else { return InsertMenuItem(hMenu, uItem, fByPosition, lpmii); } }